Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Étude et enseignement – Tunisie – Langues vivantes'
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Gadacha, Ali. "Language planning and language conflict : the case of multilingual Tunisia : aspects of status, function and structure of the languages and language varieties used and sociolinguistic implications of the language shift on the new century's eve : thèse." Nice, 1998. http://www.theses.fr/1998NICE2030.
Full textMahjoub, Hamida. "Les capacités discursives, orales et écrites, en français langue de spécialité : le cas d'étudiants tunisiens dans les filières scientifiques." Lyon 2, 2007. http://theses.univ-lyon2.fr/documents/lyon2/2007/mahjoub_h.
Full textLanguage of scientific academic disciplines at college and university, French occupies an important place in teaching. Our thesis research concerns the use of this language by scientific students. It is articulated around the study of written and oral productions of master’s degree students in physic field at the University of Bizerte. Inspired by the collaborative redaction protocols, our used protocol puts in scene two prepared stages, taken notes and verbal statement, in addition to redaction and audio recording of the whole task. This new device enables us to test other types of competence: oral, didactic, and synthesis as well as competences of composition between the different productions and the various phases. Both source and target texts are subjected to a hierarchical and rhetorical structure study which aims the links underlying the logic of the scientific text. The analysis of participant’s productions and their comparison with the production of an expert (the teacher), allowed us to identify competences and also gaps related to production process, structuring, reformulation, language, grammar etc. As well as to the impact of certain linguistic incompetence on the scientific quality of the produced texts. The study of intermediate notes or oral discussions provides a more understanding and a better identification of the various stages of process as well as the different carried out choices and their motivations. Thus, Didactic choices are proposed and treated consequently in our research
Walski, Jennifer A. "Apprentissage et perfectionnement d'une langue étrangère par les adultes en autonomie guidée." Bordeaux 3, 1992. http://www.theses.fr/1992BOR30023.
Full textLanguage is seen as a system of options, the individual elements of which are understood in relation to their use in communication. Language learning is seen a process, the eventual construction of grammatical functions in the individual learner dependent on sufficient encounters with language in authentic situations in order to see patterns developing as well as on interaction of the learner with le language itself. The construction of individual functions develops over a period of tinme, their consolidation dependent on recognition of patterns gleaning of examples and use. Listening to the language can provide the adult learner of a second language with the necessary input. The period for the construction of individual functions, however, can be shortened by encouraging the learner to use his analytic powers on examples taken from context and by incorporating generalisations about the language into the pedagogic material prepared by the teachers. The s. A. P. A. G. (service d'apprentissage et perfectionnement en autonomie guidee), a service independant of any classroom teaching, is the application of the above theories
Le, Goff Jean. "Idéologie et déontologie en didactique des langues étrangères : contribution à la création d'un C.E.L.C. (Comité d'éthique des langues et des cultures)." Aix-Marseille 1, 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1996AIX10085.
Full textVarshney, Rachel. "Représentations chez l'apprenant de l'utilisation stratégique de la langue première dans l'apprentissage d'une langue étrangère : étude comparative d'apprenants australiens et français." Paris 3, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005PA030055.
Full textThe use of first language(s) (L1) in the language classroom has often been at the centre of methodological debate, giving rise to a number of differing views. To date, this discussion has been focused largely on the aspect of teacher language choice, with only limited studies concerning the student's use of L1. The current research project aims to explore the learner's representations of strategic L1 use in the foreign language classroom. This study seeks to understand whether learners attribute positive or negative roles to the L1 in the language learning process, and investigates this within two language populations (French and Australian), across two language levels (beginner and intermediate), using both quantitative and qualitative studies
Rzeczycka, Anna. "L'affectivite et l'apprentissage des langues etrangeres." Paris 3, 1988. http://www.theses.fr/1988PA03A011.
Full textEvolution of didactics of foreing languages in the last twenty years, has revealed existence of the areas rarely explored by the theoreticians and the practicians of teaching. Focusing their attention on the pupil, the specialists realised importance of relational and affective factors which condition in a considerable way success or failure in acquisition of foreign languages. These problems are dealt with in this thesis. In the first part the notion of affectivity is being discussed, the second one is about verbal interactions due to which human affectivity builds up and manifests itself. The third part concerns the methods and the results of the research carried out within the framework of this thesis. The forth treats of specific didactic techniques which aim at exploiting affectivity in the process of learning. The last one deals with the problem of creativity, the possibilities and the ways of shaping affectivity in the process of teaching with a view to optimising the process of learning foreign languages
Kalyva, Anna. "L'enseignement ludique en classe de langue en Grèce : de la motivation à l'évaluation." Paris 3, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000PA030025.
Full textDenuette, Alexandre. "L'enseignement immersif au Canada et ses applications à l'enseignement des langues vivantes en Europe." Paris 4, 1994. http://www.theses.fr/1994PA040151.
