Academic literature on the topic 'Exposition environnementale – effets indésirables'
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Journal articles on the topic "Exposition environnementale – effets indésirables"
Chiroleu-Assouline, Mireille, and Mouez Fodha. "Dette, taxe et politique environnementale." Revue française d'économie Vol. XXXVIII, no. 1 (July 27, 2023): 55–106.
Full textRobert, Elisabeth. "Exposition prénatale aux perturbateurs de la fonction thyroïdienne et effets indésirables sur le développement du cerveau." Environnement Risques Santé 19, no. 4 (August 2020): 288–89.
Full textYao, Yves-Bryand, Jean Dubé, and David Lubala. "Le silence est d’or… mais que vaut l’or ? Impact de la proximité aux axes routiers sur les valeurs résidentielles unifamiliales à Québec, 1993-2004." Canadian Journal of Regional Science 43, no. 2 (October 28, 2021): 39–49.
Full textMacDonald, Shannon, Hannah Sell, Sarah Wilson, Samantha Meyer, Arnaud Gagneur, Ali Assi, and Manish Sadarangani. "Analyse environnementale de la planification provinciale et territoriale aux fins des programmes de vaccination contre la COVID-19 au Canada." Relevé des maladies transmissibles au Canada 47, no. 56 (June 9, 2021): 312–19.
Full textMarion, M., and F. Denizeau. "Réponse des cellules du foie de truite arc-en-ciel exposées à des métaux lourds toxiques." Water Quality Research Journal 28, no. 4 (November 1, 1993): 709–22.
Full textHon, Chun-Yip, and Dina Abusitta. "Causes of Health Care Workers’ Exposure to Antineoplastic Drugs: An Exploratory Study." Canadian Journal of Hospital Pharmacy 69, no. 3 (June 30, 2016).
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Exposition environnementale – effets indésirables"
Barbier, Emeline. "Étude des mécanismes physiopathologiques impliqués dans la toxicité des particules ultrafines chez un modèle murin : une approche multi-organes." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université de Lille (2022-....), 2023.
Full textAlthough there has been a significant reduction in air pollution since the 1990s, it remains a major public health problem, responsible for over 4.2 million premature deaths worldwide every year. At present, experts' attention is focused on ultrafine particles (PM0.1 or UFP) because of their ability to translocate into the systemic circulation and reach peripheral organs, where they are likely to have a harmful impact. Nevertheless, the knowledge of the cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in the toxicity of these particles is still very patchy, and most often remains focused on their main target, the lung. Thus, the main objectives of this thesis project were to provide innovative insights into the toxicokinetics (i.e., distribution/persistence) and toxicodynamics (i.e., pathophysiological mechanisms, associated cell signaling pathways) of UFP collected in urban environments, on the one hand, and the organospecific effects of UFP and the use of circulating miRNA as indicators of chronic and/or cumulative exposure to UFP in a mouse model, on the other hand. To answer these questions, Balb/cJRj mice were exposed for 3 months to various doses of UFP collected in the urban area of Lille, then analyzed in various target organs richly vascularized, and therefore directly exposed to UFP during their translocation and systemic distribution phase. The results showed that, in all target organs, the intrinsic oxidative potential of UFP undeniably induced the production of oxidative oxygen species and the activation of antioxidant defenses in sufficient quantities to restore a state of redox homeostasis, but were unable to prevent the onset of an inflammatory response in the lungs, heart and brain. Transcriptomic approaches carried out in the lungs, the target organ with the most marked deleterious effects, have suggested the deregulation of numerous signaling pathways in relation to oxidative and inflammatory responses, which constitute the central mechanisms of UFP toxicity, but also with more original toxicity mechanisms such as mitochondrial dysfunction, epithelial-mesenchymal transition and tissue remodeling, whose modulation has also been validated from a functional point of view. These promising data could ultimately contribute to better decision-making on the reduction of UFP emissions, as well as to the updating of current regulatory standards
Cidreira, Keserle Gilberto. "Exposition environnementale des structures en conditions hivernales sur un réseau routier." Doctoral thesis, Université Laval, 2020.
