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Djamaluddin, Fauzan, Fauziah Mat, Zulfhis Sarah, Masniezam Ahmad, and Ilyas Renreng. "Analysis of energy absorption of aluminium foam fenders under axial loads." Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2051, no. 1 (October 1, 2021): 012038.

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Abstract In shipping, a fender is a bumper that is used to reduce collisions that occur when the ship is about to dock or when the ship is moored by waves or currents in the port. To be able to damp, fenders should demonstrate high energy absorption and low reaction force. Therefore, fenders are generally made of rubber, elastomeric foam, or plastic. In this research, we aim to examine the effect of aluminium foam as one of fender components and to measure if the foam works for damping and allow fender to reduce force. It can be an innovation for fender design because the use of aluminium means a possibility in extending the fender life, minimize replacement and maintenance costs. This research examines 4 variations of the cross-section of the fenders to which aluminium foam have been added. Fender testing is done by conducting crashworthiness and impact tests of the developed fender model by employing Abaqus software. Based on the simulation result, aluminium foam shows a significant role in reducing the pressure generated by the load through the high energy absorption of the aluminium foam using finite element analysis. In conclusion, the foam filled fenders exhibit constant stress which can absorb higher energy levels than that of the empty fenders.
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Tun, Zin Zin, Anat Ruangrassamee, and Qudeer Hussain. "Mitigation of Tsunami Debris Impact on Reinforced Concrete Buildings by Fender Structures." Buildings 12, no. 1 (January 10, 2022): 66.

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Buildings located in coastal regions are prone to tsunami dangers, which often carry debris in the form of shipping containers and boats. This paper presents an approach for the design of fender structures to minimize debris impacts on buildings. The impact of shipping containers, which are categorized as large debris, is considered in the study. Since the weights of shipping containers are standardized, the impact energy can be related to other debris. For a fender structure, cone-type rubber fenders are used to resist the impact of the shipping container. Various fender reactions are considered as parameters to study the efficiency of the fenders. The displacement-controlled nonlinear static analysis is carried out to determine the building capacity. The energy approach for shipping container impact is used to evaluate the resistance of the building. Capacity curves, energy absorptions, inter-story drift ratios of the buildings with and without a fender structure, and the efficiency of the fender are presented. The buildings with a fender structure can absorb the energy from the impact of a loaded shipping container. Conversely, the building without a fender structure cannot resist the impact of a loaded shipping container. From the obtained results, a recommendation is given for buildings with a fender structure. The hydrodynamic force on the fender structure is transferred to the main building through the fender. Hence, the yield force of the fenders affects the performance of the main building that must be considered in the design.
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Supriyatna, Ahmad, Sahat Martua Sihombing, and Achmad Pahrul Rodji. "ANALISIS PENINGKATAN DERMAGA PADA PT BERLIAN MANYAR SEJAHTERA SURABAYA." Jurnal Sipil Krisna 8, no. 1 (March 5, 2022): 79–88.

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The fender functions as a cushion that is placed in front of the pier, so that the fender can withstand the pierstructure from impact when the ship is maneuvering to lean on the pier. Ships docked at the pier still have speedeither driven by their own engines or pulled by tugboats. To avoid damage to ships and docks due to collisions, abearing or fender is installed in front of the dock which functions to absorb the impact energy. The amount ofimpact energy caused by the ship docking to the dock can be obtained by determining the block coefficient on theship, the ship mass coefficient, the ship's eccentricity coefficient to the dock, and the ship's docking speed in aperpendicular direction. The force transmitted to the pier depends on the type of fender and the allowabledeflection of the fender. When the ship hits the fender, the fender will deflect and transmit the impact force to thepier structure. Fender planning is determined based on the energy absorbed due to ship collision. The purpose ofthis study is to find out how to calculate the size of the pier required for one ship loading and unloading at thePort of PT. Berlian Manyar Sejahtear; knowing the size and strength of the required number of fenders at thePort of PT. Berlian Manyar Sejahtera; find out the number of fenders that will be used in upgrading the PT.Berlian Manyar Sejahtera. The research stages or steps of the research methodology begin with conducting a preliminary study or literature which includes literature study and data identification. The existing length of thepier is 200 meters, it will be increased by 50 meters so that the total length of the pier is 250 meters. The resultsof the analysis using 2 examples of ships docked at the PT. Berlian Manyar Sejahtera The length of the pier neededto serve the ships that dock is 226.8 meters. In the planning of PT. Berlian Manyar Sejahtera uses 1200 SCH or1200 SPC cone type fenders with an impact energy of 0.62 tm. The results of the analysis used a 1300 SPC conetype fender with an impact energy of 0.68 tm. Cone type fenders have a "Pad" which is a protector against thefender rubber itself, so in the event of a ship collision that is stronger than planned, the protector will protect thefender rubber and the dock structure. The results of the analysis using a ship weighing 56.545 tons can be usedwith a cell fender type with dimensions OD x ID = 380 x 190 which has an absorption energy of 1.20 tm. Theforce absorbed by the fender is 16.72 tons. For type V fenders, the KVF 200 HCA type is used which has anabsorbed energy value of 1.0 tm and a forward force of 15.35 tm with a deflection of 45%. The number of fendersused for ships weighing 33,193 tons is 19.3 units and for ships weighing 56,545 tons is 20.6 units, so for a totalpier length of 250 meters, the number of fenders used is 22.7 units rounded up to 23 units.
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Tarigan, Baginta Veron, Rima Gusriana Harahap, and Destyariani Liana Putri. "Planning Study of Fender Spacing at Semayang Port based on PIANC." Indonesian Journal of Maritime Technology 1, no. 2 (December 18, 2023): 52–59.