Full textThis research focuses on french immersion in canada and the potential applications of this educational system to the the teaching of foreign languages in europe. French immersion classes are intended for children whose home language is n ot french and who are willing to undergo a large part of their education in that language. The first chapter presents th e immersion systems in canada and the different educational strategies and objectives. The second chapter summarizes our experiences in bilingual education, particularly in canada and in the united states. It concentrates on the different curriculums and analyzes the various impacts on children and their abilities in the target language. It concludes with a few recommendations as far teaching is concerned. The third chapter deals with the aspects of french immersion that could be introduced into the teaching of foreign languages in europe. It starts with a general survey of several europea n educational structures and strategies, and then proposes guidelines to organize such a programme that we believe to be a very promising alternative to the traditional teaching of foreing languages. . This research also includes a selective bibliography, statistics, summaries, a presentation of the major european programs, an english-franch glossary of terms used by french-immersion specialists and a short lexicon
Bilbao, Lilian Teresita. "Pratiques de choix des langues vivantes au collège : entre stratégies et routines des acteurs." Paris 5, 2001. http://www.theses.fr/2001PA05H007.
Full textThis research into how students choose which foreign language to learn in secondary school is the result of a survey done in ten public schools ("collèges") in the Oise. These schools vary in location, size, type of students, image. . . But there isn't much difference in the languages offered. This study focuses on a sample of 386 students in "troisième" as well as their teachers and school administrators. Once again, we have round that the process of choosing is linked to students' academic performance, their presumed chance for academic success and, to a lesser extent, their social class. The latter is particularly important in their choice of a first foreigne language and somewhat less so for their second foreign language. .
Chen, Yuchen. "Didactique des langues étrangères et ressources matérielles d'apprentissage en dispositif d'autoformation." Grenoble 3, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005GRE39025.
Full textBsalis, Suzanne. "Une stratégie d'enseignement au service des stratégies d'apprentissage de publics faux-débutants adultes, en milieu endolingue." Paris 3, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996PA030150.
Full textThe theoretical foundations of the study lie within the scope of the researches focused on the learner, these researches prominence to the complexity of the interactions between all the actors of the teaching learning process and their impact on the approach to the foreign languages. Those studies often remained theoretical, though this thesis offers practical suggestions. This thesis lies on a few observations of teaching courses and enquiries conducted among half-beginning learners coming from different cultures and origins in diverse language institutes. Its aim is to study the influence of the attitudes and behaviours on the assimilation process as well as the role played by some teaching and learning techniques on the increasing of the understanding rate. The result enable us to suggest a teaching strategy of french as a foreign language targeted on the teachers to the benefit of the learners. This strategy is characterised by a course in two parts: - in the first part, entitled "course session", the teacher sets into practice a whole rang of techniques intended to increase the learner's understanding abilities. - in the second part, called "assisted study session", the teacher provides the learners with some learning techniques designed to help them become autonomous in the long term. The learning strategy had a three weeks trial in the field and the results of its evaluation seam to be promising
Atienza, José Luis. "La construction de programmes culturels en didactique des langues étrangères : quelles théories pour quelles pratiques ?" Paris 3, 1998. http://www.theses.fr/1998PA030103.
Full textThis thesis considers three objectives: 1. To base theoretically the necessity for cultural curricula for teaching of foreign languages; 2. To suggest -in accordance with the theories used for this purpose- a procedure for the desing of such curricula; 3. To propose a didactic model capable of assuring the aplication of the procedure as established. In order to approach the first objective we have based ourselves, on the one hand, on historical and cultural psychology and on the theory of activity which is its central nucleus and, on the other hand, on the pragmatic theories of the language. Based on these foundations, we have proposed a model of cultural construction of human nature -on the phylogenetic and ontogenetic levels- in which language plays a role of primary importance. In effect, it is the mediating instrument par excellence in the hominization processes that take place in the framework of daily social interactions. Moreover, as these interactions, as well as the languages themselves, are integral part of each cultural community, the acquisition of foreign language in the educational system require us to find a way of reconstructing -in a pedagogical context and so that they can be experienced by learners- communicative situations inherent to the target language. In order to try to accomplish the second objective -a procedure for cultural curricula desing, we have proposed a model for the identification of ecologically pertinent social interactions and procedure to make it operational, on the basis of the theoretical assumptions previously expounded. In short, related to the third objective, we have chosen play as a priviled classroom activitys since it has the peculiarity of being culture, space for reconstruction of cultural interactions and instrument of cultural transmission with which the humankind has been gifted throught history
Yaiche, Francis. "Les simulations globales." Paris 3, 1993. http://www.theses.fr/1994PA030012.
Full textToday people talk a lot about global simulations in the area of language teaching. This thesis introduces six "general" canvases and four used in teaching the language to specific group (developed at belc since 1973). A global simulation is a type of educational game which consists of launching a group of pupils in to an imaginary identity and also in to a plays which is a theme (such as an island, a block of flats, a village, a circus, a hotel, etc. ) where the teacher uses oral and written exercises. This way of allowing the real world to came into the classroom is also a way of allowing the pupils to talk about life, love and death, and to remove blockages and inhitions which hinder the learning process. Indeed global simulations force people to reconsider certain aspects about the teacherlearner-learning relationship and to think about questions which wer raised by the new educational gift : how could they save the class from boredom ? could pupils play and learn at the same time ? what roles does the teacher play? and the pupil? how can a teacher correct and assess the result of a game? a global simulation is therefore a place where the learning of a language and a culture, the knowledge of oneself and of others can be built on
Trémion, Virginie. "La compétence culturelle à l'heure du numérique : pratiques inédites d'apprentissage en didactique des langues et des cultures : le cas de Cultura." Lille 3, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011LIL30028.
