Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Evaluation et gestion'
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Pujal, Dominique. "Evaluation et gestion dynamiques des portefeuilles." Paris 9, 2000. https://portail.bu.dauphine.fr/fileviewer/index.php?doc=2000PA090056.
Full textLescuyer, Guillaume. "Evaluation économique et gestion viable de la forêt tropicale." Phd thesis, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), 2000. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00007987.
Full textElle est développée en trois temps.
La première partie décrit les présupposés théoriques et les instruments de mise en œuvre du modèle de gestion économique de l'environnement. L'exercice d'évaluation économique des ressources apparaît au centre de ce modèle car il fonde l'arbitrage entre les options envisageables d'utilisation de l'environnement. Une application est proposée pour l'étude de cas.
Après avoir passé en revue les caractéristiques économiques, sociales et écologiques de la zone d'étude, la deuxième partie teste l'applicabilité des méthodes d'évaluation monétaire des actifs naturels en forêt tropicale. Cette expérience est menée en deux temps : (1) estimation de la valeur d'usage direct de la forêt (valeur économique des bois sur pied, des produits pharmaceutiques traditionnels et des produits de cueillette alimentaires) ; (2) estimation des valeurs d'usage indirect et de non-usage.
La troisième partie discute la pertinence du modèle de gestion économique appliqué à la forêt tropicale. Elle montre que cette approche, car partielle et partiale, n'est pas en mesure d'apprécier les variables explicatives majeures de l'usage des ressources. Un autre mode de coordination des actions sur le milieu est présenté, celui d'une gestion " en bien commun ". Une application de cette approche " patrimoniale " est réalisée pour l'étude de cas.
Alkassem, Khaled. "Evaluation et pilotage des flux manufacturiers : réflexions et propositions." Phd thesis, Université Henri Poincaré - Nancy I, 2007. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00171059.
Full textLa partie bibliographique du mémoire expose des définitions courantes et les principes généraux utilisés pour l'étude des flux, puis deux approches particulières : l'approche énergétique et la théorie du trafic. Sur ces bases est ensuite proposée une liste de variables pouvant qualifier un flux à trois niveaux différents et considérés comme complémentaires (les produits dans le flux, les supports du flux et le flux lui-même).
Sur les bases des analyses bibliographiques menées, des propositions de différents ordres sont ensuite faites. La première d'entre elles se concentre sur la définition de variables ou concepts pouvant qualifier un flux hétérogène d'objets discrets. La seconde est une adaptation du tétraèdre de Paynter aux flux manufacturiers. Enfin, un macro-modèle de simulation des flux manufacturiers est proposé.
Ces propositions sont partiellement validées par simulation.
Li, Jie Xie Xiaolan. "Evaluation et optimisation des performances des systèmes de production distribution." [S.l.] : [s.n.], 2006. ftp://ftp.scd.univ-metz.fr/pub/Theses/2006/Li.Jie.SMZ0610.pdf.
Full textTezanou, Jacques. "Evaluation environnementale et technique de la gestion des déchets ménagers de Ouagadougou : schémas de gestion et expérimentation de traitement thermique." Poitiers, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003POIT2253.
Full textHERRMANN, TELLOUCK FRANCINE. "Gestion temps reel des reseaux telephoniques : systemes et evaluation de performances." Paris 6, 1989. http://www.theses.fr/1989PA066241.
Full textMAMOU, AHMED. "Caracteristiques, evaluation et gestion des ressources en eau du sud-tunisien." Paris 11, 1990. http://www.theses.fr/1990PA112380.
Full textMoore, Rickie Savall Henri. "Evaluation de la performance économique durable des entreprises méthodes et pratiques américaines et européennes /." Grenoble : ANRT-Grenoble, 2005. http://thesesbrain.univ-lyon3.fr:8080/oo2xml/production/lyon3/2005/moore_r/html/index-frames.html.
Full textMoore, Rickie Savall Henri. "Evaluation de la performance économique durable des entreprises méthodes et pratiques américaines et européennes /." Lyon : Université Lyon 3, 2006. http://thesesbrain.univ-lyon3.fr/sdx/theses/lyon3/2005/moore_r.
Full textZhong, Yueru. "Evaluation et gestion de la flexibilité dans les chaînes logistiques : nouveau cadre général et applications." Thesis, Châtenay-Malabry, Ecole centrale de Paris, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015ECAP0012/document.
Full textThis thesis focuses on flexibility issues in supply chain. These issues are becoming more and more important for firms because of the increasingly changing business environment and customer behaviors. Although some of these issues have been tackled in academic research in recent years, but studies have mainly concentrated in conceptual levels and there is little consensus even on the definition of flexibility. This thesis aims at defining a new framework for the supply chain flexibility, proposing quantitative measures of the flexibility and optimizing the use of flexibility, especially in an integrated production and transportation planning context. The new framework of supply chain flexibility is based on classification of different flexibility aspects in a supply chain into three main categories - manufacturing flexibility,logistic chain flexibility and system flexibility. These flexibility types are further distinguished into major flexibility dimension and other flexibility dimension.In order to measure supply chain flexibility from a quantitative point of view, Mechanical Analogy method is particularly discussed. A procedure is established to enlarge and carry out this method in supply chain, provided with a case study to evaluate the flexibility of Louis Vuitton stores.One of the most important issues is to optimally make use of the available flexibility. We investigate an Integrated Production and Transportation Planning problem with given flexibility tolerances, where the production and transportation activities are intimately linked to each other and must be scheduled in a synchronized way. Particularly, heterogeneous vehicles are taken into account. Two mixed integer linear programming models are constructed.Three algorithms are developed and compared with linear relaxation bounds for large sized real life instances and with optimal solutions for small sized instances. These comparisons show the effectiveness of our heuristics in solving real life problems
Gonson, Charles. "Intégration des usages récréatifs et de la biodiversité marine pour la gestion et l'évaluation des espaces côtiers. Application aux Aires Marines Protégées de Nouvelle-Calédonie à partir de suivis de la fréquentation et la biodiversité et d'un modèle d'aide à la gestion." Thesis, Paris 6, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017PA066136/document.
