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Massin, P., C. Lautridou, M. Cappelli, A. Petit, G. Odri, F. Ducellier, C. Sabatier, et al. "Prothèse totale sur genou avec raideur de la flexion." Revue de Chirurgie Orthopédique et Traumatologique 95, no. 4 (June 2009): 2–8.

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Michaud, Y., and J. Y. Nordin. "Étude cinématique de la flexion-extension du genou à l’aide d’électrogoniomètre." Revue de Chirurgie Orthopédique et Réparatrice de l'Appareil Moteur 91, no. 1 (February 2005): 44–50.

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Frenot, Charlotte, and Bernard Petitdant. "Flexion du genou après arthroplastie totale, comparaison de deux positions de goniométrie." Kinésithérapie, la Revue 13, no. 133 (January 2013): 32–37.

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Blache, Yoann, Biova Kouevidjin, Jacques de Guise, Raphaël Dumas, Adnan Saithna, Bertrand Sonnery-Cottet, and Mathieu Thaunat. "Comportement de la reconstruction latérale du genou lors d’une flexion de genou en charge et d’un pivot-shift : une étude de simulation." Revue de Chirurgie Orthopédique et Traumatologique 105, no. 4 (June 2019): 446–51.

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Bercovy, Michel, Benjamin Lefebvre, and Julien Beldame. "Facteurs ayant une influence sur la flexion postopératoire des prothèses totales de genou (PTG)." Revue de Chirurgie Orthopédique et Traumatologique 99, no. 7 (November 2013): S376.

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Viel, Timothée, Morgan Laigle, Bertille Charruau, Charles Casin, and Pascal Bizot. "Retentissement fonctionnel à court terme de l’équilibre ligamentaire en flexion des prothèses totales de genou." Revue de Chirurgie Orthopédique et Traumatologique 99, no. 7 (November 2013): S355.

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Massin, P., F. R. Dupuy, H. Khlifi, C. Fornasieri, T. De Polignac, P. Schifrine, C. Farenq, and P. Mertl. "Le modèle Hyperflex de prothèse totale de genou améliore-t-il la flexion postopératoire des patients ?" Revue de Chirurgie Orthopédique et Traumatologique 96, no. 4 (June 2010): 445–50.

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Pasquier, G., B. Tillie, S. Parratte, Y. Catonné, J. Chouteau, G. Deschamps, J. N. Argenson, M. Bercovy, and J. Salleron. "Influence de facteurs préopératoires sur le gain de mobilité en flexion après arthroplastie totale de genou." Revue de Chirurgie Orthopédique et Traumatologique 101, no. 6 (October 2015): 446–50.

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Langlois, Karine, Patricia Thoreux, Helène Pillet, François Lavaste, Goulven Rochcongar, and Wafa Skalli. "Étude de la répétabilité du repositionnement du tibia en flexion du genou lors d’imageries multivues EOS." Revue de Chirurgie Orthopédique et Traumatologique 101, no. 7 (November 2015): S252—S253.

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Imbert, P., C. Lutz, L. Niglis, B. Freychet, F. Dalmay, and B. Sonnery-Cottet. "Isométrie du ligament antéro-lateral du genou en flexion et rotation tibiale interne : étude cadavérique naviguée." Revue de Chirurgie Orthopédique et Traumatologique 101, no. 8 (December 2015): e9.

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Berthomé, Alexandre, Thierry Ferrus, Jean-Philippe Viseu, Philippe Villeneuve, Pierre Olivier Morin, and Frédéric Viseux. "Évaluation de l’effet de stimulations plantaires de type « Bande interne® » sur la flexion de genou." Neurophysiologie Clinique 48, no. 6 (December 2018): 324.

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Joubrel, I., B. Nicolas, S. Robineau, A. C. De Crouy, G. Edan, R. Brissot, and P. Gallien. "Évaluation isocinétique de la flexion-extension du genou chez les patients ambulatoires atteints de sclérose en plaques." Annales de Réadaptation et de Médecine Physique 43, no. 3 (March 2000): 138–44.

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Feron, Mathieu, Goulven Rochcongar, Vincent Pineau, Etienne Salle De Chou, Valentin Chapus, Michel Pegoix, and Christophe Hulet. "Évaluation du saignement périopératoire des prothèses totales de genou après 12heures de mise en flexion à 90°." Revue de Chirurgie Orthopédique et Traumatologique 102, no. 7 (November 2016): S184.

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Divay, E., G. Lensel-Corbeil, Ph Voisin, and J. L. Vanhee. "Evolution Du Rapport De Force Ischio-Jambier/Quadriceps Au Cours De Mouvements Isocinetiques De Flexion-Extension De Genou." Archives of Physiology and Biochemistry 103, no. 3 (January 1, 1995): C135.

