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Renwick, Alan. Economic results from horticulture: 1997 harvest year (1997/8 financial year). Cambridge: University of Cambridge, Rural Business Unit, 1999.

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Renwick, Alan. Economic results from horticulture: 1996 harvest year (1996/7 financial year). Cambridge: University of Cambridge, Agricultural Economics Unit, 1998.

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Golubeva, Tat'yana. Analysis of financial and economic activities. ru: INFRA-M Academic Publishing LLC., 2022.

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The textbook discusses the theoretical foundations of economic analysis as a system of knowledge about the subject and objects, method and tasks, methodology and organization of analytical work at the enterprise. The methods of managerial and financial analysis of the business entity's activities, including the calculation of reserves for improving the results of production and economic activity, are presented. Meets the requirements of the federal state educational standards of secondary vocational education of the latest generation. For students of secondary vocational educational institutions studying in an enlarged group of specialties 38.02.00 "Economics and Management".
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Jansen, D. J. Cattle, wildlife, both, or neither: Results of a financial and economic survey of commercial ranches in southern Zimbabwe. Causeway, Harare, Zimbabwe: WWF Multispecies Project, 1992.

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Chernysheva, Yuliya. Analysis and diagnostics of financial-economic activity of enterprise(organization). ru: INFRA-M Academic Publishing LLC., 2017.

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The textbook contains the main elements of the methodology for diagnostics and analysis of financial and economic activities of the organization. The chapters of the textbook consider the role, significance, types, methods of analysis of financial and economic activities of the organization, its mathematical tools, the history and new directions of analysis of the organization's activities in Russian and foreign analytical practice, as well as methods for analyzing the volume of production, sales and cost of production, the analysis of security and use of material and labor resources, fixed assets, analysis of financial results and financial condition of the organization. Meets the requirements of the Federal state educational standard of higher education of the latest generation. For University students in the field of training 38.03.01 " Economics "and other areas, studying the disciplines" Analysis and diagnostics of financial and economic activities"," Complex economic analysis", as well as students in the system of retraining.
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Yakimova, Vilena, Svetlana Pankova, and Sergey Khmura. Development of the financial control system of foreign economic activity of organizations. ru: Publishing Center RIOR, 2021.

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The monograph presents the results of research on theoretical and methodological aspects of the control of enterprises engaged in foreign economic activity. The features of export-import operations as a subject area of ​​control carried out by internal and external auditors are disclosed. The paper proposes the development of methodological support for compliance control based on the development of verification programs, working documentation forms, compliance procedures for assessing compliance with financial legislation. The monograph is intended for undergraduates, postgraduates and university students studying in the areas of "Economic security" and "Economics", and can also be useful for managers, chief accountants and economists, analysts and auditors of enterprises in their practical work.
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Hvostova, Irina, Aleksey Makarov, and Aleksandr Larin. Non-financial factors in the formation of the company's financial policy: composition, structure, relationships. ru: INFRA-M Academic Publishing LLC., 2020.

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When implementing the financial policy of the Corporation, the object of attention of owners and managers is increasingly becoming non-financial indicators of the development of modern companies, such as corporate governance characteristics, socio-economic and environmental indicators. Without denying the need to calculate and analyze financial and economic criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of financial policy, the authors of the monograph describe and systematize the composition and structure of non-financial factors of financial policy, based on the theory of Agency relations and the concept of sustainable development. Along with the theoretical analysis of non-financial factors of financial policy formation, the monograph presents the results of their empirical analysis for emerging markets, as well as an empirical analysis of trends in the use of non-financial indicators in modern corporate Finance research. It is intended for a wide range of readers, including researchers, practitioners, postgraduates, applicants and students studying in the fields of "Economics", "Management".
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England-Joseph, Judy A. Community development: Early results of the Community Development Financial Institutions Fund's programs : statement of Judy A. England-Joseph, Director, Housing and Community Development Issues, Resources, Community, and Economic Development Division, before the Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit, Committee on Banking and Financial Services, House of Representatives. Washington, D.C. (P.O. Box 37050, Washington, D.C. 20013): The Office, 1998.

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Makarov, Aleksey, Irina Hvostova, Elena Ryabova, and Aleksandr Larin. Environmental responsibility and financial policy of the company: methodological aspects of the analysis. ru: INFRA-M Academic Publishing LLC., 2021.