Full textIn the current context of ever-increasing use of information and communication technologies in education, this thesis looks at learning to communicate in a foreign language using Cultura, a program involving written asynchronous exchanges via Internet. Assuming that technology facilitates contact with speakers of the target language, do mediated practices promote learning to communicate, in itself extremely difficult in face-to-face encounters, in terms of the complex and imprecise nature of communication ? Adopting a theoretical approach with is both constructivist and intercultural, we examine the utility and conditions of using a forum - the technology used in Cultura - in the transformation of the representations of the various partners in the program. We base our investigation on both the written productions of the students as well as their interpretations, within an approach that is both qualitative and multidisciplinary. Based on our research, we conclude that forums possess exceptional potentialities within the context of intercultural training, on the condition that these potentialities are activated via pedagogical intentions that promote and accompany the student's autoregulation and commitment
Roch-Veiras, Sophie. "Histoire de l'enseignement/apprentissage du vocabulaire en didactique des langues." Paris 3, 1994. http://www.theses.fr/1994PA030160.
Full textThis research, based upon practical experience, stems from the difficulties encountered by learners and teachers in dealing with the acquisition of vocabulary in class. Handbooks in which one normally expects to find ways of overcoming these difficulties, provide no statisfactory solution at the moment. Besides, by minimizing the importance of vocabulary they only amplify this feeling of helplessness. A detailed historical survey of the teaching of vocabulary not only sheds light on the reasons for such a dismissal but also suggests new ways of coping with vocabulary acquisition today. Our research, grounded in a historical approach, is intended to evaluate the many methods which have been developped and modified through the centuries contributing to the progress of the teaching of vocabulary. Such a study can lead to the creation of new techniques applicable to today's classroom
Brouté, Alain. "Transformation, parole et ressources de la continuité : méthodologie de l'interaction orale dans l'apprentissage d'une langue étrangère." Rouen, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006ROUEL546.
Full textThis thesis presents a phenomenological approach to controlled learning of a foreign language in face to face oral interaction. Such an approach endeavours to demonstrate how this type of learning requires intercultural continuity between the customary primary socio-cultural framework of the learners and that of the foreign language and culture. In addition, it attempts to prove that this learning method is based fundamentally on an intentional and more or less synchronised dynamic of two or more words which cannot be evaluated separately. From this stems an analysis model which illustrates the connection between the different indicators of these common words, in particular communicative body language, and compensatory resources and the linguistic treatment which allows there to be continuity between languages and cultures by maintaining and developing the thread of the conversation. In the same way, using a corpus of two series of role plays recorded on video in beginners’ classes of French as a Foreign Language, this thesis makes a series of observations concerning, and offers an analysis of, the model which has been developed. This analysis leads on to some specific didactic suggestions in terms of evaluation and correction, whilst reinforcing the idea of an essential adaptation to real time through a practical approach to transformed oral interaction or role plays which should be improvised to the greatest possible extent
Teutsch, Philippe. "Environnements interactifs et langues etrangeres, marple : systeme d'evaluation et de suivi de formation." Le Mans, 1994. http://www.theses.fr/1994LEMA1003.
Full textAli, Azza. "Langues et éducation au Soudan : éléments pour aborder la problématique de l'éducation linguistique." Paris 3, 1993. http://www.theses.fr/1993PA030031.
Full textThe thesis studies the dynamics of languages in the sudan and the action of institutions on their developpement. The point of departure is the empirical observation of a cirisi in education, itself part of a social crisis, a crisis of the state and of identity. These multiple crises are considered as factors which impede the articulation of an appropriate educational response to national language needs and accentuate the difficulties of introducing foreing or second language teaching in the school system. The thesis stresses the importance of such macrostructural assessments in the interpretation of the choices which confronty language didactics in the field of education. The approch taken is an interdisciplinary one, bringing together the educational sciences with language didactics. It is suggested that an intersectorial collaboration between language planning, curriculum planning and langage didactics should be developed and enlarged. The thesis comprises three parts. The first part retraces the major events of sudan's socioculturel history. The second part focuses on the sociolinguistic dynamics. The third part adresses the problems of the educational institution
Cordesse, Joëlle. "Déchiffrer l'invisible des signes d'apprentissage des langues : pédagogie de l'égalité des intelligences." Perpignan, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006PERP0700.
