Academic literature on the topic 'Finances – Information'
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Journal articles on the topic "Finances – Information"
Bukhtiarova, Alina, Yuliia Dukhno, Ganna Kulish, Iryna Kurochkina, and Volodymyr Lypchanskyi. "Ensuring transparency of key public finance authorities." Investment Management and Financial Innovations 16, no. 2 (May 24, 2019): 128–39.
Full textZurab Aznaurashvili, Zurab Aznaurashvili. "The Risks of Using Cryptocurrency in Political Financing And The Methods for its Prevention." Economics 104, no. 10-12 (December 12, 2021): 41–51.
Full textSzołno-Koguc, Jolanta. "The Significance of Openness and Transparency for Accountability in Public Finances." e-Finanse 14, no. 2 (June 1, 2018): 58–66.
Full textSteele, Kirstin. "The information supermarket." Bottom Line 20, no. 4 (November 20, 2007): 165–66.
Full textLaposha, Dmytro. "IMPLEMENTATION OF DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES WHEN EXECUTING CONTROL OF PUBLIC FINANCES IN THE TERRITORIAL COMMUNITY." Management of Development of Complex Systems, no. 51 (October 7, 2022): 58–68.
Full textChornovol, Alla, Yuliia Nemish, and Olha Biliavska. "INSTITUTIONAL SUPPORT OF PUBLIC FINANCES." INNOVATIVE ECONOMY, no. 5-6 (2021): 5–12.
Full textBORTNIKOV, Gennadiy. "State regulation with regard to disclosure of information by banks on sustainable finances." Fìnansi Ukraïni 2022, no. 8 (November 26, 2022): 90–117.
Full textRodina, Larisa A., and Lilia V. Zavyalova. "Personal finance management in modern conditions." Herald of Omsk University. Series: Economics 18, no. 4 (December 28, 2020): 36–47.
Full textMardiana, Mardiana, Salsabillah Devia Khansa, and Risky Wulandari. "Analisis Efektivitas Dan Efisiensi Sistem Informasi Akuntansi Pada Aplikasi DANA Untuk Mengatur Keuangan Masyarakat." IJAcc 3, no. 1 (February 9, 2022): 6–12.
Full textMustoffa, Ardyan Firdausi, Aik Aviska, and Yutt Puja Kusuma Lindayasa. "SISTEM INFORMASI AKUNTANSI (SIA) PENERIMAAN KAS PERUMDAM TIRTA DHARMA PURABAYA KABUPATEN MADIUN." Jurnal Abdimas Sangkabira 2, no. 2 (June 22, 2022): 305–12.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Finances – Information"
Yu, Suxiu. "Essays on Corporate Finance, Security Design and Information Choice." Thesis, Toulouse 1, 2017.
Full textZhang, Renbin. "Expectations, information frictions and macro-finance." Doctoral thesis, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2020.
Full textEl primer capítulo documenta la prima AH alta, volátil y persistente en el mercado de valores de China. Mostramos que varios modelos estándar de precios de activos RE y Bayesianos no pueden explicar la prima AH, pero un modelo de aprendizaje interno racional donde los agentes aprenden sobre los precios de las acciones proporciona una explicación natural. Al relajar la fuerte suposición de información sobre el conocimiento de los agentes sobre el mapeo de precios, el precio esperado de los agentes se convierte en un factor adicional para determinar el precio del capital además de la información dada por los fundamentos. Encontramos que los modelos de aprendizaje sobre los precios de las acciones proporcionan una explicación muy natural para esta prima. Documentos recientes basados en la racionalidad interna muestran que aprender sobre los precios de las acciones es compatible con los inversores racionales y ese modelo explica empíricamente la alta volatilidad de los precios de las acciones. Las creencias subjetivas de los inversores sobre los precios de las acciones están dadas por un modelo que es una buena descripción de los precios reales y este modelo percibido es difícil de rechazar dados los precios reales de las acciones. Bajo este marco, los agentes se dan cuenta de que una acción A es en realidad una seguridad diferente de una acción H y que se puede comprar o vender el próximo período a un precio posiblemente diferente. El segundo capítulo desarrolla nuevas pruebas de formación de expectativas que generalmente son aplicables en modelos de precios de activos con varios supuestos informativos. Mostramos que estos modelos suelen imponer una gran cantidad de restricciones de cointegración entre las predicciones de las variables económicas, y estas restricciones de cointegración implican que los agentes tienen un conjunto de información sólido cuando forman sus expectativas. Nuestras pruebas utilizan estas restricciones. Los investigadores pueden aplicar estas pruebas para estudiar la cointegración entre pronósticos de variables exógenas y pronósticos de variables endógenas en su modelo, así como la cointegración entre pronósticos de diferentes variables endógenas. Además, estos modelos imponen restricciones de cointegración entre pronósticos de la misma variable (por ejemplo, precios de acciones) en diferentes horizontes de pronóstico. El tercer capítulo establece que la creencia dispersa como resultado de la fricción de la información crea un nuevo canal a través del cual el costo de bienestar de la inflación en un sector está aumentando