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The actualization of environmental problems makes it necessary to study them in connection with the financial and economic aspects of the modern company. The main content of the monograph is formed by the conceptual, theoretical and methodological aspects of the analysis of corporate financial policy, studied in conjunction with the study of the factors of environmental responsibility of the company. The necessity of revision is analyzed and the directions of improvement of the methodological apparatus for the formation and implementation of financial policy in new conditions are determined. Particular attention is paid to the empirical analysis of indicators of environmental responsibility and environmental efficiency at different organizational levels. The results obtained are valuable in order to improve corporate practices for managing environmental responsibility factors and improving the financial efficiency of companies. For a wide range of readers, including researchers, practitioners, postgraduates, applicants and students studying in the areas of "Economics", "Finance and Credit", "Management".
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Voronina, Larisa. Financial accounting: theory and practice. ru: INFRA-M Academic Publishing LLC., 2021.

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The textbook is based on the normative acts of the system of regulatory regulation of accounting currently in force in the Russian Federation in accordance with the latest amendments to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The basics of the organization of accounting and the principles of its differentiation into financial and managerial accounting are considered. The methodology of accounting for the assets, liabilities and capital of the organization is described, the main aspects of taxation are presented. Numerous practical examples, questions for self-examination and interviews, tests and workshops are given for all chapters. The content of the textbook and the professional competencies formed based on the results of its study meet the requirements of the federal state educational standards of higher education of the latest generation, the Main Professional Educational Program of Higher Education (OPOP HE) "Accounting, analysis and audit" in the direction of training 38.03.01 "Economics" and the working program of the discipline "Accounting financial Accounting" (MFUA). For students of economic universities and faculties, students of the system of advanced training and retraining, for practitioners of accounting services, audit companies and administrative and managerial personnel.
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Calbom, Linda M. Financial management: Financial audit results at GSA, EPA, and DOT : statement for the record by Linda M. Calbom, Director, Resources, Community, and Economic Development Accounting and Financial Management Issues, Accounting and Information Management Division, before the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations and Emergency Management, Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, House of Representatives. Washington, D.C: The Office, 1999.

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England-Joseph, Judy A. Community development: Early results of the Community Development Financial Institutions Fund's programs : statement of Judy A. England-Joseph, Director, Housing and Community Development Issues, Resources, Community, and Economic Development Division, before the Subcommittee on Financial Institutions, Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs, U.S. Senate. Washington, D.C: The Office, 1998.

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Parushina, Natal'ya, Oksana Gubina, Vitaliy Gubin, Inna Butenko, Natal'ya Suchkova, Svetlana Deminova, and Svetlana Timofeeva. Theory and practice of analysis of financial statements of organizations. ru: INFRA-M Academic Publishing LLC., 2021.

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The textbook discusses the theoretical and practical aspects of the analysis of financial statements of organizations in various fields of activity. The theory and practice of the analysis of reporting forms are based on the use of modern regulatory documents in the field of accounting and tax accounting, auditing, statistics. The textbook reflects the features of the analysis of financial, accounting, tax, statistical reporting of organizations based on the use of a system of analytical indicators and the interconnection of reporting forms. Examples of execution of analytical documents of the economist-analyst are given, which allow to visualize the process of conducting and summarizing the results of the analysis of reporting indicators in organizations of various types of activity. Meets the requirements of the federal state educational standards of higher education of the latest generation and includes a course of lectures, discussion questions, tests, practical situations and tasks. For undergraduate and graduate students, graduate students, teachers of economic universities and colleges, auditors, accountants, economists, employees of tax, statistical and financial services.
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Bagnoli, Luca, and Massimo Cini, eds. La cooperazione sociale nell'area metropolitana fiorentina. Florence: Firenze University Press, 2009.

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This study proposes a reading of the financial statements of co-operatives operating within the Florentine metropolitan area, with a view to underscoring business aspects of a quantitative and monetary nature. The entrepreneurial nature of the co-operatives is taken as read, focusing as with any other corporate entity on assets and economic results as indicators of success. The financial statements were collected from co-operatives with their registered offices in the provinces of Florence, Prato and Pistoia for the financial years 2004-2007, and the accounts were then aggregated, reclassified and analysed. The observations on the resulting data are then broken down by province and by type of co-operative (A or B).
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Bagnoli, Luca, ed. La lettura dei bilanci delle Organizzazioni di Volontariato toscane nel biennio 2004-2005. Florence: Firenze University Press, 2007.

