Academic literature on the topic 'Flaw detector'
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Journal articles on the topic "Flaw detector"
Hocking NDT Ltd. "Digital ultrasonic flaw detector." NDT International 22, no. 6 (December 1989): 380.
Full textHocking NDT Ltd. "Digital ultrasonic flaw detector." NDT & E International 22, no. 6 (December 1989): 380.
Full textGolubenko, P. V. "Eddy-current flaw detector." Metallurgist 34, no. 7 (July 1990): 147–48.
Full textWang, Geng Zhu. "A Stenciling Delay System for Steel Plate Ultrasonic Flaw Detection Process." Advanced Engineering Forum 2-3 (December 2011): 527–30.
Full textLoskutov, V. E. "Magnetic pipe flaw detector ДМТП." Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing 44, no. 4 (April 2008): 290–95.
Full textWells Krautkramer. "Documentation software for flaw detector." NDT International 22, no. 6 (December 1989): 380.
Full textStaveley NDT Technologies. "Mid-range ultrasonic flaw detector." NDT International 22, no. 5 (October 1989): 317.
Full textIvashchenko, K. A., A. L. Khlyunev, and S. B. Bosik. "Digital eddy current flaw detector." NDT International 23, no. 6 (December 1990): 357.
Full textWells Krautkramer. "Documentation software for flaw detector." NDT & E International 22, no. 6 (December 1989): 380.
Full textStaveley NDT Technologies. "Mid-range ultrasonic flaw detector." NDT & E International 22, no. 5 (October 1989): 317.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Flaw detector"
Hauser, Mary. "Development and evaluation of a method to characterize the solubility of high-protein dairy powders using an ultrasonic flaw detector." Thesis, Kansas State University, 2015.
Full textFood Science Institute - Animal Sciences & Industry
Jayendra K. Amamcharla
High-protein dairy powders are added to a variety of products to improve nutritional, functional, and sensory properties. To have the intended properties, the powder must be soluble. The solubility is effected by processing storage, and dissolution conditions, as well as the type of powder. Various tests are used to determine solubility, but they are time-consuming and subjective. Literature has shown that ultrasound spectroscopy can characterize the solubility of high-protein dairy powders, but it requires expensive equipment and skilled technicians. An economical alternative is to use an ultrasonic flaw detector, which is commonly used in the construction industry. For this study, an ultrasonic flaw detector based method was developed to characterize the solubility of high protein dairy powders. To evaluate the method, commercially available milk protein concentrate (MPC) was obtained and stored at 25°C and 40°C and stored for four weeks to produce powders with different dissolution properties. To test the powders, a 5% (w/w) concentration of powder was added to water. A focused beam reflectance measurement (FBRM) and solubility index were used as a reference method. After powder addition, data was collected at regular intervals for 1800s. The FBRM and solubility index showed that the powders lost solubility as the storage time and temperature increased. From the ultrasound data, one parameter was extracted from the relative velocity and three parameters were extracted from the attenuation data. A soluble powder had a low relative velocity standard deviation from 900-1800s, high area under the attenuation curve, low peak time, and high peak height. The ultrasonic flaw detector detected differences in solubility before the solubility index. When testing MPC with protein contents ranging from 85% to 90% and at a dissolution temperature of 40°C and 48°C, data from the ultrasonic flaw detector and FBRM showed that the solubility decreased as the protein content increased and increasing the dissolution temperature improved the solubility of the powder. Overall, the ultrasonic flaw detector can characterize the solubility of high-protein dairy powders.
Светличный, Виталий Анатольевич. "Резонансная вихретоковая дефектоскопия тонких неферомагнитных пленок." Thesis, Харьковский национальный университет радиоэлектроники, 2015.
Full textDissertation for the degree of Ph. D. in Engineering Science, specialty 05.11.13 – devices and methods of control and determination of the composition of substances. – Kharkov National University of Radio Electronics, Kharkov, 2015. The dissertation is devoted to the development of methods and instruments for the effective control of defects imperfections film structure The analysis of the characteristics of various ECP capable of detecting these defects. Considering the various modes of operation, taking into account the internal resistance of the power supply and the load resistance, how to connect to a power source ECP. Developed a way to improve the detection of defects in non–ferromagnetic thin films. A model to assess the interaction with non–ferromagnetic resonance ECP thin film. These analytical ratios were calculated according to the output signal from the parameters of the ECP. For experimental research laboratory prototype was manufactured eddy–current flaw detector by which to check whether the calculation of the theoretical and experimental relations.
Безкоровайный, Владимир Сергеевич. "Повышение помехоустойчивости феррозондовых дефектоскопов к магнитным полям помех." Thesis, Восточноукраинский национальный университет им. В. Даля, 2015.
