Academic literature on the topic 'Foliar application'

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Journal articles on the topic "Foliar application"


Wagner, Robert G., and Michael W. Rogozynski. "Controlling Sprout Clumps of Bigleaf Maple with Herbicides and Manual Cutting." Western Journal of Applied Forestry 9, no. 4 (October 1, 1994): 118–24.

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Abstract Bigleaf maple (Acer macrophyllum) clumps were controlled using the herbicides glyphosate, imazapyr, metsulfuron methyl, triclopyr amine, triclopyr ester, and 2,4-DP + 2,4-D; by basal spray, thinline, foliage spray, and on cut surfaces; during early foliar, late foliar, and dormant periods on five sites across western Oregon and Washington. Three timings of manual cutting alone also were compared. Imazapyr foliage sprays, triclopyr ester thinline, dormant 3% triclopyr ester basal spray, late-foliar 2, 4-DP + 2,4-D basal spray, and manual cutting with triclopyr amine cut-surface application provided the best control among the treatments tested over the 3 yr of study. Imazapyr foliage sprays provided the best long-term control by killing most treated clumps. Triclopyr ester thinline treatments provided the most consistent and effective results among the basal applications. Stump applications of triclopyr amine were more effective than manual cutting alone or manual cutting with glyphosate cut-surface application. West. J. Appl. For. 9(4):118-124.
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Goddard, Matthew J. R., John B. Willis, and Shawn D. Askew. "Application Placement and Relative Humidity Affects Smooth Crabgrass and Tall Fescue Response to Mesotrione." Weed Science 58, no. 1 (March 2010): 67–72.

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Much research has been conducted on mesotrione activity on crops and weeds, but information is lacking in regards to the relative contribution of soil and foliar absorption of mesotrione. Three experiments conducted at Virginia Tech's Glade Road Research Facility in Blacksburg, VA, evaluated the effects of 50 and 90% relative humidity (RH) on the activity of mesotrione applied to foliage, soil, and soil plus foliage. Tall fescue injury ranged from 0 to 21% and was significant in 6 of 20 comparisons. Three of these injury events were caused by soil plus foliar applications, which were always more injurious than foliar only applications, which were more injurious than soil-only applications. Both application placement and RH significantly influenced smooth crabgrass responses to mesotrione. Smooth crabgrass phytotoxicity was lowest when mesotrione was applied only to foliage and highest when mesotrione was applied to soil and foliage. Increasing RH from 50 to 90% caused a 4- to 18-fold increase in plant phytotoxicity when mesotrione was applied only to foliage. By dissecting the plant canopy, it was noted at 14 d after treatment, when averaged over RH, that white leaves comprise 16% of leaves when only foliage was treated and 55 and 62% when applied to soil plus foliage and soil only, respectively. Furthermore, white tissue was found predominately in the two youngest leaves when mesotrione was applied to soil or both soil and foliage, but in older leaves when applied only to foliage. Data indicate mesotrione entering plants through soil travels quickly to growing points and has an equal or greater effect on plant phytotoxicity than foliar-absorbed mesotrione. In addition, foliar-absorbed mesotrione appears to increase in plants significantly with increasing RH, but does not move rapidly to growing points.
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Swietlik, Dariusz. "Foliar and Soil Zn Applications Increase Yield of Grapefruit Trees." HortScience 30, no. 4 (July 1995): 773E—773.

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The effects of soil and foliar Zn applications on growth, yield, and fruit quality of `Rio Red' grapefruit were studied in the field for 4 years. Two annual foliar sprays applied in winter (W), spring (S), or W+S were compared to a single application of 10 or 30 g of Zn/tree applied to the soil around the tree as ZnDTPA or ZnEDTA chelate. In the first 2 years, when control trees displayed severe Zn deficiency symptoms affecting 60% to 70% of the tree foliage, the W and W+S sprays resulted in significant yield increases. Similar yield increases were obtained after a single soil application of 30 g Zn as ZnEDTA. The effects of other soil treatments were statistically insignificant. Foliar Zn deficiency symptoms were much more severe in winter than summer months irrespective of treatment. As the trees aged, however, the severity of symptoms decreased in all treatments. Corrective foliar or soil Zn applications were found to increase grapefruit yield when 15% or more of the canopy foliage showed Zn deficiency symptoms in January, ≈2 months before anthesis.
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Wood, Bruce W., Charles C. Reilly, and Andrew P. Nyczepir. "Mouse-ear of Pecan: A Nickel Deficiency." HortScience 39, no. 6 (October 2004): 1238–42.

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Mouse-ear (ME) is a potentially severe anomalous growth disorder affecting pecan [Carya illinoinensis (Wangenh.) K. Koch] trees. It is especially severe in second generation sites throughout much of the Gulf Coast Coastal Plain of the southeastern U.S., but can also occur in potted nursery trees. Orchard and greenhouse studies on trees treated with either Cu or Ni indicated that foliar applied Ni corrects ME. ME symptoms were prevented, in both orchard and greenhouse trees, by a single mid-October foliar spray of Ni (nickel sulfate), whereas nontreated control trees exhibited severe ME. Similarly, post budbreak spring spray applications of Ni to foliage of shoots of orchard trees exhibiting severe ME prevented ME symptoms on subsequent growth, but did not correct morphological distortions of foliage developed before Ni treatment. Foliar application of Cu in mid-October to greenhouse seedling trees increased ME severity the following spring. Post budbreak application of Ni to these Cu treated MEed seedling trees prevented ME symptoms in post Ni application growth, but did not alter morphology of foliage exhibiting ME before Ni treatment. Thus, high leaf Cu concentrations appear to be capable of disrupting Ni dependent physiological processes. Foliar application of Ni to ME prone trees in mid-October or soon after budbreak, is an effective means of preventing or minimizing ME. These studies indicate that ME in pecan is due to a Ni deficiency at budbreak. It also supports the role of Ni as an essential plant nutrient element.
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Baird, James H., John W. Wilcut, Glenn R. Wehtje, Ray Dickens, and Sam Sharpe. "Absorption, Translocation, and Metabolism of Sulfometuron in Centipedegrass (Eremochloa ophiuroides) and Bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum)." Weed Science 37, no. 1 (January 1989): 42–46.

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Sulfometuron, when applied as a foliar and/or soil application, prevented regrowth of bahiagrass. Sulfometuron application did not reduce regrowth of centipedegrass regardless of method of application. Sulfometuron was absorbed by the roots and foliage of centipedegrass and bahiagrass. Symplasmic translocation of the herbicide was evident in both species. Translocation of foliar-applied sulfometuron increased from approximately 1% at 48 h after application to 23% at 72 h in bahiagrass. Metabolism of sulfometuron was greater in centipedegrass (69% of foliar-applied, 10% of root-applied) at 72 h after application than in bahiagrass (30% of foliar-applied and 4% of root-applied). Tolerance of centipedegrass to sulfometuron appeared to be related to a high degree of herbicide metabolism in this species.
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Flessner, Michael L., Glenn R. Wehtje, and J. Scott McElroy. "Methiozolin Absorption and Translocation in Annual Bluegrass (Poa annua)." Weed Science 61, no. 2 (June 2013): 201–8.

