Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Études soviétiques'
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Gavrilof, Elodie. "Après l'Empire, une école à (re)construire pour les nationalités : les écoles arméniennes en Turquie et en Arménie soviétique (1919 - 1939)." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Paris, EHESS, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024EHES0173.
Full textAt the intersection of Armenian, Turkish, and Soviet studies, this dissertation aims to use Armenians as a case study for a comparative history of educational systems in Turkey and Soviet Armenia during the interwar period.Originally tasked with training the elites, educational systems were assigned new roles as national movements emerged: to educate the masses in the idea of the nation. The explosion of violence in the region—wars, as well as the Armenian Genocide in the Ottoman Empire—shattered Armenian educational systems, which had previously been known for their efficiency.The new states that arose from the former empires attempted to implement various educational projects aimed at constructing a new society. Initially, Armenian schools enjoyed greater leeway due to the weakening of traditional actors in the region as a result of war and political instability. However, as these new states sought international recognition, they gradually took over and (re)constructed educational systems in their own image. After a flurry of reforms in the 1920s, the 1930s became a period of consolidation, and by the eve of World War II, both Turkey and Soviet Armenia had functional educational systems in place.Nevertheless, these reforms provoked various reactions from Armenians, who, although left with no choice but to adapt to the sometimes brutal changes, managed to preserve certain specificities, which differed on either side of the Arax River, the border between Turkey and the Soviet Union.Through a heuristic perspective and using a transdisciplinary approach, this dissertation seeks to address the questions raised by the very existence of Armenian educational systems after the collapse of the empires and within the new states, comparing minority and nationality policies, as well as examining issues of identity, citizenship, and the transmission of cultural heritage across generations
Panicciari, Giulia. "De la ville soviétique à la ville postsoviétique : transformations sociales et culturelles à Almaty (Kazakhstan)." Thesis, Paris, INALCO, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014INAL0003.
Full textIn Central Asia the imposition of the Soviet State proved to be difficult, as it implied the radical transformation of local societies. This dissertation shows how 70 years of Soviet power changed forever Kazakhstan’s society, economy and culture. Its focuses in particular on the Kazakh people starting from the first Soviet years to the 2000s, and on their journey towards the Soviet capital and later towards a contemporary metropolis. This dissertation approaches questions such as the encounter of the ex Kazakh nomads with the Russians in the urban space, the role of ethnicity and of the local culture in the transformations promoted by the Soviet State and, later, in the process of nation building. The reconstruction of the social history of the urban community, with the aid of archives and in-depth interviews, reveals a complex society which adapted the local culture and the Soviet one to create its own version of Sovietism. My dissertation argues that in such context, social questions connected to the urbanization, which remain actual till the end of the Soviet Union, will affect considerably the transformations after 1991 and that if we do not pay the just attention to the local universe, we cannot understand the Soviet past in Central Asia, neither the recent changes. In the city, the Soviet power and, later, that of Kazakh President Nazarbaev, contribute to the construction of public spaces and of urban memory telling about the modernity of the Kazakh people. The city is, as I put it in my research, is a useful case study to develop broader questions regarding world cultures and societies
Karzabi, Iman. "Le privé est politique : l’action publique et le militantisme associatif en faveur de l’égalité femmes-hommes dans les pays post-soviétiques : Ukraine et Bélarus (1990-2013)." Thesis, Paris, Institut d'études politiques, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017IEPP0007.
Full textThis thesis investigates, from a gender perspective, political and social changes taking place in the countries of the former Soviet bloc, specifically in Ukraine and Belarus. In particular, it analyses the ways in which politics constructs the personal, and public actions create gender (in)equalities. To this end, this research is concerned with policy instruments in the area of family policy, in the prevention of violence against women and the application of international standards of gender equality, such as gender mainstreaming. In addition, this thesis studies heterogeneous collective initiatives which politicize/depoliticize the issue of gender inequalities in order to influence the decisions of relevant authorities: feminist groups, conservative religious organizations, and fathers’ organizations seeking to change norms of masculinity. This research shows how these organizations “negotiate” with those in power, in particular through the interplay of national and international resources in the configuration of agendas and repertoires of contention. At a microsociological level, through interviews carried out with parents who are recipients of public policy actions, this thesis demonstrates the way in which political processes influence the personal and reduce the range of options for women in particular. The assignment of care work to women limits their financial autonomy, professional career, spare time, and social and political activities, contributing consequently to a construction of a “single-sex” power
Kellner, Thierry. "La République populaire de Chine et l’Asie centrale post-soviétique :étude de politique étrangère." Doctoral thesis, Institut Institut Universitaire de Hautes Études Internationales / Université de Genève, Genève, 2005. http://hdl.handle.net/2013/ULB-DIPOT:oai:dipot.ulb.ac.be:2013/235898.
