Academic literature on the topic 'Europe atlantique'
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Journal articles on the topic "Europe atlantique"
Flatrès, Pierre. "Europe atlantique et Arc atlantique." Norois 157, no. 1 (1993): 35–43.
Full textGnesotto, Nicole. "Europe européenne ou Europe atlantique : histoire de deux illusions." Revue Défense Nationale N° 821, no. 6 (June 1, 2019): 50–55.
Full textMoulier-Boutang, Yann. "La faille atlantique des relations Europe/États-Unis." Multitudes 14, no. 4 (2003): 13.
Full textKerouanton, Isabelle. "Ligne à grande vitesse Sud-Europe-Atlantique et archéologie." Archeopages, Hors-série 4 (October 1, 2016): 108–14.
Full textZima, Amélie. "La construction politique de l’atlantisme en Europe centrale." Études internationales 49, no. 2 (January 15, 2019): 391–418.
Full textKolboom, Ingo. "Le « Triangle de Weimar » et la « double ouverture » euro-atlantique de la Pologne." Études internationales 40, no. 2 (October 9, 2009): 261–75.
Full textPhilippe, Michel. "Un état des connaissances sur la navigation préhistorique en Europe atlantique." Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française 115, no. 3 (2018): 567–97.
Full textPhilippe, Michel. "Un état des connaissances sur la navigation préhistorique en Europe atlantique." Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française 115, no. 3 (2018): 567–97.
Full textGallichan, Gilles. "Les Parlements et leurs bibliothèques, ou les chemins documentaires de la démocratie." Documentation et bibliothèques 47, no. 4 (May 13, 2015): 145–48.
Full textSalanova, Laure. "Le rôle de la façade atlantique dans la genèse du Campaniforme en Europe." Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française 101, no. 2 (2004): 223–26.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Europe atlantique"
Poussard, Anne. "L'arc atlantique : du virtuel au réel ? : Géographies d'un "espace-projet"." Caen, 1996.
Full textThe thesis analyses the emergence and the construction of the atlantic arc as an "espace-projet", which is defined as an abstract territory, serving as a reference framework for regional development strategies. Public community policies for european territorial planning of the two last decades are interpreted through the concepts of social geography and political geography. Investigation focused on three aspects of the emergence within a period of accelerated european integration. In the first part, an atlas of the atlantic front has been elaborated in an attempt to establish a geographic reality for the atlantic territory. It reveals, in fact, that the atlantic regions present intra and inter-regional characteristics as diverse and important as for the other regions of european union (geography, history, demography, economics, etc,). The second part focuses on social, economic and political changes that have occured in the eighties and early nineties, from the local governments to european decision-making institutions. This approach, from the local to the international level, explains the context of the emergence of the atlantic arc. The third part proposes a method for interpretation of the emergence processes and the functioning of the atlantic arc. This has been conducted the analysis of the strategies of the political and economic decision-markers which have promoted this "espace-projet"
Quilliec, Bénédicte. "L'épée atlantique : échanges et prestige au Bronze final." Paris 1, 2003.
Full textLozouet, Pierre. "Le domaine atlantique européen au Cénozoïque moyen : diversité et évolution des gastéropodes." Paris, Muséum national d'histoire naturelle, 1997.
Full textGissinger, Bastien. "Recherches sur les dynamiques urbaines des agglomérations fortifiées du IVe au VIIe siècle entre Atlantique et Rhin." Strasbourg 2, 2008.
Full textThis work has studied about 300 walled-towns in nine late roman provinces, and the way they've changed. This study was able to highlight the fact that the great number of walls during the Late Antiquity, results from both defensive and aesthetical criterias. The contemporary housing is usually considered to be extremely retracted in cramped walls. Though archaeology, combined with study of sources, shows that in many cases, the apparent disappearance is caused by coincidence and the misinterpretation or conservation of the remains. The real change appears to be linked to spreading Christianism in the cities, both on the question of mentality as about implications for urban planning. The study has finally showed a positive image of the walled-city in Late Antiquity since it does not seem to take the path of decline, as it is often said
Conil, Sébastien. "Modélisation de l'influence océanique sur la variablilité atmosphérique dans la région Atlantique Nord Europe." Paris 6, 2003.
