Academic literature on the topic 'Federations of cooperatives'
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Journal articles on the topic "Federations of cooperatives"
Wang, Peng. "A Game Analysis of the Farmer Cooperatives’ Joint Development." E3S Web of Conferences 218 (2020): 02015.
Full textShylendra, H. S. "Federating the Self-Help Groups (SHGs) in India: Emerging Conceptual and Policy Challenges." International Journal of Rural Management 14, no. 2 (October 2018): 154–81.
Full textKrishnamoorthy, L., S. Varadharaj, G. Mani, and J. E. Vinila. "Collection and marketing of non-timber forest products in Tamil Nadu." Journal of Non-Timber Forest Products 10, no. 1/2 (June 1, 2003): 76–82.
Full textAFFAGHROU, Wafa, and Said AHROUCH. "The dynamics of inter-organizational cooperation in Economic Interest Groups: Case of EIG TARGANINE in Morocco." International Journal of Scientific Research and Management 10, no. 02 (February 17, 2022): 3063–75.
Full textMarshalek, Frank. "Cuban and Danish Agriculture, The Rochdale Principles, and the Renovation of Socialism." Human Geography 10, no. 3 (November 2017): 22–40.
Full textIyer, Balasubramanian, Ganesh Gopal, Mohit Dave, and Simren Singh. "Centering cooperatives and cooperative identity within the social and solidarity economy: Views from the Asia-Pacific cooperative apexes and federations." Journal of Co-operative Organization and Management 9, no. 2 (December 2021): 100145.
Full textSarker, Dr Manish, and Kowshik Datta. "The Role of Women Dairy Cooperative Society in the Socio- Economic Empowerment of Women Members: A Study of Nadia District of West Bengal in India." International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science VII, no. VIII (2023): 926–40.
Full textCarmona, Juan, and James Simpson. "El microcrédito antes de las cooperativas: pósitos y crédito público agrario en España en vísperas de la Gran Guerra." Historia Agraria. Revista de agricultura e historia rural, no. 77 (December 4, 2018): 169–99.
Full textHarimaya, Kozo, and Koichi Kagitani. "Performance of agricultural cooperative banks in Japan." Agricultural Finance Review 80, no. 1 (October 14, 2019): 38–50.
Full textPereira, Vânia Maria, Maurício Vasconcellos Leão Lyrio, Rogério João Lunkes, and Darci Schnorrenberger. "Estudo das Práticas Orçamentárias de Cooperativas Agropecuárias de Santa Catarina." Revista em Agronegócio e Meio Ambiente 8, no. 1 (April 15, 2015): 31.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Federations of cooperatives"
Rosado, de Sousa Maria Mislene. "La pérennité des relations interorganisationnelles en fédérations de coopératives – le cas Casa Apis du Brésil : Le rôle des proximités et du leadership transformationnel dans la construction de la relation et l’intention des adhérents de le rester." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Lyon, 2021.
Full textThe objective of this thesis is to understand the factors that can explain and influence the durability of inter-organizational relations in cooperative federations. To reach this objective, we mobilized the concepts of proximity, trust, transformational leadership and organizational commitment (affective and continuation commitment), in the sense of the intention to remain in the relationship. Two studies were carried out: first, a qualitative study to identify the proximities mobilized for the construction of inter-organizational relations in the federation of cooperatives. Then, a quantitative study with 232 members of the federation to test the influence of proximities (price, access, identity, process and relation), trust and transformational leadership on organizational commitment. The data were analyzed using Nvivo 11 software (qualitative study) and SmartPLS 3.0 software (quantitative study). These studies were applied to the cooperative federation Casa Apis in Brazil. The development of these two studies allowed us to conclude that the construction of the relationship between Casa Apis and the member beekeepers is explained by proximities, which are created in a hierarchical way. It was also found that the intention of the beekeepers to remain in the relationship with Casa Apis is influenced by the proximities of price and process, by trust and by transformational leadership. Therefore, the sustainability of relationships in Casa Apis is influenced by proximities, trust, transformational leadership, and organizational commitment
Green, John J. "Community-based cooperatives and networks : participatory social movement assessment of four organizations /." free to MU campus, to others for purchase, 2002.
