Academic literature on the topic 'Expectation confirmation'
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Journal articles on the topic "Expectation confirmation"
Oh, Joon-Hee, and Judy Ma. "Multi-stage expectation-confirmation framework for salespeople expectation management." Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing 33, no. 8 (October 1, 2018): 1165–75.
Full textNair, Priya. "Determinants of Satisfaction and Deep Structure Usage of Post-acceptance Learning Management Systems by Malaysian Higher Education Lecturers." International Journal of Information and Education Technology 12, no. 7 (2022): 599–608.
Full textBrown, Susan A., Viswanath Venkatesh, and Sandeep Goyal. "Expectation Confirmation in Technology Use." Information Systems Research 23, no. 2 (June 2012): 474–87.
Full textSiguaw, Judy A., Xiaojing Sheng, and Penny M. Simpson. "Biopsychosocial and Retirement Factors Influencing Satisfaction With Life: New Perspectives." International Journal of Aging and Human Development 85, no. 4 (January 2, 2017): 332–53.
Full textEveleth, Daniel M., Lori J. Baker-Eveleth, and Robert W. Stone. "Potential applicants’ expectation-confirmation and intentions." Computers in Human Behavior 44 (March 2015): 183–90.
Full textGu, Wei, Ying Xu, and Zeng-Jun Sun. "Does MOOC Quality Affect Users’ Continuance Intention? Based on an Integrated Model." Sustainability 13, no. 22 (November 12, 2021): 12536.
Full textWang, Chaohui, Juan Liu, and Tingting Zhang. "‘What if my experience was not what I expected?’: Examining expectation-experience (dis)confirmation effects in China’s rural destinations." Journal of Vacation Marketing 27, no. 4 (April 1, 2021): 365–84.
Full textAlghanayem, Haitham, Giuseppe Lamberti, and Jordi López-Sintas. "A dark side of retargeting? How advertisements that follow users affect post-purchase consumer behavior: Evidence from the tourism industry in Saudi Arabia." Innovative Marketing 19, no. 4 (December 7, 2023): 234–46.
Full textMcleod, Hamish J., and Frank P. Deane. "Confirmation of precounselling expectations: Does expectation valence moderate changes in state anxiety?" International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling 17, no. 2 (June 1994): 139–47.
Full textLee, Jinha, and Youn-Kyung Kim. "Online Reviews of Restaurants: Expectation-Confirmation Theory." Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism 21, no. 5 (January 7, 2020): 582–99.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Expectation confirmation"
Wang, Wenjuan. "Supply chain management systems benefits : the expectation-confirmation theory perspective." Thesis, Queensland University of Technology, 2012.
Full textAlharbi, Majed Salem S. "Investigating the impact of service quality dimensions, price and reputation on the behavioural intentions of retail banking customers." Thesis, Brunel University, 2018.
Full textZhou, Y. (Yunhui). "An empirical examination of customer’s continuance intention of SaaS based on expectation confirmation model." Master's thesis, University of Oulu, 2017.
Full textKarlsson, Isabell. "Att designa för tillit : En kvalitativ studie om hur design kan påverka förväntad upplevelse av och tillit till e-handel." Thesis, Linnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för informatik (IK), 2016.
