Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Filtres à ADN – Modèles mathématiques'
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Brun, Yseult. "Modèles complexes de relations concentration-temps-effet appliqués à des agents thérapeutiques seuls ou en combinaison : modélisation de combinaisons d'amphotéricine B, micafungine et nikkomycine Z sur Aspergillus fumigatus in vitro utilisant un nouveau paradigme de surface de réponse ; analyse mathématique de ce nouveau modèle de surface de réponse ; et modélisation simultanée de relations concentration-effet et temps-effet pour des données d'expression de gène issues de puces à ARN." Paris 5, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007PA05P604.
Full textA. Fumigatus was exposed to 91 fixed ratio combinations of amphotericin B, micafungin, and nikkomycin Z. Effect was assessed with an XTT assay. The best model was an overall response surface including polynomial equations for m and CI50. There was a large zone of synergy, mostly at the nikkomycin Z / micafungin edge and into the center of the ternary plots. The effect of changing the values of the different polynomial parameters for m and CI50 was systematically simulated. For CI50, asymmetrical and irregular isobols could be simulated, and the additivity line could be crossed twice at maximum. Finally, time-course and concentration-effect of gene expressions from microarray studies were fitted simultaneously, the respective submodels being the exponential increase / decrease model and the Hill model. The dataset was an Affymetrix HG-U95Av2 51 arrays dataset, after exposure of A2780 human ovarian carcinoma cells to cisplatin and oxaliplatin, focusing on 18 selected genes. Comparisons of model parameters helped distinguish genes with various expression patterns and could also help in understanding the molecular mechanisms of the agents, and their timing
Berard, Caroline. "Modèles à variables latentes pour des données issues de tiling arrays : Applications aux expériences de ChIP-chip et de transcriptome." Thesis, Paris, AgroParisTech, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011AGPT0067.
Full textTiling arrays make possible a large scale exploration of the genome with high resolution. Biological questions usually addressed are either the gene expression or the detection of transcribed regions which can be investigated via transcriptomic experiments, and also the regulation of gene expression thanks to ChIP-chip experiments. In order to analyse ChIP-chip and transcriptomic data, we propose latent variable models, especially Hidden Markov Models, which are part of unsupervised classification methods. The biological features of the tiling arrays signal, such as the spatial dependence between observations along the genome and structural annotation are integrated in the model. Moreover, the models are adapted to the biological question at hand and a model is proposed for each type of experiment. We propose a mixture of regressions for the comparison of two samples, when one sample can be considered as a reference sample (ChIP-chip), and a two-dimensional Gaussian model with constraints on the variance parameter when the two samples play symmetrical roles (transcriptome). Finally, a semi-parametric modeling is considered, allowing more flexible emission distributions. With the objective of classification, we propose a false-positive control in the case of a two-cluster classification and for independent observations. Then, we focus on the classification of a set of observations forming a region of interest such as a gene. The different models are illustrated on real ChIP-chip and transcriptomic datasets coming from a NimbleGen tiling array covering the entire genome of Arabidopsis thaliana
Guffon, Séverine. "Modélisation et commandes à structure variable de filtres actifs de puissance." Grenoble INPG, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000INPG0051.
Full textPopescu, R̆azvan Ștefan. "Modélisation du comportement des filtres en charbon actif utilisés pour l'épuration de l'air intérieur." La Rochelle, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008LAROS238.
Full textIndoor air cleaning by adsorption offers interesting solutions which haven’t been optimized, exploited and not even explored. The models of activated carbon filter systems take into consideration the mixture of several pollutants characterized by low concentrations, variable composition in time, temperature and humidity. All these properties are determining the operating criteria like the designing or endurance of those systems. The first part of the paper presents a synthesized biographical study upon the chemical and physical phenomenon which are typical for the filtration processes by adsorption. The second part presents the models developed in Matlab/Simulink software by taking into account the simplified hypothesis applied for the particularities of indoor air cleaning. First isothermal and dry conditions were modeled and then the effects of humidity and temperature influence. Finally the last part describes the simulations realized with the developed models. Mono and multi compound models for dry and isothermal conditions were compared with the experimental data for 6 pollutants measured at Ecole des Mines d’Ales. The influence of humidity was studied separately making a comparison between two models proposed in the present paper. In the end the last simulations show the potential of activated carbon filters to improve the indoor air quality
Malti, Rachid. "Représentation de systèmes discrets sur la base des filtres orthogonaux : application à la modélisation de systèmes dynamiques multi-variables." Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, INPL, 1999. http://docnum.univ-lorraine.fr/public/INPL_T_1999_MALTI_R.pdf.
Full textMarot-Briend, Guillemette. "Modélisation statistique pour la recherche de gènes différentiellement exprimés : modèles de variance-covariance, analyse séquentielle et méta-analyse." Paris, AgroParisTech, 2009. http://pastel.paristech.org/5473/01/phDreportGMarot.pdf.
Full textEl, Kolei Salima. "Estimation des modèles à volatilité stochastique par filtrage et déconvolution." Nice, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012NICE4095.