Full textCoastal areas are complex socio-ecosystem where ecological, human and decisional compounds show multiple and reciprocal relationships. Because of the growth of population and tourism sector, coastal areas are permanently threatened through increase of recreational uses and diversification of related activities. To better understand coastal areas functioning, it is necessary to take into account uses and their management. Monitoring data over a ten years period revealed that recreational uses greatly increased especially within Marine Protecting Areas (MPA), during week-end days and warm season resulting to higher and more frequent frequentation peaks. While, practices within MPA are managed to decrease impacts, pressures associated with recreational uses are higher because of the concentration of users within MPA. As a consequence, ecological state decrease and social carrying capacity has been reached in several sites. Environmental quality is an important feature of satisfaction for recreational users but their activity lead to ecological impacts on fish, bird and habitat diversity of reef ecosystems. In addition, users’ concentration and the diversification of sometimes conflicting practices decrease quality of experience of users and can lead to their displacement to other sites. As a consequence, pressures spread to less accessible sites, often not regulated and thus more threatened.Results allowed defining a model describing relationship between biodiversity, uses and management response. This model was used to test management scenarios, useful for integrated coastal area management and for identify knowledge gaps
Francois-Heude, Alain. "Evaluation par arbitrage des obligations : le cas des obligations à taux d'intérêt variable." Paris 9, 1988. https://portail.bu.dauphine.fr/fileviewer/index.php?doc=1988PA090005.
Full textGuillaume, Bertrand. "L'articulation entre évaluation et négociation environnementales : Concepts et techniques pour les politiques publiques de prévention et de gestion térritoriale des risques naturels." Paris, ENSAM, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003ENAM0031.
Full textMabed, Malha. "Evaluation et mise en oeuvre des systèmes de production cyclique." Phd thesis, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint-Etienne, 2005. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00850443.
Full textLioris, Eugénie. "Evaluation et optimisation de systèmes de taxis collectifs en simulation." Marne-la-Vallée, ENPC, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010ENPC1009.
Full textThe economical development of an urban region depends greatly on ease of access. The taxiis recognised throughout the world as a convenient means of transport providing a high qualitypersonal service for both normal and emergency purposes. Despite the advantages however,the taxi is also too expensive for most people to use routinely for their daily transport. If ataxi and hence the expense could be shared between passengers, there would be the potentialto preserve almost the original standard of service whilst increasing vehicle productivity bybecoming “collective”. This is not a new concept, it was studied in 1971 by P. H. Fargier andG. Cohen who suggested and studied such a system. Despite this, even today it may be regardedas a somewhat premature and revolutionary idea for a strictly regulated market. Reviewing theform of operation applied to this mode of transport could allow a collective taxi system to forman acceptable part of the public transport system by offering this service to the majority of thepopulation without being limited to the privileged on the basis of cost. Chapter Iof this document presents a review of existing “Transport on Demand” systemsat various locations in the world, describing the various models developed on this subject aswell as the corresponding algorithms treating the problems encountered. This is followed by anintroduction into the project of “Collective Taxis” studied in this work, and finally we give anoverview of the rest of this document. Chapter IIbrings up the multiple problems and questions that have to be dealt with duringthe study of a collective taxi system covering an entire urban area. At this point, the need toconstruct a simulator is justified and its architecture is explained : its design is comprised ofseparate mechanical and decision-making components connected to each other. The technicalchoices concerning the chosen programming language and software are discussed together withthe different exploitation modes of the simulator, the input data and the information producedby the simulation runs. Chapter IIIprovides an insight into the decentralised approach consisting of a system basedentirely on casual business obtained from clients at the roadside with no facility for advancedbooking available. This chapter extensively describes the modelling of a discrete event simulatorspecifically constructed for this management approach followed by the decision making issuesconcerning this approach and the algorithms developed to provide solutions and allow optimisedcontrol of the systemChapter IVis a thorough debrief of a long campaign of numerical simulations covering afictitious but realistic example. The principal idea of this study is to provide a firm method-ology from which one should be able to evaluate the applied strategy and measure the systemperformance. Initially, methods of analysing a single simulation are being illustrated whilst showing thevarious outcomes and conclusions that can be produced by dealing with the simulation results. Thus the quality of service provided by the given policy can be judged and quantified as well asthe associated functioning costs. Further on, a series of simulations, where the value of multiple parameters vary, are beingexplored with the aim of realising all possible compromises between contradictory criteria foroptimising real-time management and system dimensioning. This process also points out the influence of the exogenous data like the demand (geometry and intensity) to the performance ofthe system. Chapter Vhandles system management from the central dispatching point of view, whereprospective clients call a control centre to make a pre-booking (this is called the centralised modeof operation). A mixed mode can also be considered by superimposing the centralised mode ontothe decentralised one. The mechanical part of the present simulator, which is responsible for processing the systemevents, is designed to enable the management of the three possible approaches (decentralised,centralised and mixed). Nevertheless the decisional part of the mixed and centralised modes hasnot been completely developed because of the lack of time (the real time management of thecentralised approach is much more complex than the decentralised one). Consequently numerical results are not presented concerning the centralised and mixedmodes. For the moment, this chapter is making do with the description of the model and eventsof the centralised and mixed scenarios, evoking the algorithmic part up to a certain point. Chapter VIdevelops some conclusions regarding this work and future possible developments
Senicourt, Patrick. "Contribution constructiviste à la conceptualisation, la modélisation et l'opérationnalisation de l'aide à la démarche entrepreneuriale et à la prise de décision stratégique." Paris 9, 1997. https://portail.bu.dauphine.fr/fileviewer/index.php?doc=1997PA090019.
