Academic literature on the topic 'Femmes et littérature – Psychologie'
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Journal articles on the topic "Femmes et littérature – Psychologie"
Raymond, Serge G. "Parcours en folie : littérature et psychiatrie." psychologie clinique, no. 45 (2018): 78–87.
Full textEvans, M., H. Chaussade, M. L. Couet, D. Royere, and W. El-Hage. "Vécu psychologique des femmes receveuses en attente d’un don d’ovocytes en procréation médicalement assistée." European Psychiatry 28, S2 (November 2013): 30.
Full textBournival, Chantal, Monique Séguin, and Marc-Simon Drouin. "Étude des facteurs d’ajustement au deuil après un suicide et après un décès soudain non intentionnel." Recherches hors-thème / Le deuil 24, no. 1-2 (November 22, 2012): 55–62.
Full textRabenandrasana, F., S. Ghodhbane, C. Legoupil, and R. Manamani. "La dépendance à l’exercice physique en Picardie et dans le Nord pas de Calais. Étude transversale sur 230 sportifs." European Psychiatry 30, S2 (November 2015): S111.
Full textScocco, Paolo, and Elena Toffol. "Psychothérapie interpersonnelle de groupe : une revue de littérature." Santé mentale au Québec 33, no. 2 (January 15, 2009): 105–31.
Full textSchneider, Franz Markus. "Hermaphroditismus zur Auflösung der Geschlechtergrenzen in Wissenschaft, Okkultismus und Fantastischer Literatur der Frühen Moderne (ca.1890-ca.1930)." Recherches germaniques-Hors-série 1, no. 1 (2002): 147–72.
Full textWalter, Justine, Lionel Brunel, and Marine Buon. "Impact sélectif de l’exclusion sociale sur l’humeur des adolescent.e.s." Enfance N° 2, no. 2 (June 21, 2023): 177–91.
Full textHallée, Yves, and Miguel Delattre. "L’apport de la prise en compte de la valeur comparable pour définir la rémunération des emplois à prédominance féminine." Question(s) de management 46, no. 5 (September 11, 2023): 91–103.
Full textGeoffroy, Marie, and Line Chamberland. "Discrimination des minorités sexuelles et de genre au travail : quelles implications pour la santé mentale ?" Santé mentale au Québec 40, no. 3 (January 29, 2016): 145–72.
Full textManço, Altay, and Ertugrul Tas. "Migrations Matrimoniales: Facteurs de Risque en Santé Mentale." Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 64, no. 6 (October 31, 2018): 443–46.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Femmes et littérature – Psychologie"
Zaugg, Brigitte. "Femmes et féminité dans l'oeuvre d'Ellen Glasgow." Dijon, 1998.
Full textThis thesis is a re-reading of four novels by Ellen Glasgow, Virginia, Life and Gabriella, Barren Ground, and the sheltered life. It means to be faithful to the novelist's intentions and aims but not to analyse her fiction from a biographical perspective. My approach to the subject is a cultural one and is based on the novelist's avowed aim to write a social history of Virginia. The thesis is divided into two parts of unequal length which correspond to Glasgow’s twofold project, i. E. To denounce women's position in Virginian society from 1884 to 1924 (ch. 1 & 2) and to establish a system freeing women of bondage, based on their economic independence (ch. 3). Chapter 1 is devoted to the main principles on which the dominant ideology is based that defines woman both as an ideal and a biological body and maintains her in service and in a web of sentimental illusion. It also deals with Glasgow’s criticism of this ideology and studies its concrete and perverse effects: woman is kept in the domestic sphere and forbidden any access to knowledge; her very clothes are emblematic of her service, so is her inability to speak. Chapter 2 studies love, which in these novels invariably occurs at first sight. This choice of Glasgow’s enables her to denounce the influence of sentimental fiction and the far too great idealization that follows up. The chapter then examines the issue of marriage as necessity and illusion and focuses on the character of Eva Birdsong. Chapter 3 points out Glasgow’s claim for the equality of the sexes and her trust in woman's manifold abilities. It focuses on the heroines of life and Gabriella and Barren Ground who thanks to their will to power become successful business women yet retain a humanity Glasgow deems fundamental. It also shows how her way of thinking on the joint issues of economy and love became more radical as age wore on
Bejaoui, Faten. "Balzac et la condition féminine, ruse, perfidie, coquetterie et la psychologie de l'autre." Paris 12, 1996.