Full textThis thesis deals with the estimation of the state and/or the parameters of state-space models. The motivations come from financial applications, namely, from the estimation of the stochastic volatility and the parameters of its dynamics. Here, we consider two models : the Taylor SV model and the Heston model. After presenting the filtering methods, we propose a new approach of M-estimation based on a déconvolution strategy for linear state space models. We show that this method leads to a consistent and asymptotically normal estimator with an explicit variance, allowing constructing asymptotic confidence interval in practice. For the SV model, a thorough comparison with filtering methods and other classical methods is given on simulated and real data. This study shows the performance of our new approach. The Heston model is an example of complex state space models and, due to the nonlinearity, we cannot apply our approach. Nevertheless, filtering methods can be used for this model and we show how the filters update the estimation of the volatility and the parameters thanks to the observation of option prices. This illustrates the flexibility of these methods. Finally, we analyze the model risk induces by an error in the estimation of the parameters. Our objective consists in understanding the behavior of the filtering methods when the model is not well parameterized. A theoretical analysis consists in isolating the model risk due to the uncertainty of the parameters from the error of estimation for linear (and weakly nonlinear) models. An application of this result is given for the Heston model
Boutheiller, Nicolas. "Analyse et synthèse par optimisation basée sur l'algorithme génétique de filtres en guide d'ondes rectangulaire : Application à la conception de filtres multi-modes utilisant le résonance des modes à leur fréquence de coupure." Bordeaux 1, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002BOR12542.
Full textPetitjean, Alain Bernard Nicolas. "Modélisation des transferts réactifs diphasiques dans les filtres verticaux pour le traitement des eaux résiduaires urbaines." Strasbourg, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011STRA6175.
Full textOxygen renewal, as a prominent phenomenon for aerobic bacterial activity, deeply impacts Vertical Flow Constructed Wetland (VFCW) treatment efficiency. We introduce a multiphase model able to simulate multi-component transfer in VFCWs. It is based on a two-phase flow module, and a transport module. The flow module can quantify both water and air velocities throughout the filter during operation. The reactive transport module follows dissolved and gaseous oxygen concentrations, and the transport of solutes such as ammonium and readily biodegradable COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand). The consumption of components is governed by Monod-type kinetics. Heterotrophic and autotrophic bacteria, which are responsible for COD and ammonium degradation respectively, are part of the model components. The kinetics are based on the Constructed Wetlands Model 1. The results from the simulation tool were compared with existing experimental data, and two kinds of operation with VFCWs were investigated. The authors show strong interplay between oxygen renewal and bacterial consumption in case of sequential batch feeding with transient flooding of surface. Oxygen renewal is essentially convection mediated in such operation, while convection is not significant in non-flooding operation. Simulated bacterial patterns are impacted by the operation, both quantitatively and spatially. From a modelling point of view, the authors highlight some limitations of the biological model : the description of bacterial lysis processes needs to be enhanced, as well as ammonium adsorption to organic matter
Ducasse, Éric. "Modélisation et simulation dans le domaine temporel d'instruments à vent à anche simple en situation de jeu : méthodes et modèles." Le Mans, 2001. http://cyberdoc.univ-lemans.fr/theses/2001/2001LEMA1013.pdf.
Full textThe purpose is to conceive a physical model of a woodwind instrument including actions of the player for time-domain simulations. Both continuous and discrete time contexts need the design of methods linked to acoustics, signal processing and applied mathematics. The first chapter describes postulates and principles chosen for object-oriented modeling. The instrument is seen as lumped elements linked by pieces of tube. Some details are given on the modeling of a single reed mouthpiece and a key-pad system. Sound examples illustrate the potential of this kind of modeling in playing situation. In this introducing chapter, three important points are highlighted and developed in the three following chapters. The second chapter describes a two-port model of bore appropriate to cylinders, cones, and any other shapes without discontinuities in cross-section. This two-port uses locally-travelling waves as input, output, and state variables in preference to the usual travelling waves which can sometimes generate instabilities. The third chapter is about the mechanical modeling of a single reed. A lumped model with varying parameters is discussed, including questions about the rolling up of the reed on the lay of the mouthpiece and validity of a beam model. The fourth chapter attempts to establish principles of digital filter design for looped acoustic systems, especially for two-port descriptions of acoustic bores in discrete time domain
Malzac, Jean-Paul. "Modélisation des systèmes optiques multicouches : application aux filtres accordables et aux miroirs de Bragg." Montpellier 2, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996MON20212.
Full textQendro, Fatos. "Automatisation du contrôle non destructif par courants de Foucault, amélioration du rapport signal sur bruit." Compiègne, 1989. http://www.theses.fr/1989COMPD183.
Full textLenoir, Philippe. "Développement de méthodes et d'outils dédiés à la conception des dispositifs de filtrage microonde complexes." Limoges, 2005. https://aurore.unilim.fr/theses/nxfile/default/15b5565c-b4e4-4129-a043-ee952ad9b708/blobholder:0/2005LIMO0047.pdf.
Full textThe work presented in this manuscript concerns the development of methods and tools dedicated to the design of complex microwave filtering devices. The design of telecommunication satellite multiplexing systems requires a rigorous and fast modeling of each of its components. In this framework, a dynamic inverter model is developed, which makes possible to replace the global electromagnetic modeling of each channel, by associating the circuit model of the filter with a simplified electromagnetic model. In a second time, a methodology is developped for the design of filters realising symetrical and assymmetrical transfer functions with two pass bands. This method is associated to an approximate synthesis technique, which allows to simplify the filter realization. These works done in collaboration with the company Alcatel Space has been validated by the realization of experimental models
Hallab, Soufiane. "Utilisation des sous-modèles comme filtres utilisés pour la commande et l'optimisation d'un atelier de lixiviation de l'or." Thesis, Université Laval, 2010. http://www.theses.ulaval.ca/2010/27522/27522.pdf.
