Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Formation de faisceaux hybrides'
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Milbrandt, Jorick. "Études de nouvelles architectures d’antennes hybrides reconfigurables." Thesis, Limoges, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019LIMO0121.
Full textThe works presented in this thesis focus on the study of reduced BFN reconfigurableantennas (ARFFR). The concept of ARFFR generalizes the works of Harrington onelectronically steerable parasitic array radiator to regular arrays composed by excited elementsand parasitic ones. This approach aims to simplify the BFN of these antennas in order todemocratize competitive reconfigurable antenna arrays. Thanks to the use of reactive loadsconnected to parasitic elements, controls are maintained to manage both beam forming andactive matching. This thesis aims to assess the performances of the ARFFR and to developantenna architectures which permit to attain complex functions. The scope of application ofARFFR is defined and a design methodology is proposed. This work details the principle ofARFFR concept and analyses the potentialities of a Ku-band ARFFR. The digital approachused to design ARFFR is validated thanks to a demonstrator. Finally, the potentialities of thisconcept are refined by the study of orthogonal bipolarization
Oueslati, Aymen. "Nouveau concept simplifié d’antennes reconfigurables utilisant les couplages interéléments : Mise en œuvre d’un réseau hybride." Thesis, Limoges, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015LIMO0136/document.
Full textThe work of this thesis aims to investigate a new concept of reconfigurable antenna allowing a good trade-off between performances, complexity and cost. This concept is called ‘hybrid’ because it is based on the capabilities of thinned arrays and parasitic element antennas. It is an alternative to classical antenna arrays and their complexity. The proposed concept has a modular architecture, and a good versatility for reconfigurable beams. The main advantage of this hybrid antenna is the simplicity of its beam formation network (BFN) which requires only a few number of excited elements. The antenna uses parasitic elements to manage the effects of couplings between the electromagnetic access. The problematic of active VSWR is also solved at the antenna level, avoiding the use of additional components in the BFN. This work details the principle of the reconfigurable hybrid antenna concept. The potentialities are evaluated. The elements required to realize a proof of concept are then defined, using a dedicated experimental setup. A prototype is manufactured and the performances have been checked to validate this innovative concept
Kurisummoottil, Thomas Christo. "Sparse Bayesian learning, beamforming techniques and asymptotic analysis for massive MIMO." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020SORUS231.
Full textMultiple antennas at the base station side can be used to enhance the spectral efficiency and energy efficiency of the next generation wireless technologies. Indeed, massive multi-input multi-output (MIMO) is seen as one promising technology to bring the aforementioned benefits for fifth generation wireless standard, commonly known as 5G New Radio (5G NR). In this monograph, we will explore a wide range of potential topics in multi-userMIMO (MU-MIMO) relevant to 5G NR,• Sum rate maximizing beamforming (BF) design and robustness to partial channel stateinformation at the transmitter (CSIT)• Asymptotic analysis of the various BF techniques in massive MIMO and• Bayesian channel estimation methods using sparse Bayesian learning.One of the potential techniques proposed in the literature to circumvent the hardware complexity and power consumption in massive MIMO is hybrid beamforming. We propose a globally optimal analog phasor design using the technique of deterministic annealing, which won us the best student paper award. Further, in order to analyze the large system behaviour of the massive MIMO systems, we utilized techniques from random matrix theory and obtained simplified sum rate expressions. Finally, we also looked at Bayesian sparse signal recovery problem using the technique called sparse Bayesian learning (SBL). We proposed low complexity SBL algorithms using a combination of approximate inference techniques such as belief propagation (BP), expectation propagation and mean field (MF) variational Bayes. We proposed an optimal partitioning of the different parameters (in the factor graph) into either MF or BP nodes based on Fisher information matrix analysis
Meghdadi, Hamid. "Formation de faisceaux coopératifs pour transmissions multiutilisateurs par relais." Limoges, 2011. https://aurore.unilim.fr/theses/nxfile/default/6bc3bf02-a1af-45ee-bf57-bee7da961fd7/blobholder:0/2011LIMO4041.pdf.
Full textThe demand for high speed reliable communication systems will never stop increasing. Many challenges face researchers trying to provide such systems and schemes. Cooperative networks have been successfully used to enhance the performance of telecommunication systems. Among different cooperative strategies, distributed cooperative relaying have shown to be a promising scheme. This dissertation addresses the problem of optimizing the precoding vectors in order to improve the system performance of multi-user multi-relay cooperative networks. Precoding vectors are used to cancel out the multiple access interference, maximize the signal to noise ratio at the destination, and optimize the power allocation at relaying stations
Roy, Bruno. "Formation de faisceaux laser avec moment angulaire orbital : fabrication de lames de phase en spirale réflectrices." Thesis, Université Laval, 2011. http://www.theses.ulaval.ca/2011/27771/27771.pdf.
Full textBlanc, Stéphane. "Architectures optiquespour la formation de faisceaux multiples à la réception : applications aux antennes radar." Grenoble INPG, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004INPG0101.
Full textThe evolution of radar systems as well as telecommunication satellites induces the need of simultaneous multibeams for the receive mode. In this thesis we propose two new optical beamforming architectures for the receive mode in network antennas. The former is based on the fiber chromatic dispersion, whereas the latter is an optical coherent architecture based on an optical dual-frequency source. These architectures were firstly analyzed theoretically and secondly their performances were measured. Both are based on two technological blocks that have been studied too: the optical summation and dual frequency optical source locked on a local oscillator. The dynamic behavior of the optical summation was modeled and various technological solutions based respectively on a coupler, a multiplexer or a fiber summation was presented. The WDM channel influence and the interference between optical carriers were analyzed theoretically and experimentally. The optical summation models were applied to summation through a WDM and the theory is in agreement with the measure. As in the case of microwave summation, the optical summation allows a gain on the dynamic range. Then we present the theory allowing to conceive a dual frequency laser locked on an electric signal. The results are very promising, indeed thanks to the use of two lock loops, a stability of about an hour was observed
El, Metennani Faiza. "Analyse des approches d'apprentissage des étudiants universitaires, dans le contexte des formation hybrides." Thesis, CY Cergy Paris Université, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020CYUN1008.
Full textA learner's behavior can be influenced by factors related to the environment, or by factors related to his own personal characteristics, Jézégou, (2014: 273). Our research work started from this research line. It is in this sense that we will try to understand from the perspective of the effects, the relationship between the hybrid device, the learning approaches and the personal characteristics of the students (gender and the feeling of personal effectiveness).Our research is experimental research, which makes it possible to determine the question of causality: if a student proceeds by such or such an approach, this is explained by factors related to the device, or else by factors related to his personal characteristicsWe were able to conduct our study in a university context in two different countries, Algeria and Cameroon. In the Algerian context, we were able to observe the progress of a hybrid course, supported by a teacher with 37 students. To better verify the notion of the effect of a hybrid device, we planned to experiment with this same hybrid course with the same teacher, but completely at distance (remotely), with another group of students (13 students). In the Cameroonian context, we observed the unfolding of a hybrid course, taught by a teacher, with 58 students from three promotions.We collected data on the variables, either by video recordings, or by retrieving data from the Moodle platform, or by questionnaire and interviews. The method of analysis is both a quantitative and a qualitative method.The results of our research reveal that the students proceeded much more by an in-depth approach. We concluded that the support of the teacher and the techno pedagogical environment have an effect on the learning approaches of the students.The results of our research also reveal that students who had a strong or weak sense of self-efficiency all proceeded through deep treatment approaches. So the feeling of self-efficiency does not have an effect on the choice of this or that learning approach. The results also indicate that there is no relationship between the biological characteristics of students (gender) and their learning approaches
Ridikas, D. "Optimisation de combinaisons de faisceau et de cible pour les systèmes de réacteurs hybrides et pour la production de faisceaux radioactifs par fission." Phd thesis, Université de Caen, 1999. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00719971.
