Academic literature on the topic 'Fingerprinting codes'

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Journal articles on the topic "Fingerprinting codes"


Löfvenberg, J. "Binary Fingerprinting Codes." Designs, Codes and Cryptography 36, no. 1 (July 2005): 69–81.

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ZHU, Yan. "Convolutional Fingerprinting Information Codes for Collusion Security." Journal of Software 17, no. 7 (2006): 1617.

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Nuida, Koji, Satoshi Fujitsu, Manabu Hagiwara, Takashi Kitagawa, Hajime Watanabe, Kazuto Ogawa, and Hideki Imai. "An improvement of discrete Tardos fingerprinting codes." Designs, Codes and Cryptography 52, no. 3 (April 2, 2009): 339–62.

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Fodor, Gabor, Peter Schelkens, and Ann Dooms. "Fingerprinting Codes Under the Weak Marking Assumption." IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 13, no. 6 (June 2018): 1495–508.

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Murala, Kranthi Kumar, Dr M. Kamaraju, and Dr K. Ramanjaneyulu. "Digital Fingerprinting In Encrypted Domain." INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTERS & TECHNOLOGY 12, no. 1 (December 15, 2013): 3138–46.

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Digital fingerprinting is a method for protecting multimedia content from illegal redistribution and identified the colluders.In copy protection, a content seller embeds a unique identity as a watermark into the content before it is sold to a buyer. When an illegal copy is found, the seller can identify illegal users by extracting the fingerprint. In this proposing an anonymous fingerprinting  based on a homomorphic additive encryption scheme, it present a construction of anti-collision codes created using BIBD(Balanced incomplete block design) codes technique and dither technique which makes use of LFSR (linear feedback shift register) are used for improving the high robustness and Security.
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YAGI, Hideki, Toshiyasu MATSUSHIMA, and Shigeichi HIRASAWA. "Fingerprinting Codes for Multimedia Data against Averaging Attack." IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences E92-A, no. 1 (2009): 207–16.

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Wu, Ja-Ling. "Concatenated construction of traceability codes for multimedia fingerprinting." Optical Engineering 46, no. 10 (October 1, 2007): 107202.

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Skoric, Boris, Stefan Katzenbeisser, Hans Georg Schaathun, and Mehmet Utku Celik. "Tardos Fingerprinting Codes in the Combined Digit Model." IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 6, no. 3 (September 2011): 906–19.

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Gao, Fei, and Gennian Ge. "New Bounds on Separable Codes for Multimedia Fingerprinting." IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 60, no. 9 (September 2014): 5257–62.

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Cotrina-Navau, Josep, and Marcel Fernandez. "A Family of Asymptotically Good Binary Fingerprinting Codes." IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 56, no. 10 (October 2010): 5335–43.

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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Fingerprinting codes"


Löfvenberg, Jacob. "Codes for digital fingerprinting /." Linköping : Univ, 2001.

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Rochanakul, Penying. "Fingerprinting codes and separating hash families." Thesis, Royal Holloway, University of London, 2013.

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The thesis examines two related combinatorial objects, namely fingerprinting codes and separating hash families. Fingerprinting codes are combinatorial objects that have been studied for more than 15 years due to their applications in digital data copyright protection and their combinatorial interest. Four well-known types of fingerprinting codes are studied in this thesis; traceability, identifiable parent property, secure frameproof and frameproof. Each type of code is named after the security properties it guarantees. However, the power of these four types of fingerprinting codes is limited by a certain condition. The first known attempt to go beyond that came out in the concept of two-level traceability codes, introduced by Anthapadmanabhan and Barg (2009). This thesis extends their work to the other three types of fingerprinting codes, so in this thesis four types of two-level fingerprinting codes are defined. In addition, the relationships between the different types of codes are studied. We propose some first explicit non-trivial con- structions for two-level fingerprinting codes and provide some bounds on the size of these codes. Separating hash families were introduced by Stinson, van Trung, and Wei as a tool for creating an explicit construction for frameproof codes in 1998. In this thesis, we state a new definition of separating hash families, and mainly focus on improving previously known bounds for separating hash families in some special cases that related to fingerprinting codes. We improve upper bounds on the size of frameproof and secure frameproof codes under the language of separating hash families.
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Panoui, Anastasia. "Wide-sense fingerprinting codes and honeycomb arrays." Thesis, Royal Holloway, University of London, 2012.