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Grigorov, Émile. "Le drame du Cogito: une version contemporaine. Étude sur la philosophie de Merab Mamardachvili." Doctoral thesis, Université Laval, 2006. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/18437.
Full textPaladi, Irina. "La dynamique et la variété des systèmes de contrôle de gestion en contexte post-soviétique : étude du cas moldave." Thesis, Paris 2, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018PA020082.
Full textThis thesis analyzes the evolution and the diversity of management control systems (MCS) in the post-Soviet transition context and determines the factors that explain the existence, extent and use of MCS. Longitudinal case studies of two former Soviet state enterprises (historical perspective) allow to determine the main features of MCS in the context of the centralized economic system and to explain the transformations induced by the transition to a market economy through the old economic institutionalism approach. A multiple case study (8 companies) assesses the current state of management control and notes a diversity of MCS. By mobilizing the institutional and contingency theories, eight potential influence factors are identified (3 institutional and 5 contingent) and then analyzed using the Qualitative Comparative Analysis, a method that allows the treatment of small number of cases. The results highlight the influence of coercive pressures on the existence of a formal control system, of normative pressures on its instrumental use and of decentralization on the strategic dimension of this system. This analysis allows to propose a typology of MCS in a post-Soviet context
Allen-Mercier, Zoé. "Entre coopération et répression : la défense des droits humains en Union soviétique sous Brejnev : étude du Groupe Helsinki de Moscou." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/28313.
Full textThis thesis focuses on the Moscow Helsinki Group and its evolution in the Soviet Union during the 1970s and 1980s. The Group’s work is presented as an original form of dissidence due to its ability to converge the sources of opposition and its success in mobilizing foreign advocacy groups to the cause of human rights in the USSR. This study deals more specifically with the influence of its activities both on the government’s course of behavior domestically as well as on the creation of an activism network beyond the borders of the regime. By focusing on these two perspectives, namely on the USSR’s internal politics and on the shifting international context, the research highlights the Group’s contribution to the growing opposition to the Soviet regime and its humanitarian practices, but also emphasises the limits of this strategy. This thesis hence uses these perspectives as a framework to reveal the outlines of the regime under Leonid Brezhnev, its nature, its priorities and its inclination towards repression.
Lévêque, François. "Les relations franco-soviétiques pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale : de la défaite à l'alliance (1939-1945) (étude historique d'après les archives du quai d'Orsay)." Paris 1, 1988. http://www.theses.fr/1992PA010627.
Full text1) first section : 1939-1941. The anti-soviet politics of the french leaders : motivations, failures,. . . Attitudes of french and soviet leaders towards european instability resulting from the defeat of france in 1940. 2) second section : 1940-1945. Ussr ands the comeback of france : conditions of moscow's support for de gaulle's policy. Position of france during the comeback of the ussr in europe
Tan, Eng Bok Georges. "Formation de l'Etat, culture stratégique, et politique militaire : analyse comparative URSS/Chine des permanences et des changements." Paris 10, 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1995PA100058.
Full textBased on cultural characteristics and geostrategic legacies specific to the USSR and people's Republic of China, this dissertation examines: 1) the role of the military in building the State, 2) the influence of traditional strategic culture in nuclear era, and 3) the ability to meet the American cultural and technological challenge in military policy. Its main finding refers to a conceptual, non-strategic, interpretation of possible causes to the collapse, without fight, of the soviet system
Raileanu, Victoria. "Les figures de la propagande : le temps, l'espace et le héros dans le documentaire historique produit à la télévision de la République soviétique socialiste moldave (1961-1989)." Thesis, Université Laval, 2013. http://www.theses.ulaval.ca/2013/29812/29812.pdf.
