Academic literature on the topic 'Fabrique de la ville'
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Journal articles on the topic "Fabrique de la ville"
Giband, David, and Corinne Siino. "La rénovation urbaine en France : entre pilotage à distance et fabrique urbaine." Sociologie et sociétés 45, no. 2 (February 21, 2014): 153–76.
Full textPasini, Jérémy, Érasme Ngiye, and Dieudonné Gahungu. "La construction de la nouvelle capitale politique du Burundi à Gitega : aménagement urbain, discours sur la ville et « emblématisation »." Suds 289 (2024): 15–43.
Full textBackouche, Isabelle, and Nathalie Montel. "La fabrique ordinaire de la ville." Histoire urbaine 19, no. 2 (2007): 5.
Full textBorau, Lætitia. "L’eau dans la fabrique de la ville." Mélanges de la Casa de Velázquez, no. 47-1 (April 15, 2017): 97–120.
Full textRivière, Clément. "Qu’est-ce qu’une « ville à hauteur d’enfant » ?" Mouvements 115, no. 3 (December 11, 2023): 139–47.
Full textGerbeaud, Fanny, Sylvain Grisot, Caroline Motta, and Lenka Sobotová. "Vu d’ailleurs : la fabrique populaire de la ville." Projet 348, no. 5 (2015): 57.
Full textLombard, Jérôme. "La fabrique de la ville par le mouvement." Cahiers d'études africaines, no. 213-214 (June 30, 2014): 529–36.
Full textMischi, Julian. "La fabrique d’une élite municipale." Revue française de science politique Vol. 73, no. 1 (April 22, 2024): 63–84.
Full textVanden Berghe, Chloé. "Vivants dans la ville : Les renards roux du bois de la Grappe (Région de Bruxelles-Capitale)." Géo-Regards 16, no. 1 (2023): 17.
Full textBélanger, Paul, and Barbara Paetsch. "La ville apprenante. Un projet en émergence à Montréal." Diversité 145, no. 1 (2006): 63–70.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Fabrique de la ville"
Le, Boulch Matthieu. "Rennes, fabrique et formes de la ville, 1420 - 1720." Thesis, Rennes 2, 2020.
Full textIn the 1420s, the city of Rennes became a perpetual construction site. Most of the ducal finances were dedicated to the erection of the new walls for the Ville Neuve and the Nouvelle Ville. The walls have been regularly maintained until the Ligue wars and the loss of their defensive role. They progressively became part of the urban fabric. The city's shape has not changed much since the early Middle Ages. The medieval street plan, based on the Antic plan, remained the same until the great fire of 1720. The city was then rebuilt on a radically different plan, erasing the medieval parcels in some parts. This thesis aims to better understand the urban morphology and the construction of the city between the end of the ducal period and the urbanistic interventionism of Robelin and Gabriel. To do so, we will identify the actors involved in this urban fabric, questioning their role, in the social and material construct of the city. Our study will be diachronic and rely on a multidisciplinary approach. The results of the archeological surveys on the fortifications will be compared to the analysis of written documents (especially fiscal archives), plans and iconographies (an important collection can be found at the Musée de Bretagne). A close attention will be brought to the study of books of annuities, particularly from the year 1455. Those exceptional documents list, street by street, house by house, the owners and the size of their properties, allowing to get a sense of "intimate physiognomy" of Rennes and to recreate the shape of the city between the 15th and 18th centuries
Hagel, Zoé. "Ville durable : Des concepts aux réalisations, les coulisses d'une fabrique urbaine. Marseille ou l'exemple d'une ville méditerranéenne." Phd thesis, Aix-Marseille Université, 2013.
Full textAugust, Zoé. "Ville durable : des concepts aux réalisations, les coulisses d’une fabrique urbaine : Marseille ou l’exemple d’une ville méditerranéenne." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2013.