Full textRidikas, Danas. "Optimisation de combinaisons de faisceau et de cible pour les systemes de reacteurs hybrides et pour la production de faisceaux radioactifs par fission." Caen, 1999. https://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00719971.
Full textEl, Osta Racha. "De nouveaux solides hybrides poreux : synthèse, caractérisation, mécanismes de formation et séparation en phase liquide." Versailles-St Quentin en Yvelines, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012VERS0028.
Full textDuring the last decade, research on the synthesis of MOF (Metal-Organic Framework) porous materials has been the subject of many studies due to potential applications of the materials. These crystalline compounds present three-dimensional atomic structures constructed from inorganic motifs linked by organic ligands (polycarboxylic acid) forming cavities with different geometries (cages, tunnels, etc. . . ) with sizes up to 30-40 Å and characterized by high specific surface areas (500-4000 m2. G-1). The prospect of new applications in the area of separation, recovery and purification of organic molecules in liquid phase using a porous inorganic-organic hybrid was a challenge to be addressed in the context of this thesis. The innovative and very promising properties of MIL-53 (Fe) led to a new method for the separation of BTEX (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and the three isomers of xylene) by HPLC chromatography. In addition, the solvothermal synthesis, crystal structure resolution and physicochemical characterizations of various lightweight solids based on alkali metals (lithium and sodium) and polycarboxylic acids have been reported, as well as the study of the mechanisms of formation of some MOFs by in situ X-ray diffraction (synchrotron radiation). Using a new kinetic model it has proved possible to distinguish the two main steps of the phenomenon of crystallization: nucleation and growth
Charron, Guillaume. "Étude de la formation et de l'évolution d'espèces hybrides au sein d'un système de levures sauvages." Doctoral thesis, Université Laval, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/36450.
Full textL’hybridation a souvent été considérée comme impossible ou encore comme un faux pas de la part des espèces, donnant naissance à de soi-disant culs-de-sac évolutifs. Les observations de lignées hybrides et l’accumulation de données génomique nous ont permis de comprendre que plusieurs organismes participent à des événements d’hybridation. On reconnaît aujourd’hui l’hybridation comme un mécanisme puissant de génération de nouvelles lignées. Cependant, la contribution de l’hybridation au processus de spéciation est une des questions qui reste en suspens. Quelques exemples de spéciation par hybridation ont été décrits chez les plantes et les animaux, mais peu de données à ce sujet ont été récoltées chez les microorganismes sexués. Les exemples chez les microorganismes se limitent à des organismes ayant un lien intime avec les activités humaines (pathogènes ou ferments). Le manque de données sur les populations naturelles de microorganismes pourrait laisser croire que leurs hybrides sont peu compétitifs ou encore infertiles, menant à leur extinction dans l’environnement. Au cours des travaux effectué dans le cadre cette thèse, nous avons utilisé une approche de génomique des populations sur une collection de souches naturelles de la levure Saccharomyces paradoxus. La biogéographie de cette espèce suggère que les deux lignées indigènes de l’Amérique du Nord sont en cours de spéciation. Nos analyses ont révélé une lignée auparavant cryptique qui est le résultat d’un évènement de spéciation par hybridation entre ces deux espèces naissantes. À l’aide de ce système d’étude, nous avons exploré en laboratoire deux aspects de l’hybridation. Premièrement, nous avons comparé la croissance d'hybrides à celle de leurs lignées parentales dans plusieurs environnements à la recherche d’une performance diminuée des hybrides qui pourrait expliquer leur rareté dans leur environnement naturel. Cette approche nous a permis de montrer que les hybrides de souches naturelles ont souvent des phénotypes supérieurs à ceux des parents. En second lieu, nous avons utilisé une méthode d’évolution expérimentale pour suivre la dynamique de la fertilité après l’hybridation. Les résultats obtenus suggèrent qu’après l’hybridation, les hybrides infertiles peuvent redevenir fertiles rapidement à la suite d’évènements spontanés de duplication du génome. Les résultats présentés dans cette thèse contribuent à l’amélioration des connaissances à propos de la contribution de l'hybridation à la formation de nouvelles espèces, particulièrement chez les organismes unicellulaires. De plus, les souches génétiquement modifiées et évoluées disponibles pourront être utilisées dans le cadre de futures recherches à propos d’autres aspects de l’écologie et de l’évolution des hybrides.
Hybridization was often considered as impossible or as a blunder for species, as it gave birth to so-called evolutionary dead ends. The observations of hybrid lineages and the accumulation of genomic data lead to the realization that hybridization is rather common in multiple organisms. Hybridization is now recognized as a powerful mechanism for the generation of new lineages. One of the questions still pending is about the contribution of hybridization to the speciation process. The few examples of hybrid speciation remain limited to plants and animals. Little data is available for sexual microorganisms which could lead to the belief that their hybrids are poor competitors or suffer from infertility, leading to their extinction in the environment. In the course of this thesis, we used a population genomics approach on a collection of natural isolates of the yeast Saccharomyces paradoxus. The biogeography of this species suggests that the two indigenous lineages found in North America are nascent species. Our analyses revealed a precedently cryptic lineage which rose from the hybridization of the two incipient species. Using this study system in the laboratory, we explored two aspects of hybridization. We first compared the growth of hybrids to their parents’ in multiple environments in search of decreased hybrid performance which could explain their rarity in the natural environment. This approach allowed us to show that hybrids between natural strains often show superior phenotypes when compared to their parents. We then used experimental evolution to follow the dynamics of fertility following hybridization. Our results suggest that initially infertile hybrids can rapidly become fertile again following spontaneaous genome duplication events. The results presented in this thesis contribute to a better understanding of how hybridization can shape the formation of new species, particularly in microorganisms. Also, the genetically modified and evolved strains available can be used in future studies about the ecology and evolution of hybrids.
Fezai, Faycel. "Synthèse d’architectures d’antennes à éléments parasites pour la formation de faisceaux : Application au projet Remote Wake Up (RWU)." Limoges, 2013. http://aurore.unilim.fr/theses/nxfile/default/b3ec72a4-c702-4c10-b6a5-3e0e05e8d54d/blobholder:0/2013LIMO4044.pdf.