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Curado, Jonathan, Tony Ameline, Goulven Rochcongar, Jean-Jacques Parienti, Vincent Pineau, and Christophe Hulet. "Étude des facteurs prédictifs d’une bonne flexion postopératoire d’une arthroplastie totale de genou – à propos de 187 cas." Revue de Chirurgie Orthopédique et Traumatologique 101, no. 7 (November 2015): S140.

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Autissier, Guillaume, Romain Letartre, and François Gougeon. "40 Influence de l’offset fémoral postérieur sur la flexion après arthroplastie totale de genou, à propos de 124 cas." Revue de Chirurgie Orthopédique et Réparatrice de l'Appareil Moteur 93, no. 7 (November 2007): 47.

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Laborde, A., F. Caillet, M. Eyssette, and D. Boisson. "Analyse préliminaire 3D de la marche de l’hémiplégique : rôle de la flexion du genou dans la stratégie de récupération fonctionnelle." Annales de Réadaptation et de Médecine Physique 46, no. 3 (April 2003): 132–37.

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Vautier, A., C. Coffineau, N. Lampire, and P. Carne. "Effet d’une séance utilisant le robot de marche chez des patients présentant un déficit de flexion de genou en phase oscillante." Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine 56 (October 2013): e183.

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Maclean, C., A. H. Deakin, and F. Picard. "L’évaluation de sa flexion postopératoire par le patient après prothèse du genou est-elle capable d’identifier le risque de mobilisation sous anesthésie ?" Revue de Chirurgie Orthopédique et Traumatologique 98, no. 6 (October 2012): 595–96.

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Rochcongar, G., H. Pillet, E. Bergamini, P. Thoreux, and P. Rouch. "Enregistrement de l’anatomie, de la cinématique et des variations de longueurs des ligaments au cours d’un mouvement de flexion passif du genou." Revue de Chirurgie Orthopédique et Traumatologique 100, no. 8 (December 2014): e38-e39.

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Massin, Philippe, Edouard Lefevre, and Julien Serane. "La stabilisation de l’espace en flexion par augmentation du débord condylien postérieur ne compromet pas la flexion dans les prothèses de genou hypercongruentes : résultats à moyen terme d’une série rétrospective observationnelle mono-opérateur." Revue de Chirurgie Orthopédique et Traumatologique 105, no. 6 (October 2019): 670–76.

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Agrawal, N., G. Basdekis, P. Djian, G. Makridis, and A. Wajsfisz. "Relations des structures anatomiques neuro-vasculaires avec les voies d’abords arthroscopiques postérieures et trans-septales dans les différents degrés de flexion du genou." Revue de Chirurgie Orthopédique et Traumatologique 99, no. 8 (December 2013): e14-e15.

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Duporté, Léonard, Florent Gaillard, Louis Dagneaux, Patrick Faure, Julien Bourlez, and François Canovas. "La flexion du genou lors de la fixation d’un transplant os-tendon-os pour ligamentoplastie du croisé antérieur influence-t-elle la laximétrie instrumentale ?" Revue de Chirurgie Orthopédique et Traumatologique 104, no. 8 (December 2018): S90—S91.

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Massin, P., F. R. Dupuy, H. Khlifi, C. Fornasieri, T. De Polignac, P. Schifrine, C. Farenq, and P. Mertl. "Erratum à « Le modèle Hyperflex de prothèse totale de genou améliore-t-il la flexion postopératoire des patients ? » [Rev Chir Orthop 96 (2010):445–450]." Revue de Chirurgie Orthopédique et Traumatologique 97, no. 5 (September 2011): 561.

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Tillie, Bruno, François Quandalle, and Nicolas Tarissi. "La modification de l’encombrement fémoro-patellaire a-t-elle une incidence sur l’amplitude de flexion du genou dans l’arthroplastie totale. Analyse de 804 prothèses naviguées." Revue de Chirurgie Orthopédique et Traumatologique 103, no. 7 (November 2017): S104—S105.

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Gross, Raphaël, Johanna Robertson, Fabien Leboeuf, Olivier Hamel, Sylvain Brochard, and Brigitte Perrouin-Verbe. "Efficacité de la neurotomie du rectus femoris sur la marche avec défaut de flexion de genou en phase oscillante chez le patient avec parésie spastique." Neurophysiologie Clinique/Clinical Neurophysiology 46, no. 4-5 (November 2016): 261.

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Hellio le Graverand, M. P., M. Piperno, T. Conrozier, and E. Vignon. "Mesure de l'interligne articulaire du genou. Reproductibilité et sensibilité au changement des radiographies réalisées selon le protocole du Lyon schuss (LS) et du “Fixed-flexion” (FF)." Revue du Rhumatisme 73, no. 10-11 (November 2006): 1099–100.

