Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Femmes victimes de violence – Et la danse'
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Tomaszewski, Crystal. "Danse-thérapie dans la prise en charge psychothérapeutique de femmes victimes de violences sexuelles, issues d'un parcours migratoire : étude comparative longitudinale et évaluation thérapeutique." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Bourgogne Franche-Comté, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024UBFCC012.
Full textNowadays, there is an international interest in challenging the psychological and sexual violence experienced by women. Victims of violence, and particularly women, are more likely to suffer from physical and mental health issues. They also face more sexual violences alongside its highly traumatic impact. When systemic and clinical factors do not let these women access the usual mental health care support, the development of innovative therapeutic approaches can be an efficient alternative. LOBA association has developed the “RECRÉATION program”, a dance as therapy workshop.This present research in clinical psychology evaluates the therapeutic effects of the RECRÉATION program. This research focuses on the processes related to trauma, sexual violence, individual attachment strategies, empowerment, somatically expressed disorders and its associated symptoms. Finally, a specific interest is also devoted to the connection between the mind and the body.Method: Three methods of research are associated. Quantitative data (n=2 groups, N=26) were collected through scientifically validated self-questionnaires (PTSD symptoms, anxiety, depression, body image, quality of life, social support, social relationships, symptoms of psychiatric pathologies, mentalization and attachment). Clinical interviews were conducted with N=3 women not receiving the RECREATION program. We also carried out clinical observations with four groups benefiting from the RECRÉATION program (n=4; N=40). Semi-structured interviews were conducted with professionals (N=19) and the RECRÉATION participants (N=15). Data saturation was obtained.Results: The RECRÉATION dance therapy workshops contribute to reducing anxiety symptoms, general emotional distress, and general symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), particularly neurovegetative hyperactivity. They also improve overall self-perception, influence the perception of physical health, and initiate improvements in trust and understanding of others.Longitudinal qualitative data highlighted individual factors that either facilitated or hindered the therapeutic process, such as mentalization capacities, attachment strategies, and identity construction. A psychodynamic and psychoanalytic approach is essential for identifying the negative aspects of trauma and maintaining the therapeutic alliance. Thematic analysis revealed a high level of acceptance and appreciation of dance therapy (DcT) among both professionals and participants, with beneficial effects noted in relation to specific support and therapeutic goals. Aside from the reduction in PTSD symptoms, professionals effectively identified the challenges faced by participants.Discussion: Intersectional positioning and institutional psychotherapy are essential for the management of our population of interest. Furthermore, the improvement of psychological trauma is extensively explored through the lens of PTSD. A psychodynamic and psychoanalytic exploration is beneficial for the orientation and clinical management of patients. Finally, dance therapy is a therapeutic tool which can not only enrich the existing care offerings but, especially for our population of interest, serve as an entry point into psychotherapy.Clinical, Practical, and Scientific Perspectives: To further the development of dance therapy, future research should focus on variables specific to the target populations and clinical issues of interest. Continuing existing research will strengthen the case for dance therapy and provide a more precise argument for its therapeutic efficacy. Finally, it is necessary to deepen and sustain the psychodynamic and psychoanalytic approach in the treatment of PTSD, trauma, and the negative aspects of trauma
Gélinas, Catherine. "La violence conjugale dans le district judiciaire de St-François entre 1866 et 1893 d'après les procès en séparation de corps." Sherbrooke : Université de Sherbrooke, 2000.
Find full textKim, Young-Joo. "Traits de personnalité et troubles psychopathologiques de femmes victimes de violences conjugales prises en charge dans une consultation associative." Paris 10, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012PA100213.
Full textOBJECTIVES: Intimate partner violence is a severe health problem associated with significant distress and impairment in women. The first aim of this study was to investigate the impact of IPV on women’s psychiatric morbidity (i. E. , psychiatric severity and comorbidity). The second aim was to examine their psychological functioning through a measure of personality traits and self-esteem. The third aim was to assess the relative contributions of physical violence and psychological abuse on symptoms of depression, anxiety and self-esteem. METHODS: 40 severely abused women who sought counselling/support services were recruited (35 participants from a non-residential community agency and 5 women from a transitional living shelter). Partner violence was measured through a questionnaire we created. The Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI) and the Adult Self-Report (ASR) were used to obtain diagnoses of 25 DSM-IV disorders and 3 personality disorders. Participants completed also NEO Personality Inventory and Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale. RESULTS: Abused women had elevated rates of a wide spectrum of disorders (with very high incidence of MDD, PTSD, generalized anxiety disorder and thought/attempts of suicide); high comorbidity of psychiatric disorders; avoidant personality disorder; moderately high score on neuroticism scale with high scores on depression, anxiety and vulnerability to stress; low score on Extraversion with low scores on assertiveness, sociability and difficulty to feel positive emotions; slightly low score on Openness and Conscientiousness; slightly high score on Agreeableness; decreased self-esteem
Abu, Amara Nisrin. "Du fait divers au débat public : représentations médiatiques, sociales et politiques actuelles des violences faites aux femmes en Egypte, en Jordanie et dans les Territoires palestiniens." Paris 5, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008PA05H107.
Full textWithin the context of international debates on violence against women, in the Middle-East this concern has been the center of recent media, political and social debates. This thesis is divided into three parts in which we analyze the different aspects of representations of violence against women in three countries, due to their common history and geographical proximity: Egypt, Jordan and the Palestinian territories. To what extent the media of these countries can deal freely with this issue? What is the role of civil society, political institutions, state and religion in the emergence of this debate? Primarily, we will expose recent research and demographic surveys in these countries. In the second part, we will discuss the role of legal, political and social institutions and the media towards this issue in all three countries. The third part will concern the qualitative analysis of 148 press articles taken from the National Arabic daily "Al Ahram International" between 2002 and 2004. To better understand the journalistic representation of different forms of violence such as the so-called "honour" crimes and "marital crimes" committed by either spouse, we chose the method of analysis content to study the journalistic discourse on these forms of violence
Delomez, Hélène. "Le rôle des organisations de femmes dans la construction de la paix en Bosnie-Herzégovine. Normes Internationales et carrières des organisations de 1995 à 2012." Thesis, Paris Est, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013PEST0090.
Full textSince the end of the Bosnian war (1992-95), many women organizations have been created in Bosnia in order to handle many post-conflict issues. At the same time, in the international arena, new norms have highlighted the specific needs of women and girls in the aftermath of conflict in regard to their specific victimization during armed conflict. The resolution 1325 adopted by the Security Council in 2000, calls the States to take into account these specific needs and to integrate women in peacebuilding decision's processes. This research aims at examining and analyzing the capabilities of women organizations in participating in peacebuilding process in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The aim of the research is to bring out the factors of their mobilizations and the evolution of their agenda of action with a specific attention to the international norms circulation. Two main categories of organizations have been defined during the research in order to highlight different agencies and roles in the peacebuilding process, as well as the relationship between the two different categories of organizations
Miranda, perez Fabiola. "Action publique et justice dans le Chili post-dictatorial : Le traitement étatique des violences envers les femmes." Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017GREAH042.
