Academic literature on the topic 'Folklore – Bamoum (peuple d'Afrique)'
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Folklore – Bamoum (peuple d'Afrique)"
Kpoumie, Nchare Armand. "Enjeux de la patrimonialisation du rituel Nguon chez les Bamoun du Cameroun : stratégies identitaires et ambition touristique." Thesis, Poitiers, 2019.
Full textThis research in social and cultural geography focuses on Nguon, a major festival and centuries-old cultural gathering of the Bamoun people in Cameroon. Nguon, with differentiated audiences and in complementary but distinct temporalities, is both a festival and a ritualization of the custom and sacredness of the bamoun kingdom maintained during the colonial era and since the advent of the Republic of Cameroon.The originality of its heritage process is part of the contemporary series of rebuilt traditions. It is an arena for analysis to reveal questions of governance around the attractiveness of the territory for tourism and local development thanks to its rich heritage, but even more so, for its impact on the permanence of community, political and cultural cohesion in a globalized context full of uncertainties. Can the potential for natural and heritage tourism attractiveness of this territory, the Noun, be exploited without causing the bamoun societal structure to be too unbalanced? Finally, how does the patrimonialization put in perspective with the touristic, political and economic stakes interfere with the bamoun cultural identity, and how in return does the bamoun specificity carried by the ritual and the multisecular custom make Nguon a singular festival in the wave of the current patrimonializations?
Moussima, Njanjo Henri. "Anthropologie et histoire des Bamoun : analyse esthétique des objets du Musée du Palais." Paris 1, 1996.
Full textThe aim of this thesis is the study and analysis of the objects of the Bauman royal palace. The nature of elements met at fumban, makes that this study remains under many sides, a reconstitute. The majority of objects are not used in their original context. It was necessary to recreate this context by an historical study. We have choosen three kings that seemed to us the more representative of the history of the bamun kingdom. Then, we analysed the objects in the background, in the palace's museum. A study about the wood, sacred objects is made too. At last, we talk about problems of the conservation in the african museums. All of this, is sustained by plates and photographic documents
Moupou, Moïse. "L'organisation de l'occupation du sol en pays bamoun : contribution de l'imagerie satellitaire à l'étude de la dynamique des paysages." Aix-Marseille 1, 1991.
Full textThe bamun land is a socio-economic and political unit. The civilisation developed here set a bipolar structure make of towns and country. The space divided into concentric areas, is organised by and for the town. It hat known several transformations since its formation up to now. One of these happened with the arrival of colonisation and cattle rearers. An attemp to destructurate social noms occurs during colonial period. With colonial peace, cattle rearers settled in the bamun land, and international trade was develop. Colonial coffee plantations and peasants farms appeared on the black volcanic soils of foumbot. The intemal population and towns growth cause an intersification of agriculture for the revictualing of urban centers. The space becomes scarce, and as a result of the use made of it by cattle rearers and farmers, the settlement of important land use programs (dams, high ways, reforestation) which consume space. Country tends escape from town control. High lands and grassfields are densely occupied. Bamun land is a potential overfall zone for populations settled on these units. Remote sensing offers a possibility of diachronic and synchronic analisis of the milieu. But atmospheric conditions of the erea (clouds, smokes, mists, haze. . . ) and the technique hinder its use. Meanwhile, it's a precious tool for a study of dynamic changes in bamum area. The analisis of spatial systems shows that concentric structures are generalised on the central plateau, while the paeallel structures occupy the low lands of this zone. Many tendencies are now present : population densification, the development of agricultural technics and the arrival of new populations. The management of the. .
Touré, N'Diabou Séga. "Fonctionnement et fonctions des représentations du surnaturel dans l'imaginaire des contes wolofs." Paris, INALCO, 2003.
Full textThe study of supernatural characters in a given set of Wolof fairy tales enable us to appreciate the richness and diversity of such supernatural representations like the Wild Beast Mother, the jinn and the ogress that appear in West African fairy tales. But some supernatural characters, example the Mother Bush and the Head that kills, are specific to the wolof background. However, beyond the identification, the proper use of such supernatural representations raises some questions related to two main problems. First their functioning inside a well-organized universe in which their apparent chaos is but faked. The second problem deals with their functions in the tales. By "function", we mean not only their roles in the fairy tales but also their "finality". This notion of finality requires a deeper analysis in order to lead to hypothesis bringing a particular conception of the supernatural universe in fairy tales. In fact, in such problematic wholly built on the fundamental notion of change, the theme of initiation place an essential role. The supernatural universe in fairy tales is a primordial factor in the elaboration of a Wolof model for the creation of a mental person that presents itself like a social being realized into the concepts of twinage and alter. This item or model is the mould in which the future initiated will find the guide lines allowing him to be in conformity with the Wolof ideal notion of the Human Being
Njele, Judith. "Les débuts du christianisme et son évolution en pays Bamoun au Cameroun : du début du XXe siècle à 1960." Paris 1, 2005.