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Abi Safi, Claude, Georges Basdekis, and Pascal Christel. "296 Quelle flexion donner au genou lors du perçage des tunnels fémoraux par la porte antéromédiale lors de la reconstruction anatomique du LCA à deux faisceaux ?" Revue de Chirurgie Orthopédique et Réparatrice de l'Appareil Moteur 93, no. 7 (November 2007): 160.

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Furumatsu, Takayuki, Takaaki Hiranaka, Yuya Kodama, Yusuke Kamatsuki, Yuki Okazaki, Tadashi Yamawaki, Hirosuke Endo, and Toshifumi Ozaki. "Les longueurs intra-articulaires des greffons à double faisceau peuvent changer pendant la flexion du genou : mesures peropératoires lors de reconstructions anatomiques du ligament croisé antérieur." Revue de Chirurgie Orthopédique et Traumatologique 107, no. 2 (April 2021): 244–45.

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Omar, A., C. Galarraga, Néjib Khouri, Vincent Vigneron, Bernadette Dorizzi, and Eric Desailly. "Machine learning et chirurgie neuro-orthopédique – prédiction de la flexion du genou et de l’antéversion du bassin postopératoires au contact initial chez les enfants atteints de paralysie cérébrale." Revue de Chirurgie Orthopédique et Traumatologique 101, no. 7 (November 2015): S159.

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Abisafi, C., G. Basdekis, and P. Christel. "21 L’influence de l’angle de flexion du genou sur les caractéristiques du tunnel fémoral antéromédial lorsque il est percé par la porte antéromédiale lors de la reconstruction du LCA." Revue de Chirurgie Orthopédique et Réparatrice de l'Appareil Moteur 92, no. 8 (December 2006): 64.

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Hameau, S., N. Roche, D. Bensmail, D. Pradon, and R. Zory. "Effet d’une injection de toxine botulique du rectus femoris chez des sujets hémiplégiques marchant avec une flexion de genou réduite : effet analytique et sur l’organisation générale de la marche." Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine 55 (October 2012): e324.

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Koo, Kevin, Amila Silva, Hwei Chi Chong, Pak Lin Chin, Shi Lu Chia, Ngai Ngung Lo, and Seng Jin Yeo. "Genu Recurvatum versus Fixed Flexion after Total Knee Arthroplasty." Clinics in Orthopedic Surgery 8, no. 3 (2016): 249.

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Mehta, SN, and AK Mukherjee. "Flexion osteotomy of the femur for genu recurvatum after poliomyelitis." Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. British volume 73-B, no. 2 (March 1991): 200–202.

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Gugenheim, Joseph J., Robert K. Rosenthal, and Sheldon R. Simon. "Knee Flexion Deformities and Genu Recurvatum in Cerebral Palsy: Roentgenographic Findings." Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology 21, no. 5 (November 12, 2008): 563–71.

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Dr. Abhijit Shinde, Dr. Sunil Natha Mhaske, and Dr. Sonal Shinde. "Congenital Genu Recurvatum." VIMS Health Science Journal 7, no. 3 (October 15, 2020): 87–88.

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Congenital genu recurvatum is a rare malformation characterized by hyperextension of the knee and marked limitation of flexion1. We report a case of a newborn baby with hyperextension of right knee joint and anterior dislocation of tibia on femur. A full term baby girl born by normal vaginal delivery, presented with extreme hyperextension of right knee. Right knee was straightened passively. There were no associated anomalies. Radiograph revealed anterior dislocation of tibia on femur. Both hips were normal. Gentle manipulation followed by above knee slab was used on the first day of life. The slab was removed in three weeks. In three weeks, the knee adopted a normal shape. The slab was discontinued and the mother was advised to continue passive stretching. A follow up at the age of one month showed normal position of the knee.
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Jafarnezhadgero, AmirAli, Arefeh Mokhtari Malek Abadi, Ali Yadegar, Farshad Ghorbanloo, and Aydin Valizadeh Orang. "The effect of graded knee brace at two angles of 60 and 30 degrees on the frequency spectrum of ground reaction forces in individuals with genu valgum during landing." Medical Journal of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences 43, no. 2 (May 23, 2021): 220–29.