en su flexibilidad de precios y altera el índice de inflación óptimo. Primero, en un modelo de dos sectores estático y simétrico, derivamos analíticamente las condiciones bajo las cuales un aumento de la flexibilidad de precios en toda la economía deteriora el bienestar, la paradoja de la flexibilidad de precios. Con información perfecta, tal reducción en la fricción nominal mejora el bienestar. Sin embargo, en presencia de fricciones de información, el canal de creencias dispersas podría dominar. En consecuencia, surge la paradoja de la flexibilidad de precios. En segundo lugar, la paradoja es más grave si la reducción de las fricciones nominales es simplemente un fenómeno sectorial. En nuestro análisis de referencia, nos enfocamos en un banco central con metas de inflación que estabiliza completamente el Índice de Precios al Consumidor (IPC), que es el principal mandato entre muchos bancos centrales del mundo. Dada esta política, una mayor flexibilidad de precios sectoriales es perjudicial para el bienestar social, incluso en ausencia de fricciones de información.
Agents' belief and information friction are crucial for asset price and macroeconomy. This thesis applies ""Internal Rationality"" learning approach to explain some interesting facts in the financial market and investigate the implication of information friction for social welfare. The first chapter documents the high, volatile and persistent AH premium in China stock market. We show that various standard RE and Bayesian RE asset pricing models cannot explain the AH premium, but a model of internally rational learning where agents learn about stock prices provides a natural explanation. By relaxing the strong information assumption about agents' knowledge about pricing mapping, agents' expected price becomes an additional factor to determine the equity price on top of the information given by fundamentals. We find that models of learning about stock prices provide a very natural explanation for this premium. Recent papers based on Internal Rationality show that learning about stock prices is compatible with rational investors and that model explains high volatility of stock prices empirically. Investors' subjective beliefs about stock prices are given by a model that is a good description of actual prices and this perceived model is hard to reject given actual stock prices. Under this framework, agents realize that an A-share is actually a different security from an H-share and that it can be purchased or sold next period at a possibly different price. The second chapter develops new tests of expectation formation which are generally applicable in asset pricing models with various informational assumptions. We show these models typically impose a large number of cointegration restrictions between forecasts of economic variables, and these cointegration restrictions imply that agents have strong information set when they form their expectations. Our tests utilize these restrictions. Researchers can apply these tests to study the cointegration between forecasts of exogenous variables and forecasts of endogenous variables in their model as well as the cointegration between forecasts of different endogenous variables. Moreover, these models impose cointegration restrictions between forecasts of the same variable (e.g., stock prices) over different forecasting horizons. The evidence casts some doubt on the modeling of expectation formation in the asset pricing models which assume agents possess the knowledge of the equilibrium pricing function as in Rational Expectations and Bayesian Rational Expectations models. Relaxing this knowledge appears necessary for models to reconcile the survey evidence and potential resolutions are discussed. The third chapter establishes that the dispersed belief as a result of information friction creates a novel channel through which the welfare cost of inflation in a sector is increasing in its price flexibility and alters the optimal inflation index. First, in a static and symmetric two-sector model, we derive analytically the conditions under which an economy-wide increase in price flexibility is welfare-deteriorating---the paradox of price flexibility. With perfect information, such a reduction in nominal friction is welfare-improving. However, in the presence of information frictions, the dispersed beliefs channel might dominate. Consequently, the paradox of price flexibility arises. Second, the paradox is more severe if the reduction in nominal frictions is merely a sectoral phenomenon. In our baseline analysis, we focus on an inflation-targeting central bank that fully stabilizes the Consumer Price Index (CPI), which is the principal mandate among many central banks in the world. Given this policy, increased sectoral price flexibility is detrimental to social welfare, even in the absence of information frictions. These results are carried over to the dynamic model. We find that a monetary policy that stabilizes the optimal inflation index mitigates the paradox.
