Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Fabrique de la ville'
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Le, Boulch Matthieu. "Rennes, fabrique et formes de la ville, 1420 - 1720." Thesis, Rennes 2, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020REN20013.
Full textIn the 1420s, the city of Rennes became a perpetual construction site. Most of the ducal finances were dedicated to the erection of the new walls for the Ville Neuve and the Nouvelle Ville. The walls have been regularly maintained until the Ligue wars and the loss of their defensive role. They progressively became part of the urban fabric. The city's shape has not changed much since the early Middle Ages. The medieval street plan, based on the Antic plan, remained the same until the great fire of 1720. The city was then rebuilt on a radically different plan, erasing the medieval parcels in some parts. This thesis aims to better understand the urban morphology and the construction of the city between the end of the ducal period and the urbanistic interventionism of Robelin and Gabriel. To do so, we will identify the actors involved in this urban fabric, questioning their role, in the social and material construct of the city. Our study will be diachronic and rely on a multidisciplinary approach. The results of the archeological surveys on the fortifications will be compared to the analysis of written documents (especially fiscal archives), plans and iconographies (an important collection can be found at the Musée de Bretagne). A close attention will be brought to the study of books of annuities, particularly from the year 1455. Those exceptional documents list, street by street, house by house, the owners and the size of their properties, allowing to get a sense of "intimate physiognomy" of Rennes and to recreate the shape of the city between the 15th and 18th centuries
Hagel, Zoé. "Ville durable : Des concepts aux réalisations, les coulisses d'une fabrique urbaine. Marseille ou l'exemple d'une ville méditerranéenne." Phd thesis, Aix-Marseille Université, 2013. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00941066.
Full textAugust, Zoé. "Ville durable : des concepts aux réalisations, les coulisses d’une fabrique urbaine : Marseille ou l’exemple d’une ville méditerranéenne." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013AIXM1123/document.
Full textWhilst there seems to be a consensus on the feasibility of applying sustainability thinking to town and city development, our research contributes to the critical understanding of the notion of a sustainable city within the field of urban planning. We will begin with a study of the modalities of the emergence of this term, combining it with an analysis of the ways in which the notion is used in professional and scientific literature. Following on from the correspondence drawn between "méditerranéité" and complex thinking (MORIN 1999), our approach will then be embodied in the heart of a Mediterranean city : Marseille. Considering the mental pictures conjured up by the notion of sustainable city, we thus analyse the ways in which the elements of meaning previously highlighted are being used or not, interpreted, or even diverted, and how they influence decisions and actions. As the object of our work is the relationship between these and their material, socio-spatial and experiential impact, we then go on to conduct a sensitive exploration using observations and stories told by local residents within a sector in which actualisation principles are relating to the idea of sustainable city. This research shows, in the end, how the notion of sustainable city, which is exogenous to the domain of urban planning, does not offer a sufficiently emancipating or robust framework to allow the development of new “knowledge and know-how” or to outweigh the constraints and forceful trends that hinder the development of the town. This leads us to propose an "ecological" approach to explore what and whose contributions urban sustainability or rather sustainabilities might be built upon
Pédelahore, de Loddis Christian. "L'angle de la ville : Hanoi, 1873-2006 : interactions architecturale et fabrique urbaine, formes et acteurs." Paris 8, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007PA082893.
Full textThis thesis is the comprehensive result of thirty years of field investigations focused on observation, transcription and analysis of the colonial and contemporary urban transition in Vietnam and, more specifically, on the architectural and urban background of the city of Hanoi. We have concentrated these investigations on a area so far scarcely explored, introducing a new field of Vietnamese Studies, i. E. The analysis of “spatial cultures”, and of the “ways” local “actors”, in urban development, operate and think. In so doing, this research put the vietnamese architectural and urban phenomena into historical and cultural perspectives. In the present context of fast urban evolution we highlight the “dynamics of change” at work, and, at the same time, the existing dialectics between cultural continuity and social and economic transformations. We have chosen the method of a phenomenological approach to reality, showing an understanding of processes, actions, and thoughts of two categories of actors studied from the inside. On one hand we have “architects” and urban planners in a knowledgeable and erudite relationship to the city. On the other hand, there are inhabitants, who build and invest, and are representative of customary know-how as like intuitive, pragmatic and “practical” ways of constructing their own urban space. Analysis and synthesis show these two categories to be united in the figure of the “Passeur ”, a mediator, who links tradition and modernity, modes of local practice and exogenous knowledge. We thus have an operating link, which allows the understanding of the deployment of endogenous practices of incorporation and adaptation. This model equally permits to identify the historical and contemporary transmutations of Vietnam’s urban space. In particular, we demonstrate that, despite not subscribing to the same scales and temporal rhythms, and thus not having a common denominator, politic, social and economic transformations should be interpreted as being reflected in “Spatial” (i. E. Architectural and urban) transitions, both in their material and symbolic forms. The latter constitute an intermediate stage and an opening leading to a more precise understanding of cultural transitions that largely take place on an underground and unconscious level. In the long run, both of them are historically constitutive of local urban, architectural and social “identities”, which remain consistently deep-rooted and interconnected in the physical and cultural existence of Hanoi, a genuine vietnamese city of the present time
Xambo, Jean-Baptiste. "« Vuyder la ville » : la fabrique de la citadinité dans un port méditerranéen (Marseille 1669-1714)." Paris, EHESS, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014EHES0165.
Full textThe modern city is a membership community, offering its members a set of rights. Focused on the determinants of segregation in old regime Marseilles, this thesis considers the political and legal means by which the citadinity is built. In a conflicting political configuration, observing the definition of legitimate and illegitimate citizens highlights the nonlinear evolution of shared sovereignty between the many competent juridictions in the city. After thinking on the consequences of the "édit d'affranchissement du port' (1669) in terms of administration of urban citizenship, the purpose is organized around two major mobilisations of the new traders' power against the presence of foreigners in the city, during the first half-century of Louis XIV's reign. These cases concern successively a small community of jewish merchants from Livorno and Nice (1670- 1682), and the various groups that make up the people of the king's galleys : slaves, convicts, convicts' wive, released convicts, soldiers (1680-1710). Concentrated on indigenous systems of justification and contextualization, our study seeks to account for the complex issues which govern protection as well as the expulsion of foreign groups in Marseilles. It is also to consider the power relations involved in these controversies, and subtle rebalancing following the mobilizations. Then appears a map of the many membership's operators who collectively participate in perpetual redefinition of margins of the political community
Rogalski, Landrot Boris de. "La fabrique matérielle et symbolique de la ville : le cas de Villeurbanne de 1900 à 1950." Thesis, Lyon, École normale supérieure, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014ENSL0893/document.
Full textMy thesis, entitled “The material and symbolic urban fabric : the case of the city of Villeurbanne from 1900 to 1950” aims to analyse the mechanisms of urban fabric in order to highlight the role of political actors and the influence of urban experiences that lie outside of the municipality, thanks to which urban projects have been developed and spread in order to adapt Villeurbanne to an urban model. The late nineteenth century was a period of identity tensions in Villeurbanne in reaction to the project of annexation of the city by his powerful neighbour, Lyon. Municipal Council spread identity discourses in order to distinguish Villeurbanne and Lyon, and to mobilise inhabitants and convince politicians to reject the annexation. Jules Grandclément, socialist mayor from 1908 to 1922, rationalized the municipal management and introduced innovations to reform the city befor 1914. World War I disrupted the municipal level, but stimulated municipal intervention in urban planification. During the preparation of urban plan, municipal councillors represented Villeurbanne, not as a simple suburb, but as a city, and they organized exchanges of urban kowledges with other municipalities and especially with municipal experts of Lyon. Mayor Lazare Goujon (1924-1935) was directly related to the continuity of the initiatives of his predecessor. He innovated by introducing an ambitious urban policy that modified the urban morphology giving to Vileurbanne its urban attributes. The audience of urban transformations was such that Villeurbanne was represented as an example of modern city during the 1930s. Upon arrival at the head of the municipality in 1935, the Communists denounced the expensive urban policy of its predecessor, and they implemented a local policy in the context of the Popular Front. The political color of the municipality during the inter-war period was erased during the World War II in favor of the ideology of the Petain’s government. The real estate market slowed since the 1930s and stopped during World War II, but was reactivated by the State housing policy in 1950s. This State intervention in the field of urban planning expertise created conflicts but mostly generated a gap between the material and symbolic fabric of the city at the local level
Stanculescu, Cristina. "L'Europe romantisée et ses autres: Analyse de la ville de Timisoara comme fabrique de l'identité européenne." Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/2013/ULB-DIPOT:oai:dipot.ulb.ac.be:2013/218405.