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This study, emerging from workshop activity carried out as part of the course on ECONOMY AND ADMINISTRATION OF CO-OPERATION AND NON-PROFIT, represents an examination of the economic-financial dimension of the work of the Tuscan voluntary organisations. It is inserted within an articulated research process devoted to an analysis of the accountability of these third sector agents, in the awareness that voluntary work has always been an important factor in civil progress. More specifically, the economic and financial information made available to the provinces as a result of the obligation on the voluntary organisations to deposit the annual financial statement has been fully exploited. This compliance has thus been transformed from a mere bureaucratic procedure into an opportunity for a collective cognitive enrichment through collection at regional level, reclassification and the aggregate analysis of the economic and financial data relating to the management reports (profit and loss accounts) of the voluntary organisations for 2004-2005. This has made it possible to underscore the nature and provenance of the economic and financial resources that accrue annually to such bodies, as well as the principal productive factors "consumed" in the performance of their activities.
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Office, General Accounting. Budget issues: Fiscal year 1994 budget estimates and actual results : report to the Chairman, House Committee on the Budget. Washington, D.C: U.S. General Accounting Office, 1995.

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Office, General Accounting. Budget issues: Fiscal year 1993 budget estimates and actual results : report to the Chairman, House Committee on the Budget. Washington, D.C: The Office, 1994.

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Orehov, Vladimir, Tat'yana Orehova, and Konstantin Baldin. Anti-crisis management. ru: INFRA-M Academic Publishing LLC., 2021.

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The anti-crisis management of the economy and national security of the Russian Federation in modern conditions (pandemics, hybrid wars, competitive restrictions and anti-Russian propaganda from the West), approaches to Western sanctions as new opportunities for the development of the Russian Federation are considered. The ways of developing an innovative economy and increasing the productivity of aggregate labor as the main sources that ensure the accelerated development of the country are outlined. Attention is paid to the peculiarities of social partnership, economic and financial crises in the trends of macro - and micro-development, the role of investment as a financial source of anti-crisis management. The theoretical and practical foundations of the insolvency (bankruptcy) of enterprises and individual entrepreneurs, the methodology of the enterprise's recovery from the crisis, forecasting the results of anti-crisis management are described. Meets the requirements of the federal state educational standards of higher education of the latest generation. For undergraduate, graduate, postgraduate students and teachers of higher educational institutions of economic specialties, as well as researchers, managers and managers of firms.
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Gadzhiev, Nazirhan, Sergey Konovalenko, Ruslan Kornilovich, and Mihail Trofimov. Control and audit. Workshop. ru: INFRA-M Academic Publishing LLC., 2021.

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The workshop contains situational tasks and practical tasks on the main chapters of the discipline. The presented tasks, tests and practical situations reveal the specifics of the discipline on such problematic issues as control and audit of operations with cash and securities, control and audit of operations with fixed assets and intangible assets, control and audit of settlement and credit operations, control and audit of financial results and the use of profits. Meets the requirements of the federal state educational standards of higher education of the latest generation. For cadets, students of the specialty 38.05.01 "Economic Security", studying in higher educational institutions, including educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.
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Barinov, Vladimir. The recovery strategy of the competitiveness of domestic aerospace industry. ru: Publishing Center RIOR, 2016.

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Issues of improving the management of the sector to restore competitiveness in three areas: the market, the financing system, the choice of projects of scientific and technological development. On the basis of the results of market research identified in terms of growth and shows promising directions of development domestic rocket and space industry. The developed model financial software industry, where a basis is state - private partnership. with an effective system of control by the investor. Criteria and methods to streamline the procedure for the selection of projects of scientific and technological development. Formulated the mechanism and conceptual basis of improving the economic mechanisms of the development of the RCP including the management of processes of commercialization of developments in the field.
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Kazancev, Sergey. Anti-Russian sanctions: damage assessment. ru: INFRA-M Academic Publishing LLC., 2022.

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The monograph is devoted to the impact of anti-Russian sanctions on the economy of the Russian Federation. The use of sanctions as a means of political, military, financial, economic, scientific, technological, informational and ideological struggle has a long history, and Russia is far from the first country against which they are used. Therefore, the effectiveness of sanctions is of interest not only to scientists. Foreign researchers have been working on this topic for a long time and have shown that sanctions do not always lead to the desired results for those who have established them. This is also indicated by the presented quantitative assessment data. It is also shown that these sanctions are harmful for the development of sanctioning countries. In addition, the author compares the impact and damage from sanctions with the harmful effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. For a wide range of readers interested in the impact of anti-Russian sanctions on the economy of the Russian Federation. It can be useful for students, postgraduates and teachers of economic universities.
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Kazakova, Nataliya. Internal audit of estimated reserves and liabilities as a method for diagnosing corporate risks. ru: INFRA-M Academic Publishing LLC., 2020.