Full textThis thesis revisits parasitic elements antennas and offers innovative and effective synthesis design strategies. The main objective of this work is to reveal the full potential of these antennas in order to promote their dissemination. Parasitic elements antennas are presented as cost-effective solutions to achieve beamforming. A dedicated synthesis technique has been developed to obtain performances close to those of antenna arrays, without the disadvantages of a feed distribution network. The latter is complex, expensive and sensitive to manufacturing dispersions, making arrays difficult to design as cost-effective antennas. In this manuscript, generic architectures of parasitic elements antennas are developed. Particular points of versatility, reliability and ease of manufacture have been addressed in order to comply with the requirements of industrial processes. A demonstrator of a reconfigurable parasitic elements antenna has been designed, fabricated and characterized. The successful demonstration allows considering reconfigurable low cost antennas. The skills developed in this thesis have been applied in the context of energy saving in the framework of the Remote Wake Up project (RWU), dedicated to the minimization of standby mode electrical consumption. High efficiency integrated antennas were developed for wireless energy transfer
Vandelle, Erika. "Exploration de solutions antennaires et de formation passive de faisceaux pour la récupération et le transfert d’énergie sans fil." Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019GREAT060.
Full textWireless energy harvesting (WEH) of ambient or intentional electromagnetic power sources of frequency ranging from 100 MHz to 10 GHz, has appeared as a promising solution to develop self-powered electronics in the past decades. However, the low power densities available, usually lower than 1 uW.cm-2, result in a limited RF-to-DC conversion efficiency and sensitivity of the energy harvesting system (rectenna) and the ambient signal diversities (unknown and time-varying direction of arrival, polarization) prohibit the use of directive antennas.In this thesis, the power combination techniques of Radio Frequency (RF) or Direct Current (DC) power in multi-antenna WEH systems, together with original structures, are investigated to address those challenges. Besides, a new Figure-of-Merit (harvesting capability) for rectennas operating in ambient scenarios is derived with probabilistic terms representing the frequency, polarization and spatial diversities of ambient signals.The first part of this thesis focuses on the design of efficient antenna and rectenna elements. Eco-responsible and low-cost prototypes are proposed by using a paper substrate along with an original strategy for the reduction of the losses.In the second part of this work, the rectification efficiency of a WEH system is enhanced through the combination of the RF power prior to the rectification process, without reduction of the spatial coverage. For this, a 3D multidirectional structure of scanning antenna arrays using passive beam-forming networks is designed to obtain a multidirectional high gain aggregate pattern. This radar-inspired solution involving Butler matrices results in a highly efficient RF-to-DC power conversion along with an optimal angular coverage, which leads to a harvesting capability higher than the state-of-the-art.The last part of this work addresses the limited sensitivity of the RF combination technique compared to that obtained with the series DC combination technique thanks to a reconfigurable system. To this end, modular rectenna unit cells are designed to form a scalable and adaptative interferometric beam-forming network, which offers the possibility to achieve a highly efficient and sensitive WEH system. This solution is suitable for low-power energy harvesting, autonomous passive tracking or RFID applications
Guiraud, Céline. "Algorithmes de formation de faisceaux par le calcul pour un système d'antennes de satellites de télécommunications avec ou sans réflecteur /." Paris : École nationale supérieure des télécommunications, 2001. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb37710953t.
Full textPericaud, Jessica. "Des disques proto-planétaires aux disques de débris : étude des disques hybrides : observations dans le domaine millimétrique." Thesis, Bordeaux, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016BORD0113/document.
Full textThe study of the transition between proto-planetary gas-rich disks and debris disks, where gas has disappeared in a few millions years, is crucial to constrain the planet formation mechanisms. More ans more gas-rich debris disks are detected. I have studied some of those disks where observations suggest that gas is still primordial. Thanks to radio interferometers suche as ALMA and NOEMA, i have observed in details the debris disk around the ten millions year okd HD 141569 star, of spectral type A0V. My observations reveal the gas disk is primordial and is dissipating, which makes the disk a hybrid system. The milimeter dust has also evolved, since its emission is weak and has e spectral index beta typical of large grains. To detect more hybrid disks, i have observed th CO gas in 25 disks with APEX and the IRAM 30 m. Around HD 23642, CO emission is detected at 4 sigma and coukd correspond to a peculiar disk, since it surrounds binary stars in the Pleiades cluster, which age is estimate around 125-130 millions years. The emission of the gas and dust is correlated for all types of disks but hybrids, where the high flux ratio might be due to a rapid dust evolution. It remains to know whether this phase is common to all disks to understand the implications of this phenomenon
Papadopoulou, Melpomeni. "« Distance intégrative » et accompagnement expérientiel pour une nouvelle ingénierie en FOAD : le cas de deux dispositifs hybrides d’éducation populaire." Thesis, Tours, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020TOUR2001.
Full textE-learning has been developed in our contemporary society in order to propose faster and cheaper adult training so that they will become “competent” professionals. Thus, it is common to promote the functional aspects of knowledge and the technical dimensions of teaching in an e-learning class. In this perspective, knowledge becomes a good to consume rather than to reveal from our own experiences.This thesis proposes to reverse this logic by describing the Open and Distance Learning (ODL), not as a learning process to be mastered but as an environment that allows the adult to learn from his own experiences and projects. Therefore, reflexivity, deliberation and integration of knowledge appear in the foreground.The field research involves two blended and alternative trainings, combining several training sessions led by seven trainers of popular education. Part of an inductive approach, this research demonstrates methodological triangulation by mobilizing several data collection tools, such as surveys and semi-directional interviews. Furthermore, the research’s methodology combines qualitative (categorical) and quantitative (statistical and lexicometric) data analysis.The study contributes to the development of an engineering for Open and Integrative Distance Learning (OIDL). The articulation between ODL and alternative training leads to a model enabling to consider the integrative function of distance and the experiential accompaniment practices
Santoro, Carlotta. "Caractérisation de composés hybrides organique-inorganique à base de cuivre rencontrés en peinture : étude de leur formation et transformation." Phd thesis, Université de Cergy Pontoise, 2013. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00938219.
Full textGastaldi, Matthieu. "Développement d'une solution Core-chip MMIC avec convertisseur série-parallèle intégré en technologie BiCMOS pour la formation des faisceaux pour antennes agiles." Thesis, Toulouse, INSA, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016ISAT0046/document.
Full textThis R&T CNES project concerns the design and realization of a Core-chip MMIC system integrated in SiGe BiCMOS technology. The MMIC core-chip system is dedicated to the beamforming for the active satellite antenna. The new solutions for the satellite payloads being developed for telecommunication applications need an increased flexibility at all the levels. More precisely, the system of active antennas allowing an adjustment by real-time electronic command of the terrestrial covered area offers an optimized response for the communication link budget. This performance has a cost: the necessity of a very large number of RF control points "amplitude / phase" of the beamforming equipment which power the active antenna matrix elements. So, it becomes mandatory to bring a new solution to optimize this function. The main challenges are: increasing the functions integration, decreasing the DC power consumption and keeping the RF performances in terms of gain, resolution and linearity
Braga, A. Judson. "Sondage de Canal SIMO à l'intérieur des bâtiments et formation de faisceaux numérique utilisant des techniques de traitement de signal à haute résolution et corrélateurs cinq-ports." Phd thesis, Télécom ParisTech, 2006. http://pastel.archives-ouvertes.fr/pastel-00002667.
Full textKimouche, Amina. "Vers de nouveaux matériaux hybrides à base de graphène épitaxié: contrôle de la formation de défauts et leur rôle dans l'intercalation." Phd thesis, Université de Grenoble, 2013. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00986925.