Full textSince Chile has been back to the democratic regime in 1990, we observe a repositioning of both social policies and policies that seek to correct the violations to the Human Rights committed during the authoritarian regime (1973-1990). Indeed, the objective is to set some instruments up in order to validate the new democracy through the 90s. Thus, in this context of recognition of the social Rights, the women movement(s) succeeds at integrating in the public agenda their request for the creation of a law that would enable the protection of women victims of intimate violence from their partner: the 1994 intra-family violence Law. Under a logical of social protection and public policies focusing, this country develops several devices that shyly emerge between 1994 and 2004. Nevertheless, in 2005 a reform of the penal and family system as long as the law about intra-family violence, allow the implementation of a public policy of care taking for the violence committed against women, that put to work several institutions and actors from both public and private sectors. Despite those lasts initiatives, the assistancial type logics proper to a neoliberal State establish themselves in the field of action, as a way to answer inequalities. Therefore, the situations of abuse suffered by women will be measured depending on the risk they represent for themselves and for their families, or for their exposure to vulnerability situations.Starting from the works about government Sciences (Ihl, Kaluszynski, Pollet, 2003), the sociology of public action (Hassenteuffel, 2011 ; Lascoumes et le Galès, 2004 ; 2012), the sociology of Right and Justice (Commaille et al, 2000), and the studies of gender and public policies (Dauphin, 2010 ; Bereni et al, 2012), this PhD piece of work seeks to question the ways the public policy of violence against women care taking has been set up and legitimated within the State, specially within the social protection organism as the National Women Service (SERNAM), and the justice institutions (Family Matters Courts, Public Ministry, Criminal Courts, among others). Thanks to a mixed methodology for data collection, composed by semi-directive interviews (67) made to relevant actors of the implementation of the public policy but also ethnographical observations within the Family Matters court, the study is interested in the relation that the State establishes with the recipients of the public action, with the objective of understanding how the subjectivity of the workers have an impact on the way violence is dealt with, establishing themselves as a government device for those cases. It also reports the models of social intervention and the social field management in Chile
Smedslund, Katja. "Les violences conjugales à l'égard des femmes en Europe : analyse socio-politique contemporaine et perspectives d'action dans l'Union Européenne." Paris 3, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008PA030127.
Full textFollowing international awareness through United Nations World Conferences on Women, marked by the turn of the Beijing Conference in 1995, the issue of intimate partnership violence against women in the European Union and its eradication arises as a complex and current challenge to the society. This European awakening takes place more specifically starting from the end of the Nineties and concerns all European bodies in particular through the works of the EU, the Council of Europe (all EU countries being members of the Council of Europe) and the European Women Lobby. One of the most important tools implemented at the European Union level in 1997, the program Daphne, clearly gives a report on a multi-field approach from the European point of view. The whole of this work requires, to begin with, a thorough study of the width of the phenomenon, its perimeter and its major causes related to gender violence in order to allow a critical analysis of the implemented European and national policies against intimate partnership violence. This approach will allow us, through a sociopolitical dimension, to reflect upon the importance of multi-field measures and the possibility and the relevance of a European harmonization of the policies and legislations to fight efficiently against this huge plague
Cavalin, Catherine. "Objectivation savante et objet de politiques publiques : les violences interpersonnelles dans les habits neufs de la statistique et de la santé publique (France / Europe / Etats-Unis, 1995-2016)." Thesis, Paris, Institut d'études politiques, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016IEPP0046.
Full textThis dissertation addresses interpersonal violence in order to question the texture it is made of. Why and how has it come that since the 4th UN World Conference on Women (Beijing, 1995), “interpersonal violence” so named in research and public policies have become a public health issue and a statistical matter primarily concerning women as victims? To answer this question, I put the health and statistical content of interpersonal violence to the test. I mobilize numerous statistical sources that have been built during the last two decades, in order to tackle them as a fieldwork. I position my work between the sociology of the emergence of the “interpersonal violence” issue and the sociology of survey research. In order to make the sources that have been available for twenty years easier to understand, I analyze them paying a particular attention to their cognitive motives and the complex arrangements they rest upon. I address the striking gaps between these sources and compare them on several analytical levels in order to draw meaningful epistemological and practical conclusions on: 1) the way cognition is closely related to measurement tools; 2) the contribution of the history of statistical categories and the institutional history in which these categories have been taking place since the late 1960s. Between feminist movements, victimization and health surveys, between utilitarianism and human rights, interpersonal violence remains as a fractured political issue and research topic, about which the apparent public health consensus encompasses numerous cognitive and political uncertainties
Ben, Wazira Lotfia Bachir. "Le sous-développement social et les violences contre les femmes dans la société libyenne avant le "printemps arabe" (2011) : enquête sur la ville de Tripoli." Thesis, Besançon, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015BESA1021.
Full textThis research concerns the "violence against women" committed in Libya. For years, this question has been asked on the national and international scene, resulting in the adoption of several law. Yet, despite this, gender-based crimes continue to be practiced in developed countries but also and especially in poor countries. To investigate the link between the violence and the state of underdevelopment, this thesis will present, in a first part, the theorical scope of the study before, in a second part, explaining the characteristics of the field survey : the Liban society. The data concerning the liffe conditions of women, and legislations affecting their will, in the third part, permit to analyse the results to a questionnaire sent to a panel of 45 men, convicted or awaiting judgement for the commission of acts of violence again women
Thach, Thida. "La représentation de la violence faite aux femmes dans 'Un dimanche à la piscine à Kigali' de Gil Courtemanche et 'Je m’appelle Bosnia' de Madeleine Gagnon." Thesis, Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10393/31460.
Full textLelaurain, Solveig. "Violence conjugale et représentations sociales : vécu et légitimation au prisme des rapports sociaux de sexe." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018AIXM0420.
Full textMopo, Kobanda Jean-Paul. "Femmes victimes des persécutions sexo-spécifiques et droit d'asile en France aujourd'hui." Paris 1, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009PA010262.
Full textCoulibaly, Seydou. "L'autonomisation économique des femmes victimes de violence conjugale : points de vue d'intervenantes en violence conjugale et en employabilité." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/34868.
Full textAccording to several authors, women who are impacted by domestic violence face barriers in the labour market integration or for staying employed. This study tries to understand the obstacles that prevent them from developing their empowerment. Because we know little on the point of views of the workers of domestic violence services and those of employability services on the issue, their points of view are examined from the perspective of intersectional feminist theory. To lead well this research, we chose the qualitative, descriptive and exploratory methodology. Research findings have shown that the consequences of domestic violence affect the self-esteem, self-confidence, physical and mental health of victims. Thus, they would not be able to search work or to stay in employment. In addition, the results highlighted practices that promote women's economic empowerment. Among these, we have the creation of specific programs for abused women, granting of funds, awareness, collaboration, training, consultation, mutual orientation of victims between concerned services. However, practices affect women's economic empowerment. It revolves around: lack of collaboration between domestic violence resources and other victim support resources and social policies. The speech analysis identified gaps between the different points of view of the workers and the importance of the complementarity of domestic violence support services and employability services to allow the victims to be inserted on the job market.