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The monograph is devoted to the study of methods of diagnostics and control of corporate risks associated with the formation and use of estimated reserves and liabilities in commercial organizations. The research results are aimed at creating a corporate system for identifying and controlling corporate risks using estimated reserves and estimated liabilities. The methodological recommendations offered by the authors on verification of accrued expenses allow us to identify the risks of inefficient use of expenses, including fraudulent actions. The methodological tools are supplemented with empirical materials obtained during testing of the internal audit methodology in industrial organizations, audit companies, as well as when performing research work. It will be useful for researchers, researchers, teachers, applicants for scientific degrees, and can also be used in the system of additional professional education, advanced training, for self-development of management personnel of financial and economic services in business and government structures.
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Kazakova, Nataliya, and Anastasiya Ivanova. The concept of development of strategic assets of fund-intensive companies. ru: INFRA-M Academic Publishing LLC., 2021.

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The monograph is devoted to the study of conceptual approaches to the development of information and analytical support for the development of strategic assets in fund-intensive companies. It covers three key areas: the stakeholder approach in accordance with the concept of sustainable business development; modeling the trend of strategic asset management; audit of the effectiveness of the KPI strategy of public fund-intensive companies using the SPACE-analysis methodology. The results of the study are aimed at developing the corporate strategic asset management system, as well as improving the tools for assessing strategic risks in the internal audit departments of public companies. The methodological tools are supplemented with empirical materials obtained during the testing of the scientific hypothesis and a comprehensive methodology for analytical justification and modeling of the strategy for managing the development of fixed assets in fund-intensive companies in the oil and gas and ICT sectors, as well as during the implementation of research works. It will be useful for researchers, researchers, teachers, applicants for scientific degrees, and can also be used in the system of additional professional education, professional development, for self-development of management personnel of financial and economic services in business and government structures.
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Cevelev, Aleksandr. Material and technical support of railway transport. ru: INFRA-M Academic Publishing LLC., 2021.

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The textbook covers topical issues of the implementation of the policy of JSC "Russian Railways" in the field of material and technical support of structural divisions of railway transport. Based on the results of theoretical studies of the system management of business processes of material and technical support of railway transport, the diversification of the activities of supply authorities, the concept was formulated and a tree of management goals was developed, as well as the formalization of the existing business processes of the MTO system for the current period was carried out and the supply efficiency management system was considered in accordance with the SRT of JSC Russian Railways. Recommendations on the implementation of the developed algorithms and models are of a long-term nature and will improve the efficiency of the system of providing services for providing material and technical resources to structural divisions and enterprises of railway transport. Meets the federal state educational standards of the latest generation in the areas of training: 38.03.01 "Economics", 38.03.02 " Management "(profiles: "Corporate Management", "Logistics and Supply Chain Management"). It is intended for students of railway transport universities of economic and engineering specialties, as well as for managers and specialists of material and technical support of JSC "Russian Railways" who are interested in the issues of material, information and financial support of railway transport.
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Adamchuk, Natal'ya, Rustam Azimov, Tamara Belousova, Denis Bryzgalov, Ekaterina Bryzgalova, Tat'yana Verezubova, Zeynegul' Esymhanova, et al. Insurance in the digital economy: science, practice, education. ru: INFRA-M Academic Publishing LLC., 2022.

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The monograph deals with the transformation of the insurance business in the conditions of digitalization. The logic of scientific analysis is based on the impact of digitalization on all environmental systems of the insurance business, which, in turn, require the transformation of all aspects of the insurer's activities. The scientific analysis of the usefulness of insurance services is given, the influence of digitalization on the formation of information flows and business processes in the insurance business is considered. The experience of Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Turkey in the development of digitalization of the insurance market is summarized, development problems are formulated and a number of practical recommendations are given. A significant block of material is devoted to the analysis of social aspects of the insurance business, including the tasks and opportunities of insurance organizations in the formation of sustainable development. The problems of ensuring the quality of insurance services in the conditions of digitalization, regulatory activities in this area, protection of the interests of the consumer of insurance services are considered. New approaches to training personnel for the insurance market are considered, domestic and foreign experience is summarized. The results of a study of the use of digital technologies at the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation and partner universities are presented. For a wide range of readers interested in insurance problems. It can be useful for students, postgraduates and teachers of economic universities.
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Shumilina, Vera, Yuliya Mezentseva, Tat'yana Sidorina, Nataliya Izvarina, Kristina Bondareva, Olga Astashova, Kirill Cherkasov, et al. Taxation problems in modern conditions. au: AUS PUBLISHERS, 2021.