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Annual bluegrass is a problematic turfgrass weed. Methiozolin is a new, currently unregistered herbicide that selectively controls annual bluegrass in desirable turfgrasses. Studies were conducted to evaluate and compare annual bluegrass control from PRE-applied methiozolin as influenced by rate and soil type and from POST-applied methiozolin as influenced by rate, soil type, annual bluegrass growth stage, and treatment placement. Studies were also conducted to evaluate foliar and root absorption and subsequent translocation of methiozolin by annual bluegrass using radio-tracer techniques. PRE-applied methiozolin controlled annual bluegrass > 99%. POST-applied methiozolin resulted in < 80% control regardless of foliar versus root exposure. POST applications are more effective at higher rates and smaller growth stages. Foliar-plus-soil methiozolin application trended to result in the best control, compared to foliar-only and soil-only applications. Absorption and translocation data indicate that methiozolin is absorbed by both leaves and roots and moderately translocates upward in the plant toward the leaf tip with little to no basipetal translocation. Because control is limited from a single methiozolin application (as observed in POST experiments), successful field application of methiozolin requires multiple and timely applications directed toward the roots and/or foliage of annual bluegrass.
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Nelson, L. E., M. G. Shelton, and G. L. Switzer. "The influence of nitrogen applications on the resorption of foliar nutrients in sweetgum." Canadian Journal of Forest Research 25, no. 2 (February 1, 1995): 298–306.

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Resorption of foliar nutrients during senescence is one of the principal ways by which plants enhance nutrient efficiency, particularly of N and P. The objectives of this study were to determine (i) changes in foliar characteristics attributable to N applications and (ii) resorption of nutrients during foliar senescence. Rates of 0, 100, 200, and 400 kg N/ha were applied to a 9-year-old sweetgum (Liquidambarstyraciflua L.) plantation in 1981, and resorption was determined the following three growing seasons. Preceding senescence, concentrations of foliar N were doubled, P concentrations declined, and K, Ca, and Mg concentrations were relatively unaffected by N application. Losses from foliage (resorption and (or) leaching) of N, P, K, and Mg, but not Ca, were positively related to the quantity present in the presenescent foliage. Resorption of foliar N, P, K, Ca, and Mg averaged 62, 50, 48, −19, and 12%, respectively; values significantly differed among years for all nutrients. Relative resorption was unaffected by N application rates for all nutrients except K. Results indicate that resorption is an important mechanism for nutrient conservation and efficiency, and under the conditions evaluated in this study, it was influenced more by environmental conditions (i.e., weather) than by nutrient levels.
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Stewart, Zachary P., Ellen T. Paparozzi, Charles S. Wortmann, Prakash Kumar Jha, and Charles A. Shapiro. "Foliar Micronutrient Application for High-Yield Maize." Agronomy 10, no. 12 (December 11, 2020): 1946.

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Nebraska soils are generally micronutrient sufficient. However, critical levels for current yields have not been validated. From 2013 to 2015, 26 on-farm paired comparison strip-trials were conducted across Nebraska to test the effect of foliar-applied micronutrients on maize (Zea mays L.) yield and foliar nutrient concentrations. Treatments were applied from V6 to V14 at sites with 10.9 to 16.4 Mg ha−1 yield. Soils ranged from silty clays to fine sands. Soil micronutrient availability and tissue concentrations were all above critical levels for deficiency. Significant grain yield increases were few. Micronutrient concentrations for leaf growth that occurred after foliar applications were increased 4 to 9 mg Zn kg−1 at 5 of 17 sites with application of 87 to 119 g Zn ha−1, 12 to 16 mg kg−1 Mn at 2 of 17 sites with application of 87 to 89 g Mn ha−1, and an average of 8.1 mg kg−1 Fe across 10 sites showing signs of Fe deficiency with application of 123 g foliar Fe ha−1. Foliar B concentration was not affected by B application. Increases in nutrient concentrations were not related to grain yield responses except for Mn (r = 0.54). The mean, significant grain yield response to 123 g foliar Fe ha−1 was 0.4 Mg ha−1 for the 10 sites with Fe deficiency symptoms. On average, maize yield response to foliar Fe application can be profitable if Fe deficiency symptoms are observed. Response to other foliar micronutrient applications is not likely to be profitable without solid evidence of a nutrient deficiency.
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Miller, Timothy W., and Carl R. Libbey. "Application of Paraquat Can Injure Field-grown Narcissus." HortTechnology 20, no. 1 (February 2010): 220–23.

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Mid-summer, foliar-applied paraquat is often used to control weeds and desiccate foliage of field-grown narcissus (Narcissus pseudonarcissus) prior to bed reshaping in the autumn. Paraquat-treated narcissus plants sometimes display chlorotic foliage the subsequent growing season. A trial was conducted to determine if paraquat causes that injury and if so, under what conditions paraquat may be safely applied to narcissus. Narcissus (‘Flower Carpet’ hybrid) was treated with two rates of paraquat at three summer application timings and was then evaluated for damage to new foliar growth the following spring. Flower number and flower stem length was also measured and bulb yield was determined. Narcissus foliage displayed 50% to 77% chlorosis in February after half-green foliage was treated with paraquat at 0.47 or 0.78 lb/acre, respectively, the previous summer. Foliage was still 13% to 63% chlorotic, respectively, at flowering. Paraquat at both rates applied to half-green foliage also reduced flower number and flower stem length in one of two iterations, as well as reducing average bulb weight 18% to 33%. If applied when leaves were 75% dry, foliar damage and reduction in average bulb weight was limited to the 0.78 lb/acre rate, while flower number and stem length were not affected at either rate. When desiccating late-season narcissus foliage and weeds with paraquat, therefore, growers are advised to delay application until narcissus foliage is about 75% dry and most of the flower stems have fallen, and to use a maximum of 0.47 lb/acre.
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Karamanos, R. E., Q. Pomarenski, T. B. Goh, and N. A Flore. "The effect of foliar copper application on grain yield and quality of wheat." Canadian Journal of Plant Science 84, no. 1 (January 1, 2004): 47–56.