Full textDe, Taxis du Poet Philippe. "Immobilisation de cellules à ADN recombiné et stabilité des plasmides." Compiègne, 1987. http://www.theses.fr/1987COMPI253.
Full textThe use of genetically manipulated cells presents some problems and specially the instability of plasmids which are the vectors of desired functions. Continuous cultures of immobilized cells (in carrageenan gel beads) and free cells show higher plasmid instability for the immobilized cells. In order to understand this fact, two hypotheses are proposed : the compartmentalization of immobilized cell growth which limits the competition between plasmid free cells and plasmid bearing cells, and on the other hand, the diffusion/reaction of substrates into gel beads which creates a growth rates gradient of immobilized cells. These two hypotheses are tested theoretically. The relation ship between dilution rates of continuous free cells cultures, the plasmid copy number and the xylanase synthesis (plasmid encoded) show specific interactions depending on the growth media used. To the problems of using genetically manipulated cells, this work presents two answers : immobilization can increase plasmid stability and can also increase biomass productivity. According to these results, attention could focus to the following points : the importance of the cell's environment (specially physico chemical parameters) the industrial aspect of immobilized cells, the importance of models in the study of complex biological systems, and the necessary interdisciplinarity of such research
Trempat, Pascal. "Anomalies chromosomiques et profils d'expression génique dans les hémopathies malignes : modèles des syndromes myéloprolifératifs et de la maladie de Hodgkin." Toulouse 3, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004TOU30154.
Full textDuring my PhD, the research work has focused on two aspects of the molecular genetics of hematological malignancies. First, we have attempted to clone new translocation breakpoints in myeloproliferative diseases by studying the t(4;22)(q12;q11) translocation. Chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) is defined by the presence of the t(9;22)(q34;q11) translocation generating the breakpoint cluster region-Abelson (BCR-ABL) fusion gene. This translocation yields a constitutively active tyrosine kinase, which is the starting oncogenic event in CML by stimulating proliferation and inhibiting apoptosis. We have reported that in rare cases of atypical CML bearing the t(4;22)(q12;q11) both the breakpoint cluster region (BCR) and the platelet derived growth factor a receptor (PDGFRA) genes were involved. The patient had a clinical presentation of CML with progressive transformation in B-cell acute lymphoblastic but a BCR-ABL rearrangement was not detected. Indeed, the characterisation of the t(4;22) translocation was performed by fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) with BCR and ABL probes. FISH demonstrated the presence of an isolated t(4;22)(q12;q11) translocation and ruled out the presence of a cryptic BCR-ABL fusion. We found PDGFRA gene to be the partner of m-BCR in this translocation. MRNA sequencing revealed that BCR exon 1 fused with PDGFRA exon 13 and that exons were in frame. Of note, the reciprocal chimeric gene PDGFRA-BCR was not transcribed. Similar to some translocations involving tyrosine kinase genes, this new translocation involves the BCR gene with the preservation of its exon 1 which is mandatory for the production of the coiled-coil oligomerisation that mimics normal activation of the PDGFRA by its ligand. The involvement of PDGFRA led us to treat one patient with the small organic compound, imatinib mesylate/STI571 (Glivec), that blocks the ATP binding site of tyrosine kinases such as Abelson, KIT and platelet derived growth factor receptors. The patient subsequently achieved a rapid clinical and molecular response clearly demonstrating, for the first time, that Glivec is active against BCR-PDGFRA in vivo. .
Darné, Olivier. "La désaisonnalisation des chroniques économiques : Analyse des conditions conjoncturelles." Montpellier 1, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002MON10057.
Full textCuellar, Quispe Carlos Enrique. "HF characterization and modeling of magnetic materials for the passive components used in EMI filters." Thesis, Lille 1, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013LIL10061/document.
Full textThe switching semiconductor devices in static-converters are the main source of electromagnetic interference (EMI). Reduction of these emissions can be achieved by different techniques including the use of EMI filters which design requires the use of magnetic cores. These must have adequate physical properties allowing the EMI filter to fulfill its task within a specified frequency range whatever the operating conditions (saturation, temperature…). Therefore, in the present work, some methodologies and models are developed in order to be able to design the EMI filter within its real conditions of operation. First, the magnetic core is considered in small-signal conditions and a method is proposed to measure the complex magnetic permeability in high frequency (HF). Two models, analytical and lumped-circuit network, are developed to account for the HF characteristics. In a second step, the material is considered saturable as the EMI filter can be subjected to more important currents, leading to the modification of its main characteristics. Then, a non-linear modeling approach, with and without hysteresis effect, including a material capacitance is considered for modeling the magnetic core. Additionally, a technique is proposed to characterize in HF the magnetic hysteresis loop from a single turn flat coil configuration.Finally, an improved current injection method, with new designed current probes, is used to characterize the input impedance of a converter. The impedance, combined with the developed small-signal and high-signal material models, is used to predict the insertion loss of an EMI filter. Simulation results are validated by the experiment
Quintanel, Sébastien. "Contribution à la modélisation en bruit du transistor HEMT aux températures cryogéniques : Analyse du contrôle automatique des filtres actifs microondes." Limoges, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002LIMO0052.