Full textA semiotic analysis of a foreign language teaching practise grounded on the concept of "auto-socio-construction" but reinterpreting it. The point is to reintroduce the anthropological dimensions of speech and of language into our conception of linguistic knowledge. The peircian triad makes this possible. Learning a foreign language is an adventure of subjectivity, intersubjectivity, an interaction of systems, and an acquisition of normativity, relevant to systemic and to institutional analysis. As a strategy of development, foreign language pedagogy asks for a theory of the inscription of each subject in the process of collective thinking and in its permanently renegotiated forms. Linguistic knowledge is necessarily diachronic. It is defined as a system of developing habits, that the teaching situations aim at modifying. It is prototypic, i. E. Categorizing; the effect of a voluntary act of consciousness, a judgement and intimate belief the effect of which is to modify perceptions. This induces complex phenomena of cultural resistance to the intrusion of the other, an obstacle to learning which is only overcome in dealing with plurilingualism as first step and facilitating environment, making bilingualism appear as a specialization of it. The auto-socio-construction workshop is here seen to embody and enact an anthropological dynamics; a type of sign which, with its perfectly balanced character, gives shape to a particular teaching strategy and, beyond, affords an analyser of teaching strategies in general and their emancipating value
André, Bernard. "Représentations de l'autonomie en didactique des langues et des cultures." Paris 3, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1997PA030013.
Full textThe purpose of this Ph. D is to show that any teaching method must be centred on the learner and must take into account his her personality and his/her reasons for wanting to learn a new language and a new culture. The word autonomy as well as what it is linked to (growing autonomous, developing one's own curriculum, self-learning, untutored language learning, self-evaluation. . . ) Are very popular today, even in language textbooks. Yet in spite of the fact the concept of autonomy is systematically referred to where teaching methods are concerned, especially in the field of foreign languages and cultures. The proposals made in this paper not only promote didactics of foreign languages, but also encourage the association of French as a foreign language with general didactics of languages. This ph. D is faithful to the spirit of the "european common frame of reference for the teaching and learning of languages in Europe". The proposals made are not limited to Europe. Yet because of its history and tradition of cultural exchanges, it seems the perfect place from which to launch new strategies for the diffusion of foreign languages and cultures
Uche, Priscilla Ada. "Le rôle des connaissances linguistiques et métalinguistiques antérieures dans l'apprentissage d'une langue étrangère." Paris 5, 1994. http://www.theses.fr/1994PA05H062.
Full textThe ease or difficulty in gaining access to the foreign language (FL) systems is strongly linked with the levels of linguistic and metalinguistic knowledge acquired previously in the mother tongue (MT). When faced with problems in FL, learners seem to revert systematically to the grammatical knowledge of their MT. This process of reverting to previous knowledge consists in translating, in reasoning from a context or from a rule and in recalling information. It occurs consciously among learners who have a solid knowledge about their MT, and uncertain and confuse ways among those who lac k an understanding of various systems of their Mt. Hence the need for learners to study and master the grammars of their MT; for teachers to take into consideration the levels that learners have attained in their MT and also to give new value to the teaching and learning of MT and FL's grammars; for schools to encourage the development of metalinguistic reflection among learners of all levels; finally for the education authorities to introduce the recourse to grammatical categories in all school programs and to encourage the development of pedagogical procedures which will allow learners to really assimilate them
Paganini, Gloria. "Entre le "très proche" et le "pas assez loin" : différences, proximité et représentation de l'italien en France." Paris 3, 1998. http://www.theses.fr/1998PA030135.
Full textLearning a foreign language necessarily requires that one should develop a representation of otherness related to this language. This representation arises from the experience of those involved in the learning process but it also comes from the knowledge and values acquired through education and social communication. It plays a part in practical decisions such as the choice of a foreign language when it is offered and the choice of a foreign destination when international mobility is undertaken. Our purpose is to reconstruct the representation of a "minor" foreign language such as italian in the french school system, especially at the level of higher education. Since the representation of a foreign language is highly dependant on its position in the range of the foreign languages which are available, we have attempted to highlight the priorities which determine this hierarchic ranking. We have therefore conducted a survey (involving interviews and written questionnaires) in an engineering school. It offered two significant advantages for the learning of italian because of the variety of foreign languages available and because it provided students with a professional environment which valued this plurality as a strategic element in a training course with an international orientation. The results of this survey will help bring to the fore the various categories of preconceptions which constitute the field of foreign languages as well as the motives leading to the choice of italian and the link between the acquired linguistic abilities, the desire for international mobility and the specificity of a professional culture. This study is based on the conviction that, in the french school system, maintaining so called minority languages is at the same time the sign and the guarantee of a real diversification both linguistic and cultural
Cabau, Béatrice. "L'enseignement des langues-cultures en Suède : un enjeu multidimensionnel." Paris 3, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996PA030137.
