Academic literature on the topic 'Fiction sérielle'
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Journal articles on the topic "Fiction sérielle"
Aloui, Amel. "Internet et la définition de la fiction télévisuelle sérielle." Communication, Vol. 27/2 (March 31, 2010): 295–309.
Full textDelanoë-Brun, Emmanuelle. "De Cagney and Lacey à Rizzoli & Isles : variations féministes du duo féminin dans la fiction sérielle policière." Revue Française d Etudes Américaines N° 158, no. 1 (2019): 29.
Full textBoudon, Héloïse, Jérôme David, and Virginie Sonet. "Le label “Création Originale” de Canal+: une stratégie de marque au service d’un renouvellement de la fiction sérielle française." Contemporary French Civilization: Volume 46, Issue 3 46, no. 3 (September 1, 2021): 355–71.
Full textBiscarrat, Laetitia, and Gwénaëlle Le Gras. "Productions, représentations et appropriations genrées des fictions sérielles." Genre en séries, no. 2 (June 1, 2015): 1–6.
Full textBiscarrat, Laetitia, and Gwénaëlle Le Gras. "Productions, représentations et appropriations genrées des fictions sérielles." Genre en séries, no. 1 (January 1, 2015): 1–8.
Full textRomeri, Luciana. "Fiction et histoire chez Lucien." Tangence, no. 116 (August 31, 2018): 23–37.
Full textFOURNIER, SIMON. "L’énonciation non sérieuse a-t-elle une force illocutoire? À propos de l’hypothèse performative de la fiction littéraire." Dialogue 52, no. 2 (June 2013): 271–85.
Full textLebner, Ashley. "Revisiting the Untranslatable." Social Anthropology/Anthropologie sociale 30, no. 1 (March 1, 2022): 117–33.
Full textNicolas, Agathe. "Fictions à la chaîne, littératures sérielles et culture médiatique. Matthieu Letourneux, Paris, Seuil, coll. « Poétique », 2017, 546 p." Communication & langages N°206, no. 4 (2020): 141.
Full textRérat, Lionel. "Matthieu Letourneux, Fictions à la chaîne. Littératures sérielles et culture médiatique, Paris, Éditions du Seuil, coll. « Poétique », 2017, 560 p." Genesis, no. 46 (June 4, 2018): 184–86.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Fiction sérielle"
Le, Hiress Sophie. "Le détective herméneute en fiction sérielle : origines et évolutions d'une figure mythique, du texte à l’image." Thesis, Brest, 2021.
Full textSherlock Holmes is probably the most famous detective in the world, and one of the most popular literary figures since he was created by Arthur Conan Doyle in 1887. His fame even exceeds his creator’s. The character has become a true mythical figure that has been appropriated by collective imagination, particularly through numerous transfictionnal fictions and adaptations from on media to another. The serial format used for the first detective fictions in the 19th century has been continuously used to depict him on television until our contemporary era. This dissertation focuses on the way the detective’s identity has formed by repetition and variation, through transfictions but also thanks to the countless reuses of the figure, even on social media. This study will analyze the construction of a palimpsestic identity that shapes the expectations of the audience. We will start with the first detectives from literature(Poe’s Chevalier Dupin, Gaboriau’s inspecteur Lecoqand Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes) and we will also studycontemporary TV series such as Sherlock (Gatissand Moffat), Hannibal (Fuller), Mindhunter (Penhall)and The Alienist (Fukunaga and Verbruggen) inorder to explore the detective’s possible futures inthe digital culture of the 21st century.The hermeneutic detective’s evolution, from hisorigins to our contemporary era, and the issue of thetransposition from the text to the screen, will be atthe heart of this analysis that will aim atunderstanding the construction of the character’sidentity, what constitutes it and how it is representedin fiction
Books on the topic "Fiction sérielle"
Bleton, Paul. Ca se lit comme un roman policier--: Comprendre la lecture sérielle. [Québec]: Éditions Nota bene, 1999.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Fiction sérielle"
Andrews, Malcolm. "Chapitre 1. Fiction sous perfusion : Dickens et la sérialisation." In L’imaginaire sériel, 25–38. UGA Éditions, 2017.
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