Full textThe two research areas presented in this report are : - On the one hand, theoretical analysis of automatic central frequency control of tunable filters. Two different techniques based on use of external signal and of a locked loop either in magnitude or in phase are studied. Both systems are associated with two different voltage controlled filters. The first one is a distributed half-wave resonant structure, and the second one is an ideal first order recursive filter. - On the other hand, the FET temperature and noise modelling for cryogenic low noise amplifier design is investigated. FET noise model extraction, realised from S and noise parameters measurements are first presented. Finally, a study is dedicated to cryogenic LNA design matched to superconductor circuits
Vandekerkhove, Pierre. "Identification de l'ordre des processus ARMA stables : contribution à l'étude statistique des chaînes de Markov cachées." Montpellier 2, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997MON20115.
Full textNoé, Laurent. "Recherche de similarités dans les séquences d'ADN : modèles et algorithmes pour la conception de graines efficaces." Phd thesis, Université Henri Poincaré - Nancy I, 2005. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00011482.
Full textElles se basent sur un principe de filtrage du texte qui permet de localiser les régions potentiellement similaires.
Dans cette thèse, nous proposons de nouvelles définitions de filtres pour la recherche de similarités sur les séquences génomiques et des algorithmes associés pour mesurer leurs caractéristiques.
Plus précisément, nous avons étudié le modèle des graines espacées, et proposé un algorithme d'évaluation de l'efficacité des graines sur des similarités d'une classe particulière (similarités dites homogènes). Nous avons également développé un algorithme général pour la mesure de l'efficacité des graines, ainsi qu'un nouveau modèle de graine appelé graine sous-ensemble, extension du modèle des graines espacées. Enfin nous donnons, dans le cadre du filtrage sans perte, une extension à l'aide de graines multiples, que nous analysons et appliquons au problème de la conception d'oligonucléotides.
Nous avons réalisé et donnons accès à des outils pour la conception des filtres, ainsi que pour la recherche de similarités.
Firlej, Virginie. "Facteurs de transcription du groupe PEA3 et cancérogenèse mammaire : modèles d'inhibition de l'expression, études phénotypiques et recherche de gènes cibles." Lille 1, 2006. https://pepite-depot.univ-lille.fr/LIBRE/Th_Num/2006/50376-2006-Firlej.pdf.
Full textInjectées en sous-cutané à des souris immunodéficientes, ces même cellules induisent la formation de tumeurs de taille réduite par rapport aux cellules contrôles, confinnant l'implication des facteurs du groupe PEA3 dans les événements conduisant à la cancérogenèse. La caracténsation de la régulation du gène bax par les facteurs du groupe PEA3 a permis de mettre en évidence un nouveau mode de régulation non encore décrit pour ces facteurs, impliquant une interaction avec le facteur USF-I sans liaison directe des facteurs PEA3 à l'ADN. Celle des deux autres gènes cibles cycline D2 et p55cdc est en cours. La modulation de leur expression a été confirmée dans les modèles cellulaires de répression de l'expression des facteurs Erm et Pea3. L'étude de leur région promotrice a permis de définir des sites de régulation dont la caractérisation reste à affiner. La mise au point des différents modèles dans lesquels l'expression des membres du groupe PEA3 est modulée nous a conduit à initier une recherche plus complète des cibles moléculaires des facteurs Erm et Pea3 par utilisation de micro-arrays (Applied Biosystems) avec pour but la corrélation avec les modifications phénotypiques liées à la modulation de l'expression des facteurs du groupe PEA3
Defrance, Matthieu. "Algorithmes pour l'analyse de régions régulatrices dans le génome d'eucaryotes supérieurs." Phd thesis, Université des Sciences et Technologie de Lille - Lille I, 2006. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00124471.
Full textLe problème de la recherche de ces éléments régulateurs peut être envisagé sous l'angle informatique de la recherche de motifs approchés particuliers.
La recherche de motifs régulateurs est une question difficile du fait de la faible spécificité des motifs recherchés. Pour pouvoir y répondre, il faut prendre en compte différentes formes d'information. En particulier, il est pertinent de prendre en compte la conservation entre espèces (génomique comparative), la conservation entre séquences génomiques partageant des éléments de régulation (gènes co-régulés) ou encore, dans certains cas, la conservation spatiale des sites de fixation.
Dans ce cadre, nous proposons une méthode permettant de tirer parti, à la fois de la conservation spatiale, et de la conservation entre espèces. Cette approche se compose d'un algorithme de recherche locale et d'évaluateurs statistiques adaptés au problème de la recherche de motifs sur-représentés localement lorsque l'environnement de recherche est hétérogène, c'est-à-dire pour des séquences pouvant provenir d'organismes différents ou de régions différentes du génome. Ces travaux ont été mis en oeuvre dans un logiciel appelé TFM-Explorer, que nous avons évalué avec succès sur des données issues du génome humain, de la souris et du rat.
Haye, Alexandre. "Modélisation de l'évolution temporelle de l'expression des gènes sur la base de données de puces à ADN: application à la drosophile." Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/2013/ULB-DIPOT:oai:dipot.ulb.ac.be:2013/209904.