Full textThis study is based upon the following statement : language and culture teaching holds a prominent position within the swedish school system. This statement applies to the foreign languages as well as to the home languages and swedish as a second language for the pupils of immigrant background. Moreover, it doesn't concern exclusively the school framework since according to the swedish law the adult migrants are entitled to attend swedish classes in the framework of adult education. It appeared then natural to orientate the present study in order to be able to answer the following question : why and how does sweden give importance to language teaching? The starting point for this research work lays in the hypothesis where the swedish educative system ( comprising the social milieu and the school milieu) might incorporate some specific constituent features which grant language teaching a major position within the educative system of this scandinavian country. The swedish experience in the field of language and culture teaching enlightens different stakes and influences which mainly emerge from the educative milieu of this nordic country. Since the social milieu is here considered as playing a decicive part in the decisions taken in any educative system and hence, in the field of language teaching, sweden is a fertile ground for investigations : this country finds itself for several years now at a turning point of it s history with a deterioration of economic circumstances, an alternation of political power and the entry in the european union in 1995. The 90's will also mark the history of the swedish educative system which has just witnessed one of its major reforms taking place; this has a direct effect on language planning
Journée-Behra, Séverine. "L'enseignement des langues étrangères en France à l'école primaire : de sa mise en œuvre dans les textes officiels vers une prise en compte du domaine culturel dans le discours de l'enseignant." Nancy 2, 2001. http://www.theses.fr/2001NAN21017.
Full textPerrin, Line. ""Approche interculturelle" en cours de langue ou comment concilier l'inconciliable ?" Université Marc Bloch (Strasbourg) (1971-2008), 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004STR20011.
Full textThis work explores the research field related to the intercultural learning process in foreign language classroomes and deals more particularly with the learning of German as a foreign language. One of its goals is to underline the theoretical fundamentals of the intercultural learning process in the field of language didactics and intercultural education. It also aims at relating these two disciplines with one another in order to stress the methodological concepts and the important conditions which are absolutely necessary for the acquisition of intercultural competences in institutional contexts as well as in foreign language classes. These theoretical aspects help elaborate a methodology and define conception tools for the acquisition of intercultural competences based on the foreign language learning process mentioned above which, according to us, can be seen as being multicultural. This work presents an expe rimental phase during which the suggested method has been applied. The consequences it has for the teacher and his/her teaching practices as well as for the official syllabus, due to be modified, are also being analysed
Blin, Béatrice. "L' Implication de l'imaginaire dans l'interaction didactique en classe de langues." Université des Antilles et de la Guyane. Institut supérieur d'études francophones, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008AGUY0202.
Full textThis research paper proposes to study the place and role of the imaginary in educational interaction in languages. The first hypothesis formulated is that the imaginary is a dynamic process that occurs at the moment of speaking or, at least, at the moment of co-constructing discourse-ininteraction. It is presented as one of the moving forces of teaching and appropriation behaviour. The second hypothesis stated is that the imaginary appears in the dissymmetry in position and knowledge between teachers and leamers. It is evident in differences of focus (usage or rule, form or meaning, language or culture, but also the practice of communication or that of self-figuration). This research, ethnographie in nature, was conducted at the French Institute in Latin America, in Mexico City. Results confirm the initial hypotheses and show that the imaginary is a dynamic process that not only allows people to co-construct the world (it is the result of a play of images), to make it be (it gives a meaning to the different images), but also to face it (it allows the interactors to situate themselves in relation to others and in relation to objects in the world). The notion of the imaginary is redefined: it should be understood as a (re )presentation of reality but one that is situated at the level of the interactional moment. Ln a way, it is a question of a (re)presentation coconstructed in the depths of the discourse. The conclusion reached is that acting linguistically in language class does not involve just communicating or co-acting, but also co-constructing and cobeing
Tretola, Jessyca. "Conditions et contraintes dans l’enseignement des langues vivantes étrangères à l’école." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015AIXM3111.
Full textThis study focuses on the teaching of foreign languages in school in France and on the way teachers--categorized as amateurs, with a degree, or experts in the language they teach--put into practice their praxeology during their teaching sessions. It also takes a look at the conditions and the constraints, that teachers, in each category, meet, depending on their knowledge of the English language and the training they have received.On the theoretical level, this thesis uses the Theory of language acquisition, language didactics and didactic anthropology (ATD) by Yves Chevallard. At the institutional level, it relies on published reports, the Common European Framework Reference for Languages (CEFR), and the contents of two Bulletin Officiel reports published on August 30, 2007 and January 5, 2012. This study takes a clinical approach, centered on individuals. It takes an in-depth look at the praxeology of five school teachers who teach English in cycle 2 and 3 of the French education system, through interviews (non-directive, self-confrontational and allo-confrontation as well as transcripts of English lessons filmed in classrooms
Trévise, Anne. "Eléments de description de l'acquisition d'une langue étrangère." Paris 7, 1992. http://www.theses.fr/1992PA070037.
Full textLeaning a second language in an institutional setting implie a specific type of language activity. The research then must deal with the acquisition of second languages in a "natural" setting, and with the "grammaticalisation" processes. In both kinds of settings, learners have a mealinguistic activity which one must study if one wants to guide it through efficient metalinguistic teaching. In order to study this activity, it is necessary to analyse learners' verbalisation and to compare them with their linguistic activities both in comprehension and in production. On thus needs a theoretical linguistic description of the two systems (source and target). The particular field which is studied here is the aspect tense domain (passe simple passe compose imparfait and english preterit), where the different kinds of lexical verbal constructions are taken into account. One can then study the possible efficiency of teaching in the processes of acquisition learning, and the possible role of a type of mealanguage which would be adapted both to linguistic reality and to the melalinguistic representations of learners
Narcy-Combes, Jean-Paul. "L'apprenant adulte face à l'acquisition de l'anglais langue étrangère." Bordeaux 3, 1988. http://www.theses.fr/1988BOR30010.