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Available Cu concentrations in prairie soils (DTPA-extractable Cu) are extremely variable, thus resulting in areas within fields that are Cu deficient. These areas are difficult to characterize by a soil test based on a composite field sample; thus, when they are identified in the growing season, foliar Cu application possibly represents the only method of correcting them. A project, carried out over a period of 8 yr that consisted of four experiments and a total of 22 trials, was designed to ascertain whether foliar Cu applications indeed provide a satisfactory means of correcting Cu deficiency. Experiments included comparison of foliar applications at Feekes growth stages 6 (first node of stem visible at base of shoot) and 6 plus 10 (sheath of last leaf completely grown out) to soil broadcast and incorporation of 4 to 5.5 kg Cu ha-1 as copper sulphate (CuSO4·5H2O) or seed placement of 2 kg Cu ha-1 in three forms (two oxysulphates and one sulphate); foliar application of a variety of products representing different chemistries (chelate, lignin sulphonate, humic acid, oxychloride and citric acid) on a number of wheat cultivars at Feekes growth stage 10 or one cultivar at Feekes growth stages 2 (beginning of tillering), 6, 10 and 2 plus 10. Foliar applications appear to provide a solution to Cu deficiency that is identified during the growing season. However, foliar applications were not always as effective as broadcast and incorporation of at least 4 kg Cu ha-1 in the form of CuSO4·5H2O, which still remains the preferred method to correct a Cu deficiency. Foliar application at Feekes growth stage 2 was ineffective, whereas a single foliar application at Feekes growth stage 10 was not as satisfactory as a single one at Feekes growth stage 6. Thus, the latter stage appears to be preferable; however, maximum grain yield in some cases was obtained by the combination of two foliar Cu applications, one each at Feekes growth stages 6 and 10. Responses of wheat to foliar Cu application were obtained on soils that contained DTPA-extractable Cu concentration of less than 0.4 mg kg-1. Foliar Cu applications did not have an appreciable effect on grain quality parameters, such as hectolitre weight, moisture or protein content. Key words: DTPA-extractable, Feekes growth stage, deficient, marginal, plant tissue
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Foliar application"


Bertolin, Danila Comelis [UNESP]. "Produção e qualidade de sementes de soja convencional e geneticamente modificada em relação à aplicação via sementes e foliar de produto bioestimulante." Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), 2008.

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Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:29:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2008-03-07Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T18:59:28Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 bertolin_dc_me_ilha.pdf: 681161 bytes, checksum: d149f0bf266b3c9d15ca7d759031910d (MD5)
O Brasil é o segundo maior produtor de soja, sendo esta uma cultura bastante tecnificada. A utilização de produtos bioestimulantes proporciona incremento no desenvolvimento vegetal e poucos estudos abordam aspectos fisiológicos da soja relacionados à aplicação destes. O uso de novas técnicas culturais tem sido uma das formas de buscar melhoria na produtividade e qualidade das sementes. Foi instalado na Fazenda de Ensino e Pesquisa da Faculdade de Engenharia de Ilha Solteira, no município de Selvíria-MS, um experimento com a cultura da soja, cujo objetivo foi avaliar a utilização de produto bioestimulante (citocinina, ácido indolbutírico, ácido giberélico) em aplicações via sementes e via foliar em diferentes estádios fenológicos da cultura, em duas cultivares, sendo uma convencional e outra geneticamente modificada na qualidade das sementes produzidas. Os tratamentos foram as duas cultivares, e aplicações do produto via sementes na dose de 6 mL do produto comercial por quilo de sementes, via foliar na dose de 0,25 L do produto comercial por hectare, nos estádios V5, R1 e R5, sendo realizada combinação desses fatores, resultando em 15 tratamentos de aplicação do produto bioestimulante, totalizando 30 tratamentos. O delineamento experimental foi de blocos ao acaso com 4 repetições. Foram avaliadas as variáveis altura de plantas, altura de inserção da primeira vagem, ramos por planta, número de vagens por planta e número de sementes por vagem, primeira contagem de germinação, porcentagem de germinação, índice de velocidade de germinação, envelhecimento acelerado, emergência de plantas em campo e massa de 100 sementes. A cultivar normal apresentou resultados superiores ao do cultivar geneticamente modificada para a maioria das variáveis estudas. A utilização do produto bioestimulante incrementou o...
Brazil is the second largest producer of soybean, being a culture quite advanced. The use of products provides bioestimulants increase in plant development and few studies address physiological aspects of the soybean related to the application of these. The use of new farming techniques has been one of the ways to seek improvement in productivity and quality seeds. The experiment was installed in the Farm of Teaching and Research of the UNESP, Universidade Estadual Paulista, in the Selvíria county MS, with the soybean crop, whose purpose was to evaluate the use of product bioestimulanting (cytokinin, indolebutyric acid, gibberellic acid), applications on seeds and foliar application at phenological different stages of crops in two varieties, one conventional and another genetically modified. The treatments were cultivars, and applications of the product in the seed in the dose of 6 mL of the commercial product per kilo of seeds, leaf at the dose of 0,25 liters of the commercial product per hectare, in stages V5, R1 and R5, and the combination of these factors totaling 30 treatments . The experimental design was randomized blocks with 4 repetitions. Were evaluated the variables: height of plants, height insertion of the first pod, branches per plant, number of pods per plant and number of seeds per pod, standard germination, first count, speed germination index, accelerated aging, field emergency and mass of 100 seeds. Cultivar presented results above the normal of cultivating genetically modified for all variables studied. The use of the product bioestimulantig increased the number of pods per plant and seed yiel. To seed yield treatment with bioestimulante provided increase of 59% compared to control. There were statistical differences between any treatment with the product in relation to the ...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)
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Ottman, Michael J., Michael D. Sheedy, and Richard W. Ward. "Late Season N Application Method Effect on Grain Protein, 2016." College of Agriculture, University of Arizona (Tucson, AZ), 2016.

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4 pp.
Nitrogen fertilizer is normally applied later in the season around flowering time to boost grain protein content. The purpose of this study is to determine if the grain protein boost provided by late N application is affected by method of application. A trial testing late season N application methods was conducted at the Maricopa Ag Center in the 2016 growing season. The crop was grown 211 lb N/acre in split applications until flowering when 35 lb N/acre was applied as UAN32 in the irrigation water (fertigation), as low biuret urea in a foliar application, or as urea granules compared to no N application at all at flowering. In this study, we were not able to detect a difference in grain protein or any other variable measured due to the late N application method. We did measure a 0.4% increase in grain protein regardless of late season N application method compared to the control with no late N applied.
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Piggott, Simon James. "Development of improved foliar application technology for entomopathogenic nematodes." Thesis, Imperial College London, 2001.

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Fernandez, Victoria. "Investigations on foliar iron application to plants : a new approach /." Aachen : Shaker, 2004.

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Bertolin, Danila Comelis. "Produção e qualidade de sementes de soja convencional e geneticamente modificada em relação à aplicação via sementes e foliar de produto bioestimulante /." Ilha Solteira : [s.n.], 2008.