Full textKimouche, Amina. "Vers de nouveaux matériaux hybrides basés sur le graphène épitaxié : contrôle de la formation de défauts et leur rôle dans l’intercalation." Thesis, Grenoble, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013GRENY027/document.
Full textEpitaxial graphene grown on metal substrates is a promising platform for developing new hybrid systems, in which interface effects can be exploited to engineer novel properties. The insertion of foreign species between graphene and its substrate, referred to as “intercalation”, was shown very powerful in this respect. With the help of surface science tools, we have studied three graphene/metal systems, two of which are intercalated hybrid systems, and the other is a candidate for such a system: (i) graphene/Ir(111) intercalated with an ultrathin oxide, (ii) graphene/Ir(111) intercalated with cobalt (sub) atomic layers, and (iii) graphene on Re(0001). We found that some defects, especially wrinkles (linear delaminations of graphene from its substrate) and other curve graphene regions, play a crucial, yet unanticipated role in the intercalation process. We also found that the intercalation proceeds in a markedly different fashion under ultra-high vacuum and under atmospheric pressure. In the first system, oxygen-containing species were found to intercalate via the open end of wrinkles, to diffuse along then, and to form oxide nanoribbons along wrinkles accordingly. These ribbons modify the charge density of graphene, which also translates into substantial changes in the inelastic (Raman) optical response of graphene. In the second system, the efficiency of intercalation proved to be dependent on the graphene-metal interaction, which varies between differently oriented graphene domains on Ir(111). In this systems the entry sites for intercalated species could be identified, thanks to in operando observation of the process, as curved regions in graphene. Finally, graphene growth in a third system, graphene on Re(0001), was addressed in order to enable the future development of graphene/Re superconducting hybrids. In this system, we proposed two growth routes, one being a surface-confined process, on bulk single-crystal Re(0001), and the other being a temperature-induced segregation of carbon dissolved at high temperature in thin Re(0001) films on sapphire
He, Delong. "Formation de structures hybride de nanotubes de carbone et de microparticules d'alumine par la méthode CVD : mécanismes et cinétiques chimiques." Phd thesis, Ecole Centrale Paris, 2010. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00504681.
Full textCedola, Alessia. "Production de faisceaux de rayons-X submicroniques par guide d'onde en couches minces." Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble ; 1971-2015), 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999GRE10040.
Full textGajan, David. "Sites de surface de systèmes complexes : monosites, particules supportées vs. matériaux hybrides : structure, réactivité et mécanisme de formation : un point de vue RMN." Thesis, Lyon 1, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010LYO10221.
Full textIn order to optimize heterogeneous catalysts through a molecular approach, whether based on single-sites or supported nanoparticles, it is necessary to access to a detailed understanding of its structures and formation mechanism. To reach this goal, classical characterization techniques (adsorption, IR, EXAFS, TEM…) have been combined with solid state NMR in order to access to the detailed structure and the dynamics of surface species. Here, we showed that the formation of well-dispersed Au(I) surface species (0.35/nm2) surrounded by hydrophobic groups (OSiMe3) by the controlled grafting of {AuN(SiMe3)2}4 and its conversion into 1.8nm gold nanoparticles supported on fully passivated silica upon a mild reduction under H2 (300°C). This system displays good activity and selectivity in air oxidation and hydrogenation reactions and provides new information on the activation of O2 on gold nanoparticles. By a similar approach, supported ruthenium nanoparticles have been prepared and characterized. Reactivity of Au and Ru nanoparticles with probe molecules (H2, phosphines, ethylene and CO) has been studied, in particular by NMR. However, the low density of these surface species, especially for supported nanoparticles is still one of the main problems, making difficult to obtain high quality NMR spectra in a reasonable time. Therefore, we have developed a method based on the enhancement of NMR signals of surface species via dipolar nuclear polarization (DNP). This very promising approach has first been applied very successfully to hybrid materials and silica; this opens new avenues in the characterization of surface species of materials and particularly heterogeneous catalysts
Ledoux, Xavier. "Formation et desexcitation des noyaux chauds dans les reactions induites par des faisceaux de protons (475 mev et 2 gev) et d'#3he (2 gev)." Caen, 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1995CAEN2016.
Full textSow, Garmy. "Méthodes d'Accès Multiple à Répartition Spatiale pour Communications par Satellite." Phd thesis, Télécom ParisTech, 2006. http://pastel.archives-ouvertes.fr/pastel-00001876.
Full textBarros, Braga Adoniran Judson de. "Sondage de canal SIMO à l'intérieur des bâtiments et formation de faisceaux numérique utilisant des techniques de traitement de signal à haute résolution et corrélateurs cinq-ports." Paris, ENST, 2006. https://pastel.archives-ouvertes.fr/pastel-00002667.
Full textThe development of wideband mobile communication systems requires a better knowledge of the characteristics of the mobile channel as described by its power delay profile, directions of arrival and Doppler shifts of scatterers. A channel sounder can perform a multidimensional small-scale characterization of channels for stochastic modelling or communication system evaluation, such as allowable data rates. The aim of the present study is to assemble a number of instruments that are able to perform the sounding of SIMO propagation channels in indoor environments. Direction finding and beamforming systems are also implemented by using most of these tools, in particular, the Five-port circuit used as a homodyne demodulator of RF signals and high-resolution estimation techniques such as MUSIC. Five-port discriminators use a third redundant mixer to decrease the system dependency from the phase and amplitude unbalance of local oscillators. The directional angle resolved channel impulse response is jointly estimated in the angle and time delay domains by extending the MUSIC algorithm associated with the enhanced 2D-SS technique. The ray-tracing technique is implemented to compare channel parameters resolved deterministically to estimated parameters of an indoor propagation channel resolved by channel sounding. The performance of the beamforming system is tested by measuring the bit error rate for a different number of antenna array elements. We demonstrate the ability of the proposed system to perform spatial filtering and provide higher gain and smaller BER in the useful signal direction even in presence of a strong interference level
Barros, Braga Adoniran Judson de. "Sondage de canal SIMO à l'intérieur des bâtiments et formation de faisceaux numérique [sic] utilisant des techniques de traitement de signal à haute résolution et corrélateurs cinq-ports /." Paris : École nationale supérieure des télécommunications, 2007. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb410244948.
Full textFotsing, Janvier. "L’usage des logiciels de simulation dans les dispositifs hybrides en formation des sciences pour élèves ingénieurs : étude évaluative à l’ENSP - Ecole Nationale Supérieure Polytechnique- de Yaoundé." Thesis, Cergy-Pontoise, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019CERG1040.