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Desoubeaux, Mathieu. "Codes de traçage de traîtres pour la protection de contenus numériques." Thesis, Montpellier 2, 2013.

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En traçage de traîtres, plusieurs copies d'un même contenu sont personnalisées avant distribution pour identifier d'éventuelles fuites d'informations. Dans le contexte de la distribution de contenus multimédia, cette personnalisation repose sur une construction jointe d'un code composé d'identifiants uniques et d'un algorithme de dissimulation d'informations. Une des problématiques majeure de cette construction est de conserver des propriétés d'identification même en cas d'attaques par collusion d'une coalition de traîtres, c'est-à-dire lorsque plusieurs copies d'utilisateurs (les traîtres) sont utilisées pour créer une copie pirate inconnue du système. Ces attaques doivent être contrées d'une part, au niveau du code traçant et d'autre part au niveau de l'algorithme d'insertion. Pour une distribution de contenus à grande échelle, il est nécessaire d'aborder le problème de la génération des identifiants de manière probabiliste. Le code de Gabor Tardos est alors l'approche la plus performante pour un alphabet binaire. Cependant, pour des identifiants à valeurs réelles respectant une contrainte de distorsion à l'insertion, ces identifiants binaires ne sont plus optimaux en terme d'erreur de décodage. Dans cette thèse, nous avons proposé un décodeur MAP non informé pour améliorer le décodage du code de Tardos. Nous nous sommes aussi intéressés à combiner les approches de codes à valeurs binaires et réelles afin d'améliorer les performances de traçage. Enfin, nous avons abordé le problème de la complexité de décodage avec une approche hiérarchique de codes à deux niveaux
In Traitor Tracing, preventing leaks of a digital content comes with the personalization of each delivered copy. For multimedia content distribution, such as video on demand applications, the personalization depends on a joint construction between a code of unique sequences and a data hiding tool. The major issue is to keep tracing properties even in case of collusion attacks proceed by a coalition of traitors. Collusion attacks have to be counteract both on the code layer with anti-collusion construction and on the data hiding layer with robust watermarking. For large scale multimedia content distribution, it is necessary to tackle the problem of the code generation in a probabilistic manner. The binary code of Gabor Tardos is actually the best approach of probabilistic traitor tracing codes. However, for real valued signals prone to distortion constraint, which is the context in multimedia digital watermarking, Tardos binary fingerprints are no longer optimal in term of decoding error. Our work concerns several aspects of probabilistic codes construction. Firstly, we gives new accusation functions in the Tardos tracing framework with a non informed MAP (Maximum A Posteriori) decoder leading to decrease errors probabilities. Secondly, we proposed a joint construction of binary and real values codes so as to improve collusion robustness. Finally we focus on a hierarchical two layers codes construction which reduces the Tardos decoding complexity
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Shahmohammadi, Mohammad. "On fundamental limits and design of explicit schemes for multiuser networks." The Ohio State University, 2011.

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Rehman, Abdul. "Practical watermarking for multimedia traitor tracing." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Ecole nationale supérieure Mines-Télécom Atlantique Bretagne Pays de la Loire, 2024.