Full textWhilst there seems to be a consensus on the feasibility of applying sustainability thinking to town and city development, our research contributes to the critical understanding of the notion of a sustainable city within the field of urban planning. We will begin with a study of the modalities of the emergence of this term, combining it with an analysis of the ways in which the notion is used in professional and scientific literature. Following on from the correspondence drawn between "méditerranéité" and complex thinking (MORIN 1999), our approach will then be embodied in the heart of a Mediterranean city : Marseille. Considering the mental pictures conjured up by the notion of sustainable city, we thus analyse the ways in which the elements of meaning previously highlighted are being used or not, interpreted, or even diverted, and how they influence decisions and actions. As the object of our work is the relationship between these and their material, socio-spatial and experiential impact, we then go on to conduct a sensitive exploration using observations and stories told by local residents within a sector in which actualisation principles are relating to the idea of sustainable city. This research shows, in the end, how the notion of sustainable city, which is exogenous to the domain of urban planning, does not offer a sufficiently emancipating or robust framework to allow the development of new “knowledge and know-how” or to outweigh the constraints and forceful trends that hinder the development of the town. This leads us to propose an "ecological" approach to explore what and whose contributions urban sustainability or rather sustainabilities might be built upon
Pédelahore, de Loddis Christian. "L'angle de la ville : Hanoi, 1873-2006 : interactions architecturale et fabrique urbaine, formes et acteurs." Paris 8, 2007.
Full textThis thesis is the comprehensive result of thirty years of field investigations focused on observation, transcription and analysis of the colonial and contemporary urban transition in Vietnam and, more specifically, on the architectural and urban background of the city of Hanoi. We have concentrated these investigations on a area so far scarcely explored, introducing a new field of Vietnamese Studies, i. E. The analysis of “spatial cultures”, and of the “ways” local “actors”, in urban development, operate and think. In so doing, this research put the vietnamese architectural and urban phenomena into historical and cultural perspectives. In the present context of fast urban evolution we highlight the “dynamics of change” at work, and, at the same time, the existing dialectics between cultural continuity and social and economic transformations. We have chosen the method of a phenomenological approach to reality, showing an understanding of processes, actions, and thoughts of two categories of actors studied from the inside. On one hand we have “architects” and urban planners in a knowledgeable and erudite relationship to the city. On the other hand, there are inhabitants, who build and invest, and are representative of customary know-how as like intuitive, pragmatic and “practical” ways of constructing their own urban space. Analysis and synthesis show these two categories to be united in the figure of the “Passeur ”, a mediator, who links tradition and modernity, modes of local practice and exogenous knowledge. We thus have an operating link, which allows the understanding of the deployment of endogenous practices of incorporation and adaptation. This model equally permits to identify the historical and contemporary transmutations of Vietnam’s urban space. In particular, we demonstrate that, despite not subscribing to the same scales and temporal rhythms, and thus not having a common denominator, politic, social and economic transformations should be interpreted as being reflected in “Spatial” (i. E. Architectural and urban) transitions, both in their material and symbolic forms. The latter constitute an intermediate stage and an opening leading to a more precise understanding of cultural transitions that largely take place on an underground and unconscious level. In the long run, both of them are historically constitutive of local urban, architectural and social “identities”, which remain consistently deep-rooted and interconnected in the physical and cultural existence of Hanoi, a genuine vietnamese city of the present time
Xambo, Jean-Baptiste. "« Vuyder la ville » : la fabrique de la citadinité dans un port méditerranéen (Marseille 1669-1714)." Paris, EHESS, 2014.
Full textThe modern city is a membership community, offering its members a set of rights. Focused on the determinants of segregation in old regime Marseilles, this thesis considers the political and legal means by which the citadinity is built. In a conflicting political configuration, observing the definition of legitimate and illegitimate citizens highlights the nonlinear evolution of shared sovereignty between the many competent juridictions in the city. After thinking on the consequences of the "édit d'affranchissement du port' (1669) in terms of administration of urban citizenship, the purpose is organized around two major mobilisations of the new traders' power against the presence of foreigners in the city, during the first half-century of Louis XIV's reign. These cases concern successively a small community of jewish merchants from Livorno and Nice (1670- 1682), and the various groups that make up the people of the king's galleys : slaves, convicts, convicts' wive, released convicts, soldiers (1680-1710). Concentrated on indigenous systems of justification and contextualization, our study seeks to account for the complex issues which govern protection as well as the expulsion of foreign groups in Marseilles. It is also to consider the power relations involved in these controversies, and subtle rebalancing following the mobilizations. Then appears a map of the many membership's operators who collectively participate in perpetual redefinition of margins of the political community
Rogalski, Landrot Boris de. "La fabrique matérielle et symbolique de la ville : le cas de Villeurbanne de 1900 à 1950." Thesis, Lyon, École normale supérieure, 2014.