Full textThis research explores two subjects of study. The first subject concerns the study and evaluation of hybrid devices by considering as a specific case the MASTEL & MASSICO devices offered by the ENSP as part of its eLearning programs in order to assess the level of satisfaction of learners on this mode of education. The second subject relates to the study of the impacts arising from the use of simulation software used in the educational content of these devices on the effectiveness of training in order to assess the development of skills of engineering students in the context of eLearning.The diagnostic analysis of the MASTEL & MASSICO devices shows that the educational design adopted in the design of the MASTEL & MASSICO devices was more oriented towards a more open interactional scheme between the tutor and the learners via the incentive or interactive tools. It has been observed that 90.56% of survey respondents are satisfied with the use of these embedded tools in the Moodle platform chosen by the ENSP as a virtual digital learning environment. It also appears that learners' responses are guided by the ease of use. Indeed, 96.07% say that Moodle is easy to use. The use of software in the context of training favors a pedagogy by skill and a more individualized learning together with the cognitive and / or metacognitive development of the learner. It is clear that while the use of software brings satisfaction to the actors, it is nonetheless true that the lack of remote activities using software in the practice of EAD in hybrid devices, is a limit major use identified by all actors. And even if the device incorporated possibilities of remote simulation, the problem should persist in the sense that the know-how developed at a distance does not confer the well-being (attitude and behavior) required in the discipline. For example, the in-situ observation of the learners of the MASTEL & MASSICO devices during the phase of the face-to-face grouping makes it possible to note that the success of the test via the software does not absolutely confer a real object manipulative skill in a context of business.The analysis of the impact of the use of simulation software in the context of training in engineering sciences has made it possible, according to our study, to encourage the acquisition of a large number of skills, including the ability to synthesize (procedural competence), analysis (exploratory competence) and operational (manipulative competence). It was observed that the devices deployed at the remote phase to ENSP gave the learners more procedural competence and at the face-to-face stage a manipulative skill. The latter, being the most sought after in a business environment, unfortunately only lasted for a short period of two weeks over the two semesters of the course, which is not to the taste of the learners. A recommendation emerges from this study, which is that of solving this major imbalance by considering scenarios to invest in development research or efforts will focus on the industrialization of devices incorporating the concepts of virtual laboratory the only way to guarantee professional development skills of trainees
Abdallah, Ayman. "Contribution à l'étude d'une antenne adaptative et à la conception d'un démonstrateur." Limoges, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007LIMO4009.
Full textDrouet, Julien. "Méthodes d’analyse électromagnétique spécifiques à la conception des antennes à résonateur BIE multi sources." Limoges, 2007. https://aurore.unilim.fr/theses/nxfile/default/d29cfcec-7bbb-48e9-a428-1749bae17636/blobholder:0/2007LIMO4039.pdf.
Full textA feeding sources arrangement installed in an EBG resonator leads to profit at the same time from the array advantages (such as beamforming, nulling patterns, beam steering) and the resonator filtering attributes (spatial filtering, directivity increasing, steering). This report presents a set of steps that is adjusted to the EBG antennas development and design in particular multi sources EBG antennas. First, a spatial function computation is presented. This function results in the EBG resonator filtering attributes. Weighting the EBG resonator by a source radiation pattern allows the defined function to quickly evaluate the EBG performances. The second part focuses on the multi sources feeding problems. The goal of this part is to design and realize two prototypes. Then, the measures come to validate the antenna design. Aside from the resonating attributes of this kind of structure, the design steps are more tricky. Indeed, the EBG antenna intensifies the coupling phenomena between the radiating elements in the multi sources antennas. For this reason, a novel method overcoming the coupling complication was developed
Mabrouk, Kais. "Conception et réalisation d'un système de Télécommunications MIMO avec Formation Numérique de Faisceaux en réception ; Calibrage aveugle du Démodulateur triphasé Zéro-IF et comparaison au démodulateur classique à 2 voies I et Q." Phd thesis, Télécom ParisTech, 2008. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00409794.
Full textLa première partie de ce travail est consacrée à une étude comparative entre les différents types de démodulateurs cinq-port et triphasés. Cette étude a permis de mettre en évidence l'aspect tridimensionnel des démodulateurs cinq-port et triphasés, de gagner 20dB en termes de réjection des produits d'intermodulation des signaux adjacents et de trouver une nouvelle méthode de calibrage aveugle du récepteur.
La seconde partie de la thèse se concentre sur le prototypage d'un système MIMO. Cette phase nous a permis d'exposer les difficultés de mise en place de ce genre de système et de souligner les nouvelles problématiques qui n'apparaissait pas auparavant dans les systèmes mono- transcepteur. Aussi, un algorithme de Formation de Faisceau a été développé dans cette partie. Ce FF numérique a permis non seulement d'accroître la capacité mais aussi la qualité de liaison en considérant le système MIMO comme N système SIMO en parallèle. Comparativement à la technique ZF(Zero Forcing), nous démontrons que le FF permet d'obtenir une meilleure qualité de signaux pour des faibles valeurs de rapport signal à bruit.
Mabrouk, Kaïs. "Conception et réalisation d'un système de télécommunications MIMO avec formation numérique de faisceaux en réception : calibrage aveugle du démodulateur triphasé zéro-IF et comparaison au démodulateur classique à 2 voies I et Q." Paris, ENST, 2008. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00409794.
Full textWithin the framework of this research work, we have interested to a MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output) telecommunication system using the spatial multiplexing, Zero-IF receptors and the digital beamforming technique. The first part in this work is consecrated to a comparative study between two different kinds of Zero-IF demodulators: the classical IQ demodulator and the five-port and three-phase one. This study has allowed to highlight the three dimensional aspect of five-port and three-phase demodulators, to win up to 20dB in terms of rejection of inter-modulation product. Also this three dimensional aspect discovery help us to find a new blind calibration method. The second part of this thesis focuses on the prototyping of a MIMO system. This phase has allowed us to set the difficulties of the implementation of this systems kind and to highlight new problematics that don’t appear beforehand in mono-transceiver system. Moreover, a beamforming algorithm was developed in this part. This digital beamfoming has permit to increase the capacity as well as the quality of link when considering the MIMO system as N parallel SIMO systems. Compared to the ZF (Zero Forcing technique), we have proved that the beamforming permit the achievement a better signal quality for lower values of the signal to noise ratio
Retière, Christelle. "Contribution a l'etude du repertoire lymphocytaire t humain : - mecanisme de formation des genes codant pour les recepteurs t hybrides - etude de la reponse lymphocytaire t memoire a des antigenes du cytomegalovirus." Nantes, 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999NANT2066.
Full textHolyk, Christophe. "Analyse électrothermique des faisceaux de câbles de puissance : une contribution à l’optimisation des systèmes de distribution d’énergie dans les véhicules routiers à propulsion électrique." Thesis, Valenciennes, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014VALE0033.
Full textIn the context of growing ecological concerns, the development of road transport vehicles moves itself toward the development of less polluting vehicles with electric drives such as Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEVs) and full Electric Vehicles (EVs). With rising power requirements and reducing available space, thermal management is becoming an increasingly important concern during development of on-board vehicle components such as electric motor(s)/generator(s), power inverter(s), battery pack(s) and cable harnesses. Among them, the cable harness which is typically composed of electrical cables, connectors and power distribution boxes can only be designed properly after a detailed thermal, electrical, chemical and mechanical analysis.This thesis is written to contribute to the optimization of the electro-thermal design of cable harnesses through simulations and reduce the amount of experimental testing needed during their development. Theoretical models for the prediction of the electrical and thermal behavior of electric cables and cable harnesses are reviewed and adapted for automotive requirements. Validation is accomplished by comparing simulation results with Finite Element Analysis (FEA) and measurement data. A major part of this thesis addresses the thermal simulation of electrical cables of infinite length installed in air, taking into account the temperature dependencies of conductor resistances and non-linearity of the total heat transfer coefficient at the cable surface. The influence of shielding currents and arbitrary current loads in the conductors on the temperature rises within electric cables is also considered using thermal ladder networks and illustrated by practical examples. Because shielding currents in vehicles are not only caused by induced currents but also by functional electrical currents generated by low-voltage power sources, new theoretical studies and experimental observations for the estimation of these currents as a function of the vehicle electrical architecture and circuit characteristics are presented. A primary finding reveals that keeping the resistance of grounding connections low compared to that of the shielding connections is an appropriate but expensive means for limiting the transfer of functional currents in the shielding circuits. Finally, a complete and modular model for the prediction of transient temperatures along the length of cable harness sections is developed and validated based on the outcomes of all previous findings
Bechihi, Adel. "Joint design of control algorithms and communication protocols for Connected and Automated Vehicles." Electronic Thesis or Diss., université Paris-Saclay, 2023. http://www.theses.fr/2023UPAST203.
