Academic literature on the topic 'Experimental Jetset'
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Journal articles on the topic "Experimental Jetset"
Krawiec, Marcela. "Effect of Storage Duration and Temperature on Sets Loss and Bolting of Onion." Vegetable Crops Research Bulletin 66, no. 1 (January 1, 2007): 47–58.
Full textSuder, Jakub, Kacper Podbucki, and Tomasz Marciniak. "Power Requirements Evaluation of Embedded Devices for Real-Time Video Line Detection." Energies 16, no. 18 (September 18, 2023): 6677.
Full textRiho, Hiramoto, Shirahama Yoshikuni, and Toyoda Kuniaki. "1122 EXPERIMENTAL STUDY ON VELOCITY FIELD OF PARALLEL CIRCULAR JETS." Proceedings of the International Conference on Jets, Wakes and Separated Flows (ICJWSF) 2013.4 (2013): _1122–1_—_1122–4_.
Full textBao, Xiujuan, Lianhui Li, Weiqiang Ou, and Lu Zhou. "Robot intelligent grasping experimental platform combining Jetson NANO and machine vision." Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2303, no. 1 (July 1, 2022): 012053.
Full textAyoub, Naeem, and Peter Schneider-Kamp. "Real-Time On-Board Deep Learning Fault Detection for Autonomous UAV Inspections." Electronics 10, no. 9 (May 5, 2021): 1091.
Full textNarasimha Reddy, S., and M. Venkata Ratnam. "An Experimental Analysis of Lean Binary Mixture Segregation in a Continuous Liquid Fluidized Bed." International Journal of Chemical Engineering 2023 (November 9, 2023): 1–17.
Full textYose, Edward, Victor Victor, and Nico Surantha. "Portable smart attendance system on Jetson Nano." Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics 13, no. 2 (April 1, 2024): 1050–59.
Full textLin, Chun-Yuan, Jin Ye, Che-Lun Hung, Chung-Hung Wang, Min Su, and Jianjun Tan. "Constructing a Bioinformatics Platform with Web and Mobile Services Based on NVIDIA Jetson TK1." International Journal of Grid and High Performance Computing 7, no. 4 (October 2015): 57–73.
Full textKei, Wada, and Ishii Tatsuya. "1127 ACOUSTIC ABSORPTION OF PERFORATED PLATES WITH FINE JETS: EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS AND ANALYTICAL MODELS." Proceedings of the International Conference on Jets, Wakes and Separated Flows (ICJWSF) 2013.4 (2013): _1127–1_—_1127–6_.
Full textSa, Rongyuan, and Minoru Takahashi. "ICONE19-43422 EXPERIMENTAL STUDY ON THERMAL INTERACTION OF ETHANOL JETS IN HIGH TEMPERATURE FLUORINERT." Proceedings of the International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE) 2011.19 (2011): _ICONE1943.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Experimental Jetset"
Hofmans, Marlous. "Experimental characterization of helium plasma jets." Thesis, Institut polytechnique de Paris, 2020.
Full textThis thesis studies an atmospheric pressure helium plasma jet that is powered by positive, unipolar pulses at a kHz frequency. Experiments are performed that focus on the propagation dynamics, flow structure and temperature in a freely expanding jet, as well as the influence of a metallic target on the plasma.Stark polarization spectroscopy yields an axial electric field of around 10 kV/cm in the capillary of the jet and an increase up to 20 kV/cm in the plume, which is constant for different amplitudes and durations of the applied voltage pulse. Thomson and rotational Raman scattering are used to determine the electron density and electron temperature, at different axial and radial positions, as well as the gas temperature and the density of N2 and O2 that are mixed into the helium from the surrounding air.Quantitative comparison of these experimental results with results from a 2D fluid model show a good agreement and allow for a better understanding of the obtained results, namely that the electric field in the ionization front depends linearly on the flow composition at that location. Schlieren imaging shows the onset of turbulent structures at high applied flow rates and at the application of the voltage pulses. The gas temperature, as measured by a temperature probe, is found to increase by around 12 C when the plasma is ignited and by around 25 C when a metallic target is placed in front of the jet
Kumar, Deepak Gould Roy Walter. "Experimental investigations of magnetohydrodynamic plasma jets /." Diss., Pasadena, Calif. : California Institute of Technology, 2009.
Full textCain, Terrence M. "An experimental study of under-expanded jets." Thesis, University of Oxford, 1991.
Full textMeireles, Pedro M. S. "Experimental study of twin air impinging jets." Master's thesis, Universidade da Beira Interior, 2009.
