Academic literature on the topic 'Études turques'
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Journal articles on the topic "Études turques"
Papas, Alexandre. "Études turques et ottomanes, XVe-XVIIIe siècles." Annuaire de l'EPHE, section des Sciences historiques et philologiques (2022-2023) 155 (2024): 85–89.
Full textBerthomieu, Claude, and Zahra Karimi Takanlou. "La mesure du seigneuriage comme mode de financement du déficit budgétaire dans quatre pays de la région MENA (l’Iran, la Turquie, le Maroc et la Tunisie)." Économie appliquée 62, no. 1 (2009): 169–90.
Full textÜnal Kaya, Hilal. "Ein rechtsvergleichender Blick auf den Prozessstoff und Prüfungsumfang des Berufungsverfahrens in Deutschland und der Türkei." European Review of Private Law 32, Issue 4 (October 1, 2024): 703–20.
Full textLouët, Estelle, Ioanna Dimou, and Catherine Azoulay. "La transmission transgénérationnelle du traumatisme psychique de l’invasion turque à Chypre : une étude de cas père/fils." Psychologie clinique et projective 36, no. 2 (January 20, 2025): 77–100.
Full textFrangakis-Syrett, Elena. "Donald Quataert, Manufacturing and Technology Transfer in the Ottoman Empire, 1800–1914, Études Turques-USHS no. 2 (Istanbul/Strasbourg: Isis Press and Université des Sciences Humaines de Strasbourg, 1992). Pp. 61." International Journal of Middle East Studies 26, no. 1 (February 1994): 114–16.
Full textAKASLAN, Talat. "Les études françaises sur la langue turque et leur influence en Turquie." Turcica 35 (December 1, 2003): 215–27.
Full textBilener, Tolga. "La Turquie et ses options eurasiennes : substitut ou complément ?" Recherches Internationales 127, no. 1 (2023): 149–66.
Full textBilener, Tolga. "La Turquie et ses options eurasiennes : substitut ou complément ?" Recherches internationales N° 127, no. 3 (July 15, 2023): 149–66.
Full textDuyan, Veli, and Kasim Karatas. "Effects of the 1999 earthquake on the completely blind living in and outside Marmara, Turkey." International Social Work 48, no. 5 (September 2005): 609–19.
Full textYılmaz, Özgür. "FARUK BİLİCİ, L’expédition d’Égypte, Alexandrie et les Ottomans L’autre histoire, Centre d’Études Alexandrines, Alexandrie, 2017, s. 362. [Kitap Tanıtımı]." Belleten 83, no. 296 (April 1, 2019): 374–80.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Études turques"
Burlot, Jacques. "Premières productions de céramiques turques en Anatolie occidentale : Contextualisation et études techniques." Thesis, Lyon, 2017.
Full textSince the 1990s, archaeometric studies have attested to the production of new types of ceramic in Western Anatolia, linked to the arrival of Turkish populations in the region from the end of the 13th century. Among these new types are ceramics whose shapes and decoration are very commonly found in the Islamic world, and which show the introduction of new techniques of fabrication.Taking a sample of 87 sherds discovered at five Turkish sites and three sites in the Crimea, this study, combining an archaeological approach with physicochemical analyses, enabled us to propose a chronological framework for these initial Turkish productions and to determine the techniques of fabrication of their coatings – slips and glazes – used for the decoration. The definition of these techniques relies in the main on elementary and structural analyses by SEM-EDS and by Raman spectroscopy, the results of which permit us to confirm the use of new recipes and new materials.While the decoration of Byzantine ceramics was essentially constituted of a high-lead transparent glaze, coloured by a reduced range of metallic oxides resting on a clay slip, the decoration of the initial Turkish ceramics, from the Beylik period, produced in the region, were much more varied. Their glazes attest to a greater diversity in the nature of the fluxes and opacifiers, as well as in the colorants used. Considered to be one of the first types of Ottoman ceramics, the Miletus Ware shows the most elaborate decoration. The slip is no longer clay-based but synthetic, prefiguring in this way the later production using synthetic paste of the Iznik Fritwares upon which the fame of 16th century Ottoman ceramics was based. Our study thus enabled us to characterise and contextualise the technical evolution which marked the transition from Byzantine to Ottoman ceramics in Western Anatolia
Gavrilof, Elodie. "Après l'Empire, une école à (re)construire pour les nationalités : les écoles arméniennes en Turquie et en Arménie soviétique (1919 - 1939)." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Paris, EHESS, 2024.