Full textIn a society growing more dependent of the Internet, e-commerce has also been given a more prominent role. Since this means that sellers are replaced by technology, it is of importance that the company tries to create a reliable environment where the customer can feel safe. Not only the structure and appearance has an influence, but the company’s choice of marketing can have an effect as well. The customer creates expectations based on former experiences of both the company and overall e-commerce, where expectations that cannot be met could result in a negative experience. This study has used expectation-confirmation theory as a framework to examine the customers’ overall expectations in e-commerce, but also for e-commerce, the constituent for this study. User experience has been used to gain a deeper understanding of the customers’ emotions and perceptions, whereas usability has been examined as it affects the user experience. Five potential future customers were included for interviews and user tests for two iterations, the first based on their general experiences and expectations regarding e-commerce where the participants also explored the current interface of In order to examine the level of usability they were asked to execute a number of tasks. The results showed great need of a new design since the participants found the e-commerce to be unattractive with low reliability. A design proposal in the shape of an interactive prototype was made, which was used as a foundation for the second iteration. In this iteration the participants were asked to share their memories of the former user test. Since humans cannot recall every single detail of an experience this created an understanding for what the participants remembered most. They were then asked to explore the design proposal, also with a number of tasks to execute to examine its usability. Their experience was that this design was more attractive with a higher level of reliability. The conclusion that could be drawn from the result was that design has a big effect on user experience and the customers trust. The customer expects e-commerce to be convenient, where something that does not meet this expectation has a negative impact on the experience. Another expectation is that the design should look like other e-commerces, as the resemblance implies a higher level of usability. The website should have a clear structure with visual elements capturing the customers’ attention, which helps the customer get a quick overview of the level of trustworthiness. For instance, the company should consider investing in certifications for secure e-commerce, whilst the marketing that is being used should be designed according to what the customer can expect. As the customer also largely relies on other customers’ opinions, it is recommended to implement a function for reviews as well.
Johansson, Daniel, and Filip Smith. "The key to satisfaction in distance education : A qualitative study of how to achieve student satisfaction in distance-based education." Thesis, Linnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för informatik (IK), 2020.
Full textE-lärande har under åren vuxit i ett mycket högt tempo. Dagens teknik utvecklas ständigt och ger oss nya möjligheter att genomföra saker på. E-lärande möjliggör distansutbildning på många sätt, oavsett tid och rum. Det representerar en stor del av dagens forskning inom utbildning och därför har kvalitén blivit viktigare. Om distansstudier genomförs ordentligt ger det studenter möjlighet att effektivt balansera deras privat liv tillsammans med studier. Även om det förenklar utbildning för många så kommer det med sina egna svårigheter och utmaningar. Detta kan vara en faktor till varför fler distansstudenter väljer att hoppa av sina studier jämfört med de som studerar på campus. I den här studien granskas områdena kursdesign, interaktion och lärarens påverkan för att undersöka studenters nöjdhet vid distansstudier. I tidigare forskning framhölls dessa områden som avgörande för studenternas nöjdhet. Med expectation-confirmation teorin som bas genomfördes en kvalitativ metod, bestående av intervjuer med distansstudenter vid Linnéuniversitetet. Den insamlade informationen transkriberades och analyserades med hjälp av teman och koder. Resultaten visar att interaktion är något som är svårt att uppnå vid distansstudier. Universiteten bör främja interaktion eftersom det är något som studenterna kämpar med, suggestivt genom övningar som “bryter isen”. Interaktionen mellan lärare och studenter är något som värderades högt. Beroende på hur väl en kurs är strukturerad så är behovet av interaktion mellan studenter och lärare inte lika högt. Lärare bör undvika spridd kommunikation eftersom det visade sig ha en negativ inverkan på studenternas tillfredsställelse. Läraren visade sig vara viktig på olika sätt, där deras pedagogiska förmåga och förmågan att hantera och dela information genom digitala verktyg visade sig vara högt värderade. Det visade sig att kursdesignen påverkade studenternas tillfredsställelse mest. Struktur och tillgänglighet av allt relevant material visade sig vara oerhört viktigt, vilket ger studenten möjlighet att planera sina studier. För att förbättra och naturligt inkludera interaktion mellan studenter visade sig diskussion vara ett viktigt segment av en kurs.
Lin, Hui. "Examining the Continued Usage of Electronic Knowledge Repositories: An Integrated Model." Diss., Virginia Tech, 2008.
Full textPh. D.
Ferreira, Caitlin. "Social media performance of user generated content and its relationship with conspicuous consumption: through the lens of the expectation confirmation theory." Master's thesis, University of Cape Town, 2016.
Full textVillarin, Fredilyn. "Decreasing the Load on Manual Service Support by Improving the Confirmation Process in a Web-based Issue Reporting System." Thesis, KTH, Skolan för elektroteknik och datavetenskap (EECS), 2021.