Full textEverett-Kabut, Patricia Hews. "The Cooperative Commonwealth Federation and amateur theatricals in 1930's Vancouver, BC." Thesis, University of British Columbia, 2016.
Full textArts, Faculty of
Theatre and Film, Department of
Kazmierczak, Tamra Kirkpatrick. "The Horticultural Producers Federation : a comprehensive approach for addressing the problems of small-scale vegetable marketing cooperatives /." Thesis, This resource online, 1990.
Full textRichmond, Alexander Guy. "Stand by your man, an examination of women's participation in the Ontario and British Columbia Cooperative Commonwealth Federation, 1933-1950." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 2000.
Full textRichmond, Alexander Guy. "Stand by your man an examination of women's participation in the Ontario and British Columbia Cooperative Commonwealth Federation, 1933-1950 /." Ottawa : National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 2001.
Full textGrin, Eduardo José. "Rotas federativas para a promoção de capacidades estatais municipais: uma análise da experiência brasileira." reponame:Repositório Institucional do FGV, 2016.
Full textApproved for entry into archive by Pamela Beltran Tonsa ( on 2016-07-07T14:28:20Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Rotas federativas para a promoção de capacidades estatais municipais- uma análise da experiência brasileira .pdf: 4633555 bytes, checksum: 535515ccb7d113151977e4cbad046ef8 (MD5)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-07T14:34:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Rotas federativas para a promoção de capacidades estatais municipais- uma análise da experiência brasileira .pdf: 4633555 bytes, checksum: 535515ccb7d113151977e4cbad046ef8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-06-24
This thesis discusses how the Brazilian federalism promoted, from 1997 to 2014, initiatives to develop state capacity in municipalities. This theme was taken up on the federal agenda in the first government of Fernando Henrique Cardoso (1995-1998), continued during the two terms Lula (2003-2010), and finally, in the initial mandate of Dilma Rousseff (2011-2014). The decentralization of policies started in 1988 constitutes the political and institutional context which demands to modernize its management. It's presented how evolved the managerial and administrative qualification in the cities to situate the challenges of Brazilian cooperative federalism to support these level of government. This research was organized in three theoretical dimensions and analyzed five cases. The first dimension deals with the cooperation through territorial cooperative arrangements, regarding the Federal Joint Commitee (CAF), installed in 2003, as the object of analysis because brought together representatives from federal government and from municipalist associations. One of its fields of action was the developing of municipal state capacity. The second dimension addresses the federative cooperation by means of policy systems. It was compared the Unified Social Assistance System (SUAS), created in 2005, with the education policy, that is devoid of such systemic intergovernmental arrangement. In the education the analysis rests with Articulated Action Plan (PAR), instituted in 2007. The SUAS has a wide legislation and normatization aimed for municipal entities in which highlight demands to modernize the local bodies responsible for this policy. The goal is to compare if policy systems are more effective to promote state capacity than other kinds of federative relations. The third theoretical dimension concerns to federal programs generated to support the qualification in municipalities.The goal is to compare if policy systems are more effective to promote state capacity than other kinds of federative relations. The third theoretical dimension concerns to federal programs generated to support the qualification in municipalities. Were selected two programs: the Program of Management Modernization and Tax Administration and the Management of Basic Social Sectors (PMAT), administered by the BNDES since 1997, and the National Program of Support to the Administrative Modernization and Fiscal of Brazilian Municipalities (PNAFM), managed by the Ministry of Finance and the Federal Saving Bank (Caixa Econômica Federal) since 2001. The analysis in the three dimensions shows that, considering the comparative experience in international level, and the literature about federalism and intergovernamental relations, before the manner how were organized the territorial cooperation and the implementation of federal programs in Brazil, both modalities are not viable routes to further the modernization in municipalities. The research concludes that a national and articulated policy system, both for theoretical and empirical reasons, is the most appropriated type of federative cooperative institutionality to promote state capacity in the municipalities in realities such as Brazil. In this line, in the final of the Tesis it's proposed a analytical model that considers articulated policy systems as the most adequate model to deals with this federative challenge in a setting featured by the decentralization of policies, but that at the same time lives with a great heterogeneity and inequality of state capacity among local governments.