Full textThe objective of this research is to facilitate the acquisition process of french adult learners of english. The hypothesis is that learners must know how they learn, and that consequently teachers must have an adequate knowledge of acquisition processes. Part a describes the environment of the research : the university of technology of compiegne and the various institutions which have taken part in the experiments. Then the specific objectives are listed, followed by a description of the tools that were used to implement and control the various experiments. Part b first deals with an analysis of brain mechanisms in verbal communication, then with the various cognitive attitudes as described by theorists. The results of a number of surveys are presented so that the various parameters which must be taken into account before planning a course can be analysed. The final chapters of part b are devoted to a study of how french adults progress in verbal communication and how they envisage the role of culture in the learning process. Part c begins with the presentation of a learning model, followed by the description of system of methodological counselling. Six courses at different levels are presented to check the validity of the methodological assumptions in a non-experimental environment. The last part (d) is a study of how french learners perceive the roles of teachers and institutions (. . . )
Foucart, Alice. "Le traitement du genre grammatical en français langue première et seconde." Aix-Marseille 1, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008AIX10009.
Full textDompmartin-Normand, Chantal. "Eveil et ouverture aux langues à l'école : contribution à l'évaluation d'un outil en région toulousaine." Grenoble 3, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003GRE39031.
Full textBesse, Henri. "Propositions pour une typologie des méthodes de langues." Paris 8, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000PA081751.
Full textGerman, Berrini Yolande. "Interculturalité et multimédia appliqués à l'enseignemnet des langues vivantes : apprentissage de l'italien en milieu universitaire : thèse." Nice, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003NICE2008.
Full text1. Where are methods for teaching foreign language going ? A multicultural society, the multimedia, to be competent quickly, are changing the priorities of teaching methods. The recent operating methods for teaching are examined, in the scope of italian language learning. 2. About interculturality in foreign languages learning. It is even more difficult to dissociate the language from the culture it carries. The introduction of unexprected elements, daily present in the Italian context, allows achieving a cultural alterity, from the factual side. The interactive nature of our approach transforms those elements into helping factors to learning. 3. Development of a computer tool to perform exercices for learning Italian. We develop exercises from needs of students and from new operating methods for teaching. We have developed an application for foreign languages learning
Delahaie, Juliette. "Français parlés et français enseignés : analyses linguistiques et didactiques de français de natifs, de non-natifs et d’enseignants." Paris 10, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008PA100144.
Full textThis research suggests a new interpretation on relations between spoken French and French as a foreign language (FFL). It is generally considered that spoken French taught in FFL class often reflects a written conception of the language. However, a linguistic and didactic research of true data leads to a much more subtle conclusion. Our research is based on the “Lancom” corpus (1993, Louvain-Leuven University, Belgium), enriched with personal data (70. 000 words, 2006). It is a native/non-native differential corpus recorded in France and in FFL classes in high-schools in Belgium (with Dutch speaking students and teachers). After reviewing linguistic and didactic research on spoken French, we will study how French is taught in school books and by Dutch speaking Belgian teachers. We will focus on the first lessons of the books which associate the presentational construction “voilà” with the act of introducing. Based on crossed research of three types of spoken French in our corpus, we will study the act of questioning and the act of agreeing, two important acts in any kind of interaction which constitute pure didactical exchange. The linguistic analysis of both acts allows to nuance an often too monolithic vision of spoken French in class, and most of all to present new linguistic and semantic-pragmatic assumptions on the use of different types of questions and agreement markers. We will namely focus on “voilà” which plays a dramatic role in spoken French as a confirmation marker
Barna, Judith. "Les processus de modernisation dans l'enseignement des langues pour adultes." Lille 3, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005LIL30022.
Full textHillman, Catherine. "Enseignement précoce d'une langue vivante : l'expérience normande : 1991-1994 : propositions pour une nouvelle approche." Bordeaux 2, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997BOR21003.
Full textIsmaïl, Lamia Bilal. "Vers l'autonomie de l'apprenant en français dans les collèges expérimentaux en Egypte." Paris 8, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004PA082409.
Full textNowadays, new data impose the necessity to reconsider the foreign languages learning in the educational system. The principle of autonomy, the change from the languages didactic to the didactic of plurilingualism, the high multicultural and multilingual abilities, the development of knowledge (linguistic and/or of learning) and its relations with the widened contexts are at the centre of reflection about innovation in educational systems. This thesis presents the future of French language learner in Egypt by the introduction of autonomy in the school environment. The problematic is structured around two main axes: development of the autonomy concept and the learner profile. The proposed project, of empirical nature, do collaborate several levels (cognitive-linguistics, emotional, méta-cognitive) in order to test if the individual can live a partial autonomy that would only concern his/her learning of foreign language. The obtained results cast new light on the complexity of the teaching/learning situation in language class and lead to conclusions about the development of the French language learning and the implementation of autonomy within the school environment in Egypt
Rynski, Corinne. "Cohérence entre les représentations et l'apprentissage d'apprenants de langue étrangère." Nancy 2, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000NAN21032.