Full textDet finns för närvarande en digital revolution inom fastighetsbranschen. Fastighetsteknologi, eller PropTech ser nya startups växa i snabb takt. Förvaltningen av fastighetstillgångar är ett område som PropTech för närvarande digitaliserar, och en del av det underlättar hyresgästkommunikation och fastighetsunderhåll. Detta inkluderar digitaliseringen av den befintliga processen för rapportering av problem för hyresgäster och den efterföljande delegeringen av arbetsorder till fastighetsskötare. En del av att framgångsrikt digitalisera felanmälningsprocessen är att minska antalet telefonsamtal och e-post till servicemottagningen, och istället att omdirigera trafik till den webbaserade felanmälningstjänst. En startup som tillhandahåller sådana tjänster har identifierat att en betydande mängd kommunikation till servicemottagningen gäller pågående rapporter. Detta erkändes även med felanmälan som rapporterades digitalt, hyresgästerna följer upp korrespondens om ett problem de har rapporterat. En undersökande forskningsstudie genomfördes därför för att upptäcka varför och när hyresgäster frågar om en pågående fråga, och för att avgöra på vilket sätt en bekräftelseprocess för en webbaserad problemrapporteringstjänst kan utvecklas, så att den lugnar hyresgästens oro över deras pågående utgivningsrapport. Resultaten av studien visar att hyresgäster gör en uppföljningsfråga om sina felanmälan när följande faktorer inte är uppfyllda: förväntningar, öppenhet i kommunikation och försäkran. Samma faktorer bör beaktas vid utformningen av en bekräftelseprocess. En webbaserad problemrapporteringstjänst bör ha en bekräftelseprocess som uppfyller hyresgästens förväntningar på hur deras frågor ska hanteras, tillåta fastighetsförvaltare att vara transparenta för sina hyresgäster för att inrama förväntningarna och försäkra hyresgästerna att deras fråga rapporten har tagits emot av en servicerepresentant.
Atapattu, Maura R. "Customer agility, smart shopping apps and their implications: Customer relationship management systems in the digital age." Thesis, Queensland University of Technology, 2015.
Full textRecker, Jan Christof. "Understanding process modelling grammar continuance : a study of the consequences of representational capabilities." Queensland University of Technology, 2008.
Full textBooks on the topic "Expectation confirmation"
1922-, Williams Carl D., ed. Confirmation learning theory. New York: P. Lang, 1989.
Find full textSchlieter, Jens. Introduction. Oxford University Press, 2018.
Full textter Haar, Barend J. The Educated Deity. Oxford University Press, 2017.
Full textBook chapters on the topic "Expectation confirmation"
Zhang, Zhigang, Wangshu Cheng, and Zhenyu Gu. "User Experience Studies Based on Expectation Dis-confirmation Theory." In Design, User Experience, and Usability: Novel User Experiences, 670–77. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2016.
Full textHossain, Mohammad Alamgir, and Mohammed Quaddus. "Expectation–Confirmation Theory in Information System Research: A Review and Analysis." In Information Systems Theory, 441–69. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2011.
Full textShyong, Chow Shean, and Edwin Pramana. "Continuance Intention in Massive Open Online Courses Using Extended Expectation-Confirmation Model." In The Spirit of Recovery, 149–62. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2023.
Full textKourouthanassis, Panos E., Patrick Mikalef, Margarita Ioannidou, and Adamantia Pateli. "Exploring the Online Satisfaction Gap of Medical Doctors: An Expectation-Confirmation Investigation of Information Needs." In Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 217–28. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2014.
Full textXiang, Yu, and Jianmin Liu. "Data Mining of Educational Service Quality of Professional Degree Masters Based on Improved Expectation Confirmation Model." In Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 529–35. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.
Full textSanthanamery, Thominathan, and T. Ramayah. "Explaining the e-Government Usage Using Expectation Confirmation Model: The Case of Electronic Tax Filing in Malaysia." In Government e-Strategic Planning and Management, 287–304. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2013.
Full textErnst, Alexander W., and Claus-Peter H. Ernst. "Success Comes to Those Who Are Successful: The Influence of Past Product Expectation Confirmation on Smartwatch Usage." In Progress in IS, 49–58. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2016.
