Academic literature on the topic 'EV TECHNOLOGIES'

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Journal articles on the topic "EV TECHNOLOGIES"


Toomnan, Parichart, and Bodee Putsayainunt. "Technologies in English Online Learning for Vendors." International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET) 17, no. 16 (August 31, 2022): 126–36.

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The purposes of the present investigation were: 1) to scrutinize whether, after us-ing the English for Vendors (EV hereafter) program, the vendors improve their language learning achievement; and 2) to explore vendors’ attitudes toward learn-ing through the EV program. There were twenty participants involved in this in-vestigation. The main research instruments were EV program and a questionnaire of vendors’ attitudes toward EV program. After completing the EV program, the participants were asked to answer the questionnaire about their attitudes toward learning through the EV program. The results of the present investigation re-vealed that the participants’ performance scores between the pretest and the post-test were statistically and significantly different at p<.00. Consequently, the EV program is shown to have improved the vendors’ performance in their communi-cative competence. According to their attitudes toward learning through the EV program, the results obtained from the questionnaire showed that the vendors be-lieved the EV program was appropriate (
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Norman, Helen. "EV Tyre Advances." Vehicle Dynamics International 2023, no. 1 (May 2023): 24–30.

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Four leading tyre manufactures share their latestEV-”““ focused developments, with new technologies bringing benefits including weight reduction, enhanced grip and comfort, and improved range, durability and sustainability
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LOLLI, L., G. BRIDA, I. P. DEGIOVANNI, M. GRAMEGNA, E. MONTICONE, F. PIACENTINI, C. PORTESI, et al. "Ti/Au TES AS SUPERCONDUCTING DETECTOR FOR QUANTUM TECHNOLOGIES." International Journal of Quantum Information 09, supp01 (January 2011): 405–13.

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Single photon detectors are fundamental tools for quantum metrology, e.g. to calibrate both detectors and sources, as for quantum information. One of the most promising detectors able to resolve single photons is the transition-edge sensor (TES). We report our last results obtained with Ti/Au TES deposited on SiN substrate. Photon counting measurements, obtained by using pulsed sources, in the NIR-visible wavelength range, show the ability to resolve up to fourteen photons with an energy resolution of 0.44 eV at 690 nm (1.80 eV) and 0.38 eV at 1310 nm (0.95 eV), with a good linearity. A preliminary measurement obtained by using a parametric down conversion (PDC) heralded single photon source, at 812 nm (1.53 eV), is also reported.
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Chi-lan, Cai, Wang Xiao-gang, Bai Yue-wei, Xia Yan-chun, and Liu Kai. "Key Technologies of EV Motor Drive System Design." Procedia Engineering 16 (2011): 356–62.

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Li, Hui, Wei Shi Zhang, Jin Yu Shi, and Xi Yuan Ma. "The Sensing Technologies in the Electric Vehicle Charging and Exchanging Station." Applied Mechanics and Materials 303-306 (February 2013): 1456–59.

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The Electric Vehicle Charging and Exchanging (EVCE) station is the important infrastructure for the Electric Vehicle (EV) industry. Meanwhile, the sensing technologies can effectively obtain the key parameters from kinds of smart devices, which make it very suitable for intelligent management in EVCE station system. In this paper, according to the environment and supporting technologies for EVCE station, we introduce the sensing technologies in detail, including technologies about EV battery sensing, EV sensing, charging/exchanging station sensing and charging pile sensing, etc. Practice shows that the sensing technology can effectively improve EVCE station intelligence.
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Gao, Hui, and Ying Jun Wu. "The Research Status and Development Trend of Electric Vehicle Power Supply Technology." Advanced Materials Research 1008-1009 (August 2014): 381–84.

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Electric vehicle (EV) power supply infrastructure construction and the related technologies are the prerequisite and core of the EV industry development respectively. This paper introduces the technology research and application situation of charging, battery swapping and smart charging/battery swap service network operation management in China, and meanwhile introduces the EV energy supply infrastructure construction and some typical pilot projects in China. And the EV energy supply technologies development trend is discussed at last.
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Arif, Syed Muhammad, Tek Tjing Lie, Boon Chong Seet, Soumia Ayyadi, and Kristian Jensen. "Review of Electric Vehicle Technologies, Charging Methods, Standards and Optimization Techniques." Electronics 10, no. 16 (August 9, 2021): 1910.