Full textIn this thesis, we address the problem of control of multi-agent systems connected over realistic models of communication systems. We mainly focus on systems of connected and automated vehicles (CAVs) that communicate through a 5G communication system, which allows two types of communication: direct communication between nodes, known as Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) communications, and communication through the network infrastructure, which is the traditional way of communication in cellular networks.The thesis discusses three problems: first, we analyze the stability and convergence properties of the consensus algorithm of first-order integrator agents using a time-division multiple access (TDMA) scheme to share the network resources of a broadcast shared communication channel. Exponential stability of the considered system is proved, and an explicit bound depending on the communication system parameters is provided to estimate the convergence rate. Second, we treat the problem of formation control of a float of connected vehicles in a 5G communication context. We propose a resource allocation algorithm to select the transmitting users to achieve the desired formation while satisfying the constraints imposed by the communication system. Finally, we study the stability properties of Kalman filters for hybrid systems, i.e., systems with continuous-time dynamics observed through discrete-time measurements. Input-to-state stability (ISS) is proved for such systems relying on an appropriate Lyapunov function. This result can be considered as a first step in the robustness analysis of the overall system since it allows to treat the effects of communication errors on the controlled system stability
Bouallegue, Kaïs. "Contribution à la radio intelligente à forte mobilité : adaptation spectrale et allocation dynamique des ressources." Thesis, Valenciennes, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017VALE0023.
Full textThe main objectives of railway operators are to increase safety, reduce operating and maintenance costs, increase attractiveness and profit by offering new services to customers. These objectives will be achieved through a huge increase of data fluxes between existing infrastructure and the technologies currently used on the train. Spectral efficiency, optimization of radio resources, interoperability and reliability of communications are major elements for railway applications. These constraints and the sporadic use of available frequency bands have gave rise to cognitive radio. Cognitive radio is an emerging technology that improves the performance of existing radio systems by integrating artificial intelligence with software radio. A cognitive radio system is defined by its ability to be aware of its radio environment. Indeed, to optimize as much as possible the available spectral opportunities, the cognitive radio device must be able to transmit on free bands while performing a spectrum sensing to not interfere with users having priority on the band and to detect other vacant frequencies. As part of this thesis, we propose to focus on the problem of spectrum detection in a highly mobile environment. Some constraints should be considered, such as speed. Added to this, there are regulatory constraints on detection criteria, such as the IEEE 802.22 WRAN standard, which stipulates that detection of a priority user must be performed at -21 dB within a period of 2 seconds. The objective is therefore to design an intelligent radio terminal in the physical and regulatory conditions of transmission in a railway environment
Vilca, Ventura José Miguel. "Safe and flexible hybrid control architecture for the navigation in formation of a group of vehicles." Thesis, Clermont-Ferrand 2, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015CLF22607/document.
Full textBeyond the interest of robotics laboratories for the development of dedicated strategies for single vehicle navigation, several laboratories around the world are more and more involved in the general challenging field of cooperative multi-robot navigation. In this context, this work deals with the navigation in formation of a group of Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGVs) dedicated to structured environments. The complexity of this Multi-Robot System (MRS) does not permit the direct use of neither classical perception nor control techniques. To overcome this problem, this work proposes to break up the overall control dedicated to the achievement of the complex task into a group of accurate and reliable elementary behaviors/controllers (e.g., obstacles avoidance, trajectory tracking, target reaching, navigation in formation, formation reconfiguration, etc.). These behaviors are linked to different information given by the sensors to the actions of vehicles. To guarantee the performances criteria (e.g., stability, convergence, state errors) aimed by the control architecture, the potentialities of hybrid controllers (which controlling continuous systems in the presence of discrete events) are considered. This control architecture is validated for a single vehicle to perform safe and flexible autonomous navigation using an appropriate strategy of navigation through suitable set of waypoints. This flexible navigation allows different vehicle maneuvers between waypoints (e.g., target reaching or obstacle avoidance) without using any trajectory planning nor replanning. The designed control law based on Lyapunov synthesis guarantees the convergence to assigned waypoint while performing safe trajectories. Furthermore, an algorithm to select suitable waypoints’ positions, named Optimal Multi-criteria Waypoint Selection (OMWS), in structured environments while taking into account the safe and reliable vehicle movements, and vehicle constraints and uncertainties is proposed. Subsequently, the control architecture is extended to Multi-Robot Formation (MRF) using a combination of Leader-Follower and behavior-based approaches. An important cooperative MRS issues in this thesis is the dynamic reconfiguration of the formation according to the context of navigation (e.g., to pass from a triangle configuration towards a line if the width of the navigation way is not sufficient). The proposed Strategy for Formation Reconfiguration (SFR) guarantees the stability and the safety of the MRS at the time of the transitions between configuration (e.g., line towards square, triangle towards line, etc.). Therefore, a safe, reactive and dynamic MRF is obtained. Moreover, the degrees of multi-robot safety, stability and reliability of the system are quantified via suitable metrics. Simulations and experiments using urban vehicles (VIPALABs) of the Institut Pascal laboratory allow to perform exhaustive experiments of the proposed control architecture for the navigation in formation of a group of UGVs
Bouchnita, Anass. "Mathematical modelling of blood coagulation and thrombus formation under flow in normal and pathological conditions." Thesis, Lyon, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017LYSE1300/document.
Full textThis thesis is devoted to the mathematical modelling of blood coagulation and clot formation under flow in normal and pathological conditions. Blood coagulation is a defensive mechanism that prevents the loss of blood upon the rupture of endothelial tissues. It is a complex process that is regulated by different mechanical and biochemical mechanisms. The formation of the blood clot takes place in blood flow. In this context, low-shear flow stimulates clot growth while high-shear blood circulation limits it. The disorders that affect the blood clotting system can provoke different abnormalities such thrombosis (exaggerated clotting) or bleeding (insufficient clotting). In the first part of the thesis, we introduce a mathematical model of blood coagulation. The model captures the essential dynamics of clot growth in quiescent plasma and blood flow. The model can be reduced to a one equation model of thrombin generation that gives approximately the same results. We used both numerical simulations and mathematical investigation to show the existence of different regimes of blood coagulation. We specify the conditions of these regimes on various pathophysiological parameters of the model. Then, we quantify the effects of various mechanisms on clot growth such as blood flow and platelet aggregation. The next part of the thesis studies some of the abnormalities of the blood clotting system. We begin by investigating the development of thrombosis in patients with antihrombin deficiency and inflammatory diseases. We determine the thrombosis threshold on antithrombin and quantify the effect of inflammatory cytokines on the coagulation process. Next, we study the recovery from blood loss following bleeding using a multiscale model which focuses on erythropoiesis and hemoglobin production. Then, we evaluate the risk of thrombosis in patients with cancer (multiple myeloma in particular) and HIV by combining the blood coagulation model results with the output of hybrid multiscale models of the corresponding physiological system. Finally, possible clinical applications of the blood coagulation modelling are provided. By combining clot formation model with pharmacokinetics-pharmacodynamics (PK-PD) models of anticoagulant drugs, we quantify the action of these treatments and predict their effect on individual patients
Siblini, Ali. "Optimisation des antennes MARPEM (Matrice agile rayonnantes à pixel élaborés en Meta‐matériaux) par l’utilisation de formes d’ondes spécifique." Thesis, Limoges, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017LIMO0061/document.