Esta tese discute como o federalismo brasileiro promoveu, entre 1997 e 2014, iniciativas voltadas a desenvolver capacidades estatais nos municípios. Este tema foi retomado na agenda federal no primeiro governo Fernando Henrique Cardoso (1995-1998), prosseguiu nas duas gestões Lula (2003-2010) e, finalmente, no primeiro mandato de Dilma Rousseff (2011-2014). A descentralização de políticas iniciadas em 1998 constitui o contexto político e institucional que, diante das novas atribuições assumidas pelos municípios, demandam modernizar a sua gestão. Apresenta-se de que forma evolui a qualificação gerencial e administrativa nos municípios para situar que o desafio do federalismo cooperativo brasileiro possui para apoiar esses entes. A pesquisa foi organizada em três dimensões teóricas e analisou cinco casos. A primeira dimensão trata da cooperação por meio de arranjos de cooperação territorial, tendo o Comitê de Articulação Federativa (CAF), criado em 2003, como objeto de análise, pois reuniu representantes do governo federal e do municipalismo. Uma de suas áreas de ação foi o desenvolvimento de capacidades estatais municipais. A segunda dimensão aborda a cooperação federativa por meio de sistemas de políticas públicas. Comparou-se o Sistema Único de Assistência Social (SUAS), criado em 2005, como a área da educação, que é desprovida desse tipo de arranjo intergovernamental sistêmico. Na educação a análise recai sobre o Plano de Ações Articuladas (PAR), que foi instituído em 2007. O SUAS possui uma ampla legislação e normatização voltada para os entes municipais nas quais se destacam exigências de modernização dos órgãos que localmente respondem por essa política. O objetivo é comparar se sistemas de políticas são mais eficazes para promover capacidades estatais que outras modalidades de relações federativas. A terceira dimensão teórica diz respeito aos programas federais criados para apoiar a qualificação das gestões municipais. Foram selecionados dois programas: o Programa de Modernização da Administração Tributária e da Gestão de Setores Sociais Básicos (PMAT), administrado pelo BNDES desde 1997, e o Programa Nacional de Apoio à Modernização Administrativa e Fiscal dos Municípios Brasileiros (PNAFM), gerenciado pelo Ministério da Fazenda e Caixa Econômica Federal desde 2001. A análise das três dimensões mostra que, com base na experiência comparada em nível internacional e na literatura sobre federalismo e relações intergovernamentais que, diante da forma como se organizou a cooperação territorial e a implantação de programas federais no Brasil, essas duas modalidades não são rotas viáveis para apoiar a modernização das gestões municipais. A pesquisa concludes que um sistema nacional e articulado de políticas, tanto por razões teóricas como empíricas, é o tipo de institucionalidade de cooperação federativa mais adequado para promover capacidades estatais municipais em realidades como a brasileira. Nessa linha, finaliza-se a Tese propondo um modelo analítico que considera sistemas articulados de políticas como o formato mais adequado para lidar com esse desafio federativo em um contexto caracterizado pela descentralização de políticas, mas que ao mesmo tempo convive com uma enorme heterogeneidade e desigualdade de capacidades estatais entre os governos locais.
Cagnone, Miranda Ramalho. "O artigo 23 da constituição de 1988 e a estruturação do federalismo cooperativo no Brasil." Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, 2009.
Full textThe purpose of this paper is to analyze the Federative Political System through the authorities assigned by the Federal Constitution of 1988 ( CF/88 ) to the Federal, State and Local Governments and the Federal District in common. Those authorities assigned on a concurrent basis will be compared with those authorities in common. We will examine the differences between these two types of authorities and reach the conclusion that they are not the same but complement each other. In addition, we will show the negative aspects of the Brazilian federative system, which would be the causes for the crisis experienced by the Federation. Next, we will present the methods that all Governmental levels (Federal, State and Local Governments and the Federal District) may use in order to execute public policies on local growth, such as consortiums and participation funds. We conclude that the Federal Constitution in its article 23 provides the Government with a valuable tool to be used in political discussions for implementing development-oriented public policies, thus improving cooperation among governments and strengthening federalism as a whole.
