Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Experimental flight'
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Brown, Ainsmar Xavier. "Inflatable wing UAV experimental and analytical flight mechanics." Thesis, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/1853/39492.
Full textCarvalho, Marco Aurélio. "IPCM Telemetry System: Experimental Results." International Foundation for Telemetering, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/10150/596440.
Full textThe aeronautical industries have been suffering financial cutbacks and the market has to face new challenges associated with new companies. Telemetry community has been facing the increase of the electromagnetic spectrum usage for a variety of applications (e.g. 4G), after all telemetry is everywhere. In view of these issues and focused on the inherent requirements of the Flight Test application, the IPEV R&D group proposes the iPCM Telemetry architecture as solution for the existing reliability and bandwidth issues associated with the telemetry link. In this article, as a proof-of-concept of the iPCM architecture, it has been performed an experimental assembly. The results demonstrate the iPCM's ability to regenerate corrupted data providing the required data integrity and reliability, besides the capability to dynamically select the FTI transmitted parameter list to optimize the bandwidth link.
Wilcox, Michael Schnebly. "Trajectory Generation and Optimization for Experimental Investigation of Flapping Flight." BYU ScholarsArchive, 2013. https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/etd/3953.
Full textMullen, Gerald John. "Experimental evaluation of the performance and robustness of advanced rotor control schemes." Thesis, University of Bristol, 1998. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.265323.
Full textBaek, Youn Hyeong. "An experimental review of some aircraft parameter identification techniques." Thesis, Cranfield University, 1998. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.285023.
Full textGibbs, Jason. "Experimental Determination of Lift and Lift Distributions for Wings In Formation Flight." Thesis, Virginia Tech, 2005. http://hdl.handle.net/10919/31301.
Full textMaster of Science
Bradley, Roy. "A method for specifying complex real-time systems with application to an experimental variable stability helicopter." Thesis, University of Glasgow, 1992. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.357497.
Full textKostyleva, Daria [Verfasser]. "Experimental Studies of Proton-Unbound Nuclei via In-Flight Decay Spectroscopy / Daria Kostyleva." Gießen : Universitätsbibliothek, 2021. http://d-nb.info/1228828970/34.
Full textSullivan, Robert Bryan. "The use of vestibular models in flight simulator motion washout systems : an experimental evaluation." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1985. http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/80443.
Full textMicrofiche copy available in Archives and Barker.
Bibliography: leaves 114-115.
by Robert Bryan Sullivan.
Brand, Albert G. "An experimental investigation of the interaction between a model rotor and airframe in forward flight." Diss., Georgia Institute of Technology, 1989. http://hdl.handle.net/1853/12433.
Full textBellomo, Nicolas. "Analysis Of Variable Thrust Hybrid Propulsion For Formation Flight Satellites." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Padova, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/11577/3422918.
Full textI motori ibridi fanno parte di un promettente ramo della propulsione aerospaziale. Sono già stati dimostrati diversi benefici, quali il fatto che siano "green", a basso costo e con una elevata sicurezza nelle operazioni. In quest'ottica, con questa tesi si vuole caratterizzare un motore ibrido a spinta variabile da utilizzarsi per collision avoidance in formation flight. Lo scopo è di incrementare un motore già esistente con le tecnologie allo stato dell'arte, ed in particolare cercare di mitigare gli effetti negativi classici degli ibridi come il basso regression rate ed efficienza di combustione. La scelta dei propellenti è ricaduta su N2O pressurizzato come ossidante e paraffina come propellente. La prima fase del progetto ha visto la creazione di un modello transient 0-D analitico per il design preliminare del motore. In particolare, si sono ricavate le dimensioni di grano, ugello e camera di combustione e la portata di massa obiettivo. Successivamente, è stato analizzato il campo di moto fluido interno alla camera di combustione tramite un codice stazionario 3-D CFD. Il risultato emerso è che il parametro fondamentale per la fluidodinamica interna è il gradiente di temperatura prodotto dalla combustione, che accelera la componente assiale di velocità raddrizzando le linee fluide. Questo stesso strumento è stato impiegato anche per caratterizzare in via numerica le configurazioni di motore che sono state poi testate. Tre gruppi di analisi sono state effettuate: a) differente portata di ossidante, per studiare il fenomeno del throttling dal punto di vista fluidodinamico, b) diverso diametro di porta del grano, per studiare il comportamento del motore in diversi istanti temporali e c) differenti configurazioni di camera di combustione, con l'impiego di componenti tipo mixer o pre/post-camere. Un