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This paper presents a state-of-the-art review of electric vehicle technology, charging methods, standards, and optimization techniques. The essential characteristics of Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV) and Electric Vehicle (EV) are first discussed. Recent research on EV charging methods such as Battery Swap Station (BSS), Wireless Power Transfer (WPT), and Conductive Charging (CC) are then presented. This is followed by a discussion of EV standards such as charging levels and their configurations. Next, some of the most used optimization techniques for the sizing and placement of EV charging stations are analyzed. Finally, based on the insights gained, several recommendations are put forward for future research.
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Collin, Ryan, Yu Miao, Alex Yokochi, Prasad Enjeti, and Annette von Jouanne. "Advanced Electric Vehicle Fast-Charging Technologies." Energies 12, no. 10 (May 15, 2019): 1839.

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Negative impacts from the dominant use of petroleum-based transportation have propelled the globe towards electrified transportation. With this thrust, many technological challenges are being encountered and addressed, one of which is the development and availability of fast-charging technologies. To compete with petroleum-based transportation, electric vehicle (EV) battery charging times need to decrease to the 5–10 min range. This paper provides a review of EV fast-charging technologies and the impacts on the battery systems, including heat management and associated limitations. In addition, the paper presents promising new approaches and opportunities for power electronic converter topologies and systems level research to advance the state-of-the-art in fast-charging.
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Monteiro, Vitor, and Joao L. Afonso. "Power Electronics Technologies and Applicationsfor EV Battery Charging Systems." Energies 15, no. 3 (January 30, 2022): 1049.

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Joaquim Filho, José. "Identifying electric vehicles batteries technology trends: a prospective study based on patent mining." Brazilian Journal of Business 5, no. 3 (July 30, 2023): 1595–613.

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The purpose of this paper is to identify recent trends in battery technologies being produced for Electric Vehicles [EV] propulsion, including advantages regarding pollution reduction. We used the software Patent2Net to investigate, through patent granted mining, by the International Patent Office [IPO], showing the linkages between inventors, patent applicants, and technology platform trends. Results show an increase in patent granted for EV batteries in the last 10 years, meaning that the knowledge on batteries technology and innovation has been continuously improved. Japanese technologies assume incumbency in the field, showing innovation diversity while dealing in almost all EV battery technology platforms. In spite of outdated technologies, such as Lead-acid batteries, keep on fighting in specific niches, Lithium batteries appear as the prevailing technology, as shown in sixteen patents. Lithium EV battery technologies/innovation trends, however, seem not determinative, as concerns on the availability of Lithium and other related metals, central to these technologies, becomes paramount.
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "EV TECHNOLOGIES"


Aliane, Abdelkader. "Développement de bolomètre refroidi à 0,1 K pour une détection X dans la gamme 100 eV – 10 keV." Phd thesis, Grenoble INPG, 2009.

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Les missions d'astronomie X de nouvelle génération (IXO par exemple) sont à l'étude. Ces missions seront équipées de miroirs X de grande surface effective, à bande passante étendue vers les hautes énergies et à haute résolution angulaire. Ceci implique l'utilisation au plan focal de détecteurs spectro-imageurs de performances en rapport, améliorés en terme de taux de comptage, de bande passante en énergie et de résolution spectrale par rapport aux CCDs qui constituent la base des instruments actuels. Le travail réalisé dans cette thèse consiste en l'extrapolation à la détection X de matrices de bolomètres IR déjà développées au LETI pour la mission spatiale HERSCHEL. Les études réalisées ont consisté à adapter l'impédance des senseurs silicium à la mesure des signaux impulsionnels engendrés par des interactions X avec le détecteur, à réaliser des matrices d'absorbeurs pixellisés sur poignée silicium à partir de microfeuilles de tantale (Ta) qui ont été traitées et fournies par des laboratoires en collaboration avec le LETI. Nous avons validé une technologie de report de ces matrices absorbeur sur matrices senseur par hybridation par bille d'indium. Nous avons optimisé l'hybridation en terme de capacité calorifique. Nous avons réussi à réaliser un prototype de matrice 8 x 8 pixels libérés et hybridés. Tous les procédés technologiques mis en point sont collectifs et extrapolables à des matrices de grandes dimensions (32 X 32 pixels).
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BUSK, ANDREY, and WARRENSTEIN ARVID JOELSSON. "Market analysis for electric vehicle supply equipment : The case of China." Thesis, KTH, Hållbarhet och industriell dynamik, 2014.