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Fender is one of the facilities whose role is very important for a dock. With the availability of a fender that can help absorb the energy of the ship's collision with the dock and can reduce the risk of damage to the dock structure and the ship's body. In the case found at Semayang Port Balikpapan, the fender is damaged due to the difference in the dock level with the docked ship. The position of the ship at the highest tide exceeds the limit set on the fender so that there is a difference that makes the fender work not optimally. The purpose of this research is to plan a fender system that is integrated into the dock structure. The method in this research is the finite element method with data processing and collecting primary data by making direct field observations. While secondary data in the form of ship data, wind, currents, and tides are obtained through the BMKG website and related agencies. The selection of the fender system is based on the calculation of the ship's impact energy on the Semayang Balikpapan pier. So that the results of the calculation of impact energy on the Fender amounted to 1844 kNm and obtained the type of fender, namely SCN 800 at 22 m for each fender with many 8 fenders.
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Tan, Chung-Ming, and Mau-Yiu Chang. "Finite Element Analysis of Cylindrical Rubber Fender." MATEC Web of Conferences 207 (2018): 02008.

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This research is to develop a methodology to optimize the performance of fenders using finite element analysis. The design of fender geometry is done using software SolidWorks. Simulation is one of several add-in tools in SolidWorks. The finite element analysis of the performance of the fender designed is then evaluated by simulation tool in SolidWorks. This study also shows the potential applications of computer aided engineering and its benefits in verifying and reinventing various fenders design.
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Shen, Ming-Yuan, Yung-Chuan Chiou, Chung-Ming Tan, Chia-Chin Wu, and Wei-Jen Chen. "Effect of Wall Thickness on Stress–Strain Response and Buckling Behavior of Hollow-Cylinder Rubber Fenders." Materials 13, no. 5 (March 5, 2020): 1170.

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In this study, the effect of wall thickness (15–25 mm) on the stress–strain response of hollow-cylinder rubber fenders were investigated by conducting monotonic compression tests. It was found that a progressive increase in lateral bending deformation was observed during monotonic compression. Simultaneously, the extent of the lateral deflection decreased notably with an increasing wall thickness. From the experimental results, the fact is accepted that buckling occurred in the tested fender due to the fact that the ratio of the height to the wall thickness was higher than four in all of the considered cases. Moreover, an s-shape profile appeared in the stress–strain curves, which became clearer as the wall thickness was reduced from 25 to 15 mm. To assess the performance of fenders objectively, an energy-effectiveness index, C E R , was introduced to quantify the energy absorption capacity of the fender. From the experimental observations, it was inferred that the contact area of the folded inner surface of the fender produced under compression generated an additional reaction force and affected the shape of the stress–strain curve since the measured load consisted of two reaction forces: one caused by the self-contact area, and the other resulted from the compression-bending deformation that occurred in the side wall of the fender. To examine this assertion, a finite element analysis (FEA) was conducted and confirmed the effect of the reaction force on the sensitivity of the s-shape characteristic of the stress–strain curve. Finally, a polynomial regression was conducted and the calculated results based on the fourth-degree stress polynomial function correlated very well with the measured stress–strain curves.
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Tuleja, Joanna, Katarzyna Kędzierska, Mariusz Sowa, and Przemysław Galor. "Evaluation of the Possibility of Increasing the Energy Absorption Efficiency of Fender Devices Using the Example of Cylindrical Fenders with Additional Structural Elements Applied." Energies 16, no. 3 (January 20, 2023): 1165.

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The providers of transport services in ports must ensure there is adequate protection of the quays against the hulls of vessels. Highly elastic fenders mounted on the wharfs or on the hulls of vessels are used to absorb the energy of an impact. The structure of the fender, and the highly elastic material used to make it, are designed to ensure the highest possible absorption energy with minimized reaction force. In this work, the efficiency of energy absorption by cylindrical fenders into which additional structural elements were introduced in the form of holes of various diameters, was determined numerically using the finite element method. It was found that the features of such structural elements affect the efficiency of their energy absorption. In order to confirm the accuracy of the numerical calculations, they were verified based on experimental determination of the functional parameters of the cylindrical fenders. The reaction force and absorption energy values determined numerically and experimentally for the cylindrical fender were shown to be consistent. The verified numerical calculation methodology was used to evaluate the energy absorption efficiency and the reaction force in cylindrical fenders with additional structural elements.
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Danilov, O. O. "Features of fender protection application on uncrewed port tugs." Vestnik Gosudarstvennogo universiteta morskogo i rechnogo flota imeni admirala S. O. Makarova 15, no. 3 (July 30, 2023): 416–25.

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In this paper, the variants of the fender protection of traditional port tugs and the possibility of using this protection on unmanned vessels of such type are considered; the main elements of such protection are investigated. At present, the technical level of mechanisms, instruments and software allows creating unmanned and crewless vessels. One of the promising directions in the development of such vessels is port tugs, since having relatively large river and sea vessels they perform production tasks in the port water area and approaches to it. An integral part of the work of a port barthing tug or escort tug is bulks and approaches in tight to the towed object or vessel. The combination of a small size, the nature of the tasks performed and the widespread use of such vessels is one of the positive factors for the introduction of unmanned technologies on these vessels. There is a wealth of experience in equipping traditional port tugs with different types of fender protection, which is advisable to use to determine the equipment of unmanned vessels. The fender protection must be installed depending on the conditions in which production tasks will be performed, in addition, high operational requirements must be imposed on the fenders, due to the absence of people on board who can fix the separation of the protection and take measures to replace it in a timely manner. These conditions may depend on the types of production tasks that an unmanned port tug will perform. For example, the mooring of a bulk carrier and a tanker has some features, and entails the need to change the fender protection. Also, the various designs of the fender protection elements currently used on port tugs are analyzed in the paper. It allows structuring the main features when choosing a fender protection for an unmanned port tug, such as the towing method, the size of the tug, the size of the contact spot and other conditions.
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Jenny and Richard Shattock. "Fender fungus." Field Mycology 7, no. 3 (July 2006): 79–80.