tool analitico che utilizza le equazioni di Navier-Stokes in coordinate cilindriche è stato sviluppato con lo scopo di aumentare la conoscenza del campo di moto. In particolare, è stato scoperto che il profilo di velocità del flusso segue un vortice forzato, ed è presente un gradiente di pressione in senso radiale. Questa informazione ha permesso un più accurato posizionamento dei sensori, in modo da avere un minore effetto gradiente nella misura del segnale di pressione. Il throttling ha richiesto una selezione di dispositivi regolatori di flusso: la scelta è caduta su una valvola a spillo. Questa è stata caratterizzata dal punto di vista sperimentale mediante test a freddo sia con acqua che con l'ossidante reale utilizzato nei successivi test a fuoco. La campagna sperimentale è iniziata con dei test a freddo per caratterizzare i due iniettori, assiale e vortex; il risultato è che hanno la stessa portata (350g/s) a parità di salto di pressione, e quindi lo stesso coefficiente di scarica. Successivamente sono state studiate le performance con dei burn test: con la metodologia di iniezione vortex si ottengono incrementi sia di regression rate(+41%) che di efficienza di combustione (si passa da 73% a 91%). Le oscillazioni di pressione in camera scendono da un valore sulla media di pressione di 7.5% al 3.8%. Il throttling è stato studiato in due livelli: 75% e 50% della portata di massa di ossidante. La riduzione di portata è stata accompagnata da una riduzione di efficienza di combustione (85% per il primo caso, 82% per il secondo), mentre le oscillazioni di pressione sono rimaste le stesse. L'ultima parte ha visto lo studio di diverse configurazioni della camera di combustione. In particolare, si è visto che dispositivi tipo mixer permettono un incremento di efficienza fino al 96%, ed un aumento del regression rate del 6%. Anche l'impiego di pre-camere più lunghe (da 10mm a 17mm) fornisce prestazioni simili ma con incrementi minori: l'efficienza è innalzata del 3%. In entrambi i casi vi è un effetto positivo nella riduzione delle oscillazioni di pressione, che si attestano ad un valore inferiore al 2%.
Nastic, Aleksandra. "Cold Gas Dynamic Spray Impact: Metallic Bonding Pre-Requisites and Experimental Particle In-Flight Temperature Measurements." Thesis, Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa, 2021. http://hdl.handle.net/10393/42086.
Full textMiller, P. "An experimental study of sonic and supersonic nozzles and their application to high pressure ejectors for aircraft attitude control." Thesis, University of Bath, 1988. https://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.380891.
Full textVignotto, Davide. "Analysis of the in-Flight Performance of a Critical Space Mechanism." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Trento, 2021. http://hdl.handle.net/11572/323575.
Full textStanger, Jonathan Jeffrey. "Experimental Assessment of Charge Flow in Electrospinning." Thesis, University of Canterbury. Mechanical Engineering, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/10092/8447.
Full textHeijkenskjöld, Filip. "Experimental Techniques for Studies in Atomic & Molecular Physics." Doctoral thesis, Uppsala University, Department of Physics and Materials Science, 2008. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-9295.
Full textThis thesis is based on a selection of six different experimental techniques used for studies in atomic and molecular physics. The techniques analysed in the thesis are compared to find similarities in strategies and ways to avoid sources of error.
Paper 1 deals with collision based spectroscopy with 60 keV Xe6+ ions on sodium and argon gas targets. Information on energy of Rydberg states in Xe5+ is unveiled by optical spectroscopy in the wavelength range from vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) to visible. In paper 2, the fast ion-beam laser spectroscopy (FIBLAS) is adapted for measuring hyperfine structure of barium isotopes in an isotopically pure ion-beam. This techniques involves changing the isotope during the measurement to minimize sources of error in measurement and enhance the signal from lesser abundant isotopes. The FIBLAS technique is used in paper 3 to study samarium ions. The ions are optically pumped and the recorded optical nutation is used to measure transition probabilities. This technique eludes the difficulties inherent in relative intensity measurements of all the radiative transitions from an excited state. In Paper 4, optical emission spectroscopy is used in the VUV region to study noble gas mixture discharges. The source of the emission bands near the resonance lines of krypton and xenon are found to be heteronuclear dimers. In paper 5, radiation from a pulsed argon plasma with admixture of nitrogen is studied with time resolved spectroscopy in the VUV and ultraviolet wavelength ranges to investigate the mechanism of energy transport. A metastable state of atomic argon is found to be an important source of energy to many radiative processes. In Paper 6, photoelectron spectroscopy (PES) on thiophene, on 3-bromothiophene and on 3,4-dibromothiophene using time-of-flight photoelectron-photoelectron coincidence technique and conventional PES to investigate the onset of double ionisation compared to the onset of single ionisation in molecules.