Full textModeling the impact of the various rehabilitation methods, as a function of the initiation time of the damage, is the major challenge in the field of structural durability. The durability of a structure is directly linked to the exposure conditions influenced by the climate and the environment where the structure is located. Depending on the degree of exposure, the rate of degradation of structures can then accelerate or be slow. This work develops an in-depth study on the exposure of structures in winter conditions, which includes the use of de-icing salts. A survey was carried out to find out the amount of salt used in Quebec and Canada. In addition, the three most used types of de-icing salt were evaluated to determine its speed of progression in concrete under severe winter conditions. A mobile weather station MexStUL, designed with several sensors of temporal measures, has been developed to monitor exposure conditions in two different experimental sites on severe winter conditions during 2018/19. It was then possible to predict the climatic (temperature, humidity, speed and wind direction, sunshine and precipitation) and environmental factors (traffic, road condition, salt concentration on road, splashes and salt laden mist) relating to the conditions of exposure of the structures. Models were proposed to predict exposure condition using a meteorological station and evaluation of spatial influence of de-icing salt on different types of exposure as well. A new sensor has been developed, measuring the concentration of salt laden mist under severe winter conditions. Results demonstrate an important spatial variability on stagnant water. A model about spatial influence of brine splashes is proposed to delimit this type of exposure. Airborne concentration during winter climate shows an important evolution and a concentration model is proposed and the volume of salt laden mist is also determined during winter.
Després, Christine. "Effets neuromoteurs d'une exposition environnementale au mercure, aux biphényls polychlorés et au plomb chez des enfants Inuit /." Montréal : Université du Québec à Montréal, 2005.
Full textYazbeck, Chadi. "Effets d'une exposition environnementale au plomb, cadmium et manganèse sur la tension artérielle gravidique et la croissance fœtale." Paris 11, 2008.
Full textChoumar, Amal. "Déplétion de l'ADN mitochondrial hépatique après alcoolisation prolongée ou exposition aiguë au lipopolysaccharide chez la souris : rôles du stress oxydant, de la MnSOD et du fer hépatique." Paris 7, 2011.
Full textThe role of manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) in the depletion of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) induced by alcohol or lipopolysaccharide (LPS) administration is unknown. In a first study, I compared the hepatic mitochondrial effects of prolonged alcohol administration in wild type (WT) and transgenic mice overexpressing MnSOD (TgMnSOD). In TgMnSOD but not WT mice, alcohol increased liver iron, lipid peroxidation and the carbonylation of complex I proteins. In TgMnSOD but not WT mice, alcohol caused mtDNA depletion, mtDNA lesions blocking the progress of polymerases and considerable decreases in complex I, IV and V activities. In alcohol-treated TgMnSOD mice, the administration of an iron chelator prevented hepatic iron accumulation, lipid peroxidation, protein carbonyl formation and mtDNA depletion. This study shows that MnSOD, albeit generally considered as an anti-oxidant enzyme, can paradoxically increase hepatic iron content and mitochondrial toxicity after prolonged alcohol administration, In a second work, I studied the mitochondrial effects of a single dose of LPS in TgMnSOD mice and WT mice. In WT mice, LPS did not modify hepatic iron content, but increased the formation of reactive nitrogen/oxygen species, and decreased both the activity of complex I and hepatic ATP content Both mtDNA depletion and complex I inactivation were prevented in TgMnSOD mice. Both were also prevented in WT mice treated with tempol (a superoxide scavenger), uric acid (a peroxynitrite scavenger) or nitric oxide synthase inhibitors (decreasing NO and peroxynitrite formation). These observations suggest that LPS-induced mtDNA depletion and complex I inactivation were due to the reaction of mitochondrial superoxide with NO to form DNA- and protein-damaging peroxynitrite
Jossé, Rozenn. "Recherche de gènes cibles de contaminants de l'environnement génotoxiques après exposition aiguë ou répétée des cellules hépatiques humaines HepaRG." Rennes 1, 2010.
Full textThe lack of relevant in vitro models makes it challenging prediction of toxicity of chemicals in humans, particularly effects induced by reiterated exposure to low concentrations and mixtures. The present work aimed at determining whether human hepatoma HepaRG cells, which are able to metabolize chemicals to levels close to those found in primary human hepatocytes, could bring answers to these challenges. We first showed that these cells maintained their functional capacity for at least one month after differentiation and were suitable for the detection of DNA damage induced by promutagens using the comet and the cytokinesis-block micronucleus assays. Then, we have studied mechanisms involved in AFB1 toxicity and identified FHIT tumor suppressor gene as a potent early biomarker for discriminating between genotoxic and nongenotoxic compounds
Mounier, Estelle. "Exposition des apprentis de la coiffure et de la boulangerie-pâtisserie à des facteurs de risque d'asthme." Nancy 1, 2007.