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MORI, KAZUO. "Rubber Fender." NIPPON GOMU KYOKAISHI 69, no. 6 (1996): 407–13.

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Liu, Jun, and Liang Li. "Dynamic Response Analysis of Motorcycle Fenders." Applied Mechanics and Materials 541-542 (March 2014): 695–99.

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Motorcycle fender is one of the main components of motorcycle,fender structure directly affected it's comfort and security properties.In this paper, the finite element modeling and dynamic response were analyzed using NX 8.0, and found its natural frequencies and mode shapes. On the basis of the fender structure modeling on different road with the same speed, this paper investigated the several factors affect the vibration motorcycle and analyzed true fender of the motorcycle and did comparative analysis with the modal analysis results. It is helpful to the design of the fender structure and the estimation of the fender fracture. Key Words: Fender;finite element method;modal;Dynamic response
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McKey-Fender, Dorothy, William M. Fender, and Valin G. Marshall. "North American earthworms native to Vancouver Island and the Olympic Peninsula." Canadian Journal of Zoology 72, no. 7 (July 1, 1994): 1325–39.

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The following native earthworms from the spruce-hemlock forest region of western North America are described: Lumbricidae: Bimastos lawrenceae Fender, n.sp. from Vancouver Island; Megascolecidae: five new species of Arctiostrotus McKey-Fender, 1982, including A. vancouverensis McKey-Fender, n.sp. from Vancouver Island and the Olympic Peninsula, A. pluvialis McKey-Fender, n.sp. and A. adunatus McKey-Fender, n.sp. from the Olympic Peninsula, A. fontinalis McKey-Fender, n.sp. from northwestern Oregon and western Washington, and A. johnsoni McKey-Fender, n.sp. from western Washington. The known species A. perrieri (Benham, 1892) and A. altmani (Gates, 1942) are redescribed, as is the Vancouver Island population of Toutellus oregonensis (Smith, 1937). Ecology, biology, and references to some associated biota and a key are included.
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Djamaluddin, Fauzan. "Optimization of Ship Fender Under Axial Load Using Taguchi." WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON APPLIED AND THEORETICAL MECHANICS 17 (September 21, 2022): 132–35.

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Aluminum foam is one of the materials that can be used to support the ship's fender structure to withstand impact loads. The purpose of this study was to analyze the absorption capacity of conventional fender designs with fender designs using aluminum foam. In analyzing the energy absorption of each fender variation, the crashworthiness test is used. Crashworthiness was applied with the help of Abaqus CAE software to design the fender frame and perform loading simulations. The aluminum material used is aluminum alloy 6061 with specifications and consists of fender frames and aluminum foam frames. To obtain optimal parameter values, fender shape analysis will be carried out using the Taguchi method on Minitab software. Meanwhile, to determine the contribution of the parameters to the TEA (Total Energy Absorption) response using the One- Way Anova (Analysis of Variance) method on Minitab. In conclusion, the simulation of Aluminum Foam proved to have high absorption.
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Jiao, Dongqi, Haichao Zhou, Tinghui Huang, and Wei Zhang. "Numerical Study on Aerodynamic Noise Reduction in Passenger Car with Fender Shape Optimization." Symmetry 16, no. 6 (May 24, 2024): 651.

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Despite the rapid development of vehicle intelligent technology, the aerodynamic noise problem of internal combustion engine vehicles and pure electric vehicles at high speed has always been a growing problem. In this study, the effects of the car body fender shape on the aerodynamic noises of the rearview mirror and wheel region were investigated, and a noise reduction method was also proposed by optimizing the fender shape. To realize the parametric modeling of the fender, five positional variables were selected to define the fender configuration; the free-form deformation (FFD) method was used to establish the response fender model according the DOE schemes, and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations are used to obtain the noise results. Then, with the help of the radial basis function (RBF) model and the adaptive simulated annealing (ASA) algorithm, the aerodynamic shape of the fender was optimized to reduce aerodynamic noise. Comparative analysis was then employed to assess flow field characteristics of the optimized model against the original model and elucidate the fender configuration’s contribution to aerodynamic noise reduction and its realization mechanism.
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Han, Zhiwei, Xinlei Zhao, Chun Li, and Qinwei Ding. "Effects on the Various Aluminum Foam Fenders of a Tripod Offshore Wind Turbine Collision Due to a Ship." Marine Technology Society Journal 54, no. 1 (January 1, 2020): 79–96.