Pretende-se analisar o Sistema Político Federativo por meio das competências comuns outorgadas pela Constituição Federal de 1988 ( CF/88 ) à União, aos Estados, ao Distrito Federal e aos Municípios. Serão comparadas as competências concorrentes e comuns e analisadas suas diferenças, concluindo-se que não se confundem, mas sim, complementam-se. Além disso, serão apresentados os aspectos negativos do regime federal brasileiro que seriam causas de uma situação de crise da Federação, para, então, apresentar algumas formas de execução comum dos entes federados (União, Estados, Distrito Federal e Municípios) de políticas públicas de desenvolvimento regional, como os consórcios e os fundos de participação. Conclui-se que a Constituição Federal, por meio do artigo 23, coloca à disposição do Governo um forte instrumento de discussão política para a realização de políticas públicas desenvolvimentistas, fortalecendo a cooperação intergovernamental e o federalismo como um todo.
Markwell, Darryl. "Improvements in sustainable energy and water practice in the food processing industry : an in depth analysis of the manufacture of Ghee at the Butter Producers' Cooperative Federation Limited, Brisbane." Thesis, Queensland University of Technology, 2005.
Full textMarkwell, Darryl. "Improvements in sustainable energy and water practice in the food processing industry : an in depth analysis of the manufacture of Ghee at the Butter Producers' Cooperative Federation Limited, Brisbane." Queensland University of Technology, 2005.
Full textBooks on the topic "Federations of cooperatives"
Philippines, Cooperative Foundation, ed. A Directory of cooperatives, self-help groups, Samahang Nayons, associations, and federations/unions in the Philippines. Quezon City: Cooperative Foundation Philippines, 1989.
Find full textNew York State College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. Dept. of Agricultural Economics., ed. The situation of member cooperatives following the financial failure of the Northeast Dairy Cooperative Federation, Inc. (NEDCO). Ithaca, NY: Dept. of Agricultural Economics, New York State College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Cornell University, 1986.
Find full textKennedy, Jim. Not by chance: A history of the International Cooperative and Mutual Insurance Federation. Manchester: Holyoake, 1999.
Find full textWilliam, Zartman I., and Kremeni͡u︡k Viktor Aleksandrovich, eds. Cooperative security: Reducing Third World wars. Syracuse, N.Y: Syracuse University Press, 1995.
Find full textYearbook, Commonwealth Universities. 1991: A directory of the universities of the Commonwealth and the Landbook of their Association. Great Britain: The Bath Press, 1991.
Find full textWashington (State). Legislature. Legislative Budget Committee. Federation of Washington Ports sunset review. Olympia, WA: The Committee, 1993.
Find full textMaking peasants backward: Agricultural cooperatives and the Agrarian question in Russia, 1861-1914. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1999.
Find full text(Federation), Russia. Forestry: Memorandum of understanding between the United States of America and the Russian Federation, signed at Washington May 13, 1994. Washington, D.C: Dept. of State, 1999.
Find full textHang separately: Cooperative security between the United States and Russia, 1985-1994. New York: Century Foundation Press, 2000.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Federations of cooperatives"
Schenkel, Ralf, and Gerhard Weikum. "Integrating Snapshot Isolation into Transactional Federations." In Cooperative Information Systems, 90–101. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2000.
Full textCheng, Sijin, Sebastián Ferrada, and Olaf Hartig. "Considering Vocabulary Mappings in Query Plans for Federations of RDF Data Sources." In Cooperative Information Systems, 21–40. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023.
Full textLi, Bing, Fei He, Wudong Liu, KeQing He, and Jin Liu. "Research on Semantic-Based Web Services Registry Federation." In Grid and Cooperative Computing - GCC 2005, 202–7. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2005.
Full textTummala, Krishna K. "Fortunes of Federating Units in India." In Cooperative Federalism in South Asia and Europe, 61–81. London: Routledge India, 2023.
Full textUdhayakumar, Shanmugam, and Tamilselvan Latha. "Trustworthy Cloud Federation Through Cooperative Game Using QoS Assessment." In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 30–37. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019.