Sahoo, Dipankar. "Experimental analysis of the vorticity and turbulent flow dynamics of a pitching airfoil at realistic flight (helicopter) conditions." Diss., Texas A&M University, 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/1969.1/85893.
Full textRadhakrishnan, Anand M. "An experimental investigation of ground effect on a quad tilt rotor in hover and low speed forward flight." College Park, Md. : University of Maryland, 2006. http://hdl.handle.net/1903/4094.
Full textThesis research directed by: Aerospace Engineering. Title from t.p. of PDF. Includes bibliographical references. Published by UMI Dissertation Services, Ann Arbor, Mich. Also available in paper.
Rezende, M. A. "The aerobic power output of the chief flight muscle of birds (M. pectoralis) : A theoretical and experimental investigation." Thesis, University of Bristol, 1985. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.373848.
Full textBennett, April M. "Active Regulation of Speed During a Simulated Low-altitude Flight Task: Altitude Matters!" Wright State University / OhioLINK, 2006. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=wright1167238078.
Full textMajdi, Saman. "Experimental Studies of Charge Transport in Single Crystal Diamond Devices." Doctoral thesis, Uppsala universitet, Elektricitetslära, 2012. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-173599.
Full textPaul, Sanjoy. "CHARGE TRANSPORT IN LIQUID CRYSTALLINE SMECTIC AND DISCOTIC ORGANIC SEMICONDUCTORS: NEW RESULTS AND EXPERIMENTAL METHODOLOGIES." Kent State University / OhioLINK, 2016. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=kent1469836810.
Full textFassmann, Wesley N. "An Experimental Study of Bio-Inspired Force Generation by Unsteady Flow Features." BYU ScholarsArchive, 2014. https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/etd/5316.
Full textSansou, Florian. "Contrôle actif d'un micro-drone convertible face à la turbulence." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Toulouse, École nationale de l’aviation civile, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024ENAC0003.
Full textThis PhD thesis aims at studying the control of a tilt-wing mini-UAV in turbulent environments. This type of configuration has many benefits with the capability to takeoff and land vertically while keeping good flight performances and the main body of the plane stays horizontal. However, it may be highly sensitive to wind gust and turbulences, especially in urban, mountain or maritime areas. The main objective is to contribute to the safety and flight performances of this type of flying platform. The UAV Program at Enac is currently developing a 5-hole probe to be used as a local wind and turbulence sensor. The work will concentrate on the integration of these aerological data into the control laws to achieve a faster and better dynamic response to gusts
Bykov, A. (Alexander). "Experimental investigation and numerical simulation of laser light propagation in strongly scattering media with structural and dynamic inhomogeneities." Doctoral thesis, University of Oulu, 2010. http://urn.fi/urn:isbn:9789514261558.
Full textOzsoy, Serhan. "Vibration Induced Stress And Accelerated Life Analyses Of An Aerospace Structure." Master's thesis, METU, 2006. http://etd.lib.metu.edu.tr/upload/2/12606966/index.pdf.
Full text#8217
s dynamic characteristics and varying loadings. Therefore, experimental, numerical or a combination of both methods are used for fatigue evaluations. Fatigue failure can occur on systems and platforms as well as components to be mounted on the platform. In this thesis, a helicopter&
s Missile Warning Sensor - Cowling assembly is analyzed. Analytical, numerical and experimental approaches are used wherever necessary to perform stress and fatigue analyses. Operational flight tests are used for obtaining the loading history at the analyzed location by using sensors. Operational vibration profiles are created by synthesizing the data (LMS Mission Synthesis). Numerical fatigue analysis of the assembly is done for determining the natural modes and the critical locations on the assembly by using a finite element model (MSC Fatigue). In addition, numerical multiaxial PSD analysis is performed for relating the experimental results (Ansys). Residual stresses due to riveting are determined (MSC Marc) and included in experimental analysis as mean stresses. Bolt analysis is performed analytically (Hexagon) for keeping the v assembly stresses in safe levels while mounting the experimental prototype to the test fixture. Fatigue tests for determining the accelerated life parameters are done by an electromagnetic shaker and stress data is collected. Afterwards, fatigue test is performed for determining whether the assembly satisfies the required operational life. Resonance test is performed at the frequency in which the critical location is at resonance, since there was no failure observed after fatigue testing. A failure is obtained during resonance test. At the end of the study, an analytical equation is brought up which relates accelerated life test durations with equivalent alternating stresses. Therefore, optimization of the accelerated life test duration can be done, especially in military applications, by avoiding the maximum stress level to reach or exceed the yield limit.