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AbstractThe interest in offshore wind energy is growing all over the world. Increasingly, offshore wind turbines (OWTs) are being installed close to shipping lanes, which puts them at risk of potential collisions with ships during their service period. This article aims to investigate the structural dynamic response of OWTs to a ship collision. Considering the structure size of the fender as well as the nonlinear characteristics of the structural materials, a finite element model of a 5,000-ton ship colliding with a 4-MW tripod OWT has been developed using the explicit finite element code LS-DYNA. By observing the collision energy conversion, contact force, fender performance, Von Mises stress on the tripod, shear stress, and dynamic response of a nacelle in differently sized fender collision scenarios, it was observed that when the thickness of the fender surpasses 1.1 m, it can protect the OWT from a collision more effectively than with no fender case. Otherwise, the local contact force is cushioned by aluminum foam materials, whose contact force leads to a whole movement of the bearing tripod. The tripod with the aforementioned 1.1-m fender generates a contact force, Von Mises stress, and a shear stress, as well as the anticollision characteristics of a fender and the dynamic responses of a nacelle in 15 scenarios. Therefore, the structural design of the fender is essential in the safety of a tripod foundation in a collision. This article will provide a better understanding of the collision characteristics of the fender in the future.
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Costa, F. Vasco. "FENDER SELECTION CRITERIA." Coastal Engineering Proceedings 1, no. 21 (January 29, 1988): 220.

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Fenders are to be selected taking into account two quite distinct functions they have to fulfill: - During berthing manoeuvres fenders have to avoid damage to the ship and to the berthing structure; - After ships are already berthed and moored, fenders have to keep them quiet during loading and unloading operations. To fulfill the first function fenders have to be able, while deflecing, to absorb a very large amount of energy. To fulfill the second function fenders need to be able, while recovering their form, to dissipate a large amount of energy. Besides, they have to contribute to reduce or to increase the natural period of oscillation of already moored ships, depending on their tendency to oscillate in phase or out of phase with waves reaching the berths.
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&NA;. "FENDER BENDER SPINE." Neurologist 4, no. 3 (May 1998): 116–19.

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Sulardi, Sulardi. "Memperbaiki Mampu Layan Material Pelindung Struktur Face Fender Jetty Dengan Spesifikasi Material Solid Rubber Fender." Borneo Engineering : Jurnal Teknik Sipil 1, no. 2 (December 25, 2017): 25.

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Face fender structure jetty No.1 PT. Pertamina RU V is a Dutch building construction with a protective face fender structure of ulin wood material. The problem faced is the wood protective material ulin fragile, easily broken and can damage the hull when leaning. This study aims to provide a description of the specification of solid rubber fender material and its fitting method as a protective fender jetty structure No.1 PT. Pertamina RU V Balikpapan. The research method used is the application research method with case study approach handling the problem of damage to the protective material of the face fender jetty structure. The result of the research shows the material specification which suitable and suitable to be used as the substitute for the protective wood of face fender structure is the specification of solid rubber fender type V because it has high elasticity and elongation, impact and vibration reduction, not easily broken, not easy to break, according to SNI 06-3568-2006 standard, MOT standard (Japan) and according to EAU standard 1990 (Germany). The result of this research is succes story to overcome the problems in Pertamina RU V which can be replicated in Pertamina Other work units and outside Pertamina environment experiencing similar problems. Keywords: Ulin wood protector
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Sisworo, Sarjito Joko, Ocid Mursid, and Samuel. "The Strength Evaluation of 5600 DWT Double Hull Oil Tanker Subjected to Fender Load." IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 972, no. 1 (January 1, 2022): 012027.

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Abstract The double hull of the oil tanker is more critical on the fender load because the wing tank was void at the full load condition. The strength evaluation of the side hull oil tanker based on fender load using two variables. Scenario A shows that the hull structure was safe based on the fender load. Scenario B shows that the side plate and longitudinal structure were damaged. PIANC needs to review the allowable strength of the pressure of the fender load on the ship with the tank.
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Lou, Jing Jun, Dao Zhou Chen, Shi Jian Zhu, and Xiao Qiang Wang. "Study on the Mechanical Properties of the Hydropneumatic Fender." Applied Mechanics and Materials 34-35 (October 2010): 1294–98.

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The dynamics and performance of hydropneumatic fender were studied. A theoretical model of the hydropneumatic fender was established to calculate its reaction forces and energy absorption capability. The influences of the length, diameter, volume percentage of water, and the internal air pressure upon the mechanical properties were analyzed. The reaction force and energy absorption capability of the hydropneumatic fender were numerically studied with the finite element analysis software MSC.Dytran. The numerical results were in agreement with the theoretical results, which showed that the theoretical model has well accuracy and is significative for the design of the hydropneumatic fender.
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Zeng, Zhi Peng, Yan Shu Zhang, Yi Zhou, and Quan Lin Jin. "Superplastic Forming of Aluminum Alloy Car Body Panels." Materials Science Forum 475-479 (January 2005): 3025–28.

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An experimental study on superplastic forming of a front fender of 5182 aluminum alloy is presented in this paper. Based on the shape characters of the front fender and the material experimental results, dies, heater and temperature controller for superplastic forming of the fender are designed and manufactured. The SPF results show the designed processing and dies are reasonable and feasible.
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Lemmon, David R., Ming-yi Wu, and Ronald L. Huston. "Head Injury Reduction in Automobile Pedestrian Impact." Shock and Vibration 1, no. 6 (1994): 559–68.

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This article presents and discusses automobile hood/fender rail design to reduce head injury of pedestrians struck by the front of the vehicle. Fender seam designs are presented that reduce the head injury criterion values by over 50%. The procedures and analysis are conducted using a nonlinear dynamic finite element program for an Oldsmobile Ciera hood and a Ford Taurus hood/fender.
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Wang, Xue Zheng, and Xiao Rui Song. "Optimization Design on the Processing Technic of Shot Blasting Machine Fender Apron." Advanced Materials Research 503-504 (April 2012): 1150–53.

