Academic literature on the topic 'Feu de forte puissance'
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Journal articles on the topic "Feu de forte puissance"
-Coquery, G. "Les modules IGBT de forte puissance." Revue de l'Electricité et de l'Electronique -, no. 09 (1998): 52.
Full textHorviller, Claude. "La brûlure du religieux, de cendres et d’amour…" Cahiers jungiens de psychanalyse N° 158, no. 2 (December 8, 2023): 61–66.
Full textSimon-Boisson, Christophe. "Lasers de forte énergie et de forte puissance : vers les applications extrêmes." Photoniques, no. 70 (March 2014): 40–44.
Full textEtienne, S., J. Perez, R. Vassoille, and P. Bourgin. "Interaction faisceau laser de forte puissance - matériau polymère." Journal de Physique III 1, no. 9 (September 1991): 1587–608.
Full text-Broqua, Nadia. "Technologies d'assemblage pour intégration hybride de forte puissance." Revue de l'Electricité et de l'Electronique -, no. 04 (1997): 56.
Full text-MORIN, Pierre. "Micro-ondes conventionnelles et micro-ondes de forte puissance." Revue de l'Electricité et de l'Electronique -, no. 01 (1999): 73.
Full textMichel, N., I. Hassiaoui, M. Calligaro, M. Lecomte, O. Parillaud, and M. Krakowski. "Lasers évasés de forte puissance et forte brillance, sans aluminium dans la région active." Journal de Physique IV (Proceedings) 135, no. 1 (October 2006): 237–38.
Full textLippens, D., M. R. Friscourt, P. A. Rolland, and Y. Crosnier. "Perspectives de forte puissance à l'état solide en ondes millimétriques." Revue de Physique Appliquée 22, no. 11 (1987): 1433–50.
Full textLacour, B., H. Besaucele, H. Brunet, C. Gagnol, and B. Vincent. "Lasers à excimères de forte puissance moyenne à grande cadence." Annales de Physique 19 (October 1994): C1–205—C1–212.
Full textGrevey, D. F., K. F. Badawi, J. P. Boquillon, B. Taisne, and G. Jacrot. "Etude des caractéristiques d'une cavité laser en X de forte puissance." Journal de Physique III 2, no. 5 (May 1992): 871–83.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Feu de forte puissance"
Délémontey, Bertrand. "Contribution à la commande des entraînements asynchrones de forte puissance : application au problème de traction." Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, INPL, 1995.
Full textFayad, Jacky. "Études numériques des feux extrêmes." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Corte, 2023.
Full textExtreme fires are characterized by their high intensity and rate of spread, which overwhelm firefighting resources. These phenomena result in increased damage, civilian and operational fatalities and disruption to ecosystems, human life and the economy. There are several types of extreme fires, including high-intensity fires, which are the main subject of this thesis. This type of fire presents a real risk, given the increase in its frequency and scale throughout the world. Consequently, it is very useful to assess the conditions of propagation that can trigger a high- intensity fire in order to be able to anticipate these phenomena. In addition, studying the behavior of a high-intensity fire (rate of spread, intensity and impact) can provide information to operational staff during the firefighting phase. The main aim of this thesis is to study the propagation of high-intensity fires by means of experimental fires carried out on a field scale on Corsican shrub species named 'Genista salzmannii'. These experiments were carried out during two periods (winter and autumn), in two different regions: North-West and South-West of Corsica, using an experimental protocol and technologies that make it possible to assess the dynamic and impact of these fires. Following the experiments, numerical studies were carried out using fully physical fire models based on a multiphase formulation, FireStar2D and 3D, in order to test the relevance of these propagation models in predicting the behavior of these experimental fires. The different numerical results obtained for the three terrain configurations chosen were in agreement with the experimental results. This shows that these models can be used to study other configurations without necessarily having to resort to experiments. The fire campaigns carried out were representative of high-intensity fires that occurred despite marginal propagation conditions related to low wind speeds, high fuel moisture content and relative air humidity. These experiments can also provide detailed observations, as well as input data that can be used in modelling, given that carrying out such experiments is not easy and is always subject to difficulties and constraints. The second part of the research focused on a numerical study of a "critical case" of a high- intensity fire. This fire was studied using several empirical approaches, fully physical models found in the literature, in particular FireStar2D and 3D and the simplified physical Balbi model. Several parameters were evaluated using the different approaches, including the rate of spread, the intensity of the flame front, the geometry of the front and of the flame (length and tilting). The main aim of this study was to assess not only the behavior but also the impact of this high-intensity fire on two different targets: the human body and a four level building. This made it possible to establish correlations between the total heat fluxes received by the targets as a function of their position in front of the fire. The aim was to assess the safety distance around wildland urban interfaces by considering the maximum tolerable value of thermal heat flux that can be received by the target without causing damage. The safety distances assessed using this methodology, for a firefighter and a building, are less than 50 meters. This confirms, for this configuration, the effectiveness of the value of the safety distance around buildings, set by operational experts and assumed to be equal to a minimum of 50 m in France
DEAGOSTINI, JULIEN. "Modelisation et simulation d'une base compacte forte puissance." Paris 6, 2001.