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Personliga eldrivna fordon (EV) är ett nytt teknikområde som är på väg att uppnå stort momentum på flera av världens marknader. Eftersom branschen fortfarande ligger i sin linda finns det i nuläget inga tydliga strukturer, som gäller för alla marknader världen över, gällande relationerna mellan aktörer, vilket leder till osäkerheter när det kommer till att ta strategiska beslut. Uppdragsgivaren för denna studie är Hong Kong EV Power Ltd. (EV Power), en Hongkong-baserad leverantör av laddningsstationer för elbilar och relaterade tjänster, som har ambitionen att inträda marknaden på det kinesiska fastlandet inom den närmaste framtiden. Emellertid har EV Power ännu inte bestämt sig vilken stad de vill rikta in sig på i det första skedet. Denna avhandling ämnar formulera en modell som kan användas för att utvärdera och jämföra geografiska marknader med avseende på lämpligheten för ett marknadsinträde av en leverantör av laddningsstationer för elbilar. Dessutom kommer modellen testas på tre städer på kinas fastland (Peking, Shanghai och Shenzhen), med syfte att komma fram till vilken stad som är mest attraktiv för EV Power, samt att utvärdera modellens funktionsduglighet. Sist kommer resultaten från utvärderingen av de tre städerna att tjäna som utgångspunkten för en analys som ämnar ta fram framgångsfaktorer för ett marknadsinträde på kinas fastland. För att uppnå detta har fyra olika datainsamlingsmetoder använts: Först studerades teori, med syfte att få bakgrundskunskap likväl som att få förståelse för specifika faktorer som påverkar ett marknadsinträde som detta. För det andra observerades EV Powers nuvarande verksamhet i Hong Kong, i avsikt att förstå vad som har lett till den framgång som företaget upplevt på sin hemmamarknad. För det tredje intervjuades branschexperter för att få ett perspektiv på branschen som helhet. Sist samlades sekundär data kring de tre städerna in, för att kunna utvärdera de olika faktorerna som ingår i den framtagna modellen. Den slutgiltiga modellen består av fem faktorer som påverkar en stads attraktivitet för ett marknadsinträde av en leverantör av laddningsstationer för elbilar. De identifierade faktorerna är: ’Marknadens tillgänglighet’, ’Kortsiktig efterfrågan’, ’Förväntad marknadsandel’, ’Vinstmarginal’ och ’Långsiktig produktpotential’. Dessa faktorer är i sin tur indelade i subfaktorer som har sina egna uppsättningar av drivare. Efter att ha använt modellen för att utvärdera de tre städerna konstaterades det att Shanghai är den lämpligaste staden för ett marknadsinträde av EV Power, främst på grund av stadens dominans på marknaden för privatanvända elbilar och ett gynnsamt regelverk. Slutligen hittades tre framgångsfaktorer för ett sådant inträde: ’Fokusera på tjänster’, ’Bibehåll partner-relationer’ och ’Inträd tidigt’.
Personal electric vehicles (EV) is an emerging technology that has gained much momentum in several markets during the past decade, and China is currently one of the markets where the growth in EV sales is the highest. Since the industry is still in its infancy, there are currently no clear structures regarding the relationships between different actors that apply to all markets globally, leading to great uncertainty in strategic decisions. The commissioner of this study is Hong Kong EV Power Ltd. (EV Power), a producer of EV supply equipment (EVSE) and related services in Hong Kong, which aspires to enter the Chinese mainland in the near future. However, EV Power has yet to decide which city they want to target first. This thesis aims to formulate a model that can be used to evaluate and compare geographic markets for a market entry by an EVSE company. Furthermore, the model is tested on three cities in Mainland China (Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen), in order to derive the most attractive city for EV Power and to evaluate the adequacy of the model. Lastly, with the results from the city evaluation, as a point of departure, success factors for an entry into Mainland China by the commissioning company will be summarized. In order to achieve this objective, four distinct data collection methods have been used: First, theory was studied, in order to gain background knowledge as well as to understand specific factors that impact a market entry decision such as this. Second, EV Power’s current business in Hong Kong was observed, with a view to achieve an understanding of what has led the company to experience success in its home market. Third, Interviews with industry experts were conducted, so as to get a perspective on the industry as a whole. Fourth and last, secondary data for the different cities was collected, for the sake of evaluating them according to the developed model. The final model consists of five main factors that encompass the elements that influence a cities level of attractiveness for entry by an EV charging station supplier. The identified factors are: ‘Market accessibility’, ‘Short-term demand’, ‘Expected market share’, ‘Profit margin’, and ‘Long-term product potential’. These factors are in turn divided into sub factors that have their own set of drivers. Using the model to evaluate the cities, it was found that Shanghai is the most suitable city for a market entry by EV Power, mainly due to its dominance in the market for private EVs and a favourable regulatory environment. Finally, three main success factors, for such a market entry, were found: ‘Focus on services’, ‘Maintain partner relationships’, and ‘Enter early’.
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Electric Vehicles are nothing new and we all have heard about how it is the future in recent past but are all these speculations hold enough weight, is the electric Vehicles infrastructure going to be in the scheme of things of our current governments or future governments. In this particular report, I will try to explain what is Electric Vehicle, how did it arrive and what the future hold for EVs in India. The objective of this research paper is to gain a better understanding and evaluate the current scenario of Electronic Vehicles manufacturer in adopting future regulatory measures which would be provided by the government, what are the problems that the Electric Vehicles manufacturer will face, how the government would try to help firms in this direction, such as policies that might be beneficial to the average consumer in buying an EV compared to a traditional gas vehicle. And the policies which might encourage new firms in India as well as International firms to try to create manufacturing plants and other investment in Electric Vehicles in Indian Market. This research paper will also discuss the various problems that the country might face in the transition from traditional vehicles to Electric Vehicles, how the mindset of Indian people is transitioning into becoming more open minded and how it might help them for the adoption of Electric Vehicles in the Future. I conducted a small survey to better understand the various perceptions and attitudes of the possibilities for new technologies in automobiles, especially electric vehicles. It was difficult to forecast future demand for EVs because it demanded assessing consumer preferences for a product that they had never seen before. As a result, we concentrated on evaluating respondents' familiarity with EV technologies, as well as their views on price, model, choice, fueling, connectivity, and maintenance expenses, as well as the consumer's perceived fit of an Electric vehicle in his or her lifestyle depending on a wide number of demographic parameters.
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Karnama, Ahmad. "Electrification of Transportation: From Fuel Policy to Electricity Market and EV Battery Charging in Microgrids." Doctoral thesis, 2020.