Full textDoctorat en Sciences politiques et sociales
De, Rogalski Landrot Boris. "La fabrique matérielle et symbolique de la ville : le cas de Villeurbanne de 1900 à 1950." Phd thesis, Ecole normale supérieure de lyon - ENS LYON, 2014. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-01066746.
Full textAljane, Nabil. "La Fabrique du patrimoine des médinas en Tunisie : politiques et pratiques dans la ville de Sfax." Thesis, Montpellier 3, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019MON30074.
Full textThe objective of this thesis is to evaluate the local implementation of the safeguard policies of urban heritage medina in Tunisia. We will question these policies through their roles in the territory and to understand their effects on historic centers. Our approach consists in a comparison to the local application of safeguard policies, through case rehabilitation projects and backup done in Tunisian Medinas. We trace the birth of these public instruments to its implementation by the various actors and we confront local realities. We finally state the place of the involvement of the social dimension in safeguarding projects
Gangloff, Emmanuelle. "Quand la scénographie devient urbaine : Nantes comme observatoire des fonctions du scénographe dans la fabrique de la ville." Thesis, Angers, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017ANGE0018/document.
Full textBased on the current effervescence of scenography in the creative environment , this work proposes to study the appearance of a specific function around the concept of urban scenography in the fabric of the contemporary city. Since the 1980s, in a context of the development of event, creative and cultural city, we are witnessing a multiplication of ephemeral artistic proposals deploying scenographic devices in the public space that evolve modes of action of the actors of the urban factory (cultural operators, artists, public managers and developers). Between theater and public space, stage and city, we will trace the origins of the scenography and then take an interest in the Nantes scene, which is considered here as a laboratory of different forms that can take urban scenography. Infact, in urban space, it is an identifying an emerging professional group, the scenographers, about the evolution of their practices outside the theater. Then, by tightening the focus on a territory, we characterize more specifically the function of urban scenography in its contemporary meaning reflecting an evolution of the place of artistic creation in the urban factory. A larger scale, this study calls into question the production of urban spaces, revealing tension between functional necessity and the conception of sensitive spaces. Between artistic and dynamic recovery, this research informs us about an embodiment of the contemporary city at the interface between town planning of entertainment and artistic utopia
Cattaneo, Pineda Rodrigo. "La fabrique de la ville : promoteurs immobiliers et financiarisation de la filière du logment à Santiago du Chili." Paris 8, 2012. http://octaviana.fr/document/171344316#?c=0&m=0&s=0&cv=0.
Full textThe increasing influence of capital markets in the funding of the housing industry shaped some specific spatialities in Santiago de Chile. The territorialization of these investments required an intermediary endowed with a specialized “know-how” of the space. Property developers adapted their residential programs to new financial requirements. They exploit “opportunities” in the land market to sustain high profit rates, hasten the working capital cycle and manage risk through asset diversification. Financialization did not entail the abolition of the previous forms of (re)production of the city, but triggered their hybridization. Financial strategies interfered in the relationship between land owners, public authorities and developers. Contemporary urban dynamics ensue from localized forms of organization of this actors system. The impacts of financialization are unequal, and they manifest themselves on a center-periphery gradient. In the edge of Santiago, financial actors stand back, and play a discreet but significant role as intermediaries on land dealings. In this area, the fiscal argument is the basis of a “growth coalition” between the political authorities of the suburbs and developers. A faster capital rotation rate, the availability of parcels for urban renewal operations, and a secure and stable juridical framework acted jointly to attract a huge influx of financial investment into the inner-city. The verticalization and the densification of the core city display the might of the spatial outcomes of financialization
Bellesi, Melissa. "La fabrique de la Ville : l’urbanisme à l’épreuve de la raison et du sensible à Città della Pieve." Thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2019. http://docnum.univ-lorraine.fr/ulprive/DDOC_T_2019_0285_BELLESI.pdf.
Full textCittà della Pieve, a small town of about 6000 inhabitants located in Umbria, Italy, be¬comes the site of an analytical laboratory mixing quantitative and qualitative data. Filigree are superimposed on the strictly physical dimensions, cadastral, quoted, and those resulting from a meticulous immersion, long, having allowed to recreate multiple sensitive strata that manufac¬ture the identity of this city, ranging from its olfactory, auditory identity, to the identity of the uses of each of its places. At once unique - like any city - and, in some respects, perfectly univer¬sal, Città della Pieve becomes the pretext for initiating a trans-geographical and transdisciplina-ry reflection on the relevance of qualitative data in urban project practice and interventions and decisions. who intervene in cities, sometimes helping to exalt them, sometimes to annihilate them ...Under cover of this terrain, it is a more universal project that takes root sitting, starting from the concrete and physical ground of the city of Città della Pieve to engage the reflection on the whole of the ubanity in general
Pierre, Aziliz. "Des bakkal à Istanbul. Epiceries de quartier et pratiques marchandes en ville. Encastrement urbain, fabrique du lieu, vitrines morales." Thesis, Paris Sciences et Lettres (ComUE), 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018PSLEH148.
Full textIn the 1980s, the opening of the Turkish economy to international markets led to a substantial change in Istanbul’s retail landscape. In this environment characterised by fierce and multifaceted competition and the rise of large-scale retailers, the bakkal (‘grocer’ and ‘grocery store’ or ‘corner shop’ in Turkish) were marginalised. Nevertheless, they still exist.This PhD thesis is based on fieldwork conducted in 2014 and 2015. It takes the form of three case studies and used ethnographic and microscopic methods (interviews, observations), combined with an urban anthropological approach which looks at the city as a research object.This study shows that, in the places in which their shops are embedded, the bakkal contribute to the daily production of the city at a local level, which leads to the creation of micro-spaces and the development of a personal relationship with the city. This reflects the fragmentation and individualisation of this profession whose members rarely organise themselves collectively. Each of the shops which have been studied can be seen as an urban theatre in which family life, the values of the storekeeper and neighbourhood life are readable from the street. As such, the corner shop establishes itself as a ‘moral showcase’ which propagates an intimate and territorial narrative in the micro-space it influences.Looking at Istanbul from the bakkal’s perspective, one can observe how these daily-life urban actors participate in the co-construction of the city by incorporating into their trade, in an individual way, the local expressions of urban transformation processes in Istanbul, be they gentrification, the feeling of loss of neighbourhood or urban regeneration, as well as certain national and metropolitan political debates (alcohol consumption, neighbourhood watching or the use of public spaces)
Sinno, Maïa. "L'internationalisation de la fabrique de la ville, vers un produit politique : les investissements immobiliers des pays du Golfe au Caire." Thesis, Paris 1, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017PA01H100.