Full textPERES, GILLES. "Propagation d'impulsions micro-ondes de forte puissance dans l'atmosphere." Toulouse 3, 1998.
Full textNadeau, Marie-christine. "Oscillateurs picosecondes de forte puissance moyenne à faibles bruits." Thesis, Bordeaux 1, 2010.
Full textFor medical or cultural heritage applications, a compact, monochromatic, Compton x-ray source system needs a powerful, few picosecond laser source. To obtain high-x-ray-flux, the laser should be coupled to a high-finesse Fabry-Perot cavity to reach the required laser power. Therefore, the laser should have a good beam quality and low noises. In order to reach theses requirements, we have studied passive mode-locking oscillators delivering more than 10 W average power and between 10 and 20 ps pulse duration.Two high-power oscillators have been designed and implemented: a side-pumped Nd:YAG and an end-pumped Nd:YVO4 oscillator. With the second oscillator, we have studied the experimental reduction of pulse duration. We obtained a decrease from 46 ps to 12 ps in the continuous-wave mode-locked regime. Those experimental results have been explained by a numerical simulation and furthermore, we have developed an analytical solution to predict the pulse duration of such oscillator. Finally, we studied the noise characteristics of the Nd:YVO4 oscillator. Our measurements have shown that a high-power oscillator might be as low-noise as other low-power, low-noise oscillators. In conclusion, we have developed a powerful (20W), 1064nm-wavelength, short-pulses (15ps), good-beam-quality (M2<1.2) and low-noise free-running oscillator (timing jitter <1.2 ps RMS 100Hz-1MHz). Therefore, our high-power oscillator is an excellent candidate to be part of a compact, high-flux, monochromatic x-ray source
Gonzalez, Jean-Jacques. "Modélisation d'un arc transféré de forte puissance (1 méga-watt)." Toulouse 3, 1992.
Full textBendaas, Mohamed Lokmane. "Disponibilité et optimisation de générateurs à induction de forte puissance." Grenoble INPG, 1993.
Full textKhezzar, Abdelmalek. "Filtrage actif du couple de machines électriques de forte puissance." Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, INPL, 1997.
Full textLago, Laure. "Amplification fibrée de forte énergie pour les lasers de puissance." Thesis, Lille 1, 2011.
Full textThis work concerns the development of a double-clad ytterbium-doped single-mode microstructured flexible fiber-based amplifier, in the nanosecond, multi-kiloHertz and milliJoule regime, for large-scale laser facilities seeding. We have used a multi-stage master oscillator power amplifier fibered architecture. A numerical model of ytterbium-doped double-clad fiber-based amplification, including amplified spontaneous emission, was developed in order to study the behaviour of such amplifier and to correctly design the experimental set-up. This model was completed by a feed-back algorithm to numerically predict the optimal temporal shape to compensate the gain saturation process. We demonstrated experimental results in good agreement with numerical simulations, with the following performances: 0.5 mJ pulse energy, at a frequency repetition from 1 kHz to 10 kHz, with a narrow bandwidth spectrum centred at 1053 nm wavelength, with 10 ns pulse duration on a perfect super-Gaussian temporal profile, an optical signal-to-noise ratio better than 50 dB and a polarization extinction ratio of 20 dB. We checked that the beam quality was diffraction limited, with an M² measurement of 1.1. Moreover, the system can deliver energies up to 1.5 mJ. Then, we took the advantage of such results to amplify chirped pulses. We demonstrated 0.7 mJ pulse energy, with 570 fs duration at 10 kHz repetition frequency
Chevrel-Fraux, Cyril. "Modélisation de transmissions de forte puissance : Prise en compte d'amortissements variables." Thesis, Lyon, 2020.