Émond, Isabelle. "La relation entre la violence conjugale et les troubles extériorisés et intériorisés des enfants." Sherbrooke : Université de Sherbrooke, 2000.
Find full textDebauche, Alice. "Viol et rapports de genre : émergence, enregistrements et contestations d'un crime contre la personne." Paris, Institut d'études politiques, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011IEPP0072.
Full textThe 1980 rape law in France opens a new period in the history of social treatment of rape as a social problem. Partially answering the feminists’ call of the 1970’s, this law contributes to establish rape as a crime against the person. Acknowledging intimate rape, it redefines the boundaries of legitimate sexuality. This law marks the start of a series of recordings into the state’s statistical system. The comparison between criminal justice administration sources and sociodemographic surveys data, with a gender perspective, shows that most of rape claims escape from judicial proceedings. A national helpline for victims, SOS Viols Informations, is financed by the state since 1986. From calls reports, we have created a data base of more than 35 000 calls made from 1986 to 2006. The analysis of these data as well the secondary analysis of Enveff 2000 and ACSJ 1994 surveys have allowed us to see beyond the judicial arena. The growth of recordings between 1980 and 2000 shows that perceptions towards sexual violence have changed. Although claims have stabilized in the 2000’s, reports of sexual violence still increase in surveys and helpline calls. The unveiling of rapes is a progressive and segmented phenomenon. Rape judicial and psychological approaches produce a dramatic portrait of the victims. The analysis in the general population helps changing it by showing that rape is just one of the factors that contribute to the distress of victims
Hamelin, Christine. "Violences sexuelles dans l'enfance et santé à l'âge adulte chez les femmes Kanakes de Nouvelle-Calédonie." Paris 11, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010PA11T029.
Full textLignon, Saba. "Violences au sein du couple : conséquences pour la santé mentale et adaptative des femmes victimes." Toulouse 2, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009TOU20080.
Full textThe aim of this study is to evaluate the consequences of intimate partner violence (IPV) on mental and adaptative women's health, as there is a lack of data on this subject in France. We interviewed 200 women: 73 victims of psychological and/or physical violence, 41 victims of sexual violence and 86 women without IPV. We measured the mental and adaptative health asking about depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, post-traumatic cognitions, self-esteem, coping, social support, life maladjustment, quality of life. The statistical analysis shows that the more the intimate partner violence is severe (sexual > psychological and/or physical > without), the more the participant's mental and adaptative health is damaged, and this, for all the variables. We also observe that women who have been victims from previous intimate partner violence present a lower level of self-esteem and availability of social support, and a higher level of depression, self-critic, blame, life maladjustment compared to women without historical of IPV. Finally, we notice, among the victims of IPV, that those who consult a legal medical service obtain a higher level of depression, denial and life maladjustment, and a lower level of humour, feeling expression, positive reinterpretation, and quality of life. Our research is essential to redesign psychological treatment for the victims of IPV and campaign of IPV prevention
Mouanga, Diandaha Cyprien Godard. "Les violences conjugales en Droit comparé : approche comparative des droits positifs français et congolais." Paris 8, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009PA083269.
Full textHaving studied violence between partners in comparative law, this current research will examine the state of legislation concerning this matter, and the place of violence in today’s society. The dynamics of the power struggles and domination between partners will be studied and also the gap within the legal texts, where they exist, the practice regarding these texts, the advances and the delays in enacting positive law in terms of treatment and prevention of partener beating, without neglecting the inherent aspects concerning the characters of the protagonists and to the consequences of this violence. In order to highlight the differences in approaches between developing countries and developed countries regarding the objectives and to put in place the means to battle against this violence, the research will focus in particular on the Congo and France, organized in a hierarchy. The first part is dedicated to the concept of violence between partners. It comprises two titles each providing an extra perspective regarding this concept: The first title analyses the legal framework which regulates violence between husband and wife; the second studies the causes and consequences of violence through a victimological and criminological approach. The second part deals with the socio-legal reaction regarding partner beating and is further divided into two titles underlining the application of regulation and the contradictions in practice which can hide or create injustices and discriminations in terms of the fight against partner beating. The first one is interested in repression of that violence; the other title studies the strategies of the required prevention for its eradication. Taking into account the various legal thoughts and distinctive social characteristics, the work undertaken manages to put in place a consistent system, which tries to protect the victim whilst giving room for the correction and recovery of the violent partner in order to maintain social order
Javidani, Nayereh. "La violence conjugale et le divorce en Iran." Thesis, Metz, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010METZ001L.
Full textIn the patriarchal societies like Iran, the disparity between men and women is high and thus the exercise of the violence to resolve the family conflicts has an implicit legitimacy. There, man assumes that the violence is a simpler and more effective and justifiable way. However, today even in patriarchal society the women do not easily slender to the violence and the trend of resolving the family conflicts through violence is becoming less common. According to the Iranian traditional society, this attitude has increased the number of women who contact the courts to get the divorce or commit suicide, or run away from their house. Concerning the influence of the violence on the destabilization of families in Iran, we have proposed two main hypotheses in this report. First hypothesis, it is about the existence of a significant relation between the divorce and the physical conjugal violence in the current society of Iran. In the second hypothesis, we have concluded that there is a high ratio of violence that is causing the divorce. According to our hypothesis, this level of violence depends on several demographic and socioeconomic elements. To verify the credibility of our hypotheses we have conducted a survey. The results show that the degree of the violence which causes a request of the divorce as a dependent variable varies significantly with seven independent variables, namely: the level of women education, their opinion on the conjugal violence, the education level of the women's fathers, living place, parental living place, the age of the women and the number of children
Perron-Bouchard, Marie-Ève. "Personnalité, fonctionnement réflexif et ajustement conjugal dans un contexte de traumas en enfance : associations avec les pratiques parentales et la désorganisation de l'attachement de l'enfant." Doctoral thesis, Université Laval, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/27269.
Full textCrète, Chantal. "Relations entre l'évaluation cognitive, le sentiment d'auto-efficacité et le coping chez des femmes ayant été victimes de violence conjugale." Thèse, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, 2009. http://depot-e.uqtr.ca/1919/1/030109601.pdf.
Full textSanchez, Marianne. "Violences sexuelles au sein du couple : profils de victimisation sexuelle et exploration phénoménologique chez les femmes victimes de violences conjugales." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Paris 10, 2023. http://www.theses.fr/2023PA100108.