Full textThis works based thesis describes the itinerary of a professor-searcher-practitioner who has been involved since as soon as 1970 in two main fields : elaboration and support of strategic decision making in business start-up, development and reengineering on the one hand, and information systems on the other hand. A first part presents an epistemological reflection setting a parallel between : - the opposition positivism / constructivism on the one hand, - and two classes of cognitive interfaces of the firm : "describers" a paradigm of which consists of the accounting model, and "constructors" based upon interactive modellings enabling the entrepreneur-knowing-subject to simultaneously better perceiving, understanding, surrounding and transforming his firm-object, together with learning management, strategy and finance concepts. A second part presents various contributions covering : - research and development works on institutional environments and operational schemes for supporting entrepreneurs in its most general meaning (business starters, intrapreneurs, SME or profit center managers. . . ); - research and works on computer based modelling of new business financial strategy, difficulty and failure forecast, as well as on educational business simulations and computer based instruction; - conception and development of a software designed as a business "descriptor-constructor" (spreadsheet model, expert system, computer based trainer), representing an operationalization of the concepts discussed in the thesis. Keywords (alphabetic order) : budget forecast, business constructor, business describer, business diagnosis, business failure, business plan, business start-up, cognition, cognitive interface, computer based training, constructivism, entrepreneurship, epistemology, expert system, financial analysis, intrapreneurship, modelling, positivism, simulation, strategy, systemic analysis
Mouallim, Isam. "Evaluation de la volatilité et de la corrélation dans la gestion du risque de marché." Thesis, Montpellier 1, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011MON10007.
Full textThis thesis has object to improve the methods for estimating market risk by offering solutions capable to replicate some empirical properties of asset returns. Through an empirical study on real data, we show that the reality of financial markets has some empirical characteristics known and summarized as "stylized facts" that render the conventional market risk measurement unable to reproduce. We propose a Value-at-Risk (VaR) measures, based on modeling portfolio volatility and correlations between assets classes, using two risk measurement approaches: an univariate risk measurement approach and multivariate risk measurement approach, and testing their quality predictive using backtesting procedures. The results obtained show a great ability of different used risk measurement to capture the stylized facts characterizing financial markets, with a clear outperformance of the multivariate VaR measures than the univariate VaR measures
Aḵẖtar, Salīm. "Evaluation de la capacité et gestion des ressources radio pour système AMRC de troisième génération." Paris, ENST, 2001. http://www.theses.fr/2001ENST0021.
Full textANTHONY, FRANCOIS. "Les ressources genetiques des cafeiers : collecte, gestion d'un conservatoire et evaluation de la diversite genetique." Paris 11, 1991. http://www.theses.fr/1991PA112173.
Full textRuzmetov, Azizbek. "Approches distribuées et adaptatives pour la gestion de l'énergie." Thesis, Belfort-Montbéliard, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015BELF0271/document.
Full textIn the last decades, very great research and development efforts have been made to develop and promote electric vehicles (EVs). Most efforts have been made to further develop the power engine of these vehicles and batteries technologies. However, one of the major obstacles to the large deployment of EVs is the uncertainty of drivers to get a suitable and vacant place at a charging station (CS). In this manuscript, we focus on the charging process modelling using formal approaches based on discrete event system tools namely (max,+) algebra and Petri nets. In addition, an optimization approach based on linear programming is proposed to optimally assign and reroute EVs to the suitable CSs and schedule their charging operations. In order to predict, manage and handle charging needs of EVs, a dedicated model based on a predictive function is introduced. The aim is to predict the average charging rate and time while considering the inter-arrival of charging requests and the state of charging of EVs. Using this approach, charging operations could be planned while minimizing waiting times of EVs and avoiding queuing situations within CSs. Simulation results showed that the proposed approaches allow assigning adequately and optimally EVs to CSs while satisfying all process constraints
Abdul, Aziz Ruwaida. "Management des risques dans les projets industriels : élaboration et mise en œuvre d'une méthode." Paris 9, 1997. https://portail.bu.dauphine.fr/fileviewer/index.php?doc=1997PA090015.
Full textIn this thesis a review of the literature and a state of the art in project management and project risk management has been presented. Some instruments for risk identification, risk analysis and risl management have been studied. A method of project risk management has been proposed. The objectif of this method called marep "methode d'analyse des risques et de leurs effets dans les projets" consists in integrating risk management in project management, structuring this risk management and making it flexible. It is essentially an operational instrument. This method is structured in three phases. The first one considers risk identification. This identification is based on project elements and on a check-list given by marep. The second one deals with organizational and technical risk analysis. Some instruments for risk hierarchisation are proposed as a fonction of the nature of the information available (qualitative or quantitative information). In the third one the control of risk using some preventive and curative measures is considered. Organizational changes related to modern projects are also discussed. Risks and opportunities related to these changes are analysed. Finally, some recommendations concerning the project risk management are proposed
Langar, Rami. "Mécanismes de Gestion de la Mobilité et Evaluation de Performance dans les Réseaux Cellulaires tout-IP." Phd thesis, Télécom ParisTech, 2006. http://pastel.archives-ouvertes.fr/pastel-00001871.
Full textHenriet, Julien. "Evaluation, optimisation et validation de protocoles distribués de gestion de la concurrence pour les interactions coopératives." Besançon, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005BESA2023.
Full textCooperative work over Internet introduces constraints in terms of access and modification of shared objects. Users need to access the same objects concurrently in real-time. At each moment, the same image of the production area is to be shared on each connected site. The first chapter of this thesis is a state of the art of communication protocols, consistency management protocols and telemedicine platforms that allow collaborative work. The second chapter presents an new protocol for consistency management over that kind of platform. A probabilistic study of this new protocol proves and evaluates the optimization and the cost of this new protocol called the Optimistic Pilgrim. An analysis, an optimization and a validation of the Chameleon protocol dedicated to communication management over a collaborative platform is presented in the third chapter. At last, the fourth chapter evaluates the performance of these protocols through an implementation of a prototype and also presents the adequation of each protocol to each tool of the collaborative teleneurological platform of the TéNeCi project
Coculescu, Delia. "Evaluation d'actifs et politiques optimales de la firme en présence de risque de défaut." Paris 9, 2006. https://portail.bu.dauphine.fr/fileviewer/index.php?doc=2006PA090004.