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Background: Genu valgum is a postural malalignment in the knee joint. This malalignment is accompanied by altered mechanical forces in the tibiofemoral and patellofemoral joints. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of using a graded knee brace in two angles of 60 and 30 degrees on the frequency spectrum of ground reaction forces in individuals with genu valgum during landing. Methods: The present study was semi-experimental. Twenty non-athlete male students with genu valgus (age range: 20-30 years) were volunteered to participate in the study. The landing task was done during three conditions including without a knee brace, with a brace at two 30 and 60 degrees of flexion from a height of equal to 30 cm. Bertec force plate was used to record ground reaction forces. Fourier transform was used to calculate ground reaction force-frequency content during both landing conditions with and without a knee brace. Results: The results of this study showed a significant reduction in the frequency content with a power of 99.5% in the mediolateral direction (P=0.02; high effect size) and vertical direction (P=0.075; high effect effect) during landing with a knee brace at 60 degrees of flexion angle compared with without knee brace condition. Also, the median frequency component in the mediolateral direction (P=0.019; low effect size) and in the anterior-posterior direction (P=0.019; high effect effect) showed a significant decrease during wearing a knee brace compared with without it. Conclusion: Regarding the decreasing of median frequency after using the knee brace, it might be effective in the reduction of injury rate in individuals with genu valgum. However, further study warranted to better establish this issue.
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Kuncoro, Jimmy, Muhammad Bayu Zohari Hutagalung, and Dwikora Novembri Utomo. "Malunion fracture of supracondylar femur sinistra with post traumatic arthritis and stiffness at genu sinistra: a case report." International Surgery Journal 9, no. 1 (December 28, 2021): 200.

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Post-traumatic osteoarthritis could emerge immediately after an injury or one year after a bone fracture, ligament injury, and meniscal tears. In this case report, we present a 30 years old male who previously suffered from joint injury and thus lost the ability to flexion. This patient has already under went internal bone implantation surgery involving the implantation but was removed due to pain, and there was protruding implant on the left knee. On physical examination, there was varus deformity with flexion ranged between 0-5°. On radiological examination, malunion and narrowing of the joint surface were, as shown, clinically inhibit the flexion of the knee. We diagnose the patient with malunion supracondylar femur sinistra and post traumatic osteoarthritis genu sinistra. Liberation procedure (soft tissues release) and osteotomy of the distal femur were performed on this patient. On post-op radiological examination, the implant successfully widens the joint surface and holds the fracture fragment after it was reduced. The joint was immediately mobilize using the machine. It was shown that in a relatively short period, the range of motion could reach 90°. Three months post-op, evaluation was done, and it was clearly shown that the range of motion had not decreased.
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Beslikas, Theodoros, Andreas Christodoulou, Anastasios Chytas, Ioannis Gigis, and John Christoforidis. "Genu Recurvatum Deformity in a Child due to Salter Harris Type V Fracture of the Proximal Tibial Physis Treated with High Tibial Dome Osteotomy." Case Reports in Orthopedics 2012 (2012): 1–6.

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Salter-Harris type V fracture is a very rare injury in the immature skeleton. In most cases, it remains undiagnosed and untreated. We report a case of genu recurvatum deformity in a 15-year-old boy caused by a Salter-Harris type V fracture of the proximal tibial physis. The initial X-ray did not reveal fracture. One year after injury, genu recurvatum deformity was detected associated with significant restriction of knee flexion and limp length discrepancy (2 cm) as well as medial and posterior instability of the joint. Further imaging studies revealed anterior bone bridge of the proximal tibial physis. The deformity was treated with a high tibial dome osteotomy combined with a tibial tubercle osteotomy stabilized with malleolar screws and a cast. Two years after surgery, the patient gained functional knee mobility without clinical instability. Firstly, this case highlights the importance of early identification of this rare lesion (Salter-Harris type V fracture) and, secondly, provides an alternative method of treatment for genu recurvatum deformity.
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Galeno, Lygia Silva, Thiago Martins Souza, Alex Cardoso de Melo, Bruno Martins Araújo, and Tiago Barbalho Lima. "Tratamento conservativo de Genu recurvatum bilateral em cão – relato de caso." Revista Agraria Academica 4, no. 1 (January 1, 2021): 77–83.

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We report the case of a dog, 2 months old, who had hyperextension of the pelvic limbs and impossibility of joint flexion since birth. Based on clinical findings and complementary exams, a diagnosis of Genu recurvatum was established, from which, using moderate clinical signs, a conservative treatment was chosen, which consisted of immobilization, which were changed every four days. The patient achieved functional recovery of the limbs with 12 days of bandaging, with a favorable result, as he restored the functionality of the limbs. Adequate knowledge of the technique for making the bandage is important for the success of the treatment and to avoid complications related to immobilization.
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Cotic, Matthias, Korbinian Ksoll, Knut Beitzel, Wolfgang Seiberl, Andreas B. Imhoff, Ansgar Schwirtz, Florian Kreuzpointner, and Andrea Achtnich. "Objective visualization of the effect of different knee flexion angles on medial-lateral displacement of the knee center in frontal plane during single-Leg Squat." Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine 8, no. 9_suppl7 (September 1, 2020): 2325967120S0051.