PANNECIERE, FREDERIC. "L'impact de l'introduction d'options." Jouy-en Josas, HEC, 2000.
Full textLai, Wan Ni. "Three essays on the information content in option prices." Aix-Marseille 3, 2009.
Full textMichenaud, Sébastien. "Three essays on information, rationality, and financial decision making." Jouy-en Josas, HEC, 2008.
Full textThis research is made up of three independent essays that study the effects of information production and emotions on financial decision-making. The objective of this research is to examine conditions under which managers may take biased investment decisions. I emphasize the information production activity of sell-side financial analysts and regret aversion, the most widely studied emotion in decision science, as potential channels of such distorted decisions. In the first essay, I empirically investigate whether executives reduce corporate investment to meet or exceed financial analysts’ earnings per share consensus forecasts. The second essay theoretically investigates whether financial analysts influence investment decisions through their impact on the stock market informativeness. The third essay is a theoretical investigation of regret aversion and its impact on the currency hedging decisions of portfolio managers
Ghozzi, Mohamed Khaled. "De la communication volontaire sur les risques : Utilité pour les marchés financiers." Paris 9, 2009.
Full textThis dissertation examines voluntary risk disclosures utility on French market. Empirical studies carried out in this research test short and long term effect between risk disclosures and information asymmetry. Short-term study shows that only operational and interest rate risk disclosures reduce investor disagreements about firms’ risk exposures. Quantitative disclosures are more likely to reduce investor disagreements. These disagreements are measured by transactions volume and seem to be less important for firms listed in the US market in which firms disclose more about their risks. We conclude on the existence of short-term effect of risk disclosures level. Throughout long-term study, we measure risk disclosures level for French market listed firms during three years. We examine the impact of this level on financial analysts’ forecasts. Our findings show no significant relationship between risk disclosures level and financial analysts’ forecasts errors and dispersion. However, disclosures level of reports issued by French firms reduces analysts’ forecasts errors and dispersion
Zylbersztejn, Adam michal. "Information, institutions et efficacité : essais en économie expérimentale." Phd thesis, Université Panthéon-Sorbonne - Paris I, 2013.
Full textDinh, Thanh Huong Gajewski Jean-François. "Le comportement des marchés financiers à l'annonce d'information comptable." Créteil : Université de Paris-Val-de-Marne, 2006.
Full textDiaw, Alassane Bocar. "Dynamique de l'indice CAC 40 et du contrat à terme dérivé à partir des données à haute fréquence." Nice, 2009.
Full textThis work aims to study intraday dynamics of CAC 40 index futures and the underlying spot index. Theoretically, if the markets are linked by activity, futures prices should be equal to spot prices suggesting that information flows simultaneously in the two markets. However, the majority of the studies highlight the leading role of the futures markets, in price discovery, allotted to microstructure issues. The primary goal of this study is to quantify and study the stability of informational flows. We seek to determine whether, between microstructure bias and information volume, time interval is significant in the characterization of the returns and volatility dynamics. The bivariate analysis is based on an error correction model for the returns equation and an EGARCH model to capture the volatility spillover. The first has shown the predominance of the futures market in the price discovery process, specifically for short time intervals. The latter has highlighted high volatility clustering in the futures market and unidirectional transmission of information shocks to spot market, particularly at higher time intervals. The second goal is to explain futures market volatility clustering by the intensity of the activity and the information asymmetry based on volumes and prices proxies. The Autoregressive Conditional Duration (ACD) model has shown some predictability of the volatility clustering at the level of ultra-high frequencies (tick-data). However, the role of the information asymmetry in the futures market volatility seems, globally, negligible and non permanent. The use of mixed duration and conditional volatility models (ACD- GARCH) confirms these results. Therefore, the volatility in the French major index futures market shouldn’t be allotted to informed agents with private information, as documented by market microstructure literature in some foreign markets
Bachman, Peggy. "L'autonomie financière des métropoles internationales." Thèse, Lyon 3, 2007.