Full textPremièrement, l’observation des données d’expression utilisées nous a conduits à approfondir l’étude des phénomènes survenant lors des changements de stades de développement de la drosophile. Dans ce but, deux méthodes de détection automatique de ces changements ont été développées et appliquées aux données temporelles disponibles sur le développement d’eucaryotes supérieurs. Elles ont également été appliquées à des données temporelles relatives à des perturbations externes de bactéries. Cette étude à montré qu’une formulation mathématique simple permettait de retrouver les instants expérimentaux où une perturbation ou un changement de stade de développement est observé, à partir uniquement des profils d’expression. Par ailleurs, la réponse à une perturbation externe s’avère non distinguable d’une succession de stades de développement, sur la base des seuls profils temporels d’expression.
Deuxièmement, en raison des dimensions du problème constitué par les données d’expression de plusieurs milliers de gènes et de l’impossibilité de distinguer le rôle dans la régulation des gènes qui présentent des profils d’expression similaires, il s’est avéré nécessaire de classifier les gènes selon leurs profils d’expression. En nous basant sur les résultats obtenus lors de la détection des stades de développement, la démarche suivie est de regrouper les gènes qui présentent des profils temporels d’expression aux comportements similaires non seulement au cours de la série temporelle complète, mais également dans chacun des stades de développement. Dans cette optique, trois distances ont été proposées et utilisées dans une classification hiérarchique des données d’expression de la drosophile.
Troisièmement, des structures de modèles linéaires et non linéaires ainsi que des méthodes d’estimation et de réduction paramétriques ont été développées et utilisées pour reproduire les données d’expression du développement de la drosophile. Les résultats de ce travail ont montré qu’avec une structure de modèle linéaire simple, la reproduction des profils expérimentaux était excellente et que, dans ce cas, le réseau de régulation génique de la drosophile pouvait se contenter d’une faible connectivité (en moyenne 3 connexions par classe de gènes) et ce, sans hypothèse a priori. Toutefois, les modèles linéaires ont ensuite sérieusement été remis en question par des analyses de robustesse aux perturbations paramétriques et de stabilité des profils après extrapolation dans le temps. Dès lors, quatre structures de modèles non linéaires et cinq méthodes de réduction paramétrique ont été proposées et utilisées pour concilier les critères de reproduction des données, de robustesse et de stabilité des réseaux identifiés. En outre, ces méthodes de modélisation ont été appliquées à un sous-ensemble de 20 gènes impliqués dans le développement musculaire de la drosophile et pour lesquels 36 interactions ont été validées expérimentalement, ainsi qu’à des profils synthétiques bruités. Nous avons pu constater que plus de la moitié des connexions et non-connexions sont retrouvées par trois modèles non linéaires. Les résultats de cette étude ont permis d’éliminer certaines structures de modèle et méthodes de réduction et ont mis en lumière plusieurs directions futures à suivre dans la démarche de modélisation des réseaux de régulation génique.
Doctorat en Sciences de l'ingénieur
Caenepeel, Matthias. "Techniques de modélisation pour une conception efficace de filtres passe-bande micro-ondes." Thesis, Université Côte d'Azur (ComUE), 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016AZUR4052.
Full textThe design of microwave bandpass filter generally requires optimization or fine-tuning of the physical design parameters in order to meet the electrical specifications given by a frequency template. In this thesis we develop models to assist the designer in the time-efficient physical design of the distributed element microwave filters. The aim is to incorporate these models in different CAD methods. By a time-efficient design, we mean a design that requires a low number of EM simulations. The EM-simulations typically represent the most time-consuming step during the optimization process. We propose different modeling approaches for the frequency response behavior of the filter. The first approach models the coupling matrix as a function of the physical design parameters and the second approach models the scattering parameters, again as a function of the physical parameters. In the first part we focus on the extraction of the coupling matrix. We introduce a novel CAT technique based on an efficient estimation of the Jacobian of the function relating the design parameters to the coupling parameters. The estimation of the Jacobian uses adjoint sensitivity analysis, which drastically reduces the number of required EM-simulations. In the second part of the thesis we propose an alternative modeling approach which is based on the concept of a metamodel. The idea is that the metamodel is numerically much cheaper to evaluate than the original simulation model while keeping an acceptable accuracy. We apply these methods to several state of-the-art microstrip bandpass filters
Ben, Mabrouk Mohamed. "Modèles de Markov triplets en restauration des signaux." Phd thesis, Institut National des Télécommunications, 2011. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00694128.
Full textTeillet-Deborde, Jeffrey. "Intégration et optimisation de procédés de séparation d'ADN." Thesis, Toulouse 3, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020TOU30127.
Full textThis manuscript describes and discusses the integration of instrumentation hardware for the µLAS system, for the optimization of the analysis and separation of DNA molecules. First, we will discuss separation techniques, their approaches and strategies. And we will try to answer this question which is asked when a species migrates: how to characterize the competition between forced advection and natural diffusion? To optimize and improve the performance of the various separation technologies thus mentioned, it is necessary to introduce the issues inherent in each. Because there is indeed a wide range of actuation means that cause molecules to migrate in multiple ways: by hydrodynamics, by electrophoresis or even techniques combining the two approaches. Then we will introduce the µLAS technology and in what technological context it is placed. We will present the physical principles that govern the different stages of the technology's operation (concentration and separation). We will then approach the developments carried out during this thesis work on a temporal separation mode which involves a new chip model. Finally, we will show the development work, both in technological manufacturing and also in software intelligence, to set up slope engravings in silicon and thus enrich the µLAS system. Then we will introduce the instrumentation work carried out throughout these 3 years on a dedicated experimental bench. This chapter will be organized to introduce an uninformed reader to the basics and issues inherent in programming, instrumentation and automation of systems controlled by LabVIEW. We will use these bases to present the platform thus developed to pilot µLAS experiments. Finally, such a system needs to be characterized because it involves many players: computer and mechanical tools. Finally, we will present the separation results obtained using the fully integrated and automated µLAS platform. The analysis of these results raised questions and at the same time a study of the dynamic dispersion of DNA bands. We will end with some prospects for improvement, mentioned during the manuscript
Sierocinski, Thomas. "Méthodes probabilistes, floues et quantiques pour l'extraction de l'information biologique." Phd thesis, Université Rennes 1, 2008. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00429878.