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Introduction: The subjective single-leg squat (SLS) test can be used as a functional diagnostic agent to prevent knee injuries. [1] However, there are missing objective data about its functional rating, performance, squat depth and medio-lateral knee displacement in the frontal plane. [2] There-fore, the purpose of this pilot study was to evaluate the medio-lateral knee displacement in the frontal plane with a 3D motion capture system at different knee flexion angles during the SLS in healthy patients. Hypotheses: The hypothesis was that according to different knee flexion angles, there is a variability of medial knee displacement (= valgus positions) in healthy patients. Methods: 17 healthy and sporty subjects (9 ♀/ 8 ♂, age 25±4 years, BMI 24±2 kg/m2) participated in this study. Exclusion criteria were balance disorders, hip knee and/ or ankle complaints, sur-gery history, high deviation in lower extremity axis (i.e. Genu varum/ Genu valgus). Knee dis-placement was measured by 3D motion analysis system (Vicon Motion Systems, Oxford, UK) using a modified method of Krosshaug et al. [3] Thus, knee displacement was defined as distance between knee joint center and reference plane including the calculated hip and ankle joint center and the fixed toe marker on the second metatarsal head. A positive knee dis-placement was associated with a knee valgus, a knee varus was described as negative knee displacement. Every participant did 12 single-leg squats on each side. Results: The following knee flexion angles of all SLSs were captured (°, mean and standard deviation (±)): start position at 11 ± 6; downward phase at 40 ± 0 and 60 ± 0; maximum at 86 ± 16; up-ward phase at 60 ± 0 and 40 ± 0; end position at 8 ± 6. The medio-lateral knee displacement of all SLSs showed at the mentioned knee flexion an-gles the following values respectively (mm, median, interquartile range (25th - 75th quartile)): -12 (-19 to -5); 0 (-9 to 7); 13 (-2 to 28); 38 (8 to 61); 17 (0 to 36); 4 (-6 to 16); -15 (-22 to -7). Conclusion: According to different knee flexion angles, there is a variability of medio-lateral knee dis-placements in healthy patients. This variability should be included in the functional rating of a SLS as well as in the interpretation of different knee pathologies. Moreover, it provides an objective basis in the prediction of knee injuries.
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Jalil, Andrés M., Cristian A. Ferreyra, Mauricio Balla, Fabián J. Castellán, and Pablo S. Mancini. "Unstable osteoarthritis genu varum. Our experience." Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine 5, no. 1_suppl (January 1, 2017): 2325967117S0000.

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Background: The natural evolution of chronic anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) failure is the progressive deterioration of articular cartilage of the knee, which consequences are the arthrosis and the secondary misalignment. This is an increasingly common in middle-aged patients (30-50 years). Also, these patients are demanding reinstatement expectation of sporting activity, claiming that refund promptly and at the same level prior to the injury. Objectives: Communicate the experience in our service, of treatment implement in young adults patients with misalignment., osteoarthritis and instability anteroposterior; describe the algorithm used and technique surgical. Study desing: Case study series; level of evidence 3. Methods: Series case study, retrospective. There were 15 valgus osteotomies additive of tibia with plastic ligaments of anterior cruciate ligament (in a same time surgical) in the period between 2014 and 2015. Results: Average monitoring of 8 months. The following parameters were evaluated pre and postoperative: pain (EVA 3.06 / 0.8), instability (Lachman 1.4 / 0.6), Score of Lysholm (83.9 / 108/5), thigh circumference (-0.13 cm / -1.86 cm) and range of motion (flexion and extension). Conclusion: The instability on knees with misalignment, increases progression of osteoarthritis. The presence of pain, misalignment and instability, will guide the therapeutic indication. If we make an indicated process (osteotomy and ACL) in the indicated time and in the indicated patient, we can get as excellent results like in our series, delaying the natural progression of the arthrosis. In this way, we increase the expectations of return to practice recreational sports of our patients.
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Cotic, Matthias, Korbinian Ksoll, Andrea Achtnich, Knut Beitzel, Wolfgang Seiberl, Andreas B. Imhoff, Ansgar Schwirtz, and Florian Kreuzpointner. "Role of activation patterns of hip muscles in single-leg squats in healthy patients." Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine 8, no. 9_suppl7 (September 1, 2020): 2325967120S0051.