Full textLőrincz, Ildikó. "L'éveil aux langues en Hongrie : évolution des compétences métalinguistiques et métalangagières d'élèves hongrois de 10/11 ans, attitudes face aux langues." Paris 5, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006PA05H075.
Full textThis study presents the impact of a plural approach, that of language awakening on the evolution of metalinguistic and metalanguage competence and linguistic attitudes in 10/11- year-old Hungarian pupils. We study the capacity of language distancing by monolingual Hungarian pupils in terms of L1 through the study of another language but relying on L1. There is also the question ofwhether the language awakening approach assists in deepening and diversifying pupils’ metalinguistic representations; if it improves linguistic attitudes to linguistic diversity and the study of languages. This research has followed the methodological protocol established by the Evlang and Jaling Projects in qualitative and quantitative tools. The resuits demonstrate the superiority of pupils in the areas of phonetic control and analysis as well as in their attitude regarding an unfamiliar language
Raby, Françoise. "Apprentissage de l'anglais et nouvelles technologies éducatives : contribution de l'ergonomie cognitive à la didactique des langues." Bordeaux 2, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996BOR21004.
Full textKrönert-Rieussec, Angelika. "Des strategies de production langagiere aux strategies d'apprentissage d'une langue seconde. Analyse linguistique, psycholinguistique et didactique du phenomene de l'erreur dans l'acquisition guidee de l'allemand par des etudiants francophones." Toulouse 2, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996TOU20078.
Full textThis research is based on a cognitive approach and places errors in the dynamics of second language learning. The aim of the 1st part is to distinguish those aspects which are an integral part of learning in general and in particular of second language (l2) acquisition. The discussion of various language learning theories which have been developped during the 20th century lead to the expression of three fondamental notions of this study : learning, analysis, error. In fact, error is no longer considered as an object of study but rather as an empirical instrument situated at the crucial point between product and process. This dynamic conception is expressed through an analysis of the cognitive processes involved in l2 production which recognizes memory fonctions as well as problems related to different varietys of knowledge and the way in which they are organised by human memory. In the 2nd part this procedural and cognitive approach takes form of a cognitive error analysis based on written production in german, l2 (dissertation and translation by french native speakers) and the observation of self-correction. Error as surface phenonomen of production provides the means of discovering production strategies and demonstrates that the strategies themselves vary according to the task set, the production situation and the learner profile. Production strategies cannot be completely dissociated from learning strategies. L2 usage is based on already existing knowledge whereas new knowledge construction is essentially the result of language usage
Cormanski, Alex. ""Le corps dans la langue" : les techniques dramatiques dans l'enseignement/apprentissage des langues étrangères." Paris 3, 1993. http://www.theses.fr/1993PA030132.
Full textForeign-language teaching with sole emphasis on formal aspects of language will likely be limited to the verbal aspect of communication, thus excluding non verbal aspects. Language and its learner often appear bereft of body. Speakers express themselves first and foremost using the body which constitutes the memory of their culture, acquired but not learned. Foreign-language teaching with emphasis on meaning underscores the body memory principle and leads the learner to question the dynamic of language and action in his native tongue and culture so as to then approximate the same dynamic in the target language. The premise of "body-driven" language teaching and learning is based on a parallel drawn from techniques used in the theater arts. The actor brings into unisson the constituent parts of verbal and non verbal communication (voice, gesture, glance, relation to space) in order to enhance communication. A pedagogical experiment conducted in the united states, where groups are by and large more homogeneous, was designed to demonstrate the validity of this hypothesis. To that end, four control groups and four experimental groups were given a communicative task with which to improvise. Based on my results, I was led to the following inquiry : what is the place and role of techniques used in the theater arts in the context of language teaching and learning? Are these techniques merely supporting of a curriculum or the very core of a communicative curriculum? Can one speak of a grammar of gesture in the way one speaks of a verbal grammar? How does the relation between the verbal and non-verbal play itself out in the speech process which is intrinsically interactive when approaching language through dramatic techniques?
Toffoli, Denyze. "Au coeur de la formation : l'apprenant." La Rochelle, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000LAROF004.
Full textLebreton, Marlène. "L'enseignement de la langue additionnelle dans le programme primaire du baccalauréat international : comment les membres de la communauté scolaire perçoivent-ils les objectifs : Etude comparée de deux écoles du baccalauréat international en France (Paris) et en Australie (Sydney)." Nantes, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012NANT3042.
