Academic literature on the topic 'Fe–W'

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Journal articles on the topic "Fe–W"


Barbano, E. P., I. A. Carlos, and E. Vallés. "Electrochemical synthesis of Fe-W and Fe-W-P magnetic amorphous films and Fe-W nanowires." Surface and Coatings Technology 324 (September 2017): 80–84.

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Бурумбаев, Азамат Галимжанович, Бауыржан Сатыбалдыулы Келаманов, Асылбек Мейрамханулы Әбдірашит, and Отеген Рафхатович Сариев. "Fe-W-Si ЖӘНЕ Fe-W-C ЖҮЙЕЛЕРІНДЕГІ ТЕРМОДИНАМИКАЛЫҚ ҮРДІСТЕРДІ МОДЕЛЬДЕУ ЖӘНЕ ТАЛДАУ." Bulletin of Toraighyrov University. Energetics series, no. 2,2021 (June 24, 2021): 93–102.

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«Triangle» бағдарламасын қолдана отырып термодинамикалық модельдеу жүргізу, фазалық құрам бойынша үштік жүйелердің диаграммасын құру «Terra» бағдарламасының деректер базасын пайдалана отырып жүргізілді. Алынған есептеулер нәтижелері бойынша зерттеліп отырған металдық жүйенің толық фазалық құрамын сипаттайтын құрушы байланыстар анықталды. Мақалада Fe-W-Si және Fе-W-C үштік жүйеге арналған «Triangle» кешенді бағдарламасын қолдану арқылы термодинамикалық есептеулерді жүргізу және зерттеу сұрақтары қарастырылған. Алынған нәтижелер бойынша темір-вольфрам қорытпаларында пайда болатын негізгі фазалар және олардың температураға байланысты өзгерістері зерттелді. Сонымен қатар, балқытудың нақты материалдық тепе-теңдігін жасау және қорытпаның құрамын термодинамикалық реттеу мүмкіндігі қарастырылды.
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Donten, Mikołaj, Henrikas Cesiulis, and Zbigniew Stojek. "Electrodeposition and properties of NiW, FeW and FeNiW amorphous alloys. A comparative study." Electrochimica Acta 45, no. 20 (June 2000): 3389–96.

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Hong, Soon C., A. J. Freeman, and C. L. Fu. "MAGNETISM AND HYPERFINE INTERACTIONS OF Fe/W(110) AND Ag-COVERED Fe/W(110)." Le Journal de Physique Colloques 49, no. C8 (December 1988): C8–1683—C8–1684.

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Ahmad, Jamil, Katsuhiko Asami, Akira Takeuchi, Dmitri V. Louzguine, and Akihisa Inoue. "High Strength Ni-Fe-W and Ni-Fe-W-P Alloys Produced by Electrodeposition." MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS 44, no. 10 (2003): 1942–47.

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Stawovy, M. T., and A. O. Aning. "Processing of amorphous Fe–W reinforced Fe matrix composites." Materials Science and Engineering: A 256, no. 1-2 (November 1998): 138–43.

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Živná, Helena, Pavel Živný, Vladimír Palička, Eva Šimáková, and Vít Řeháček. "The Influence of Repeated Blood Withdrawals before Surgery on Clinical Outcome." Acta Medica (Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic) 50, no. 2 (2007): 129–33.

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The aim of this study was to find the influence of blood withdrawals and diet iron on elective surgery. Male Wistar rats (n=24) were divided: 1. group (SLD) ate standard laboratory diet (SLD), 2. group (FE) an iron enriched diet (FE) with one blood withdrawal after 9 weeks. 3. group (SLD-w) SLD and 4. group (FE-w) ate the FE diet; with 9 withdrawals once a week. The rats were sacrificed 18 hour after partial hepatectomy (PH) in the 10th week. Liver DNA synthesis (3H-thymidin – kBq/mg DNA) was performed. Serum hepcidin (pg/ml), iron concentration, respiratory burst of polymorfonucleares (RB, spontaneous; stimulated, %), count of blood cells were determined. FE-w had a higher (2.36±0.36) liver DNA synthesis after PH vs. SLD (1.21±0.49). Higher hemoglobin in erythrocytes (pg) was in FE-w and SLD-w vs. FE and SLD. PMN count in SLD-w, FE-w increased vs. SLD, FE. Hepcidin after PH decreased in SLD (78.0), FE (68.0), FE-w (97.0), but increased in SLD-w (217). Serum iron increased in SLD-w. RB after PH increased in FE-w (4.5; 47.6) vs. SLD (1.15; 29.1), FE (3.20;17.8), SLD-w (3.30;13.7). Conclusions: The iron diet with stimulation of haematopoesis by withdrawals improves an organism’s condition expressed as better response to elective surgery and better PMN functions.
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Yamashita, Kouji, Tomonori Kunieda, Koutarou Takeda, Yoshinori Murata, Toshiyuki Koyama, and Masahiko Morinaga. "Diffusion of Refractory Elements in Ternary Iron Alloys." Defect and Diffusion Forum 273-276 (February 2008): 746–51.

