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Sapko, M. J. Size scaling of gas explosions: Bruceton Experimental Mine versus the Lake Lynn Mine. Pittsburgh, Pa: U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Mines, 1987.

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Rowan, Ella L. Response of eastern chipmunks to single application spring prescribed fires on the Fernow Experimental Forest. Newtown Square, PA: United States Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northeastern Research Station, 2005.

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United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration., ed. Spacecraft fire-safety experiments for space station Technology Development Mission. Huntsville, Ala: Wyle Laboratories, 1988.

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L, Hinkley P., ed. Experiments at the Multifunctioneel Trainingcentrum, Ghent, on the interaction between sprinklers and smoke venting. Borehamwood: Fire Research Station, Building Research Establishment, 1992.

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McGrattan, Kevin B. Heat release rates of electrical enclosure fires (HELEN-FIRE): Draft report for comment. Washington, DC: Division of Risk Analysis, Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 2015.

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Cross section and experimental data analysis using EViews. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 2011.

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Gieras, Marian. Mechanizm oddziaływania wody na płomień gazowy i pyłowy. Warszawa: Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Warszawskiej, 2006.

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Finklin, Arnold I. Climate of the Deception Creek Experimental Forest, northern Idaho. [Ogden, UT]: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Research Station, 1987.

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Córdova, Violeta Aréchiga. Fuego y vida: Fuentes del pensamiento químico de Buffon. México, D. F: Centro de Estudios Filosoficos Políticos y Sociales Vicente Lombardo Toledano, 2008.

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Stephen, Leider, and Harvard Business School, eds. Why do firms use non-linear incentive schemes?: Experimental evidence on sorting and overconfidence. [Boston]: Harvard Business School, 2010.

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Shine on, Nabokov: Celestial keys to Pale fire. Novi Sad: Sputnik, 2016.

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Virtanen, Antti. Studies on the electrophysiological properties of the tooth pulp nerve fibres and experimental dental pain. Helsinki: [University of Helsinki], 1991.

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Etor, J. R. Spreadsheet computing in business education: An experimental approach based on cash control for small firms. York: Longman for FEU, 1986.

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Roca, Núria. The 4 elements. Hauppauge, NY: Barrons Educational Series, Inc., 2006.

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Becker, Helaine. The insecto-files: Amazing insect science and bug facts you'll never believe. Toronto: Maple Tree Press, 2009.

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Aurignacian clay hearths from Klissoura Cave 1: An experimental approach. Oxford: Archaeopress, 2012.

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Skea, Adrian. Experimental measurements and mathematical modelling of the flow and combustion parameters in a small stoker coal fired furnace. Birmingham: University of Birmingham, 1996.

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Fire: Fundamentals and control. New York: M. Dekker, 1989.

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The science of fire. Calgary: Weigl, 2000.

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Kerrod, Robin. Fire and water. Bath: Cherrytree, 1988.

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Kerrod, Robin. Fire and Water. New York: Marshall Cavendish Corp., 1990.

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M, Otero Angel, Urban David, and NASA Glenn Research Center, eds. Combustion research aboard the ISS utilizing the combustion integrated rack and microgravity science glovebox. [Cleveland, Ohio]: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Glenn Research Center, 2002.

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Sutliff, Thomas J. Combustion research aboard the ISS utilizing the combustion integrated rack and microgravity science glovebox. [Cleveland, Ohio]: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Glenn Research Center, 2002.

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J, Chou, and United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration., eds. The potential for collocated AGLP and ERBE data for fire, smoke, and radiation budget studies. [Washington, DC: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1997.

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J, Chou, and United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration., eds. The potential for collocated AGLP and ERBE data for fire, smoke, and radiation budget studies. [Washington, DC: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1997.

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Faraday's chemical history of a candle. Chicago, Ill: Chicago Review Press, 1988.

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The chemical history of a candle. Atlanta, Ga: Cherokee, 1993.

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Faraday, Michael. The chemical history of a candle. Mineola, N.Y: Dover Publications, 2002.

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Pacific, Northwest Research Station (Portland Or ). EXF thinning, fuels reduction, and research project: Pringle Falls Experimental Forest Bend/Ft. Rock Ranger District, Deschutes National Forest, Deschutes County, Oregon : T. 20 S., R 9 E., sections 28-33; T. 21 S., R. 9 E., sections 4-6, Williamnette Meridian. Bend, OR]: United States Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, PNW Research Station, 2010.

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Almand, Kathleen H. Structural Fire Resistance Experimental Research: Priority Needs of U.S. Industry. Springer, 2013.