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Introduction: A risk factor for knee injuries is the medio-lateral displacement of the knee joint during a single-leg squat (SLS). It is to be supposed that different activation patterns of hip muscles are related to the medio-lateral displacement of the knee (1). Yet, little is known about the electromyographic (EMG) ratio between gluteus medius (GM) and the adductor muscles (ADD) at different knee flexion angles (2). Therefore, the EMG ratio between GM and ADD at different knee flexion angles was assessed during the SLS. These data should build a normative data base of healthy controls for getting in-sights on knee injury prevention. Hypotheses: The hypothesis was that according to different knee flexion angles, there is a variabil-ity of the EMG ratio between GM and ADD in healthy patients. Methods: A total of 17 healthy subjects (9 female/ 8 male, age of 25±4 years, BMI of 24±2 kg/m2) were included into the study. Exclusion criteria were Genu varum or Genu val-gum and pathologies which might affect coordination abilities of the lower extremities. Knee flexion angle was captured with a 3D motion analysis system (Vicon Motion Systems, Oxford,UK). Muscle activity of GM and ADD was measured by surface electromyography (Myon AG Schwarzener, CH). The EMG signal (10-500Hz band-pass filter, rectified, 250ms moving average) was normalized to maximum EMG am-plitude during a static maximum voluntary contraction against a handheld dynamome-ter (MicroFET2, Hoggan Scientific, UT, USA). The EMG ratio was defined as muscle activity of GM [%max] divided by muscle activity of ADD [%max]. Every participant did 12 single-leg squats on each side. Results: EMG ratio (median, interquartile range (25th - 75th quartile)) was calculated at the fol-lowing knee flexion angles (mean ± SD): EMG ratio at start position (11°±6°) = 2.5 (1.9 – 4.2), EMG ratio at 40° downward movement = 1.5 (1.1 – 2.7), EMG ratio at 60° downward movement = 1.2 (0.9 – 2.2), EMG ratio at maximum flexion angle (86°±16°) = 1.3 (0.9 – 1.9), EMG ratio at 60° upward movement = 2.0 (1.2 – 3.3), EMG ratio at 40° upward movement = 2.3 (1.5 – 4.4), EMG ratio at end position (8°±6°) = 3.2 (2.3 – 5.4). Conclusion: In the literature, the mean EMG ratios between GM and ADD at maximum knee flex-ion were ranged from 1.3 to 1.9 in healthy patients (3,4) and are comparable to our findings. The knee and hip have to be more stabilized during the upward movement by higher EMG ratios. The lower EMG ratio in the downward phase might be associated, amongst others, with the eccentrical deceleration movement. We assume that the consistently higher activation of the GM is attributed to its function as an essential hip stabilizer as well as to avoid a collapse in the knee joint in every single-leg situation. Therefore, we recommend hip abductor focused training to prevent knee injuries. Our results provide a basis for the comparison with patients and for the interpretation of medio-lateral displacements of the knee joint during a SLS.
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Wylie, James D., Bastian Scheiderer, Elifho Obopilwe, Joshua B. Baldino, Colin Pavano, Craig J. Macken, Ryan Bell, Augustus D. Mazzocca, Robert A. Arciero, and Florian B. Imhoff. "The Effect of Lateral Opening Wedge Distal Femoral Varus Osteotomy on Tibiofemoral Contact Mechanics Through Knee Flexion." American Journal of Sports Medicine 46, no. 13 (September 28, 2018): 3237–44.

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Background: Lateral opening wedge distal femoral osteotomy (DFO) unloads a diseased lateral compartment of the knee in patients with genu valgum. To the best of our knowledge, there are no biomechanical studies investigating the effect of knee flexion on contact pressure and area after DFO. Hypothesis: As knee flexion angles increase, DFO will be less effective at unloading the lateral compartment of the knee. Study Design: Controlled laboratory study. Methods: Lateral opening wedge DFO was performed, correcting a mean of 7°, in 10 cadaveric knees using plate fixation. Tibiofemoral contact pressure was measured in 0°, 15°, 30°, 45°, 60°, and 75° of knee flexion before and after osteotomy using electronic sensors. Peak contact pressure (PCP), mean contact pressure (MCP), and contact area were measured for each condition. Anatomic dissection quantified the tibiofemoral contact position on the distal femur in all degrees of flexion. Mixed-effects regression analyses were used to compare the change in variables before and after osteotomy and between flexion angles. Results: One sample had to be excluded because of tibiofemoral arthritis. MCP decreased in the lateral compartment after DFO throughout all degrees of flexion (all P < .05) but to the greatest extent in 0° of flexion. When examining the percentage of MCP in the lateral compartment, this decreased after DFO at 0° (70.4% to 40.0%; P < .001), 15° (65.1% to 52.1%; P < .001), 30° (60.7% to 52.0%; P = .003), 45° (55.8% to 49.7%; P = .033), and 60° (51.9% to 44.2%; P = .010) but not at 75° (50.2% to 45.3%; P = .112). PCP decreased in the lateral compartment after DFO at 0° (2.41 to 1.34 MPa; P < .001), 15° (2.50 to 1.81 MPa; P < .001), 30° (2.28 to 1.93 MPa; P = .039), 45° (2.21 to 1.73 MPa; P = .005), 60° (2.15 to 1.71 MPa; P = .009), and 75° (1.95 to 1.49 MPa; P = .012). The percentage of contact area decreased in the lateral compartment in full extension (68.7% to 48.1%; P = .007) but not at any other degree of flexion (all P > .05). Conclusion: DFO decreased lateral compartment pressure. However, it had the greatest effect in full knee extension. Clinical Relevance: DFO decreased contact pressure in the lateral compartment but more effectively decreased contact pressure in the more anterior aspects of the femoral articular cartilage.
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Okumus, Ayhan. "Combination of Lipofilling With Liposuction in the Correction of Pseudo Genu Varus Deformity." Aesthetic Surgery Journal 40, no. 3 (November 2, 2019): NP94—NP100.

