Academic literature on the topic 'Fonds marins – Droit – Afrique'
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Journal articles on the topic "Fonds marins – Droit – Afrique"
Lévy, Jean-Pierre. "Un nouvel instrument de développement progressif du Droit de la Mer : La Commission préparatoire de l'Autorité internationale des fonds marins et du Tribunal international du Droit de la Mer." Annuaire français de droit international 34, no. 1 (1988): 735–63.
Full textDipla, H. "L'Exploitation des ressources minerales des fonds marins: legislations nationales et droit international. By Valerie Game de Fontbrune. Paris: Editions A. Pedone, 1985. xi + 218 pp. 180 F." British Yearbook of International Law 57, no. 1 (January 1, 1987): 380–81.
Full textBelhaj, Férid. "REFLEXIONS SUR LA CONVENTION DES NATIONS UNIES SUR LE DROIT DE LA MER, DIX ANS APRES SON OUVERTURE A LA SIGNATURE: LA QUESTION DU REGIME D'EXPLOITATION DES FONDS MARINS." African Yearbook of International Law Online / Annuaire Africain de droit international Online 1, no. 1 (1993): 123–46.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Fonds marins – Droit – Afrique"
Sow, Amadou. "Les principes généraux du droit de l'environnement et les conventions régionales dans la lutte contre la pollution marine en Afrique." Thesis, Université Paris-Panthéon-Assas, 2022.
Full textThe problem of environmental deterioration is not linked to the draft of new agreements anymore, even though not all fields are covered so far by the existing law, but to the efficiency of the norms in effect. Most often, law exists, but is badly applied or not applied at all. This leads to two problems: first, the implementation of law, and second, the control of its application. In this context, the African continent cannot achieve its unity and its economic development without caring of the sword of Damocles which is the global warming caused by greenhouse gases and environmental destruction. Furthermore, the OHADA (Organization for the Harmonization in Africa of Business Law) should allow Africa to significantly advance on the subject of the companies’ responsible behaviour in terms of environmental and climate protection. In order to fill this gap, the OHADA should adopt in the near future a Uniform Act concerning social and environmental responsibility. The implementation of environmental policies and the application of the norms arising from them require a cultural revolution. The young generations should receive an education which is adapted to the new ecological challenges. The principles contribute in an important way to the development of the soft law in international law, but it is even more surprising that this phenomenon is more and more important in national law. Beyond formal legal aspects, the implementation of regional agreements will be confronted to further challenges: first of all, the reinforcement of the national institutional authorities’ capacity to reconcile economic, social and environmental imperatives
Ponzoni, Doris. "Exploitation des grands fonds marins et droit international." Brest, 1989.
Full textThe contribution of the 1982 u. N. Convention on the law of the sea is significant but its provisions concerning deep seabed mining are not accepted by the industrialized states. They have adopted domestic legislation pending the entry into force of the convention. In consequence there is an opposition between the convention regime and the alternative regime based on a network of national laws but beyond this apparent contradiction, a conciliation is possible, the majority of the interested countries are tyring within the preparatory commission to render the convention regime acceptable to all. The future of the deep seabed mining international law depends on the work of this forum
Rizkallah, Laurice. "Gestion internationale des fonds marins et nouveau droit de la mer." Paris 5, 1998.
Full textConfront since more than quart of century to the world wide disorder, the international management of the seabed intermediary of an institutional mechanism. The international autority of seabed , who provoc more contreverses and tensions , find itself without doubt, at the center of transformations the law of the sea. Two series of considerations enlight our demonstration on this thorny question to the new law of the sea : first, by methodologique order , shows how the juridical existence of international seabed ,( res nullins) , created the sea revolution and the right of sources level. The other , socio economic orders , shows throught the difficulties opposed around an applicable regime of the seabed on international zone, as well the interdependance measure found drawn progressively , in the first step according to the new international economic order and the developement stategy of the years seventies , in the second step according to the new market laws and the new worlwide order of the years eighties. Our study reflect , all around , how the international management of the seabed is connected to the international relations marked by the hegemony, the uncertainly of the strength repports and the research of particular interest of international actors. If on the first time, it is the guiding conception of explotation witch dominated the juridical regime of international management of seabed elaboreted and constructed theoricaly in the final acte of montego bay , it is the liberal conception witch predominate since years eighties , established in july 1994 agreement ; to result of the political will of the signatory and non signatory states of dec 10 , 1982 convention. There fore to width this game of trends (dirigest and liberal) that move the international management of seabed who have deeply marked the new sea law of the sea in their gaming and perspectives
Game, de Fontbrune Valérie. "L'Exploitation des ressources minérales des fonds marins législations nationales et droit international /." Lille 3 : ANRT, 1985.
Full textLee, Yearn-Sook. "L'exploitation des ressources des fonds marins et le Nouvel Ordre Économique International." Paris 13, 1993.
