Academic literature on the topic 'Existing city'
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Journal articles on the topic "Existing city"
Shelton, Taylor, Matthew Zook, and Alan Wiig. "The ‘actually existing smart city’." Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society 8, no. 1 (October 27, 2014): 13–25.
Full textHellebrandt, Laura, Raphaël Steenbergen, Ton Vrouwenvelder, and Kees Blom. "Structural reliability of existing city bridges." IABSE Symposium Report 105, no. 27 (September 23, 2015): 1–8.
Full textRose, Gillian. "Actually-existing sociality in a smart city." City 24, no. 3-4 (July 3, 2020): 512–29.
Full textMarsden, Magnus. "Actually existing silk roads." Journal of Eurasian Studies 8, no. 1 (January 2017): 22–30.
Full textJo, Joon Hyok. "Analysis on Integration Priority of City Service Data for Evolution of Existing City to Smart City." Korean Association of Urban Policies 11, no. 2 (August 30, 2020): 5–24.
Full textABDULSAMAD, QAIDAR, JAMBALLY MOHAMMED, and PIRES ABDULLAH. "EVALUATION OF THE EXISTING SIDEWALKS IN DUHOK CITY." Journal of the University of Duhok 22, no. 1 (November 4, 2019): 58–74.
Full textWilliams, Miriam. "Searching for actually existing justice in the city." Urban Studies 54, no. 10 (May 24, 2016): 2217–31.
Full textGarreton, Matias. "City profile: Actually existing neoliberalism in Greater Santiago." Cities 65 (May 2017): 32–50.
Full textQian, Jingyi. "Retrofitting Existing Urban Voids." BCP Education & Psychology 7 (November 7, 2022): 327–34.
Full textAkhmedova, Elena, and Tatyana Vavilonskaya. "Digital transformation of existing cities." E3S Web of Conferences 110 (2019): 02027.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Existing city"
Zhang, Chi. "Co-existing City." University of Cincinnati / OhioLINK, 2017.
Full textEchevarria, Tatianna (Tatianna Jasmine). "Buenaventura : how can "New City" dreams meet existing local needs?" Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2018.
Full textCataloged from PDF version of thesis. "June 2018."
Includes bibliographical references.
This thesis explores the perspectives and development needs of Afro Colombian communities in Buenaventura, Colombia. These perspectives and needs are used to analyze a megaproject proposed for the city, known as the Economic Activities Complex of Buenaventura (CAEB). I argue that in order for the CAEB project to improve social and economic conditions within the municipality, its structure and implementation will have to look beyond macro economic growth and private sector profits to integrate community based knowledge and create real benefits for the local population. Based on this argument, I offer recommendations for strategic policy, programmatic and project based responses to the challenges for realizing the project's mission.
by Tatianna Echevarria.
Wong, Kim-hong. "Planning for physical linkage and continuity between waterfront reclamation area and existing urban edge area /." Hong Kong : University of Hong Kong, 2001.
Full textDahlström, Lukas. "Building Archetype Development for Urban-Scale Energy Simulation of Existing City Districts : A study of the city of Uppsala." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Byggteknik och byggd miljö, 2020.
Full textNash, Ronald James. "Sleeping with the Enemy: Integrating Big-Box Retail with Existing Communities." Thesis, Montana State University, 2007.
Full textDmochowski, A. A. "Examining the impacts of a new regional inner-city retail development on liverpool's existing inner-city shopping centres and other retail areas." Thesis, Liverpool John Moores University, 2016.
Full textFossum, Heidi. "Coordinated freight logistics in existing city districts- Evaluation of methods for calculating energy and environmental effects." Thesis, Umeå universitet, Institutionen för tillämpad fysik och elektronik, 2013.