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Karnama, Ahmad. "Electrification of Transportation: From Fuel Policy to Electricity Market and EV Battery Charging in Microgrids." Tese, 2020.

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Book chapters on the topic "EV TECHNOLOGIES"


Williamson, Sheldon S. "EV and PHEV Battery Technologies." In Energy Management Strategies for Electric and Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles, 65–90. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2013.

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Hu, Donghai, and Bifeng Yin. "Stability Analysis for EV Powertrain." In Key Technologies on New Energy Vehicles, 1–18. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2021.

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Mathuria, Kirti, Asmita Singh, N. Sandeep, Arun Kumar Verma, P. Saravana Prakash, and Harpal Tiwari. "Introduction to EV Charging Systems." In Advanced Concepts and Technologies for Electric Vehicles, 21–40. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2023.

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Cheng, Shuang, Da Xie, and Chenghong Gu. "Local Energy Trading with EV Flexibility." In Recent Advancements in Connected Autonomous Vehicle Technologies, 153–73. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2022.

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Hsu, Chan-Wei, Yu-Chi Shiue, Shun-Li Wang, Hou-Yu Huang, and Cheng-Ruei Wei. "Constructing an Integrated Communication and Oriented Protocols into EV Preliminary Operation: A Case Study of EV Surveillance Application." In Intelligent Technologies and Engineering Systems, 693–99. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2013.

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Zhang, Xi, Chong Zhu, and Haitao Song. "The Future of EV Wireless Power Transfer Technologies." In Wireless Power Transfer Technologies for Electric Vehicles, 253–57. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2022.

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Zhu, Yueying. "Modeling of SRM Drive System for EV." In Recent Advancements in Connected Autonomous Vehicle Technologies, 1–36. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2021.

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Hu, Donghai, and Bifeng Yin. "Control Methodology of Stability Optimization for EV Powertrain." In Key Technologies on New Energy Vehicles, 19–47. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2021.

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Varghese, Vipil, Laith Egab, Vignesh Rajan, Mohammad Fard, Reza Jazar, and Jason Miller. "An Analytical Method for Acoustic Characterisation of EV Interior Trims." In Sustainable Automotive Technologies 2012, 331–36. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012.

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Kumar, D. S., A. Sharma, and C. D. Rodríguez-Gallegos. "Power Grid Impacts of Electric Vehicle (EV) Integration." In Advanced Concepts and Technologies for Electric Vehicles, 203–29. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2023.

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Conference papers on the topic "EV TECHNOLOGIES"


Paltanea, Gheorghe, Veronica Manescu Paltanea, Iosif Vasile Nemoianu, Horia Gavrila, and Paul Cristian Andrei. "Influence of cutting technologies on the magnetic anisotropy of grain oriented electrical steel." In 2017 Electric Vehicles International Conference (EV). IEEE, 2017.

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Petrella, Anthony J., and John W. Dyer. "Enduring Vigilance (EV)." In 2016 IEEE Symposium on Technologies for Homeland Security (HST). IEEE, 2016.

