Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Family investigation'
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Wahyuono, Subagus. "PHYTOCHEMICAL INVESTIGATION OF AMSONIA GRANDIFLORA FAMILY APOCYNACEAE." Thesis, The University of Arizona, 1985. http://hdl.handle.net/10150/275413.
Full textAbsalom-Hornby, Victoria. "An investigation into family intervention within forensic services." Thesis, University of Manchester, 2012. https://www.research.manchester.ac.uk/portal/en/theses/an-investigation-into-family-intervention-within-forensic-services(2b4fe05a-64e3-4383-a4ff-cdbafc809011).html.
Full textSchwarz, Patrick. "Capital Structure and Profitability in German Family Firms : An Investigation of stock market listed family and non-family firms." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Företagsekonomiska institutionen, 2014. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-260101.
Full textWillers, Magnus. "Family Businesses and their Industries An Investigation of listed Family Businesses in Switzerland and Germany /." St. Gallen, 2008. http://www.biblio.unisg.ch/org/biblio/edoc.nsf/wwwDisplayIdentifier/02603744002/$FILE/02603744002.pdf.
Full textTomkins, Janine. "Molecular and evolutionary investigation of the phosphoglucomutase gene family." Thesis, University College London (University of London), 1996. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.362936.
Full textHaumann, Carel Eduard. "Investigation of an atypical protoporphyric family in South Africa." Master's thesis, University of Cape Town, 2010. http://hdl.handle.net/11427/11184.
Full textAffected members of the family investigated in this dissertation presented with photosensitivity and raised red cell protoporphyrin concentrations, indicative of protoporphyria. Further examination of this family revealed features that were atypical of erythropoietic protoporphyria. These included a highly penetrant disease, disease severity as expressed by more prevalent hepatic complications, a preponderance of protoporphyrin in its zinc chelated form, a therapeutic response to iron supplementation, and an absence of mutations in the ferrochelatase gene or haplotype markers associated with erythropoietic protoporphyria. We have reviewed clinical data from this family, established a ferrochelatase enzyme assay in our laboratory, and shown normal ferrochelatase enzyme activity in affected subjects.
Hughes, Charles Daniel. "AN INVESTIGATION OF FAMILY RELATIONSHIPS FOR PEOPLE WHO STUTTER." Bowling Green State University / OhioLINK, 2007. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=bgsu1174423351.
Full textHassan, Abul. "Chemical investigation on some Indian medicinal plants (Flacourtiaceae family." Thesis, University of North Bengal, 1989. http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/873.
Full textGeorgiou, Melina. "Investigating commitment to the family of origin as a correlate of subjective wellbeing." Diss., University of Pretoria, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/2263/40453.
Full textLawton, J. C. "Investigation of the cir multi-gene family of Plasmodium chabaudi." Thesis, University College London (University of London), 2012. http://discovery.ucl.ac.uk/1338585/.
Full textLees, Kerri T. "Exploring fathers' experience of behavioural family therapy : a qualitative investigation." Thesis, London Metropolitan University, 2013. http://repository.londonmet.ac.uk/697/.
Full textMcGovern, Rachel Adams. "Fortifying Leisure: A Qualitative Investigation of Family Leisure in Uganda." BYU ScholarsArchive, 2010. https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/etd/3096.
Full textWay, Jacqueline Mary. "The family interaction test : an investigation of the validity and reliability of a projective test of family interaction /." Title page, contents and abstract only, 1986. http://web4.library.adelaide.edu.au/theses/09ARPS/09arpsw357.pdf.
Full textHolak, Karina. "Investigation of murine cytomegalovirus US22 gene family members m139 and m142." Diss., lmu, 2007. http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:19-76614.
Full textSpence, M. S. "Family based investigation of the genetic basis of ischaemic heart disease." Thesis, Queen's University Belfast, 2002. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.268983.
Full textGarland, Patrick. "Molecular investigation of the MAST kinase family in the mammalian CNS." Thesis, University of Southampton, 2007. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.478886.
Full textMariani, Elena. "The relationship between family context and job satisfaction : a quantitative investigation." Thesis, London School of Economics and Political Science (University of London), 2017. http://etheses.lse.ac.uk/3590/.
Full textBouamatou, Leila. "A QUALITATIVE INVESTIGATION OF FEMALE FAMILY BUSINESS SUCCESSION IN FRANCOPHONE AFRICA." Diss., Temple University Libraries, 2017. http://cdm16002.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/ref/collection/p245801coll10/id/424613.