Full textBen, Rahima Feriel. "Passions de femmes : Balzac analyste des émotions féminines." Paris 4, 2007.
Full textIn the analysis of feminine passions, this study has been most specifically concerned with psychological innovation in Balzac’s works. The study has covered a panoply of themes related to the oscillation of woman between ephemeral love and ever endless melancholy. This continuous struggle between the search for the absolute, the acquisition of fleeing joy that can hardly be seized gives an account of the ills of feminine destiny, the commensurable suffering of women who are trapped within the harsh laws of a patriarchal society. The purpose of this study has therefore been to analyze the exquisite sensitivity, the quality of affection, the innocence and purity of feelings and the coldness as well the tender joy, at times extreme of infantile euphoric and melancholic love or dark melancholic, the profound confusion, the pains of jealousy, the devouring passion, the atrocious suffering and pain, the frailty and the silence, the resistance and the rebellion of a multitude of young girls and women of the human condition through the omniscient eye of Balzac who analyzes feminine emotions. The study has revisited some aspects of the feminine conditions in Balzac’s fictional world, as well certain aspects of feminine psychology. The explosive and the blooming or the distress and frustration of all these feminine lives are translated into emotions more or less related to pleasure and displeasure
Miguel-Mazoyer, Anne-Valérie de. "Psychologie de l'identité féminine au risque de la création littéraire." Montpellier 3, 2005.
Full textBordered by the maternal one, the female identity is called in question to each crisis of life. The maternity, considered as one of these crises, can result in an impossibility to work out around maternal, as the sign the private clinic of the termination of pregnancy and infantile ill-treatment. With the place of a crossing of maternal, the suffering settles. This work proposes to analyze the incidence of maternal in the literary creation of four women writers (Mac Cullers, Hebert, Morrison, Huston). The exit of the release of maternal at the personal level marks the writing of these women: either their hero remains under the icy influence of maternal possessive, or it faces the specific crisis, while emancipant himself. The destiny of maternal points out that of the exile, connecting the four female authors. The exile can announce the change (language, of culture. . . ) but it can also remain with the state of unsatisfied running away. If the confrontation of with the maternal one is not balanced by an incomprehensible loss, then the writing becomes the sum of the female experiments. On the contrary, if the maternal one remains morbid (absence, death, ill-treatment), then the heroes choose imaginary solutions (recourse to the double, with the dream) or irreversible passages to the act (suicide, murder). The two types of writing, one marking the hero of fundamental instability and the other of sufficient bases to be maintained in spite of the crisis, account for the shelves in the crossing, which must lead to the stamping from the woman by the medium of creation
Danaei, Roshanak. "L'image de la femme en quête de son identité au miroir des œuvres d'Assia Djebar et de Fariba Vafi." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Limoges, 2024.
Full textThe quest for identity is a recurring concern in contemporary literature. At first glance, identity appears complex, both in its definition and its various approaches. This suggests that the pursuit of identity is equally fraught with difficulty. Many feminine writers depict this difficulty in their works as they explore the subject in connection with the intimate and social realities of women’s lives. This study focuses on the representation of women in search of their identity through the works of Assia Djebar, an Algerian writer, and Fariba Vafi, an Iranian writer. Their portrayals of women reveal frustrations, sufferings, and daily concerns, particularly in relation to the earliest objects– the paternal and maternal figures– and in relationships of otherness within marriage. The aim is to examine, from a comparative perspective and through the psychological analysis of literary texts, how unspoken emotions and repressed feelings in relationships with others influence the construction of feminine identity. The analysis of Djebar's and Vafi's texts, grounded in Jungian, Freudian, and Lacanian psychoanalytic theories, clarifies the concept of the complex and reveals a causal link between early relational experiences with primary objects and a woman’s later experiences in marital life. This pattern not only recurs in relationships within marriage but also in interactions with children and in the experience of motherhood, particularly for women who have encountered paternal or maternal complexes. A crucial question thus arises: how can one free oneself from these complexes and the suffering they cause? In the works of Djebar and Vafi, the liberation of characters from these complexes is achieved through one primary means: speech
Kang, Yu-Pei. "Cendrillon et le fétichisme du pied : étude comparée des mythes et contes de fées européens et chinois." Paris 8, 2013.