Full textThe issue of internationalization of financial involvement in Cairo's urban environment is fundamental in understanding the increasing role that international actors play in the region. Additionally, it enables a clearer perception of the State's increasing role through directive urban governance and is also central to any analysis of recent development of the city's social geography. This broad perspective is also a key to understanding the impact of neoliberal policies in developing countries and their increased dependence on international partnerships for urban development. One of the main explanation factors of the financialization of the city's construction is the evolving role of its various actors, through changing governance modes: who are the actors of large-scale real estate, when the balance of urban development project is not secured? One way of addressing this issue is through the question: "how is the risk distributed and absorbed where there exists two timescales, because of the mismatch between selling and buying in real estate investment?" These are the temporality of global finance, which obeys short term logics to serve specific interests and the temporality of the urban fabric which is over a much longer period of time. The longer the period for real estate return on investment, the lower the amount of profit for the investor. Distinction (or the lack of) between public and private sector interests and motivations remains the key parameter, since it refers to the State's withdrawal for urban governance as a way to give more power to private investors. The complex interference between public and private sector is therefore part of the very definition of the city financialization. This study is a way to understand mechanisms of regulation and balance of the markets related to the city production. The urban production of Cairo, before and after the Arab Spring popular uprising of 2011 is also a highly meaningful laboratory to analyze mobilization against financialization of urban production. ln Cairo, specific governance based on wealth accumulation by elite had been called into question by the 2011 revolution. The succession of transitory regimes and the numerous trials targeting fraudulent sales of some of the most powerful businessmen of the country could be viewed as a progress, in citizen's right to the city, of the revolutionaries. The fight for more justice caused a redefinition of the ruling assabiya, a community of public and private actors related by blood or marriage. But it did not destroy the corruption-based system, nor the dependence of Egyptian growth on occidental and regional aids, quite to the contrary. The specificity of the Egyptian neoliberal system is based on refusal of the state to let the contractors take control and on the interference of the public elite in contractors' activities. The new regime replicates with a heavier hand, this system from before the revolution. This enriches a core of actors belonging to an elite close to the regime. [...]
Rassat, Fanny. "Le rôle des initiatives civiles de prévention des déchets dans la fabrique de la ville : l'exemple des lieux de réemploi." Thesis, Université de Paris (2019-....), 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020UNIP7001.
Full textThe aim of this thesis is to study waste produced by households in cities through waste prevention processes. In the context of a strong growth in private consumption and fast replacement of obsolete items, the amount of waste has increased sharply. In these circumstances, sustainable development policies has made the reduction of waste a priority. While nuisances associated with waste tend to shrink but are often accompanied by distance and discredit on the waste territories, local recycle centers (also called reuse centers or thrift shops) are booming. Our initial research focuses on understanding how these places - that adopt an ecological and/or social approach- contribute to modifying the rapport citizens have to their rejects and transform their relationship with the urban and social environment. We also look at the involvement of these recycle centers in the making of a sustainable city. This research is innovating by mobilizing several fields of geography: studies on places, proximity, geography of trade and consumption as well as the citizens’ initiatives in urban life. Reuse is seen as the recirculation of waste which takes place in specific “new consumption’s” territories. To understand the change in the value of waste in these territories, reuse is analyzed from its aesthetic experience that creates a new relation to waste. The research focuses mainly on the Greater Paris – an urban metropolis – whose results are contrasted with an exploratory work conducted in New York
Guillot, Farneti Laure. "São Paulo, ville de la "diversité" et de l'"accueil" ? : Représentations des migrations contemporaines, polyphonies urbaines et fabrique des imaginaires territoriaux." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Lyon 2, 2023. http://www.theses.fr/2023LYO20103.
Full textThis thesis analyses the creation of contemporary migration figures in São Paulo. More specifically, this research focuses on the imaginaries associated with people who have arrived from Latin American and African countries and settled in the Brazilian megalopolis since the beginning of the 21st century. The aim is to highlight the tensions that exist between various representations of migration, whether they are based on racial stereotypes, myths about the construction of Brazil or attempts to reflect the reality of the daily lives of migrants.Migration is the subject of a multiplicity of discourses, and the analysis of this polyphony of voices was carried out using a qualitative methodology, based on the analysis of an audiovisual corpus and an ethnographic survey consisting of observing participants and forty-three semi-structured interviews. The social actors approached were chosen because they participate in the construction and circulation of representations of contemporary migration in the country. The ethnographic study took place within political institutions, such as the São Paulo City Council, cultural institutions, such as the São Paulo State Immigration Museum, the media, such as a telenovela, and also collectives and associations working to welcome migrants. All these actors are also the producers of the videos analysed.The point of studying this variety of representations is to compare discourses that are rather external to migratory experiences with discourses captured from people who experience migration on a daily basis, either living it or accompanying it. The different accounts are analysed through the prism of a semio-discursive analysis, focusing on the apprehension and circulation, both spatial and temporal, of discursive formulas such as diversity or welcome, formulas that call upon different myths and imaginaries linked to the history of Brazil and of migrant people, while projecting a form of horizon of expectation for the latter. This approach has shown that the discourse of hegemonic actors is often more stereotyped than that of less visible actors who represent migration from a more 'interior' point of view. However, forms of hybridisation do exist, and the notion of the host territory makes it possible to account for the process of co-construction of intercultural representations that borrow as much from forms of myth as from the reality of the identities and lives of contemporary migrants
Simon, Gaël. "Espace et société à Vendôme du 11e au début du 19e s. : fonctionnement et fabrique d'une ville intermédiaire sur le temps long." Thesis, Tours, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015TOUR2029/document.
Full textThe study of the functioning and of the urban fabric of Vendôme between the 11th and the beginning of the 19th century offers a different interpretation of small towns showing the great complexity of the urban phenomenon in a type of town often regarded as the simple result of the construction of a castle. As a matter of fact, a town is the result of a large number of time and space units in which the time of the people involved in various projects is not the same as the time of structures. To start with, the concepts and the modeling rules of urban fabric used in this research are defined (part 1). Then, the study of Vendôme in the longue durée allows to distinct four main phases in the urban functioning for which the projects fulfilled by various actors are analyzed as well as their impact on urban space (part 2). Finally, urban structures are considered both from a morphological and functional point of view through a model based on the diversity of urban objects such as plots, street system, buildings etc. which have their own timing but interact with each other (part 3)
Ranaivoarimanana, Njaka. "Urbanisme de coalition : articulation entre infrastructures routières et plus-value foncière dans la fabrique urbaine : Le cas de la ville de Tananarive (Madagascar)." Thesis, Paris Est, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017PESC1180/document.
Full textThis thesis deals with the question of articulation between infrastructure transport and land value in urban making. It examines the impact of road infrastructure on property value close new road infrastructure in Antananarivo (capital of Madagascar). In the context of land pressure because of the lack of land availability and growing urbanization, urban sprawl around the new road have been transforming hectares of marshes and lowlands used for rice-growing. But the conversion process of this land show the expectation of the road infrastructure impact on property value which have influenced urban making. Although the research of infrastructure impact on house’s price or land value is well documented and concentrated in the case of western cities, no more research study the case of developing cities and little attention has been given to the impact of expectation property and land values. By studying the land strategy of actors (public and private actors) through public policy instruments: the use of Public-Private Partnership (PPP) as tool for negotiation in urban making and infrastructure project and the developing of town planning documents nearby new road infrastructure area, this work point out how do actors negotiates public policy instruments to create property and land values and expect it? But this impact is part of the historical dynamic of the city’s development. In fact, we suppose that the effect of road infrastructure on land value depends on the historical context of urban sprawl by road and on land strategy of anticipation of actors by public policy instrumentation. Keywords: Land Value, Private-Public Partnership, Coalition, Road Infrastructure, Urban Sprawl, Anticipatio
Herrmann, Lou. "Fabriquer la ville avec les lotissements : une qualification possible de la production ordinaire des espaces urbains contemporains ?" Thesis, Lyon, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017LYSE2026/document.