Boke, Cem. "Combining and analyzing the tanker and aircrew scheduling heuristics." View thesis, 2003. http://handle.dtic.mil/100.2/ADA412689.
Full textTitle from title screen (viewed Oct. 28, 2003). "March 2003." Vita. "AFIT/GOR/ENS/03-04." Includes bibliographical references (leaves 69-70). Also issued in paper format.
Giles, Roger. "Design and development of a time of flight fast scattering spectrometer : a quantitative surface analysis technique and a new approach towards the experimental investigation of the surface particle interactions." Thesis, Aston University, 1995. http://publications.aston.ac.uk/8061/.
Full textChen, Xianlong. "Development of a low-cost in-situ material characterization method and experimental studies of smart composite structures." Thesis, Bourgogne Franche-Comté, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019UBFCA002/document.
Full textThe composite structures embedding piezoelectric implants are developed due to their abilities of modifying mechanical properties according to the environment, of keeping their integrity, of interacting with human beings or with other structures.This study is focused on the preliminary design stages of smart composite structures, which represent only 5% of the total costs of a project, whereas 80% of the life cycle cost are set during the preliminary study phases. The top few problems during the preliminary design of smart composite structures are addressed in this work such as the determination of the material properties of the piezoelectric transducers and composite material used, the influence of transducers location, manufacturing process, temperature and damage on the behavior of the smart composite structures.Due to the manufacturing process developed at the Université de Technologie de Belfort-Montbéliard (UTBM), the most important element is a semi-finished product called “soft layer”. This special layer is used to embed the transducers system into the composite structures. The manufacturing process of “soft layer” as well as the smart composite structures are compiled in this report.In order to solve the problems described above, two characterization methods of composite material (Resonalyser method and Time-of-Flight method (T-o-F method)), are introduced and discussed. After experimental studies and comparing the results of these two methods, the T-o-F method is chosen as the main method for the following studies due to the fact that it is a low-cost and in-situ characterization method. Furthermore, a new method based on the T-o-F method is developed to easily and quickly extract the elastic constants, in particular the Poisson’s ratio.Experimental sensitivity analyses applied to the smart composite structures are performed with respect to the problems describes above. First of all, the study of the influence of transducers location demonstrates that the "soft layer” cannot be neglected to model the behavior of the final product. In particular, the through-the-thickness position has an influence on the eigenfrequencies and the modal amplitudes. However, the "soft layer” does not increase the overall damping ratio of the final structures and the through-the-thickness position of the "soft layer” has no influence on the damping ratios. The Lamb wave propagation inside the composite material is not impacted by the "soft layer”. Secondly, the study of the impact of manufacturing process demonstrates that the impact of variability of parameters due to the manufacturing process is very important on the final response of the structure. Thirdly, the study of the influence of temperature on different kinds of smart composite structures proves that when temperature increases, the Young’s modulus of the smart composites decreases. But the attenuation of Young’s modulus according to temperature is different along different fiber directions, especially for the unidirectional composite structures. Furthermore, in this study, the sensitivity of Time-of-Flight method with respect to temperature is well proved by comparing the results with a traditional method like Dynamic-Mechanical Analysis (DMA). Last but not least, the study of the impact of the mechanical damage gives a quite good reference for the future investigations. Along this way, it is possible to use a Time-of-Flight method in Structural Health Monitoring. In addition, some smart composite structures manufactured by the research team are given and their potential applications are discussed
Mirus, Matthew M., Sergey V. Tokalov, Gerald Wolf, Jerilyn Heinold, V. Prochnow, and Nasreddin Abolmaali. "Noninvasive assessment and quantification of tumour vascularisation using MRI and CT in a tumour model with modifiable angiogenesis – An animal experimental prospective cohort study." Saechsische Landesbibliothek- Staats- und Universitaetsbibliothek Dresden, 2018. http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bsz:14-qucosa-232305.