Full textThesis for granting the Degree of Candidate of Technical sciences in speciality 05.11.13 – Devices and methods of testing and materials structure determination. – National technical university "Kharkiv Politechnical Institute", Kharkiv, 2015. In the thesis the problem of improving the noise immunity of fluxgate flaw detector to interference’s magnetic fields caused by the finite size of controlled items, their step and fillet connections, the magnetic inhomogeneity of ferromagnetic material has been solved. The method of calculating the magnetic field interference induced by the magnetized part, based on the solution of the integral equation using a linear approximation of the function of the magnetization, which reduces the order of the system of algebraic equations has been proposed. As a transmitter error-correcting ferroprobe flaw is proposed to use a block of the magnetic system consisting of two identical ferroprobes with a U-shaped core. The results of numerical and field experiments have shown that the magnetic flux in the core flux gate with a U-shaped core, with a jumper directly above a defect is 8-12 times smaller than the flow of measurement (main) ferroprobe.
Безкоровайний, Володимир Сергійович. "Підвищення перешкодостійкості ферозондових дефектоскопів до магнітних полів перешкод." Thesis, Друкарня "Фінвей", 2015.
Full textThesis for granting the Degree of Candidate of Technical sciences in speciality 05.11.13 – Devices and methods of testing and materials structure determination. – National technical university "Kharkiv Politechnical Institute", Kharkiv, 2015. In the thesis the problem of improving the noise immunity of fluxgate flaw detector to interference’s magnetic fields caused by the finite size of controlled items, their step and fillet connections, the magnetic inhomogeneity of ferromagnetic material has been solved. The method of calculating the magnetic field interference induced by the magnetized part, based on the solution of the integral equation using a linear approximation of the function of the magnetization, which reduces the order of the system of algebraic equations has been proposed. As a transmitter error-correcting ferroprobe flaw is proposed to use a block of the magnetic system consisting of two identical ferroprobes with a U-shaped core. The results of numerical and field experiments have shown that the magnetic flux in the core flux gate with a U-shaped core, with a jumper directly above a defect is 8-12 times smaller than the flow of measurement (main) ferroprobe.
Світличний, Віталій Анатолійович. "Резонансна вихрострумова дефектоскопія тонких неферомагнітних плівок." Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2015.
Full textDissertation for the degree of Ph. D. in Engineering Science, specialty 05.11.13 – devices and methods of control and determination of the composition of substances. – Kharkov National University of Radio Electronics, Kharkov, 2015. The dissertation is devoted to the development of methods and instruments for the effective control of defects imperfections film structure The analysis of the characteristics of various ECP capable of detecting these defects. Considering the various modes of operation, taking into account the internal resistance of the power supply and the load resistance, how to connect to a power source ECP. Developed a way to improve the detection of defects in non–ferromagnetic thin films. A model to assess the interaction with non–ferromagnetic resonance ECP thin film. These analytical ratios were calculated according to the output signal from the parameters of the ECP. For experimental research laboratory prototype was manufactured eddy–current flaw detector by which to check whether the calculation of the theoretical and experimental relations.
Riego, Pérez Albert. "Design of the BELEN detector for wide energy range with flat and high detection efficiency." Doctoral thesis, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2016.
Full textEl principal objectiu d'aquest treball és el disseny del BEta-deLayEd Neutron detector (BELEN) detector per FAIR (Facility for Antiproton Ion Research). El propòsit del detector és la mesura de les probabilitats d'emisió després de un beta-decay. El detector consiteix en un conjunt de 3He tubs envoltats per una matriu de polietilè. El diseny del detector ha estat desenvolupat mitjançant simulacions de Monte Carlo amb els programes MCNPX y GEANT4. Els objectius d'aquestes simulacions eren poden escollir les posicions dels tubs per obtenir una eficiencia máxima en la detecció de neutrons mantenint una eficiencia constant al llarg del rang d'energia esperat pels neutrons. Abans del disseny del detector per FAIR, hem desenvolupat el prototipus BELEN-20B amb 20 tubs i una eficiència mitjana pel rang d'energia fins a 2 MeV del 43% i el prototipus BELEN-30 amb 30 tubs i una eficiència mitjana pel rang d'energia fins a 2MeV del 38%. Per la caracterització del BELEN-30 s'ha fet servir una font de neutrons de 252Cf en el laboratori del GSI, on el detector BELEN va participar en un experiment fent servir la instal.lació FRS(Fragment Separator).
Santos, Eduardo Nunes dos. "Development and application of wire-mesh sensors for high-speed multiphase flow imaging." Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, 2015.