Full textThis thesis analyses the contemporary modalities of the production of residential allotments (lotissements) in France, as well as the morphological quality of urban spaces produced in this operational framework. It questions the paradox between the almost unanimous criticism directed at these residential developments, on the one hand, and the observation of exemplary developmentoperations on the other hand. It explores the conditions under which this modus operandi can produce urban spaces with morphological qualities. The residential allotments are considered from a dual perspective: as a material space, by studying the quality of the urban fabric; and as a process, by analysing the functioning of the collective action systems composing it.From a theoretical perspective, this work makes use organisational sociology tools (sociologie des organisations) by crossing of the Strategic Analysis inputs (Crozier and Friedberg) with those of the Economies of Worth (Boltanski and Thévenot). The understanding of the development’s materiality draws on the “frames” approach (approche par trames) developed around the notion of urban fabric by the French school of urban morphology. The thesis relies on qualitative and comparative analysis of four case studies located in urban agglomeration of Lyon.Firstly, it shows that there is no morphological fatality. The fabric analysis of these four projects proves that this modus operandi is not doomed to produce mediocre urban spaces. This demonstration draws on a prior conceptualisation of the notion of morphological quality, considered as a social convention.The analysis of subdivision laws (droit de lotir), in the broader context of regulatory changes in the field of urbanism and town planning in France, then shows that the impact of sustainable development regulations is, at least indirectly, to increase the quality of the residential allotment. Legal changes have indeed created a context that encourages a stronger reflection on development location by the project manager (maître d’ouvrage) and probably also a greater building density.Nevertheless, laws cannot provide a full explanation. The decisions regarding morphology are made at three key moments: when the planning laws (droit des sols) are defined, when the planning approvals (autorisations d’urbanisme) are delivered and when developments are designed and programmed. The analysis so reveals that the municipal stakeholder potentially holds an important power over the regulation of the urban form. Local planning therefore has a significant impact on the developments’ fabric, although experience shows that this impact is most often negative. In the interaction with private stakeholders, whether they are the developers (lotisseurs) and their designers (concepteurs), or the inhabitants-project managers (habitants-maître d’ouvrage) and their builder (constructeurs), the municipality has many resources at his disposal to influence the projects quality. In this respect, this thesis highlights the central role that partner institutions play in this power relation, particularly for smaller municipalities. At these different moments, the aptitude of public regulation for improving quality depends on one essential variable: the political commitment of the stakeholders. Finally, the quality of the residential allotments also depends on a further element; whether or not the developers have a sense of morphological responsibility. Developers indeed maintain a room for manoeuver regarding morphology. Their behaviour at the conception level is consequently also decisive for the quality of the developments’ fabric
Noizet, Hélène. "Pratiques spatiales, représentations de la ville, et fabrique urbaine de Tours (IXe au XIIIe siècles) : Chanoines, moines et lai͏̈cs à Saint-Martin et Saint-Julien." Tours, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003TOUR2018.
Full textGuth, Sabine. "Architecture et projet (de l')urbain à l'aune de trois concepts opératoires dans la fabrique récente de la ville : la densité, la mobilité, le logement." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Paris Est, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024PESC2011.
Full textReconstructing the relationship between the architectural object and urban space has been one of the major challenges of the post-modern recomposition of urbanism. In the context of widespread urbanization and the questioning of the urban condition in the last decades of the twentieth century, this question was the subject of invention and conceptualization, associated with a new instrument, the urban project. Then, as project-based urbanism gradually developed, this articulation - key to the elaboration of urban forms and a transcalar approach to ecosystemic socio-environmental issues - evolved through little-written practices, on the bangs of theoretical and critical reflection. This thesis examines the way in which the relationship between architecture and the urban project has been considered in France and, more generally, in Europe since the 1980s, by updating research on three key themes of this interface and of the programmatic and operational frameworks of contemporary urbanization : density, mobility and housing. Their re-examination brings to light the discreet role of an “urban-architectural project” - a concept borrowed from Europan to define a design scale between the broad urban project and the object, and to designate any architecture that becomes an intrinsic part of an urbanization project, taking on the issues of designing public space, landscape, territories and infrastructures - which refers to an essential space for reflection, poured into a common culture. This work identifies the conditions and driving forces, and shows in particular the extent to which this urban-architectural playground is shaped and delimited by certain “fictions” which, operating on the basis of reductive and often binary categorizations, have little to do with the multiple and complex realities of project situations. Research helps to forge these fictions, but it also helps to unveil them. This re-reading shows how the manufacture of urban forms is standardized by the recurrent dogma of densification, mobilized yesterday in the name of modernizing lifestyles, today in the perspective of the sustainable city, through the instrumentalization of architecture. It also sheds light on the effects on the morphology of urban space of the primacy given to flows as part of the metropolization of territories, while highlighting the potential for (re)negotiating the nature and status of open spaces offered by the new paradigms of mobility. Lastly, it examines the place of standards and judgments of taste in housing and related urban projects, as well as in their critical reception, and more broadly questions the stakes and place of experimentation in urban design. Based on the observation that the diffuse nature of the urban-architectural project, and the difficulty of grasping, implementing and transmitting it, have led to certain fields of exploration being closed off, this thesis suggests that the concept of the urban-architectural project would benefit from being better visualized and defined to become a real critical tool, with theoretical and practical foundations that can be debated and transmitted
Buyck, Jennifer. "La fabrique contemporaine des métropoles en France : pays, paysage et paysans." Lille 3, 2010. https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-01734912.
Full textOur work questions the contemporaneous invention of French metropolis through the notions of "pays" ("country"), "paysage" ("landscape") and "paysan" ("farmer"). In order to do this, we focused first on the values of contemporaneous urbanity by analizing landscape and metropolis together. In such a framework, landscape as metropolis are completely changing. A necessary restructuring of spatial anticipation practices has to be investigated. In thix context, we questioned afterwoods - through two investigations led in parallel - the sens and the role of landscape in French and contemporaneous practices of metropolitan planning. Landscape, as a complex projection of a land, seemed able to considerably impact practices of metropolitan invention. Moreover, these individual and collective representations of land bring to light the existence of a new urban mythology in which the figure of farmers convey the idea of a new way to live, to dream and to invent cites and metropolises
Lévy, Karen. "Une ville moyenne pour des classes moyennes? : discours et acteurs de la fabrique urbaine : une étude du cas de Johannesburg, un détour comparatif par New Delhi." Thesis, Paris 10, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018PA100077/document.
Full textThe post-apartheid urban policies of the last decades aiming at “rebuilding” the nation, have not led to reducing spatial injustice in Gauteng, and Johannesburg in particular. Spurred on by private actors, bottom-of-the-range closed residences, which symbolise the upward social mobility of the middle class, spread new forms of relegation and fragmentation, thereby challenging social links, urban sprawl and growing mobility. The little research carried out on this “average” city, which is meant to be synonymous with progress and modernity, is an opportunity to develop new thoughts on existing interrelations between urban production, practices and territories.Far from being monolithic, bottom-of-the-range housing is being developed through many specific and geographically located institutional arrangements. The role played by private actors involved in urban governance, which is often largely unknown and rarely being studied, has become the keystone of the city’s contemporary transformations. The novelty behind this research work is that it reveals the principles of what constitutes specialised and spatialized expertise, thereby shedding light on the codification process of practices and, as such, the birth of institutionalised security town planning within the metropolis.Comparing Johannesburg with Delhi was an opportunity to validate the fact that these results could be significantly drawn concurrently, while studying two different sites
Gangneux-Kebe, Julie. "Fabriquer l'ordinaire de la ville : le rôle de l'habitant à Conakry (Guinée)." Thesis, Nantes, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018NANT2027/document.