Full textPortal, Claire. "Reliefs et patrimoine géomorphologique : Applications aux parcs naturels de la façade atlantique européenne." Phd thesis, Université de Nantes, 2010.
Full textDrévillon, Marie. "Interaction océan-atmosphère à l'échelle saisonnière sur la région Atlantique-Nord-Europe : rôle des routes dépressionnaires et mécansimes associés sur la variabilité climatique." Toulouse 3, 2002.
Full textObservational studies reveal a lagged relationship between mid latitude North Atlantic summer Sea Surface Temperatures (SST) and next winter atmospheric circulation over the North Atlantic Europe (NAE) region. Another interaction is found between autumn tropical Atlantic SST and next winter atmospheric circulation in the NAE region. A model study with a hierarchy of models, complexifying towards a more realistic ocean, together with a set of storm track activity diagnostics, are used to show the central role played by the storm track in the ocean-atmosphere interaction processes inducing those lagged relationships. Long coupled atmosphere-ocean experiments (150 years) show that these mechanisms have an impact on longer time scales variability (decadal to centenary)
Raflik, Jenny. "Les décideurs français et l'Alliance atlantique, 1947-1954." Paris 1, 2006.
Full textProvost, Ariane. "Reconversion des ports à la plaisance sur la façade Atlantique de l'Europe : le cas français." Nantes, 2010.
Full textMartinière, Guy. "Le Brésil et l'Europe atlantique, (XVIe-XVIIIe siècles) : l'invention contemporaine de la "brasilianité"." Paris 10, 1986.
Full textThe analysis of the different interpretations of brazil history, at the meeting point of history of ideas and ideologies, of history of cultures and cultural identities of nations, and history of sciences, mostly human and societal sciences, represents a field of thoughts about an area still little explored, that is, the relationship between the international cultural relations and historiography. As India and Japan did, Brazil identified itself with a laboratory where the encounter of cultures and ideas was in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, the slake of various interpretations reflecting intense national and social rivalries. The book about Brazil, material product of printing and product of the information resulting from discovery of the new world, therefore appears as an element of communication between men, in the world of Portugal and Europe colonial and spiritual conquest. Invented by the Europe of the renaissance and given a national existence by a first wave of decolonization born of the revolution of 1789, "brazilianity" appears like an operating concept of historiography to "think" the independence of Brazil and the original cultural assertion of an emerging nation of today
Books on the topic "Europe atlantique"
Freie Universität Berlin. Fachbereich Politische Wissenschaft and Freie Universität Berlin. Arbeitsstelle Transatlantische Aussen- und Sicherheitspolitik, eds. Facilitating transatlantic cooperation after the Cold War: An acquis atlantique. Münster: Lit Verlag, 2001.
Find full textPoussard, Anne. L' Arc Atlantique: Chronique d'une coopération interrégionale. Rennes: Presses universitaires de Rennes, 1997.
Find full textMichel, Joindot, and Roccon Yvon, eds. La transversale Alpes-Atlantique: Le trait d'union entre Europe et océan. Paris: L'Harmattan, 2000.
Find full textBonnefous, Fondation Édouard, ed. La défense de l'Europe: Entre Alliance atlantique et Europe de la défense. Paris: Hermann, 2015.
Find full textBoëne, Bernard. L' Amérique entre Atlantique et Pacifique: Essai de prospective stratégique. Paris: Fondation pour les études de défense nationale, Groupe d'études et de recherches sur la stratégie américaine, 1987.
Find full textAires linguistiques, aires culturelles: Études de concordances en Europe occidentale : zones Manche et Atlantique. Brest: Centre de recherche bretonne et celtique, 2012.