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Interdiffusion coefficients of the refractory elements in Fe-W-Re and Fe-Cr-X (X=Mo, W) ternary alloys have been measured on the basis of the modified Boltzmann-Matano method for ternary system. Both the cross interdiffusion coefficients, Fe ReW ~D and Fe WRe ~D were negative in Fe-W-Re ternary alloys. This result indicates that attractive interaction exists between W and Re atoms in iron alloys [1]. This is consistent with our previous experimental results that Re suppresses W diffusion in Fe-15Cr alloy [1]. In addition, the value of cross interdiffusion coefficient Fe CrW ~D was positive in Fe-Cr-W diffusion system, whereas Fe MoCr ~D was negative in Fe-Cr-Mo diffusion system.
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Hu, Y. J., A. C. Lieser, A. Saengdeejing, Z. K. Liu, and L. J. Kecskes. "Glass formability of W-based alloys through thermodynamic modeling: W–Fe–Hf–Pd–Ta and W–Fe–Si–C." Intermetallics 48 (May 2014): 79–85.

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Tsyntsaru, N., E. Vernickaite, V. Martínez Nogues, and H. Cesiulis. "Tribocorrosion properties of nanocrystalline W-rich Co–W, Ni–W and Fe–W coatings." Proccedings of International Scientific Conference "BALTTRIB 2019" 1 (2019): 285–90.

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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Fe–W"


Karakurkchi, A. V., M. V. Ved, N. D. Sakhnenko, I. Yu Yermolenko, and S. I. Zyubanova. "Electroplating and functional properties of amorphous Fe-Mo(W) and Fe-Mo-W coatings." Thesis, Институт химии растворов им. Г. А. Крестова РАН, 2015.

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Григор'єва, Світлана Вікторовна, and Олександр Євгенович Бармін. "Сегрегаційні явища в сплавах Fe−W." Thesis, Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2019.

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Бармин, Александр Евгеньевич. "Тонкая структура вакуумных конденсатов Fe–W." Thesis, НТУ "ХПИ", 2011.

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Бармин, Александр Евгеньевич, Александр Иванович Ильинский, Анатолий Иванович Зубков, and Мария Александровна Глущенко. "Термическая стабильность вакуумных нанокомпозитов Fe-W." Thesis, Национальный научный центр "Харьковский физико-технический институт", 2014.

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Бармин, Александр Евгеньевич. "Особенности структуры вакуумных конденсатов Fe-W." Thesis, НТУ "ХПИ", 2012.

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Бармин, Александр Евгеньевич. "Диспергирование зеренной структуры cплавов Fe–W полученных в вакууме." Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2017.

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Mc, Grath Oran F. K. "Structural and magnetic properties of epitaxial W/Fe/W and Gd/Fe films grown by pulsed laser deposition." Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble), 1994.

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Le but de cette these est d'etudier les proprietes structurales et magnetiques des couches epitaxiees de w/fe/w et gd/fe elaborees par depot laser pulse. La technique de depot laser pulse est presentee dans le premier chapitre. La croissance des couches minces est discutee dans le deuxieme chapitre puis l'analyse des proprietes structurales des couches elaborees est presentee dans le troisieme chapitre. Une revue des proprietes magnetiques des couches ultra-minces, telle que le moment magnetique, l'anisotropie et les excitations thermiques est presentee dans le quatrieme chapitre. La determination experimentale de ces proprietes magnetiques dans les couches de w/fe/w est discutee dans le cinquieme chapitre. Le couplage interfacial dans les couches de gd/fe est analyse dans le dernier chapitre
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Бармин, Александр Евгеньевич. "Сегрегационные явления в вакуумных конденсатах Fe-W." Thesis, Институт металлургии и материаловедения им. А. А. Байкова РАН, 2011.

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Plantin, Pascale. "Dépôts multicouches Fe/W sur substrat de Fe par pulvérisation magnétron D. C." Phd thesis, Université d'Orléans, 2006.