Full textIn this dissertation we treat in three parts the valuation of assets subject to default risk. In the first part we identify the conditions leading to the unicity of prices, for both structural and reduced-form approaches. For the reduced-form modeling, we emphasize the non-unicity of the intensity process, such as it is defined in the credit risk literature. We plead for the methods using the enlargement of filtrations, which permit a more precise characterization of the default time. Finally, we propose a evaluation formula to apply when the prices of default-free assets may jump at the default time. The second part characterizes the optimal leverage and payout policies, when shareholders act to maximize an indicator of the expected performance of shares, which depends on the expected dividends, the level of the default risk and a fixed minimum return level. In this framework, we also define the upper reorganization triggers and give a measure of the agency costs induced by the dividends policy. The third part treats the evaluation when agents face imperfect information. We give a structural explanation of the default event by a state variable, and suppose that a noise continuously obscure the perception of the state variable by the investors. We prove that the (H) hypothesis holds and the default time is totally inaccessible. Lastly, we compute the default probabilities and propose evaluation formulas in presence of incomplete information
Paul, Eliccel. "La performance des entreprises et l’impact de la culture nationale : Une illustration dans le contexte socio-économique haïtien." Thesis, Antilles, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016ANTI0110/document.
Full textThis study is part of business performance based on the culturalist approch. It is motivated by the finding that Haïti is facing serious economic problems whose solutions are not obvious to the application of orthodox theories. Keeping in mind that business performance plays a critical role in the growth of the global economy, the study aims to determine the impact of haïtian socio-cultural factors on business performance.Despite numerous studies on the determinants of business performance, the literature on the issue has focused little on the role of sociocultural factors. In addition, there is a lack of researchers, to our knowledge, who studied the procedure of sociocultural factors, namely the channels through which pass their effects on performance. This study contributes to fill these voids. It proposes a model of performance incorporating both traditional production factors, management, marketing and sociocultural traits of Haïti. The traditional factors of production such as accumulation of capital, human capital, innovation, and factors related to marketing and management such as customer orientation, managerial behavior, job performance, organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behavior are considered as mediating variables through which the haitian cultural factors affect the company's performance. The sociocultural variables studied are those that reflect the "philosophy of the passage," a belief that life comes down to a very short time on earth and would be futile (Logossah, 2007). Ten variables generated by this worldview have been studied : the primacy of the beyond, self-withdrawal from the world, aspiration level, life in the present moment, fatalism, time management, competition avoidance, conformity, mutual aid and nepotism. Data were collected from 207 haitian businesses selected randomly in the private sector. Two data collection methods were used. The questionnaire was emailed to undertakings having email address (response rate : 13.25%). Companies that do not have email address have been collecting data by direct interview, conducted by a team of investigators recruited for this purpose.The survey revealed that the company's performance earned an average of 3.92 and a standard deviation of 0.25. Intermediate variables (accumulation capital, human capital, innovation, customer orientation, managerial behavior, job performance, organizational commitment, organizational citizenship behavior) obtain scores ranging between 2.00 and 5.00, an average of 3.44 and 3.67 and a standard deviation ranging from 0.25 to 0.45. The independent variables (primacy of the beyond, self-withdrawal from the world, aspiration level, life in the present moment, fatalism, time management, aversion to competition, conformity, mutual aid, nepotism) obtain scores ranging between 1.00 and 5.00, an average ranging from 2.77 to 4.00 and a standard deviation ranging from 0.27 to 0.81. The results of the econometric analysis show that fatalism has positive impact on business performance. These positive effects were partially mediated by capital accumulation, innovation, managerial behavior of the entrepreneur, job performance and customer focus. These results mean that not only fatalism is subsequently favorable to performance company, but through different channels. Likewise, mutual aid helps strengthen organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behavior at the enterprise level. However, the primacy of the beyond, self-withdrawal from the world, the level of aspiration, time management, aversion to competition and conformity are presented as debilitating factors for the company performance. Nepotism is not really any disability for company performance or work performance. Living in the present moment does not constitute a problem for company performance. However, it prevents the company to undertake innovation projects
Ragaigne, Aurélien. "Les fonctions de l'évaluation des services publics locaux par la satisfaction des usagers, entre apprentissage et discipline." Phd thesis, Université d'Orléans, 2010. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00653161.
Full textJerbi, Jacin. "Evaluation des options et gestion des risques financiers par les réseaux de neurones et par les modèles à volatilité stochastique." Phd thesis, Université Panthéon-Sorbonne - Paris I, 2006. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00308623.
Full textneurones), en se basant sur deux bases d'options européennes, sur l'indice CAC 40, cotées sur le MONEP: la première base est une base intraday s'étalant du mois de janvier 1998 au mois de juin 1998 et la seconde est journalière s'étalant du mois de janvier1997 au mois de décembre 1999). Après traitement, ces bases sont découpées par contrats et par classes, selon la parité et la durée de vie résiduelle.
Kassis, Tanios. "Evaluation du processus et des risques de financement et d'investissement hôtelier au Proche-Orient (Liban, Syrie et Jordanie)." Perpignan, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005PERP0626.
Full textThe hospitality companies, integral part of the tourism industry, have internationally grown so fast. They are more and more attracting potential investors looking for a high return on their investment. This thesis examines and explores investors' attitudes to the hospitality industry in the Near East countries, Lebanon, Syria & Jordan where the primary motivation for investment in hotels is assumed to be maximization of wealth (maximum return on investment). The primary objectives of this research are to identify the process of financial investment in this area and to find out impediments and risks to investors in 3-5 star hotels, as well as to recommend methods by which these obstacles can be minimized or eliminated in order to increase the level of non-operator aligned investment. The aim of the study is also to theoretically develop and empirically test a hospitality financial investment model that can be used to identify and integrate significant success factors for an international/regional tourism destination that attract potential investors taking into consideration the process and all risks related. On the other hand, fundamental financial norms and concepts as well as financial investment principles still a little bit used in the hospitality sector in the near east and sometimes decisions are uncertainly made depending on the person's ego or perceptions. However for others, the sense of business aligned with investment and financial techniques is well taken into consideration where tourism sector is one of the most encourage and profitable on the economic and social levels in the Middle East
Talut, Guillaume. "La normalisation des formations supérieures de gestion en action : une analyse pragmatique des pratiques rhétoriques de la Commission d’Evaluation des Formations et Diplômes de Gestion (CEFDG)." Thesis, Paris 2, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018PA020006/document.