Full textMy thesis, entitled “The material and symbolic urban fabric : the case of the city of Villeurbanne from 1900 to 1950” aims to analyse the mechanisms of urban fabric in order to highlight the role of political actors and the influence of urban experiences that lie outside of the municipality, thanks to which urban projects have been developed and spread in order to adapt Villeurbanne to an urban model. The late nineteenth century was a period of identity tensions in Villeurbanne in reaction to the project of annexation of the city by his powerful neighbour, Lyon. Municipal Council spread identity discourses in order to distinguish Villeurbanne and Lyon, and to mobilise inhabitants and convince politicians to reject the annexation. Jules Grandclément, socialist mayor from 1908 to 1922, rationalized the municipal management and introduced innovations to reform the city befor 1914. World War I disrupted the municipal level, but stimulated municipal intervention in urban planification. During the preparation of urban plan, municipal councillors represented Villeurbanne, not as a simple suburb, but as a city, and they organized exchanges of urban kowledges with other municipalities and especially with municipal experts of Lyon. Mayor Lazare Goujon (1924-1935) was directly related to the continuity of the initiatives of his predecessor. He innovated by introducing an ambitious urban policy that modified the urban morphology giving to Vileurbanne its urban attributes. The audience of urban transformations was such that Villeurbanne was represented as an example of modern city during the 1930s. Upon arrival at the head of the municipality in 1935, the Communists denounced the expensive urban policy of its predecessor, and they implemented a local policy in the context of the Popular Front. The political color of the municipality during the inter-war period was erased during the World War II in favor of the ideology of the Petain’s government. The real estate market slowed since the 1930s and stopped during World War II, but was reactivated by the State housing policy in 1950s. This State intervention in the field of urban planning expertise created conflicts but mostly generated a gap between the material and symbolic fabric of the city at the local level
Stanculescu, Cristina. "L'Europe romantisée et ses autres: Analyse de la ville de Timisoara comme fabrique de l'identité européenne." Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 2015.
Full textDoctorat en Sciences politiques et sociales
De, Rogalski Landrot Boris. "La fabrique matérielle et symbolique de la ville : le cas de Villeurbanne de 1900 à 1950." Phd thesis, Ecole normale supérieure de lyon - ENS LYON, 2014.
Full textAljane, Nabil. "La Fabrique du patrimoine des médinas en Tunisie : politiques et pratiques dans la ville de Sfax." Thesis, Montpellier 3, 2019.
Full textThe objective of this thesis is to evaluate the local implementation of the safeguard policies of urban heritage medina in Tunisia. We will question these policies through their roles in the territory and to understand their effects on historic centers. Our approach consists in a comparison to the local application of safeguard policies, through case rehabilitation projects and backup done in Tunisian Medinas. We trace the birth of these public instruments to its implementation by the various actors and we confront local realities. We finally state the place of the involvement of the social dimension in safeguarding projects
Gangloff, Emmanuelle. "Quand la scénographie devient urbaine : Nantes comme observatoire des fonctions du scénographe dans la fabrique de la ville." Thesis, Angers, 2017.
Full textBased on the current effervescence of scenography in the creative environment , this work proposes to study the appearance of a specific function around the concept of urban scenography in the fabric of the contemporary city. Since the 1980s, in a context of the development of event, creative and cultural city, we are witnessing a multiplication of ephemeral artistic proposals deploying scenographic devices in the public space that evolve modes of action of the actors of the urban factory (cultural operators, artists, public managers and developers). Between theater and public space, stage and city, we will trace the origins of the scenography and then take an interest in the Nantes scene, which is considered here as a laboratory of different forms that can take urban scenography. Infact, in urban space, it is an identifying an emerging professional group, the scenographers, about the evolution of their practices outside the theater. Then, by tightening the focus on a territory, we characterize more specifically the function of urban scenography in its contemporary meaning reflecting an evolution of the place of artistic creation in the urban factory. A larger scale, this study calls into question the production of urban spaces, revealing tension between functional necessity and the conception of sensitive spaces. Between artistic and dynamic recovery, this research informs us about an embodiment of the contemporary city at the interface between town planning of entertainment and artistic utopia
Books on the topic "Fabrique de la ville"
Boissière, Tierry, and Tierry Boissière. Alep et ses territoires: Fabrique et politique d'une ville, 1868-2011. Beyrouth: Presses de l'ifpo, 2014.