Full textPh.D.
Family businesses are a critical part of the African economy, yet many fail within one generation and most within two generations. Moreover, women are generally not part of leadership succession in family businesses due largely to institutional logics that serve as impediments to women in business leadership. The intent of this dissertation is to fill a gap in the research literature and knowledge on the experiences of female successors in African family businesses by investigating the influence of institutional logics (cultural, ownership, management and family factors) on the leadership succession of women in African family business. A qualitative study consisting of semi-structured interviews was conducted with eight female leadership successors in African family business representing different industries. Participants were asked about their perceptions about being a woman in business, the nature of female succession in family-owned businesses, and impediments they perceive to the success of women in business. Ultimately, the findings uncovered various institutional, familial and individual impediments to women taking on leadership roles, such as institutional attitudes towards women, gender stereotypes, masculine attitudes of entrepreneurship, a lack of access to resources, and access to education and training amongst girls and women. Overall, this research contributes to theory and knowledge on how women’s succession in a family firm is affected by institutionalized African legal and sociocultural norms’ and the impact of management, ownership and family elements in family businesses.
Temple University--Theses
Liu, Suyu. "Wages, family background, on-campus performance and gender : an investigation of Chinese graduates' first job salaries." Thesis, University of Oxford, 2014. http://ora.ox.ac.uk/objects/uuid:204bcd0c-ff1c-493a-8796-8d50c91c315d.
Full textMartin, Christopher John. "SME ownership succession : an investigation using an intellectual capital lens." Thesis, Birmingham City University, 2002. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.272092.
Full textWallis, Andrew. "Family Based Treatment for Young People with Severe Anorexia Nervosa: An Investigation of Outcome, Family Functioning and Relationship Change." Thesis, The University of Sydney, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/2123/17856.
Full textChung, Mei-ling. "An exploratory study of a family focussed framework for social enquiry in a probation setting /." [Hong Kong : University of Hong Kong], 1987. http://sunzi.lib.hku.hk/hkuto/record.jsp?B12341642.
Full textKoekemoer, Evan. "An investigation into the family life cycle within a South African context." Thesis, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, 2006. http://hdl.handle.net/10948/191.
Full textReddy, Koovesheni. "An investigation into work-family conflict in females occupying lower-level jobs." Thesis, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, 2010. http://hdl.handle.net/10948/1201.
Full textSymboluk, Amanda J. M. "An investigation of family, social and personal variables in adolescent sexual perpetrators." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1999. http://www.collectionscanada.ca/obj/s4/f2/dsk1/tape10/PQDD_0006/MQ42102.pdf.
Full textStacey, Maria A. "Investigation of mammalian and viral Interleukin-10 family members during cytomegalovirus infection." Thesis, Cardiff University, 2012. http://orca.cf.ac.uk/40250/.
Full textKoernig, Sandra. "Investigation into the role of the 'yir' multigene family of 'Plasmodium yoelii'." Thesis, Open University, 2006. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.434966.
Full textMakinwa, Akinlolu. "Challenges of disintergrating family life to youth ministry : a practical theological investigation." Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/71889.