Full textCampos, Lucélia de Almeida. "Isolamento e caracterização da delta toxina do veneno de Crotalus durissus terrificus." Universidade de São Paulo, 2006. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/85/85131/tde-14052012-135435/.
Full textThe Crotalus durissus terrificus venom has been so far described as being of low complexity, with four major components described: convulxin, gyroxin, crotoxin and crotamine. In recent studies, other components of this venom were characterized as, for example, an analgesic factor. In 1980, Vital Brazil predicted the existence of a toxin which could be involved in platelet aggregation, and named it delta toxin. However, this toxin has never been isolated or characterized. The aim of the present work was to purify and characterize this toxin. After FPLC size exclusion chromatography followed by reverse phase HPLC, an homogeneous fraction was obtained, with a molecular weight of 14,074.92 Da. When analyzed by SOS-PAGE, this toxin presented an anomalous behavior, with a molecular weight of 14 kDa, while in 2D gels, spots around 40 kDa and with an isoelectrical point between 4 and 5 were observed suggesting isoforms with glicosilation microheterogeneity. After trypsin digestion, the fragments were submitted to the swissprot databank showing high homology (43% coverage, 15 matching peptides) with trocarin, a prothrombin activator from Tropidechis carinatus. These data were further confirmed by aminoacid analysis. The toxin was tested for its ability to activate factor II and X using synthetic substrates. Our data indicate a direct activation of factor X. The same toxin also behaved as a potent direct platelet aggregation activator on washed platelets. Assays with specific inhibitors indicate that neither metalloproteinase, nor serinoproteinase or t lectin domains are involved in the aggregating activity, since EDTA, benzamidin and D-galactose did not inhibit the toxin. In the present work, we were able to identify, purify and characterize a new toxin from the brazilian rattlesnake. It behaved as predicted by Vital-Brazil and displayed direct factor X activating properties, also inducing platelet aggregation, even at low concentrations. Our data also indicate that it is probably a homotrimer with the subunities linked by hydrophobic and/or electrostatic interactions.
Terschlüsen, Joachim A. "Constructing and Commissioning HELIOS – A High Harmonic Generation Source for Pump-Probe Measurements with sub 50 fs Temporal Resolution : The Development of Experimental Equipment for Extreme Ultraviolet Spectroscopy." Doctoral thesis, Uppsala universitet, Molekyl- och kondenserade materiens fysik, 2016. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-281298.
Full textLópez, Zaragoza Juan Pedro. "Magnetically induced forces during LISA Pathfinder in-flight operations." Doctoral thesis, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/10803/671180.
Full textLas ondas gravitacionales fueron predichas por Albert Einstein el año 1915 dentro del marco de la teoría de la Relatividad General. Según esta teoría, la cual representa la vigente comprensión de la interacción gravitatoria, movimientos violentos en sistemas muy masivos generan perturbaciones que se propagan a través del espacio-tiempo, transportando con ellas energía del sistema original. En el año 2015, la colaboración LIGO revolucionó el mundo de la física con su anuncio de la detección de las ondas gravitacionales producidas por la violenta colisión de dos agujeros negros. Los detectores terrestres como LIGO ven limitada su capacidad de detección a frecuencias por debajo del Hertz debido al ruido sísmico i de origen humano. Por esta razón la Agencia Espacial Europea (ESA) ha decidido poner en órbita un observatorio de estas características en la década del 2030. Previamente, i con tal de probar la tecnología necesaria, en Diciembre de 2015 se lanzó el satélite LISA Pathfinder (LPF), una misión que tenía como objetivo poner a prueba las tecnologías necesarias para la detección de ondas gravitacionales en el espacio. Con esta finalidad, el satélite realizó una medida pionera en el espacio. Se trata de situar dos masas de prueba separadas 38 cm en una caída libre nominalmente perfecta, es decir, que estas dos masas solo se vean afectadas por la fuerza de la gravedad. Un interferómetro láser mide la distancia entre las dos masas, siendo esta la principal medida científica. Numerosas fuerzas y diferentes efectos pueden perturbar el movimiento geodésico de las masas de prueba. La tesis doctoral del candidato se ha centrado en el análisis de los datos del subsistema de diagnóstico magnético de LISA Pathfinder. El objetivo final de este subsistema es el de poder predecir con precisión la contribución del ruido magnético a la principal medida científica del satélite. Las masas de prueba están fabricadas con una aleación de oro y platino con tal de minimizar su momento magnético. No obstante, la precisión de la medida del instrumento es tal que nos permite ver el acoplamiento del campo magnético ambiental con el momento magnético de las masas de prueba, lo cual produce fuerzas sobre las masas de prueba que el interferómetro puede medir. En esta tesis se ha dado una visión de cuales son los mecanismos que producen estas fuerzas magnéticas, se ha estudiado la evolución del campo magnético que afecta a las masas de prueba y se han analizado los experimentos magnéticos que se llevaron a cabo durante las operaciones científicas del satélite. Todo esto ha permitido cuantificar cual es la contribución debida a los efectos magnéticos a las fluctuaciones en la aceleración relativa entre las dos masas de prueba.