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Le masque des tubes cathodiques est un élément déterminant pour la qualité de l'image d'un téléviseur. Le masque est une grille de fer (Fe) oxydée sous forme de magnétite (Fe3O4). Le bombardement électronique subi par le masque génère des gradients de température. Il s'en suit une déformation du masque. L'image perd alors en contraste et en brillance. L'étude a porté sur la détermination, l'élaboration et la caractérisation d'une couche mince limitant ce gradient de température. Le matériau choisi pour cette couche protectrice est le tungstène (W) associé au fer (Fe) sous sa forme oxyde de fer : Fe3O4. Le tungstène est un matériau réfractaire avec un haut coefficient de rétrodiffusion des électrons. De plus, la magnétite possède un bon coefficient d'émissivité thermique. Ces deux propriétés sont essentielles pour éviter la déformation due au gradient de température. L'étude a porté sur les dépôts de couches minces (système bicouche) Fe3O4/W mais aussi alliage Fe-W sur substrat de Fe (matériau du masque). Les dépôts ont été réalisés par pulvérisation magnétron au moyen d'un générateur à décharge continue (pulsée ou non) avec ou sans l'assistance d'un plasma auxiliaire radiofréquence créé par une antenne interne. Pour tenter d'obtenir une couche mince de Fe3O4, nous avons étudié les oxydations ex-situ après dépôts ainsi qu'in-situ pendant ou après dépôts (en les comparant entre elles). Les caractérisations ont concerné l'étude de la structure (microscopie électronique, diffraction des rayons X), l'adhérence (test scotch et diffraction X sous traction), la composition (Spectroscopie de Rétrodiffusion Rutherford et Analyse par Réaction Nucléaire) et la mesure des propriétés optiques infrarouge et thermiques.
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Kubetzka, André. "Spinpolarisierte Rastertunnelmikroskopie an magnetischen Nanostrukturen: Fe-W(110)." [S.l. : s.n.], 2002.

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Books on the topic "Fe–W"


Płusa, Danuta. Rola struktury domenowej w procesie przemagnesowania spiekanych magnesʹow Nd-Fe-B. Częstochowa: Wydawn. Wydziału Metalurgii i Inżynierii Materiałowej Politechniki Częstochowskiej, 2001.

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Guzik, Edward. Model wzrostu eutektyki nieregularnej na przykładzie eutektyki grafitowej w stopach Fe-C. Kraków: Wydawnictwa AGH, 1994.

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Derda, Włodzimierz. Rafinacja ciekłych stopów typu Fe-Cr-Ni-X w warunkach bardzo niskich ciśnień cząstkowych tlenu w fazie gazowej. Częstochowa: Wydawn. Wydziału Metalurgii i Inżynierii Materiałowej Politechniki Częstochowskiej, 2000.

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Jeleńkowski, Jerzy. Przemiana martenzytu w austenit w stopach Fe-(23-26) Ni-(2-3)ti-(Nb) z dodatkami aluminium lub molibdenu. Warszawa: Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Warszawskiej, 1996.

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Kotowska, Janina. Wpływ wapnowania i nawożenia mineralnego na plon oraz zawartość Cu, Zn, Fe, Ca, K, N, P w roślinach uprawianych w zmianowaniu. Szczecin: Wydawn. Akademii Rolniczej w Szczecinie, 1992.

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Kawazoe, Y., U. Carow-Watamura, and J. Z. Yu, eds. Physical Properties of Ternary Amorphous Alloys. Part 2: Systems from B-Be-Fe to Co-W-Zr. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2011.

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Kawazoe, Y., U. Carow-Watamura, and J. Z. Yu, eds. Physical Properties of Ternary Amorphous Alloys. Part 3: Systems from Cr-Fe-P to Si-W-Zr. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2011.

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La Fe de George W. Bush / The Faith of George W. Bush. Casa Creacion, 2004.

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Balachandran, S., R. A. Ibrahim, T. Huddleston, Leo F. Friel, John M. Cimbala, A. Al-Khafaji, V. Gerez, et al. FE/EIT AM w/CD-ROM (REA) - The Best Test Prep for the Engineer in Training Exam. Research & Education Association, 2007.

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Boland, Lawrence A. Equilibrium models vs. complexity economics. Oxford University Press, 2017.