Full textAt the intersection of Armenian, Turkish, and Soviet studies, this dissertation aims to use Armenians as a case study for a comparative history of educational systems in Turkey and Soviet Armenia during the interwar period.Originally tasked with training the elites, educational systems were assigned new roles as national movements emerged: to educate the masses in the idea of the nation. The explosion of violence in the region—wars, as well as the Armenian Genocide in the Ottoman Empire—shattered Armenian educational systems, which had previously been known for their efficiency.The new states that arose from the former empires attempted to implement various educational projects aimed at constructing a new society. Initially, Armenian schools enjoyed greater leeway due to the weakening of traditional actors in the region as a result of war and political instability. However, as these new states sought international recognition, they gradually took over and (re)constructed educational systems in their own image. After a flurry of reforms in the 1920s, the 1930s became a period of consolidation, and by the eve of World War II, both Turkey and Soviet Armenia had functional educational systems in place.Nevertheless, these reforms provoked various reactions from Armenians, who, although left with no choice but to adapt to the sometimes brutal changes, managed to preserve certain specificities, which differed on either side of the Arax River, the border between Turkey and the Soviet Union.Through a heuristic perspective and using a transdisciplinary approach, this dissertation seeks to address the questions raised by the very existence of Armenian educational systems after the collapse of the empires and within the new states, comparing minority and nationality policies, as well as examining issues of identity, citizenship, and the transmission of cultural heritage across generations
Didierjean, Romaine. "Les pratiques physiques et sportives des filles originaires de Turquie : conditions de pratique, genre et appartenances culturelles : une comparaison franco-allemande." Université de Strasbourg, 2011.
Full textPolat, Ahmet. "Le passage d'une police d'ordre à une police de proximité." Lyon 3, 2006.
Full textThe objectif of our research project is to verify the postulate that the organisation of the Turkish Police could put into practice an application of the Police de Proximité. The experiment of the Police de Proximité constitute an formidable laboratory in which the Turkish Police can learn new lessons, methods, devices, proceedings. The Police de Proximité is an example of a centralised system compared to the model of Community Policing under the regional and local authorities. Facing the renewal of delinquency and the increased feeling of insecurity, the Turkish police are looking for anachronic solutions in the optical of public order and serious crime, such as terrorism, instead of focusing on preventative measures and public safety. A sustainable and effective change can be achieved by responding to social needs. In France the project of Police de Proximité was supended. But the French government is making enormous efforts to integrate this model into the existing system. Even if there are controversial opinions regarding the extent of the application of the Police de Proximité, the concept has been an inspiration to other important field experiments in this research area. The lessons learned by the French experiment allow us to design a new Turkish concept of the Police de Proximité. In order to implement a public policy of security in Turkey, this reform is dependent upon three successive phases: the political administrative phase, the juridic phase including legal modifications and the operational phase within the organisation of the police. As the French experiment has shown, the mere implementation of the reform is not sufficient to change the system. Success implementation of this reform, is dependent upon the support of politicians and people as well as the determination of the police
Açimuz, Hayriye Bige. "Le droit des risques naturels : comparaison franco-turque." Paris 1, 2011.
Full textTansug, Çagla. "La régulation des services publics de réseau en France et en Turquie." Paris 1, 2009.
Full textAksoylu, Özge. "La conciliation par le juge de la légalité et de la sécurité juridique : comparaison franco-turque." Paris 1, 2011.
Full textAkköprü, Ebru. "Études géomorphologiques dans la partie sud-ouest du lac de Van (Tatvan-Göllu), Turquie." Paris 1, 2011.
Full textVarol, Marie-Christine. "Le judéo-espagnol d'Istanbul (étude linguistique)." Paris 3, 1992.
