Academic literature on the topic 'Favola pastorale'
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Journal articles on the topic "Favola pastorale"
Becker. ""LA SELVA SIN AMOR", FAVOLA PASTORALE, ILUSTRACIÓN DE LAS TEORÍAS DE DONI." Revista de Musicología 10, no. 2 (1987): 517.
Full textBrum, Mario Sergio Ignácio. "OPÇÃO PELOS POBRES: A PASTORAL DE FAVELAS E A REORGANIZAÇÃO DO MOVIMENTO DE FAVELAS NO RIO DE JANEIRO NA REDEMOCRATIZAÇÃO." Estudos Históricos (Rio de Janeiro) 31, no. 65 (December 2018): 413–32.
Full textFarinola, Onofrio. "Papa Francesco e Bartolomeo I: il fraterno impegno a favore di una spiritualità ecologica integrale." Roczniki Teologiczne 68, no. 3 (July 12, 2021): 5–40.
Full textDurak, Adam. "A. FAVALE, Il ministero presbiterale. Aspetti dottrinali, pastorali, spirituali, Roma 1989." Ruch Biblijny i Liturgiczny 44, no. 1–3 (June 30, 1991): 81.
Full textGonçalves, Alfredo J., and Dirceu Cutti. "Seminário João XXIII e Centro de Estudo Migratórios." TRAVESSIA - revista do migrante, no. 52 (August 17, 2005): 17–24.
Full textChemin, Gabriele Alves de Paula, Suzelaine Taize Stadler, Elaine Cristina de Oliveira, César Rey Xavier, and Cristina Ide Fujinaga. "ALEITAMENTO MATERNO E PASTORAL DA CRIANÇA: UMA ANÁLISE DOCUMENTAL." Revista Interdisciplinar de Estudos em Saúde 7, no. 2 (December 1, 2018): 168–80.
Full textGonçalves, Alfredo José. "Morar e conviver." TRAVESSIA - revista do migrante, no. 14 (December 24, 1992): 22–24.
Full textSantos, Francisco de Assis Souza. "COUNSELOR OF COUNSELOR - PREPARED TO LISTEN TO COUNSEL." REFLEXUS - Revista Semestral de Teologia e Ciências das Religiões 15, no. 1 (June 29, 2021): 207–35.
Full textNiccoli, Gabriele. "Modalità metamorfiche nella figura e funzione del maggior satiro ferrarese del tardo Cinquecento." Quaderni d'italianistica 29, no. 2 (June 1, 2008): 5–16.
Full textVincent Valla, Victor, Maria Beatriz Guimarães, and Alda Lacerda. "busca da saúde integral por meio do trabalho pastoral e dos agentes comunitários numa favela do Rio de Janeiro." Ciencias Sociales y Religión/Ciências Sociais e Religião 8, no. 8 (October 22, 2020): 139–54.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Favola pastorale"
Patierno, Carolina. "Miti allo specchio : Ero e Leandro, Piramo e Tisbe : dal testo alla scena, dalle fonti classiche alle riscritture del Seicento italiano." Thesis, Sorbonne université, 2021.
Full textThe present research focuses on the reception of the fabulæ of Hero and Leander and of Pyramus and Thisbe in Seventeenth-century Italian literature, in particular in four texts differing by genre, style and geographical origin: the idyll of Giovanni Capponi, Gli amori infelici di Ero e Leandro (1618); the ‘favola maritima’ Hero e Leandro (1630) and the ‘lieta favola’ La Tisbe by Francesco Bracciolini; and the ‘dramma per musica’ Il Leandro by Badovero-Pistocchi (1679). The decision to place the two myths in close relationship with each other was inspired by some remarks found in authoritative historical-philological studies on the origin of the ancient Greek novel and the Greek novella (Rodhe 1876, Lavagnini 1921, Cataudella 1957) where the two fabulæ are cited as examples of proto-novels for the insistent recurrence in them of topoi proper to the Hellenic novel. Starting from an accurate thematic-rhetorical analysis of the 'common heritage', or rather, of the 'Hellenic-romance nucleus' belonging to the classic versions of reference (Mus.; Ov., Her. 18-19; Ov. Met., IV, 55-166), the course of the research in modern rewritings in question follows three main coordinates: verification of the idea of correspondence between the two myths, already found in the ancient, medieval and Renaissance versions, and identification of the ways in which it is expressed in seventeenth-century texts; analysis of the processes of rewriting the myth within the new Baroque metamorphoses and the new stage hybrids, both in reference to the interaction between the 'Hellenic-romance nucleus', tragic inheritance and influences of the idyllic and pastoral genre, as well as in regard to the relationship between Hellenic and Baroque romance; focus on the hermeneutic aspect within which to read the new meaning assumed by the myth: clementia or sententia for the two couples of lovers?