Full textEste trabalho baseia-se na visualização e caracterização do escoamento desenvolvido por dois jactos paralelos e verticalmente disposto em relação a uma superfície sólida. Estes fenómenos estão associados com aeronaves de descolagem e aterragem vertical ou curta (V/STOL – vertical/short take-of and landing). Particularmente, interessa a caracterização da região conhecida como “fountain upwash”, que é uma forma característica do escoamento que se forma na região da colisão. Os parâmetros analisados neste trabalho foram a distância horizontal entre os jactos e a altura destes à superfície de impacto. Foram observados diferenças significativas no padrão e propriedades do escoamento na região de “fountain upwash” devido à variação dos parâmetros em estudo. Para a realização deste estudo foi construída uma instalação experimental. A instalação é ajustável mecanicamente, contendo dois tubos de aço, com diâmetro variável. O sistema mecânico permite o ajustamento, independentemente, a distância horizontal entre os jactos e a altura dos mesmos. Como neste trabalho se vai trabalhar com ar, para ser possível visualizar o escoamento é necessário marcar o escoamento. Nesse sentido foi desenvolvido um gerador de “seeding”. Para uma melhor e mais precisa visualização do escoamento foi desenvolvido um algoritmo no “Matlab” usando “Image Processing toolbox”, onde as imagens captadas foram pós processadas.
Diebold, Benoît. "Etude experimentale des jets turbulents intracardiaques." Paris 6, 1993.
Full textSvensson, Klas. "Experimental and Numerical Investigations of Confluent Round Jets." Doctoral thesis, Linköpings universitet, Energisystem, 2015.
Full textAydemir, Erdoğan. "Experimental investigations into vortex rings in pulsed jets." Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2012.
Full textSoulopoulos, Nikolaos. "Experimental investigation of scalar mixing in unsteady turbulent jets." Thesis, Imperial College London, 2009.
Full textSuzuki, Vidal Francisco Andres. "Experimental study of radiatively cooled magnetically driven plasma jets." Thesis, Imperial College London, 2009.
Full textKikkert, Gustaaf Adriaan. "Buoyant jets with two and three-dimensional trajectories." Thesis, University of Canterbury. Civil Engineering, 2006.
Full textBooks on the topic "Experimental Jetset"
Jetset, Experimental. Full scale, false scale. Amsterdam: Roma Publications, 2019.
Find full textJetset, Experimental. Statement and counter-statement: Notes on Experimental Jetset. Volume 1. [Arnhem, Netherlands?]: Roma Publications, 2015.
Find full textRobotti, Aurelio C. Experimental research on electric propulsion.: Experimental research on a plasma jet with vortex type stabilization for propulsion. Washington DC: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1985.
Find full textNorth Atlantic Treaty Organization. Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and Development. Computational and experimental assessment of jets in crossflow. Neuilly sur Seine, France: AGARD, 1993.
Find full textMaĭer, Valeriĭ Vilʹgelʹmovich. Prostye opyty so strui͡a︡mi i zvukom. Moskva: "Nauka," Glav. red. fiziko-matematicheskoĭ lit-ry, 1985.
Find full textRaman, Ganesh. Resonant interaction of a linear array of supersonic rectangular jets: An experimental study. [Washington, DC]: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1994.
Find full textK, Kuo Kenneth, and United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration., eds. Combustion of lox with H(g) under subcritical, critical and supercritical conditions (task 1) ; and, Experimental observation of dense spray and mixing of impinging jets (task 2): Annual report. University Park, PA: Propulsion Engineering Research Center, Pennsylvania State University, 1992.
Find full textNorth Atlantic Treaty Organization. Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and Development. Computational and experimental assessment of jets in cross flow: Papers presented and discussions recorded at the Fluid Dynamics Panel Symposium held in Winchester, United Kingdom, from 19th-22nd April 1993. Neuilly-sur-Seine: AGARD, 1993.
Find full textAdvisory Group for Aerospace Research and Development. Fluid Dynamics Panel., ed. Computational and experimental assessment of jets in cross flow: Papers presented and discussions recorded at the Fluid Dynamics Panel Symposium held in Winchester, United Kingdom, from 19th-21st April 1993. Neuilly sur Seine: Agard, 1993.
Find full textLoan, Löser. Experimental Jetset. Blurb, 2014.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Experimental Jetset"
Kaushik, Mrinal. "Supersonic Jets." In Theoretical and Experimental Aerodynamics, 321–60. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2018.
Full textJoshi, Kiran. "Experimental Apparatus." In QCD Radiation in Top-Antitop and Z+Jets Final States, 33–43. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2015.
Full textChang, You-Hao. "Experimental Apparatus." In Study of Double Parton Scattering in Photon + 3 Jets Final State, 7–26. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2017.
Full textSchmid, Karl. "Experimental Characterization of Gas Jets." In Laser Wakefield Electron Acceleration, 71–79. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2011.
Full textLoupias, Berenice, Claire Michaut, Chris D. Gregory, Emeric Falize, Jonathan Waugh, Dono Seiichi, S. Pikuz, et al. "Astrophysical Jet Experiment." In Protostellar Jets in Context, 567–69. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2009.
Full textKorobitsin, G. P., V. A. Petrov, and S. V. Chupina. "Numerical and Experimental Simulation of Separated Flows." In Separated Flows and Jets, 393–96. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1991.