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La popularité des téléphones portables, des appareils photo numériques et des ordinateurs personnels a modifié la création, la consommation et le partage des contenus multimédias. Cela pose le problème de la duplication à l’infini, du téléchargement non autorisé et de la redistribution illégale. À l’ère de la distribution généralisée des informations numériques, il est plus important que jamais de développer des solutions fiables et solides pour éviter la distribution illégale. Un système d’empreinte multimédia est un moyen efficace de protéger le contenu multimédia et d’empêcher la distribution illégale. L’objectif de cette thèse est de trouver les individus qui ont participé à la production et à la distribution illégale de contenus multimédias. Nous avons proposé un système de filigrane vidéo aveugle par transformée en ondelettes discrète associé à des codes d’empreintes probabilistes pour contrer les attaques de collusion parmi les vidéos à haute résolution. Le filigrane robuste et aveugle conduit à un taux d’erreur binaire plus élevé, nous devons ajouter une redondance supplémentaire aux codes d’empreintes digitales pour obtenir des taux de traçage plus élevés. Pour cela, nous proposons un schéma de codage dans lequel l’étalement aléatoire est utilisé avec des codes correcteurs d’erreurs. Nous avons utilisé FFMpeg pour intégrer l’image du filigrane dans la vidéo, ainsi que pour mener une série d’attaques de collusion (par exemple, moyenne, assombrissement et éclaircissement) sur des vidéos à haute résolution et nous avons comparé les générateurs-décodeurs de codes d’empreintes digitales les plus souvent suggérés dans la littératurepour trouver l’auteur de l’attaque de collusion. L’étude expérimentale montre que notre conception est très performante en termes de repérage des fraudeurs et de temps
The popularity of mobile phones, digital cameras, and personal computers has changed multimedia content creation, consumption, and sharing. This raises the issues of endless duplication, unauthorized uploading, and unlawful redistribution. In this era of widespread digital information distribution, it is more important than ever to develop dependable and strong solutions to avoid illegal distribution. A multimedia fingerprinting scheme is an efficient means of protecting multimedia content and preventing illegal distribution. The goal of this thesis is to find individuals who were engaged in the production and illegal distribution of multimedia content. We proposed a Discrete Wavelet Transform blind video watermarking scheme tied with probabilistic fingerprinting codes to counter collusion attacks among higher-resolution videos. The robust and blind watermarking leads to a higher bit error rate, we need to add extra redundancy to fingerprinting codes to obtain greater tracing rates. For that, we propose a coding scheme, in which the random spreading is utilized with error-correcting codes. We utilized FFMpeg to embed the watermark image into the video, as well as to conduct a range of collusion attacks (e.g., average, darken, and lighten) on high-resolution video and compared the most often suggested fingerprinting code generator-decoders in the literature to find the colluder. The experimental investigation shows that our design has high performance in terms of colluder tracing, and time
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Hassanein, Mohamed Sameh. "Secure digital documents using Steganography and QR Code." Thesis, Brunel University, 2014.

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With the increasing use of the Internet several problems have arisen regarding the processing of electronic documents. These include content filtering, content retrieval/search. Moreover, document security has taken a centre stage including copyright protection, broadcast monitoring etc. There is an acute need of an effective tool which can find the identity, location and the time when the document was created so that it can be determined whether or not the contents of the document were tampered with after creation. Owing the sensitivity of the large amounts of data which is processed on a daily basis, verifying the authenticity and integrity of a document is more important now than it ever was. Unsurprisingly document authenticity verification has become the centre of attention in the world of research. Consequently, this research is concerned with creating a tool which deals with the above problem. This research proposes the use of a Quick Response Code as a message carrier for Text Key-print. The Text Key-print is a novel method which employs the basic element of the language (i.e. Characters of the alphabet) in order to achieve authenticity of electronic documents through the transformation of its physical structure into a logical structured relationship. The resultant dimensional matrix is then converted into a binary stream and encapsulated with a serial number or URL inside a Quick response Code (QR code) to form a digital fingerprint mark. For hiding a QR code, two image steganography techniques were developed based upon the spatial and the transform domains. In the spatial domain, three methods were proposed and implemented based on the least significant bit insertion technique and the use of pseudorandom number generator to scatter the message into a set of arbitrary pixels. These methods utilise the three colour channels in the images based on the RGB model based in order to embed one, two or three bits per the eight bit channel which results in three different hiding capacities. The second technique is an adaptive approach in transforming domain where a threshold value is calculated under a predefined location for embedding in order to identify the embedding strength of the embedding technique. The quality of the generated stego images was evaluated using both objective (PSNR) and Subjective (DSCQS) methods to ensure the reliability of our proposed methods. The experimental results revealed that PSNR is not a strong indicator of the perceived stego image quality, but not a bad interpreter also of the actual quality of stego images. Since the visual difference between the cover and the stego image must be absolutely imperceptible to the human visual system, it was logically convenient to ask human observers with different qualifications and experience in the field of image processing to evaluate the perceived quality of the cover and the stego image. Thus, the subjective responses were analysed using statistical measurements to describe the distribution of the scores given by the assessors. Thus, the proposed scheme presents an alternative approach to protect digital documents rather than the traditional techniques of digital signature and watermarking.
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Haley, Stephen Mark. "The application of sediment source fingerprinting techniques to river floodplain cores, to examine recent changes in sediment sources in selected UK river basins." Thesis, University of Exeter, 2010.