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According to the use, design and research of shot blasting machine equipment for years, combined with the company's actual production, the processing technology of fender has been optimized is the wearing part of shot blasting machine in the casting room, the service life of fender have more than doubled in the original ones by the actual use proof, greatly reducing the replacement frequency of fender for the company to save a lot of money.
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Wu, Peng, Youming Wang, and Peng Wan. "Study on Simulation of Stamping Process and Optimization of Process Parameters of Fender." Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 2019 (December 4, 2019): 1–9.

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In order to obtain the optimum technological parameters of fender forming, the finite element analysis software DYNAFORM is used to simulate the drawing process of fender in this paper. The orthogonal test is designed and completed. On the basis of the orthogonal test, Taguchi method is used to design the orthogonal inner table, and the SNR of each factor at each level is calculated. The results of Taguchi method are analyzed with variance analysis, and the adjustable influencing variables and influence factors on quality stability that affect the forming quality of the fender are obtained. Experimental optimization of the adjustable variables is carried out again to obtain the optimal combination of process parameters that affect the shaping quality of the fender. The optimal combination of process parameters is as follows: blank holder force is 120 kN, model clearance is 1.0 t (t represents sheet thickness), friction coefficient is 0.11, and radius of die is 6 mm. Finally, the experimental results show that the fender manufactured with this combination of process parameters has better performance.
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Liu, Jian Hui, Ke Li Shen, Hong Yan Ding, and Jing Hua Diao. "Contrast Test on Fender Forces Between Flexible and Rigid Berthing Systems." Applied Mechanics and Materials 155-156 (February 2012): 1184–88.

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The fender forces in the rigid and flexible berthing systems, the displacement of berthing platform were determined in the ship berthing with different berthing speeds, as 10,000 tons oil storage tanker vessel for example. The comparison on test data were carried out for the differential analysis on the fender forces between the rigid and flexible berthing in still water. In contrast to the rigid berthing system, if the berthing speed of the ship is limited to 1 knot, the fender force can be decreased by 50% around in flexible berthing which absorbs energy through the displacement of the berthing platform and the power-absorbing effect was improved with the increase of the ship berthing speed; while the fender force were diminished dramatically, the displacement of berthing platform can satisfy the requirement of the engineering.
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Smith, N. "Classic Project: Fender Stratocaster." Engineering & Technology 8, no. 10 (November 1, 2013): 100–101.

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Biser, Roy H. "The Bicycle Fender Spectrometer." Physics Teacher 43, no. 4 (April 2005): 249.

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M Hafizh. "Memprediksi Hasil Penjualan Toko Online dengan Simulasi Monte Carlo." Indonesian Journal of Computer Science 10, no. 2 (October 30, 2021): 417–24.

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Desain sistem ini menentukan jumlah penjualan barang-barang dengan menggunakan metode monte carlo di industri rumahan Bowguard Fender bertujuan untuk memprediksi penjualan setiap produk untuk bulan berikutnya dan mencari pendapatan kotor di setiap barang yang dijual. Sistem dirancang untuk memprediksi barang dan mencari keuntungan kotor di setiap jenis barang di toko. Dengan sistem ini diharapkan dapat digunakan oleh industri rumahan untuk mensimulasikan penjualan barang di toko, dan dapat memudahkan pemilik industri rumahan untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang kemungkinan yang akan terjadi pada penjualan produk Fender Sepeda (Bowguard Fender).
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Lin, Jian Ping, Shui Sheng Chen, and Dong Feng Han. "Investigation on Twist of Asymmetric Flanging of Wheel Cowling Tail of Fender and its Influencing Factors." Materials Science Forum 628-629 (August 2009): 557–62.

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The flanging on both sides of wheel cowling tail of front fender is stretch flanging. An asymmetric flanging model is built according to the asymmetric twist defect in flanging. The strain distribution of the flanging regions, which is analyzed through finite element method (FEM), is in reasonable agreement with related theories. The result shows that the built model is appropriate to investigate the flanging twist defect of the fender. The accuracy of the model is proved by the comparison of the simulation result with the practical production. Also it shows that the severity of the distortion mainly relies on the asymmetry of the fender and some suggestions are proposed on distortion control through the analysis of the factors influencing laws on the distortion angle, which is define to measure the twist, like radius ratio of the two sides of the fender, flanging height, the clearance between the die and punch of the flanging tools, the fillet radius of the flanging die.
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Kim, Heong Jin, Sang Min Park, Giles Thomas, and Jeom-Kee Paik. "Solid Rubber Fenders to Prevent Structural Damage in a Lowspeed Collision Between a Ship-Shaped Offshore Installation and a Shuttle Tanker Working Side-by-Side in Offloading Operation." International Journal of Maritime Engineering 165, A2 (November 27, 2023): 145–64.

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Ships and ship-shaped offshore installations are commonly equipped with pneumatic or solid rubber fenders to absorb kinetic energy during collisions, thereby reducing structural damage. The energy absorption capacity of these fenders must be precisely evaluated via reliable experimental, analytical, and numerical methods to ensure that the fenders are capable of preventing collision-associated structural failures. Accordingly, this study developed computational modelling techniques for analysing the energy absorption capacity of solid rubber fenders. Modelling was performed using LS-DYNA, a commercial software package for finite element simulation, and the developed models were validated by comparison with data from crushing tests on two types of solid rubber fender models – circular tube and V-shaped rubber fenders. The validated computational models were applied to examine a case study of a low-speed collision between a Suezmax class shuttle tanker and a very-large-crude-oil-carrier (VLCC) class ship-shaped offshore installation working side-by-side in offloading operation, with the latter equipped or not equipped with V-shaped rubber fenders, respectively. The results revealed that such fenders were effective protection against structural damage in such a collision scenario.
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Koeshardono, Fachri, Naufal Afif, and Ita Casmita. "ANALISIS PEMILIHAN PEGAS PADA DIES UNTUK PEMBENTUKAN PRODUK FENDER TRUK." Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi dan Rekayasa 25, no. 2 (2020): 138–48.