Full textIntimate partner violence is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon. It includes physical, psychological, sexual, economic and administrative violence, and is the most common form of violence against women worldwide. Intimate partner sexual violence includes any non-consensual sexual activity within a partnership that is obtained using force, threat or coercion. Despite its detrimental effects on mental health, intimate partner sexual violence remains under-researched, limiting our ability to understand and address the problem. The main objective of this thesis is to contribute to the understanding of the sexual dimension of intimate partner violence. Three research questions are addressed: what situations of sexual victimization (types of acts, frequency) are intimate partner violence victims exposed to? What are the associated clinical characteristics among victims? And how is sexual violence experienced and interpreted when perpetrated by a partner?Methods. After performing a literature review, data from a first cross-sectional study of a sample of female victims of intimate partner violence (N=93), collected through self and third party administered questionnaires, were subjected to cluster and comparative statistical analyses. Data from a second study, collected through non-directive interviews with women who disclosed sexual violence by their partner (N=7), were the subject of an interpretative phenomenological analysis.The results of the quantitative study indicate that 65.6% of the women in the sample had experienced intimate partner sexual violence. Four clusters were identified, corresponding to different contexts: « highly frequent rapes » (5.4%), « predominant sexual coercion » (20.4%), « medium frequency of all forms » (20.4%), and « low frequency of all forms » (19.4%). This study highlights the significant heterogeneity of sexual violence situations within violent relationships, and the tendency of sexually victimized women to suffer from more pronounced symptoms of complex post-traumatic stress disorder. The qualitative study identified five key themes in the lived experience of victims: the impact of a pre-existing sexual dynamic on sexual violence, which helps to « set the stage »; an experience of dehumanization; the pain of an intense cognitive load, associated with trying to understand the aggressions; a process of retrospective reinterpretation of sexual violence, after separation; and the feeling of a psychological impact that is still present despite the separation. This study reveals how emotional distress and cognitive uncertainty are present prior to sexual violence, during sexual violence, and continue after separation. It also shows how victims interpret it in terms of their own vulnerability, at the intersection of traumatic childhood history and insecure attachment This work contributes to improving knowledge about a sensitive and poorly understood topic. The implications for prevention, training of professionals, detection and psychotherapy are discussed. More research is needed to move toward a comprehensive approach that integrates the multiple dimensions and complexities of intimate partner violence
Kitoko, Elisabeth. "Perspectives d'intervenantes sur les pratiques d'intervention à privilégier auprès des femmes victimes de violence conjugale et présentant des troubles mentaux modérés." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/34481.
Full textThis research focuses on perspectives of intervention practices for victims of domestic violence, with moderate mental health disorders. It was conducted among six social workers from various centers, specialized in social services in the Quebec City region, who possessed many years of experience working with victims of domestic violence affected by moderate mental health disorders. The perspectives of intervention emanating from our participants, were based on several approaches. They prioritized the feminist approach, because, from their point of view, it allows women to understand both the dynamics and societal causes of the domestic violence they face. In their daily practice, the participants of our study believe that the mental disorders of the victims are misdiagnosed. They explain that mental health physicians treat victims' mental health symptoms without really considering the dynamics of the domestic violence in which the victims live. This allows us to deduce that currently, the medical approach is taking over the psychosocial approach, and that the repercussions of domestic violence on victims are categorized as simple mental health problems. The exploration and analysis of the results of the participants’ opinions confirm, on one hand, that the mental health consequences are inherent in the victimization experience and that a significant portion of the women victims of domestic violence will develop mental disorders in this context. On the other hand, they show that collaboration between mental health professionals (doctors and psychiatrists) and the professionals of centers specialized in domestic violence, is essential to properly understand this problem and better respond to the needs of abused women.
Nasr, Roula. "Les violences conjugales : étude comparative entre Liban, France et Canada." Thesis, Lyon 2, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009LYO20025/document.
Full textIf some forms of silence are today the center of attention, other forms such as conjugal violence remain unrevealed and are often considered as private problems. Men violence is affecting fundamental rights in particular the right of liberty and security. Conjugal violence, whatever its forms are, presents some constants. This type of violence is found in oriental and occidental societies but the context differs. If conjugal violence in oriental societies particularly in Lebanon reflects the patriarchy and the social reproduction and the family inheritance, it also shows that the law and the civil codes are in favor of men. The conjugal violence existing in the occidental societies are related to psychological affects and family separations and family problems. In all Middle – Eastern countries like Lebanon, women do not benefit completely from their civil citizenship. They are despoiled of rights, and privileges and security guarantee that they should have access to. Inequitable laws, discriminatory constitutions and cultural prejudice that doesn’t take the woman as an equal citizen, hinder their participation in politics and limit to the women’s economic security going from mobility to social welfare. Unlike the occidental context where the individual unites the base of the country like in France and Canada, family constitutes the base of Arab countries.They tend to confirm that conjugal violence like any form of violence escapes from any social nominations. This violence exists in all societies and even in the most favored regions. And it also exists in all social categories.A cross-cultural approach of this phenomenon is necessary. Factors such as religion or migration launch or justify such type of violence. Psychosocial analysis of several studies made about conjugal violence unveil the latent and the hidden secrets of violent men and abused women
Lavoie, Vicky. "Étude longitudinale de la relation entre les habitudes de consommation d'alcool et le recours aux conduites violentes chez les jeunes couples." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2003. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/44499.
Full textCador, Petra. "Les violences conjugales : traitement juridique et individualisation de la prise en charge." Paris, EHESS, 2001. http://www.theses.fr/2001EHES0112.
Full textFranquet, Laetitia. "Les violences de genre : analyse comparative des pratiques judiciaires et médiatiques En France et en Espagne." Doctoral thesis, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/10803/129272.
Full textCette thèse cherche à améliorer la connaissance et la compréhension des violences de genre. Elle s’attache plus particulièrement à comprendre comment leur prise en charge a émergé dans la sphère politique sous l'impulsion des féministes d’État espagnoles et comment les institutions étatiques française et espagnole se sont saisies et ont traduit législativement ce problème social. L'analyse de deux cadres nationaux, régionaux et locaux permet de mettre en relief l’évolution des pratiques judiciaires et médiatiques à différentes échelles. Cette étude comparative montre les répercussions financières, sanitaires et sociales et, donc, l’intérêt de l’intervention de l’État dans la lutte contre les violences exercées à l’encontre des femmes au sein du couple. Toutefois, ce problème social n’a pas émergé de la même façon en France et en Espagne. Ainsi, plusieurs facteurs permettent d’expliquer sa mise sur l’agenda politique espagnol : le contexte géopolitique, la faiblesse des politiques familiales, la capacité mobilisatrice du féminisme d’État et sa médiatisation. Après avoir présenté l’évolution législative des violences exercées à l’encontre des femmes au sein du couple dans les deux pays, cette recherche apporte une lecture explicative et comparative du fonctionnement de la justice face à ces situations de violences en étudiant les pratiques des tribunaux de Bordeaux et Barcelone entre 2003 et 2009. Enfin, elle dresse le portrait contrasté de deux nations dont le reflet médiatique de l’action politique dévoile des modes de traitement bien distincts. Pour cela, elle évoque le rôle des messages délivrés par les campagnes de communication gouvernementales de lutte contre les violences faites aux femmes et les lignes éditoriales des journaux télévisés d’information régionale en matière de traitement des violences de genre. Ainsi, l’étude de ces pratiques révèle l’influence d’une politique sociale genrée sur les taux de dénonciation et le profil des condamnés.