Full textThe present research focuses on the urban fabric by its inhabitants in Conakry, Guinea. Long studied by various institutions and their development projects, the urban fabric only considers the inhabitant as a beneficiary of expert planning. From their participation in urban planning, citizen knowledge seems now well known in Northern countries. While in the South, ordinary city dwellers display a range of ways to create space: "their spaces". Through their initiatives and appropriations, inhabitants invent urban spaces outside of the planning projects. The analysis of the daily experiences in Conakry allows us to reconsider a binary interpretation (formal / informal) of the urban fabric in West Africa.This work focuses on the production of space in Conakry by of "citizens-city-dwellers", describing the forms and relation of daily life in the popular neighborhoods of Hafia. The inhabitants create their new appropriations of space to claim the “right to urban life”(Lefebvre, 1968). Faced with increasing tensions (demographic, environmental, socio-economic, land ) that tend to fragment the West African city a little more each day, from this research project, it appears that the ordinary fabric of the city seems to reduce these forms of inequalities and fragmentations. When the participation of the inhabitants in the co-construction of spaces is researched in the North and in the South, the perspective of the inhabitants of a city in the South can teach us about the ways and forms of inhabiting the ordinary; about the process to appropriate and share collectively the fabric of the city
Habane, Anissa. "Fabrique patrimoniale, culturelle et touristique dans un espace en tension : le cas des villes palestiniennes." Thesis, Lille 1, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015LIL10112/document.
Full textThis doctoral research raises political and territorial issue of heritage value in a space of tension. Through the confrontation of experiences between three Palestinian cities (Nablus, Bethlehem and Ramallah), we showed how heritage process, cultural and tourism development are integrated into territorial resilience strategies. Palestinian skateholders of heritage, cultural and touristic making are trying to maintain and strengthen territorial cohesion, threatened by spatial fragmentation caused by the occupation and the Israeli settlements. The heritage process in the historic centers is a way to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants. It reveals the capacity of Palestinian stakeholders, financially and technically supported by international stakeholders, to resist the pressures of the occupation, and cope with its many uncertainties and disturbances. Its purpose is the recovery of the Palestinian territory by an inhabit resistance, in order to maintain inhabitants with low income within the historic centers and to attract new ones. Heritage development aims also to participate in the cultural and tourist development of these old neighborhoods and give to the Palestinians the possibility of a new path for social and economic development. However, despite efforts to improve urban environment, tourism and cultural offer, and Palestinian historical centers attractiveness, this did not participate to economical development significantly change of occupied Palestinian territories so far
Drevet-Démettre, Lucie-Emmanuelle. "Quand l'aéroport devient ville : géographie d'une infrastructure paradoxale." Thesis, Bordeaux 3, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015BOR30028/document.
Full textAirports are protean geographical objects characterized by their « accelerated obsolescence » (BANHAM, 1962). Since the 1990s, their final transformation has been structured around a process of functional diversification engendered by new activities, which are sometimes very different from air transport, in order to increase the infrastructures’ profits and profitability in a context of widespread privatization. The world’s largest hub airports are concerned by this evolution, especially the Paris-Charles-de-Gaulle airport, the world’s fourth busiest airport by international passenger traffic. This trend, which has given birth to the operational concept of airport city, as the Anglo-Saxon operators and observers call it, stirs up the geographical curiosity in two ways. Firstly, it questions the primary function of airports, which become unidentified spatial objects that need to be redefined. Secondly, the concept of airport city questions the city itself. Indeed, what makes a city a city on a material (urbanity) and conceptual (“citadinity”) level? Can a space with urban functions be considered as a city? Is the airport city only a functional city? By assessing the geographical relevance of the concept of airport city, this thesis aims at making the concepts of urbanity and “citadinity” operational concepts, so as to compare them with the airport ground. By adjusting the observation scale to the whole airport area, it also replaces the airport at the centre of the geographical study. Thus, the airport is not simply viewed as a terminal. Finally, this thesis aims at understanding the whole airport society’s spatiality (passengers, employees, accompanying people, homeless people…) by assessing the concept of “citadinity"
Lefèvre, Benjamin. "La fabrique urbaine d'Angers du 3e au 13e siècle." Phd thesis, Université François Rabelais - Tours, 2010. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00551376.
Full textPichard, Claire. "La construction de la forme urbaine : approche archéologique et archéogéographique du processus urbain de Reims du début du Moyen Age à la ville préindustrielle." Thesis, Reims, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014REIML016/document.
Full textExcavated for about thirty years Reims is chiefly known for its ancient past. This work is focused on the city urbanisation from the end of the 4th century until the middle of the 19th century. In this perspective the plot frame is both a source and object of study. In an archaeological approach, I compare the urban forms first with material data, then with ecological data and archieves, to inform elements that drive and structure the city over the long term.Three main approaches were followed. The first one is methodological. It questions tools to create to threat all of the urban space. The second line consists of analysing urban objects from diferent scales to highlight structuring spaces : road network, wet zone, economic or ecclesiastical areas. Like Documents d'Evaluation du Patrimoine Archéologique des Villes Française, the purpose of this study was to the evolution of the city phases. A concluding chapter of chrono-chorematic modeling allows to review the data threated and the evolution of structural elements of Rheims
Sowa, Charline. "Penser la ville en décroissance : pour une autre fabrique urbaine au XXIe siècle. Regard croisé à partir de six démarches de projet en France, en Allemagne et aux Etats-Unis." Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017GREAH018/document.
Full textWithin the methodological framework of the academic research, this study focuses on the urban development specific to shrinking cities. This interest raised from a broader interrogation on the professional practice of urban architects and the making of the city ongoing in this early XXIth century, with regards to contemporary debates about cities that are resilient, economical, self sufficient toward ecological, socio-economical and political crises. The shrinking city offers thus an interesting framework to study architects-urban planners reactions to such contexts and constraints adaptation. Furthermore the German programm Shrinking Cities and the reflexions raised by the German architect and researcher Philipp Oswalt have been a trigger component. He claims that the shrinking city was a new playground to explore new architectural and planning thoughts. He demonstrates it from a gathering of experiences around the world. Today, we suggest to follow this reflexion and raise the following issue: which lessons are to be learned from those experiences for today’s professional practice and imagine the city of tomorrow ?From this initial questioning, we took for granted that those new ways of seeing architecture and urban project (concepts, architectural languages, urban shape, etc.) lead to new leaving standards territories (uses, urban patterns, landscape, leaving conditions, etc.), changing thus the making of the city in this beginning of XXIth century. Indeed, those processes would be influential in the identification of favourable lands for a reasoned gestion of the city and the development of new tools and acting processes imagined by architects and urban planners.To answer to our hypothesis, we focus more specifically on projects initiating a deep mutation of the urban fabric, on its form and its uses that we would call here urban reshaping. Our analysis is based on six processes meant to be “innovative”, realized or no, one of them being built by inhabitants. They illustrate this practice in different shrinking cities since the 20 past years. Those case studies are located in different urban fabrics contexts to illustrate the diversity of situations that one can be facing. In parallel of two French case studies (Saint-Etienne, Livradois-Forez), we will observe other experiences in two foreign contexts, pioneers in terms of local initiatives and urban policy: Germany (Halle-Neustadt, Dessau) and the United states (Detroit). The diversity of projects, in terms of approach and scale does not constitute a comparative study. We suggest instead a more relevant approach consisting in questioning them to understand the political, socioeconomic and environment consequences on the process of project making and the capacity of those projects to initiate a transformation of urban fabric and of the city.Our goal will be to understand the originality and specifies of those initiatives, but also potential contributions to the contemporary debates on the city and its evolutions. This approach seeks bringing a prospective dimension about the shrinking city
Jean-Courret, Ezéchiel. "La morphogenèse de Bordeaux des origines à la fin du Moyen Age : fabrique, paysages et représentations de l'Urbs." Bordeaux 3, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006BOR30034.