Full textThis work is included in a PhD thesis in partnership between the society Naval Group and the LaMCoS laboratory at the INSA Lyon engineering school. In the naval propulsion domain, the engine is linked propeller using the gear transmission which can transmit an important torque. As a result, gears can have an important dimension, and a wheel may have a diameter of more than two meters. In order to get lighter wheel, holes and cavities can be manufactured in the body of the wheel. These cavities reduce the mass of the wheel, but it also increases its flexibility and it can generate more vibrations. To reduce vibrations without increase the gear mass, many works studied the helical and tooth profile modifications. The work is aimed to study another approach with the introduction of a filling material which can have dissipative properties in the body of the wheel in order to have a passive damper. In this work, a hybrid gear model has been used. In the initial model, the gear is a lumped parameters model, shafts are introduced with Timoshenko beams and gears are assumed to be rigid disks. Contributions of housing and bearings are introduced with lumped parameters. The model has been modified in order to introduce a condensed FE model, obtained with sub-structuring methods. The mesh stiffness is computed the thin-slice approach. During the sub-structuring step, master nodes are introduced in the body of the wheel in order to interact with the filling material. The filling material is supposed to have an elastoplastic behaviour, and it is introduced using lumped parameters. A central mass is introduced at the centre of each cavities and it is connected to webs using Masing systems. Two interfaces are used during the introduction of the filling material. The first one is used during the master nodes definition, and the second one is aimed to remove the deformation work of additional filling material during rigid body displacements. Then, the model has been validated using numerical comparisons. Output values of interest like tooth contact static and dynamic behaviour, and the non-linear behaviour of the filling material have been studied. Then, studies on a range of speed or at a single speed have been realized in order to study the dissipative effects due to the introduction of the filling material. The influence of filling material properties, gear wheel geometry, and amplitude of excitations on the gear transmission dynamic behaviour have been studied
Books on the topic "Feu de forte puissance"
Caranta, Raymond. Pistolets à grande puissance de feu. [Paris]: Crépin-Leblond, 1985.
Find full textEmile, Meslé, and Musée du Berry, eds. La Puissance de feu: Exposition au Musée du Berry, du 18 novembre 1986 au 15 janvier 1987. Bourges: Le Musée, 1986.
Find full textCarnot, Sadi. Réflexions Sur la Puissance Motrice du Feu et Sur les Machines Propres À développer Cette Puissance. Creative Media Partners, LLC, 2022.
Find full textCarnot, Sadi. Réflexions Sur La Puissance Motrice Du Feu Et Sur Les Machines Propres À Développer Cette Puissance. Franklin Classics, 2018.
Find full textCarnot, Sadi. Réflexions Sur La Puissance Motrice Du Feu Et Sur Les Machines Propres À Développer Cette Puissance. Franklin Classics, 2018.
Find full textRéflexions Sur la Puissance Motrice du Feu et Sur les Machines Propres À développer Cette Puissance. Creative Media Partners, LLC, 2018.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Feu de forte puissance"
Gillispie, Charles Coulston, and Raffaele Pisano. "Studies and Heritage of Réflexions sur la puissance motrice du feu." In History of Mechanism and Machine Science, 293–335. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2012.
Full textGillispie, Charles Coulston, and Raffaele Pisano. "Studies and Heritage of Réflexions sur la puissance motrice du feu." In History of Mechanism and Machine Science, 293–335. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2013.
Full text"Chapitre 1 De la puissance motrice du feu." In Vers la voiture sans pétrole ?, 15–27. EDP Sciences, 2020.
Full text"Chapitre 1 De la puissance motrice du feu." In Vers la voiture sans pétrole ?, 15–27. EDP Sciences, 2020.
Full text"8. La puissance du feu et le front des flammes." In Pourquoi les incendies de forêts sont-ils si meurtriers ?, 119–22. EDP Sciences, 2020.
Full text"8. La puissance du feu et le front des flammes." In Pourquoi les incendies de forêts sont-ils si meurtriers ?, 119–22. EDP Sciences, 2020.
Full textVELOSO, Karen. "Mythe initiatique Selk’nam." In Théâtre Mythologique, 159–70. Editions des archives contemporaines, 2022.
Full textDELBARRE, M., and F. FROUSSART-MAILLE. "Le blessé oculaire balistique." In Médecine et Armées Vol. 46 No.5, 439–46. Editions des archives contemporaines, 2018.
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