Full textTwo dimensions of the financial autonomy of metropolises are presented : financial potential and financial power. Based on two case studies, one of Lyon, the other of Montreal, this thesis seeks to show that a financial autonomy model is a strategic dimension in the development of the international metropolises. The findings result in two different metropolitan portraits. One emphasizes the importance of financial power : in Lyon, the debate over financial autonomy chiefly concerns the ways of guaranteeing its financial power, while its financial potential remains relatively intact. The other emphasizes the role of financial potential : in Montreal, the main problem concerns its financial potential and the question of whether this problem should be resolved before even attempting to deal with the question of financial power. The complementarity and interdependance of these two dimensions translate directly into choices in policy and strategic planning around a unifying element : the citizen
Books on the topic "Finances – Information"
École supérieure de commerce de Paris. Département comptabilité et contrôles de gestion. and Ordre des experts comptables et des comptables agréés (France), eds. Principes comptables et information financière. Paris: Editions comptables malesherbes, 1988.
Find full textJoint Special Operations University (U.S.), ed. Disrupting threat finances: Using financial information to disrupt terrorist organizations. Hurlburt Field, Fla: JSOU Press, 2008.
Find full textLester, Ray. Information sources in finance and banking. London: Bowker-Saur, 1996.
Find full textAlberta. Direction de l'éducation française. Information financière, FIN 1010: [gestion des finances] : cahier modulaire de l'élève. Edmonton: Alberta Education, Direction de l'éducation française, 1998.
Find full textBanque fédérale de développement (Canada), ed. AIDE: Assistance et information pour le développement de l'entreprise. Montréal: Banque fédérale de développement, 1987.
Find full textEffective financial planning for library and information services. 2nd ed. London: Europa, 2003.
Find full text1804-1873, Howe Joseph, Canada. Governor General (1846-1854 : Elgin), and Great Britain Colonial Office, eds. Message: Elgin and Kincardine : the governor general transmits, for the information of the Legislative Assembly, copies of a despatch and enclosures from Her Majesty's secretary of state for the colonies, relative to the projected railroad between Halifax and Quebec or Montreal. [Toronto?: s.n., 1987.
Find full textCanada, Canada Environment, and Federation of Canadian Municipalities, eds. Funding directory: For municipal governments and community groups. [Ottawa]: Environment Canada = Environnement Canada, 1994.
Find full textCanada. Dept. of Finance. The budget plan 2000: Supplementary information and notices of ways and means motions included : better finances, better lives. Canada: Dept. of Finance, 2000.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Finances – Information"
Jonathan, Fisher QC, and Anita Clifford. "Money laundering and information sharing." In The Criminal Finances Act 2017, 21–26. Abingdon, Oxon; New York, NY: Informa Law from Routledge, 2019.: Informa Law from Routledge, 2018.
Full textJonathan, Fisher QC, and Anita Clifford. "Money laundering and further information orders." In The Criminal Finances Act 2017, 15–19. Abingdon, Oxon; New York, NY: Informa Law from Routledge, 2019.: Informa Law from Routledge, 2018.
Full textButi, Marco, and Declan Costello. "Population Ageing and the Sustainability of Public Finances in EMU." In Pensions: More Information, Less Ideology, 75–94. Boston, MA: Springer US, 2001.
Full textShreve, Steven E. "Information and Conditioning." In Springer Finance, 49–81. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2004.
Full textFunke, Jayson J. "Finance and information technologies." In Geographies of the Internet, 170–85. Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon; New York, NY: Routledge, 2020. | Series: Routledge studies in human geography: Routledge, 2020.
Full textTakahashi, Hiroshi. "Information Technology and Finance." In Innovative Approaches in Agent-Based Modelling and Business Intelligence, 43–51. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2018.
Full textAshford, Norman, and Clifton A. Moore. "Financial Management Information Systems." In Airport Finance, 136–46. Boston, MA: Springer US, 1992.
Full textBarucci, Emilio, and Claudio Fontana. "Information and Financial Markets." In Springer Finance, 397–477. London: Springer London, 2017.
Full textBarucci, Emilio. "Information and Financial Markets." In Springer Finance, 217–51. London: Springer London, 2003.