Full textStudies in vernacular judeo-spanish (j-s) have been mostly concerned with writen sources and have never taken into account discours situations. They present j-s as a dialect of spanish with influences from hebrew and the other languages it came in contact with (turkish, greek, italian, french). This point of view is rather reducive since it underestimates the complex and elaborate work that speakers accomplish over their stock of language and ignores the use that it is actually made of it in discourses situations. This complex work (on the language) is a dynamic one since it is in fact a search for expressivity that takes as a starting point a language that expresses no identity (spanish) and makes out of it an original language which becomes the expression of identity par excellence. This "mixed" language communicates a vision of the world commun to the whole group; it is used as a secret language, reaffirms its ties with lost hebrew, retrace the history of diaspora and become the vehicle of a knowledge attached on it. The aim of the present study is to describe and analyse the specificities of j-s, on the phonetic, morphological, syntaxical, lexical, and stylistic levels. It is based on an important sample of observations which includes a series of interviews and informal conversations and a set of 618 expressions, proverbs and puns taken in context
Sauner-Nebioglu, Marie-Hélène. "Évolution des pratiques alimentaires en Turquie : étude comparative." Paris, INALCO, 1993.
Full textThe Turkish Republic, created at the beginning of the twentieth century, has been based on an heterogeneous ethnic population. Just like it appeared in the majority of the new nations in the Balkans, the politics have created a new culture, inspired of the folkloric data gathered from populations known as more 'Turks' and diffused in all the territory, especially to the non-Turkic populations. However, in Turkey, this rediffusion has been realised only partially. Our aim was first to describe what sort of model was established, how the refugees (mainly from the Caucasus) have integrated this new identity, and what was the common denominator for these two types of populations (Turks and non-Turks). Our study was based on a comparison of two villages, one of them was composed of sedentarised nomads and the other one by refugees from the Caucasus. This comparison have been made also in a diachronic viewpoint, in order to define exactly the evolutions which appeared in both villages. We have choosed food and foodstuffs as material just because they were not used as a 'national material' until recently. As a result of our study, we can say that these populations regard themselves mainly as Muslims. However, it would appear also that only for some couple of years, Turkey has achieved its cultural homogenization
Books on the topic "Études turques"
Siǧirci, İlhami. Étude de la performance orale en français chez des locuteurs d'origine turque vivant dans un milieu francophone. Lille: A.N.R.T, Université de Lille III, 1999.
Find full textHadjsalem, Jessy-Mohamed. Le paysage télévisuel au Moyen-Orient: Entre mondialisation et affirmation identitaire : étude des cas de la Turquie et des pays arabophones. Villeneuve d'Ascq: Atelier national de reproduction des thèses, 2011.
Find full textÉtudes économiques de l'OCDE : Turquie 2014. OECD, 2015.
Full textÉtudes économiques de l'OCDE : Turquie 2016. OECD, 2017.
Full textÉtudes économiques de l'OCDE : Turquie 1985. OECD, 1985.
Full textÉtudes économiques de l'OCDE : Turquie 1986. OECD, 1986.
Full textÉtudes économiques de l'OCDE : Turquie 1987. OECD, 1987.
Full textÉtudes économiques de l'OCDE : Turquie 1988. OECD, 1988.
Full textÉtudes économiques de l'OCDE : Turquie 1990. OECD, 1990.
Full textÉtudes économiques de l'OCDE : Turquie 1991. OECD, 1991.
Full textBook chapters on the topic "Études turques"
"L'économie turque." In Études économiques de l'OCDE : Turquie, 21–63. OECD, 2010.
Full textDUMAN, Delphine. "L’écriture de soi dans la langue de l’autre." In A propos des realia, 75–86. Editions des archives contemporaines, 2021.
Full text"Évaluation et recommandations." In Études économiques de l'OCDE : Turquie, 9–27. OECD, 2004.
Full text"Évolution macroéconomique." In Études économiques de l'OCDE : Turquie, 29–41. OECD, 2004.
Full text"Politiques macroéconomiques." In Études économiques de l'OCDE : Turquie, 43–72. OECD, 2004.
Full text"La restructuration du système bancaire dans le contexte de la stabilisation macroéconomique." In Études économiques de l'OCDE : Turquie, 73–128. OECD, 2004.
Full text"Des réformes structurelles pour un nouveau rôle du secteur public dans l'économie de marché." In Études économiques de l'OCDE : Turquie, 129–71. OECD, 2004.
Full text"Annexes." In Études économiques de l'OCDE : Turquie, 193–253. OECD, 2004.
Full text"Évaluation et recommandations." In Études économiques de l'OCDE : Turquie, 13–27. OECD, 2005.
Full text"Une croissance forte et durable comme objectif." In Études économiques de l'OCDE : Turquie, 29–58. OECD, 2005.
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