Full textThe work presented in this thesis investigates the contents of Soviet propaganda as it appeared in historical documentaries produced from 1960 through 1990 by the local television broadcaster of the Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic. From a base corpus containing 36 documentaries, it centers itself on three types of filmic representations with high ideological connotation: the figures of historic time, the metaphors of space and the soviet hero's image. It also considers the related representations that create the narrative and cinematic context of the three main categories of images in order to reveal the entire network of meanings of Soviet ideology. Our study falls in line with soviet studies research while also belonging to the theoretical field of the history of imagination and ideas. It addresses three problems. First, it reveals the scope and the political and ideological purpose of the representations conveyed by television propaganda. The research reflects the objectives and strategies of official propaganda in Moldova, a territory under sovietization. It unearths the official standards of representation, their variations due to political changes and makes an inventory of discursive means used in the development of the key symbols of Party propaganda. Second, the research shows the different degrees of involvement of filmmakers and historians in the construction of the codes of Soviet ideology. It identifies the relationships between Soviet power and intellectuals, reduced to the rank of ideologists and professional propagandists. The study finds an occasional tendency among cultural producers to escape the mandatory propagandist registry and express an unorthodox view. Finally, we survey the rooting of propagandist representations in the lasting structures of the imagination. The research draws its empirical data from Soviet print media, from archive documents related to the institutional inner workings of Moldovan television, and from a series of 16 interviews with filmmakers and administrative and ideological executives. It makes use of the long historical detour to show the evolution of archetypal structures across various systems of representation and their adaptation to changing cultural realities.
Limonier, Kevin. "La cité scientifique de Doubna : de la "ville idéale" soviétique à la vitrine du renouveau de la Russie contemporaine, étude d'un territoire d'innovation mis au service d'un discours de puissance." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Paris 8, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014PA080012.
Full textSince it was officially founded in 1956 at 120 km north from Moscow, the city of Dubna's development is exceptionnal. During the Soviet era, this city was one of the major nuclear research centers of the socialist world. After the collapse of USSR, this former « showcase » of a disappeared system managed to survive as an exception by developping high-tech industries. In the 2000s, central power became interested by this small city, as it could be useful for its strategy of putting the country back as a « major world power ». Thus, Moscow funded many important projects in Dubna, especially for capitlizing « scientifical and intellectual potential » inherited from the Soviet era. Today, this town is so transformed by this massive funding policy that it has been called « Russian Silicon Valley » for a while. But Dubna is facing many problems, like corruption or a growing disapproval of political elites by the population. Thanks to the geopolitical approach, this work interrogates the processes that led to the creation of territory presented as exceptionnal, and how this representation of exception is used by several actors in rivalries of power at different geographical scales. In a wider perspective, the purpose of this work is to analyse production and exploitation of the official russian idea of « power » throught the case study of a city that was created to fulfill this aspiration
Limonier, Kevin. "La cité scientifique de Doubna : de la "ville idéale" soviétique à la vitrine du renouveau de la Russie contemporaine, étude d'un territoire d'innovation mis au service d'un discours de puissance." Thesis, Paris 8, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014PA080012.
Full textSince it was officially founded in 1956 at 120 km north from Moscow, the city of Dubna's development is exceptionnal. During the Soviet era, this city was one of the major nuclear research centers of the socialist world. After the collapse of USSR, this former « showcase » of a disappeared system managed to survive as an exception by developping high-tech industries. In the 2000s, central power became interested by this small city, as it could be useful for its strategy of putting the country back as a « major world power ». Thus, Moscow funded many important projects in Dubna, especially for capitlizing « scientifical and intellectual potential » inherited from the Soviet era. Today, this town is so transformed by this massive funding policy that it has been called « Russian Silicon Valley » for a while. But Dubna is facing many problems, like corruption or a growing disapproval of political elites by the population. Thanks to the geopolitical approach, this work interrogates the processes that led to the creation of territory presented as exceptionnal, and how this representation of exception is used by several actors in rivalries of power at different geographical scales. In a wider perspective, the purpose of this work is to analyse production and exploitation of the official russian idea of « power » throught the case study of a city that was created to fulfill this aspiration
Marineau, Sophie. "L'usage des sanctions économiques et diplomatiques dans la gestion des crises internationales : études des cas d'Afghanistan (1979) et d'Ukraine (2014)." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/27745.
Full textKataiftsis, Dimitris. "Les communautés grecques en URSS (1917-1956) et les questions du genre." Thesis, Paris 4, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014PA040228.
Full textIn order to form our hypothesis, it would be necessary to examine the scientific discourse on gender and its application to the greek case, and this is what we tried to do in our introduction. Our study was organized in five large parts. The first one approaches the formation of greek diaspora from the end of the 18th century to the revolutions of 1917 and the woman representation in pontic-greek historiography. The second one approaches the access of women in education, the ways of integration in the new soviet society. The preservation of the cultural roles leads us to develop a typology between “greek” women and “soviet” women. The third part focuses on the reformation or disappearance of the roles during political repressions that would have an impact on greek diaspora. Furthermore, we discussed on the women-victims of purges. Finally, the last part demonstrates that the exile constituted a rupture with the past, at least as it resulted from its protagonists’ oral testimonies. The women who talked about themselves and the men surveyed on gender issues give us an original image of the past, worthy of interest
Konkka, Olga. "À la recherche d'une nouvelle vision de l'histoire russe du XXème siècle à travers les manuels scolaires de la Russie postsoviétique (1991-2016)." Thesis, Bordeaux 3, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016BOR30016/document.