Full textFetishism is a fact but is kept silent. Traces exist in myth, ferry tale and other types of narratives. The mother goddess’s foot is sacred and objet of veneration. She has the faculty of giving birth to children. This faculty frightens men until they understand that they are co-responsible. The power of the goddess is not total ; her independence is reduced, according to the myth, when she transforms herself into a woman to be part of a man. The goddess’s foot is still sacred but it evolves in an objet of adoration. In Andersen’s fairy tale, the little mermaid takes her life into her hands in attempting to marry the prince. Foot is just a tool. In changing herself into a woman, the little mermaid sacrifices her beautiful voice to obtain handsome small feet so as to succeed into marrying the prince. Karen, the poor little girl adopted by a rich lady falls in love with her two beautiful little red shoes. She is punished for her arrogance and to put an end to her death dance has her two feet cut off. The twelve princesses dance with the twelve princes in the underground castle until interrupted by the old wounded soldier. They are all twines of Cinderella, the girl with beautiful small feet. But more so, Cinderella uses her feet as objet of love. Intentionally she looses her shoe and the prince will find it. She will marry the prince and be “happy” forever after. Do women today expect the charming prince ? Do they want to be saved ?
Ayadi, Hanna. "Violences et écriture dans l'oeuvre de Leila Marouane, la méditerranéenne des deux rives." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Toulon, 2018.
Full textHow does the writing, for the french – algerian autor, signify for having recourse to weapons ?First of all, my dissertation deals with a contextual, historical and sociological analysis of Leila Marouane’s novels before analyzing the relationship between violence and writing in the postcolonial context.My thesis is about, showing the relationship between the history of Algeria and French language postcolonial literature, and how the novelist reappropriates this history both by the writing of the violence she suffered and by the writing of the overthrow of violence.How does the necessity of writing have a link with violence? What are the stylistic and narrative manifestations? We chose to put the word “violence” in plural forms in our title, because it is polymorphic and multifactorial. In addition to the fact no thesis has yet been entirely devoted to the works of Leila Marouane, the manifestations of recurring female violence were relevant to understand. First, the heroines seem to be victims, then they become criminals, and this is what we can notice in this corpus: testify to the putting in words of phenomenon of reversal of the violence. Through a raw and cynical language that is symptomatic of a resumption of power, the novelist denounces traumas, the confiscation of identity and feminity, religious obscurantism and the weight of tradition, but she also says the need to strive always towards an “elsewhere”, geographical or fantasized
Tarjoman, Porshkoh Naghmeh. "Images de la femme contemporaine au miroir des œuvres de Zoya Pirzad et Katherine Pancol." Thesis, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2018.
Full textAt the crossroads of literature, sociology and psychology, this interdisciplinary work is intended to analyzing (analyze) the condition of contemporary women through a corpus of Persian and French works written respectively by Zoya Pirzad and Katherine Pancol and published between the years 1990 and 2010.These works, by their wide readership, are in popular literature. An analytical approach on the evolution of the novelistic genre, can define our corpus in relation to the new forms of sentimental literature, especially the Chick lit.The emergence of women novelists illustrating particularly the feminine universe requires studies on women’s writing.In this regard, Virginia Woolf insists on the importance of personal experiences in the creation of literary works, Luce Irigary identifies a language full of excess, folly and contradiction among women authors and Elaine Showalter proposes the construction of a framework (of a female executive) to analyze the literature of women.Subsequently, the question of feminism and its various currents in the West and the East explicitly developed. To approve the famous phrase of Simone de Beauvoir "One is not born a women, one becomes one", this work seeks to highlight the direct and indirect influence of the family, the school and the environment on training of the identity of the individual.Finally, by a psychological approach, this research promises a silent renaissance by examining the mental state of the female characters. The mother-daughter or father-daughter relationship and sexuality are major axes of this last part
Herbert, Catherine Deming. "Féminisme et féminité dans l'œuvre de Jules Laforgue." Montpellier 3, 2009.