The aim of this thesis is to improve the knowledge and understanding of gender-related acts of violence. More particularly, it aims at understanding how their undertaking has emerged in the political sphere, spurred on by State feminists in Spain, and how the French and Spanish political institutions have taken up and brought this social issue before the courts. The analysis of these two national, regional and local frameworks helps to underline the evolution of judicial and media practices at different scales. This comparative study shows the financial, sanitary and social repercussions and, consequently, the interest for the State to intervene to combat the acts of violence against women within the couple. However, this social issue has not emerged the same way in France and Spain. That is why several factors can account for its integration into the Spanish political agenda: the geopolitical context, the weaknesses of family policies, the capacity of State feminism to attract people’s support and its media coverage. After presenting the legislative evolution of acts of violence against women within the couple, this research brings an explanatory and comparative reading of the functioning of justice in front of situations of violence by studying the practices of Bordeaux and Barcelona courts between 2003 and 2009. Finally, it draws a contrasted portrait of two nations whose media reflection of political action, reveals quite different ways of tackle the issue. For that, it evokes the function of messages conveyed by Government communication campaigns on fights against acts of violence against women as well as the editorial ways of TV regional news about the ways gender-related acts of violence are dealt with. So, the analysis of these practices unveils the influence of a gender social policy generated from the denunciation rates and the convicts’ profiles.
Provencher, Dominique. "L'impact du recours aux conduites violentes sur la relation amoureuse et sur le bien-être des jeunes couples." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2003. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/44416.
Full textVergel, Tovar Carolina. "Usages militants et institutionnels du droit à propos de la cause des femmes victimes du conflit armé en Colombie." Thesis, Paris 10, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013PA100093.
Full textThis research focuses on the reconstruction and analysis of the process of the emergence of the issue of women victims of the armed conflict in Colombia, as a result of feminist mobilization. The research shows the structural role of law and legal mobilization in its birth and consolidation. With an approach that articulates the perspectives of sociology of law, sociology of social movements, and the feminist critique of law, the analysis highlights the conditions for the emergence of legal and public denunciations of women affected by armed violence. Grounded on an empirical research based primarily on interviews, discourse analysis and observation of court proceedings, the analysis of the cause allows to investigate the place of the issue of women and victims in public policies, including the efforts for achieve the "end of the conflict", in addition to understanding the pivotal role of recourse to law and justice in these processes. Concepts such as "transitional justice", "the human rights of women" or "constitutional politics" are also reviewed and discussed through a "constitutive" law perspective. In this way, the contemporary history of the Colombian armed conflict, and of the social mobilization for peace and against war, and also the history of institutional efforts to manage the effects of violence, are also revisited. On one hand, the discussion of those topics is determined by the fact that they can be thought as an effect of the double gendered perspective that topics such as "women victims" and "feminist mobilization" introduce. On the other hand, they are also part of a more global discussion due to the dynamics generated by the public emergence of the issue of women victims, who are simultaneously an object of mobilization, a subject of denunciation, and a "subject of rights"
Poulin, Stéphanie. "Étude sur la violence et le support social chez les jeunes couples." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 2000. http://www.collectionscanada.ca/obj/s4/f2/dsk2/ftp01/MQ55877.pdf.
Full textHamdi, Hinda. "Les stratégies de coping en contexte de violences conjugales : étude de leurs effets sur la souffrance psychique et la qualité de vie des femmes victimes de violences conjugales." Thesis, Paris 10, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017PA100107/document.
Full textIntroduction : Domestic violence constitutes an important source of stress for women who are victims. To face the stress felt, the latter tend to set up strategies of adaptation to this stress called coping strategies. If these are dysfunctional, they can threaten mental health. In this perspective, the main objective of the present thesis is to measure the potential efficiency of several coping strategies on the intensity of diverse psychological dimensions (anxiety-state-trait, depression, post-traumatic stress, dissociation and perception of life quality) in a specific context of domestic violence. And thus, to bring out psychotherapeutic applications centered on the learning of coping strategies which would play a beneficial role on the mental health of women victims of domestic violence. The secondary objective of this thesis is to propose a comparative study between a group of women victims of domestic violence and a control group of women who have not been victims of violence, stemming from the general population, according to the measured variables.Method : The data were collected, according to a quantitative approach (questionnaires of self-assessment scientifically valid) and qualitative (semi-structured interview guide), amongst 78 women victims of domestic violence and 99 women stemming from the general population. Bivariate, multivariate analyses and comparative tests were carried out to test, at a statistical level, our hypotheses of research.Results : The main results indicate that concerning women victims of domestic violence, the coping strategies centered on the problem, centered on the resolution of the problem, and centered on personal evolution are particularly effective for the level of anxiety-depression and to allow a satisfactory perception of life quality. The coping strategies centered on the autocontrol play a beneficial role on the perception of life quality. However, coping strategies such as those centered on escaping, appear as detrimental for all the psychological variables studied. The coping strategies centered on emotion and centered on acceptance play a noxious role on the level of post-traumatic stress. Finally, none of, the coping strategies measured had favorable links on the level of dissociation. Women victims of domestic violence suffering from dissociation at a pathological degree constitute a population strongly at risk. Concerning the comparative study, our results reveal that women victims of domestic violence are more anxious, more depressive, more pathologically traumatized, more dissociated and have a poorer perception of life quality than women stemming from a control group. They use more coping strategies centered on the problem, centered on acceptance and centered on escaping, and fewer coping strategies centered on research for social support than those stemming from the control group.Conclusion : Lines of thought integrating the topic of coping strategies were proposed to improve the psychotherapeutic care of women victims of domestic violence. New strategies of coping, more specific and adapted to a context of domestic violence, have also been suggested, and proposals were made
Castro, Zavala Sastal, and Zavala Sastal Castro. "Une perspective intersectionnelle sur l'intervention en violence conjugale auprès des femmes immigrantes : les pratiques des intervenantes en maison d'hébergement du Québec." Doctoral thesis, Université Laval, 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/38105.