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Dies merupakan salah satu peralatan dalam dunia manufaktur yang dipilih karena kecepatannya dalam menghasilkan produk seragam dengan kapasitas produksi sangat besar. Salah satu industri pengguna dies yang paling banyak adalah manufaktur otomotif pada bagian bodi (karoseri). Perkembangan industri jenis ini berkembang sangat pesat di Indonesia dan menopang pereknomian. Bagian bodi dari produk otomotif terdiri dari beberapa bagian. Salah satu bagian bodi ini bernama fender. Fender merupakan bagian bodi yang melingkupi komponen roda. Pada makalah ini, objek dari penelitian adalah pemilihan pegas sebagai langkah pada proses perancangan dies pembentuk fender truk. Pegas ini berfungsi untuk menjamin besar gaya yang harus diberikan agar pelat yang dipotong dapat menghasilkan fender yang sesuai. Gaya rata-rata yang dibutuhkan adalah 216,84 kgf. Kajian akan dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan teoritik yang kemudian dimasukkan ke dalam perangkat lunak. Kajian ini memberikan alternatif cara pemilihan pegas pada komponen dies. Berdasarkan hasil kajian maka dipilih pegas berjenis SWM. Spesifikasi pegas sebagai berikut: diameter 40 mm, panjang 45 mm dengan konstanta pegas 22,2 kgf/mm. Jumlah pegas yang diperlukan adalah 6.
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Gohil, Mehul D., Praful G. Patil, and U. V. Shah U.V. Shah. "Modelling and Simulation of Parallel Motion Fender." International Journal of Scientific Research 2, no. 5 (June 1, 2012): 263–64.

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KUBO, Masayoshi, Katsuhiko SAITO, Yoshiharu YANO, and Yoshio NISHINO. "Field Tests of Hybrid Fender." Journal of Japan Institute of Navigation 102 (2000): 137–43.

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Chillara, Venkata Siva C., Leon M. Headings, Ryohei Tsuruta, Eiji Itakura, Umesh Gandhi, and Marcelo J. Dapino. "Shape memory alloy–actuated prestressed composites with application to morphing automotive fender skirts." Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 30, no. 3 (November 23, 2018): 479–94.

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This work presents smart laminated composites that enable morphing vehicle structures. Morphing panels can be effective for drag reduction, for example, adaptive fender skirts. Mechanical prestress provides tailored curvature in composites without the drawbacks of thermally induced residual stress. When driven by smart materials such as shape memory alloys, mechanically-prestressed composites can serve as building blocks for morphing structures. An analytical energy-based model is presented to calculate the curved shape of a composite as a function of force applied by an embedded actuator. Shape transition is modeled by providing the actuation force as an input to a one-dimensional thermomechanical constitutive model of a shape memory alloy wire. A design procedure, based on the analytical model, is presented for morphing fender skirts comprising radially configured smart composite elements. A half-scale fender skirt for a compact passenger car is designed, fabricated, and tested. The demonstrator has a domed unactuated shape and morphs to a flat shape when actuated using shape memory alloys. Rapid actuation is demonstrated by coupling shape memory alloys with integrated quick-release latches; the latches reduce actuation time by 95%. The demonstrator is 62% lighter than an equivalent dome-shaped steel fender skirt.
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Zhai, Gang Jun, Yong Cheng, Wen Hua Wang, and Yi Huang. "Hydrodynamic Analysis of Oil Storage Vessels for National Strategic Petroleum Reserve." Advanced Materials Research 291-294 (July 2011): 2541–51.

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This paper expatiates hydrodynamic time-domain analysis on strategic oil storage vessels in free floating condition or with dolphin-fender mooring system by means of AQWA numerical software. The results indicate that motion responses of the oil storage vessel with dolphin-fender mooring have improved significantly. The time-history of wave diffraction forces in incident wave direction are basically consistent between the free floating and moored condition. However, in vertical direction of incident wave, the diffraction wave force of the oil storage vessel in free floating condition is obviously different from that with mooring system, which is the result of the coupling interaction between dolphin and vessels. Mooring forces include fender reaction and cable tension, as for which dominate, it depend on evocable motion responses about incident wave direction.
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Bolcu, Alexandru, Nicolae Dumitru, Marius Marinel Stănescu, and Dumitru Bolcu. "Experimental Study, Modeling and Virtual Simulations of Car Part Realized from Composite Materials." Advanced Engineering Forum 34 (October 2019): 115–22.

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In this paper we were looking for the production of a physical car body part (the left side fender of a Peugeot 206) made from composite materials based on epoxy resin and reinforced carbon fiber and kevlar woven. On the newly created fender model, a modal analysis has been made in order to determine its own frequencies on a certain direction, and an harmonic analysis with Finite Element Method.
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SAKAKIBARA, Shigeki, Michito KANEKO, Shuu YAMADA, and Koji NAKATANI. "A Basic Study on Fender Monitoring System by Radio Wave for Floating Type Pneumatic Fender." Journal of Japan Institute of Navigation 123 (2010): 119–27.

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Mozafari, Hozhabr, Fabio Distefano, Gabriella Epasto, Linxia Gu, Emanoil Linul, and Vincenzo Crupi. "Design of an Innovative Hybrid Sandwich Protective Device for Offshore Structures." Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 10, no. 10 (September 27, 2022): 1385.