Full textHairdressing and bakery are weIl known as occupations at risk of asthma. Exposure studies of apprentie es in hairdressing salons and bakeries are scarce, however. This work describes exposure levels and workplace air concentrations to airbome chemical products (ammonia, hydrogen peroxide, persulfates) used in hairdressing salons and personal exposure of flour dust used in bakery and pastry (PM2,5 et PM1O), and associated apprentices' exposure determinants. A questionnaire was completed by 586 apprentie es on their work activities and environment. 28 hairdressers and 34 bakery or pastry apprentices volunteered to undergo personal exposure and workplace concentrations measurements, during a cold and a hot season. Personal H202 and NH3 exposure values are greater than workplace concentrations, while the reverse holds for persulfates, with no seasonal variation. Exposure to flour dust (PM 10, PM2,5) is greater in winter than during the hot season. Results do not exceed the French limit values for NH3, H202, non specifie inhalable and respirable particulate matter. Average bakers' results were greater than the ACGIH recommendations, as were persulfates values. Few factors explained the high values of exposure; appropriate ventilation is showed as rarely implemented, however. This research suggests that reduction of exposure levels can be achieved, that would result in abatement of the risk of occupational asthma
Philippat, Claire. "Utilisation des biomarqueurs d'exposition en épidémiologie environnementale : application à l'étude des effets des expositions intra-utérines aux phénols et au phtalates sur la croissance pré-et post-natale." Thesis, Grenoble, 2013.
Full textBackground: Phthalates and phenols belong to the family of short half-life endocrine disruptors. Data regarding their effects on fetal and early post-natal growth in Human are sparse and suggest a sex-specific effect of some phenols on birth weight. One of the limitations of these studies is exposure assessment usually based on the measurement of their concentrations in a small number of maternal urine samples collected during pregnancy. Because of their low persistence in the organisms and the likely episodic nature of the exposures, urinary concentrations of these chemicals are likely to vary. Chemical concentrations measured in alternative matrix, such as amniotic fluid, might be a relevant dosimeter of fetal exposure.Objectives: Objectives of the thesis were: to study the potential effects of prenatal exposures to phenols and phthalates on pre- and early post-natal growth; to characterize variability in maternal urine concentrations of phenols throughout pregnancy and to compare phenol concentrations in amniotic fluid to those measured in maternal urine collected same day; to characterize the impact of increasing the number of measurements to estimate exposure on bias and statistical power of epidemiological studies.Methods: Associations between phenols, phthalates and growth were studied among a subsample of pregnant women of the French EDEN cohort delivered boys (n =520). We measured fetal growth with ultrasound (three times during pregnancy) and birth measurements. We used standardized measures acquired between birth and 3 years of age to model postnatal growth. We measured biomarkers of phthalates and phenols in maternal urines collected once during pregnancy: 191 women were assessed in 2008 and 410 other women in 2012 (ntot = 601). Variability in phenol urine concentrations and relationship between concentrations measured in amniotic fluid and maternal urine collected on the same day were studied among 71 pregnant women presenting for an amniocentesis at the Mount Sinai Medical Center (NY, USA). Maternal urine was collected at the time of the amniocentesis appointment, and on two subsequent occasions. Urine and amniotic fluid were analyzed for nine phenols.The study aiming at characterizing bias was based on simulated data. Results: Among the subsample of 191 pregnant women from the EDEN cohort, we observed a negative association between dichlorophenols and birth weight and a positive association between benzophenone-3 and birth weight. The associations with dichlorophenols were not replicated in the larger subsample of the EDEN cohort (n = 520). Triclosan concentration was negatively associated with all of the growth parameters measured at the third ultrasound examination (p ≤ 0.16) and with head circumference measured at birth (β = - 1.4 mm, 95% CI; -2.8; 0.0). All of the parabens were positively associated with weight at birth (p < 0.05). These associations remained in childhood for methyl- and propyl-parabens. Regarding the variability in phenol urinary concentrations during pregnancy, the intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC) ranged between 0.48 and 0.62 for all phenols except bisphenol A (ICC = 0.11). Only benzophenone-3 and propylparaben were detectable in at least half of the amniotic fluid samples; for these phenols, concentrations in maternal urine and amniotic fluid were positively associated. In a simulation study, we estimated that 5 samples will be needed to correctly estimate exposure to chemicals with ICC of 0.6, while for chemicals with ICC of 0.15 around 25 samples would be needed.Conclusion: We only had spot urine sample to assess exposure in the EDEN cohort and findings may be affected by exposure misclassification, especially for bisphenol A for which we observed high variability in urine concentrations. Nevertheless, our study lends support to a potential effect of prenatal exposure to some phenols on pre- and early post-natal growth
Mamane, Ali. "Effets sanitaires aigus de l'exposition aux pesticides en milieu rural : étude dans un pays du nord : étude PhytoRiv : étude dans un pays du sud : PhytoNiger." Thesis, Bordeaux, 2015.