Full textTran, Van Ly. "Modèles stochastiques des processus de rayonnement solaire." Phd thesis, Université d'Orléans, 2013. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00994598.
Full textBsalis, Elias. "Commande modale d'un avion sans pilote par retour dynamique de sortie." Toulouse, ENSAE, 1992. http://www.theses.fr/1992ESAE0002.
Full textArnaud, Philippe. "Etudes par modélisation moléculaire de l'interaction d'une métalloporphyrine avec de l'ADN double brin : contribution à l'étude des agents de coupure de l'ADN." Toulouse 3, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005TOU30286.
Full textValeyre, Sébastien. "Modélisation fine de la matrice de covariance/corrélation des actions." Thesis, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2019. https://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-03180258.
Full textA new methodology has been introduced to clean the correlation matrix of single stocks returns based on a constrained principal component analysis using financial data. Portfolios were introduced, namely "Fundamental Maximum Variance Portfolios", to capture in an optimal way the risks defined by financial criteria ("Book", "Capitalization", etc.). The constrained eigenvectors of the correlation matrix, which are the linear combination of these portfolios, are then analyzed. Thanks to this methodology, several stylized patterns of the matrix were identified: i) the increase of the first eigenvalue with a time scale from 1 minute to several months seems to follow the same law for all the significant eigenvalues with 2 regimes; ii) a universal law seems to govern the weights of all the "Maximum variance" portfolios, so according to that law, the optimal weights should be proportional to the ranking based on the financial studied criteria; iii) the volatility of the volatility of the "Maximum Variance" portfolios, which are not orthogonal, could be enough to explain a large part of the diffusion of the correlation matrix; iv) the leverage effect (increase of the first eigenvalue with the decline of the stock market) occurs only for the first mode and cannot be generalized for other factors of risk. The leverage effect on the beta, which is the sensitivity of stocks with the market mode, makes variable theweights of the first eigenvector
Seaux, Jean-François. "Conception, optimisation et test de dispositifs intégrant des matériaux en couche mince supraconducteurs ou ferroélectriques pour des applications de filtrage dans le domaine spatial." Limoges, 2005. http://aurore.unilim.fr/theses/nxfile/default/41920dfd-a8ee-4cd3-8ed9-7dcfa9d61606/blobholder:0/2005LIMO0048.pdf.
Full textThe research work presented in this memory relates to the realization of innovating microwave filtering devices from thin layer superconductors or ferroelectrics for space applications. The high-temperature superconductor planar technology makes it possible to obtain at the same time compact circuits and excellent electric performances. C-band eight-pole self-equalized quasi-elliptic filters for an input multiplexer (IMUX) have been designed. Moreover, a Ka-band preselect filter has been studied. We have also searched to tune the superconductive filters after their manufacture using ferroelectric materials. An electromagnetic method has been developed to characterize BST deposits on adapted substrates. The goal was to realize reconfigurable or tunable devices
Tan, Wenhua. "Modélisation et Conception des Composants Passifs Planar pour Filtres CEM." Phd thesis, Ecole Centrale de Lille, 2012. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00776515.
Full textEl, Mokhtari Karim. "Estimation circulaire multi-modèles appliquée au Map matching en environnement contraint." Thesis, Littoral, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015DUNK0367/document.
Full textNavigation in constrained areas such as ports or dense urban environments is often exposed to theproblem of non-line-of-sight to GPS satellites. In this case, proprioceptive sensors are generally used totemporarily localize the vehicle on a map. However, the drift of these sensors quickly cause the navigationsystem to fail. To localize the vehicle, a magnetometer is used in this thesis for heading measurementunder an absolute reference together with a velocity sensor and a digital map of the road network.In this context, the first contribution of this work is to provide a matching of the vehicle’s headingwith the digital map (map matching) to localize the vehicle. The proposed technique uses a particle filterdefined in the circular domain and a circular pre-filtering on the heading measurements. It is shown thatthis technique is more efficient than a conventional topological map matching algorithm, particularly inambiguous cases like a Y-shape road junction. The second contribution of this work is to propose a circularmultiple model filter CIMM defined in a Bayesian framwork from the von Mises circular distribution.It is shown that the integration of this new approach in the pre-filtering and analysis of the heading observationsimproves the robustness of the heading’s estimation during cornering and increases the mapmatching’s quality through a better propagation of the particles on the road network. The performancesof the proposed methods are evaluated on synthetic and real data
Ickowicz, Adrien. "Méthodes d'estimation statistique pour le suivi de cibles à l'aide d'un réseau de capteurs." Phd thesis, Université Rennes 1, 2010. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00482418.
Full textLoosvelt, Matthieu. "Étude des performances des techniques d'accès multiple soumises au bruit de phase." Lille 1, 2006. https://ori-nuxeo.univ-lille1.fr/nuxeo/site/esupversions/7e300e66-140e-44fa-8df6-396159e45ddd.