Full textLópez-Sintas, Jordi, Giuseppe Lamberti, and Haitham Alghanayem. "Advertisements that Follow Users Online and Their Effect on Consumers’ Satisfaction and Expectation Confirmation: Evidence from the Tourism Industry." In State of the Art in Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM), 75–83. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2023.
Full textBierhoff, H. W., and R. Klein. "Expectations, Confirmation Bias, and Suggestibility." In Suggestion and Suggestibility, 337–46. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1989.
Full textYeh, Ron Chuen, Yi-Chien Lin, Kuo-Hung Tseng, Pansy Chung, Shi-Jer Lou, and Yi-Cheng Chen. "Why Do People Stick to Play Social Network Sites? An Extension of Expectation-Confirmation Model with Perceived Interpersonal Values and Playfulness Perspectives." In Advanced Methods for Computational Collective Intelligence, 37–46. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Expectation confirmation"
Qin, Min, and Shenghua Xu. "An Extended Expectation Confirmation Model for Information Systems Continuance." In 2007 International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing. IEEE, 2007.
Full textXu, Lianfeng. "Continued Usage of Bike-Sharing Services: An Extended Expectation-Confirmation Model Analysis." In Proceedings of the 2019 3rd International Conference on Education, Management Science and Economics (ICEMSE 2019). Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2019.
Full textWidiantoro, Albertus Dwiyoga, FX Hendra Prasetya, and Bernardinus Harnadi. "Examining the Adoption of Mobile Payment Service: Expectation Confirmation Model with Trust." In 2021 Sixth International Conference on Informatics and Computing (ICIC). IEEE, 2021.
Full textOuyang, Yuanxin, CUI Tang, Wenge Rong, Long Zhang, Chuantao Yin, and Zhang Xiong. "Task-technology Fit Aware Expectation-confirmation Model towards Understanding of MOOCs Continued Usage Intention." In Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2017.
Full textJiang, Lingwei, and Kongmei Li. "Research on the Influencing Factors of Music Virtual Community Based on Expectation Confirmation Theory." In 2020 IEEE International Conference on Information Technology,Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (ICIBA). IEEE, 2020.
Full textYucheng Du and Huangda He. "An empirical study on online takeaway platform continuance intention based on expectation confirmation model." In 2017 14th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management (ICSSSM). IEEE, 2017.
Full textPrasetya, Fx Hendra, Bernardinus Harnadi, Albertus Dwiyoga Widiantoro, and Andre Kurniawan Pamudji. "Expectation-Confirmation Model (ECM) to See Satisfaction and Continued Intention of e-Learning (“Cyber”)." In 2022 6th International Conference on Information Technology (InCIT). IEEE, 2022.
Full textHsu, Chi-Yueh, Ting-I. Li, Hsiu-Hui Chiang, and Chun-Yu Chien. "Application of expectation confirmation theory on users’ continuous intention of smart devices in gymnasiums." In APPLIED PHYSICS OF CONDENSED MATTER (APCOM 2022). AIP Publishing, 2023.
Full textHozhabri, Aliakbar, Ronak Raeesi, Khalil Md Nor, Hamideh Salimianrizi, and Jafar Tayebiniya. "Online re-purchase intention: Testing expectation confirmation model ECM on online shopping context in Iran." In 2014 8th International Conference on e-Commerce in Developing Countries: With Focus on e-Trust (ECDC). IEEE, 2014.
Full textPuspitasari, Ira, Alvin Nur Raihan Wiambodo, and Purbandini Soeparman. "The impact of expectation confirmation, technology compatibility, and customer’s acceptance on e-wallet continuance intention." In INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MATHEMATICS, COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCES AND STATISTICS 2020. AIP Publishing, 2021.
Full textReports on the topic "Expectation confirmation"
Beshouri, Greg. PR-309-14212-WEB Field Demonstration of Fully Integrated NSCR System. Chantilly, Virginia: Pipeline Research Council International, Inc. (PRCI), September 2019.
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