Full textThe studies of Bordeaux have been focussed on politics, religious institutions, economic or social history and have only touched on the materiality of the city. This study analyses how the protohistoric city was shaped (6th c. B. C) and transformed into a large open built-up area (2nd c. ), then into Burdigala, the walled city, and finally into Bordeu (15th c. ). Consequently, the main subject of this research is the urban space and leads to give an account of its developments from the angle of the map. The survey is based on abundant sources : geomorphic and archaeological data, written medieval sources dealing with real property, views and maps, first cadastral register surveyed (1811-1821). This study aims at understanding how a city is made and how it works. A first entry consists in a discovery of the topography based on its modern representations which have played perceptions of the Urbs. If one wants to go further to explain and understand the development and the evolution of the city, one has to consider space as a primary source – source revealed by the cadastral map – and analyse it independently from any other data. This account proceeds in two points: first it goes through the ancient stages of the urban genesis until the end of the 3rd c. By studying how the division of properties is oriented. It then carries on with an examination of the urban planning (surrounding walls, enclosures, city planning operations, plan units) for the best documented stages of the morphogenesis, (4th c. - end of the XV th). Finally, the masses of documents from the 14th-15th c. Make it possible to get a good grasp of the dynamic and the logic of space by studying its townscape
Choplin, Armelle. "Fabriquer des villes capitales entre monde arabe et Afrique noire : Nouakchott (Mauritanie) et Khartoum (Soudan), étude comparée." Phd thesis, Université Panthéon-Sorbonne - Paris I, 2006. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00419957.
Full textLacroix, Guillaume. "Les équilibristes du développement durable : une ethnographie des experts et de l’expertise en durabilité dans la fabrique urbaine." Thesis, Paris 8, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019PA080027.
Full textThis dissertation, at the crossroads of urban studies and the sociology of professional groups and expertise, explores the characteristics of a group of experts in sustainable development engaged in the processes of urban production in the 2010s. This work is based on an ethnographic study of the activity of a team of about twenty specialists working at Alpha, a multi-specialized and international urban engineering company that is part of a broader urban services business. My work shows that the existence of this group of experts, its journey, and its structuring features fundamentally reflect its members’ ability to address the ambiguities of sustainable development in order to maintain and reformulate a diversified need for expertise. Thus, they take care of a multidimensional problem within the company and conquer new markets of urban expertise. The differentiated appropriation of sustainability principles in these activities reflects the dynamics of legitimization between experts and other actors in the professional worlds of urban engineering, consulting and urban planning and design. The delimitation and extension of the experts' professional jurisdiction requires that they constantly perform a balancing act which both underscores the uniqueness of their skills and of the knowledge, and the diversity of their professional fields. These results were collected from 2013 to 2018 from the position of a practitioner researcher. This dissertation thus contributes to identifying both the processes through which of a group of actors (re)-positions themselves at the heart of the urban fabric and the ways through which the outlines of sustainable development are renewed
Rouanet, Hortense. "Quand les grands promoteurs immobiliers fabriquent la ville en Inde : regards croisés sur Bangalore et Chennai." Thesis, Paris Est, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016PESC1187/document.
Full textThe thesis focuses on the little-known role of private developers in making of urban spaces in India, in the metropolitan regions of Bangalore and Chennai. The aim of this doctoral research is to observe and explain how developers contribute to the transformation of the spatial organization of cities and their landscape, but also the way of representing and designing as well as develop and govern the development. By probing the physical, symbolic and political, we explore the mechanisms that help explain the more rapid growth of some promoters to a recent moment in urban history. This then needs to take into account the promotion of the activity of specific scrutinizing the ways in which businesses access to the resources they need (land, capital and regulatory power) while taking care of the historicizing. In the context of liberalized India, we note that the growth of real estate development companies due to three aspects combined: 1) a significant demand for new construction that reflects the real estate consumer companies seeking modern premises to house their employees and a growing upper middle class; 2) a socio-relaxed regulatory environment on all important aspects of the property development business, and in particular the arrangements for access to building materials and labor, but also to urban land and capital to pre-finance development operations; 3) finally, the availability of capital from various sources (financial markets, commercial banks, private investors). In the mid 2000s, some developers have managed to develop very rapidly, while managing to maintain a strong autonomy vis-à-vis investors that underpin their development. This relative autonomy of developers, coupled with the firepower provided by the financial markets allowed them to implement a strategy to conquer real estate markets in both their original spaces and by implanting in other cities of south India. They were able to increase their production volume, multiplying projects characterized by their increasing size. Real estate developers surveyed are in strong position to articulate visions on urban development, the governance of cities and urban Indian society. These views reflected those proposed by other leading Indian business leaders and international audit firms: the Indian city should be transformed to meet a world-class city ideal, characterized by efficient urban infrastructure and services. Proponents disqualify public players because of their incompetence and their use of fraudulent compensation practices. Conversely, proponents boast of producing urban forms responding to this world-class city ideal, provide effective services in their housing complexes, demonstrate probity and professional integrity including meeting the requirements of transparency in financial communication and good governance, and more generally to work for the common good through the production of housing and office buildings adapted to the economic modernization of India. These self-legitimation discourse encourage them to dream aloud to replace public authorities in charge of the development of cities, or at least to assume even greater responsibility in their transformation
Sanchez, Algarra Cristina. "Recettes urbaines pοur être labellisé Capitale Eurοpéenne de la Culture : de la ville sοuhaitée au territοire réinventé." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Normandie, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024NORMR115.
Full textThis thesis analyses the construction of French cities' bids for the European Capital of Culture title for the year 2028, up to the designation of Bourges in December 2023, after an intense national competition. These bids are studied as initiatives capable of constructing narratives that set out the guidelines for urban production, the title being a tool that exalts a city's forward-looking image. This research looks at how the preparation of a cultural project on an international scale makes it possible to reflect on the contemporary conditions of the process of making cities and their spaces, whether materially or socially designed.In addition to urban studies looking at the post-event legacy, and through an in-depth analysis of nine candidate cities, and more specifically the finalists Bourges, Clermont-Ferrand, Montpellier and Rouen, we explore the strategies used to develop this supposedly unifying discourse, which nonetheless appeals to a variety of audiences with divergent expectations. In this respect, the title is an enlightening catalyst for analysis, in that we are also interested in the possible instrumentalisation of this narrative which, drawing on the symbolic power of art and culture to underpin certain political agendas, would help to pacify tensions without overcoming partisan, territorial and social divisions. Our study focuses on two subjects in particular: the territorial and symbolic construction and the urban strategy for hosting the event. In a context marked by the interweaving of crises - territorial, economic and environmental - we are questioning the paradigms perceptible in the submissions to the call for applications and the positioning of the candidate cities in relation to contemporary urban issues. To do this, we are focusing on the projects imagined, whether disconnected from or linked to existing public policies and the urban images and references evoked, the aim is to veify wether the concept of a “successful city”, as empahsized in European discourse, is reflected in a singular political, social, economic, and urban response
Verguet, Céline. "La fabrique ordinaire du patrimoine : étude de cas en milieu urbain : le quartier de la Libération à Nice." Thesis, Nice, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013NICE2006/document.