Full textIn the final decades of the nineteenth century, as Romanticism waned and was replaced by various movements such as Parnassianism, Decadence, and Symbolism, a poet emerged who was to have an influence on literature in France and abroad that far exceeds his short life. Before his death in 1887 at the age of 27, Jules Laforgue spent most of his writing career in Berlin, where he met his future wife, the Englishwoman Leah Lee, and where he wrote the majority of his poetry and prose. These same years also marked an evolution of the portrayal of women in literature, the misogyny of poets such as Baudelaire gradually being replaced by an optimistic willingness to empower women by giving them a voice and allowing them some control over their destiny. Jules Laforgue played an important role in this literary development, and his work reflects the sexist prejudices of his time, which he left behind in order to embrace a vision of women as the companion and equal of men, whether in a fraternal or romantic sense. Laforgue, sensitive to artistic and literary tendencies, took on popular subjects of his day – Salomé, Ophelia, the femme fatale, the female vampire, the Eternal Feminine – and put his own stamp on them through a mixture of parody, irony, anachronism, and feminist ideas. The silent, powerless women of the earlier poems discover, especially in the Moral Tales and the Last Verse, a voice and a determination which can lead to their death (Salomé) or the fulfillment brought by free will and true love (Andromeda). While Laforgue was never an outspoken feminist, he made a major contribution to the literary evolution of women in the years leading up to the twentieth century
Assa, Assa Syntyche. "Migrations et quête de l'identité chez quatre romancières francophones : Malika MOKEDDEM, Fawzia ZOUARI, Gisèle PINEAU et Maryse CONDE." Thesis, Montpellier 3, 2014.
Full textThis work is part of cultural studies, more specifically regarding Francophone literatures of the Maghreb and the Caribbean. It will analyze the construction of the women's individual identity in its relationships with the phenomenon of migration in the texts of Malika Mokeddem, Fawzia Zouari, Gisèle Pineau and Maryse Condé. It consists of three main parts. The first replaces the texts and their authors in their historical, social and literary contexts and shows that the origins of identity alienation of female characters are to be found in the collective history, and macho and sexist culture of their societies.The second looks at the different forms of migration which engage the heroines of our corpus to escape a particularly alienating universe and to discover who they really are. Migrations then appear as a compulsory course in the identity construction of the female subject. These real and virtual migrations are on the one hand the crisis factors and deconstruction of identity and on the other hand, tools for the reconstruction of identity and self-Knowledge. The last part analyzes the roles of oral expression and writing in the construction of personal identity of the female subject. The speaking and the act of writing emerge as two forms of migration essential to the reconstruction of identity because they allow the female subject assert its presence in the world and out of anonymity. During these migrations, female characters develop a migrant and plural identity. The development of this migrant and plural identity is accompanied at the textual level with narrative and discursive migrations, so that the writing of Malika Mokeddem, Fawzia Zouari, Gisèle Pineau and Maryse Condé eventually becomes a migrant and plural literature
Books on the topic "Femmes et littérature – Psychologie"
Jardine, Alice. Gynésis: Configurations de la femme et de la modernité. Paris: Presses universitaires de France, 1991.
Find full textCutting-Gray, Joanne. Woman as 'Nobody' and the novels of Fanny Burney. Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 1992.
Find full textGwin, Minrose. The feminine and Faulkner: Reading (beyond) sexual difference. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 1990.
Find full textPettis, Joyce Owens. Toward wholeness in Paule Marshall's fiction. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1995.
Find full textMcCabe, Susan. Elizabeth Bishop: Her poetics of loss. University Park, Pa: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1994.
Find full textDiane, Roberts. Faulkner and southern womanhood. Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1994.
Find full textDiane, Roberts. Faulkner and southern womanhood. Athens,Georgia: University of Georgia Press, 1994.
Find full textSmith, Sidonie. A poetics of women's autobiography: Marginality and the fictions of self-representation. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1987.
Find full textRose, Jacqueline. On not being able to sleep: Psychoanalysis and the modern world. London: Chatto & Windus, 2003.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Femmes et littérature – Psychologie"
Cerquiglini-Toulet, Jacqueline. "La Femme au livre dans la littérature médiévale." In Livres et lectures de femmes en Europe entre moyen âge et renaissance, 29–34. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 2007.
Full textSchabert, Ina. "Des femmes en littérature anglaise et littérature française (XVIIe–XIXe siècle): quelques perspectives sur une histoire comparée." In Die Feministische Aufklärung in Europa | The Feminist Enlightenment in Europe | Les Lumières européennes au féminin, 223–34. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2021.
Full textVilla, Alessandra. "Le Mécénat d’Isabella d’Este entre art et littérature: le rôle du Libro de natura de amore de Mario Equicola." In Livres et lectures de femmes en Europe entre moyen âge et renaissance, 325–31. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 2007.
Full text"Bibliographie." In Femmes et littérature, 188–200. Gallimard, 2020.