Find full textGrenoble, Magasin-Centre national d'art contemporain de. La ville en chantier: Comment fabriquer la ville aujourd'hui? Grenoble: Magasin, Centre national d'art contemporain, 1998.
Find full textPaquot, Thierry, writer of preface, ed. Mutabilité urbaine: La nouvelle fabrique des villes. Gollion: Infolio, 2017.
Find full textPradel, Benjamin. Narrations touristiques et fabrique des territoires: Quand tourisme, loisirs et consommation réécrivent la ville. Paris: Oeil d'or, 2015.
Find full textKettaf, Fadila. La fabrique des espaces publics en Algérie: Les places dans la ville d'Oran : conceptions, formes et usages. Paris: L'Harmattan, 2019.
Find full textClancier, Georges Emmanuel. Le pain noir: Le pain noir, La fabrique du roi, Les drapeaux de la ville, La dernière saison. Paris: Omnibus, 2001.
Find full textMusée d'art moderne de la ville de Paris., ed. Giorgio di Chirico: La fabrique des rêves : Musée d'art moderne de la ville de Paris, 13 février-24 mai 2009. [Paris]: Paris musées, 2009.
Find full textFrance) Rencontres internationales en urbanisme (17th 2015 Rennes. Les nouvelles fabriques de la ville: Objets, référentiels et méthodes. Rennes: Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2018.
Find full textScamozzi, Vincenzo. Intorno alle ville: Lodi e comodità delle fabriche suburbane e rurali (1615). Torino [etc.]: U. Allemandi, 2003.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Fabrique de la ville"
Bouchain, Patrick. "Fabrique de la ville, fabrique de cultures." In Fabrique de la ville, fabrique de cultures, 120–23. Éditions du Croquant, 2020.
Full textDuffour, Michel. "Fabrique de la ville, fabrique de cultures." In Fabrique de la ville, fabrique de cultures, 22–31. Éditions du Croquant, 2020.
Full textLe Floc’h, Maud. "Fabrique de la ville, fabrique de cultures." In Fabrique de la ville, fabrique de cultures, 136–41. Éditions du Croquant, 2020.
Full textBellini, Danielle, and Michel Duffour. "Fabrique de la ville, fabrique de cultures." In Fabrique de la ville, fabrique de cultures, 62–91. Éditions du Croquant, 2020.
Full textBellini, Danielle, and Michel Duffour. "Fabrique de la ville, fabrique de cultures." In Fabrique de la ville, fabrique de cultures, 16–18. Éditions du Croquant, 2020.
Full textRoy, Valentine. "Fabrique de la ville, fabrique de cultures." In Fabrique de la ville, fabrique de cultures, 154–57. Éditions du Croquant, 2020.
Full textBellini, Danielle, and Michel Duffour. "Fabrique de la ville, fabrique de cultures." In Fabrique de la ville, fabrique de cultures, 34–61. Éditions du Croquant, 2020.
Full textBellini, Danielle, and Michel Duffour. "Fabrique de la ville, fabrique de cultures." In Fabrique de la ville, fabrique de cultures, 32–33. Éditions du Croquant, 2020.
Full textBellini, Danielle, and Michel Duffour. "Fabrique de la ville, fabrique de cultures." In Fabrique de la ville, fabrique de cultures, 92–109. Éditions du Croquant, 2020.
Full textDuffour, Michel. "Fabrique de la ville, fabrique de cultures." In Fabrique de la ville, fabrique de cultures, 194–96. Éditions du Croquant, 2020.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Fabrique de la ville"
Danon-Szmydt, Myriam, Myriam Danon-Szmydt, Yara Hodroj, Éric Valdenaire, Sara Tandar, and Stéphanie Lévêque. "Fabrique d'un projet en temps de crise." In Ruptures des pratiques et dynamique du débat. Les SHS face à la crise Covid-19, edited by Yara Hodroj. MSH Paris-Saclay Éditions, 2023.