Full text: « This is my/our heritage », this expresses an element of the nature of the links modern society maintains with the past. What is the true foundation of this statement and the overall notion of heritage today? This study stems from the concept of updating what defines heritage in the modern mindset. It could arise from a new sense of responsability within our society. There appears to be a common perception shared by ordinary people on which they base their uninitiated evaluation of elements in their environment. Each person creates their "own" heritage drawn from their daily surroundings. These makeshift assembly differ from the institutionalised practice of acrediting an element as "true" heritage. The outcome of this mechanism was observed amongst active local people in the Liberation District (Quartier de Liberation) in Nice during an important stage in a development project, which resulted in a clash of beliefs about heritage. It became necessary to go beyond the standard conception of heritage and start from other angles, to the transition between general expectations and daily life. Firstly taking into consideration the spatial and temporal representations of this district based on individual experience, then by demonstrating patrimonial nature of these elements throught authentification and plea. Finally the last factor being simply the patrimonial sentiments towards objects in our localized surroundings. Henceforth, each ordinary person’s heritage seems to be defined by the awareness we have acquired of it and the importance we have learnt to attribute to it
Puget, Julien. "Les agrandissements d’Aix et de Marseille (1646-1789) : Droits, espaces et fabrique urbaine à l’époque moderne." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015AIXM3011.
Full textFrom two city expansion operations in the seventeenth century (Aix in 1646, Marseille in 1666), this research aims to understand the practical arrangements for production of urban space under the old regime, both in human terms and equipment.This study begins at ground level at the finest scale of urban materiality, the plot. From a cross-reflection on the rights of the land and property market, the challenge here is to understand the weight of structures and private legal mechanisms in urban process.Changing scale of analysis, a set of questions related to the building of the economy domain allows to highlight the economic, social and legal conditions surrounding the sites of construction. The goal here is both to identify the rules framing constructive activity and to determine the contours of the practice of individuals in this area. This axis induces a reflection on the structuration of a constructive public order at the end of the seventeenth century.Finally, this research addresses urban space in its larger whole, both hardware and administratively. From the institutional and public frameworks to carry out these operations, the issue of integration and management of these new spaces to the existing urban order came up
Romeyer, Benoit. "Refaire la rue pour recomposer la ville : rues artérielles en théories et en projets : mise en regard de deux cas d'études à Londres et Lyon." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016AIXM3117.
Full textThis thesis contributes to question the renewal of the roles and status associated with the mixed-used arterial corridors in urban area and this, trough both the filter of urban planning theories relative to them as well as the project approaches participating in their effective transformation in a context claiming to “built cities on top of cities”. Each of those perspectives have been particularly explored one of the two parts of this research. The first part is thus centered on an interpretative analysis of the places and fluctuating values corresponding to the different street typologies found in urban planning and urban design theories. This bring to light few of the characteristics that participated to bring some specific street typologies in the blind spot of the principal theoretical models of organization and hierarchisation of the street network. Their reconsideration leads then to a larger inquiry about the extend of the potential programs and projects induced by those evolutions and later to the potential forms of such reinvestment. Those latest have been particularly considered within the second part, based on a more “empirical” investigation of those challenges and articulated around the comparison of the London High Street 2012 and the Lyon Garibaldi Street projects. The analytical grid employed helped to reveal a large diversity of the objectives and forms of the various projects developed on those urban axes and on the same time a renewal of the ambitions associated with them, more plurals and composites
Lakehal, Ahcène. "La fabrication plurielle de centralités dans la périphérie de Constantine : le cas de la ville nouvelle Ali Mendjeli." Thesis, Tours, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013TOUR1501/document.
Full textThe city of Constantine (Algeria) has been known for several decades a considerable urban sprawl of its urban peripheries. This urban sprawl has given birth to the New Town ALi Mendjeli. This is one of the man theaters of territorial dynamics of the periphery of Constantine. Creating its establishment only by the local authorities was difficults and it took nearly ten years to make its development reaches its cruising speed. This thesis analyzes the fabric of New Town, and the respective roles of public and private actors in the development of its centrality. If the impulse departure was indeed the work of the political responsables, relayed by urbain planners to their services, the actors’ system was rapidly complexified due to the tradors strategies and pratices of residents (ordinary city, today, the combined action of all these actors, have invented to “Ali Mendjeli” new froms of urbanity
Chouillou, Delphine. "La qualité environnementale urbaine : prendre en compte les représentations et les pratiques sociales des habitants dans la fabrique urbaine, l'exemple toulousain." Thesis, Toulouse 2, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018TOU20058/document.
Full textIn French cities, recent evolutions in urban design and planning have made essential to rebuild the city on itself while respecting its environment. Now, cities have to be of good urban environmental quality. Although it seems obvious today, the making of environmental urban quality is still a question because it is a multi interpreted concept in the scientific field, as well as in the operational field.This Ph.D. in urban planning, well inscribed in the field of social geography, addresses the multiple meanings of urban environmental quality. In particular, it questions the possibility of taking into account the meanings of this concept for the inhabitants in urban projects in Toulouse. The Ph.D. is based on a field investigation by commented paths conducted with residents of a neighborhood subject to severe environmental nuisances, and semi-structured interviews with professionals from Toulouse’s urban projects. The field investigation was supplemented by an analysis of documents on the policy, regulatory and institutional frameworks governing the urban policies
Gallart, Romain. "L'important n'est pas seulement de participer : sociologie de la fabrique de la participation populaire dans les métropoles de Recife (Brésil) et Grenoble (France)." Thesis, Paris 10, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019PA100095.
Full textThis thesis focuses on understanding why participative devices set up in working class neighborhoods still exist today, despite their proven ineffectiveness. It questions processes of manufacturing and implementation of the participative imperative through the study of two paradigmatic cases: the metropolises of Grenoble (France) and Recife (Brazil). This work contributes to the conceptualization of systematic transformations of contemporary governments. The cross-history of the politique de la ville in Grenoble and the plan for regularization of special zones of social interest (PREZEIS) recifense, as well as the comparative ethnographies of urban redevelopment projects’ governances in these territories, shed light on the evolutions which are subject to the democratic systems of the contrasting urban, social, political and cultural situations. In Recife, participatory democracy gradually fades out because of a depoliticized and less structured managerial model of participation. In the Grenoble agglomeration, despite a discourse on the modernization of public action and the formalization of participatory procedures, local democracy remains rooted in proximity. By characterizing the methods of mobilization and selection of participants, the conditions of their representation and deliberation, and their inclusion in the urban governance, the demonstration highlights the coexistence of political, technical, and social logics, which are sometimes antagonistic, competing within the public authorities. The immersion survey, as a coordinator of citizen associations' initiatives in urban requalification projects, contributes to the understanding of formal and informal mechanisms, public or not, guiding the implementation of participatory devices in our contemporary societies
Taibi, El Kettani Camilia. "Les "villes nouvelles" du Maroc : de la frénésie à la léthargie." Thesis, Paris 1, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019PA01H099.
Full textIn 2004, Morocco started a new chapter of his urban history through the creation of new cities. This program is the result of a policy thought and adopted by the government to respond to the local housing issues and to guarantee the urban transition of the country. In this way, planned cities of different sizes and carrying capacities (between 200 000 and 450 000 inhabitants), are actually being built nearby the main ones. This strategy of creating new cities was brought as a remedy to the previous failures of the Moroccan urban planning.The main purpose of this thesis is to put this urban policy into perspective and to examine if these new cities are bringing a real renewal to the Moroccan urban fabric. It also aims to draw a portrait of these cities, to understand their evolution, their growth logic, and the strategy from which they resulted. Through this work, we examine the relevance of this new cities policy as a response to the accelerated urbanization in Morocco, knowing that the new cities are no longer developed in the western countries
Russeil, Sarah. "L'Espace transnational, ressource ou contrainte pour l'action internationale des villes à la fin du XXe siècle ? : Analyse comparée de la fabrique et de la gestion du "Patrimoine Mondial" à Lyon et à Québec." Lyon 2, 2006. http://theses.univ-lyon2.fr/documents/lyon2/2006/russeil_s.