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Orientador: Marco Eustáquio de Sá
Banca: Edson Lazarini
Banca: Gisele Herbst Vazquez
Resumo: O Brasil é o segundo maior produtor de soja, sendo esta uma cultura bastante tecnificada. A utilização de produtos bioestimulantes proporciona incremento no desenvolvimento vegetal e poucos estudos abordam aspectos fisiológicos da soja relacionados à aplicação destes. O uso de novas técnicas culturais tem sido uma das formas de buscar melhoria na produtividade e qualidade das sementes. Foi instalado na Fazenda de Ensino e Pesquisa da Faculdade de Engenharia de Ilha Solteira, no município de Selvíria-MS, um experimento com a cultura da soja, cujo objetivo foi avaliar a utilização de produto bioestimulante (citocinina, ácido indolbutírico, ácido giberélico) em aplicações via sementes e via foliar em diferentes estádios fenológicos da cultura, em duas cultivares, sendo uma convencional e outra geneticamente modificada na qualidade das sementes produzidas. Os tratamentos foram as duas cultivares, e aplicações do produto via sementes na dose de 6 mL do produto comercial por quilo de sementes, via foliar na dose de 0,25 L do produto comercial por hectare, nos estádios V5, R1 e R5, sendo realizada combinação desses fatores, resultando em 15 tratamentos de aplicação do produto bioestimulante, totalizando 30 tratamentos. O delineamento experimental foi de blocos ao acaso com 4 repetições. Foram avaliadas as variáveis altura de plantas, altura de inserção da primeira vagem, ramos por planta, número de vagens por planta e número de sementes por vagem, primeira contagem de germinação, porcentagem de germinação, índice de velocidade de germinação, envelhecimento acelerado, emergência de plantas em campo e massa de 100 sementes. A cultivar normal apresentou resultados superiores ao do cultivar geneticamente modificada para a maioria das variáveis estudas. A utilização do produto bioestimulante incrementou o ...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
Abstract: Brazil is the second largest producer of soybean, being a culture quite advanced. The use of products provides bioestimulants increase in plant development and few studies address physiological aspects of the soybean related to the application of these. The use of new farming techniques has been one of the ways to seek improvement in productivity and quality seeds. The experiment was installed in the Farm of Teaching and Research of the UNESP, Universidade Estadual Paulista, in the Selvíria county MS, with the soybean crop, whose purpose was to evaluate the use of product bioestimulanting (cytokinin, indolebutyric acid, gibberellic acid), applications on seeds and foliar application at phenological different stages of crops in two varieties, one conventional and another genetically modified. The treatments were cultivars, and applications of the product in the seed in the dose of 6 mL of the commercial product per kilo of seeds, leaf at the dose of 0,25 liters of the commercial product per hectare, in stages V5, R1 and R5, and the combination of these factors totaling 30 treatments . The experimental design was randomized blocks with 4 repetitions. Were evaluated the variables: height of plants, height insertion of the first pod, branches per plant, number of pods per plant and number of seeds per pod, standard germination, first count, speed germination index, accelerated aging, field emergency and mass of 100 seeds. Cultivar presented results above the normal of cultivating genetically modified for all variables studied. The use of the product bioestimulantig increased the number of pods per plant and seed yiel. To seed yield treatment with bioestimulante provided increase of 59% compared to control. There were statistical differences between any treatment with the product in relation to the ...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)
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Fernández, Victoria [Verfasser]. "Investigations on Foliar Iron Application to Plants - a New Approach / Victoria Fernández." Aachen : Shaker, 2004.

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Asmus, Elisabeth Verfasser], and Markus [Gutachter] [Riederer. "Mode of Action of Adjuvants for Foliar Application / Elisabeth Asmus ; Gutachter: Markus Riederer." Würzburg : Universität Würzburg, 2016.

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Lira, Maikon Vinicius da Silva. "Adubação de plantio e foliar com micronutrientes na produção da cana-de-açúcar." Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), 2018.

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Submitted by MAIKON VINICIUS DA SILVA LIRA null ( on 2018-03-15T21:29:21Z No. of bitstreams: 1 004-2018-Maikon Vinicius da Silva Lira2 (2).pdf: 3463496 bytes, checksum: 5d689900d9a3e79d4e81e32ca6365f9f (MD5)
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O Brasil é hoje o maior produtor mundial de cana-de-açúcar, no entanto, a sua produtividade média ainda está muito baixa, isso devido a áreas de baixa fertilidade. O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da adubação de plantio e foliar com micronutrientes, nos atributos químicos do solo, no estado nutricional, na produção da massa de forragem, colmos e análise tecnológica da cana-de-açúcar. O experimento foi realizado na unidade produtora da Usina Rio Vermelho, município de Dracena, estado de São Paulo. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados com parcelas subdivididas e quatro repetições, totalizando 32 subparcelas. Nas subparcelas foram aplicadas quatro doses de micronutrientes no solo: 0, 10, 20, 40 L ha-1.Todos os resultados foram avaliados estatisticamente pela análise da variância, regressões em função das doses de micronutrientes aplicadas no solo e pelo teste de Tukey em 5% e 10% de probabilidade. Na cana-planta a concentração de macro e micronutrientes não foi afetada pela aplicação dos tratamentos, exceto o N. Verificou-se que teve um aumento do nitrogênio conforme houve aplicação de micronutriente. Os teores de nitrogênio apresentaram melhor resposta na dose 20 L ha-1, enquanto outros macronutrientes não foram afetados pelos tratamentos no cultivo da cana-planta, os teores de boro na cana-planta apresentaram maiores concentrações com o uso da dose 10 L ha-1 de micronutrientes aplicado via solo. No cultivo da cana-soca os teores de macronutrientes não sofreram efeitos com as doses via solo e foliar e os teores dos micronutrientes B e Zn na cana-soca não sofreram efeitos. A aplicação foliar de micronutriente, na dose de 6 L ha-1 do produto, aumentou 3,2% a ATR ha-1, que representou 270 kg ha-1. A produção de forragem e a produção de colmos apresentaram resposta semelhante, com produção máxima na dose 17 L ha-1 e 20 L ha-1, respectivamente. No primeiro ano o teor no solo de P, Mg, SB, V, Cu, Fe e Zn na profundidade de 0-20 cm foram afetados pela aplicação em sulco de plantio. O teor no solo de P, Mg, V, B, Fe, Mn e Zn na profundidade de 20-40 cm foram afetados pela aplicação em sulco de plantio. No segundo ano P, Mg, B, Cu, Fe e Zn na profundidade de 0-20 cm foram afetados pelos tratamentos.
Brazil is today the world's largest producer of sugarcane, however, its average productivity is still very low, due to areas of low fertility. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of planting and foliar fertilization with micronutrients, soil chemical attributes, nutritional status, forage mass production, stems and technological analysis of sugarcane. The experiment was carried out at the usina Rio Vermelho plant in Dracena, state of São Paulo. The experimental design was in randomized blocks with subdivided plots and four replications, totalizing 32 subplots. In the subplots, four doses of micronutrients were applied to the soil: 0, 10, 20, 40 L ha-1. All the results were statistically evaluated by analysis of variance, regressions as a function of doses of micronutrients applied in the soil and by the Tukey test in 5% and 10% of probability. In the cane-plant the concentration of macro and micronutrients was not affected by the application of the treatments, except N. It was verified that there was an increase of the nitrogen as there was micronutrient application. Nitrogen levels showed a better response at the 20 L ha-1 dose, while other macronutrients were not affected by treatments in cane-plant cultivation, boron levels in plant cane showed higher concentrations with the use of 10 L ha-1 of micronutrients applied via soil. Macronutrient contents were not affected by soil and leaf doses and the micronutrients B and Zn levels in the cane stalk were not affected. Foliar application of micronutrient, at the dose of 6 L ha-1 of the product, increased 3.2% to ATR ha-1, which represented 270 kg ha-1. Forage production and shoot production presented a similar response, with maximum yield at 17 L ha-1 and 20 L ha-1, respectively. In the first year the soil content of P, Mg, SB, V, Cu, Fe and Zn in the depth of 0-20 cm were affected by application in planting furrow. The soil content of P, Mg, V, B, Fe, Mn and Zn in the depth of 20-40 cm was affected by application in planting furrow. In the second year P, Mg, B, Cu, Fe and Zn in the depth of 0-20 cm were affected by the treatments.
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Silva, Flávio Nunes da. "Retenção foliar de mancozebe com adjuvantes e taxas de aplicação no controle da ferrugem da soja /." Botucatu, 2020.