Full textCette thèse s’intéresse aux pratiques d’intervention en maison d’hébergement auprès des femmes immigrantes victimes de violence conjugale (FIVVC). L’objectif général de la thèseest d’explorer, à partir de la perspective intersectionnelle (PI), les manières dont lesintervenantes des maisons d’hébergement du Québec, tout en considérant les expériences vécues par les femmes immigrantes en situation de violence conjugale, analysent cette situation et interviennent auprès de ces femmes. Pour la collecte de données, cinq groupes focalisés et une vignette clinique ont été utilisés pour explorer les points de vue de 33 intervenantes de maisons d’hébergement de quatre régions du Québec (Montréal, Gatineau, Québec et Sherbrooke). Une analyse de contenu thématique a permis de dégager deux discours chez les intervenantes sur les expériences des FIVVC : un discours d’homogénéité et un discours d’hétérogénéité. Le premier discours, moins présent que le deuxième, tend à homogénéiser les expériences des FIVVC. Cette tendance s’explique par une vision essentialiste du vécu des femmes, construite à partir de l’axe du genre. L’intervention féministe en violence conjugale —entrée sur la victimisation des femmes et la domination masculine —, largement utilisée dans les maisons d’hébergement, expliquerait cette vision homogénéisante des femmes de la part des intervenantes rencontrées. Des aspects positifs et contraignants de ce type de discours sont aussi soulignés dans cette recherche. Le second discours met en avant une représentation diversifiée et hétérogène des FIVVC. Cette hétérogénéité se base sur la présence d’oppressions structurelles (lois et politiques sociales, racisme, discrimination, non reconnaissance des diplômes) dans les expériences des femmes dans leurs pays d’origine et dans le pays d’accueil. Notre recherche a pu dégager du discours des intervenantes une perception des FIVVC, comme plus vulnérables à la violence conjugale; cette vulnérabilité découlerait d’une multiplicité d’expériences d’oppression ainsi que d’une représentation contraignante de la famille, des croyances religieuses et des communautés d’appartenance des femmes immigrantes. Des enjeux de ce type de discours sont abordés dans cette thèse. Bien que le deuxième discours témoigne de la complexité de l’analyse des intervenantes sur les réalités des FIVVC en général, il se présente de façon désarticulée. Concernant les points de vue des intervenantes sur leurs pratiques, l’analyse des résultats a permis de dégager trois thèmes principaux autour desquels s’articulent les discours des intervenantes : 1) les caractéristiques de l’intervention en contexte interculturel, 2) les facteurs modulant les pratiques en contexte interculturel et 3) les défis de l’autonomisation des femmes. Nous avons relevé de la part des intervenantes une reconnaissance des besoins différents chez les FIVVC en lien avec leurs appartenances culturelles et leurs positions sociales multiples. Des stratégies — surtout de collectivisation — permettent, selon les intervenantes, d’intégrer les aspects culturels et religieux liés à ces appartenances, afin de favoriser l’inclusion, le respect, la justice et la solidarité entre femmes. Divers facteurs modulent les pratiques en contextes interculturels, notamment la langue parlée, la position sociale, le statut et l’expérience d’immigration. Les intervenantes se montrent préoccupées par l’autonomisation des FIVVC. Bien que le « maternage » ressorte comme une pratique courante quand il s’agit d’intervenir auprès des FIVVC, les intervenantes sont critiques à l’égard de cette façon de faire. La défense des droits est aussi une pratique couramment utilisée dans le but de favoriser l’autonomisation des FIVVC. Concernant l’application de la perspective intersectionnelle dans l’intervention auprès des FIVVC en maison d’hébergement, nous concluons que son utilisation favorise les pratiques d’inclusion, car elle considère plusieurs systèmes d’oppression qui se croisent dans la vie des FIVVC. Cette perspective offre des opportunités de développement des pratiques quiintègrent les aspects micro et macro — notamment les aspects identitaires des femmes et les aspects structurels —, ainsi que le développement de pratiques réflexives. L’utilisation de la grille d’analyse de Patricia Hill Collins a permis d’apporter un éclairage sur la manière d’appliquer la perspective intersectionnelle dans l’analyse des expériences et des pratiques des intervenantes auprès des FIVVC en maison d’hébergement. Nous abordons aussi certaines limites de l’application de cette perspective, notamment en ce qui concerne la place que le genre devrait occuper dans l’analyse et dans l’intervention en violence conjugale. Des pistes d’intervention et de recherches futures découlant de nos résultats sont finalement proposées.
This thesis constitutes an analysis of intervention practices used with immigrant women victims of domestic violence (IWVDV) in shelters. The purpose of the research was to adopt an intersectional approach to explore how shelter workers in the Province of Quebec assessand choose to intervene in situations affecting IWVDV. Data collection was carried out using five focus groups and one clinical vignette to explore the different viewpoints of 33 shelterworkers in women’s shelters in four regions in the Province of Quebec (Montreal, Gatineau, Quebec City and Sherbrooke) regarding their experiences with IWVDV and their choices of intervention practices used with these women. A thematic content analysis enabled us to identify two discourses in the shelter workers regarding their experiences with IWVDV: one discourse centered on homogeneity and the other, on heterogeneity. Less present than the second, the first discourse tended to homogenize shelter workers’ views of the IWVDV’s experiences. This tendency can be explained by an essentialism gender-based view of women’s experiences. Feminist intervention in domestic violence—which is centered on the victimization of women and the domination of men and which is widely used in women’s shelters—is one explanation for the homogeneous vision among the shelter workers we met with. Our research also highlights both the positive and limiting aspects of this type of discourse. The second discourse puts more emphasis on the diversity and heterogeneity of the IWVDV. This heterogeneity can be seen as a consequence of structural oppression (laws, social policies, racism, discrimination, non-recognition of credentials), both in the countries of origin and in the host country. Our research helped us to identify in the shelter workers’ discourse a perception that the IWVDVwere more vulnerable to domestic violence. This vulnerability, according to the shelter workers, would seem to be the result of multiple forms of oppression stemming from the families, religious beliefs and cultural communities. The present thesis thus addresses issues arising from this type of discourse. Although the second discourse illustrates the complexity of the analysis carried out by the shelter workers regarding the IWVDV’s situation, this discourse remains somewhat disorganized. In terms of the shelter workers’ viewpoints about their interventions, our analysis enabled us to identify three main themes on which their discourse primarily focused: 1) the characteristics of an intervention in an intercultural context, 2) the factors affecting practices in an intercultural context, and 3) the challenges in addressing women’s empowerment. We discovered that the shelter workers recognized the different needs of the IWVDV regarding their different cultural belongings and their multiple social roles. According to the shelter workers, different strategies, particularly collective approaches, made it possible to integrate the cultural and religious dimensions of these belongings, and thereby encourage inclusion, respect, justice, and solidarity among women. A variety of factors influenced the practices adopted in intercultural contexts, in particular the language spoken, the social position, the immigrants’ status, and their immigration experience. The shelter workers were particularly concerned by the issue of empowerment in IWVDV. While the issue of “mothering” was recognized as a widespread practice when shelter workers intervened with women in this group, these same workers tended to be critical of this approach. The defense of immigrant women’s rights was also an approach widely used by the shelter workers to further the BIW’s empowerment. Regarding the adoption of an IP in interventions with IWVDV in shelters, we are able to conclude that this approach encourages inclusive practices because it takes into account a range of systems of oppression which interact in IWVDV’s lives. This perspective opens up opportunities for developing practices that draw on both micro and macro aspects—in particular, women’s identity and structural aspects—as well as reflexive practices. Use of Patricia Hill Collins’s evaluation grid shed new light on how the IP can be used in analyzing the shelter workers’ experiences and practices when working with IWVDV in women’sshelters. The present thesis also takes into consideration some of the limitations of this perspective, particularly as regards the role that gender should play in domestic violence analysis and intervention. Further intervention avenues and research topics are also proposed.