Full textThis research looks into the regulation of the French Higher Education in Managementsystem by focusing on a major body: the “Committee for evaluation of managementprograms” known as the “Commission d'Evaluation des Formations et Diplômes deGestion” (CEFDG). The CEFDG advises the Minister for higher education on theawarding of quality recognition to non-public higher education institutions. Drawingupon the Actor-Network Theory, ethnomethodology and Foucaldism, the researchintends to identify the specificities of the CEFDG by comparing it with other significantbodies: the AACSB (U.S.), the QAA (U.K.), the EQUIS system (transnational) and the“Commission des Titres d’Ingénieur” (French regulator in charge of engineers’programmes). Based on in-situ participant observation, archives and statistical data,an analysis of the rhetorical practices within CEFDG was carried out to identify keyfactors enabling conditions of success. Results show that two "normalization regimes"coexist and contribute to a better understanding of the French higher educationregulation and its operating conditions
Ankoud, Manel. "Gestion de l’hétérogénéité d’un SI de classification documentaire multifacette et positionnement dans l’environnement des ECM." Thesis, Paris, CNAM, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2015CNAM0964.
Full textThe knowledge organization is invested by librarians, archivists, information specialists, IT professionals and all discipline of document. It includes all activities, studies and research which develop and treat organization process and presentation of relevant information resources in an organization. In this context the Miipa-Doc project aims to explore new ascendants indexing methods, using descriptors made by individuals rather than selected given list for complex contained in the organization document, in large size companies, and design the corresponding software architecture.Our contribution in this project is to manage the heterogeneity of an information system of document organization, based on a business-oriented approach and a KOS (knowledge organization system) of folksonomy facet. We propose an incremental approach this management model driven, outcome of MDE (Model Driven Engineering), based on meta-models to ensure scalability appearance. After implementing the HyperTaging prototype, that implements both approaches, we propose an evaluation process used to position the prototype and all IS of documentary classification in the environment of ECM based on purposes of delicate and particular evaluation criteria
Michaud, Audrey. "Evaluation des services fourragers et environnementaux des prairies permanentes à partir de la végétation, du milieu et des pratiques de gestion." Thesis, Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, INPL, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011INPL039N/document.
Full textThe contribution of permanent grasslands (PG) to agronomic and environmental services is important. However, their low level of subsidies, a lack of knowledge about their management and a disinterest of these surfaces in favour of more productive forage production have accelerated their downturn. The upgrade of these surfaces in forage systems in particular by studying services of PG is an important issue. In this context, the objective of our study was to identify pedoclimatic and management practices descriptors and characteristics of the vegetation relevant to predict these services. Our approach was based on different steps: i) identification and characterization of forage and environmental services relevant to the PG, ii) identification of aptitude criteria (herbage quality, amount of nectar available ...) which allow to assess the degree of achievement of the services, iii) prediction of values for each criterion of aptitude from characteristics of vegetation (botanical and functional composition) and iv) building links between characteristics of vegetation and pedoclimatic (temperature, soil moisture) and management practices (fertilization, date of first cut) descriptors. From the literature survey, expertise and farm surveys we selected the forage and environmental services, the criteria of aptitude, the characteristics of vegetation and pedoclimatic and management practices descriptors. In total, four environmental services and 11 feed services were studied, taking into account the 12 characteristics of the vegetation (botanical composition (presence and dominance of species) and functional composition (life traits and properties of species)), 15 pedoclimatic descriptors (temperature, soil moisture ...) and 19 management practices descriptors (fertilization, intensity of use of grassland...). The study of a national network of 190 grasslands allowed us to show that botanical and functional composition are non-redundant and influenced by different pedoclimatic and management practices descriptors. The functional composition is influenced by pedoclimatic and management practices descriptors while the botanical composition, which uses a larger number of descriptors, is mainly predicted by pedoclimatic descriptors. The model predictions are better for the botanical composition than for the functional composition. The study of this network and of an experiment in control conditions allowed us to evaluate the quality of prediction of criteria of aptitude for forage services from the functional composition (functional types (FT), proportion of grasses, legumes and forbs, middle stage and dry matter content) of the vegetation. The study in a common environment of three grasslands contrasted on FT composition confirms on the whole growth season the differences in quality and production of grassland that are linked to the FT composition. In contrast, at the scale of the national grassland network, FT composition alone is not sufficient to predict the observed differences in production and quality. Other characteristics of vegetation such as the proportion of legumes and forbs, as well as the mean stage of vegetation or the dry matter content also contribute to explain the differences in production and quality between grasslands. Finally, a multicriteria approach allowed us to build an evaluation method of forage and environmental services from the criteria of aptitude.Thus, this thesis work allowed the development of a method to predict the forage and environmental services provided by permanent grasslands from the knowledge of pedoclimatic characteristics, management practices and of simple vegetation criteria
Moore, Rickie. "Evaluation de la performance économique durable des entreprises : méthodes et pratiques américaines et européennes." Lyon 3, 2005. https://scd-resnum.univ-lyon3.fr/in/theses/2005_in_moore_r.pdf.
Full textJabbour, Borhan. "Evaluation du bilan hydrique parcellaire en vue d'une gestion de l'eau : essai de régionalisation et d'application à la gestion durable de la nappe : cas de Beauce." Paris, AgroParisTech, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008AGPT0037.
Full textCorsi, Marco. "Evaluation et optimisation de portefeuille dans un modèle de diffusion avec sauts en observations partielles : aspects théoriques et numériques." Paris 7, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007PA077038.