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In recent years, one of the most acute and unsolved problems facing our country is the problem of taxation. An effective economy is inconceivable without the creation of an effective institution of taxation, which is the main conductor of state interests, and is a natural result of the tax policy pursued by the state. Effective taxation can be ensured by solving a number of problems and ensuring a harmonious combination of the selected tax mechanism with the goals and objectives set by the state in managing the country's economy. The relevance of this topic is due to the fact that today one of the most acute problems of our economy is the lack of financial resources, and taxes are one of the most important sources of replenishment of the state budget and affect the development of market relations. In turn, the budget depends on how successfully the society will develop in the country. This monograph is a collective work of teachers and students of the Department of Economic Security, Accounting and Law of the Don State Technical University. It is devoted to the consideration of certain problems in the field of taxes and taxation
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Sil'vestrov, Sergey, Vladimir Starovoytov, Vladimir Bauer, Aleksandr Selivanov, Vladimir Lepskiy, Aleksandr Raykov, Svetlana Lipina, et al. Strategic planning in the public sector of the economy. ru: INFRA-M Academic Publishing LLC., 2021.

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This collective monograph continues a series of scientific studies and publications on the problems of strategic planning, which have been carried out for several years at the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation with the involvement of specialists from other scientific and educational organizations. A series of research papers in 2017-2019 was devoted to the analysis of strategic development risks and the analysis of global strategic planning practice, the general methodology of strategic planning and forecasting (including in the context of ensuring Russia's economic security), the approach to the formation of life cycles of preparation and revision of strategic planning documents and their comparative analysis, the experience of coordinating budget, project and process types of management and financing, monitoring risks and threats, the use of new information tools in the strategic planning complex, including blockchain, and also naturally develops such aspects of previous research as analysis of world practice, coordination of budget, project and process types of management and financing, the use of information technologies. However, at the same time, a special task was set — to approach a comprehensive analysis of the strategic planning process as a whole, especially to study its documentary support as the core of the organization of this process and the implementation of its results in the practice of public administration, as well as to analyze the scientific support of strategic planning as an essential aspect of all strategic planning and strategic management activities in the entirety of its aspects (goal setting, forecast, design, programming, planning, control and audit). It is intended for specialists from the humanities, natural sciences and technical fields of knowledge focused on management and development problems, for undergraduates and postgraduates, as well as for a wide audience of management practitioners, including those related to strategic planning processes in the public sector.
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Ginkō, Nihon, ed. Corporate business under economic adjustment: Results of analysis of fiscal 1991 financial statements of principal enterprises in Japan. Tokyo: Bank of Japan, 1992.

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Tōkeikyoku, Nihon Ginkō Chōsa, ed. Corporate business during the recent economic downturn: Results of analysis of the fiscal 1992 financial statements of principal enterprises in Japan. [Tokyo]: Bank of Japan, 1993.

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Statistik, Indonesia Badan Pusat, ed. Direktori perusahaan perantara keuangan bukan koperasi: Hasil sensus ekonomi 2006 = Directory of financial intermediaries establishment : the 2006 economic census results. Jakarta, Indonesia: Badan Pusat Statistik, 2007.

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Andrushko, Ruslana. Financial and security policies for sustainable development. OKTAN PRINT, 2021.

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The monograph represents the results of research of the scientific and pedagogical staff of the Department of Finance, Accounting and Economic Security of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University on the research topic “Problems of financial support of economic and social sphere” (state registration number 0116U000117). Theoretical & methodological provisions and practical recommendations on the formation of conceptual framework and applied tools for assessing, monitoring and financial management at the global, national and micro levels in the permanent conditions of risks, threats and challenges to the security of sustainable development are given in the monograph. Recommended for readers interested in economic issues, academics, professionals, postgraduates, educators and students.
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Orhan, Ayhan, Sema Yilmaz Genc, and Nuray Terzi, eds. Economic and Social Issues: Global and Local Perspective. Glasstree, 2018.

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The process of globalization and its impact on societies and peoples everywhere are topics of great importance today. Recent experiences have been characterized by growing frustration with globalization, reflecting unsatisfactory processes and outcomes in many areas. In the economic area, high financial volatility and a broad sustained deficit have resulted in a frequency of national and international financial crises, and in a global financial crisis unprecedented since the Great Depression. In the social area, disappointment is the result of the uneven way the benefits of globalization have spread in both developed and developing economies. In the environmental area, no effective action has been taken so far to face the unprecedented challenges affected by climate change and the massive destruction of biodiversity. Our world is suffered by environmental problems that consume natural resources and strain livelihoods, many of which are arisen from by poor industrial practices. Environmental problems negatively impact economic and social life, directly and indirectly, environment-related diseases lead to loss of time and efficiency. All these deterioration encompasses a large set of areas, from the economy to social development, to inclusive growth, to macroeconomic and financial stability, to environmental sustainability. In this perspective, the European Congress of Economic Issues (ECOEI) held in Kocaeli in November 2017, which was the second in a series that started in March 2017. The aim of this congress was to assess the disruptive results of globalization in economic and social area and to explore the policy strategies that could help it become a reality. Therefore, this congress was reflected in having special sessions devoted to economic and social issues, including a wide array topics in global trade, economic growth, energy, environment and human development.
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Financial management: Briefing on the results of the financial audit of the National Institutes of Health. Washington, D.C. (P.O. Box 37050, Washington, D.C. 20013): The Office, 1999.