Full textLaditan, Omolegbe Affin. "Des formes textuelles orales aux formes textuelles écrites : différentes écritures en français, en anglais et en yoruba de contes à partir de performances orales." Besançon, 2002.
Full textDjemgou, Tonmeba Eliane Flore. "Attractivité territoriale et imaginaire touristique du pays bamiléké : réinvention de la tradition des chefferies et de la pratique des funérailles." Thesis, Paris 1, 2017.
Full textOur research deals with the new invention of a tradition meant to alter the territorial attraction and tourist imagination of the bamileke land in Cameroun. Our questioning is about that new invention of the tradition and the patrimonialization which help make the bamileke funerals and chiefs palaces tourist attraction. This work highlights the logic and strategies of the actors in setting up tourist projects in bamileke areas. For man y years, the chiefs palaces have been marked with the logic of patrimony or tourism. Those actions deeply modify their organization, their functioning and their relationships with the local population and their nationals. These changes presently make the bamileke chiefs palace a tourist attraction for foreign tourist. Nevertheless the area ruled by chief casts a negative image to a Cameroonians. For the latter, it is a sacred territory full of taboos and associated with a mystical imagination. For a long time, that imagination estranged the Cameroonians from those lands ruled by bamiléké chiefs. Nowadays, those traditional institutions are targeted by the policy of tourist development through decentralization and different international cooperation. The new invention of the tradition in bamileke festivals and funerals help improve the efficacy of the attraction and of the tourist imagination of the bamileke land. The logic and strategies set up by the different actors are not alike. If for some the logic is purely sociocultural and economic (the actors of tourist development) for others, that logic is about the research of prestige (funeral planners). In this survey, two main conclusions are to be considered; although the tradition has been invented anew by the promoters of tourist development in the bamiléké areas, they are hardly attractive for national tourist. The museum and guest huts are not considered as tourist attraction by the nationals. Only festivals and funerals draw more and more Cameroonian toward bamileke lands. Different logic of innovation action has been set up by the festivals and funerals planners in order to attract a great number of Cameroonians to the bamileke areas
Zoumanigui, Akoye Massa. "L'Epopée de Zébéla Tokpa Pivi : Culture Loma, performance, genres narratifs et non narratifs." Thesis, Besançon, 2011.
Full textThis thesis aims at analyzing the collective memory content imbedded in an oral literature speech performance, right from the message transmission to its understanding and preservation. We are to explain how an oral literature speech production and its performance can retitute the Loma cultural values.The epic retraces the history of a former war leader among the Loma people of the Republic of Guinea; a history which still remains a vibrant part of the people's culture in that country. Because it doesn't exist any former written version of the epic, we ensured its transcription into Lɔɠɔmagooh language (a loma variant) and also its translation into French language.Beside the geographical and cultural presentation of the Loma area and people, the real corpus analysis in which we mobilize both performance and rethorics also takes into account the multicoding nature of the social, historical and cultural messages and their reception dynamics. We focus attention on the specific discursive technics of oral literature or tradition which exist in tales and proverbs.However, our work is not just limited to transcription and translation of the epic production. Our analysis shows how oral tradition constitutes an essential dimension of the epic genre whose discursive and referential deepness is the reflection of the artistic and memorial work of the orator
Books on the topic "Folklore – Bamoum (peuple d'Afrique)"
Kosack, Godula. Contes animaux du pays mafa (Cameroun). Paris: Karthala, 1997.
Find full textKoné, Mariam. Landolo et le grand caïlcédrat: Contes du Burkina Faso en pays San. Paris: L'Harmattan, 2006.
Find full textKoné, Mariam. Landolo et le grand caïlcédrat: Contes du Burkina Faso en pays San. Paris: L'Harmattan, 2006.
Find full textLe riche et le pauvre et autres contes bamanan du Mali: Textes bilingues. Paris: Harmattan, 1997.
Find full textLe Mandé de nos ancêtres: Selon le Gbélin ou tradition orale. Paris: Harmattan, 2004.
Find full textSoumalia, Hammadou. Traditions des Songhay de Tera, Niger. Paris: Editions Karthala, 1998.
Find full textHealers in the night. Maryknoll, N.Y: Orbis Books, 1985.
Find full textArnoldi, Mary Jo. Playing with time: Art and performance in central Mali. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1995.
Find full textRemembering Nayeche and the Gray Bull Engiro: African Storytellers of the Karamoja Plateau and the Plains of Turkana. University of Toronto Press, 2014.
Find full textVeronika, Görög, and Meyer Gérard, eds. Images féminines dans les contes africains. Paris: Conseil International de la Langue Française, 1988.
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