Full textNorra Djurgårdsstaden är det största pågående byggprojektet i Sverige och är planerat att slutföras under 2030. Stadsdelen ligger i nordöstra Stockholm, i ett före detta industriområde där cirka 12 000 nya bostäder och 35 000 arbetsplatser är planerade att byggas. Stadsdelen har ett starkt fokus på att minska miljöeffekterna och påverkan av energianvändningen. En av idéerna för att uppfylla detta är att införa samordnad varulogistik. Detta kan göras genom att bygga ett logistikcenter där gods från olika logistikföretag och godstransportörer kan lastas på samma leveransfordon och sedan levereras inom samma område i Norra Djurgårdsstaden. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att utvärdera fem tidigare utvärderingsrapporter om logistikcenter. Med hjälp av dessa utvärderingsrapporter och annan litteratur ges det förslag på hur ett projekt inom samordnad varulogistik kan organiseras i Norra Djurgårdsstaden och hur miljöpåverkan och energiförbrukning från leveransfordonen kan beräknas. Utvärderingsrapporterna kommer från logistikcentret i Gamla Stan i Stockholm, pilotprojektet Samlic i Linköping, logistikcentret i Norwich, mikro-logistikcentret i London och olika logistikmetoder i Utrecht. En noggrann jämförande analys av de fem olika utvärderingsrapporterna har undersökt initiativtagare och intressenter, leveranssituationerna före och efter uppförandet av logistikcentren samt gjort en fördjupad utvärderingsanalys av samtliga utvärderingsrapporter. Den jämförande analysen visar att införandet av logistikcenter har haft en positiv effekt för att minska antalet leveransfordon i stadsdelen och därmed inneburit minskade utsläpp och lägre energianvändning för leveransfordonen. Baserad på den komparativa analysen och annan litteratur föreslås det att initiativet i Norra Djurgårdsstaden måste komma från Stockholms stad. Intressenterna bör vara Stockholms Stad, logistikföretag, godstransportörer, de olika företagen i området och Stockholms Hamnar. För att få fler företag att använda logistikcentret samt att få miljövänligare leveransfordon i stadsdelen kan det vara nödvändigt att använda flera styrmedel. Exempel på styrmedel är miljözoner, tidsfönster och att införa olika begränsningar på leveransfordon. Det är väsentligt att samla information om leveransfordonen i stadsdelen för att beräkna utsläpp och energianvändning. Insamlingen av data från leveransfordon kan hämtas från fraktsedlar, fakturaunderlag eller statistik över antalet fordon som har levererat varor i stadsdelen från frakt-och logistikföretag. Då kan miljö- och energieffekterna från leveransfordonen beräknas med dataverktyget Nätverket för transporter och miljö (NTM-metoden).
Van, Wyk Isabel Mari. "Layering the city : re-use of the old Pretoria Fire Station." Diss., University of Pretoria, 2011.
Full textDissertation (MArch(Prof))--University of Pretoria, 2011.
Macková, Eliška. "Multifunkční kulturní centrum "Creative City" Brno." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební, 2015.
Full textPang, Lai-fai Willy. "An appraisal of the existing environmental protection policies and its implications on land use planning /." Hong Kong : University of Hong Kong, 1994.
Full textBooks on the topic "Existing city"
Khameyseh, Rasem. New Palestinian towns alongside existing ones. Jerusalem: The Floersheimer Institute for Policy Studies, 1997.
Find full textKhameyseh, Rasem. New Palestinian towns alongside existing ones. Jerusalem: Floersheimer Institute for Policy Studies, 1997.
Find full textCarl Bro gruppen, rådgivende ingenior- og planlaegningsfirmaer. Sanitation master plan study for City of Blantyre: Existing sanitation situation. Ndirande, Blantyre [Malawi]: Carl Bro International, 1995.
Find full textLoughnane, Valerie Mary. Revitalisation of waterfront sites: The effects of regeneration on the existing inner-city communities. Dublin: University College Dublin, 1993.
Find full textFogg, Eric P. Gateway city stations: Existing railroad stations in St. Louis and St. Louis County, Missouri. Crete, Neb: Railroad Station Historical Society, 1988.
Find full textCanada. Employment and Immigration Canada (Commission : Manitoba Region). Assessing labour market needs and facilitating optimal use of existing resources in rural Manitoba. Winnipeg: Manitoba Region, Canada Employment and Immigration Commission, 1988.
Find full textAssociation, Tollcross Housing. Tollcross Housing Association: Exhibition [based on] existing development programme and proposals, Glasgow City Chambers, 4th April 1991. Glasgow: Tollcross Housing Association, 1991.