Full textThis study deals with the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme (IBPYP), implemented in 1997 and which proposes to students aged 3 to 12, an education that aims to develop international mind-consciousness, through a transdisciplinary curriculum and a teaching philosophy based on research. The purpose of the study is to give a better definition of additional language (AL) teaching within the IBPYP by clarifying its purposes, its place within the programme as well as the teaching strategies used (or to use) with a linguistically and culturally diversified student population. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with teachers and schools principals (N=15) and surveys were addressed to students (N=237) and parents (N=126) in two IB schools: the International School of Paris (ISP), in France, and St Paul’s Grammar School (SPGS) in Sydney, Australia. The results of the data analysis show that the purposes of AL teaching are to enhance mind-openness, notably through culture comparisons, and to motivate the students to learn the language. At the ISP, AL learning should also help students integrate into French society. Moreover, classroom teachers wish there was a better coordination between what is done in class and AL teaching despite the efforts of AL teachers to integrate units of inquiry within their lessons. Teaching strategies should encourage learning through experience, requiring implicit strategies to call upon students’ prior knowledge. The LI and the students’ mother tongues should be considered as references for AL learning
Wu, Xiaoqian. "Comment optimiser l'acquisition du « sens de la langue » chez l'apprenant : intégration de l'enseignant chinois de FLE en Chine." Nantes, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011NANT3040.
Full textBased on analyzing the status of foreign language teaching in China and teaching French as a foreign language, this doctoral dissertation aims to anwer two significant questions: First, how does Chinese students’ “Language sense” help towards their written competence? Secondly, how do Chinese teachers of French maximize the advantages they have in the field of language transfer and culture transfer for an optimal acquisition of a “language sense” with Chinese students of French? How should they reasonably integrate these advantages to optimize the acquisition of students’ “language sense ”? How about the functions of implicit and explicit teaching forms in the formation of “language sense”? The theoretical framework of this dissertation is based on two theories : 1) “ Language sense’ and its link with the teaching of grammar and linguistic competency ; 2) The optimization theory in the teaching process put forward by the former Soviet Union educator Babanski. To support this dissertation, some teaching experiments with adult learners of French in China were carried out to verify the hypothesis previously put forward. Finally, the author puts forward her own views on overcoming the drawbacks in foreign language teaching in China
Acuna, Teresa Azucena del Valle. "Lecture en langue étrangère : du traitement des textes à l’acquisition des langues." Paris 10, 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999PA100059.
Full textDat, Marie-Ange. "Didactique présecondaire des langues étrangères : l'influence de la présentation multimodale du lexique sur la mémorisation chez des enfants de 8 à 11 ans." Toulouse 2, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006TOU20025.
Full textThe development of learning-teaching foreign languages in French primary schools currriculum has fostered the use of ICTE (Information and communication technology applied to Education). Both teachers and learners in foreign languages are provided with various multimedia teaching tools -drawings, sound effects, animation- which are joined with the linguistic content through different means (=multimedia tools variety presentation). First of all, we will state the existing institutional and teaching-learning situtation. This first step will lead us to think about the use of multimedia tools to estimate its role in the learning of foreign lexis, one of the main targets of this early age learning- teaching. Indeed, we questioned ourselves about the relevance of the different encoding modes leading to the language comprehension in terms of global objects representation (Dubois) and the cognitive implication for new information treatment (Sweller). Our explanatory analysis stem from our own experience as primary school teacher (since 1997) and as Italian teacher for 8 to 11 year-old pupils. These analysis trigger various questions dealing with a) the learning of the native language (L1 = French) throughout the child's development, b) the learning of foreign languages (L2) and c) the impact on memorization of foreign words through a multimedia presentation. We decided about this last concern to elaborate hypothesis. They have been tested through experiences carried out within 8 to 11 age groups. The various encoding modes combinations (oral / writtten / oral + written / oral then written presentations) represent the variables which effects have been noticed on memorization (designation tests then reproduction tests). Those experiences were carried out by a research team financially supported by the Midi-Pyrenees region
Wantz, Bauer Frédérique. "Interactions entre pairs dans l'appropriation d'une langue étrangères : travail de groupe entre apprenants." Rouen, 2001. http://www.theses.fr/2001ROUEL403.
Full textTreguer-Mergalet, Michelle. "Le projet-langues et la linguistique systémique fonctionnelle : un intérêt didactique pour l'apprentissage des langues vivantes dans le premier degré ?" Brest, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003BRES1008.
Full textThis research concerns the learning of English at Primary level. Nowadays, a generalisation of foreign language teaching is taking place in France in Primary Education. The introduction of this new subject into Primary school is meeting difficulties ; our research is concerned by the way of taking into account this new subject of foreign languages and of giving sense to it in Primary school. After presenting general aspects of language learning, we propose an approach to languages through projects. Teams of teachers in Finistère are experimenting with such an approach and used tools and action programmes in order to elaborate language projects. This study constitutes a journey the aim of which is to link a testimony and this analysis of an experiment : it is a reflection of a semiotic, psycholinguistic, linguistic and didactic kind. Thus, linguistics, particularly the functional systemic approach can give clues in the analysis of such a pedagogy in the language field, as it considers the social aspect of language and of learning and it gives an analytical framework for the study of language. After presenting the didactic and linguistic interests of such an approach, we develop its consequences for teacher training
Blanc, Nathalie. "L'image support de médiation pour l'enseignement /apprentissage précoce des langues étrangères : conception et utilisation d'un matériel expérimental pour l'enseignement du FLE aux enfants de 5 à 10 ans." Grenoble 3, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2003GRE39037.
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