Full textENGLISH ABSTRACT: The family as an indispensable social institution meant to serve as the first place of socialization, nurture and spiritual training ground for young people is disintegrating. The signs for disintegrating family life are evident and supported by statistics of high rates of divorce, domestic abuse and violence, juvenile delinquency caused by a lack of genuine nurturing of youth and unresolved family conflicts between husband and wife as well as between parents and children. This has become a global issue. This study therefore investigates the challenges of disintegrating family life to youth ministry from a global perspective by studying materials on global families and youth ministry. The aim of the study is to gain a conceptual understanding of the family, to identify the challenges contemporary families are currently facing, and to find ways in which youth ministry, with the help of young people, can respond to the challenges posed by disintegrating family life to their lives and thereby contribute to the reintegration of their present families while laying a good foundation for their future family for the glory of God and benefit of humanity. Since the family and youth are inseparable, the research studies the context of the disintegrating family, identifies causes and consequences of disintegrating family life as well as the challenges posed by disintegrating family life for youth ministry. Osmer‟s four practical theology questions are used to design this study. These are: what is going on, why is this going on, what ought to be going on, and how might we respond In light of the increase in family disintegration, the main research question is: What are the challenges of disintegrating family life to Youth Ministry? The aims of youth ministry are taken as the norm and these are: effective evangelism; comprehensive education that includes Christian education; financial education; health education; marriage and family life education, as well as pastoral care. The study argues that young people converted to Christ, taught and exposed to pastoral care can be active agents of change in their immediate and future family and thus becomes active agents of change in society. However, with millions of orphans, youth in refugee camps, children affected by divorce, and youth in child-headed families, can youth workers cope with the present and future challenges of disintegrating family life to youth ministry? The study proposed the God-bearing, relational and family-based-youth-ministry approach because the three approaches are deemed to be the most appropriate to enable youth ministry to deal with the challenges. Marriage and family life education is highly recommended as a prerequisite for contemporary evangelised and educated young people. This is to serve, firstly, as a reactive measure to help their immediate disintegrating family and secondly, to serve as a proactive measure to lay a solid foundation for the future family of contemporary youth. This, I hope, will be used by God to help curtail the vicious cycle of the disintegrating family life phenomenon and also bring relief to troubled youths, family and society.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die familie as `n noodsaaklike sosiale instelling wat bedoel is om te dien as die eerste plek van sosialisering, versorging en spirituele opleidingsgrond vir jongmense, is besig om te verbrokkel. Verbrokkelende familielewe is duidelik sigbaar en die tekens word bevestig deur statistieke van hoë syfers in egskeidings, huishoudelike mishandeling en geweld en jeugmisdadigheid wat veroorsaak word deur `n gebrek aan werklike versorging van jeugdiges en onopgeloste familie konflik tussen man en vrou, asook tussen ouers en kinders. Hierdie situasie het `n globale een geword. Die studie ondersoek om hierdie redes die uitdagings van verbrokkelende familielewe op jeugbediening vanuit `n globale perspektief deur bronne te bestudeer van globale families en jeugbediening. Die doel van die studie is dus om `n konseptuele verstaan van die familie te bekom, om die eise wat hedendaagse families ondervind te identifiseer, en om maniere te vind waardeur jeugbediening, met die hulp van jongmense, die uitdaging van verbrokkelende familielewe kan aanspreek. Sodoende kan jeugbediening bydra tot die herintegrasie van huidige families, en terselfdertyd `n goeie fondasie lê vir toekomstige families vir die glorie van God en tot voordeel van die mensdom. Aangesien die familie en jeug onskeibaar is, bestudeer hierdie navorsing die konteks van die verbrokkelende familie, identifiseer oorsake en gevolge van verbrokkelende familielewe, asook die uitdagings wat dit bied vir jeugbediening. Osmer se vier praktiese teologie vrae is gebruik in die studie-ontwerp. Dit behels: wat gaan aan, hoekom gaan dit aan, wat moet aangaan en hoe gaan ons reageer. In die lig van die styging in familieverbrokkeling, is die hoof navorsingsvraag: Wat is die uitdagings van die verbrokkelende gesinslewe op jeugbediening? Die doel van jeugbediening word geneem as die norm en dit behels: effektiewe evangelisasie, omvattende opleiding wat insluit Christelike opleiding, finansiële opleiding, gesondheidsopleiding, huweliks- en familielewe opleiding, sowel as pastorale sorg. Die studie argumenteer dat jongmense wat bekeer is tot Christus, en opgelei en blootgestel is aan pastorale sorg, aktiewe agente van verandering kan wees in hulle onmiddelike en toekomstige families en daardeur aktiewe agente van verandering in die samelewing kan word. Tog is daar miljoene weeskinders, jongmense in vlugtelingskampe, kinders wat geaffekteer is deur egskeidings, en kinders in huise wat deur kinders self beman word. Die vraag is – kan jeugwerkers die huidige en toekomstige uitdagings wat familieverbrokkeling op jeugbediening plaas hanteer? Die studie stel twee benaderings voor wat die meeste geskik is om jeugbediening in staat te stel om die probleem te hanteer, naamlik die God-draer en die familie-gebaseerde jeugbediening benaderings. Opleiding in die huwelik en familielewe word voorgestel as voorvereistes vir hedendaagse ge-evangeliseerde en opgeleide jongmense om sodoende eerstens te dien as `n reaktiewe maatreël om hulle onmiddelike verbrokkelende familie te help, en tweedens, om te dien as `n proaktiewe maatreël om `n soliede grondslag te lê vir die toekomstige families van hedendaagse jeug en die samelewing. Hierdeur kan die fenomeen van verbrokkelende familielewe beperk word.