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Almand, Kathleen H. Structural Fire Resistance Experimental Research: Priority Needs of U.S. Industry. Springer, 2013.

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Nguyen Huy, Tung, Guigonan Serge Adjognon, and Daan van Soest. Combatting Forest Fires in the Drylands of Sub-Saharan Africa: Quasi-Experimental Evidence from Burkina Faso. World Bank, Washington, DC, 2023.

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Finney, Mark, Sara McAllister, Torben Grumstrup, and Jason Forthofer. Wildland Fire Behaviour. CSIRO Publishing, 2021.

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Wildland fires have an irreplaceable role in sustaining many of our forests, shrublands and grasslands. They can be used as controlled burns or occur as free-burning wildfires, and can sometimes be dangerous and destructive to fauna, human communities and natural resources. Through scientific understanding of their behaviour, we can develop the tools to reliably use and manage fires across landscapes in ways that are compatible with the constraints of modern society while benefiting the ecosystems. The science of wildland fire is incomplete, however. Even the simplest fire behaviours – how fast they spread, how long they burn and how large they get – arise from a dynamical system of physical processes interacting in unexplored ways with heterogeneous biological, ecological and meteorological factors across many scales of time and space. The physics of heat transfer, combustion and ignition, for example, operate in all fires at millimetre and millisecond scales but wildfires can become conflagrations that burn for months and exceed millions of hectares. Wildland Fire Behaviour: Dynamics, Principles and Processes examines what is known and unknown about wildfire behaviours. The authors introduce fire as a dynamical system along with traditional steady-state concepts. They then break down the system into its primary physical components, describe how they depend upon environmental factors, and explore system dynamics by constructing and exercising a nonlinear model. The limits of modelling and knowledge are discussed throughout but emphasised by review of large fire behaviours. Advancing knowledge of fire behaviours will require a multidisciplinary approach and rely on quality measurements from experimental research, as covered in the final chapters.
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Spacecraft fire-safety experiments for space station Technology Development Mission. Huntsville, Ala: Wyle Laboratories, 1988.

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Harrison, R., P. L. Hinkley, G. O. Hansell, and N. R. Marshall. Experiments at the Multifunctional Training Centrum, Ghent, on the Interaction Between Sprinklers and Smoke Venting. IHS BRE, 1992.

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Steve, Parker. Sound (Science Files). Heinemann Library, 2005.

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Steve, Parker. Light (Science Files). Heinemann Library, 2005.

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Klein, Amanda H., and Matthias Ringkamp. Peripheral neural mechanisms of cutaneous heat hyperalgesia and heat pain. Edited by Paul Farquhar-Smith, Pierre Beaulieu, and Sian Jagger. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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In the landmark paper discussed in this chapter, published in 1982, LaMotte et al. investigated the contribution of different cutaneous nerve fibres to heat pain and heat hyperalgesia in both psychophysical (humans) and electrophysiological studies (human and primates), using identical thermal test and conditioning stimuli; the findings from the two sets of experiments were then correlated. In non-human primates, neuronal activity was recorded from mechanoheat-sensitive A- and C-fibres (AMHs and CMHs, respectively) and warm and cold fibres, whereas, in conscious human volunteers, activity from CMHs was recorded. The authors found that pain is mediated by activity in CMHs and that sensitization of CMHs after a mild burn injury accounts for the increased heat pain after such injury. The combination of psychophysical experiments in human and correlative electrophysiological studies in non-human primates provides an important experimental approach for unravelling the contribution of different classes of afferents to pain.
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Agung, I. Gusti Ngurah. Cross Section and Experimental Data Analysis Using EViews. Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, John, 2011.

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Agung, I. Gusti Ngurah. Cross Section and Experimental Data Analysis Using EViews. Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, John, 2011.

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Agung, I. Gusti Ngurah. Cross Section and Experimental Data Analysis Using EViews. Wiley & Sons, Limited, John, 2011.

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Steve, Parker. Forces and Motion (Science Files). Heinemann Library, 2005.

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Studying the Branding of Emerging Market Firms Using Experimental Design. United Kingdom: SAGE Publications, Ltd., 2023.

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Deary, Terry. The Spark Files. Faber and Faber, 1999.

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Deary, Terry. The Spark Files. Faber and Faber, 1998.

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Deary, Terry. The Spark Files. Faber and Faber, 1998.

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Deary, Terry. The Spark Files. Faber and Faber, 1998.

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Deary, Terry. The Spark Files. Faber and Faber, 1999.

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Deary, Terry. The Spark Files. Faber and Faber, 1998.

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Deary, Terry. The Spark Files. Faber and Faber, 1999.

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