Full textThe revolution in public consciousness that marked the period of Glasnost, and the USSR collapse that followed, compelled Russian Ministry of Education to review the content of history textbooks, as well as the whole process of textbook writing. In the 1990s, the debate on history textbooks focused on the search for a new view of 20th century Russian history taught in the final years of the Russian secondary school curriculum. The textbook authors, now working in the context of the market economy, vacillated between rejection of the legacy of the past and a persistently Soviet point of view. Since the early 2000s, several directives and speeches of Russian presidents Vladimir Putin and Dmitry Medvedev and their ministers have demonstrated the government’s willingness to control the available range of history textbooks and their content. The directives and speeches suggest that political authorities intended to exploit national history, particularly that of the 20th century period, in order to assert their legitimacy. In fact, we can observe many changes in textbooks from the 2000s and the 2010s, such as the re-evaluation of the historical figure of Stalin, the strengthening of the image of a strong State, the return of the concept of Western hostility and the justification of Russian and Soviet geopolitics. This seems to confirm the hypothesis that the government seeks to whitewash the national history while providing its policy with historical legitimacy. However, an analysis of the texts of more than 70 post-Soviet history books and the context of their publication reveals a complex process involving many different actors
Caillat, Maud. "Confrontation culturelle Est-Ouest pendant la Guerre froide par le biais du concours Marguerite Long (1947 à 1979)." Thesis, Paris 4, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017PA040121.
Full textWhat role does the Marguerite Long International Music Competition play in the context of Cold War? In other words, how important is this culture transmission vector, where two piano traditions so contrasted as the French and Soviet piano schools confront each other on the basis of aesthetic matters? The aim of this thesis is to understand the mechanism of the Marguerite Long competition and its impact on piano playing, which significantly evolves from the 1950s until the late 1970s, influenced by the successes achieved by the Soviet-Russian piano school. The apparent link between music competitions and international politics is deconstructed to put an emphasis on cultural issues, which solely determine the list of award winners. The second part of this thesis consists in examining the particularity of both piano schools, comparing them to ascertain to what extent they mutually influence each other or distance themselves. Crucial aspects of Franco-Soviet cultural exchanges are taken into account, such as the full development of underground culture in the USSR from the mid-1960s. This study was conducted on a systematic analysis of six archival holdings, notably those kept by the Fonds Long of the Bibliothèque Mahler, the Long-Thibaud-Crespin Foundation, the Center of diplomatic archives in la Courneuve and archival sources regarding the A.L.A.P. (Parisian Literary and Artistic Agency)
Beauchamp-Léveillé, Simon. "Les relations internationales soviétiques à l’ère de la sécurité collective : étude comparée de l’historiographie et de manuels de Cégep." Thèse, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/1866/8622.
Full textThis thesis aims to be an alloy of historical and theoretical knowledge and of their implementation in a collegial academic context. Its main purpose is to compare the scholarly historiography content, written by historians, researchers, to an extract of four College Manuals, written by teacher training historians, about Soviet international relations at the era of collective security.
Hétu, Arnaud. "De Marx à Lénine : étude sur les origines et l'évolution doctrinale du léninisme." Thesis, 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/1866/24359.
Full textThe aim of this paper is to offer a new conceptual framework within which to study Marxism and, a fortiori, its Leninist interpretation. We retrace in the works of Karl Marx (1818-1883) two paradigms elaborated consecutively: anthropo-metaphysical paradigm, understood as both in continuity and in rupture with German classical philosophy, and economico-historical paradigm, which conveys the theory of historical materialism. We demonstrate how economico-historical paradigm consolidates itself on the basis of anthropo-metaphysical paradigm in order that the latter yield scientific systematicity. To grasp the foundations of Leninism, we restrain our investigation to three key notions from which to evaluate Lenin’s original contribution to the writings of Marx: (1) the alliance of the proletariat and the peasantry, (2) the vanguard role of the party, and (3) the dictatorship of the proletariat and political violence. We note that the Leninist interpretation of each of these notions rests on a certain amount of concepts or positions present in the Marxist corpus. From this ascertainment, our task is to establish from which paradigmatic framework Leninism has established itself as a doctrine.