Find full textAgency, Atlantic Canada Opportunities. The Atlantic Canada advantage : a comparison of business costs in Atlantic Canada, Europe and the United States =: L'avantage concurrentiel du Canada atlantique : une comparaison des coûts des entreprises au Canada atlantique, en Europe et aux États-Unis. Ottawa, Ont: Prospectus, 1997.
Find full textBoussois, Sébastien. Armement et désarmement nucléaires: Perspectives euro-atlantiques. Bruxelles: P.I.E. Peter Lang, 2011.
Find full textTypologie des armatures lithiques gravettiennes de la grotte d'Istruritz (Pyrénées-Atlantiques, France). Oxford: Archaeopress, 2010.
Find full textBoksee 1 A (Schleswig-Holstein): Ein mesolithischer Fundplatz an der Wende Boreal/Atlantikum. Oxford, England: B.A.R., 1986.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Europe atlantique"
Bermann, George A. "Une vue outre-atlantique de la Cour et de sa jurisprudence." In The Court of Justice and the Construction of Europe: Analyses and Perspectives on Sixty Years of Case-law - La Cour de Justice et la Construction de l'Europe: Analyses et Perspectives de Soixante Ans de Jurisprudence, 719–27. The Hague, The Netherlands: T. M. C. Asser Press, 2012.
Full textNdong, Louis. "Frankreichbilder in der deutschen Übersetzung von Fatou Diomes Roman Le ventre de l´atlantique (Der Bauch des Ozeans)." In Für ein Europa der Übergänge, 219–30. Bielefeld, Germany: transcript Verlag, 2022.
Full text"Nantes (Loire-Atlantique, France)." In Northern Europe, 516–19. Routledge, 2013.
Full textLaporte, Luc, and Gwenolé Kerdivel. "Back and Forward: Neolithic Standing Stones and Iron Age Stelae in French Brittany." In The Lives of Prehistoric Monuments in Iron Age, Roman, and Medieval Europe. Oxford University Press, 2015.
Full textArmbruster, Barbara Régine, and Alicia Perea. "Évolution des formes et des techniques dans l’orfèvrerie à la fin de l’âge du Bronze atlantique et au début de l’âge du Fer dans la péninsule ibérique." In De l’âge du Bronze à l’âge du Fer en France et en Europe occidentale (Xe-VIIe siècle av. J.-C.), 441–52. ARTEHIS Éditions, 2009.
Full textNdong, Louis. "Frankreichbilder in der deutschen Übersetzung von Fatou Diomes Roman Le ventre de l´atlantique (Der Bauch des Ozeans)." In Für ein Europa der Übergänge, 219–30. transcript Verlag, 2022.
Full textBathily, Abdoulaye. "La Traite Atlantique des Esclaves et ses Effets Économiques et Sociaux en Afrique: Le Cas du Galam, Royaume de l’Hinterland Sénégambien au Dix-Huitième Siècle." In European Intruders and Changes in Behaviour and Customs in Africa, America and Asia before 1800, 97–121. Routledge, 2017.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Europe atlantique"
CASTELLE, Bruno, Guillaume DODET, Gerd MASSELINK, and Tim SCOTT. "Un indice climatique contrôlant les conditions de vagues en hiver le long de la côte atlantique européenne : WEPA (West Europe Pressure Anomaly)." In Journées Nationales Génie Côtier - Génie Civil. Editions Paralia, 2018.
Full textFonseca, Nuno, and Carlos Guedes Soares. "Sensitivity of the Expected Ships Availability to Different Seakeeping Criteria." In ASME 2002 21st International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering. ASMEDC, 2002.
Full textCaldon, R., M. Coppo, D. Dal Canto, G. Gigliucci, L. Feola, R. Langella, F. Pilo, et al. "Application of ATLANTIDE models to harmonic penetration studies." In 2013 4th IEEE/PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT EUROPE). IEEE, 2013.
Full textReports on the topic "Europe atlantique"
Gruson-Daniel, Célya, and Maya Anderson-González. Étude exploratoire sur la « recherche sur la recherche » : acteurs et approches. Ministère de l'enseignement supérieur et de la recherche, November 2021.
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