Full textBenidir, Messaoud, and Boualem Boashash. "Polynomial Wigner-Ville distributions." In SPIE's 1995 International Symposium on Optical Science, Engineering, and Instrumentation, edited by Franklin T. Luk. SPIE, 1995.
Full textGuanghua, Chen, Ma Shiwei, Qin Tinghao, Wang Jian, and Cao Jialin. "The Wigner-Ville Distribution and the Cross Wigner-Ville Distribution of Noisy Signals." In 2006 8th international Conference on Signal Processing. IEEE, 2006.
Full textPoulouin, Gérard. "La ville : bruits et silence." In Charles Ferdinand Ramuz, silence(s), bruit(s), musique(s). Fabula, 2019.
Full textGîrleanu, Simona. "La ville au pluriel. Présentation." In La Ville au pluriel. Fabula, 2007.
Full textTESSE, Sarah. "Les « villes à la Descartes » sont-elles imputables à Descartes ?" In La Ville au pluriel. Fabula, 2007.
Full textSabatto, Steeve. "L’interprétation de la trame urbaine par Idelfonso Cerdà à la ville industrielle barcelonaise : entre innovation et exégèse." In La Ville au pluriel. Fabula, 2022.
Full textBoulanger, Alison. "Paradoxes spatio-temporels dans la représentation littéraire de la grande ville." In La Ville au pluriel. Fabula, 2007.
Full textSaldarriaga, Alejandro. "La musique dans la relation ville/campagne : Cartagena et son Palenque de San Basilio." In La Ville au pluriel. Fabula, 2007.
Full textGîrleanu, Simona. "De La Coste, voyageur à Londres. Enjeux de la description urbaine." In La Ville au pluriel. Fabula, 2007.
Full textReports on the topic "Fabrique de la ville"
Stubbs, T., and R. Heinle. VILLE containment data report. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), March 1995.
Full text_TCHIBOZO-KEKELE, Chanceline, Rodrigue Castro GBEDOMON, Laurenda TODOME, and Fréjus Sourou THOTO. Plan Canopée de la ville d’Abomey-Calavi : Où planter, quoi planter, comment planter pour une ville plus verte, attrayante et source de bien-être ? ACED, July 2024.
Full textCastonguay, S. Québec ville fortifiée : patrimoine géologique et historique - guide d'excursion. Natural Resources Canada/ESS/Scientific and Technical Publishing Services, 2017.
Full textCôté, P., A. Bolduc, E. Asselin, N. Morin, S. Careau, A. Pincivy, and A. Achab. Québec ville fortifiée : patrimoine géologique et historique, guide d'excursion. Natural Resources Canada/CMSS/Information Management, 2005.
Full textAlexis, Alex, and Alexandra Bahary-Dionne. Réduire les impacts de la fracture numérique sur les populations marginalisées : leçons apprises de la littérature à la portée des organismes communautaires. Observatoire international sur les impacts sociétaux de l'IA et du numérique, September 2022.
Full textSALIOU, Idelphonse O., Rodrigue Castro GBEDOMON, Donald HOUESSOU, and Fréjus THOTO. Agriculture urbaine : contraintes et options pour la ville de Porto-Novo, Bénin. ACED, September 2024.
Full text_TCHIBOZO-KEKELE, Chanceline, Rodrigue Castro GBEDOMON, Laurenda TODOME, and Fréjus Sourou THOTO. Potentiel et déficit d’arborisation de la ville d’Abomey-Calavi au Sud-Bénin. ACED, July 2024.
Full text_TCHIBOZO-KEKELE, Chanceline, Rodrigue Castro GBEDOMON, Laurenda TODOME, and Fréjus Sourou THOTO. Potentiel et déficit d’arborisation de la ville d’Abomey-Calavi au Sud-Bénin. ACED, September 2024.
Full textWüthrich, Annik. Amon, dieu de la ville, dans le chapitre 23 du Livre des Morts. Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, June 2021.
Full textWüthrich, Annik. Amon, dieu de la ville, dans le chapitre 23 du Livre des Morts. Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, June 2021.
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