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Abstract Background The combined use of lipofilling and liposuction has not been reported for the correction of pseudo genu varus deformity. Objectives The aim of this study was to evaluate the utility of combined liposuction and lipofilling for a bilateral correction of pseudo genu varus deformity based on a single-center experience over a 13-year period. Methods A total of 72 patients with pseudo genu varus deformity treated with combined liposuction and lipofilling were included. Data on postoperative complications, the need for additional rounds of lipofilling, and aesthetic outcomes over an average of 5 years (range, 1-9 years) were recorded. Results Fat harvested from the upper medial portion of the knee was sufficient for lipofilling in 12 (16.7%) patients, and additional donor sites were used in 60 (83.3%) patients. A second round of lipofilling (average, 20 mL; range, 15-50 mL) was required in 17 (23.6%) patients within 6 months to 1 year after the operation. The need for additional lipofilling or liposuction was not noted for any other patients. None of the patients developed major complications such as fat necrosis, infections, contour deformities, or medial concavities during knee flexion. Conclusions The current findings strongly suggest that the combined use of liposuction and lipofilling for the correction of pseudo genu varus deformity is a feasible, effective, and safe alternative that seems to offer additional benefits compared with fat grafting alone, including a fast recovery, a low risk of complications, and an increased likelihood of a long-lasting correction of the calf contour. Level of Evidence: 4
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Song, Okhee, Kook-Eun Seo, David Michael O’Sullivan, and Jung-Jun Park. "A Biomechanical Analysis of the Effect of Pilates Exercise on Female College Students with Knee Joint Deformity." Asian Journal of Kinesiology 23, no. 3 (July 31, 2021): 20–28.

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BACKGROUND Current research on genu varum shows the favorable influence of exercise on the biomechanics of the knee joint by reducing the static malalignment and mechanical imbalances, however the transference to a more optimum gait has not been investigated.OBJECTIVES To investigate the effects of Pilates exercise on the changes of gait and lower limb malalignment in female students with genu varum.METHODS A total of 23 female college students with verified genu varum participated in this study. The participants were randomly assigned to two groups a Pilates exercise group (n=15) and a control group (n=8). The Pilates exercise group participated in 1 hour Pilates exercise 3 times per week for a total of 10 weeks. Each of the participants had an X-ray and performed gait 5 times before and after the exercise treatment. The participants kinetic and kinematic data were gathered using an eight Vicon Motion camera system and two force platforms.RESULTS For the Pilates group gait their maximum extension and internal rotation knee moment, and maximum adduction and internal rotation hip moment significantly increased, while the maximum knee moment flexion decreased. For the control group gait their maximum hip extension and hip adduction moment significantly decreased. For the Pilates group there was a significant reduction in the distance from the anatomical axis to the weight bearing line in the left leg, but there was no significant change for the control group.CONCLUSIONS The results suggest that Pilates exercise may be beneficial for females with genu varum by helping to improve both their static alignment and helping their gait to become more balanced.
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Carvajal Oviedo, Hugo Eduardo, Gladys Betty Chambi Cahuana, Erika Sakuma Calatayud, Paola Mariana Cáceres Gonzales, and Marisabel Tiñini Rufino. "Posición del cuerpo de la víctima en el lugar de los hechos." Revista Científica de Salud UNITEPC 5, no. 2 (October 15, 2018): 28–63.