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Osman, Abdul Magid, and Djamila Pontes Osman. Putting the financial system to work for the poor and SMEs. UNU-WIDER, 2020.

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The financial inclusion effort achieved positive results, with the number of Mozambicans having access to banking services increasing considerably, particularly after 2011–12. However, the economic and social impact was limited, considering that farm productivity has remained low and poverty levels are still high. The neoliberal doctrine in the economic sphere, its expression in the restrictive monetary policies, and the weakness of the multi-party democracy system have been institutional factors restricting economic and social development. Consequently, this study proposes some institutional reform measures to expand credit to family subsistence farmers, small and medium-sized enterprises, the population in general, and low-income families in particular. Young people could benefit from more accessible housing loans. Rural family farmers also need systemic, public support.
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Morales, Juan Antonio, and Paul Reding. Monetary Policy in Low Financial Development Countries. Oxford University Press, 2021.

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The book gives broad coverage of monetary policy issues in Low Financial Development Countries (LFDCs). These low- and lower-middle-income countries are characterized by a predominance of bank finance, shallow financial markets, low financial inclusion, weak integration with world capital markets, and a high degree of informality in economic activity. Monetary policy acquires special twists, making it different in many aspects from the policies followed in advanced and emerging market economies. The book covers the main facets of monetary policy-making, using an approach that combines discussion of theoretical arguments, of results from empirical studies, and of policy experiences relevant for LFDCs. The book presents the monetary policy instruments used in these countries, and assesses the specificities of their monetary transmission mechanism. It evaluates the advantages, drawbacks, and challenges of the different nominal anchors they may choose from: exchange rate targeting, monetary targeting, and inflation targeting. This discussion is set against the background of the three main goals pursued by central banks: price, output, and financial stability. Particular attention is devoted to the issue of the credibility of central banks and to the trade-offs they face when external shocks, to which these countries are very vulnerable, lead to conflicts among the three goals they pursue. The book also covers more specific topics, such as challenges raised by fiscal dominance and by dollarization, implications of informal labour markets and of microfinance institutions for monetary policy-making, and the role of models for forecasting and policy evaluation.
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Birchall, Johnston. The Performance of Member-Owned Businesses Since the Financial Crisis of 2008. Edited by Jonathan Michie, Joseph R. Blasi, and Carlo Borzaga. Oxford University Press, 2017.

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This chapter examines the performance of several types of member-owned businesses since the financial crisis. It summarizes evidence for three financial co-operative sectors (European co-operative banks, the worldwide credit union sector, and the UK building societies), finding that they have been less risky, more stable, and on a range of indicators more successful than conventional investor-owned banks. It then examines the performance of retail consumer co-operatives, insurance mutuals, retailer-owned wholesalers, and employee-owned businesses. The wider benefits of having a significant member-owned sector are then considered. The conclusion is that economic resilience cannot be taken for granted: it has to be competed for in each industry sector, and the results will vary depending on the extent to which, in each sector, they can realize the ‘co-operative advantage’.
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Branch, Ontario Waste Management, and Superwood Ontario Ltd, eds. The technology demonstration, financial performance and product test results for Superwood: Report. [Toronto]: Ontario Environment, 1991.

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Ruback, R. Barry. Economic Sanctions in Criminal Justice. Oxford University Press, 2021.

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Economic sanctions are court-imposed financial obligations aimed at punishing offenders (fines), funding the government (costs/fees, forfeitures), and compensating victims (restitution). This book examines economic sanctions in the United States, with a focus on the multilevel, multimethod research my students and I conducted in Pennsylvania. The 15 studies described in the book are multiplistic in terms of academic discipline (social psychology, criminology, law), levels of analysis (individual, county, state), actors within the system (victims, offenders, probation officers, district attorneys, judges), type of process involved (imposition, payment, rearrest), and research methods (analyses of state-level computerized archives, coding of county-level paper court and probation records, surveys of individuals, a field-experiment, and follow-up involving probationers). Most of the studies examined the imposition, payment, and effect of paying restitution. Research across methods indicated that offenders are often unable to pay their court-ordered sanctions, that restitution is generally not paid in full, and that both offenders and victims are responsive to procedural justice. Experimental results indicated that randomly assigned probationers delinquent in making payments who received letters informing them of the restitution amounts they owed were more likely to pay restitution and less likely to commit a new crime as compared to randomly assigned delinquent probationers who did not receive letters or who received letters giving them a rationale for payment. Three policy recommendations are made concerning what is fair and effective for victims, offenders, and society: (1) mandating restitution, (2) making fines contingent on ability to pay, and (3) ending the imposition of costs and fees.
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Gang, Ira N., Rajesh Raj Natarajan, and Kunal Sen. Finance, gender, and entrepreneurship: India’s informal sector firms. UNU-WIDER, 2020.