Full textThis thesis is based on a patent done at XLIM RF-Systems. Previous thesis focuses on the ARMA theoretical part and some validation in linear polarization. In this thesis we aimed to introduce the system ARMA to the circular polarization applications in general and to space applications especially. In the entire thesis circularly polarized ARMA with different architecture are achieved with the design of polarization circuits and power dividers. Beam forming of the wide Isoflux pattern with the axial ratio are presented, also scanning beams are achieved for far angles with good axial ratio. All the results are compared with the classical array antenna AESA. Manufacturing of circularly polarized ARMA and the polarization circuits and the power divider are done and the corresponding measurements are presented. Then in the perspectives different challenges are expected to be in a future work for enhancement of the whole ARMA system
Owusu-Mensah, Martin. "Understanding the first formation stages of (Y,Ti) nano-oxides in Oxide Dispersion Strengthened (ODS) steels." Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019SACLS310.
Full textOxide Dispersion Strengthened (ODS) steels, that is steels reinforced with a homogeneous distribution of (Y,Ti) oxide nano-particles, are advanced structural materials for nuclear applications. The oxide particles serve as point defect recombination centres and obstacles to dislocation motion thereby improving radiation resistance and high-temperature strength of these steels making them perfect candidate materials for future fusion and fission nuclear reactors. The conventional fabrication of ODS steels is achieved by mechanical alloying followed by thermomechanical heat treatments. This way of ODS steel production seems complicated to understand the physical mechanisms leading to the precipitation of nano-oxide particles. The kinetics of nanoparticle formation can be much better studied using an alternative technique of nanoparticle growth, namely Ion Beam Synthesis (IBS). This approach has many advantages including the precise control of experimental parameters and the ability to de-correlate various factors contributing to precipitation kinetics. A better knowledge gained in this way would be potentially helpful for optimization of ODS steel production routines. In the course of this PhD study, the IBS approach was applied to investigate the co-precipitation of metal (Y and/or Ti) and oxygen ions implanted into a model Fe-Cr alloy with the composition close to those typical for commercial ODS steels. Following the standard IBS schedule, consisting of ion implantation followed by high-temperature heat treatment, ions of Y, Ti and O at low energies were implanted into high-purity Fe10wt%Cr alloy samples at room temperature. The implanted samples were then annealed at various temperatures ranging from 600 to 1100°C to promote the precipitation of nano-oxide particles. A range of Transmission Electron Microscopy techniques were used to characterize the crystallographic structure and chemical composition of the nanoparticles. The study has been performed following three sets of experiments. First of all, the sequential implantation of Ti and O ions was implemented. Subsequent annealing at temperatures below 1000°C revealed that precipitation of titanium oxide was suppressed. Instead, chromium-rich nano-oxide particles with corundum hexagonal structure were found to precipitate. At sufficiently high temperatures these corundum particles were found to contain certain amount of Ti. Only after annealing at the highest temperature of 1100°C, particles of another type with Ti enriched core and Cr enriched shell were additionally fixed. Secondly, sequential Y and O ion implantation resulted in the formation of probable yttrium-rich oxides at 800°C. Annealing at 1100°C promoted their growth to larger sized yttria (Y₂O₃) particles with a Cr enriched shell. Finally, sequential ion implantation of both metal ions (Y and Ti) was performed, followed by O implantation. The order of metal ion implantation has been found to be crucial for subsequent oxide precipitation at the annealing stage. With the Ti implantation first in the sequence, the precipitation of corundum hexagonal chromium-rich oxide was observed, very similar to the case of Ti and O implantation. In contrast, implantation starting with Y produced yttrium-titanium oxide particles with unidentifiable structure. Summing up, the study has demonstrated the feasibility of the formation of Y, Ti and (Y,Ti) oxides by ion implantation. The thesis presents the detailed characterization of the nanoparticles, as well as the discovered specific features of precipitated particles, such as the presence of orientation relationships between the particles and the FeCr matrix, which was observed even for the case of Cr-rich corundum particles. Finally, the implications of the obtained results, in conjunction with the already known data from the existing literature, for the better understanding of the mechanisms involved in the formation of nano-oxide particles in ODS steels are discussed
Torrado, David. "Effect of carbon black nanoparticles on the explosion severity of gas mixtures." Thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017LORR0199/document.
Full textFlammable gas/solid hybrid mixture explosions are not well understood because of the interaction of the thermal transfer process, the combustion kinetics mechanisms and the interactions between turbulence and combustion. The main objective on this work is to study the explosion severity and flame burning velocities of carbon black nanoparticles/methane to better understand the influence of added nanopowders in gas explosions. Tests have been performed in a flame propagation tube and in the standard 20 L explosion sphere. The influence of carbon black particles on the explosions severity and in the front flame propagation has been appreciated by comparing the results obtained for pure gas mixtures. It appeared that the carbon black nanoparticles insertion increases around 10% the explosion severity for lean methane mixtures. Therefore, it seems that nanoparticles has an impact on the severity of the explosion even for quiescent systems, contrary to systems involving micro-sized powders that requires a dispersion at high turbulence levels. The increment on the maximum rate of pressure rise is higher for powders with lower elementary particle diameter, which is notably due to the fragmentation phenomena. A flame propagation numerical model associated to a gas/carbon black mixture has been developed to examine the influence of carbon blacks on the flame propagation. The results of the numerical model suggest that the radiative heat contribution promotes the flame acceleration. This result is consistent with the experimental increase on the explosion severity for some hybrid mixtures
Assar, Cuevas Rodrigo. "Modeling and simulation of hybrid systems and cell factory applications." Thesis, Bordeaux 1, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011BOR14335/document.