Full textThis thesis investigates some aspects of the portfolio optimization under incomplete observation. The work is organized in three parts that analyze the following topics: Part 1. Portfolio optimization under partial observation in a jump-diffusion model. Part 2 Indifference price under partial observations in a jump-diffusion model. Part 3 Numerical approximation by quantization of discrete time control problems under partial observations and applications in finance. In the first two parts we consider the case of continuous time observation while in the third one we analyze the case of discrete time observation
Argy, Laurent. "Evaluation empirique des mécanismes de transmission des chocs fondamentaux et non fondamentaux vers les marchés boursiers." Université Louis Pasteur (Strasbourg) (1971-2008), 2007. https://publication-theses.unistra.fr/public/theses_doctorat/2007/ARGY_Laurent_2007_1.pdf.
Full textTCHABI, VINCENT I. "Ecologie, evaluation et utilisation des ressources pastorales dans la reserve de faune soudanienne de la pendjari (benin). - propositions d'amenagement et de gestion." Montpellier 3, 1994. http://www.theses.fr/1994MON30037.
Full textThis dissertation presents results of the research carried out from 1986 to 1990 in a part of the pendjari faunistic reserve, in northen benin, a region representative of the protected areas of the soudanien belt of west africa. The savanna, caracteristic biome of this biogeographical zone, was studied in two aspects : 1) plant ecology and 2) range management. In the first, we sought to identify the major ecological group in the study area, conceived with relative precision. The instability of these units is primarily due to factors related to large ungulates and other wildlife comp onents. Therefore we propose that intensified conservation and monitoring efforts be undertaken. In the second domain, the objective was to test a method for calculating the carrying capacity of rangeland used by wild life. For this purpose, a formula was used to establish the relationship between pastoral value (vp) and the ecological sustainable stocking rate. This procedure was validated with a non-parametric test (probability of risk < 5%) cen hence forth be employed in the pendjari reserve. This study thus sought to fill one of the important gaps in tropical range management which arises from an inadequate consideration of the phytoecological evaluation of the carrying capacity of these areas. An additional part of the study dealt with the functional ecology of the rangelands in this area under grazing pressure from three wild ungulates, syncerus caffer, hippotragus equinus and kobus kob. The diets of these three animals were monitored from 1988 to 1990, and the causes of their alimentary choices was studied along with edaphic constraints on pasture development. Finally, propositions were made for modifying the range management practises currently used in west africa
Youssefi, Abdelhakim El. "Conception et réalisation d'un système de gestion de base de données suivant un modèle objet : sgbd saad." Valenciennes, 1989. https://ged.uphf.fr/nuxeo/site/esupversions/15cd2400-18e9-4918-bb42-2da410672996.
Full textGoria, Sarah. "Evaluation d'un projet minier : approche bayésienne et options réelles." Paris, ENMP, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004ENMP1204.
Full textIn natural resource projects such as mines and oil fields, there are at least two important sources of uncertainties, market uncertainty represented mainly by the price of the commodity, and technical or private uncertainty represented by the reserves. Traditional methods of evaluating projects such as discounted cash flow analysis are based on fixed values of all the parameters and a fixed development scenario. They assume that firms are passive to changing conditions. Real options is an approach that has been designed to incorporate managerial flexibility and uncertainty on commodity prices, but little work has been done on incorporating uncertainty on technical parameters. For this we thought of combining real options with geostatistical conditional simulations, and in particular a Bayesian approach, to value a gold mining project and define the best development strategy. This thesis addresses the question of how to evaluate additional drilling. The investment in additional information is an important alternative for both the early development and the waiting for better market conditions
Ngnikam, Emmanuel. "Evaluation environnementale et économique de systèmes de gestion des déchets solides municipaux : Analyse du cas de Yaoundé au Cameroun." Lyon, INSA, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000ISAL0032.
Full textThe evaluation of environmental and economic impact of urban waste management systems is the objective of this work. The case of Yaoundé is analyzed in this report. Four systems of management have been undertaken as basis for the analyses. System 1 is the traditional collection and landfill disposal. While system 2 the biogas produced in the landfill is recuperated to produce electricity. In systems 3 and 4, in addition to the collection, we have introduced a centralized composting or biogas plant before the landfill disposal of refuse. Live Cycle Assessment (LCA), has proven more adapted to evaluate these four systems. The stages which have been studied are: the collection the transportation, the processing, the transportation of compost on a 70 distance km the landfill disposal of refuse. The analysis of the different outputs has allowed counting six impact class allocated by the waste management systems studied. These impact classes constitute the environmental criteria taking into account the multicriteria analysis of the four systems. Thus, at the environmental level, system 2 is released as the most effective. The economic analysis of the four systems is based on two criteria: investment costs and management costs. Here also, system 2 appears to be the most" economic, contrarily to system 3 and 4 that necessitate 5 to 10 times more investment for their realization and a management cost 2 to 3 times higher. System 2 is released as the most effective at the environmental and economic level in the context of Yaoundé. Therefore, traditional collection, landfill disposal and biogas recuperation to produce electricity is preferable
Boukherroub, Tasseda. "Intégration des objectifs du développement durable dans la gestion stratégique et tactique de la chaîne logistique." Thesis, Lyon, INSA, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013ISAL0080/document.
Full textWe address the problem of supply chain management in the context of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility). We propose an integrated approach allowing the operationalization of the economic, environmental and social performances at the strategic, tactical and operational decision levels of the supply chain. In particular, we apply our approach to the strategic and tactical levels, for the problem of sustainable insourcing/outsourcing of the activities of the value chain on the one hand (strategic decision), and for the problem of the strategic-tactical planning of a sustainable supply chain on the other hand. In the former case, we combine value analysis with performance measurement using AHP method (Analytical Hierarchy Process), an aggregative multi-criteria technique. In the latter, we develop a multi-objective mathematical program that we apply to a realistic case inspired by the Canadian lumber industry. After solving the problem, we obtain a multitude of compromise solutions (Pareto optimums) presenting different performance levels following the economic, environmental and social dimensions, allowing the decision maker to choose the solution that reflects best his/her CSR strategy. This application illustrates the proposed method and allows us to assess the practical value of our approach
Grim-Yefsah, Malika. "Gestion des connaissances et externalisation informatique. Apports managériaux et techniques pour l'amélioration du processus de transition : Cas de l’externalisation informatique dans un EPST." Thesis, Paris 9, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012PA090047/document.