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Orientador: Carlos Gilberto Raetano
Resumo: Fungicidas multi-sítio, a exemplo do mancozebe tem sido cada vez mais utilizados no controle da ferrugem da soja (Phakopsora pachyrhizi) e como estratégia anti-resistência aos fungicidas de sítio de ação único, amplamente utilizados na agricultura. Dessa maneira, buscou-se entender como a tecnologia de aplicação por meio da redução da taxa de aplicação e pelo uso de adjuvantes podem influenciar no controle da doença causada por Phakopsora pachyrhizi, quando associada ao fungicida mancozebe. Para isso, no capitulo 1, o objetivo foi avaliar a retenção foliar do fungicida de contato mancozebe em diferentes formulações na interação com adjuvantes em folhas de soja. No capítulo 2, o objetivo foi avaliar o controle da ferrugem da soja sob variação da taxa de aplicação de mancozebe em mistura com adjuvantes. Para a superfície adaxial a formulação GD apresenta maiores volumes de líquido retido enquanto que para a superfície abaxial, em geral, a formulação não apresenta interferência significativa. No geral, maior retenção da calda foi constatada na superfície abaxial do folíolo de soja, com destaque para caldas fungicidas contendo o polímero natural J-S e o óleo mineral Argenfrut. A redução da taxa de aplicação para 50 L ha-1 e a associação do fungicida mancozebe com adjuvantes pode influenciar a severidade da ferrugem da soja, contudo, de maneira geral, se considerar apenas a redução da taxa de aplicação, de 120 L ha-1 para 50 L ha-1, não há interferência no controle da doença, prin... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
Abstract: Multi-site fungicides as mancozebe has been increasingly used to control soybean rust (Phakopsora pachyrhizi) and as an anti-resistance strategy to single-site fungicides, widely used on agriculture. Thus, this study aimed a better understanding on how the application technology through the reduction of application rate and the use of adjuvants can influence on the control of the disease caused by Phakopsora pachyrhizi, in association with the fungicide mancozeb. To do so, on chapter 1 the study aimed to evaluate the foliar retention of mancozeb fungicide, in the WP and WG formulations, mixed with adjuvants on soybean leaves. On chapter 2, the aim of this study was to evaluate the soybean rust control under different volume rates of mancozeb spraying mixed with adjuvants. On the adaxial surface, the WG formulation has higher volumes of liquid retained while for the abaxial surface, in general, the formulation does not present significant interference. In most cases, greater retention of the spray mixture was found on the abaxial surface of the soybean leaflet, with emphasis on those containing the natural polymer J-S and the mineral oil Argenfrut. The reduction of the application rate to 50 L ha-1 and the association of the fungicide mancozebe with adjuvants can influence the severity of soybean rust, however, in general, if we consider only the reduction of the application rate, of 120 L ha-1 to 50 L ha-1, there is no interference in disease control, especially in early stag... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
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Dias, Jaine Aparecida de Camargo [UNESP]. "Enriquecimento de sementes de ervilha com molibdênio, fixação simbiótica de nitrogênio, produção e qualidade de sementes." Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), 2017.