Full textHamlaoui, Soumya. "Suivi 2D de visages et de mouvements faciaux." Compiègne, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006COMP1531.
Full textTracking a face and its facial features in a video sequence is a challenging problem in computer vision. This thesis addresses the problem of tracking the 2D global motion of a face as well as the local motion of its inner features. Ln this thesis, we propose a stochastic approach based on a particle filtering scheme. The observation distribution is derived from an active appearance model, or from an on-Iine estimated appearance model. The dynamics describing the state system evolution are guided by a deterministic research. The particle number is adjusted to the effective needs of the tracking at each time step. This adjustment allows an optimization of the computing time. We also use a robust distance measure which increases the tracking robustness when the face is partially occulted. Experiments on real video show encouraging results
Garrivier, Daniel. "Etudes théoriques et numériques d'objets "issus de la biologie" : torsion de fils d'ADN ; pelage de membranes en adhésion." Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble), 2001. http://www.theses.fr/2001GRE10068.
Full textDubarry, Cyrille. "Méthodes de lissage et d'estimation dans des modèles à variables latentes par des méthodes de Monte-Carlo séquentielles." Phd thesis, Institut National des Télécommunications, 2012. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00762243.
Full textTomezak, Maxime. "Radiothérapie du cancer : de la physique de l’ADN irradié à la dormance tumorale." Thesis, Lille 1, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016LIL10205/document.
Full textRadiotherapy uses ionizing radiations in order to eradicate cancer cells mainly through the generation of DNA double-strand breaks. A side effect of radiotherapy is the emergence of second cancer, preferentially at the border of the treated volume, where normal cells receive some non-lethal leaking radiations. These second cancers are mainly sarcomas and develop with a latency of 3 to 20 years. We have determine the distribution of DNA damage (SSBs and DSBs) both in-and at the border of the irradiation field following various conditions of irradiation. We also investigated DNA damages and induction of senescence after multi-session of treatment. Fluorescent detection of 53BP1 and XRCC1 foci was used as a marker of DSBs and SSBs respectively. Finally senescence state has been tested by measurement of SA-beta-galactosidase activity. We also developped a theoretical agent-based model of cell evolution under the action of cytotoxic treatments, such as radiotherapy or chemotherapy. The major features of cell cycle and proliferation, cell damage and repair, and chemical diffusion are included. Cell evolution is based on a discrete Markov chain. Two showcase applications of the model are then presented (survival curves and bystander effect)
Petetin, Yohan. "Algorithmes de restauration bayésienne mono- et multi-objets dans des modèles markoviens." Phd thesis, Institut National des Télécommunications, 2013. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00939083.
Full textMehsein, Kawsar. "Degradation mechanisms study of NOx after-treatment SCR system using urea on a Diesel Particulate Filter catalyst." Thesis, Montpellier, Ecole nationale supérieure de chimie, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017ENCM0012.
Full textThe selective catalytic reduction (SCR) by urea or ammonia is a well-known method to meet the European emission regulation requirements concerning the reduction of nitrogen oxides (NOx) emissions from Diesel engines. In order to optimize the NOx reduction activity at all temperature range, a copper-exchanged zeolite (Cu-Zeolite) SCR catalyst is combined to a Diesel Particulate Filter (SCRF). However, during the continuous regeneration of the particulate filter, the SCRF catalyst will go through numerous constraints such as variable high temperature, poisoning compounds from Diesel fuel and engine oil, during the entire vehicle life of the after-treatment line. Moreover, the European legislation requires a durability of the after-treatment line for about 160,000km. Understanding the degradation of the SCRF catalyst by the hydrothermal ageing is of interest to apprehend the deactivation mechanism in order to develop a stable material. In the present work, accelerated hydrothermal ageing in laboratory oven and also a real driving ageing of an SCRF catalyst, included in an after-treatment line for about 120,000km, were performed. The different results obtained help to apprehend the degradation mechanism of a Cu-Zeolite SCRF catalyst performance and also to find a correlation between a 120,000km real driving ageing and an equivalence oven aged SCRF catalysts. Moreover, rapid characterization methods, to detect the hydrothermal ageing status of an SCRF catalyst, have been selected. Finally, a mathematical model, based on experimental results, has allowed to describe the degradation of the ammonia storage capacity of the SCRF catalyst with the hydrothermal ageing
Couture, Pierre. "Galaxies à sursauts de formation stellaire : Simulations pour la mission UVIT." Thesis, Université Laval, 2011. http://www.theses.ulaval.ca/2011/28432/28432.pdf.
Full textMouli, Richard. "Un modèle d'animation comportementale fondé sur le concept de personnage." Toulouse 3, 1994. http://www.theses.fr/1994TOU30192.
Full textBloch, Gérard. "Modélisation des procédés : Des méthodes, un outil logiciel." Nancy 1, 1988. http://www.theses.fr/1988NAN10343.
Full textGnimpieba, Zohim Etienne. "Modélisation bioinformatique des réseaux de régulation génétique et métabolique : application à l'étude du comportement des cellules exposées au déficit en folates et à des contaminants alimentaires en cause dans la génèse du cancer." Compiègne, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011COMP1954.