Full textBartsch, P., N. Weiser, and W. Nitsche. "Experimental and Numerical Investigations on Turbulent Separated Diffuser Flows." In Separated Flows and Jets, 327–32. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1991.
Full textSutton, E. P., W. J. Devenport, and F. D. Barkey Wolf. "Experimental Studies of the Reattachment of Separated Shear Layers." In Separated Flows and Jets, 573–88. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1991.
Full textWong, F., A. Medina, A. López Villa, and G. J. Gutiérrez. "Experiments of Mercury Jets Impinging on Water." In Experimental and Computational Fluid Mechanics, 417–24. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2013.
Full textŠafařík, P. "An Experimental Study of Separated Flows in Transonic Blade Cascades." In Separated Flows and Jets, 411–15. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1991.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Experimental Jetset"
Eisenstein, Robert A., T. Anderl, D. Bassi, P. Birien, R. K. Bock, A. Buzzo, E. Chesi, et al. "The Jetset experiment at lear." In GLUEBALLS, HYBRIDS, AND EXOTIC HADRONS. AIP, 1989.
Full textEisenstein, R. A., R. Armenteros, D. Bassi, P. Birien, R. Bock, A. Buzzo, E. Chesi, et al. "The jetset experiment at Lear." In Particle production near threshold. AIP, 1991.
Full textHarris, Philip, D. Bassi, P. Biren, R. Bock, A. Buzzo, E. Chesi, P. Debevec, et al. "First results from the Jetset experiment at LEAR." In Intersections between particle and nuclear physics. AIP, 1992.
Full textXie, Yonghui, Tao Fan, and Di Zhang. "Visualization of vortex generator jets for conical diffuser separation control using PIV." In International Conference on Experimental Mechnics 2008 and Seventh Asian Conference on Experimental Mechanics, edited by Xiaoyuan He, Huimin Xie, and YiLan Kang. SPIE, 2008.
Full textNielsen, Kevin D., Larry J. Weber, and Marian Muste. "Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) Measurements in Plunging Jets." In Hydraulic Measurements and Experimental Methods Specialty Conference (HMEM) 2002. Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers, 2002.
Full textCican, Grigore, Marius Deaconu, and Florin Frunzulica. "JetCat P80 noise experimental and numerical evaluation." In INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS (ICNAAM 2017). Author(s), 2018.
Full textFidalgo Rodríguez, Guillermo. "New Trigger Studies for Emerging Jets at CMS Experiment." In New Trigger Studies for Emerging Jets at CMS Experiment. US DOE, 2023.
Full textGrishin, A. M., A. N. Golovanov, V. V. Reino, V. M. Sazanovich, A. A. Strokatov, R. S. Tsvyk, and M. V. Sherstobitov. "Experimental studies of swirling fire jets." In SPIE Proceedings, edited by Gennadii G. Matvienko and Victor A. Banakh. SPIE, 2006.
Full textAnderson, Elgin. "Experimental Study of Asymmetric Parallel Jets." In 41st Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit. Reston, Virigina: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2003.
Full textHall, Benjamin F., and Thomas Povey. "Experimental Study of Non-Reacting Low NOx Combustor Simulator for Scaled Turbine Experiments." In ASME Turbo Expo 2015: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2015.
Full textReports on the topic "Experimental Jetset"
Gomon, M. Experimental study of highly viscous impinging jets. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), December 1998.
Full textMarie, James John. A Partial Wave Analysis of Proton-Antiproton Annihilation Above Threshold for ΦΦ Production in the JETSET Experiment. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), May 2006.
Full textDavoudzadeh, Farhad, and David Forliti. Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Confined Turbulent Multiple Transverse Jets. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, June 2014.
Full textOhnishi, Y. An Experimental Study of QCD and Jets in e+e- Annihilation. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), June 2018.
Full textKaiser, Bryan, Ian Tregillis, Frank Cherne, and Aaron Koskelo. Jets from shocked metal surfaces with grooves: Missing experiments. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), February 2024.
Full textDavoudzadeh, Farhad, and David Forliti. Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Confined Turbulent Multiple Transverse Jets (Briefing Charts). Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, July 2014.
Full textBertola, Numa J., Hang Wang, and Hubert Chanson. Air bubble entrainment at vertical plunging jets: a large-scale experimental study. The University of Queensland, School of Civil Engineering, February 2017.
Full textLozano, Paulo, and Manuel Martinez-Sanchez. Jets and Sprays Emitted from Colloid Thrusters-Experiments and Modeling. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, January 2003.
Full textNaughton, J., D. Stanescu, S. Heinz, R. Semaan, M. Stoellinger, and C. Zemtsop. Integrated Computational/Experimental Study of Turbulence Modification and Mixing Enhancement in Swirling Jets. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, January 2009.
Full textMarciniak, Michael James. Experimental observations of the breakup of multiple metal jets in a volatile liquid. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), January 1995.
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