Gravitational waves were predicted by Albert Einstein in 1915 within the General Relativity theory. According to this theory, which represents the present understanding of the gravitational interaction, violent movements in very massive systems generate perturbations which propagate across the space-time, carrying with them the energy of the original system. In 2015, the LIGO collaboration shocked the world with their announcement of a gravitational wave detection coming from the collision of two black holes. Terrestrial detectors like LIGO have limitations to their detection capacity below the Hertz due to the seismic and human-originated noise. Due to this reason, the European Space Agency (ESA) have decided to put into orbit an observatory of this characteristics in the decade of 2030. Previously, and in order to prove the necessary technology, in December 2015 ESA launched the satellite LISA Pathfinder (LPF), a space mission which had the goal of proving the necessary technologies for the detection of gravitational waves in space. To this end, the satellite performed a pioneer measurement in space. It placed two test masses separated by 38 cm in a nominally perfect free-fall, which means that these two test masses were affected by the force of gravity. A laser interferometer constantly monitored the distance between the two test masses, being this the main scientific measurement of the mission. Several forces and different effects may perturb the geodesic motion of the test masses. The candidate's thesis focused in the analysis of the data from the magnetic diagnostics subsystem of LISA Pathfinder. The final goal of this subsystem is to be able to predict with great accuracy the contribution coming from magnetic effects to the main scientific measurement of the satellite. The test masses were designed with gold-platinum alloy with the objective of minimising their magnetic moment. Nevertheless, the instrument measurement accuracy is so high that we can see the coupling of the environmental magnetic field with the test masses magnetic moment. This produces forces on the test masses that the interferometer can measure. In this thesis we have given a review of which are the mechanisms producing these magnetic forces, we have studied the evolution of the magnetic field affecting the test masses and we have analysed the magnetic experiments performed on-board the satellite during the scientific mission operations. All this allowed us to quantify which is the contribution coming from the magnetic effects to the fluctuations of the relative acceleration between the two test masses.
Potter, James Jackson. "Input-shaped manual control of helicopters with suspended loads." Diss., Georgia Institute of Technology, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/1853/50342.
Full textChandezon, Frédéric. "Étude expérimentale de la stabilité d'agrégats de sodium multichargés produits par collision d'agrégats neutres avec des ions." Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble ; 1971-2015), 1994. http://www.theses.fr/1994GRE10201.
Full textTirtey, Sandy C. "Characterization of a transitional hypersonic boundary layer in wind tunnel and flight conditions." Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/2013/ULB-DIPOT:oai:dipot.ulb.ac.be:2013/210367.
Full textA wide bibliographic review describing the main parameters affecting transition and their coupling is proposed. The most popular roughness-induced transition predictions correlations are presented, insisting on the lack of physics included in these methods and the difficulties encountered in performing ground hypersonic transition experiments representative of real flight characteristics. This bibliographic review shows the importance of a better understanding of the physical phenomenon and of a wider experimental database, including real flight data, for the development of accurate prediction methods.
Based on the above conclusions, a hypersonic experimental test campaign is realized for the characterization of the flow field structure in the vicinity and in the wake of 3D roughness elements. This fundamental flat plate study is associated with numerical simulations for supporting the interpretation of experimental results and thus a better understanding of transition physics. Finally, a model is proposed in agreement with the wind tunnel observations and the bibliographic survey.