Books on the topic "Favola pastorale"
editor, Lasagna Paola, ed. Nigella: Favola pastorale. Bologna: Archetipolibri, 2012.
Find full textJacobilli, Vincenzo. Amorosi sdegni: Favola pastorale. Foligno (Perugia): Orfini Numeister, 2003.
Find full textJacobilli, Vincenzo. Amorosi sdegni: Favola pastorale. Foligno: Orfini Numeister, 2003.
Find full textI finti sdegni: Favola pastorale. Roma: Aracne, 2009.
Find full textL'Arcadia "in mano": Illustrazioni editoriali della favola pastorale (1583-1678). Roma: Bulzoni, 2012.
Find full textGiraldi, Giambattista Cinzio. Egle ; Lettera sovra il comporre le Satire atte alla scena ; Favola Pastorale. Bologna: Commissione per i testi di lingua, 1985.
Find full textOngaro, Antonio. Favole. Torino: Res, 1998.
Find full textFulvio, Pevere, Beccari Agostino ca 1510-1590, Lollio Alberto 1508-1568, and Argenti Agostino d. 1576, eds. Favole. Torino: Edizioni Res, 1999.
Find full textDalla zampogna all'aurea cetra: Egloghe, pastorali, favole in musica. Roma: Bulzoni editore, 2015.
Find full textWorld Congress for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Refugees (3rd 1991 Vatican City). Solidarity in favour of new migrations: Proceedings of the III World Congress for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Refugees (Vatican City, 30 September - 5 October 1991). Roma: Peristegraf, 1991.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Favola pastorale"
"2. Performing L’Endimione: A History and Reappraisal of Guidi’s Favola pastorale." In Dreaming with Open Eyes, 39–74. University of California Press, 2019.
Full textZanetti Domingues, Lidia Luisa. "Defining the Complex Relationship between Mercy, Justice, and Revenge." In Confession and Criminal Justice in Late Medieval Italy, 101–21. Oxford University Press, 2021.
Full textHardie, Alison. "‘Allowing the Business of Seclusion to Be My Friend’." In The Many Faces of Ruan Dacheng, 193–219. Hong Kong University Press, 2022.
Full textPalumbo, Paolo. "Technology and Innovation." In Handbook of Research on Applying Emerging Technologies Across Multiple Disciplines, 321–32. IGI Global, 2022.
Full textSicari, Stephen. "Stevens: “And yet what good were yesterday’s devotions?”." In Modernist Reformations, 215–30. Liverpool University Press, 2022.
Full textNaas, Michael. "The Shepherd and the Weaver: A Foucauldian Fable." In Plato and the Invention of Life. Fordham University Press, 2018.
Full textDubeuf, Jean-Paul. "Future Prospects on the Goat Activities for the Coming Decades in the Context of a World in Transition." In Goat Science - Environment, Health and Economy [Working Title]. IntechOpen, 2021.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Favola pastorale"
Gonzalo Santos, Tomás. "Fontis nympha sacri. Deidades del agua en el arte y en la literatura francesa." In XXV Coloquio AFUE. Palabras e imaginarios del agua. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica València, 2016.
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