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Los cuerpos sin vida adoptan siempre una posición final con la que son encontrados en el lugar de los hechos. En este artículo se describen las distintas posiciones cadavéricas, para especificar el tipo de posición cadavérica se toma como base el plano horizontal del cuerpo, denominándose decúbito, entre las posiciones cadavéricas tenemos: decúbito dorsal, decúbito ventral o prono, decúbito lateral derecho, decúbito lateral izquierdo, posición en rana, posición geno/cubital, posición geno/pectoral, posición sedente, la suspensión completa, suspensión completa invertida, suspensión incompleta, sumersión completa, sumersión incompleta, posición de roser o proetz, posición de boxeador, posición tónico- cervical asimétrico, posición fetal, posición de depage. Según la posición de las extremidades, tenemos brazos en extensión, brazos en aducción, brazos en flexión, piernas en extensión, piernas en abducción, piernas en flexión y extremidades en rotación. Las posiciones en la que un cadáver se puede encontrar por motivo de la posible comisión de un hecho delictuoso nos ayudan a determinar la probable dinámica de la muerte, ya que las posiciones cadavéricas son proclives a diferentes tipos de hechos como ser un homicidio, suicidio o que el sujeto haya sufrido un accidente ya sea por descuido o provocado por algún tercero. La posición del cadáver también es importante para determinar si el cadáver fue movido de posición y/o lugar, por lo cual el médico forense debería participar en el levantamiento del cadáver. Conflictos de InteresesLos autores declaramos no tener conflictos de interés para el presente estudio.
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Gaggiotti, Gabriel, Stefano Gaggiotti, and Julio César Ringa. "Prótesis unicompartimental lateral de rodilla en el tratamiento del genu valgo artrósico. Resultados en 29 artroplastias con un seguimiento promedio de 6.2 años." Revista de la Asociación Argentina de Ortopedia y Traumatología 86, no. 3 (June 15, 2021): 299–308.

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Objetivo: Evaluar, de manera retrospectiva, los resultados funcionales y la supervivencia a mediano plazo de la prótesis unicompartimental lateral de rodilla para tratar el genu valgo artrósico. Materiales y Métodos: Estudio observacional retrospectivo. Se analizaron los casos operados con prótesis unicompartimental lateral de rodilla por genu valgo artrósico entre enero de 1999 y enero de 2019, seguimiento mínimo de un año. Se evaluaron los resultados clínicos y funcionales mediante el KSS 2011, el grado de artrosis en el compartimento externo y su progresión en el compartimento contralateral con la clasificación de Kellgren y Lawrence, y la condropatía femororrotuliana mediante la clasificación de Outerbridge modificada. Se determinaron la incidencia de complicaciones y la supervivencia de la prótesis. Resultados: Se evaluaron 29 prótesis unicompartimentales laterales de rodilla en 27 pacientes, con un seguimiento promedio de 6.2 años. El KSS clínico y funcional se incrementó de 56,5 ± 9,8 a 91,9 ± 5,3 y de 33,9 ± 13,7 a 91,4 ± 10,3, respectivamente, (p <0,001). La flexión máxima mejoró de 106,6º ± 6,7º a 124,2º ± 2,4º y la contractura en flexión, de 5,2º ± 3,2º a 1º ± 1,6º (p <0,001). El eje preoperatorio fue de 12,3º ± 4,1º de valgo, para un posoperatorio de 5,2º ± 3,1º de valgo (p <0,001). La supervivencia de la prótesis fue del 100%, con un caso de progresión artrósica en el compartimento medial (3,4%). Conclusión: La prótesis unicompartimental lateral de rodilla representa una alternativa válida y definitiva para tratar la patología artrósica femorotibial externa.
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Son, Su Min, and Min Cheol Chang. "Improvement of Gait Dysfunction after Applying a Hinged Ankle–Foot Orthosis in a Hemiplegic Cerebral Palsy Patient with Disrupted Medial Lemniscus: A Case Report." Children 8, no. 2 (January 25, 2021): 81.

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We describe the successful application of hinged ankle−foot orthoses (AFOs) in a cerebral palsied (CP) patient with gait instability due to a disrupted medial lemniscus (ML). The patient was a 27-month-old male CP child with gait instability who presented with reduced knee flexion and ankle dorsiflexion, with severe genu recurvatum on his right lower extremity during gait. The patient had no motor weakness or spasticity. Conventional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed no definite abnormal lesion. However, diffusion tensor tractography (DTT) showed disruption of the left ML, consistent with right hemiplegic symptoms. The integrity of the major motor-related neural tracts, including the corticospinal and corticoreticulospinal tracts, was preserved. We considered that the patient’s abnormal gait pattern was related to the disrupted ML state. We applied hinged AFOs, which immediately resulted in a significantly stabilized gait. The angles of knee flexion and ankle dorsiflexion increased. Our findings indicate that the application of hinged AFOs could be a useful therapeutic option for CP patients with gait instability related to ML disruption. In addition, we showed that DTT is a useful tool for identifying the causative brain pathology in CP patients, especially when conventional brain MRIs show no specific lesion.
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Attias, Michael, Alice Bonnefoy-Mazure, Geraldo Decoulon, Laurence Cheze, and Stéphane Armand. "La marche en « flexion de genoux » bilatérale causée par des rétractions musculaires : implication des muscles ilio-psoas, ischio-jambiers et gastrocnemius." Neurophysiologie Clinique/Clinical Neurophysiology 46, no. 4-5 (November 2016): 242.

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