Alshafai, Mashael Nedham A. J. "Family-based investigation of the genetics and epigenetics of obesity in Qatar." Thesis, Imperial College London, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/10044/1/31860.
Full textArmaly, Timothy John. "Delinquents' perceptions of family upbringing, an interpretive interactionist investigation of family patterns common in the youth of criminally charged adults." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1997. http://www.collectionscanada.ca/obj/s4/f2/dsk2/ftp03/MQ30862.pdf.
Full textGraff-Dolezal, Jennie. "Measure what works a focus group investigation of the session rating scale /." Menomonie, WI : University of Wisconsin--Stout, 2005. http://www.uwstout.edu/lib/thesis/2005/2005graff-dolezalj.pdf.
Full textOctober, Kezia Ruth. "An investigation into the correlates of family resilience in an impoverished rural community in the Western Cape." University of the Western Cape, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/11394/6347.
Full textFamilies in South Africa are faced with manifold hardships that negatively impact the family as a unit. However, there are a variety of protective factors that have been identified as meaningful resources that facilitates healing and growth within a family unit. The study aims to investigate whether age, gender, employment status and level of education significantly predicts family resilience. The study utilised secondary data compromised of (N=656) participants from a low socio-economic rural community in South Africa. Family resilience views the family as a functional system of which provides positive adaption to family members who have experienced stressful events. Walsh's key processes in family resilience is outlined, highlighting a multi-level developmental systems orientation. The study utilised a multiple regression analysis consisting of four predictor variables namely, age, gender, employment status and level of education to assess whether these variables predict high levels of family resilience. The model found that amongst the four predictor variable, only employment status significantly predicted family resilience.
Friedman, Jeffrey Michael. "A Grounded Theory Investigation of Adaptations to Adverse Childhood Experiences." Diss., NSUWorks, 2018. https://nsuworks.nova.edu/shss_dft_etd/32.
Full textEze, Nonyelum Lina. "Informal institutions and their influences on the family, the family business, and ethnic group: A macro-, meso-, and micro- context investigation." Doctoral thesis, Universitat Ramon Llull, 2021. http://hdl.handle.net/10803/671126.
Full textLas influencias de las instituciones informales en la familia, las empresas de gestión familiar y el grupo étnico son inmensas debido al arraigo de estas organizaciones dentro de su contexto local, que es donde se originan la mayoría de dichas instituciones informales. A pesar de ello, cuando estas instituciones funcionan de manera eficaz, solemos asumir que son las reglas formales las que impulsan el comportamiento de los distintos protagonistas. Sin embargo, las normas informales subyacentes pueden complementar, sustituir, acomodar o competir con las instituciones formales. Los estudios anteriores sobre las instituciones informales están dispersos y fragmentados, y presentan a las instituciones informales con un carácter ambiguo. Esta tesis arroja luz sobre las instituciones informales que dan forma a la familia, las empresas de gestión familiar y el grupo étnico en un país en desarrollo a fin de producir resultados empresariales. Una revisión sistemática de la literatura existente es un punto de partida fundamental, ya que permite comprender y conciliar los estudios previos y subrayar las áreas en las que es necesaria una mayor investigación. A la revisión de esta literatura le siguen dos trabajos de investigación cualitativa. El primer estudio cualitativo se centra en la religión y las tradiciones (instituciones informales sustitutivas), para comprender cómo infunden aspectos familiares y prácticas comerciales que fomentan o dificultan el espíritu empresarial transgeneracional. El segundo estudio cualitativo explora el proceso por el cual un grupo étnico queda anclado a un sistema de aprendizaje informal (una institución informal competitiva) para fomentar la creación de valor intergeneracional y, lo que es más importante, la propagación del espíritu empresarial. Gracias a ello, este trabajo ofrece diversas contribuciones que amplían la comprensión teórica en los contextos de las empresas de gestión familiar, el espíritu empresarial y un grupo étnico determinado en un país en desarrollo. Sus conclusiones pueden servir de guía a profesionales y legisladores.