Full textDeep seabed mining in the area of the "common heritage of mankind" raise, first of all, a problem of commodity trade, for the reason that appearance of new resources supply in the mineral market could produce a harmful economic effect which could be encounter by developing land-based producer states. In this context, the subject relating to deep seabed mining is shaped among the international actions carried on for a N. I. E. O. By the concept of "common heritage of mankind", if it needs an international law which can assign the best equitable share-out of world's wealth, the struggle against the economic inequality between the states has to be a precondition to the wealth's sharing out. That's why the policy of deep seabed mining with a view to the protection of interest of developing land-base producer states is places in the centre of legal and political regime which govern the international area. The measures adopted in this respect - at the same time, for the stabilization of commodity market and for the realization of the principle of compensatory inequality's treatment - take on a great importance in order to define the integration of the doctrine of N. I. E. O. In the management of international area
Lafitte, Josiane. "Les épaves sous-marines en droit international." Paris 1, 1995.
Full textWrecks, witnesses of the infortune of men at sea, constitute a special legal category that has progressively changed. Indeed, regarding wrecks, new objects and new maritime activities have to be considered. Law concerning wrecks is made of rules depending on several fields of international law. Special rules of protection are applied to wrecks. First, ancient wrecks have to be protected because they have a cultural value. Except on a regional level, international law has not especially taken care of these objects. So, states have to adopt laws to protect the historical or archaeological heritage situated in their internal or territorial waters. Secondly, some wrecks are "agressive" because they are dangerous for maritime activities or because they pollute the sea. Human community must protect itself against theses objects. International law has developed rules to struggle against these nuisances and give means to the states to protect themselves. But, apart these special rules, wrecks because of
Frozel, Barros Natália. "Un océan d'incertitudes : problématisations et mise en forme légale des fonds marins par le travail diplomatique." Thesis, Paris 1, 2019.
Full textThis thesis analyzes the creation, amendment and continuous mobilization of the Common Heritage of Mankind (CHM) regime through the lens of diplomatic multilateral negotiations in the United Nations (1960-2016). It’s striking that this idealistic principle keeps on emerging in international politics, while its evolution unveils the transformation from an idealistic public international law to a managerial one. This thesis studies diplomatic activity through the sociology of public action. It analyzes the law-transformation phenomenon as a transformation in the manner in which diplomats problematize seabed-related problems and manage uncertainties (technical, economic, political). Through four re-problematizations (security, moral-economic, marketoriented, environmental), diplomats are less oriented by political-diplomatic divisions and more by the role their countries play in the world market. At least three reasons account for this: strengthening of managerial tools in national and international public arenas; the need to “de-state” in the sense of depersonalizing the solutions diplomats bring to the table; and the decline of clear political alignments from the time of the Cold War. A transformation on how the law is written takes place : diplomats no longer decrease uncertainties by the means of a clear political game, capable of producing its own certainties. Henceforth, by producing flexible law, they contend with the uncertain
El, Hawari Abdallah. "Le régime juridique de l'autorité internationale des fonds marins selon la convention des Nations Unies sur le droit de la mer de 1982." Montpellier 1, 2003.
Full textCampagnola, François. "Droit international et stratégie maritime des Etats." Nice, 2004.
Full textThe Montego Bay Convention marked a real turning point in the development of the International law of the sea. It introduced a clear rebalance between the juridically protected interests of the coastal State and the flag State to the benefit of the first. The juridical balance realized by the Convention was subjected to pressures from both States, the result of which, in the nineties, was a revision of Part XI and an agreement concerning the juridical regime of the straddling stocks. This study has a double objective. First, it aims to make an examination of the rule of International law concerning the juridical régime of marine spaces and a certain number of maritime activities. It proves that the development of environmental preoccupations also constitutes a manner to promote the interests of the coastal State. It aims, then, to show how the International law of the sea is porous concerning the expression of the States interests and how, especially in terms of use of force at sea, the extra-juridical considerations weigh strongly
Mvioki, Babutana M. "Le statut juridique des opérations du Fonds africain de développement." Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 1985.
Full textBooks on the topic "Fonds marins – Droit – Afrique"
L' exploitation des ressources minérales des fonds marins: Législations nationales et droit international. Paris: A. Pedone, 1985.
Find full textCanada. Dept. of External Affairs. Law of the sea: Memorandum of understanding on the avoidance of overlaps and conflicts relating to deep sea-bed areas between the governments of Canada, Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom, on the one hand, and the Governments of Bulgaria, Cuba, Czechoslovakia, Poland and the U.S.S.R., on the other hand (with annexes) done at New York, August 20, 1991. Ottawa, Ont: Queen's Printer for Canada = Imprimeur de la Reine pour le Canada, 1993.
Find full textAffairs, Canada Dept of External. Law of the sea: Memorandum of understanding on the avoidance of overlaps and conflicts relating to deep sea-bed areas between the Governments of Canada, Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and the United States of America, on the one hand, and the Governments of Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Poland, and the U.S.S.R., as the certifying States of the Interoceanmetal Joint Organization, on the other hand (with annexes) done at New York, August 20, 1991. Ottawa, Ont: Queen's Printer for Canada = Imprimeur de la Reine pour le Canada, 1993.
Find full textAbreu, Márcia Donner. Le système parallèle d'exploration et d'exploitation des ressources des grands fonds marins dans la Convention des Nations Unies sur le droit de la mer de 1982: Description, analyse, viabilité. Genève: Institut universitaire de hautes études internationales, 1986.
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