This thesis constitutes an analysis of intervention practices used with immigrant women victims of domestic violence (IWVDV) in shelters. The purpose of the research was to adopt an intersectional approach to explore how shelter workers in the Province of Quebec assessand choose to intervene in situations affecting IWVDV. Data collection was carried out using five focus groups and one clinical vignette to explore the different viewpoints of 33 shelterworkers in women’s shelters in four regions in the Province of Quebec (Montreal, Gatineau, Quebec City and Sherbrooke) regarding their experiences with IWVDV and their choices of intervention practices used with these women. A thematic content analysis enabled us to identify two discourses in the shelter workers regarding their experiences with IWVDV: one discourse centered on homogeneity and the other, on heterogeneity. Less present than the second, the first discourse tended to homogenize shelter workers’ views of the IWVDV’s experiences. This tendency can be explained by an essentialism gender-based view of women’s experiences. Feminist intervention in domestic violence—which is centered on the victimization of women and the domination of men and which is widely used in women’s shelters—is one explanation for the homogeneous vision among the shelter workers we met with. Our research also highlights both the positive and limiting aspects of this type of discourse. The second discourse puts more emphasis on the diversity and heterogeneity of the IWVDV. This heterogeneity can be seen as a consequence of structural oppression (laws, social policies, racism, discrimination, non-recognition of credentials), both in the countries of origin and in the host country. Our research helped us to identify in the shelter workers’ discourse a perception that the IWVDVwere more vulnerable to domestic violence. This vulnerability, according to the shelter workers, would seem to be the result of multiple forms of oppression stemming from the families, religious beliefs and cultural communities. The present thesis thus addresses issues arising from this type of discourse. Although the second discourse illustrates the complexity of the analysis carried out by the shelter workers regarding the IWVDV’s situation, this discourse remains somewhat disorganized. In terms of the shelter workers’ viewpoints about their interventions, our analysis enabled us to identify three main themes on which their discourse primarily focused: 1) the characteristics of an intervention in an intercultural context, 2) the factors affecting practices in an intercultural context, and 3) the challenges in addressing women’s empowerment. We discovered that the shelter workers recognized the different needs of the IWVDV regarding their different cultural belongings and their multiple social roles. According to the shelter workers, different strategies, particularly collective approaches, made it possible to integrate the cultural and religious dimensions of these belongings, and thereby encourage inclusion, respect, justice, and solidarity among women. A variety of factors influenced the practices adopted in intercultural contexts, in particular the language spoken, the social position, the immigrants’ status, and their immigration experience. The shelter workers were particularly concerned by the issue of empowerment in IWVDV. While the issue of “mothering” was recognized as a widespread practice when shelter workers intervened with women in this group, these same workers tended to be critical of this approach. The defense of immigrant women’s rights was also an approach widely used by the shelter workers to further the BIW’s empowerment. Regarding the adoption of an IP in interventions with IWVDV in shelters, we are able to conclude that this approach encourages inclusive practices because it takes into account a range of systems of oppression which interact in IWVDV’s lives. This perspective opens up opportunities for developing practices that draw on both micro and macro aspects—in particular, women’s identity and structural aspects—as well as reflexive practices. Use of Patricia Hill Collins’s evaluation grid shed new light on how the IP can be used in analyzing the shelter workers’ experiences and practices when working with IWVDV in women’sshelters. The present thesis also takes into consideration some of the limitations of this perspective, particularly as regards the role that gender should play in domestic violence analysis and intervention. Further intervention avenues and research topics are also proposed.
Landry, Marie-Pier, and Marie-Pier Landry. "Expériences de violence obstétricale en milieu hospitalier québécois : une analyse féministe intersectionnelle." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/37091.
Full textCette recherche qualitative a pour objectif de comprendre les expériences de violence obstétricales au Québec, à partir des témoignages de femmes ayant participé à un entretien. La violence obstétricale est une forme de violence systémique envers les femmes, vécue dans le cadre des soins entourant la grossesse et l’accouchement. Une analyse de contenu thématique des entretiens relève les principaux thèmes abordés, dont plusieurs se trouvent dans les écrits scientifiques : la déshumanisation et la violence psychologique, la violence physique et sexuelle, les relations avec le personnel soignant, la surmédicalisation de l’enfantement et les contraintes organisationnelles, le non-respect des droits et les répercussions de l’expérience difficile ou négative. Des participantes ont aussi exprimé certaines stratégies d’agentivité s’étant déployées durant leur grossesse et leur accouchement et certaines ont nommé des expériences positives s’étant produites parallèlement aux difficultés rencontrées. L’analyse intersectionnelle des résultats suggère que les expériences de violence obstétricale prennent place sur les plans structurels, disciplinaires, hégémoniques, interpersonnels et expérientiels. Les formations sociales soulevées par les femmes rencontrées (orientation sexuelle, langue parlée, nationalité et origine socioculturelle) ont démontré que le fait de se trouver à l’intersection de plusieurs formes d’oppression rend les expériences uniques pour chaque femme ou groupe de femmes. Il parait ainsi important de s’intéresser aux personnes pouvant se trouver dans toutes les intersections pouvant se juxtaposer à l’oppression de sexe dans l’étude de la violence obstétricale. L’évaluation de la prévalence de cette forme de violence et des pistes d’action devraient être envisagées rapidement par les différents acteurs concernés.
The objective of this qualitative study is to understand experiences of obstetric violence in Quebec, through a series of first-hand accounts from women who participated in an interview process. Obstetric violence is a form of systemic violence against women, experienced in the context of healthcare services related to pregnancy and childbirth. An analysis of the thematic content of the interviews reveals the following primary themes, several of which also appear in scientific articles: dehumanization and psychological violence, physical and sexual violence, relationships to caregivers, the over-medicalization of childbirth and organizational constraints, lack of respect for individual rights and the difficult or negative effects of the experience. Some participants also expressed strategies used to gain agency during pregnancy and childbirth and some named positive experiences that occurred in parallel with the difficulties they encountered. Intersectional analysis of the results suggests that experiences of obstetric violence take place on structural, disciplinary, hegemonic, interpersonal and experiential levels. The forms of socialization brought up by the women interviewed (sexual orientation, language, nationality and sociocultural background) showed that being at the intersection of several forms of oppression makes the experience unique for each woman or group of women. It therefore seems important, in studying obstetric violence, to take a specific interest in mothers who may find themselves at any intersection that may be juxtaposed with gendered oppression. Assessment of the prevalence of this type of violence and potential courses of action should be considered quickly by the different actors concerned.