Full textAsai, Kentaro. "Asymmetric Information." In Corporate Finance and Capital Structure, 49–58. Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge, 2021.: Routledge, 2020.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Finances – Information"
Emanova, A. A., and T. A. Stavrova. "On the need for comprehensive improvement of state control and supervision in the sphere of financial legal relations." In VIII Information school of a young scientist. Central Scientific Library of the Urals Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2020.
Full text"INFORMATION SYSTEM QUALITY ASSURANCE IN FINANCES - Building the Quality Assurance into Information System Architecture." In Special Session on Applications in Banking and Finances. SciTePress - Science and and Technology Publications, 2008.
Full textLi Zhao, Andong Luis, Andrew Paley, Rachel Adler, and Kristian Hammond. "OpenIllinois: An Information System for Transparency in Illinois State Electoral Finances." In dg.o 2022: The 23st Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2022.
Full text"OBSERVABILITY OF INFORMATION IN DATABASES - New Spins in Data Warehousing for Credit Risk Management." In Special Session on Applications in Banking and Finances. SciTePress - Science and and Technology Publications, 2008.
Full textMelnykova, Natalia. "The basic approaches to automation of management by enterprise finances." In 2017 12th International Scientific and Technical Conference on Computer Sciences and Information Technologies (CSIT). IEEE, 2017.
Full textVaganova, O. V., N. E. Solovjeva, Y. L. Aulov, and L. I. Prokopova. "Transformation of Agriculture Through Digitalization, Innovative Solutions, and Information Technologies." In III International Scientific and Practical Conference "Digital Economy and Finances" (ISPC-DEF 2020). Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2020.
Full textXiangZhou He. "Notice of Retraction: China's public finances evaluation of the effectiveness of expenditure administrative costs empirical analysis since 1978." In Business Management and Electronic Information. 2011 International Conference on Business Management and Electronic Information (BMEI 2011). IEEE, 2011.
Full textPessanha Barreto, Iury, and Saulo Jardim de Araujo. "Financial Analysis: A Study on the Liquidity and Indebtedness of Brazilian Companies Listed on the Bovespa Index in the Period of Social Isolation Caused by Covid-19." In 7th International Congress on Scientific Knowledge. Perspectivas Online: Humanas e Sociais Aplicadas, 2021.
Full textAhmed, Salman, Mihir Sunil Gawand, Lukman Irshad, and H. Onan Demirel. "Exploring the Design Space Using a Surrogate Model Approach With Digital Human Modeling Simulations." In ASME 2018 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2018.
Full textLotter, Melany, and Chioma Okoro. "Financial literacy decision tree game: A system development exposé." In Ninth International Conference on Higher Education Advances. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica de València, 2023.
Full textReports on the topic "Finances – Information"
Anderson, Wesley J. Disrupting Threat Finances: Utilization of Financial Information to Disrupt Terrorist Organization in the Twenty-First Century. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, April 2007.
Full textGreenwald, Bruce, and Joseph Stiglitz. Information, Finance, and Markets: The Architecture of Allocative Mechanisms. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, March 1991.
Full textBennis, Jerry. Information Management Functional Economic Analysis for Finance Workstations to the Defense Information Technology Services Organization. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, March 1993.
Full textBennis, Jerry. Information Management Functional Economic Analysis for Finance Communications to the Defense Information Technology Services Organization. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, March 1993.
Full textBeuermann, Diether, Nicolas L. Bottan, Bridget Hoffmann, Jeetendra Khadan, and Diego A. Vera-Cossio. Suriname COVID-19 Survey. Inter-American Development Bank, May 2021.
Full textHaas Ornelas, José Renato, Marcos Soares da Silva, and Bernardus Ferdinandus Nazar Van Doornik. Informational Switching Costs, Bank Competition and the Cost of Finance. Inter-American Development Bank, July 2020.
Full textJin, Ginger Zhe, and Alex Whalley. The Power of Information: Do Rankings Affect the Public Finance of Higher Education? Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, February 2007.
Full textBennis, Jerry. Finance Near-Term Technical Architecture for the Defense Information Technology Services Organization. Version 1.1. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, November 1992.
Full textBennis, Jerry. Finance User Interface Style Guide (3270) to the Defense Information Technology Services Organization. Version 1.0. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, November 1992.
Full textKang, Jun-Koo, and Rene Stulz. How Different is Japanese Corporate Finance? An Investigation of the Information Content of New Security Issues. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, October 1994.
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