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Submitted by Jaine Aparecida de Camargo Dias Dias ( on 2017-04-11T19:52:39Z No. of bitstreams: 1 jaine - Tese corrigida 03-04-2017prontoooo.pdf: 1143866 bytes, checksum: 9fa67396aff6d567d35e24c7086142ad (MD5)
Approved for entry into archive by Luiz Galeffi ( on 2017-04-17T19:31:57Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 dias_jac_dr_ilha.pdf: 1143866 bytes, checksum: 9fa67396aff6d567d35e24c7086142ad (MD5)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-04-17T19:31:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 dias_jac_dr_ilha.pdf: 1143866 bytes, checksum: 9fa67396aff6d567d35e24c7086142ad (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-03-02
A utilização de sementes ricas em molibdênio se constitui numa técnica promissora para sanar as deficiências desse micronutriente, o qual é importante para a fixação biológica do nitrogênio e metabolismo vegetal. O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar a produtividade das plantas, o teor de molibdênio e a qualidade fisiológica das sementes em resposta às fontes, doses e épocas de aplicação foliar de molibdênio, bem como, o grau de nodulação das plantas originadas de sementes enriquecidas com molibdênio. Para tanto, foi conduzido um experimento na área experimental da Fazenda de Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensão da Faculdade de Engenharia/UNESP – Campus de Ilha Solteira, situada no município de Selvíria - MS, no período de outono e inverno de 2015 e de 2016. O delineamento experimental utilizado nessa fase foi em blocos casualizados com os tratamentos distribuídos no arranjo fatorial 2 x 5 x 2 (duas fontes de molibdênio (molibdato de amônio com 81% de Mo e produto Geoclean com 15 % de Mo), cinco doses de Mo (0, 300, 600, 900 e 1.500 g ha-1) e duas épocas de aplicação (V4.6 e R1)), totalizando 20 tratamentos com quatro repetições. Foram avaliadas o número de vagens por planta, número de sementes por planta, número de sementes por vagem, massa de 100 sementes e a produtividade de grãos. Posteriormente, foram avaliados a qualidade fisiológica (germinação e vigor) e nutricional (teor de proteínas e molibdênio) das sementes colhidas, assim como, o potencial de formação de nódulos das plantas originadas por sementes, enriquecidas por molibdênio na fase de campo. Para averiguar a qualidade fisiológica, o delineamento foi o inteiramente casualizado, com os mesmos 20 tratamentos e 4 repetições. Ainda, foram avaliados o teor de molibdênio nas sementes, qualidade nutricional e teores de macronutrientes. Na investigação do potencial de nodulação, o experimento foi conduzido sob condições de casa de vegetação, em delineamento inteiramente casualizado com os 20 tratamentos, com as sementes obtidas da fase de campo, sendo inoculadas e semeadas em caixas plásticas contendo composto orgânico, semeando-se 20 sementes por caixa. Concluiu-se que as doses crescentes de molibdênio proporcionaram o enriquecimento do nutriente nas sementes de ervilha. A aplicação de molibdênio em ervilha deve ser efetuada no estádio R1. O produto Geoclean proporcionou maior acúmulo do nutriente, assim como, interferiu de forma positiva para a maioria dos atributos referentes à qualidade fisiológica das sementes de ervilha. A aplicação de molibdênio não promoveu aumento na produtividade de sementes de ervilha. O uso de sementes enriquecidas com Mo não favoreceu o processo de nodulação da ervilha.
The use of molybdenum-rich seeds constitutes a promising technique to remedy the deficiencies of this micronutrient, which is important for biological nitrogen fixation and plant metabolism. The objective of this work was to evaluate the plant productivity, molybdenum content and physiological quality of seeds in response to molybdenum foliar application, doses and times, as well as the degree of nodulation of the plants originated from seeds enriched with molybdenum. For that, an experiment was carried out in the experimental area of the Fazenda de Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensão da Faculdade de Engenharia/UNESP – Campus de Ilha Solteira, located in the country de Selvíria, MS, during the autumn and winter of 2015 and 2016. The experimental design used in this phase was randomized blocks with treatments distributed in the factorial arrangement 2 x 5 x 2 (two sources of molybdenum (ammonium molybdate with 81% Mo and Geoclean product with 15% Mo), five doses of Mo (0, 300, 600, 900 and 1,500 g ha-1) and two application times (V4.6 and R1), totaling 20 treatments with four replicates. The number of pods per plant, number of seeds per plant, number of seeds per pod, mass of 100 seeds and grain yield were evaluated. Afterwards, the physiological (germination and vigor) and nutritional quality (protein and molybdenum content) of the harvested seeds were evaluated, as well as the potential for nodule formation of seedlings enriched by molybdenum in the field phase. To determine the physiological quality, the design was completely randomized, with the same 20 treatments and 4 replicates. Also, the molybdenum content in the seeds, nutritional quality and macronutrient contents were evaluated. In the investigation of nodulation potential, the experiment was conducted under greenhouse conditions, in a completely randomized design with the 20 treatments, with the seeds obtained from the field phase, being inoculated and seeded in plastic boxes containing organic compound, 20 seeds per carton. It was concluded that increasing doses of molybdenum provided nutrient enrichment in pea seeds. The application of molybdenum to pea must be carried out at stage R1. The product Geoclean provided greater accumulation of the nutrient, as well as, it interfered in a positive way for most of the attributes related to the physiological quality of the pea seeds. The application of molybdenum did not promote increase in pea seed productivity. The use of seeds enriched with Mo did not favor the process of nodulation of the pea.
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Books on the topic "Foliar application"


Mitoff, S. D. Phosphate fertilization of pyritic waste: Foliar versus ground application to soya bean plants. S.l: s.n, 1987.

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M, Neumann Peter, ed. Plant growth and leaf-applied chemicals. Boca Raton, Fla: CRC Press, 1988.

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Maples, Richard L. Foliar and soil applications of nitrogen for cotton during the growing season: Yield response. Fayetteville, Ark: Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station, 1993.

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Veltman, C. J. The potential of poisoned foliage as bait for controlling feral goats (Capra hircus). Wellington, N.Z: Dept. of Conservation, 2002.

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Faust, James E., and John M. Dole, eds. Cut flowers and foliages. Wallingford: CABI, 2021.

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Abstract This book contains 8 chapters focusing on the breadth and depth of the cut flower and foliage industry, the production and postharvest handling of the most economically important cut flowers, specialty cut flowers, irrigation, fertilizer application, plant pests and diseases and their control and postharvest management, i.e. the harvesting, processing, storage, treatment and transport of these cut flowers.
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Bergin, Mark J. Response of sugar beet to applications of manganous oxide to the seed pellet and foliar spraysof manganese. Dublin: University College Dublin, 1996.

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Sundaram, K. M. S. Persistence and degradation of diflubenzuron in conifer foliage, forest litter and soil, following simulated aerial application. Sault Ste. Marie, Ont: Forest Pest Management Institute, 1986.

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Pogue, David. Makkintosshu shīkuretto =: Macintosh secrets. Tōkyō: Fusōsha, 1994.

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Pogue, David. Macworld Macintosh SECRETS. San Mateo, Calif: IDG Books, 1993.

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Joseph, Schorr, ed. Macworld Mac SECRETS. 5th ed. Foster City, CA: IDG Books Worldwide, 1999.

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Book chapters on the topic "Foliar application"


Krafsur, E. S., R. D. Moon, R. Albajes, O. Alomar, Elisabetta Chiappini, John Huber, John L. Capinera, et al. "Foliar Application." In Encyclopedia of Entomology, 1495. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2008.

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Vjaktkin, JU A., and E. F. Nejgebauer. "Results of “Wuxal Suspension” Application in Different Crops in the USSR." In Foliar Fertilization, 484–88. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1986.

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Wieneke, J., and W. Steffens. "Physiological Aspects of the Supplementary Foliar Application of P in Intensive Cereal Growing." In Foliar Fertilization, 408–25. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1986.

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El-Naggar, S. M., and F. Awad. "Effect of Foliar Application of Some Micronutrients on Plants Grown in New Reclaimed Areas." In Foliar Fertilization, 142–52. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1986.

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El-Fouly, Mohamed M., and A. J. Rezk. "Micronutrient Status of Some Food Crops - Increasing Yields Through Micronutrient Foliar Application in Behira/Egypt." In Foliar Fertilization, 153–66. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1986.

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Szirtes, Viktoria, János Szirtes, Sándor Varga, Jeno Balassa, István Mate, and József Ba’nfai. "Hormone Centered Theory and Practice of the Application of Foliar Fertilizers in Winter Wheat and Other Cereals." In Foliar Fertilization, 346–77. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1986.

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Maroto, J. V., J. Alagarda, B. Pascual, S. Lopez Galarza, and B. Cebolla. "Tipburn Incidence on Chinese Cabbage (Brassica campestris L. ssp pekinensis rupr.) Cultivated Under Greenhouse and its Prevention by Application of a High Calcium Foliage Fertilizer." In Foliar Fertilization, 325–34. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1986.