Find full textGeddes, Mike. The impact of property development on existing firms in the inner city: The Kings Cross railway lands. London: Department of Planning Housing and Development, South Bank Polytechnic, 1990.
Find full textI, Kennedy Margrit, Kennedy Declan, and Akademii͡a︡ gorodskoĭ sredy, eds. Designing ecological settlements: Ecological planning and building : experiences in new housing and in the renewal of existing housing quarters in European countries. Berlin: Dietrich Reimer, 1997.
Find full textHartop, Sarah. The effects of business class on the supply of business space and on the existing uses of office and industry in Edinburgh District. Edinburgh: Edinburgh College of Art/Heriot-Watt University, School of Planning and Housing, 1993.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Existing city"
Speck, Jeff. "Turn Existing Corridors into Bike Paths." In Walkable City Rules, 134–35. Washington, DC: Island Press/Center for Resource Economics, 2018.
Full textJiménez-Pulido, Cristina, Ana Jiménez-Rivero, and Justo García-Navarro. "Strategies to Promote Deep Renovation in Existing Buildings." In Future City, 377–94. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.
Full textBianchini, Carlo, Martina Attenni, and Giorgia Potestà. "Regenerative Design Tools for the Existing City: HBIM Potentials." In Future City, 23–43. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.
Full textMurtagh, Brendan. "Actually Existing Solidarity Economies." In Social Economics and the Solidarity City, 112–40. New York, NY : Routledge, 2018.: Routledge, 2018.
Full textAl Saud, Mashael Mohammed. "The Existing Flood Controls in Jeddah." In Flood Control Management for the City and Surroundings of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, 119–39. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2015.
Full textBaumann, Nathalie, Chiara Catalano, and Salvatore Pasta. "Improving Extensive Green Roofs for Endangered Ground-Nesting Birds." In Future City, 13–29. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.
Full textSingh, Prabh Deep, and Rajbir Kaur. "Analyze and Identify Smart City Applications and Their Existing Frameworks." In Springer Proceedings in Energy, 487–99. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2021.
Full textSarov, Angel. "The Use of : Benefits to the in Bulgaria." In Future City, 309–22. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.
Full textCatalano, Chiara, Salvatore Pasta, and Riccardo Guarino. "A Plant Sociological Procedure for the Ecological Design and Enhancement of Urban Green Infrastructure." In Future City, 31–60. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.
Full textStepanchuk, Oleksandr, Andrii Bieliatynskyi, and Oleksandr Pylypenko. "Regularities of City Passenger Traffic Based on Existing Inter-district Links." In International Scientific Conference Energy Management of Municipal Facilities and Sustainable Energy Technologies EMMFT 2019, 81–93. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Existing city"
Duda, Oleksii, Oleh Palka, Volodymyr Pasichnyk, Oleksandr Matsiuk, Nataliia Kunanets, and Danylo Tabachyshyn. "Existing City Assessment Systems." In 2020 IEEE 15th International Conference on Computer Sciences and Information Technologies (CSIT). IEEE, 2020.
Full textMccormick, Fergus, Rob May, Tim Finlay, Joe Darcy, Johanna Isaksson, and Isak Naslund. "Education City Stadium, Doha, Qatar." In IABSE Symposium, Prague 2022: Challenges for Existing and Oncoming Structures. Zurich, Switzerland: International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE), 2022.
Full textSands, G., L. A. Reese, M. Arteaga, C. Espinosa, L. Ibarra, J. Latargere, and A. Ruiz. "Inserting bus rapid transit into an existing transportation system: the Mexico City experience." In SUSTAINABLE CITY 2008. Southampton, UK: WIT Press, 2008.
Full textEl-Mahrouk, Omar, Sebastian Baumgartner, Marc-Patrick Pfleger, and Markus Vill. "Combined LOD-Definition for Bridge Maintenance and 3D City Maps." In IABSE Symposium, Prague 2022: Challenges for Existing and Oncoming Structures. Zurich, Switzerland: International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE), 2022.