Full textThe main aim of this thesis is to develop an approach that allows us to describe biological systems with theoretical sustenance and good results in practice. Biological functions are the result of the interaction of many processes, that connect different hierarchy levels going from macroscopic to microscopic level. Each process works in different way, with its own goal, complexity and hierarchy level. In addition, it is common to observe that changes in the conditions, such as nutrients or environment, modify the behavior of the systems. So, to describe the behavior of a biological system over time, it is convenient to combine different types of models: continuous models for gradual changes, discrete models for instantaneous changes, deterministic models for completely predictable behaviors, and stochastic or non- deterministic models to describe behaviors with imprecise or incomplete information. In this thesis we use the theory of Composition and Hybrid Systems as basis, and the BioRica framework as tool to model biological systems and analyze their emergent properties in silico.With respect to Hybrid Systems, we considered continuous models given by sets of differential equations or more general dynamics. We used Stochastic Transition Systems to describe the dynamics of model changes, allowing cofficient switches that control the parameters of the continuous model, and strong switches that choose different models. Composition, reconciliation and reusing of models allow us to build complete and consistent descriptions of complex biological systems by combining them. Compositions of hybrid systems are hybrid systems, and the refinement of a model forming part of a composed system results in a refinement of the composed system. To implement our approach ideas we complemented the theory of our approach with the improving of the BioRica framework. We contributed to do that giving a BioRica specification of Hybrid Systems that assures integrity of models, allowing composition, reconciliation, and reuse of models with SBML specification.We applied our approach to describe two systems: wine fermentation kinetics, and cell fate decisions leading to bone and fat formation. In the case of wine fermentation, we reused known models that describe the responses of yeasts cells to different temperatures, quantities of resources and toxins, and we reconciled these models choosing the model with best adjustment to experimental data depending on the initial conditions and fermentation variable. The resulting model can be applied to avoid process problems as stuck and sluggish fermentations. With respect to cell fate decisions the idea is very ambitious. By using accurate models to predict the bone and fat formation in response to activation of pathways such as the Wnt pathway, and changes of conditions affecting these functions such as increments in Homocysteine, one can analyze the responses to treatments for osteoporosis and other bone mass disorders. We think that here we are giving a first step to obtain in silico evaluations of medical treatments before testing them in vitro or in vivo
Grégoire, Brian. "Relation Composition-Structure des Hydroxydes Doubles Lamellaires : Effets de la charge du feuillet et de la nature de l'anion interfoliaire." Thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012LORR0154/document.
Full textThis manuscript is devoted to the comprehension of the relationship between the composition of Layered Double Hydroxides (LDH) and their structural properties. The first part of this manuscript is focalized on the formation and the structural properties of these materials. The influence of the cationic nature (MgII, NiII, CoII ; AlIII, FeIII) and their stoichiometries within the layer (MII/MIII E [2 ; 10]) constitutes the main axis of these investigations. The study of the hydrolytic behavior of a solution containing a mixture of divalent and trivalent cations as a function of their relative proportion allowed to propose a topotactic mechanism of formation of LDH phases. Moreover, it has been showed that the composition range is solely dependent on the nature of the cations. Thus, electrostatic models were designed to rationalize and predict the composition range as a function of the cationic nature. The second part is concerned with the properties of the interlayer domain. A joint study, coupling vibrational spectroscopies (Infrared and Raman) and X-ray diffraction allowed a detailed description of the influence of the cations and their stoichiometries on the organization of the interlayer anions (Cl-, CO32-, NO3-, ClO4-, aminoacids). The role of the interlayer water has also been investigated. Concerning hybrid organo-minerals, it has been showed that the layer charge dictates the orientation of the interlayered aminoacids, and consequently, their reactivity toward the formation of the peptide bonds. The enantioselective properties of the interlayer domain are highlighted toward the formation of peptides
Benzerrouk, Ahmed. "Architecture de contrôle hybride pour systèmes multi-robots mobiles." Phd thesis, Université Blaise Pascal - Clermont-Ferrand II, 2011. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00669559.
Full textAbou, Taam Hussein. "Étude d’une matrice agile rayonnante à pixels élaborés en métamatériaux maitrise de concepts, réalisation de prototypes et caractérisation." Thesis, Limoges, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014LIMO0058/document.
Full textThis PhD thesis is dedicated to the study and the development of a novel agile antenna system called ‘Agile Radiating Matrix with Metamaterials Pixels’. This system is formed by a planar matrix which is composed by an association of jointed electromagnetic pixels. The pixel design is inspired from the electromagnetic band gap antenna and it is surrounded by metallic walls. These pixels are fed by means of several beam forming networks.The intensive theoretical study made on the matrix antenna, showed several electromagnetic performances concerning the low mutual coupling, the great beam steering for high scanning angles and the elimination of grating lobes. Three manufactured prototypes are presented in order to experimentally validate the matrix performances and to respond to some application requirements
Oudin, Marc. "Etude d'algorithmes de traitement d'antenne sur signaux large bande et signaux radar bande étroite à antenne tournante." Paris 6, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008PA066209.
Full textDelafresnaye, Laura. "Élaboration de latex nanocomposites polymère/argile pour la formation de films barrière à l'oxygène et à la vapeur d'eau." Thesis, Lyon 1, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015LYO10349.
Full textGu, Pengwenlong. "Détection des comportements malveillants dans les réseaux véhiculaires." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Paris, ENST, 2018. https://pastel.hal.science/tel-03689506.
Full textThis thesis has been dedicated to addressing the misbehaviour detection problem in vehicular networks. Specifically, we focus on two major issues in PHY layer and application layer respectively: Radio Frequency (RF) Jamming attacks and Sybil attacks. Specifically, we adopted three different machine learning methods including Distance based clustering, Support Vector Machine (SVM) and k-nearest neighbours (kNN) in Sybil nodes detection. Based on variation between benign vehicles and Sybil nodes in their driving patterns, the non-existent virtual nodes can be detected. For RF jamming attacks, we focused on the design of countermeasure for the control channel jamming issue in vehicular networks, which is of vital importance to the safety of I2V communications. We proposed to adopt the cooperative relaying techniques to address the control channel jamming problem in vehicular networks, which is based on the idea that the vehicles outside of the jamming area can serve as relays to help forward the control channel signal to the victim vehicles through other the jamming-free service channels. Thus, we extended the jamming issues in multi-antenna RSU scenarios, where the RSU can serve multiple groups of vehicles simultaneously using the multi-group multicast beamforming technique. As a solution, we propose a two stage anti-jamming scheme, whereby the vehicles who have successfully decoded the signal received in the first stage will be selected as relays to cooperatively serve the victim vehicles in the second stage using the coordinated beamforming techniques over a jamming-free service channel
Fofana, Seydouba. "Conception et mesure d'un réseau d'antennes reconfigurable sur la bande 3,4 - 3,8 GHz : contribution à la réduction de la consommation énergétique." Thesis, Rennes 1, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020REN1S031.
Full textThis thesis is dedicated to the design, manufacturing and characterization of a reconfigurable antenna array in the 3.4-3.8 GHz band. The active array is composed of 16 dual polarized dipoles that are able to radiate a beam steerable from ± 45° in a plane. Thanks to an arbitrary waveform generator, two beams can be radiated in two directions at two different frequencies simultaneously and can be reconfigured at will. This array can be seen as a candidate for future terrestrial communication systems. Two mobile network operators could then share the same antenna array. The steps of the array design are detailed showing the progression from the single antenna, to the passive array, the reconfigurable array by cluster to finish with the fully reconfigurable array. The array design has been driven by the reduction of the energy consumption. For that purpose, array synthesis tools have been developed to leverage at best the consumption characteristics of amplifiers. A number of measurement results validate experimentally the array radiation performances at each step of the design. Moreover, they demonstrate the achieved reduction of energy consumption and thus validate experimentally the practical interest of the developed synthesis tools