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Artyszak, Arkadiusz. "Silicon Foliar Application in Sugar Beet Production." In Sugar Beet Cultivation, Management and Processing, 315–25. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2022.

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Mitra, Sisir. "Plant nutrition and irrigation." In Guava: botany, production and uses, 148–71. Wallingford: CABI, 2021.

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Abstract This chapter focuses on plant nutrition and irrigation in guava production. Information is given on soil, salinity, nutrient uptake, role of nutrients, fertilizer rate and time of application, foliar application, integrated nutrient management, tissue analysis, organic production, water management, and fertigation.
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da Silva Folli-Pereira, Muriel, Alessandro Coutinho Ramos, Gabriela Chaves Canton, Juliana Melo da Conceição, Sávio Bastos de Souza, Antônio Jesus Dorighetto Cogo, Frederico Firme Figueira, Frederico Jacob Eutrópio, and Nazima Rasool. "Foliar application of trace elements in alleviating drought stress." In Water Stress and Crop Plants, 669–81. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2016.

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Conference papers on the topic "Foliar application"


Hanna, H. Mark, Alison Robertson, W. Mark Carlton, and Robert E. Wolf. "Foliar fungicide application techniques on soybeans." In Proceedings of the 16th Annual Integrated Crop Management Conference. Iowa State University, Digital Press, 2006.

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Alina-Nicoleta, Paraschiv, Dima Milica, Diaconu Aurelia, Enache Viorel, and Fătu Viorel. "PRELIMINARY RESULTS ON THE INFLUENCE OF THE F414 BIOLOGICAL PRODUCT ON SOME PHYSIOLOGICAL INDEXES FOR PEACHES GROWN UNDER THERMO-HYDRIC STRESS." In GEOLINKS Conference Proceedings. Saima Consult Ltd, 2021.

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On the peach species, Springold variety, research was conducted on the influence of the F414 biological product on some physiological indexes and processes carried out on the foliar level, the area of culture being characterized by an accentuated thermo-hydric stress during the summer. Photosynthetic gas exchange, foliar transpiration and stomatal conductance were determined with the portable LC PRO + apparatus, and the leaf water forms were determined gravimetrically, the results obtained being correlated with the meteorological data from the vegetation period. Applying the F414 to the Springold variety resulted in the formation of a pellicle on the surface of the leaves, which, together with the action of the thermo-hydric stress specific to the area, caused stomate closure, reduction of CO2 supply, photosynthesis values being considerably lower compared to the control variant. As for foliar transpiration, the F414 product had a positive effect, the pellicle formed on the surface of the leaves, reducing the amount of water lost to the foliage. The application of this product has positively influenced drought resistance of the Springold variety, the percentages of the bound water being higher (5.1%) compared to the control variant (3.96%).
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A study of the influence of foliar top dressing based on agrochemicals made it possible to establish a close correlation between the need of plants for elements of mineral nutrition and the total biological productivity of the grape bush. Trace elements contributed to the accelerated development of plants, increase stress resistance to adverse environmental conditions, increase plant immunity. As a result of the research, the optimal combination of foliar top dressing based on agrochemicals was revealed, which provides high agrobiological and economic indicators for the studied grape varieties with systemic use.
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Pedro D., Bocca R., Soria Carlos M., and Carelli A. Ricardo O. "Adaptive Configuration Arm for the Application of Foliar Actuation Liquid Treatments." In 2018 Argentine Conference on Automatic Control (AADECA). IEEE, 2018.

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KOCIRA, Anna, Sławomir KOCIRA, Urszula BRONOWICKA-MIELNICZUK, Rafał KORNAS, and Katarzyna KOZŁOWICZ. "FOLIAR APPLICATION OF BIOSTIMULANTS AND THE ANTIOXIDANT PROPERTIES OF SOYBEAN SEEDS." In IX International ScientificSymposium "Farm Machinery and Processes Management in Sustainable Agriculture". Departament of Machinery Exploittation and Management of Production Processes, University of Life Sciences in Lublin, 2017.

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Robertson, Alison, John Shriver, and Ken Pecinovsky. "Increasing the Odds of a Profitable Yield Response to Foliar Fungicide Application on Corn." In Proceedings of the 19th Annual Integrated Crop Management Conference. Iowa State University, Digital Press, 2008.

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Fokin, Sergey A. "Influence of application of foliar fertilizing with magnesium fertilizer AgroMag Aktimax on soybean productivity." In Агропромышленный комплекс: проблемы и перспективы развития. Благовещенск: Дальневосточный государственный аграрный университет, 2022.

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Petrova, Nia, Svetla Todinova, Stefka Taneva, Dimitrina Koleva, Petar Petrov, Violeta Velikova, and Sashka Krumova. "Functional and structural consequences of foliar application of single-walled carbon nanotubes on photosynthetic membranes." In RAD Conference. RAD Centre, 2021.

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Experiments involving a winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) variety ‘Širvinta 1’ were conducted at the Experimental Station of the Aleksandras Stulginskis University during the period 2006–2009 in limnoglacional silty loam on morainne clay loam Cal(ca)ri-Endohypogleyic Luvisol. Winter crops were grown on the background of N150P90K90 mineral fertilization and were additionally foliar-fertilized with amide nitrogen fertilizer, containing different concentrations of amino acids (0.5 %–3.0 %), at a winter wheat booting, heading and milk maturity stages. Experimental evidence showed that solutions with different amino acids concentrations applied for winter wheat fertilization at booting, heading and milk maturity stages increased plant photosynthetic indicators. Chlorophyll a to b ratio in winter wheat leaves significantly increased having applied 0.5–2.5 % amino acids solutions at booting and at milk maturity stages. Plants fertilized with amino acids solutions at booting stage had a possibility to form larger assimilating leaf area. Winter wheat grain yield significantly increased (0.27–0.4 t ha-1) under the effect of amino acids. The highest yield increases were obtained having applied amino acids at booting and heading growth stages. The statistical data analysis (xextr.) evidenced that the highest yield and its quality would be attained with foliar feeding of winter wheat with amino acids fertilizers: at booting stage with 2.4 %, at heading stage with 1.47 %, and milk maturity stage with 1.39 % amino acids solution.
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Elsheikh, Anwar E. "Effect of foliar application of some biocides on the predators associated withAphis craccivora(Koch) andBemisia tabaci(Genn)." In 2016 International Congress of Entomology. Entomological Society of America, 2016.

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Reports on the topic "Foliar application"


Mallarino, Antonio P., Daniel Kaiser, and Kevin Van Dee. Foliar Fertilization and Fungicide Application for Soybean. Ames: Iowa State University, Digital Repository, 2007.

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Shtienberg, Dan, William Fry, Amos Dinoor, Thomas Zitter, and Uzi Kafkafi. Reduction in Pesticide Use in Plant Disease Control by Integration of Chemical and Non-Chemical Factors. United States Department of Agriculture, May 1995.