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In recent years there has been an increasing awareness of the detrimental influence of diffuse sources of pollution on aquatic systems and of the integral role played by sediment in the mobilisation and transport of pollutants. The recognition of the environmental, societal and economic importance of the ecological health of aquatic environments has led to a change in emphasis regarding agricultural and environmental policy. To implement successful delivery of emerging policy requirements, there is a current need to have an enhanced understanding of the relationship between different forms of land use and sources of diffuse pollution, particularly sources of fine sediment. To understand the potential impacts of future land use changes, including environmental conservation measures on sources of sediment, it is useful to consider them within a longer-term context. This study has successfully applied the sediment source fingerprinting technique to floodplain overbank sediment cores in a retrospective study of six diverse UK river catchments with identified sediment problems. The varying estimates of relative sediment contributions from differing sources have been compared to known land use change in the study catchments over concurrent time periods, to explore any associations which might be apparent. Over the last 40 years, the increased cultivation of high erosion risk crops, such as those which are harvested late in the season (e.g. maize) and those which are sown in the autumn (e.g. winter wheat), has contributed disproportionately to the total sediment load relative to the area of land occupied by such cultivation. Increased stocking densities have resulted in increased relative sediment contributions from grassland sources, particularly intensively managed temporary grassland, but can have an even greater impact on sediment contributions derived from channel bank sources. The installation and maintenance of drainage for agriculture or for flood risk management has resulted in increased relative sediment loads from channel bank and associated sub-surface sources. Through the further development of such research, the efficacy of mitigation measures can be tested against evidence-based historic trends and those management approaches which provide identifiable improvements can be developed as best practice options for future land management targeted at reducing the negative impacts of excessive sediment ingress to river systems. The design of the source fingerprinting methodology used in this work was based on an established successful approach and this was developed further through the incorporation of a number of refinements designed to improve the robustness of the technique and expedite its implementation.
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Bhatt, Manish. "Leveraging Relocations in ELF-binaries for Linux Kernel Version Identification." ScholarWorks@UNO, 2018.

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In this paper, we present a working research prototype codeid-elf for ELF binaries based on its Windows counterpart codeid, which can identify kernels through relocation entries extracted from the binaries. We show that relocation-based signatures are unique and distinct and thus, can be used to accurately determine Linux kernel versions and derandomize the base address of the kernel in memory (when kernel Address Space Layout Randomization is enabled). We evaluate the effectiveness of codeid-elf on a subset of Linux kernels and find that the relocations in kernel code have nearly 100\% code coverage and low similarity (uniqueness) across various kernels. Finally, we show that codeid-elf, which leverages relocations in kernel code, can detect all kernel versions in the test set with almost 100% page hit rate and nearly zero false negatives.
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Aloui, Nadia. "Localisation sonore par retournement temporel." Thesis, Grenoble, 2014.