Full textEscoamentos multifásicos estão presentes não somente em diversos processos da natureza, mas também são muito comuns em diversas atividades industriais, como na exploração, produção e transporte de petróleo e gás. Na produção de petróleo, a mistura multifásica de gás, petróleo e água é frequentemente encontrada fluindo através de colunas e risers de produção. Nos últimos anos muito progresso no desenvolvimento e aplicação de técnicas de medição em escoamentos multifásicos foi realizado cujo intuito é quantificar com exatidão, prever e/ou controlar o fluxo de misturas multifásicas. Em especial técnicas de imageamento do escoamento multifásico estão em foco atualmente. Sensores de malha de eletrodos (wire-mesh sensors) são dispositivos que produzem imagens da distribuição das fases na seção transversal de uma tubulação com alta resolução espacial e temporal. Em estudos anteriores a utilização desse sensor é explorada em diversas aplicações em escoamentos bifásicos (predominantemente do tipo gás-líquido). O princípio de funcionamento do sensor é baseado na medição de uma única propriedade elétrica (condutividade ou permissividade) da mistura multifásica. Portanto, o objetivo deste trabalho é a aplicação da técnica wire-mesh para visualização de escoamentos multifásicos em alta velocidade para condições de escoamentos diferentes daquelas utilizados até o momento, bem como prover a técnica com melhorias, adicionando a capacidade de operar em dupla modalidade (medição simultânea condutiva/capacitiva). Assim, novos algoritmos e rotinas de processamento de dados para a investigação de escoamentos gás-líquido e sólido-líquido (suspensão) foram desenvolvidos e testados. A fim de continuar com o aprimoramento da técnica xiii de medição, uma nova eletrônica capaz de medir simultaneamente a permissividade e condutividade através da medição (vetorial) de amplitude e fase é introduzido. Além disso, um algoritmo baseado em um modelo da permissividade elétrica complexa realiza a fusão dos dados de condutividade e permissividade gerados pela técnica desenvolvida. Assim, esta fusão permite obter distribuições individuais das frações de fase de misturas de óleo-água-gás. A principal contribuição deste trabalho no campo de medição e investigação de escoamentos multifásicos é, por conseguinte, o desenvolvimento e aplicação soluções em software e processamento de dados para extração de parâmetros do fluxo multifasico a partir de dados do sensor wire-mesh, bem como a melhoria no sistema de medição com adoção de medidas vetoriais. Desta forma, a gama de aplicação do sensor wire-mesh é ampliada, permitindo a investigação de escoamentos gás-líquido e gás-sólido, assim como escoamentos trifásicos gás-líquido-líquido através de visualização em alta velocidade da distribuição de fases em escoamentos.
Multiphase flows are present not only in nature but also are very common in industrial activities such as in exploration, production and transport of oil and gas. In oil production, the mixture of gas, oil and water is often found streaming through production columns and flow risers. A lot of progress has been made in recent years in the development and application of measurement techniques applied to multiphase flow measurement in order to accurately quantify, predict and control the flow of multiphase mixtures. Especially, high-speed imaging of multiphase flows has received much attention in recent years. Wire-mesh sensors are flow-imaging devices and allow the investigation of multiphase flows with high spatial and temporal resolution. In the past, such sensors have found widespread application in gas-liquid flows. Its operating principle is based on measurement of a single electrical property (conductivity or permittivity) of flowing mixture. The objective of this work is the application of the wire-mesh technique for high-speed multiphase flow imaging in different flow conditions as applied so far, as well as the further development of this technique by adding the capability of dual-modality (simultaneous conductive/capacitive) operation. Hence, novel routines and data processing algorithms for the investigation of two-phase flows of the type gas-liquid and solid-liquid (slurry) were developed and tested. As a step towards the further development of the wire-mesh sensor technique, a novel dual- modality electronics being able to simultaneously evaluate the conductivity and permittivity component of a fluid through vector measurements (amplitude and phase) is introduced. Further, a model-based algorithm to fuse the data of dual-modality wire xi mesh sensor is developed to obtain individual phase fraction distributions in gas-oil- water three-phase flows. Hence, this thesis’ main contribution to the field of flow measurement and investigation is the development and application of software solutions for extracting flow parameters from wire-mesh sensor data, as well as the improvement in the hardware of measuring electronics. As a result, the range of application of wire-mesh sensors is enhanced being capable to investigate two-phase gas-liquid and slurry flows as well as gas-liquid-liquid three-phase flow problems through high-speed flow imaging.