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The long term goal of this research project was to improve control efficiency of Alternaria diseases while reducing fungicide use, by integration of chemical and non-chemical factors. Non-chemical factors were genotype resistance, age-related resistance and fertilizers. The Specific objectives were: 1) To quantify changes in resistance among genotypes and over time in terms of disease development and specific phases of the disease cycle; 2) To quantify the effects of fertilizers applied to the foliage alone, or in combination with a fungicide, on disease development; 3) To quantify the relative contribution of genotype resistance, age-related resistance and fungicide type to the reduction of disease development; 4) To develop a strategy for integration of chemical and non-chemical factors which will achieve optimal disease suppression. The influence of physiological age of cotton plants and of the individual leaves, on disease incidence and on the rate of lesion expansion of A. macrospora was examined on leaves sampled from the field. Both parameters increased with the physiological age of individual leaves but were not affected by the age of the whole plant. The hypothesis that enrichment of the foliage with nitrogen and potassium may enhance host resistance to Alternaria and thus reduce disease severity, was examined for potato and tomato (A. solani ) and for cotton (A. macrospora ). Under controlled environment conditions, application of urea or KNO3 resulted in some reduction in disease development; however, foliar application of both nutrients (8-10 sprays in total) did not affect Alternaria severity in the field. Systemic fungicides against Alternaria (e.g. , tebuconazole and difenoconazole) are more effective than the commonly used protectant fungicides (e.g. mancozeb and chlorothalonil). Concepts for the integration of genotype resistance, age-related resistances and fungicide for the suppression of Alternaria diseases were developed and evaluated. It was found that reduction in host resistance, with age and among genotypes, can be compensated for by adjusting the intensity of fungicide applications, i.e. by increasing the frequency of sprays and by spraying systemic fungicides towards the end of the season. In, moderately resistant cultivars protection can be achieved by spraying at longer intervals than susceptible cultivars. The concepts for integration were evaluated in field trials for cotton, potatoes and tomatoes. By following these concepts it was possible to save up to five sprays out of 8-10 in a growing season.
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Mudge, Christopher R., Kurt D. Getsinger, and Benjamin P. Sperry. Simulated Herbicide Spray Retention on Floating Aquatic Plants as Affected by Carrier Volume and Adjuvant Type. U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, June 2022.

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Foliar delivery of herbicides is a common means for plant management in aquatic environments. Though this technique is decades old, little is known about vegetative spray retention relative to this application method. A more complete understanding of maximizing herbicide retention could lead to improved plant management while simultaneously decreasing pesticide load in aquatic environments. Therefore, outdoor mesocosm experiments were conducted in 2020 to evaluate the effect of adjuvant type on foliar spray retention in waterhyacinth [Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms]. Additionally, the effect of carrier volume on spray retention in waterhyacinth, waterlettuce (Pistia stratiotes L.), and giant salvinia (Salvinia molesta D.S. Mitchell) was documented. Spray deposition did not differ among the nine adjuvants tested; however, spray retention was reduced 6% to 11% when an adjuvant was excluded from the spray solution. The effect of carrier volume on spray retention in waterhyacinth, waterlettuce, and giant salvinia was also investigated. Decreases in spray retention were most sensitive to increased carrier volume in waterhyacinth, followed by giant salvinia and waterlettuce. Among species, spray retention potential, as determined by intercept estimates, was greatest in waterlettuce and giant salvinia regardless of carrier volume. Asymptotes estimates for waterhyacinth, waterlettuce, and giant salvinia were 33%, 46%, and 79% spray retention, respectively. In other words, spray retention was the lowest and remained relatively constant at these values for the high carrier volumes tested (935 and 1,870 L ha⁻¹), which were likely due to the presence of pubescence on leaves and flatter leaf architecture represented by waterlettuce and giant salvinia compared to the glabrous vertical leaves of waterhyacinth. Future research will evaluate these concepts under field condition.
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Mudge, Christopher, and Michael Netherland. Evaluation of new endothall and florpyrauxifen-benzyl use patterns for controlling crested floating heart and giant salvinia. Engineer Research and Development Center (U.S.), November 2020.

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The purpose of this research was to (1) evaluate concentration exposure time (CET) relationships for florpyrauxifen-benzyl (ProcellaCOR) for control of the floating leaved plant crested floating heart (Nymphoides cristata, CFH) and (2) evaluate foliar applications of endothall (Aquathol K) for control of CFH and the floating fern giant salvinia (Salvinia molesta).
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Lang, Brian, and Kenneth Pecinovsky. Foliar Micronutrients, Growth Regulator, Lime and Calcium Applications for Alfalfa Production. Ames: Iowa State University, Digital Repository, 2015.

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Poon, Nelson. RF Metamaterials for Foliage Penetration (FOPEN) Application. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, February 2013.

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Lang, Brian J., and Kenneth T. Pecinovsky. Foliar Micronutrients, Growth Regulator, Lime and High-Rate Calcium Applications for Alfalfa Production. Ames (Iowa): Iowa State University, January 2015.

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Carin, Lawrence. Multi-Level Fast Multipole Algorithm w/ Application to Foliage Penetrating Radar. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, September 2000.

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RICHARDS, JOHN A. The Use of Multiple-Polarization Data in Foliage Penetrating (FOPEN) Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Applications. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), July 2002.

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Mudge, Christopher R., and Kurt D. Getsinger. Comparison of Generic and Proprietary Aquatic Herbicides for Control of Invasive Vegetation : Part 2. Emergent Plants. Engineer Research and Development Center (U.S.), November 2021.

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Aquatic herbicides are one of the most effective and widespread ways to manage nuisance vegetation in the US After the active ingredient is selected, often there are numerous proprietary and generic branded products to select from. To date, limited efforts have been made to compare the efficacy of brand name and generic herbicides head to head; therefore, at tot al of 20 mesocosm trials were conducted to evaluate various 2,4 -D, glyphosate, imazapyr, and triclopyr products against alligatorweed (Alternanthera philoxeroides (Mart.) Griseb.), southern cattail (hereafter referred to as cattail, Typha domingensis Pers.), and creeping water primrose (hereafter referred as primrose, Ludwigia peploides (Kunth) P.H. Raven). All active ingredients were applied to foliage at broadcast rates commonly used in applications to public waters. Proprietary and generic 2,4 -D, glyphosate, imazapyr, and triclopyr were efficacious and provided 39 to 99% control of alligatorweed, cattail and primrose in 19 of the 20 trials. There were no significant differences i n product performance except glyphosate vs. alligatorweed (trial 1, Rodeo vs. Roundup Custom) and glyphosate vs. cattail (trial 1, Rodeo vs. Glyphosate 5.4). These results demonstrate under small -scale conditions, the majority of the generic and proprietary herbicides provided similar control of emergent vegetation, regardless of active ingredient
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