The influences of informal institutions on the family, family businesses, and the ethnic group are immense due to these organizations' embeddedness within their local context, which is where most informal institutions originate. Despite that, when institutions function effectively, we often assume that it is the formal rules that drive actors' behaviors. Yet the underlying informal norms may complement, substitute, accommodate, or compete with formal institutions. Previous studies on informal institutions are scattered and fragmented, and present informal institutions as ambiguous. This thesis sheds light on the informal institutions that shape the family, family businesses, and the ethnic group in a developing country to yield entrepreneurial outcomes. A systematic literature review is a vital starting point as it allows for understanding and reconciliation of existing studies and underscoring areas where research is lacking. The literature review is followed by two qualitative research pieces. The first qualitative study focuses on religion and traditions—substitutive informal institutions—to understand how they imbue family features and business practices that foster or hinder transgenerational entrepreneurship. The second qualitative study explores the process through which an ethnic group anchors on an informal apprenticeship system—a competing informal institution—to foster intergenerational value creation and, more importantly, entrepreneurship propagation. By doing so, this work offers several contributions that extend theoretical understanding in the contexts of the family business, entrepreneurship, and an ethnic group in a developing country. Its findings can guide practitioners and policymakers.
Stoeckel, Helen, and n/a. "An investigation of the readjustment experience for secondary exchange students : a family perspective." University of Canberra. Professional & Community Education, 1997. http://erl.canberra.edu.au./public/adt-AUC20061109.093814.
Full textThompson, Martin John. "Investigation of the effects of HLS5 : a novel member of the RBCC family." University of Western Australia. School of Medicine and Pharmacology, 2006. http://theses.library.uwa.edu.au/adt-WU2006.0106.
Full textRadeva, Ekaterina. "A numerical investigation of a family of frontal cyclogenesis events during CASP II." Thesis, McGill University, 1996. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=23932.
Full textIt is found that an upper-level potential vorticity (PV) ring plays an important role in determining the initiation and track of the frontal cyclones. The cyclones appear to form as a consequence of the superposition of upper-level PV anomalies on the low-level intense baroclinicity in the cold sector behind the slow moving primary cold front, and then they propagate into colder air towards the parent cyclone's center. It is also found that as the MFC intensifies, a mesoscale trough is induced in the low-to-middle troposphere, creating a favorable phase lag between the new pressure trough and a slow moving thermal wave. This phase lag provides a baroclinic conversion mechanism by which the system's kinetic energy could increase rapidly at the expense of available potential energy.
Diagnosis of sensitivity experiments reveals (i) dry dynamics determines the initiation and track of the frontal cyclones, accounting for about 59% of the final intensity of the MFC; (ii) the low-level baroclinicity and the upper-level PV anomalies are near-equally important in the genesis of the dry systems; (iii) the Ekman spin-down tends to slow substantially the development of the frontal cyclones; and (iv) surface heat and moisture fluxes could produce a significant impact (i.e., 59%) on the final intensity of the cyclones in the presence of latent heat release, but its impact is small in the dry dynamical framework. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)
Abrahams-Salaam, Fatima. "A molecular investigation of a mixed ancestry family displaying dementia and movement disorders." Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/2432.
Full textA South African family of Mixed Ancestry presented with a rapidly progressive dementia and a movement disorder which affected a number of individuals across three generations. The initial symptoms included personality changes and tremors that escalated to severe dementia and eventually a completely bedridden state. It was determined that the mean age at onset was in the third decade of life and affected individuals died within 10-15 years after the onset of symptoms. The aim of the present study was to elucidate the genetic cause of the disorder in this family and to further investigate the patho-biology of the disease. Mutations that could possibly cause the observed phenotype in this family were screened for. These included loci implicated in Huntington’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, Dentatorubral-Pallidoluysian Atrophy, Spinocerebellar ataxias (types 1, 2, 3, 6, and 7), Huntington’s disease-like 2 (HDL2) and several mitochondrial disorders. Single-strand Conformation Polymorphism (SSCP) analysis and direct sequencing were used to detect possible mutations while genotyping on an ABI genetic analyser was used to detect disorders caused by repeat expansions. Haplogroup and Short Tandem Repeats (STRs) analyses of the Y-chromosome and mitochondrial DNA of one affected family member was used