Full textThe research of this thesis deals with the issue of knowledge transfer during the transition process of an IT project outsourced in EPST. In particular, How to transfer knowledge, experience and routines related to outsourced activities from outgoing team to a new incoming team? We focus on the transition due to its significance for outsourcing success, its complexity and theoretical richness, and its limited current understanding. We chose to approach this problem through knowledge management. In the first part of this thesis, based on the Goal-Question-Metric paradigm, we propose an approach for the definition of quality metrics covering the given operational requirements. The metrics we define take tacit knowledge into account, using information from the structural analysis of an informal network. In a second phase of this research, we developed a method, relying on capitalization on knowledge and theoretical mechanisms of knowledge transfer, and a tool to implement this process of knowledge transfer
Dagorn, Nathalie. "Management de la sécurité de l'information : mise en oeuvre, évaluation et pilotage de la sécurité de l'information dans les organisations." Thesis, Nancy 2, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011NAN22006.
Full textThis thesis addresses the problem of information security management within organizations. Through a series of theoretical and empirical analyses, it proposes (i) an exploratory model of the engagement of organizations in the governance of information security based on the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology by Venkatesh et al. (2003), (ii) a quantitative decision model for evaluation and forecasting of information security based on game theory by Von Neumann and Morgenstern (1944) in its stochastic version formalized by Shapley (1953), and (iii) a model of balanced scorecard using the original method of Kaplan and Norton (1992) for performance measurement and management of information security. Various methodological approaches have been applied to test these proposals, including a questionnaire survey (120 respondents), a brainstorming with votes (68 participants), an in-depth case study, two ex post analyses of fifteen security projects, a Metaplan session (32 participants), and a longitudinal case study. Our research results in an undeniable advance in traditional management models for information security, made possible by the use of interdisciplinary theoretical and methodological bases. In practice, the research provides the decision maker with a comprehensive framework for the management of information security, enabling him to engage the organization knowingly in the process, to evaluate its security status and establish forecasts or comparisons, to control and continuously improve the management of information security within the organization, and ultimately to contribute to the organization's overall performance and competitiveness
Ginglinger, Édith. "Finance et entreprises règlementées : application à la gestion déléguée des services publics locaux en France." Paris 9, 1988. https://portail.bu.dauphine.fr/fileviewer/index.php?doc=1988PA090024.
Full textBillé, Raphaël. "La Gestion intégrée du Littoral se décrète-t-elle ? : une analyse stratégique de la mise en œuvre, entre approche programme et cadre normatif." Paris, ENGREF, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004ENGR0016.
Full textIntegrated Coastal Management (ICM) has been developed and adopted over the last two decades as the main framework for sustainable development of coastal areas. Today, implementing this framework is both highly critical and very challenging. It is the main focus of this dissertation. This research builds upon a fundamental duality observed in ICM: ICM is a framework in which all coastal activities are to be integrated, but it is at the same time a set of “ICM-labelled” initiatives. Quite noticeably, this set of ad hoc initiatives tends to receive most attention from analysts and ICM practitioners. Even more critically, a detailed analysis of the “ICM world” highlights an obvious focus on a programme approach to ICM. The dissertation shows that this focus is theoretically not justified, challenged by problems that ICM programmes implementation faces in the field, and hampering evaluation of ICM implementation. Based on several case studies in France and Madagascar, a strategic approach to ICM implementation and evaluation is developed that strengthens ICM theoretical background so as to make it more efficiently workable in the field
Lapierre, Dimitri. "Méthode EVADE : une approche intégrée pour l’EValuation et l’Aide au DEbriefing." Thesis, Nîmes, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016NIME0001/document.
Full textLessons learnt from past accidents emphasize that major crisis management’s limitations are mainly characterised by collective failures (organizational, behavioural and cognitive), absence and/or maladaptive training of actors. Indeed, the training exercises have limitations such as the assessment: it focuses on the technical skills of the group, not on non-technical skills mobilized, and it is not conducted in real time. The presentation of the results during the debriefing is also incomplete. The present work aims to present the EVADE method to assess trainees during crisis management training and feedback them. This method required the upstream creation of a typology of training objectives to be integrated into training and the identification of technical and non-technical skills of a crisis cell. The approach is based on behavioural markers which are used to identify mobilized skills of a group during exercise. The assessment tool is presented, through its construction and its functioning, and it is tested with trainees in crisis management exercises. Various examples of the results of restitution are then proposed for the debriefing
Slim, Farah. "Etude et implémentation d'algorithmes de gestion de ressources pour un système d'exploitation de réseau." Thesis, Ecole nationale supérieure Mines-Télécom Atlantique Bretagne Pays de la Loire, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018IMTA0071.
Full textNetwork programmability is a major issue in the evolution of telecommunication systems. However, the emergence of new initiatives in the context of the internet of the future, such as network function virtualization and specialized tools such as Openstack makes it possible to develop new approaches to control and manage the network infrastructure. This new approach on which telecom operators rely to accelerate their digital transformation will impact not only the way networks are defined but also the main role of the operator, who now hasto manage cloud resources in combination with network resources. The main goal of the thesis is to analyze the modifications that will affect the infrastructure of the operator in order to design resource allocation algorithms adapted to the context of the virtualization of network functions
Faure, Gaëlle Berriau Nathalie Monot Paul. "Evaluation et propositions d'évolution du site web du GIP Ascodocpsy refonte du site avec SPIP (système de publication pour Internet) /." [S.l.] : [s.n.], 2004. http://www.enssib.fr/bibliotheque/documents/dessride/rsfaure.pdf.
Full textJacquemin, Guillaume. "La cécidomyie orange du blé, Sitodiplosis mosellana (Géhin): appréhension des risques et gestion intégrée." Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/2013/ULB-DIPOT:oai:dipot.ulb.ac.be:2013/209322.
Full textAu début des années 2000, la phéromone sexuelle de S. mosellana a été identifiée au Canada. Cette découverte a permis la fabrication de pièges qui ont considérablement amélioré la détection et la mesure des vols de cet insecte minuscule. De 2007 à 2010, les captures de S. mosellana ont été mesurées quotidiennement dans plusieurs dizaines de champs de Wallonie, aux historiques et aux couverts variés.