Full textPesticides are widely used in agriculture worldwide. However, it is now recognised thatoccupational pesticide exposure, especially in agriculture, can pose serious health concerns. Weaimed to study short term respiratory symptoms in general populations exposed to pesticidesused in agriculture.Here we present results of two epidemiological studies, Phytoriv, performed in Bordeaux area,France, and Phytoniger, performed in a Sahelian African country, both among rural adult andchildren populations.Higher pesticide levels in ambient air were observed in the surrounding of vineyards in Phytoriv.However, no major effect was observed on resident’s respiratory health. This need to beconfirmed by studies with improved temporal and spatial exposure assessment.Phytoniger allowed us to show the feasibility of environmental health studies in a developingcountry. Unauthorized and hazardous pesticides are widely used in Niger, for agricultural as wellas for residential purposes, and concerns are growing on their potential health effects. Some ofthe short term respiratory symptoms were more frequent in the agricultural wetland area,compared to the Sahelian agro-pastoral area. Pesticides are more susceptible to be used in thefirst area, but it is also more subject to mosquito control fires.Finally in both surveys, higher risks of respiratory symptoms have been observed for peopleliving in houses treated with indoor pesticides, and especially in children.All these results warrants further studies to improve assessment of sources, exposure levels anddeterminants of pesticide exposure in the general population, in order to improve knowledge onits respiratory and short term health effects. Thus, relevant public health interventions could beperformed
Boudzoumou-Nganga, Pierre. "Médicaments à effet rénal administrés chez la mère pendant la gestation : néphrotoxicité éventuelle chez le nouveau-né : modulations pharmacologiques du développement fonctionnel rénal foetal et néonatal chez le rat après exposition in-utero à la Gentamicine ou au Furosémide." Nancy 1, 1990.
Full textAminoglycosides (gentamicin) antibiotics well-known for their nephrotoxicity; and furosemide, a widely used diuretic, has been reported to induce a delay in the differentiation of renal glomeruli. We were interested to investigate if the developing kidney could be functionally altered in-utero after administration of either these drugs to the pregnant mother. Drugs were given during two keyperiods of pregnancy: days 7-11 (period of organogenesis) and days 14-18 (beginning of glomeruli differentiation) at the dose of 75mg/Kg/day by i. P. Route. The rat strain was WISTAR. Shortly after birth,variations were observed on diuresis, creatinine clearance, U/P creatinine ratio,fractional excretion of water fractional excretion of electrolytes. The gentamicin-induced nephrotoxicity was reversible, the glomerular function being corrected earlier than the tubular urinary concentrating defect. Furosemide seemed to lead to a delay of development of loop of Henle, suggesting a functional adaptation of other segments of tubule, already mature and functionning. Furthermore, our results provide evidences of functional developmental disturbances (altered growth and urinary concentrating defect) in young rats, lately after prenatal exposure to furosemide or gentamicin. In conclusion, drug administration to mother during pregnancy can lead to a detrmental effect upon the kidney of the newborn and of the young animal
Books on the topic "Exposition environnementale – effets indésirables"
Bezman, Tarcher Alyce, ed. Principles and practice of environmental medicine. New York: Plenum Medical Book Co., 1992.
Find full textV, Ellis Harry, and McCann Joy L, eds. Toxicology and biological monitoring of metals in humans: Including feasibility and need. Chelsea, Mich: Lewis Publishers, 1986.
Find full textToxicology Biological Monitoring of Metals in Humans. Taylor & Francis Group, 2017.
Find full textCarson, Bonnie L. Toxicology Biological Monitoring of Metals in Humans. Taylor & Francis Group, 2018.
Find full textCarson, Bonnie L. Toxicology Biological Monitoring of Metals in Humans. Taylor & Francis Group, 2018.
Find full textCarson, Bonnie L. Toxicology Biological Monitoring of Metals in Humans. Taylor & Francis Group, 2018.
Find full textCarson, Bonnie L. Toxicology Biological Monitoring of Metals in Humans. Taylor & Francis Group, 2018.
Find full textGlyphosate (Environmental Health Criteria , No 159). World Health Organization, 1994.
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