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How does informal economic activity respond to increased financial inclusion? Does it become more entrepreneurial? Does access to new financing options change the gender configuration of informal economic activity and, if so, in what ways and what directions? We take advantage of nationwide data collected in 2010/11 and 2015/16 by India’s National Sample Survey Office on unorganized (informal) enterprises. This period was one of rapid expansion of banking availability aimed particularly at the unbanked, under-banked, and women. We find strong empirical evidence supporting the crucial role of financial access in promoting entrepreneurship among informal sector firms in India. Our results are robust to alternative specifications and alternative measures of financial constraints using an approach combining propensity score matching and difference-in-differences. However, we do not find conclusive evidence that increased financial inclusion leads to a higher likelihood of women becoming entrepreneurs than men in the informal sector.
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L, Watt David, ed. The Financial status of North Dakota farmers and ranchers: January 1, 1985 survey results. Fargo, N.D: Dept. of Agricultural Economics, Agricultural Experiment Station, North Dakota State University, 1986.

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Budget issues: A comparison of fiscal year 1992 budget estimates and actual results : report to the Congress. Washington, D.C: The Office, 1993.

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Congress, United States, ed. Budget issues: A comparison of fiscal year 1992 budget estimates and actual results : report to the Congress. Washington, D.C: The Office, 1993.

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Calmfors, Lars. The Swedish Macroeconomic Policy Framework. Edited by Jon Pierre. Oxford University Press, 2016.

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This chapter is concerned with Sweden’s current macroeconomic policy framework: how it emerged after the deep economic crisis of the 1990s and how it has functioned since then. The chapter describes a series of institutional reforms in the 1990s and 2000s that were implemented following a major financial crisis in 1991 and 1992. The reforms introduced central bank independence, flexible inflation targeting, a highly structured budgetary process, and an independent fiscal policy council. Thus, a common denominator in reform was to remove economic governance from immediate political control. It also describes the results of these reforms. Finally, the chapter accounts for some important contemporary economic policy controversies.
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Germano, Roy. Optimism in Times of Crisis. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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Using a variety of survey datasets, this chapter explores the impact of remittances in fifty Latin American, Caribbean, Middle Eastern, North African, and sub-Saharan African countries. The first part of this chapter provides an overview of trends in the flow of migrants and remittances throughout these developing regions. The remainder of the chapter uses survey data to analyze the effects of remittances on economic grievances during the global food and financial crises that struck many economies between 2008 and 2011. The results indicate that remittances are strongly associated with feelings of economic security and optimism. Remittance recipients are less likely to describe their personal economic circumstances or national economic conditions negatively. They are furthermore less likely to predict that their personal economic circumstances or the national economic conditions will deteriorate in the future.
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Copley, Jack. Governing Financialization. Oxford University Press, 2021.

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Capitalism has become ‘financialized’. Since the 1970s, the swelling of financial markets and asset price bubbles has occurred alongside weaker underlying economic growth. Yet financialization was not a spontaneous market development—it was rather deeply political. States fuelled this process through policies of financial liberalization. Britain lies at the heart of this story. The British state’s radical financial liberalizations in the 1970s and 1980s were instrumental in creating a financialized global economic order in which the City of London emerged as a central hub. But why did the British state propel financialization? The conventional wisdom points to the lobbying power of financial elites and the strength of neoliberal ideology. However, this book offers an alternative explanation through an in-depth exploration of declassified state archives. By examining key financial liberalizations in the 1970s and 1980s—including the notorious ‘Big Bang’—this book argues that these policies were not part of an intentional scheme to create a new finance-led economic model. Instead, they were designed to address immediate governing dilemmas related to the grinding ‘stagflation’ crisis and its aftershocks. In this era, British governments found themselves trapped between global competitive pressures to enforce painful domestic adjustment and national political pressures to maintain existing living standards. Financial liberalization was pursued in a trial-and-error manner to navigate this dilemma. By unleashing financial markets, the state hoped to either postpone the worst effects of the crisis, or enact tough economic restructuring in an arm’s-length fashion. Financialization was an accidental outcome, not an intentional result.
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Aye, Goodness C. Wealth inequality and CO2 emissions in emerging economies: The case of BRICS. UNU-WIDER, 2020.