Chandrasekar, Dhaarini. "AWS Flap Detector: An Efficient way to detect Flapping Auto Scaling Groups on AWS Cloud." University of Cincinnati / OhioLINK, 2016.
Full textTian, Xuwen, and 田旭文. "Data-driven textile flaw detection methods." Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 2012.
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Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering
Doctor of Philosophy
Bronk, Lawrence Fernando. "Particle detector optimization via particle flow algorithms." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2008.
Full textIncludes bibliographical references (p. 51).
Using the the SLIC simulator software and the org.lcsim reconstruction framework package, the performance of Mat Charles' PFA for several different detector variations was found by determining the mass resolution for a given detector geometry. The variations tested included the layering of the hadronic calorimeter, the radius of the calorimeter, the interaction material utilized in the hadronic calorimeter and the type of read-out used in the calorimeter. Based on the performance of the PFA for the different variations, the optimal detector specifications for use with the PFA were discovered. The optimal detector was found to use scintillator as the sensitive layer and steel as the interaction material in the hadronic calorimeter. A general trend in increased performance with more layering was also observed for the calorimeter. Also illuminated in the study was the discovery of unexpected performance for radius variations.
by Lawrence Fernando Bronk.
Books on the topic "Flaw detector"
Bindal, V. N. Transducers for ultrasonic flaw detection. New Delhi: Narosa, 1999.
Find full textNtalias, A. Automated flaw detection in textile images. Manchester: UMIST, 1995.
Find full textMartin, Peter T. Detector technology evaluation. [Fargo, N.D.]: Mountain-Plains Consortium, 2003.
Find full textMerkler, Georg-Paul, Heinz Militzer, Heinz Hötzl, Heinrich Armbruster, and Josef Brauns, eds. Detection of Subsurface Flow Phenomena. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1989.
Full textO'Connell, Gregory Raymond. Detector cell hydrodynamics and electrode selectivity in flow-injection potentiometry. Uxbridge: Brunel University, 1990.
Find full textOmoniyi, Joseph Ade. Reflection-type probes for eddy current flaw detection in steel. Uxbridge: Brunel University, 1986.
Find full textFlow analysis with spectrophotometric and luminometric detection. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2012.
Find full textEdgar, Rob. Evaluation of microwave traffic detector at the Chemawa Road/Interstate 5 Interchange. Salem, OR: Oregon Dept. of Transportation, Research Group, 2002.
Find full textAdamovsky, Grigory. Optical techniques for shock visualization and detection. [Washington, D.C.]: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1995.
Find full textJ, Doherty William. Textile flaw detection: An investigation of image processing techniques applicable to the automatic detection offlaws in textile fabrics. [S.l: The author], 1994.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Flaw detector"
Redko, Vladimir I., and Don N. Sirota. "Ultrasonic Low-Frequency Flaw Detector for the Quality Testing of Composite Items." In MICC 90, 1302–4. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1991.
Full textKrautkrämer, Josef, and Herbert Krautkrämer. "The Pulse-Echo Method; Design and Performance of a Pulse-Echo Flaw Detector." In Ultrasonic Testing of Materials, 167–221. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1990.
Full textArmbruster, H., A. Blinde, J. Brauns, H. D. Döscher, H. Hötzl, and G. P. Merkler. "The application of geoelectrical and thermal measurements to locate dam leakages." In Detection of Subsurface Flow Phenomena, 31–47. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1989.
Full textArmbruster, H., A. Blinde, and H. Hötzl. "The project of the volkswagen foundation "geoelectrics/thermometry"." In Detection of Subsurface Flow Phenomena, 19–29. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1989.
Full textReif, Wolfgang, G. Schellhorn, and Andreas Thums. "Flaw Detection in Formal Specifications." In Automated Reasoning, 642–57. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2001.
Full textHirao, Masahiko, and Hirotsugu Ogi. "Detection of Flaw and Corrosion." In Electromagnetic Acoustic Transducers, 281–302. Tokyo: Springer Japan, 2016.
Full textHirao, Masahiko, and Hirotsugu Ogi. "Detection of Flaw and Corrosion." In EMATs for Science and Industry, 281–97. Boston, MA: Springer US, 2003.
Full textHaapakka, K., J. Kankare, and K. Lipiäinen. "Electroluminescence Detector for Flow Analysis." In Contemporary Electroanalytical Chemistry, 293–97. Boston, MA: Springer US, 1990.
Full textDarzynkiewicz, Zbigniew, Wojciech Gorczyca, Michel A. Hotz, Piotr Lassota, Silvia Bruno, and Frank Traganos. "Chromatin Changes Accompanying Apoptosis Detected by Flow Cytometry." In Flow Cytometry, 311–26. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1993.