Les volumes de captures au piège à phéromone sexuelle ont été très importants. Il a fallu en étudier la signification, notamment en termes de mesure du risque. En effet, si les mâles sont efficacement capturés, seules les femelles constituent un risque de dégâts. L’interprétation correcte des captures à l’aide de ce type de piège, a été rendue possible par l’observation de différences fondamentales concernant la mobilité et la distribution spatiale des mâles et des femelles de S. mosellana. Même s’ils ne mesurent pas directement l’émergence proprement dite, les pièges à phéromone ont permis, grâce à leur très grande sensibilité, de préciser les connaissances sur l’émergence des adultes et de révéler que plusieurs vagues d’émergence pouvaient se succéder au cours d’une même année.
La prévision des émergences de la cécidomyie orange du blé, constitue la clé de voûte de la lutte contre ce ravageur dont un contrôle efficace par des insecticides ne se justifie éventuellement que lorsque la courte saison des pontes coïncide avec l’épiaison des froments. Les patrons d’émergence obtenus par les pièges ont été confrontés aux prévisions de différents modèles conçus en Europe ou en Amérique du Nord, et appliqués aux conditions météorologiques observées de 2007 à 2010. Aucun de ces modèles n’a prévu correctement les émergences sur l’ensemble des quatre années.
Les données d’émergence obtenues à l’aide des pièges à phéromone (effectifs élevés et relevés quotidiens) ont fait apparaître une relation de cause à effet entre, d’une part les vagues d’émergences et, d’autre part les épisodes pluvieux observés trois à six semaines plus tôt. L’écart entre une &61618;pluie inductrice&61618; et la vague d’émergence induite correspondante s’est avéré constant en termes d’accumulation de température :il équivaut à 160 degrés-jours en base 7°C. Partant de ce constat et des acquis des modèles antérieurs, un modèle prévisionnel original des émergences a été développé et validé sur le terrain. Allié à une meilleure connaissance de la biologie du ravageur, il constitue un outil majeur de la lutte intégrée.
Par ailleurs, les travaux menés ont également révélé l’existence d’un biais fréquent dans les essais d’évaluation des variétés, entraîné par la concentration des pontes de cécidomyie orange sur les premières parcelles atteignant le stade épiaison. Dans le système d’évaluation en vigueur, notamment pour l’inscription dans les catalogues nationaux, ce biais conduit à une sous-estimation du potentiel de rendement des variétés de blé les plus précoces.
Enfin, la découverte du rôle inducteur des pluies sur l’émergence des adultes a été exploitée en conditions contrôlées pour planifier des émergences échelonnées, et pour disposer, pendant une longue période, de jeunes adultes prêts à pondre. Cette application permet dès à présent de mesurer en serre le niveau de résistance des variétés exposées de façon homogène à l’insecte, quel que soit leur degré de précocité.
De diverses façons, cette étude contribue à une meilleure connaissance de la cécidomyie orange du blé et offre de nouveaux outils pour la lutte intégrée contre ce ravageur.
The orange wheat blossom midge, Sitodiplosis mosellana (Géhin), a common pest of wheat throughout the northern hemisphere, is known for two centuries but remains difficult to control due to its discrete behavior and its highly variable population level.
In general, the infestation levels in Wallonia (Belgium) are low, although levels could locally exceed worrying thresholds.
In the early 2000s, the sexual pheromone of S. mosellana has been identified in Canada. This discovery has led to the manufacturing of traps which have greatly improved the detection of this tiny insect. From 2007 to 2010 in Wallonia, S. mosellana captures have been daily registered in about 20 fields with different cropping histories and grown with different crops.
Insect captures by pheromone traps were numerous. Relation between amount of captures and risk measurement has been studied. As expected, only the males are attracted by the pheromone and the risk of ears infestation is mainly related to the presence of females. The correct interpretation of captures in pheromone traps has been established by the observation of fundamental differences between males and females concerning their mobility and their spatial distribution.
Despite the fact that pheromone traps are not real emergence traps, they have led to new information on adult emergence indicating that several emergence waves can be consecutive during the same year.
Forecasting the emergence of the adult orange wheat blossom midge is a key element on pest management. Insecticides treatments are sometimes justified when the egg laying period of the insect coincides with ear emergence of wheat. Emergence patterns established from captures of pheromone traps have been compared with the forecast of several models built in Europe or North America. These forecasting models were used with the meteorological data observed from 2007 until 2010. None of the six tested models provided a reliable forecast across the four years of our study.
Emergence data from catches in pheromone traps were very accurate because the number of catches were high and were taken each day. This emergence data showed a relation between emergence waves and rainfalls occurring during the preceding 3 to 6 weeks. The lag between inductive rain and emergence wave is constant in terms of temperature accumulation: it is equivalent to 160 degree–days above 7°C. This discovery, combined with experience from previous models, was incorporated into a new forecasting model.
In addition, the present work has also revealed the existence of a common bias in variety evaluation trials leading sometime to the concentration of the eggs in the earliest earing variety. In the current evaluation system, this bias leads to a sub-evaluation of the yield for the most precocious varieties.
Finally, the discovery of the inductive rain for adult emergence has been used in the screening for resistant varieties to S. mosellana by providing adults during the complete duration of the test. This application of the model allows to measure, under controlled conditions, the level of resistance of all varieties (early and late heading varieties) which are exposed homogeneously to the insect.
In total, this study has contributed to a better understanding of the orange wheat blossom midge and provides some new tools in the management of this pest.
Doctorat en Sciences agronomiques et ingénierie biologique
Preuss, Bastien. "Evaluation de scénarios de gestion des ressources du lagon Sud-ouest de la Nouvelle-Calédonie : intégration des connaissances et modélisation spatialement explicite." Nouvelle Calédonie, 2012. http://portail-documentaire.univ-nc.nc/files/public/bu/theses_unc/TheseBastienPreuss2012.pdf.
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