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As the world battles with the triple problems of social, economic, and environmental challenges, it has become important to focus both policy and research efforts on these. Therefore, this study examines the effect of wealth inequality on CO2 emissions in five emerging economies: Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. The top decile of wealth share was used as a measure of wealth inequality, while CO2 emissions per capita were used as a measure of CO2 emissions. GDP per capita, population, and financial development (domestic credit to the private sector) were included as control variables. A balanced panel dataset of annual observations from 2000 to 2014 for these countries was used. Both fixed and random effects panel models were estimated, but the Hausman test favoured the use of the fixed effects model. The results based on the fixed effects panel regression model show that wealth inequality, GDP per capita, and population have positive effects on CO2 emissions, while financial development has a negative effect.
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De Vries, Catherine E. Change or Die? Oxford University Press, 2018.

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This chapter examines public support for different EU reform proposals. Based on a novel experimental approach to survey research, conjoint experiments, it examines the trade-offs that people make when considering reform proposals. In addition, it delves deeper into people’s preferences for reform by means of a novel survey about reform of the Eurozone. The results suggest that, on average, people prefer a Union that is cheaper, takes key decisions via citizen referendums, and focuses on issues relating to peace and security next to economic growth. Important differences exist between different types of support and scepticism, especially in how people want the EU to be governed and what policy objectives should be pursued. When it comes to reform of the Eurozone, unified sceptics and supporters agree that member states in financial trouble should receive tough treatment from the EU, while ambivalent sceptics wish to see more financial assistance for struggling member states.
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Kalinowski, Thomas. Why International Cooperation is Failing. Oxford University Press, 2019.

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Ten years after the global financial crisis of 2008/9 there is widespread scepticism about the ability to curb volatile financial markets and international cooperation in general. Changes in the global rules of finance discussed in the G20 during the last ten years remain limited, and it is doubtful whether they are suitable to help mitigate and manage future crisis to come. This book argues that this failure is not simply the result of bad leadership and clash of national egoisms but rather the result of a much more fundamental competition of capitalisms. US finance-led, EU integration-led, and East Asian state-led capitalism complement each other globally, but at the same time they have conflicting preferences on how to complement their distinct domestic regulations at the international level. This interdependence of capitalist models is both relatively stable but also prone to crisis caused by volatile financial flows, global economic imbalances, and ‘currency wars’. This book shows that regulating international finance is not a technocratic exercise of finetuning the machinery of international institutions but a political process depending on the dynamic of domestic institutions and power relations. If we want to understand international economic cooperation, we need to understand the diversity of domestic dynamics of the different models of capitalism, not just concerning financial markets but also in connected areas such as corporate structure, labour markets, and welfare regimes. Ultimately, international cooperation is both desirable and possible, but needs to go hand in hand with fundamental changes at the domestic level.
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Douglas W, Arner, Hsu Berry FC, Goo Say H, Johnstone Syren, Lejot Paul, and Tse Maurice Kwong-Sang. Part V The International Dimension, 12 The China Nexus. Oxford University Press, 2016.

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This chapter focuses on the financial markets and related legal and institutional frameworks in mainland China, in the context of China’s liberalization commitments under the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement (CEPA). Today, Hong Kong and its financial markets perform a number of roles in respect to China. As part of the People’s Republic of China, Hong Kong increasingly must deal directly with resulting issues and questions, both as a result of the increasing use by mainland companies of Hong Kong’s financial markets (e.g. listing on the stock exchange) as well as supporting business in China. At the same time, the resulting interconnection between the two economies and financial systems brings challenges for Hong Kong. This is especially true of questions relating to mainland companies raising money in Hong Kong and resulting issues of disclosure, corporate governance, and related enforcement problems.
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Vail, Mark I. Group Capture and Political Sclerosis. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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This chapter analyzes how Italian clientelist liberalism has shaped policy outcomes in fiscal policy, labor-market policy, and financial regulation since the early 1990s. Unlike France and Germany, where national liberal traditions were successfully synthesized with the postwar political-economic order, in Italy a weakly embedded liberalism became increasingly dominated and undermined by clientelistic imperatives. Like its German counterpart, Italian liberalism has traditionally viewed groups as the fundamental components of the social and economic order. Unlike those in Germany, however, these groups have acted and been seen as acting as impediments to adjustments rather than partners with the state. The result has been a zero-sum conception of political reform, a conflation of notions of the limits of state power with the vested interests of powerful groups, and a deep distrust of the state. In fiscal policy, labor-market policy, and financial regulation, these political dysfunctions have frustrated reforms and undermined effective adjustment.
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