The second principal axis of the present study is the development of a hypersonic in-flight roughness-induced transition experiment in the frame of the European EXPERT program. These flight data, together with various wind tunnel measurements are very important for the development of a wide experimental database supporting the elaboration of future transition prediction methods.
Doctorat en Sciences de l'ingénieur
Bongo, Njeng Alex Stéphane. "Experimental study and modeling of hydrodynamic and heating characteristics of flighted rotary kilns." Thesis, Ecole nationale des Mines d'Albi-Carmaux, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015EMAC0009/document.
Full textThe present work addresses a fundamental study on flighted rotary kilns. They are gas-solid reactors, used in a variety of industries to process heterogeneous media. However, operating these kilns mainly relies on the know-how of operators due to insufficient fundamental understanding. The aim of this work is to provide engineers with relevant tools and models to assist in the design stage and the performance improvement of existing operating process units, in particular indirectly heated rotary kilns, inclined and equipped with lifters. In the first part, we studied the effects of operating parameters on the flow of materials of differing properties and shape. For this purpose, residence time distribution measurements were performed through experimental stimulus response tests. Two pilot-scale rotary kilns with similar length-to-diameter ratios, but a dimension ratio of about two were used in this study. We focused on the effects of lifter shape and configurations. The effects of the rotational speed, the kiln slope, the mass flow rate and the exit dam height were also analyzed. The flow of solids was quantitatively characterized primarily by the experimental mean residence time, hold-up, and axial dispersion coefficient. Using a dimensional analysis, models were established to predict the mean residence time, the filling degree and the axial dispersion coefficient, providing basic information on the kiln design, solid particle properties and operating conditions. In the second part, we studied the heat transfer mechanisms occurring in the flighted rotary kiln by measuring temperature profiles at the wall, the freeboard gas and the bulk of solids. Analysis of the temperature profiles focused on two main issues: assessment of the heat transfer coefficient between wall and gas, and assessment of the heat transfer coefficient between wall and solid particles. The lumped system analysis and a heat balance using the power supplied for the heating were applied to determine the experimental heat transfer coefficients. The effects of operating conditions and lifting flights were analyzed. Both heat transfer coefficients were then correlated through dimensional considerations. Lastly a global dynamic model mainly based on the models developed in this study can be used to determine wall, gas and bulk solids axial temperature profiles in an indirectly heated flighted rotary kiln. This global model needs to be completed with specific models related to a reaction so as to be used as a framework for the simulation of specific industrial rotary kilns
Dupont, Emmeric. "Mesures à haute résolution et étude de la réaction de diffusion inélastique de neutrons sur le 56Fe." Aix-Marseille 1, 1998. https://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-01145543.
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Full textThis paper reviews the performance requirements that provided the baseline for development of the onboard data system, RF transmission system, and ground segment receiving system of the Midcourse Space Experiment (MSX) spacecraft. The onboard Command and Data Handling (C&DH) System was designed to support the high data outputs of the three imaging sensor systems onboard the spacecraft and the requirement for large volumes of data storage. Because of the high data rates, it was necessary to construct a dedicated X-band ground receiver system at The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) and implement a tape recorder system for recording and downlinking sensor and spacecraft data. The system uses two onboard tape recorders to provide redundancy and backup capabilities. The storage capability of each tape recorder is 54 gigabits. The MSX C&DH System can record data at 25 Mbps or 5 Mbps. To meet the redundancy requirements of the high-priority experiments, the data can also be recorded in parallel on both tape recorders. To provide longer onboard recording, the data can also be recorded serially on the two recorders. The reproduce (playback) mode is at 25 Mbps. A unique requirement of the C&DH System is to multiplex and commutate the different output rates of the sensors and housekeeping signals into a common data stream for recording. The system also supports 1-Mbps real-time sensor data and 16-kbps real-time housekeeping data transmission to the dedicated ground site and through the U.S. Air Force Satellite Control Network ground stations. The primary ground receiving site for the telemetry is the MSX Tracking System (MTS) at APL. A dedicated 10-m X-band antenna is used to track the satellite during overhead passes and acquire the 25-Mbps telemetry downlinks, along with the 1-Mbps and 16-kbps real-time transmissions. This paper discusses some of the key technology trade-offs that were made in the design of the system to meet requirements for reliability, performance, and development schedule. It also presents some of the lessons learned during development and the impact these lessons will have on development of future systems.
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