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Lightweight foam sandwich structures have excellent energy absorption capacity, combined with good mechanical properties and low density. The main goal of this study is to test the application of an innovative hybrid sandwich protective device in an offshore wind turbine (OWT). The results are useful for offshore structure applications. Different lightweight materials (aluminum foam, agglomerated cork, and polyurethane foam) were investigated using experimental tests and numerical simulations. Closed-cell aluminum foam showed the best performance in terms of the energy absorption capacity during an impact. As such, a Metallic Foam Shell (MFS) device was proposed for the fender of offshore wind turbines. A finite element model of a ship-OWT collision scenario was developed to analyze the response of a fender with the MFS device under repeated impacts. The proposed MFS fender can be used efficiently in a wide temperature range, allowing it to be used in harsh climatic conditions.
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Wicaksono, Cahyo Budi, Widya Aryadi, and Samsudin Anis. "Pengaruh Penggunaan Fender-Frame-Drone dan Beban Terhadap Konsumsi Arus Baterai." Jurnal Inovasi Mesin 2, no. 1 (April 10, 2020): 8–13.

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Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu mengetahui pengaruh beban dan konsumsi daya baterai menggunakan frame F450 dengan frame fender. Variasi penambahan beban yaitu 0,5 Kg, 1 Kg, 1,5 Kg, dan 2 Kg dan dengan durasi terbang sama yaitu 2 menit dalam ketinggian 1 meter.Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah eksperimen. Pengujian konsumsi daya baterai menggunakan multimeter. Data hasil penelitian dianalisis dengan cara mengamati secara langsung. Setelah mendapatkan hasil eksperimen kemudian mengolah data dan menyimpulkan hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan, selanjutnya di tampilkan dalam bentuk grafik dan tabel. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan baterai dari Frame F450 tanpa beban yaitu 0,625 miliamper dan 1,45833 miliamper dengan penambahan beban 2 Kg. Frame fender tanpa beban yaitu 0,444 miliamper dan penambahan beban 2 Kg yaitu 1 miliamper. Penggunaan daya baterai di buat sama dengan gram per menit. Dari data yang di dapat Jadi konsumsi daya baterai pada frame fender lebih irit dibandingkan frame F450.
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Liu, Bo, and Pei Sheng Xi. "Construction Technology of one Unsymmetrical Loaded Deep Foundation Pit Adjacent to Expressway Subgrade." Advanced Materials Research 919-921 (April 2014): 1411–15.

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One deep foundation pit in Hefei urban rail transit project is adjacent to the existed expressway subgrade, it's in the unsymmetrical loaded state. The control of foundation pit deformation and the safety of subgrade must be strictly ensured. Based on it, the design scheme of supporting system, the construction processes of earth excavation, top beam, concrete support and steel support was introduced. The horizontal displacement of fender piles and the settlement of subgrade was monitored. The field monitoring results indicate, there exists a great difference between the retaining structure deformation under the action of unsymmetrical load and the deformation under the action of symmetrical load, the horizontal displacement of fender piles on the side of subgrade is bigger than the other side, the upper pile appears to be a "drift" towards the lower-load side; although the absolute value of horizontal displacement of fender piles and settlement of subgrade seems to be a big number, the relative value is small compared to the whole length of fender pile and expressway, meeting relevant standard requirements. The deep foundation pit and expressway kept safe and stable in the all periods of construction, no one accident was occurred during that time. Thus, it can be seen that this construction technology is effective in controlling the deformation during excavation, which can provide a reference for similar projects in design and construction in the future.
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Rosihan, Rifda Ilahy, Murwan Widyantoro, Roberta Heni Anggit Tansiri, and Fadil Triawan. "Analisis Perencanaan Permintaan Customer untuk Produk Rear Fender di PT MI." Jurnal Optimalisasi 9, no. 1 (April 7, 2023): 31.

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PT. MI is one of the companies engaged in the manufacturing sector. Rear Fender is a product that produce by PT. MI. The problems for this research is the difference between demand customer and orders which is too far resulting in the remaining stock, with the average of stock is 8,33%. Inventory cost can increase because of excess stock. This aims of the study is to find the best forecasting method for rear fender products. The forecasting method is Moving Average, Weighted Moving Average, and ARIMA. The forecasting method is depend on demand data plots. The result of demand data plots it horizontal plotting so the forecasting method is time series method. The best Forecast for rear fender products is the ARIMA with the ARIMA model (1,1,0). The ARIMA method was chosen because the MAPE values are 13.305, MAD 5435.45 and MSE 41988401 which are the smallest when compared to the 2 other time series forecasting methods.
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Smith, N. "Classic Project: Fender Precision Bass Guitar." Engineering & Technology 11, no. 10 (November 1, 2016): 92–93.

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Wuttrich, Rafal, Jerry Wekezer, Jack Toth, and Nur Yazdani. "Retrofit Analysis of Bridge Fender Systems." Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering 127, no. 6 (December 2001): 327–33.

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Aprianto, Nico, Dasa Aprisandi, and Widi Nugroho. "PERENCANAAN STRUKTUR DERMAGA EMERGENCY JETTY TRUCKING KAPASITAS 10.000 DWT PELABUHAN RATU SUKABUMI JAWA BARAT." Journal of Sustainable Civil Engineering (JOSCE) 2, no. 02 (September 24, 2020): 108–16.