Full text"Bibliographie." In Femmes et littérature, 654–67. Gallimard, 2020.
Full text"Bibliographie." In Femmes et littérature, 898–911. Gallimard, 2020.
Full text"Bibliographie." In Femmes et littérature, 709–12. Gallimard, 2020.
Full textReid, Martine. "Chapitre II. Apprendre, instruire." In Femmes et littérature, 45–64. Gallimard, 2020.
Full textRice, Alison. "Francophonies." In Femmes et littérature, 475–519. Gallimard, 2020.
Full textReid, Martine. "Chapitre V. Poètes." In Femmes et littérature, 127–53. Gallimard, 2020.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Femmes et littérature – Psychologie"
Larrieu, Peggy. "Le mythe de Médée et la criminalité des femmes." In Droit et littérature : la fiction en pouvoir ? Fabula, 2024.
Full textVérilhac, Yoan. "Science et sensationnalisme dans Détective (1928-1940)." In Séminaire PéLiAS (Périodiques, Littérature, Arts, Sciences). MSH Paris-Saclay Éditions, 2023.
Full textBury, Mariane. "Maupassant et les états d’angoisse." In « L’anatomie du cœur humain n’est pas encore faite » : Littérature, psychologie, psychanalyse. Fabula, 2012.
Full textSchuh, Julien. "Symbolistes et décadents lecteurs des psychologues." In « L’anatomie du cœur humain n’est pas encore faite » : Littérature, psychologie, psychanalyse. Fabula, 2012.
Full textCharbonnier, Gil. "« Surtout pas d’histoires », psychanalyse et psychologie dans le modernisme de Valery Larbaud." In « L’anatomie du cœur humain n’est pas encore faite » : Littérature, psychologie, psychanalyse. Fabula, 2012.
Full textHeyraud, Violaine. "Feydeau, les derniers feux du vaudeville et le déclin de l’hystérie." In « L’anatomie du cœur humain n’est pas encore faite » : Littérature, psychologie, psychanalyse. Fabula, 2012.
Full textBlaise, Marie. "« Flectere si nequeo Superos, Acheronta movebo » : Merlin, Freud et le rameau d’or." In « L’anatomie du cœur humain n’est pas encore faite » : Littérature, psychologie, psychanalyse. Fabula, 2012.
Full textPouzoulet, Christine. "A propos de l’essai de Victor Egger (1881) : « parole intérieure » et formes littéraires du monologue intérieur." In « L’anatomie du cœur humain n’est pas encore faite » : Littérature, psychologie, psychanalyse. Fabula, 2012.
Full textDechanet-Platz, Fanny. "Le sommeil et les rêves dans A la recherche du temps perdu : Proust lecteur d’Alfred Maury." In « L’anatomie du cœur humain n’est pas encore faite » : Littérature, psychologie, psychanalyse. Fabula, 2012.
Full textCollomb, Michel. "Freud en débat. Les contributions de René Crevel, Henri Michaux et Jean Paulhan au n° spécial du Disque Vert (1-1924)." In « L’anatomie du cœur humain n’est pas encore faite » : Littérature, psychologie, psychanalyse. Fabula, 2012.
Full textReports on the topic "Femmes et littérature – Psychologie"
Maubert, Camille, Jeremy Allouche, Irene Hamuli, Eustache Kuliumbwa Lulego, Gauthier Marchais, Ferdinand Mushi Mugumo, and Sohela Nazneen. Le pouvoir d’action des femmes et la protection humanitaire au Nord et au Sud-Kivu, RDC. Institute of Development Studies, March 2023.
Full textJoshi, Anuradha, Jalia Kangave, Vanessa van den Boogaard, and Deanndre Chen. Développer une fiscalité sensible au genre : un programme de recherches et de politiques publiques. Institute of Development Studies, February 2025.
Full textBashwira, Marie-Rose, Isidore Murhi Mihigo, and Diane Duclos. Considérations clés : mpox, exploitation minière et vulnérabilité des femmes et des enfants dans l’est de la RDC. Institute of Development Studies, September 2024.
Full textHrynick, Tabitha, Godefroid Muzalia, and Myfanwy James. Considérations clés : Communication des risques et engagement communautaire pour la vaccination contre la mpox dans l’est de la République démocratique du Congo. Institute of Development Studies, July 2024.
Full textLes femmes dans l’administration fiscale éthiopienne : données sur la représentation et la performance. Institute of Development Studies, January 2025.
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