Full textThere has been a large number of recent studies in respect of cities in international markets, their competitive advantages and their relationship with the international level. However there has been few analysis with regards to the political influence of cities’ international strategies. Going transnational implies that one should consider the collection of international labels which ensue from the interactions between different actors and the circulations of ideas across boundaries. Studied from a transnational viewpoint, the issue of world heritage cities in Lyon and Quebec shows to what extent world heritage is seen as a label by the mayors and the main actors of such cities. Moreover world heritage owe much to social logics and political discussions between local, national and international actors. By being connected cities beneficiate from flows, circulations and multi-level relationships which form important resources in the field of governance, competition between cities and their relation to their national government. By taking part in political discussions to build world heritage, cities are involved in special political and scientific activities. It implies that new local policies about heritage will be generated and such policies will also be influenced by their local and national environments. However the influence of states remains decisive on the transnational as they keep a considerable bargaining power and continue to shape the connections and the circulations of ideas. In such circumstances, cities could be politically restrained by their connection through world heritage
Russeil, Sarah Pollet Gilles. "L'espace transnational, ressource ou contrainte pour l'action internationale des villes à la fin du XXe siècle ? analyse comparée de la fabrique et de la gestion du "Patrimoine Mondial" à Lyon et à Québec /." Lyon : Université Lumière Lyon 2, 2006. http://theses.univ-lyon2.fr/sdx/theses/lyon2/2006/russeil_s.
Full textMazenod, Fabien. "Fabriquer la Rome fasciste. L'action de l'Istituto Nazionale delle Assicurazioni (INA). Investisseur immobilier et financeur de l'aménagement urbain." Thesis, Lyon 3, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014LYO30042/document.
Full textThis thesis examines the urban transformations of Rome between 1922 and 1945 (urban renewal in the city centre and urban sprawl beyond the antique walls) through the investments of one of the Fascist period's most significant property agents, the Istituto Nazionale delle Assicurazioni (INA). The INA was a semi-public company, founded in 1912. The aim of this work is not only to delineate the real estate activity of one of Italy's biggest corporations but to understand the systems and complex network of agents employed by such an operator within the urban fabric. This requires a sophisticated local knowledge of the political, economic and social context of the Fascist period, of the developments of the Roman urban fabric and, most of all, of the complex network of economic and institutional agents acting on the city. From the inventory of INA properties in Rome, a dual function has been established for the company: that of constructing houses and offices, and that of funding the regime's large-scale urban projects
Durand, Anne. "De la mutabilité urbaine : une démarche ouverte pour fabriquer les villes." Thesis, Paris Est, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015PESC1191.
Full textUrban planning can be considered out-dated in a society where it has become impossible to project a linear future. We have arrived at the end of a paradigm, as can be witnessed in the analysis of the Schéma Directeur d'Aménagement Urbain of the Paris region (SDAU) of 1965. Our research focuses on two situations arising from alternatives to rigid urban planning: the case of the “Plan-guide” of the Isle of Nantes and the initiative “Neighbourhood Improvement Community Programme” (Programas Comunitario de Mejoramiento de Barrios), established between the Mexican government and the community. Each case study allows us to identify constitutive elements of “urban mutability”, defined here as the capacity of cities to welcome change and favour “the possible” (les possibles) in their making. These constitutive elements go beyond the spatial structure of the city and attempt to create a procedure for accepting uncertainty. We have defined three conditions that permit an operational understanding of the concept: accommodation of change (1), acceptance of uncertainty (2), sharing of collective inventions (3). Each condition necessitates an active follow through that we will expand upon in the last section, and which has led us to the definition of several types of mutability, each with their own temporality, urgency, and length of preparation. All have their place in the creation of cities as they allow us to breathe life into each space, each instant. Urban mutability does not offer a model, but rather validates other ways of acting. It questions the meaning of “alternative” (l'autrement), which means that the distance created in the step away from preconceived models and assurances allows a locally defined framework of meta-regulations to open new “possibles” for cities
Lagotte, Carl-Dave. "DM-Fabrique." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2001. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/33777.
Full textQuébec Université Laval, Bibliothèque 2019
Toussaint, Jean-Yves. "Projets et usages urbains. Fabriquer et utiliser les dispositifs techniques et spatiaux de l'urbain." Habilitation à diriger des recherches, Université Lumière - Lyon II, 2003. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00473722.
Full textLeturcq, Celine. "Tableau, la fabrique du sujet." Thesis, Paris 8, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014PA080038/document.
Full textIf the age-old practice of painting has been supplanted by a large number of contemporary approaches tomaking art, certain artists are still primarily painters who make work about painting. This raises the question ofits relevance. In France in the early 1980s, abstract pictorial practices were left aside in favor of both a new kindof painting open to international influences, and an art that ultimately abandoned painting altogether. This is stillthe case today, although there has been a renewed interest in painting in recent years. This has to do, firstly, withthe structural force inherent to painting and the construction of pictorial space. Secondly, it has to do withsociocultural phenomena outside the realm of contemporary art : photography, film and television, and morerecently the widespread use of digital screens, have lead to the creation of new pictorial spaces. Painting still hasa promising future as a means of questioning the subject’s relationship to the image ; the shifting boundaries ofthe painted picture (the tableau) enrich and enlarge time-space frameworks, which, a priori, have nothing to dowith painting as an archaic practice. This thesis, therefore, attempts to understand how and why some individualstoday, especially in France, continue to paint, to make objects and images in their studios, in the traditional senseof the term
Lepresle, Élisabeth. "La fabrique de l'homme mourant." Marne-la-Vallée, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002MARN0158.
Full textThe new made dying man leads to a new death staging which can be expressed by an euthanasia request, but which means in fact, a revolt against a technicoscientifical medecine. This medecine invented in utopias in the XVIth century wants to realise the myth of immortality, transforming utopia into ideology and totalitarism. We dream of a perferct health, a long life without pain, the new biomedecine pretends to do it. But man have to pay, he becomes a biopatient living in a body he does not recognize. Politics use biomedecine to make up their mind, and justice tries to fight against it to preserve patient’s rights. Dying man is not heard by anybody, he is informed, he must consent, he is an economical man who must suscribe policies. But time is too short for him to live anymore, man has to be alive or dead, there is no time for dying. He is hopeless now and in the future, even in heaven. How can he manage his death as long as he does not know what means to live ? All he knows is that nobody has de right to decide for him of his death conditions
Sudoh, Kentaro. "Jean Eustache : génétique et fabrique." Thesis, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016USPCA033.
Full textThe dissertation conducts a genetic study of Jean Eustache’s work (1938-1981) as seen through his completed films as well as unfinished projects and drafts. In being based on archives, so far undeveloped (Cinémathèque française, Inathèque, IMEC and personal collections), carrying out interviews with his former producers, directors of photography, assistants, actors, collaborators, friends, or family, and in analyzing not only his movies but also his film scripts, director’s memos or production files, the dissertation reconstructs Eustache’s whole creative journey with its twists and turns. As analysis of creation, the method seeks to trace in the most documented manner possible the process that gave rise to Eustache’s œuvre. How are connected his everlasting autobiographical undertaking and the various conditions of productions? What has leaded him to produce the filmic manifesto Number Zero (1971)? How are The Mother and the Whore (1973) and My Little Loves (1974) produced almost simultaneously? How was born the idea for experimental film essays such as A Dirty Story (1977) or Alix’s Photos (1980)? How one can create originally within both the author cinema and Public Television? This doctoral study replies to these factual questions, which enable to clarify Jean Eustache’s aesthetic and cinematic specific choices