Full textClemente, Alejandro, Sergio Albero, Diego Velayos, Adrián Enríquez, Fernando Ibáñez, Birger Opgård, and Mario Rando. "The new City Bridge of Drammen: A structural insight." In IABSE Symposium, Prague 2022: Challenges for Existing and Oncoming Structures. Zurich, Switzerland: International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE), 2022.
Full textRasca, Sinziana, and Jonas Hogli Major. "Applicability of Existing Public Transport Sustainability Indicators to Norwegian Small Cities and Towns." In 2021 Smart City Symposium Prague (SCSP). IEEE, 2021.
Full textZhang, Yang, Sven Mayer, Jesse T. Gonzalez, and Chris Harrison. "Vibrosight++: City-Scale Sensing Using Existing Retroreflective Signs and Markers." In CHI '21: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2021.
Full textde Azambuja, Luiza Schuch, Gabriela Viale Pereira, and Robert Krimmer. "Clearing the existing fog over the smart sustainable city concept." In ICEGOV 2020: 13th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2020.
Full textHalpern, Jenna R., James W. Feuerborn Jr., Luciana Balsamo, Jessica McCoy, and Jason Wu. "Evaluating Existing Structures due to Adjacent Construction." In IABSE Symposium, Guimarães 2019: Towards a Resilient Built Environment Risk and Asset Management. Zurich, Switzerland: International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE), 2019.
Full textGao, Zhinan, Chicheng Wu, and Yongchang Wang. "Quality index and measurement method of public space in existing residential district." In International Conference on Smart Transportation and City Engineering, edited by Zhengliang Li, Xiaoyan Chen, Kaichen Yan, Fengjie Cen, Liyuan Peng, and Nan Lin. SPIE, 2021.
Full textReports on the topic "Existing city"
Bacani, Eleanor, and Shinjini Mehta. Analyzing the Welfare-Improving Potential of Land Pooling in Thimphu City, Bhutan: Lessons Learned from ADB’s Experience. Asian Development Bank, November 2020.
Full textCowan, Susanne, Sarah Church, Brennan Radulski, Ryen Dalvit, Kip Giddings, Jack Rosenthal, and Joe Peoria. Investigating Neighborhood Character in the Northeast Neighborhood of Bozeman, MT. Montana State University School of Architecture, September 2022.
Full textGupte, Jaideep, Sarath MG Babu, Debjani Ghosh, Eric Kasper, and Priyanka Mehra. Smart Cities and COVID-19: Implications for Data Ecosystems from Lessons Learned in India. Institute of Development Studies (IDS), March 2021.
Full textGupte, Jaideep, Sarath MG Babu, Debjani Ghosh, Eric Kasper, Priyanka Mehra, and Asif Raza. Smart Cities and COVID-19: Implications for Data Ecosystems from Lessons Learned in India. Institute of Development Studies, March 2022.
Full textGupte, Jaideep, Sarath MG Babu, Debjani Ghosh, Eric Kasper, Priyanka Mehra, and Asif Raza. Smart Cities and COVID-19: Implications for Data Ecosystems from Lessons Learned in India. SSHAP, March 2021.
Full textLiera, Carla, Mónica García, Kim Andersson, and Elisabeth Kvarnström. Combining sewered and non-sewered sanitation in Montero, Bolivia: scaling up sustainably. Stockholm Environment Institute, February 2022.
Full textManhiça, Anésio, Alex Shankland, Kátia Taela, Euclides Gonçalves, Catija Maivasse, and Mariz Tadros. Alternative Expressions of Citizen Voices: The Protest Song and Popular Engagements with the Mozambican State. Institute of Development Studies (IDS), November 2020.
Full textYusupov, Dilmurad. Deaf Uzbek Jehovah’s Witnesses: The Case of Intersection of Disability, Ethnic and Religious Inequalities in Post-Soviet Uzbekistan. Institute of Development Studies (IDS), June 2021.
Full textChauvin, Juan Pablo. Why Does COVID-19 Affect Some Cities More than Others?: Evidence from the First Year of the Pandemic in Brazil. Inter-American Development Bank, August 2021.
Full textCIE. CIE 234:2019 (ES) Guía para un plan director de iluminación urbana. International Commission on Illumination, September 2019.
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