The objective of this qualitative study is to understand experiences of obstetric violence in Quebec, through a series of first-hand accounts from women who participated in an interview process. Obstetric violence is a form of systemic violence against women, experienced in the context of healthcare services related to pregnancy and childbirth. An analysis of the thematic content of the interviews reveals the following primary themes, several of which also appear in scientific articles: dehumanization and psychological violence, physical and sexual violence, relationships to caregivers, the over-medicalization of childbirth and organizational constraints, lack of respect for individual rights and the difficult or negative effects of the experience. Some participants also expressed strategies used to gain agency during pregnancy and childbirth and some named positive experiences that occurred in parallel with the difficulties they encountered. Intersectional analysis of the results suggests that experiences of obstetric violence take place on structural, disciplinary, hegemonic, interpersonal and experiential levels. The forms of socialization brought up by the women interviewed (sexual orientation, language, nationality and sociocultural background) showed that being at the intersection of several forms of oppression makes the experience unique for each woman or group of women. It therefore seems important, in studying obstetric violence, to take a specific interest in mothers who may find themselves at any intersection that may be juxtaposed with gendered oppression. Assessment of the prevalence of this type of violence and potential courses of action should be considered quickly by the different actors concerned.
Castro, Zavala Sastal. "Une perspective intersectionnelle sur l'intervention en violence conjugale auprès des femmes immigrantes : les pratiques des intervenantes en maison d'hébergement du Québec." Doctoral thesis, Université Laval, 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/38105.
Full textThis thesis constitutes an analysis of intervention practices used with immigrant women victims of domestic violence (IWVDV) in shelters. The purpose of the research was to adopt an intersectional approach to explore how shelter workers in the Province of Quebec assessand choose to intervene in situations affecting IWVDV. Data collection was carried out using five focus groups and one clinical vignette to explore the different viewpoints of 33 shelterworkers in women’s shelters in four regions in the Province of Quebec (Montreal, Gatineau, Quebec City and Sherbrooke) regarding their experiences with IWVDV and their choices of intervention practices used with these women. A thematic content analysis enabled us to identify two discourses in the shelter workers regarding their experiences with IWVDV: one discourse centered on homogeneity and the other, on heterogeneity. Less present than the second, the first discourse tended to homogenize shelter workers’ views of the IWVDV’s experiences. This tendency can be explained by an essentialism gender-based view of women’s experiences. Feminist intervention in domestic violence—which is centered on the victimization of women and the domination of men and which is widely used in women’s shelters—is one explanation for the homogeneous vision among the shelter workers we met with. Our research also highlights both the positive and limiting aspects of this type of discourse. The second discourse puts more emphasis on the diversity and heterogeneity of the IWVDV. This heterogeneity can be seen as a consequence of structural oppression (laws, social policies, racism, discrimination, non-recognition of credentials), both in the countries of origin and in the host country. Our research helped us to identify in the shelter workers’ discourse a perception that the IWVDVwere more vulnerable to domestic violence. This vulnerability, according to the shelter workers, would seem to be the result of multiple forms of oppression stemming from the families, religious beliefs and cultural communities. The present thesis thus addresses issues arising from this type of discourse. Although the second discourse illustrates the complexity of the analysis carried out by the shelter workers regarding the IWVDV’s situation, this discourse remains somewhat disorganized. In terms of the shelter workers’ viewpoints about their interventions, our analysis enabled us to identify three main themes on which their discourse primarily focused: 1) the characteristics of an intervention in an intercultural context, 2) the factors affecting practices in an intercultural context, and 3) the challenges in addressing women’s empowerment. We discovered that the shelter workers recognized the different needs of the IWVDV regarding their different cultural belongings and their multiple social roles. According to the shelter workers, different strategies, particularly collective approaches, made it possible to integrate the cultural and religious dimensions of these belongings, and thereby encourage inclusion, respect, justice, and solidarity among women. A variety of factors influenced the practices adopted in intercultural contexts, in particular the language spoken, the social position, the immigrants’ status, and their immigration experience. The shelter workers were particularly concerned by the issue of empowerment in IWVDV. While the issue of “mothering” was recognized as a widespread practice when shelter workers intervened with women in this group, these same workers tended to be critical of this approach. The defense of immigrant women’s rights was also an approach widely used by the shelter workers to further the BIW’s empowerment. Regarding the adoption of an IP in interventions with IWVDV in shelters, we are able to conclude that this approach encourages inclusive practices because it takes into account a range of systems of oppression which interact in IWVDV’s lives. This perspective opens up opportunities for developing practices that draw on both micro and macro aspects—in particular, women’s identity and structural aspects—as well as reflexive practices. Use of Patricia Hill Collins’s evaluation grid shed new light on how the IP can be used in analyzing the shelter workers’ experiences and practices when working with IWVDV in women’sshelters. The present thesis also takes into consideration some of the limitations of this perspective, particularly as regards the role that gender should play in domestic violence analysis and intervention. Further intervention avenues and research topics are also proposed.
Villani, Michela. "Médecine, sexualité et excision : sociologie de la réparation clitoridienne chez des femmes issues des migrations d'Afrique subsaharienne." Paris, EHESS, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012EHES0011.
Full text“Female genital mutilation” is a contemporary invention that has become an object of political debate since the late 1970s. Legal and medical discourse, followed by feminist discourse, have emerged on the international scene and outlined the contours of a worldwide recognized crime. Originally defined as a public health problem, excision of the clitoris has become the subject of reparation politics of sexuality in the 2000s. France has a unique policy that grants excised women the access to surgical repair of their clitoris. The surgery is reimbursed by the public health insurance system since 2003, providing an equal access to repair for all women and including the right to repair within social policies. This thesis is based on a unique empirical material including an ethnographic observation of two surgery units that practice clitoral repair surgery in Paris metropolitan area, a quantitative analysis of medical records of all patients followed by these units since their creation, and in-depth interviews of 30 women who contacted one of the units. It retraces the logics of the two actors involved in repair surgery: the medical profession and patients. For African women from sub-Saharan Africa, repair reflects a genuine quest for equality in sexuality with unexcised European women. On the medical side, professionals answers requests made by women who are able to express excision as an attack/aggression and to claim their right to repair (“I want to get back what was taken from me”). Clitoral repair is an example of unprecedented repair policy of sexuality, in which medicine, sexuality and excision are questioned
Khandjian, Sylvie. "Une violence qui fait "mâle" : étude anthropologique sur les interprétations du genre et de la violence dans une maison d'hébergement pour femmes de Québec /." 2004. http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?did=766855681&sid=6&Fmt=2&clientId=9268&RQT=309&VName=PQD.
Full textSt-Arnaud, Manon. "Expériences traumatisantes dans l'enfance, attachement et dépendance émotionnelle chez les femmes victimes de violence conjugale." Thèse, 2017. http://depot-e.uqtr.ca/8392/1/031930051.pdf.
Full textLebel, Julie. "L'intervention intégrale en violence conjugale au Pérou : perceptions de femmes victimes et d'intervenants." Thèse, 2005. http://hdl.handle.net/1866/16610.
Full textBourque, Patricia. "Portée et effets perçus des ressources pour victimes de violence familiale : l'expérience de femmes autochtones d'origine innue." Thèse, 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/1866/7390.
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