Full textBiological networks analysis is faced with the complexity of regulations between the different entities involved (genes, metabolites, enzymes, transcription factors). We propose here a general approach to better integrate the regulation of gene expression in the study of the behavior of metabolic networks. The goal of the three parts of our approach is to facilitate the identification of potential targets for the deregulation of specific biological processes. Thus our approach has been applied to the study of one carbon metabolism (MMC). The _rst part of our approach is to design mathematical models based on the theory of dynamical systems with integration of experimental conditions in the model parameter identify cation. In this section, we built a continuous metabolic network model by integrating the experimental conditions by using logic programming. This part allows us to complete the usual process of continuous modeling of metabolic networks by integrating the biological knowledge based on experimental conditions. An application of our method on the MMC has allowed us to study the folate deficiency, the genetic mutation of MTHFR to isolate the metabolites that are modulated by these biological processes. The second part focuses on bioinformatics analysis of gene expression data (ADE). We propose in this part an integrated approach in 12 steps for analyzing gene expression data from microarray and PCR technologies. This approach was applied to 4 experimental datasets to study the impact of food contaminants (arsenic and fumonisin B1) on the regulation of a biological process. The results were used to experimentally validate some assumptions of the first part and understand the impact of food contaminants on the genes of MMC in the presence or absence of folate. The third part of this work consists in formalizing the relationship between gene and metabolite. We built a fuzzy based network model using the results of gene expression analysis from the previous part. The network was built using the fuzzy logic theory and constraints based on literature knowledge and the metabolic network in the first part. Once the gene network model built, we integrated the transcription factors influence and the metabolic model of our first part to obtain the model of gene-metabolite regulation. The application of our approach to the study of MMC allowed us to understand the influence of folate deficiency (5-methyltetrahydrofolate as methyl group donor) and the influence of the presence of food contaminants (arsenic and fumonisin). The simulation results show that the methyl group deficiency causes transcriptional changes in transmethylation and remethylation pathways. This was confirmed experimentally with the gene expression data analysis
Khatib, Maha. "The generalized Poland-Scheraga model : bivariate renewal approach to DNA denaturation." Thesis, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016USPCC293/document.
Full textThe Poland-Scheraga (PS) model is the standard basic model to study the denaturation transition of two complementary and equally long strands of DNA. This model has enjoyed a remarkable attention because it is exactly solvable in its homogeneous version. The solvable character is related to the fact that the homogeneous PS model can be mapped to a discrete renewal process. In the bio-physical literature a generalization of the model, allowing different length and non complementarity of the strands, has been considered and the solvable character extends to this substantial generalization. In this thesis we present a generalized version of the PS model that allows mismatches and non complementary strands (in particular, the two strands may be of different lengths). We consider first the homogeneous model and we exploit that this model can be mapped to a bivariate renewal process. The distribution K(⋅) of the location (in two dimensions) of the first contact between the two strands is assumed to be of the form K(n + m) = (n + m)−α−2L(n + m) with α ≥ 0 and L(⋅) slowly varying and corresponds to a loop with n bases in the first strand and m in the second. We study the localization-delocalization transition and we prove the existence of transitions inside the localized regime. We then present precise estimates on the path properties of the model. We then study the disordered version of the model by including a sequence of inde- pendent and identically distributed random variables with two indices. We focus on the influence of disorder on the denaturation transition: we want to determine whether the presence of randomness modifies the critical properties of the system with respect to the homogeneous case. We prove that the disorder is irrelevant if α < 1. We show also that for α > 1, the quenched and annealed critical points differ (basing on coarse graining techniques and fractional moment method), proving the presence of a relevant disorder regime
Koehl, Arnaud. "Modélisation, observation et commande d'un drone miniature à birotor coaxial." Phd thesis, Université Henri Poincaré - Nancy I, 2012. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00709015.
Full textSix, Pierre. "Estimation d'état et de paramètres pour les systèmes quantiques ouverts." Thesis, Paris Sciences et Lettres (ComUE), 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016PSLEM019/document.
Full textIn recent years, the scientifical community has succeeded in experimentally building simple quantum systems on which series of measurements are successively acquired along quantum trajectories, without any reinitialization of their state (density operator) by the physicist. The subject of this thesis is to adapt the quantum tomography techniques (state and parameters estimation) to this frame, in order to take into account the feedback of the measurement on the state, the decoherence and experimental imperfections.During the measurement process, the evolution of the quantum state is then governed by a hidden-state Markov process (Belavkin quantum filters). Concerning continuous-time measurements, we begin by showing how to discretize the stochastic master equation, while preserving the positivity and the trace of the quantum state, and so reducing to discrete-time quantum filters. Then, we develop,starting from trajectories of discrete-time measurements, some maximum-likelihood estimation techniques for initial state and parameters. This estimation is coupled with its confidence interval. When it concerns the value of parameters (quantum process tomography), we provide a result of robustness using the formalism of particular filters, and we propose a maximization technique based on the calculus of gradient by adjoint method, which is well adapted to the multi-parametric case. When the estimation concerns the initial state (quantum state tomography), we give an explicit formulation of the likelihood function thanks to the adjoint states, show that its logarithm is a concave function of the initial state and build an intrinsic expression of the variance, obtained from asymptotic developments of Bayesian means, lying on the geometry of the space of density operators.These estimation techniques have been applied and experimentally validated for two types of quantum measurements: discrete-time non-destructive measurements of photons in the group of cavity quantum electro-dynamics of LKB at Collège de France, diffusive measurements of the fluorescence of a supra-conducting qubit in the quantum electronics group of LPA at ENS Paris