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L'objectif général de cette thèse était de proposer une solution de localisation en intérieur à la fois simple et capable de surmonter les défis de la propagation dans les environnements en intérieur. Pour ce faire, un système de localisation basé sur la méthode des signatures et adoptant le temps d'arrivée du signal de l'émetteur au récepteur comme signature, a été proposé. Le système présente deux architectures différentes, une première orientée privée utilisant la méthode d'accès multiple à répartition par code et une deuxième centralisée basée sur la méthode d'accès multiple à répartition dans le temps. Le système calcule la position de l'objet d'intérêt par la méthode de noyau. Une comparaison expérimentale entre le système à architecture orientée privée et un système de localisation sonore déjà existant et basé sur la méthode de trilatération, a permis de confirmer les résultats trouvés dans le cas de la localisation par ondes radiofréquences. Cependant, nos expérimentations étaient les premières à montrer l'effet de la réverbération sur les approches de la localisation acoustique. Dans un second lieu, un système de localisation basé sur la technique de retournement temporel, permettant une localisation simultanée de sources avec différentes précisions, a été testé par simulations en faisant varier le nombre de sources. Ce système a été ensuite validé par expérimentations. Dans la dernière partie de notre étude, nous nous sommes intéressés à la réduction de l'audibilité du signal utile à la localisation par recours à la psycho-acoustique. Un filtre défini à partir du seuil d'audition absolu a été appliqué au signal de localisation. Nos résultats ont montré une amélioration de la précision de localisation comparé au système de localisation sans modèle psycho-acoustique et ce grâce à l'utilisation d'un filtre adapté au modèle psycho-acoustique à la réception. Par ailleurs, l'écoute du signal après application du modèle psycho-acoustique a montré une réduction significative de son audibilité comparée à celle du signal original
The objective of this PhD is to propose a location solution that should be simple and robust to multipath that characterizes the indoor environments. First, a location system that exploits the time domain of channel parameters has been proposed. The system adopts the time of arrival of the path of maximum amplitude as a signature and estimates the target position through nonparametric kernel regression. The system was evaluated in experiments for two main configurations: a privacy-oriented configuration with code-division multiple-access operation and a centralized configuration with time-division multiple-access operation. A comparison between our privacy-oriented system and another acoustic location system based on code-division multiple-access operation and lateration method confirms the results found in radiofrequency-based localization. However, our experiments are the first to demonstrate the detrimental effect that reverberation has on acoustic localization approaches. Second, a location system based on time reversal technique and able to localize simultaneously sources with different location precisions has been tested through simulations for different values of the number of sources. The system has then been validated by experiments. Finally, we have been interested in reducing the audibility of the localization signal through psycho-acoustics. A filter, set from the absolute threshold of hearing, is then applied to the signal. Our results showed an improvement in precision, when compared to the location system without psychoacoustic model, thanks to the use of matched filter at the receiver. Moreover, we have noticed a significant reduction in the audibility of the filtered signal compared to that of the original signal
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Books on the topic "Fingerprinting codes"


Illinois State Police. Division of Foensic Services. DNA & CODIS. [Springfield, Ill.]: ISP Central Printing Section, 2005.

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Barcoding Nature: Shifting Cultures of Taxonomy in an Age of Biodiversity Loss. Taylor & Francis Group, 2013.

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Ellis, Rebecca J. Bartlett. Barcoding Nature. 2013.

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Barcoding Nature: Shifting Cultures of Taxonomy in an Age of Biodiversity Loss. Routledge, 2013.

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Ellis, Rebecca, Claire Waterton, and Brian Wynne. Barcoding Nature: Shifting Cultures of Taxonomy in an Age of Biodiversity Loss. Taylor & Francis Group, 2013.

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Barcoding Nature: Shifting Cultures of Taxonomy in an Age of Biodiversity Loss. Taylor & Francis Group, 2013.

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Barcoding Nature. Taylor & Francis Group, 2013.

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Barcoding Nature. Routledge, 2014.

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Klein, Rebecca A. DNA backlog funding: Does money talk? 2008.

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Book chapters on the topic "Fingerprinting codes"


Kiayias, Aggelos, and Serdar Pehlivanoglu. "Fingerprinting Codes." In Advances in Information Security, 1–33. Boston, MA: Springer US, 2010.

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Dumer, Ilya. "Equal-Weight Fingerprinting Codes." In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 43–51. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2009.

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Bui, Thach V., Binh Q. Nguyen, Thuc D. Nguyen, Noboru Sonehara, and Isao Echizen. "Robust Fingerprinting Codes for Database." In Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing, 167–76. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2013.

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Van Le, Tri, Mike Burmester, and Jiangyi Hu. "Short c-Secure Fingerprinting Codes." In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 422–27. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2003.

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Fernandez, M., and M. Soriano. "Fingerprinting Concatenated Codes with Efficient Identification." In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 459–70. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2002.

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Cohen, Gérard, Simon Litsyn, and Gilles Zémor. "Binary Codes for Collusion-Secure Fingerprinting." In Information Security and Cryptology — ICISC 2001, 178–85. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2002.

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Veerubhotla, Ravi Sankar, Ashutosh Saxena, and Ved Prakash Gulati. "Reed Solomon Codes for Digital Fingerprinting." In Progress in Cryptology — INDOCRYPT 2002, 163–75. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2002.

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Katzenbeisser, Stefan, Boris Škorić, Mehmet U. Celik, and Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi. "Combining Tardos Fingerprinting Codes and Fingercasting." In Information Hiding, 294–310. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2007.