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This chapter will critically examine the non-equilibrium-based complexity theory approach to model building. Complexity theory replaces equilibrium-based models with algorithm-based models. Attention will be paid to the work of W. Brian Arthur and the other researchers at the Santa Fe Institute, with a particular assessment of their approach to including knowledge and learning recognition in their alternative to equilibrium models. Topics discussed include complexity economics, technology, increasing returns, diversity, learning, path dependency and evolution. Particular attention is given to the Santa Fe Institutes use of inductive learning to characterize how a market participant acts in the face of incomplete and uncertain information.
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Book chapters on the topic "Fe–W"


Predel, B. "Fe - W (Iron - Tungsten)." In Dy - Er … Ir - Y, 78. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013.

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Carow-Watamura, U., D. V. Louzguine, and A. Takeuchi. "B-Fe-W (151)." In Landolt-Börnstein - Group III Condensed Matter, 264–65. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2011.

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Carow-Watamura, U., D. V. Louzguine, and A. Takeuchi. "C-Fe-W (186)." In Landolt-Börnstein - Group III Condensed Matter, 394. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2011.

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Garside, Gavin John, Chai Ren, Biswadeep Saha, Meenakshisundaram Ramanathan, and Sivaraman Guruswamy. "Magnetostrictive Behavior of Fe-W Alloy Single Crystals." In Supplemental Proceedings, 403–10. Hoboken, NJ, USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2011.

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Lin, Kuan Hong, Chen Siang Hsu, and Shun Tian Lin. "Microstructures of W-Mo-Ni-Fe Heavy Alloys." In Progress in Powder Metallurgy, 1273–76. Stafa: Trans Tech Publications Ltd., 2007.

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Araya-Pochet, J., C. A. Ballentine, and J. L. Erskine. "Magneto-Optical Studies of Ultrathin Fe/W(100) Films." In Springer Proceedings in Physics, 477–79. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1992.

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Abakay, Eray, Bülent Kilinc, Saduman Sen, and Ugur Sen. "Microstructural Examinations of Fe-W-B Base Hard-Faced Steel." In International Multidisciplinary Microscopy Congress, 143–49. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2014.

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Kim, Young Do, Dae-Gun Kim, Jeong-Keun Lee, Eun-Pyo Kim, and In-Hyung Moon. "Full Densification of the Injection Molded W-Ni-Fe Heavy Alloy with the Fe-Contained Binder System." In Materials Development and Processing - Bulk Amorphous Materials, Undercooling and Powder Metallurgy, 237–42. Weinheim, FRG: Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 2006.

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Murata, Yoshinori, Tomonori Kunieda, Kouji Yamashita, Toshiyuki Koyama, Effendi, and Masahiko Morinaga. "Diffusion and Interaction of W and Re in Fe-Cr Alloys." In Defect and Diffusion Forum, 231–36. Stafa: Trans Tech Publications Ltd., 2006.

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Carow-Watamura, U., D. V. Louzguine, and A. Takeuchi. "Fe-Sn-Zr." In Physical Properties of Ternary Amorphous Alloys. Part 3: Systems from Cr-Fe-P to Si-W-Zr, 250. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2011.

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Conference papers on the topic "Fe–W"


Chiriac, H., A. E. Moga, C. Gherasim, and N. Lupu. "Preparation and Magnetic Properties of Fe-W and Ni-W Composite Coatings." In 2007 International Semiconductor Conference (CAS 2007). IEEE, 2007.

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Silkin, S. A., A. V. Gotelyak, N. Tsyntsaru, A. I. Dikusar, R. Kreivaitis, and J. Padgurskas. "Effect of Bulk Current Density on Tribological Properties of Fe-W, Co-W and Ni-W Coatings." In BALTTRIB 2015. Aleksandras Stulginskis University, 2015.

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Evaluation of tribological behaviour of Fe-W, Ni-W and Co-W coatings produced by electrodeposition at various bulk current densities (BCD) was under investigation in the given study. BCD does not have essential effect on the microhardness and wear characteristics of Fe-W and Co-W coatings. But the scratch tests reveal the presence of such influence. These tests showed superior wear resistance for the coatings obtained at low BCD. It was found that BCD has influence on wear resistance of Ni-W coatings under dry friction conditions. The BCD also has an influence on the coefficient of friction of Fe-W and Ni-W coatings at dry friction conditions. However, such an effect is opposite to that, observed at the scratch test.
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Yar-Mukhamedova, Gulmira. "ANN SIMULATION OF NANOCOMPOSITES Fe(Co)-W CORROSION RESISTANCE." In 19th SGEM International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference EXPO Proceedings. STEF92 Technology, 2019.