Full textHuybrechts, Benjamin, Daan Creupelandt, and Dirk Vansintjan. "Networking Renewable Energy Cooperatives – the experience of the European Federation" In Handbuch Energiewende und Partizipation, 847–58. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2017.
Full textArustamov, Edward A., Andrei M. Sokolov, Ekaterina A. Korotenkova, Anna V. Stadnyuk, and Maria A. Khvatova. "Intra-System Problems and Management Factors for Improving the Performance of Consumer Cooperatives in the Russian Federation." In Сooperation and Sustainable Development, 969–74. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.
Full textScanlan, Melissa K. "Supportive Cooperative Ecosystems in Spain and the United States." In Prosperity in the Fossil-Free Economy, 107–45. Yale University Press, 2021.
Full textScanlan, Melissa K. "The Cooperative Difference, Private Governance, and the Law." In Prosperity in the Fossil-Free Economy, 58–69. Yale University Press, 2021.
Full textWhite, Monica M. "Agricultural Self-Determination on a Regional Scale." In Freedom Farmers, 97–116. University of North Carolina Press, 2018.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Federations of cooperatives"
Full textSong, Wu, Xiao Tianyuan, Fan Wenhui, and Sun Hongbo. "Federation Integration Architecture for Shiring Resources of Product Development Platforms." In 2008 Seventh International Conference on Grid and Cooperative Computing (GCC). IEEE, 2008.
Full textAddya, Sourav Kanti, Anurag Satpathy, Ashok Kumar Turuk, and Bibhudatta Shaoo. "Virtual Machine Placement in Non-Cooperative Cloud Federation-Alliance." In 2023 15th International Conference on COMmunication Systems & NETworkS (COMSNETS). IEEE, 2023.
Full textHassan, Mohammad Mehedi, M. Abdullah Al-Wadud, and Giancarlo Fortino. "A socially optimal resource and revenue sharing mechanism in cloud federations." In 2015 IEEE 19th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD). IEEE, 2015.
Full textVorotnikov, Igor. "State Support Efficiency For Agriculture Consumer Cooperatives In The Russian Federation." In International Scientific Conference «Social and Cultural Transformations in the Context of Modern Globalism» dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Turkayev Hassan Vakhitovich. European Publisher, 2020.
Full textCharilas, Dimitris, Polychronis Mathioudakis, Athanasios Panagopoulos, and Philip Constantinou. "Federation agreements performance in heterogeneous environments: Non-cooperative games approach." In 2010 Ieee Globecom Workshops. IEEE, 2010.
Full textLv, ZhiHui, Jie Wu, Weiming Fu, and Yiping Zhong. "A Novel WSDM-based Content Service Status Monitoring Scheme in Content Federation Architecture." In 2006 Fifth International Conference on Grid and Cooperative Computing Workshops. IEEE, 2006.
Full textHuang, Mengxing, and Wencai Du. "A Cooperative Service Architecture for Digital Library Federation Based on Grid." In 2010 IEEE/ACIS 9th International Conference on Computer and Information Science (ICIS). IEEE, 2010.
Full textTonshin, A. A., O. V. Krikunov, and A. F. Makarov. "ABOUT LIST OF OCCUPATIONAL DISEASES CAUSED BY CHEMICAL FACTORS TO BE IMPROVED." In The 16th «OCCUPATION and HEALTH» Russian National Congress with International Participation (OHRNC-2021). FSBSI “IRIOH”, 2021.
Full textWu, Cheng, and Tianyuan Xiao. "ASP Platform and Its Federation Integration Based on INTERNET Used in Networked Collaborative Designing and Manufacturing." In 2006 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design. IEEE, 2006.
Full textReports on the topic "Federations of cooperatives"
Gurung, M. B., Uma Pratap, N. C. T. D. Shrestha, H. K. Sharma, N. Islam, and N. B. Tamang. Beekeeping Training for Farmers in Afghanistan: Resource Manual for Trainers [in Urdu]. International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), 2012.
Full textThe Initiative Project on the Guideline of the Understanding Framework on the Veterinary Profession in ASEAN (GUFVA 2014). O.I.E (World Organisation for Animal Health), June 2014.
Full textLessons learned from a community-based distribution programme in rural Bihar. Population Council, 1995.
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