to determine the family’s genetic ancestry. Reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT- PCR) and complementary DNA (cDNA) analyses of the Junctophlin-3 (JPH3) gene was performed to provide information on the expression profile of this gene. After the exclusion of several genetic loci it was shown that this family had HDL2. This is a rare disease caused by a CAG/CTG repeat expansion in an alternatively spliced version of the JPH3 gene. HDL2 occurs almost exclusively in individuals of Black African ancestry. The genetic ancestry data suggested that the family member was most likely of South African Mixed Ancestry making this the first reported family of South African Mixed Ancestry with HDL2. A pilot study investigated the repeat distribution amongst three South African sub-populations in order to determine whether there was a bias in the repeat distribution that possibly predisposes Black Africans to develop the disease. The results showed a statistically significant difference (P= 0.0014) in the distribution of the repeats between the Black African and Caucasian cohorts. However, no conclusions could be drawn as to whether Black Africans harboured larger repeats that predisposes them to developing HDL2. The expanded repeat is located in an alternatively spliced version of the JPH3 mRNA. Interestingly, this repeat is not present in the mouse homologue of the gene although the rest of the genomic sequence is highly conserved across the human, mouse and chimpanzee genomes. Using foetal brain cDNA and PCR primers designed to be specific for different JPH3 isoforms, independent confirmation of the presence of two JPH3 mRNA transcripts (the full length and a shorter alternatively spliced version) was provided. In the absence of brain tissue from an HDL2-affected individual, it was investigated whether both JPH3 mRNA transcripts could be detected in lymphocytes. Using RNA isolated from the transformed lymphocytes of two HDL2-affected family members, real-time PCR was attempted. These experiments produced inconclusive results and required further optimisation. Further RT-PCR experiments for JHP3 expression in different tissues (brain and other) obtained from HDL2-affected individuals would be of interest. The present study identified the first Mixed Ancestry family with HDL2. This family will now be able to request genetic counselling and pre-symptomatic testing for all at-risk family members. Aspects of this study provided independent confirmation of characteristics of the mutated gene. More research on HDL2 will be crucial in understanding the pathogenesis of this disease.
Shanghai, Fahimeh. "The investigation of mental health, family and religion in post-revolutionary Iranian women." Thesis, University College London (University of London), 1998. http://discovery.ucl.ac.uk/1349889/.
Full textKrumpe, Sharon Wilson. "A phenomenological investigation of women's experience in family counseling: Interviews with ten mothers." W&M ScholarWorks, 2002. https://scholarworks.wm.edu/etd/1550154109.
Full textvon, Hayek Angela. "Single mothers' experiences in family therapy: An investigation from an ego development perspective." W&M ScholarWorks, 2004. https://scholarworks.wm.edu/etd/1550154185.
Full textLogan, Caroline. "Caregiving to older people who have a dementia : an investigation of stress and coping in carers." Thesis, University of Oxford, 1995. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.306888.
Full textLetele-Matabooe, Makatleho Julia. "An investigation into the factors influencing the levels of job satisfaction and organisational commitment of non-family employees working in family businesses." Thesis, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/10948/1594.
Full textKlein, Marie, and Lamiaa Bakry. "Succession and Post-Succession Conflicts in Family Firms : A Multi-perspective Investigation into Succession and Post-Succession Conflicts in Multigenerational Family Firms." Thesis, Jönköping University, JIBS Entrepreneurship Centre, 2021. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hj:diva-52522.
Full textGable, Sarah Elizabeth. "An Investigation of Stability, Change, and Observed Associations during Infant-Mother Face-to-Face Interaction." DigitalCommons@USU, 1989. https://digitalcommons.usu.edu/etd/2502.
Full textAhmad, Ashfaq. "An investigation into programme factors and providers' perceptions at family welfare centres in Faisalabad district of Pakistan." Thesis, University of Exeter, 1995. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.260790.
Full textSherratt, Dave. "An investigation into the development of symbolic play in children with autism." Thesis, University of Warwick, 2006. http://wrap.warwick.ac.uk/89654/.
Full textHearn, Rebecca. "An investigation of the A6 beta-1, 3-glucanase gene family in Arabidopsis thaliana." Thesis, University of Leicester, 2002. http://hdl.handle.net/2381/29835.
Full textRankin, Alasdair Menzies. "An investigation of CD28/B7 family binding interactions and costimulation, using immunoglobulin fusion proteins." Thesis, University of Oxford, 1997. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.360469.
Full textCouto, Elisabeth. "Investigation of the relationship between breast cancer and a family history of the disease." Thesis, University of Oxford, 2005. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.439151.
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