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HAFIZOGLU, HAKAN, LATIF KESEMEN, SALIH SARAN, and NURI DURLU. "High Strain Rate Deformation of W-Ni-Fe Alloys." In 30th International Symposium on Ballistics. Lancaster, PA: DEStech Publications, Inc., 2017.

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Joensen, Karsten D., Paul Gorenstein, Finn E. Christensen, and George Gutman. "Grazing incidence Fe-line telescopes using W/B4C multilayers." In SPIE's 1993 International Symposium on Optics, Imaging, and Instrumentation, edited by Richard B. Hoover. SPIE, 1994.

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Sikka, Vinod K., Ronald L. Klueh, Philip J. Maziasz, Suresh Babu, Michael L. Santella, Maan H. Jawad, John R. Paules, and Kenneth E. Orie. "Mechanical Properties of New Grades of FE-3Cr-W Alloys." In ASME/JSME 2004 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference. ASMEDC, 2004.

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This paper describes the development of two new grades of Fe-3Cr-3W(Mo) alloys at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The two grades are designated as A and B. The higher strength Grade B differs from Grade A in that it contains 0.10 wt % Ta. Both grades, when tested in normalized and tempered conditions, show a good combination of tensile strength and Charpy impact properties. Tensile properties of both A and B are over 150 MPa (20 ksi) higher than the highest strength commercial alloy T23. Grade B has higher creep-rupture strength than the T23 steel for the entire temperature range from 540 to 650°C. Grade B also exceeds creep-rupture strength of modified 9Cr-1Mo alloy (Grade 91) up to 615°C. Grade A exceeds the creep-rupture strength of T23 steel up to 600°C and match its values at the higher temperatures. Both grades have been scaled up to 50-ton-size commercial heats and processed into forgings and hot-rolled plates and bars.
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Sato, N. "Crystalline and magnetic properties of Fe-Mo and Fe-W films with an artificially layered structure." In International Conference on Magnetics. IEEE, 1990.

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Thamm, Ann-Katrin, Jiapeng Wei, Maksym Demydenko, Danilo Pescia, and Urs Ramsperger. "Magnetic Analysis of Ultrathin Fe Films on W(011) with SFEMPA." In 2020 33rd International Vacuum Nanoelectronics Conference (IVNC). IEEE, 2020.

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Sunanta, Owat, Paul H. Cohen, and Sundar Atre. "Material Removal and Dimensional Integrity of Green Machined W-Ni-Fe." In ASME 2004 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. ASMEDC, 2004.

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In this research, the mechanism of material removal in green machining of unsintered tungsten alloy (W-Ni-Fe) was explored via orthogonal cutting. Parameters related to tool design (e.g. forces, stresses, and energy required during material removal processes at different settings) were calculated and compared. Dimensional integrity of production machining in pre-sintered tungsten alloy was also investigated via drilling and end-milling. The results, then, were compared with the conditions after sintering. Statistical analyses were used to quantify and explain the relationships among potential parameters. This research utilizes designed experiments and data analyses to investigate the material removal mechanism in green machining and the dimensional integrity of production machining pre-sintered tungsten alloy versus its status after sintering.
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Reports on the topic "Fe–W"


Tober, E. D., R. X. Ynzunza, F. J. Palomares, Z. Wang, Z. Hussain, M. A. Van Hove, and C. S. Fadley. Interface structures of ordered Fe and Gd overlayers on W(110) from site-specific photoelectron diffraction. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), April 1997.

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Jawad, Mann, and Vinod K. Sikka. Development of a New Class of Fe-3Cr-W(V) Ferritic Steels for Industrial Process Applications. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), April 2005.

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Sikka, V. J., and M. H. Jawad. Development of A New Class of Fe-3Cr-W(V)Ferritic Steels for Industrial Process Applications. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), June 2005.

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Jawad, M. Development of a New Class of Fe-3Cr-W(V)Ferritic STeels for Industrial Process Applications. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), March 2005.

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Weerasooriya, Tusit, and Paul Moy. High Shear Strain-Rate Behavior of W-Ni-Fe Tungsten Heavy Alloy Composites as a Function of Matrix Volume Fraction. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, May 1998.

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Tober, Eric D. The interfacial and surface properties of thin Fe and Gd films grown on W(110) as studied by scanning tunneling microscopy, site-resolved photoelectron diffraction, and spin polarized photoelectron diffraction. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), June 1997.

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