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Dermaga emergency jetty ini merupakan dermaga bertipe jetty dengan kapasitas 10.000 dwt yang terletak di Jalan Raya Cipatuguran Desa Jayanti, Citarik, Kecamatan Pelabuhan Ratu, Sukabumi Regency, Jawa Barat 43364. Dermaga ini dimiliki oleh PT Indonesian Power UJP Jabar 2 yang digunakan untuk menunjang proses kegiatan unloading batubara dari kapal tongkang ke truk bermuatan yang kemudian akan di distribusikan ke PLTU UJP Jabar 2 untuk diproses menjadi listrik. Perencanan ini menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif yaitu data primer dan sekunder yang terdiri dari data-data perencanaan standar dermaga, data pembebanan, data spesifikasi material dan data oceanografi yang diolah menggunakan software SAP2000, Autocad dan lain-lain, kemudian penelitian dilakukan selama ± 6 bulan. Perencanaan dermaga ini berfokus pada struktur atas (Plat lantai,balok dan fender) dan struktur bawah (poer dan pondasi tiang pancang) dengan dimensi dermaga 120x31m serta fasilitas seperti fender dan bollard. Dari hasil perencanaan struktur didapat mutu beton rata-rata menggunakan K.430/f‟c= 35 MPa dan mutu baja rata-rata f‟y= 400 MPa. Perencanaan struktur atas rinciannya seperti pelat lantai direncanakan tebal 400mm, untuk balok mempunyai beberapa dimensi dengan rincian balok melintang 700x800mm, balok memanjang 700x800mm dan balok area mekanikal 1200x800mm serta untuk fender memiliki jarak antar fender 10m. sedangkan struktur bawah rinciannya seperti poer/pilecap 1500x1500x800mm untuk area dengan beban standar, pilecap slab fix crane 8000x8700x1200mm, pilecap hopper 25300x14000x1200mm. sedangkan untuk tiang pancang menggunakan Steel Pipe Pile dengan diameter Ø 914mm dan tebal 16mm dan 22mm serta panjang 31m dangan kedalaman 20,45m.
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Zhu, Pengrui, Xin Bai, Hongbiao Liu, and Yibo Zhao. "Stability Analysis of Breakwater Armor Blocks Based on Deep Learning." Water 16, no. 12 (June 13, 2024): 1689.

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This paper aims to use deep learning algorithms to identify and study the stability of breakwater armor blocks. It introduces a posture identification model for fender blocks using a Mask Region-based Convolutional Neural Network (R-CNN), which has been enhanced by considering factors affecting breakwater fender blocks. Furthermore, a wave prediction model for breakwaters is developed by integrating Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERTs) with Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory (BiLSTM). The performance of these models is evaluated. The results show that the accuracy of the Mask R-CNN and its comparison algorithms initially increases and then decreases with higher Intersection Over Union (IOU) thresholds, peaking at 95.16% accuracy at an IOU threshold of 0.5. The BERT-BiLSTM wave prediction model maintains a loss value around 0.01 and an accuracy of approximately 90.00%. These results suggest that the proposed models offer more accurate stability assessments of breakwater armor blocks. By combining the random forest prediction model with BiLSTM, the wave characteristics and fender posture can be predicted better, offering reliable decision support for breakwater engineering.
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Croitoru, Emilian-Ionut, Cristin-Olimpiu Morariu, Adrian Soica, and Gheorghe Oancea. "Composite Automobile Fender Impact Testing with a Spherical Ball." Materiale Plastice 57, no. 1 (April 17, 2020): 175–90.

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The research carried out within this paper addresses the issue of impact analysis with a spherical ball of an automobile fender, following two directions: the finite element method modeling of named part and situation, and experimental validation of the study mentioned beforehand. The part itself - car fender - is represented by a thermoset composite panel armed with Kevlar-Carbon fibers, while the analyzed situation is depicted as a Charpy/Izod test with a spherical ball on the specified component. The evaluation of named inquiry is performed in a virtual environment by means of FEA and verified accordingly within laboratory testing.
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Swanson, Guy R., and Edward G. Longacre. "General William Dorsey Fender: A Military Biography." Journal of Southern History 69, no. 1 (February 1, 2003): 189.

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KAWAKAMI, HIROSHI. "The new trend of marine fender technology." NIPPON GOMU KYOKAISHI 64, no. 2 (1991): 138–45.

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., Sanjay Kumar S. M. "DESIGN AND FORMABILITY ANALYSIS OF FENDER COMPONENT." International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology 05, no. 16 (May 25, 2016): 330–32.

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Broess, Erik. "“A Much More Valuable Signature”: Gender, Factory Labor, and the Mythology of Builder-Signed Amplifiers from Fender's “Tweed” Era, 1948–60." Journal of the Society for American Music 17, no. 4 (November 2023): 315–36.

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AbstractAmplifiers from Fender's so-called Tweed era (1948–60) are among the most valuable instruments in all popular music. Inside most Fender Tweed amplifiers is a piece of masking tape bearing the signature of the worker who hand-wired the amplifier's circuit. Today, collectors have elevated several of Fender's previously unknown Latina employees into legendary figures with near cultlike followings. In the absence of biographical information about these women, however, the contemporary discourse about them is often highly romanticized. In this article, I present novel historical information about Fender's Tweed-era employees to counter the misinformation surrounding them and Fender's mid-century Fullerton, California factory system more broadly. Analyzing contemporary discourses surrounding Fender's earliest employees, I also critique the persistence of gendered and racialized stereotypes about Fender's female employees being naturally equipped for labor-intensive assembly work due to their supposedly “nimble fingers.” This article also details the social processes through which Fender's Tweed amplifiers have been made “vintage,” and the company's mid-century mass-production techniques have since been attributed the same artisanal values associated with vintage string instrument making. Ultimately, I show how the builder-signatures contained within Fender's Tweed-era amplifiers have been central to the discursive production of value among collectors.
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