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Kuribayashi, Minoru. "Bias Equalizer for Binary Probabilistic Fingerprinting Codes." In Information Hiding, 269–83. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013.

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Lee, Jin-Heung, Tea-Hun Lim, Keon-Woo Kim, and Sang-Uk Shin. "A New Fingerprinting Codes for Multimedia Contents." In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 510–19. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2006.

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Conference papers on the topic "Fingerprinting codes"


Wang, Canran, Jin Sima, and Netanel Raviv. "Break-Resilient Codes for Forensic 3D Fingerprinting." In 2024 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), 3148–53. IEEE, 2024.

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Boneh, Dan, Aggelos Kiayias, and Hart William Montgomery. "Robust fingerprinting codes." In the tenth annual ACM workshop. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2010.

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Li, Hongyuan, Guangjie Liu, Junwen Wang, Yuewei Dai, and Zhiquan Wang. "Coded Fingerprinting Codes Based on Delay Embedding." In 2009 International Conference on Multimedia Information Networking and Security. IEEE, 2009.

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Anthapadmanabhan, N. Prasanth, and Alexander Barg. "Two-level fingerprinting codes." In 2009 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory - ISIT. IEEE, 2009.

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Moulin, Pierre, and Negar Kiyavash. "Expurgated Gaussian Fingerprinting Codes." In 2007 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory. IEEE, 2007.

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Amiri, Ehsan, and Gábor Tardos. "High rate fingerprinting codes and the fingerprinting capacity." In Proceedings of the Twentieth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms. Philadelphia, PA: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2009.

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Mixon, Dustin G., Christopher Quinn, Negar Kiyavash, and Matthew Fickus. "Equiangular tight frame fingerprinting codes." In ICASSP 2011 - 2011 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). IEEE, 2011.

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Kiayias, Aggelos. "Robust fingerprinting codes and applications." In IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging, edited by Edward J. Delp III, Jana Dittmann, Nasir D. Memon, and Ping Wah Wong. SPIE, 2009.

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Bui, Thach V., Binh Q. Nguyen, Thuc D. Nguyen, Noboru Sonehara, and Isao Echizen. "Effective Fingerprinting Codes for Database." In 2013 International Conference on Signal-Image Technology & Internet-Based Systems (SITIS). IEEE, 2013.

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Fernandez, Marcel, Grigory Kabatiansky, and Jose Moreira. "Almost IPP-codes or provably secure digital fingerprinting codes." In 2015 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT). IEEE, 2015.

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Reports on the topic "Fingerprinting codes"


Butler, Bryan, Tom Barse, Nahla V. Bassil, and Kim Lewers. How we came to have the 'Monocacy' hop. Yakima, WA: Hop Growers of America, August 2023.

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The popularity of local craft beers in the US is growing, as is the desire for beers made with all-local ingredients. Maryland breweries have been able to use locally grown ingredients, including hops, but have not been able to claim use of a hop native to Maryland. 'Monocacy' hop was discovered in Maryland on a farm that was part of the original Carrollton Manor, once owned by Charles Carroll, a signer of the Declaration of Independence, in what was likely a cottage garden between the house and barn. Molecular fingerprinting established it as unique and clustering with hop accessions native to North America. Compared with cultivars currently grown in Maryland, 'Monocacy' is very large and vigorous, late maturing, and tolerant of of two-spotted spider mites, potato leafhoppers, and hop downy mildew. 'Monocacy' produces high yields of large open cones with an herbaal-floral aroma and abundant lupulin. Most hops have more alpha acids than beta acids, and contribute a bitter flavor to beers. The 'Monocacy' alpha acid content was lower than the beta acid content, with alpha to beta acid ratios ranging from 0.54 to 0.59 and could contribute to a beer that is not overly bitter. High myrcene (12.85%) and caryophyllene (38.13%) suggest a spicy-floral character. 'Monocacy' added an earthy and spicy note to lighter beers, and in some beers when used as a dry hop it added a light fruity note on the pallet in the finish. The most recent beer using 'Monocacy' had a medium-light body with a bisquity malt aroma and delicate "spicy/hoppy" nose. Maryland breweries are anxious to use this hop in their beers.
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