Full textJonker, R. R., J. G. J. Bauman, and J. W. M. Visser. "Detection of Apoptosis using Fluorescent In Situ Nick Translation." In Flow Cytometry, 355–62. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1993.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Flaw detector"
Rai, Kula, and Debora Grant. "Automated heat seal flaw detector." In 32nd Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit. Reston, Virigina: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 1994.
Full textKo, Samuel C. K., Aaron Y. K. Yan, and H. W, Li. "Calibration of ultrasonic flaw detectors." In NCSL International Workshop & Symposium. NCSL International, 2014.
Full textDanilenko, V. N., V. V. Danilenko, A. N. Nayanzin, and A. P. Potapov. "Borehole Electromagnetic Flaw Detector with Azimuthal and Radial Resolution." In Saint Petersburg 2008. Netherlands: EAGE Publications BV, 2008.
Full textKotelnikov, A. V., A. F. Zatsepin, and D. Yu Biryukov. "Program model of the ultrasonic flaw detector lntrotest-1M." In THE 2ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PHYSICAL INSTRUMENTATION AND ADVANCED MATERIALS 2019. AIP Publishing, 2020.
Full textPotylitsyn, V. S., E. A. Kokhonkova, and V. V. Romanov. "Analysis and Development of a Digital Radar Flaw Detector for Robotic Defect Detection Systems." In 2019 International Siberian Conference on Control and Communications (SIBCON). IEEE, 2019.
Full textSong, Ziqiang, Qiang Wang, Xiuli Du, and Yan Wang. "A High Speed Digital Ultrasonic Flaw Detector Based on PC and USB." In 2007 IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Technology Conference IMTC 2007. IEEE, 2007.
Full textSaadat, Soheil, Amaury Rolin, Stanley Radzevicius, Leith Al-Nazer, and Gary Carr. "Development of a Portable Internal 3D Rail Flaw Imaging System." In 2012 Joint Rail Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2012.
Full textZhou, Peng, Xiaoqin Lian, Xiaoli Zhang, Dingguo Xiao, and Chunguang Xu. "Application of FFT in frequency domain characteristics test system for ultrasonic flaw detector." In 2012 2nd International Conference on Consumer Electronics, Communications and Networks (CECNet). IEEE, 2012.
Full textYue, Yuguo. "A Design of Direct Current Supply System for X-ray Flaw Detector Controller." In 6th International Conference on Information Engineering for Mechanics and Materials. Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2016.
Full textCheng, Yi-peng, Xiao-qin Lian, Xiao-li Zhang, Chun-guang Xu, and Ding-guo Xiao. "The use of wavelet transform and Numerical Algorithm in application to the parameter properties of the ultrasonic nondestructive flaw detector." In 2012 2nd International Conference on Consumer Electronics, Communications and Networks (CECNet). IEEE, 2012.
Full textReports on the topic "Flaw detector"
Ratkiewicz, Andrew. Weekly Update - Flat Panel Detector Procurement. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), May 2019.
Full textChien, Stanley, Yaobin Chen, Lauren Christopher, Mei Qiu, and Zhengming Ding. Road Condition Detection and Classification from Existing CCTV Feed. Purdue University, 2022.
Full textBarrett, Louise M., Andrew J. Skulan, Anup K. Singh, Eric B. Cummings, and Gregory J. Fiechtner. Continuous-Flow Detector for Rapid Pathogen Identification. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), September 2006.
Full textVALLEY, MICHAEL T., BRUCE D. HANSCHE, THOMAS L. PAEZ, ANGEL URBINA, and DENNIS M. ASHBAUGH. Advanced Signal Processing for Thermal Flaw Detection. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), September 2001.
Full textAikens, Richard S. Novel High Resolution, Lowdose Flat Panel Mammography Detector Technology. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, October 1998.
Full textHeidbrink, Scott, Kathryn Rodhouse, and Daniel Dunlavy. Multimodal Deep Learning for Flaw Detection in Software Programs. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), September 2020.
Full textReed, H., W. Saric, D. Laananen, C. Martinez, R. Carrillo, J. Myers, and D. Clevenger. Aerodynamics of the Large-Volume, Flow-Through Detector System. Final report. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), March 1996.
Full textPatel, Reena. Complex network analysis for early detection of failure mechanisms in resilient bio-structures. Engineer Research and Development Center (U.S.), June 2021.
Full textPrince, J. M., and B. A. Auld. Exploratory Development of FMR (Ferromagnetic Resonance) Advanced Surface Flaw Detection Methods. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, April 1985.
Full textLillo, Antonietta. Lateral flow assay for detection of Y. pestis. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), November 2020.
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