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Islam, Md Shariful, and N. Mithulananthan. "Daily EV load profile of an EV charging station at business premises." In 2016 IEEE Innovative Smart Grid Technologies - Asia (ISGT-Asia). IEEE, 2016.

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Veneri, O., L. Ferraro, C. Capasso, and D. Iannuzzi. "Charging infrastructures for EV: Overview of technologies and issues." In 2012 Electrical Systems for Aircraft, Railway and Ship Propulsion (ESARS). IEEE, 2012.

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Akatsu, Kan, Naoki Watanabe, Masami Fujitsuna, Shinji Doki, and Hiroshi Fujimoto. "Recent related technologies for EV/HEV applications in JAPAN." In 2013 IEEE ECCE Asia Downunder (ECCE Asia 2013). IEEE, 2013.

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Cheng, Kai-Wen, Yuexin Bian, Yuanyuan Shi, and Yize Chen. "Carbon-Aware EV Charging." In 2022 IEEE International Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing Technologies for Smart Grids (SmartGridComm). IEEE, 2022.

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Mehar, Sara, Sidi Mohammed Senouci, and Guillaume Remy. "EV-planning: Electric vehicle itinerary planning." In 2013 International Conference on Smart Communications in Network Technologies (SaCoNeT). IEEE, 2013.

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Do¨bbeling, Klaus, Jaan Hellat, and Hans Koch. "25 Years of BBC/ABB/Alstom Lean Premix Combustion Technologies." In ASME Turbo Expo 2005: Power for Land, Sea, and Air. ASMEDC, 2005.

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The paper will show the development of lean premix combustion technologies in BBC, ABB and Alstom gas turbines. Different technologies have been developed and applied in Brown Boveri Company (BBC) before 1990. Considerable improvements with respect to NOx emissions as compared to gas turbines with a single combustor and a single diffusion burner for liquid and gaseous fuel have been achieved with burners with extended premixing sections and with multi injection burners for annular combustors. Between 1990 and 2005 burners with short but effective premixing zones (EV burners: environmental friendly V-shaped burners) have been implemented in all new gas turbines of the ABB (and later Alstom) fleet with NOx levels well below 25 vppmd (@15%O2). In addition to this, three variants of premix technologies have been successfully developed and deployed into Alstom GT engines: the sequential EV burners — a technology that allows premixing of natural gas and oil into a hot exhaust stream to reheat the exhaust gases of a first high pressure turbine; the MBtu EV burners that are used to burn syngas in a premix flame with low NOx emissions; and the advanced EV burners (AEV) that are capable to prevaporize and premix liquid fuel prior to combustion and burn it with very low NOx emissions without water injection. The paper will give an overview of these technologies and their usage in Alstom gas turbines over the last 25 years.
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Musavi, Fariborz, Murray Edington, and Wilson Eberle. "Wireless power transfer: A survey of EV battery charging technologies." In 2012 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE). IEEE, 2012.

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Pandey, Rahul, and Bhim Singh. "Bridgeless PFC Converter Based EV Charger." In 2020 IEEE International Conference on Computing, Power and Communication Technologies (GUCON). IEEE, 2020.

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Reports on the topic "EV TECHNOLOGIES"


Konstantinou, Theodora, Diala Haddad, Akhil Prasad, Ethan Wright, Konstantina Gkritza, Dionysios Aliprantis, Steven Pekarek, and John E. Haddock. Feasibility Study and Design of In-Road Electric Vehicle Charging Technologies. Purdue University, 2021.

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Electric Roadways (ERs) or Dynamic Wireless Charging (DWC) lanes offer an alternative dynamic and wireless charging method that has the potential of giving electric vehicles (EV) limitless range while they are moving. Heavy-duty vehicles (HDVs) are expected to be early adopters of the DWC technology due to the higher benefits offered to these vehicles that are traveling on fixed routes. The goal of this project was to assess the feasibility of ERs in Indiana and design a test bed for in-road EV charging technologies. The most suitable locations for implementing DWC lanes were identified on interstates that are characterized by high truck traffic. Using I-65 S as a case study, it was found that DWC can be economically feasible for the developer and competitive for the EV owner at high and medium future projections of EV market penetration levels. However, the existing substations are unlikely to serve future DWC needs for HDVs. Thus, consideration should be given to substation expansion to support EVs as market penetration expands. Implementing the DWC technology on interstates and jointly with major pavement preservation activities is recommended. Large scale deployment can significantly reduce the high initial investment. Renewable energy resources (solar and wind) deployed in the vicinity of ERs can reduce the electricity costs and associated greenhouse gas emissions.
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