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Journal articles on the topic "Ethnicité – Aspect politique"
Roth, Lorna. "The Delicate Acts of "Colour Balancing": Multiculturalism and Canadian Television Broadcasting Policies and Practices." Canadian Journal of Communication 23, no. 4 (April 1, 1998).
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Ethnicité – Aspect politique"
Bonnard, Pascal. "Le gouvernement de l’ethnicité en Europe post-soviétique : une sociologie politique des luttes de classification autour des populations minoritaires en Lettonie." Paris, Institut d'études politiques, 2011.
Full textThis dissertation examines the conditions and mechanisms which activate ethnicity in post-Soviet Europe as a potent way to define oneself, to describe the social world and to act in it. The research draws on an analysis of statistical and administrative instruments which identify people according to their ethnicity. It also draws on a set of face-to-face interviews collected in schools as well as with political representatives. Specifically, this dissertation examines how ethnicity became a relevant principle of social division in Latvia starting at the end of the 1980s and how ethnicity is activated. This study challenges existing literature on ethnicity which do not question how ethnicity becomes salient. It argues that the ethnic cleavage has historically been shaped by reformulating previous classifications (based on religious confession and social occupation, for example) and that nowadays ethnicity may still be ascribed or claimed on the basis of social properties that are related to the class or the place of residence. It also shows that ethnicity is made salient when it enables actors to claim their position as legitimate, regardless of whether these positions are taken in political competition or in everyday interactions. By bringing together perspectives borrowed from the sociology of public policy, of political representation and of habitus into the framework of a sociology of classifications, this dissertation contributes to our understanding of how identity classifications are shaped and enacted, as well as highlights the power relations at play in this process
Bheeka, Joyce Patricia. "Le processus de l'ethnicisation : procédures de catégorisation dans le discours politique à l'île Maurice." Paris 8, 2000.
Full textFila, Eugène. "Les partis politiques dans la transition démocratique au Congo-Brazzaville : ethnicité et enjeux du pouvoir, 1990-1997." Amiens, 2004.
Full textAundu, Matsanza Guy. "Participation politique et légitimité de l'Etat: de l'instrumentalisation de l'ethnicité par les partis sous la transition politique congolaise." Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 2009.
Full textMais, le processus d'indépendance a enclenché une ère où il est observé un consentement à son existence et une nouvelle légitimité est accordée à ses structures.
L'étude analyse l'un de ces instruments par lesquels cet Etat, incarné et conservé par le "sommet" sans lien direct avec la base (notamment les communautés ethniques), parvient à nouer des relations avec celle-ci de manière à s'octroyer une nouvelle légitimité.
Cette étude porte donc sur les facteurs utilisés dans le système politique, le régime, le mode ou la procédure d'exercice du pouvoir afin d'améliorer la relation de l'Etat avec sa société. Elle s'intéresse au role de l'ethnicité dans la participation politique qu'animent les partis pour comprendre la légitimité de l'Etat issu de la colonisation auprès des citoyens (autochtones) qui le rejetaient autrefois./
The state in Africa draws its origins from outside. It turned a long time its concerns towards the foreign interests defenses and under colonization, the local ethnic communities on which it exerted its authority never were truly represented in its structures founded on the constraint. This State appears artificial because of its source of legitimacy and its model of authority.
But, the independence process engaged one era where it is observed an assent with its existence and a new legitimacy is granted to its structures.
The study analyzes one of these instruments by which this State, incarnated and preserved by the "top" without direct link with the base (in particular ethnic communities), manages to tie relations with this one so as to grant a new legitimacy.
This study ralates to the factors used in the political system, the mode or the procedure of power exercise in order to improve the relation of the State with its society. It is interested in the ethnicity role in the political participation which the parties animate in order to understand the (African)State legitimacy near the citizens (autochtones) who rejected it formely (colonization period).
Doctorat en Sciences politiques et sociales
Zeljkovic, Ljiljana. ""2-2-1" : politiques ethniques et transformations du lien social à Brčko District (Bosnie-Herzégovine)." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2018.
Full textEthnicity is a topic extensively studied in Bosnia and Herzegovina. However, this thesis tackles it by avoiding the pitfall of "groupism", and by articulating the scale of ethnic policies and those of the logic of intimacy. Brcko is one of the few cities in country that has remained multi-ethnic. A quota policy associated with the monopolization by the political parties of the economy induces a strong use of the "pulling strings" (veze). Politicization processes of links especially of neighborhood, as much as of de-politicization of the economy and the issues of redistribution have emerged. We will discover what are the limits and how do they affect subjectivities. This manifests itself in particular in the change of temporal structures generating a singular relationship to expectation and hope. If nationalist policies are sometimes taken up in the speeches of citizens, we will see that a practical logic of otherness operates on a daily basis
Poirier, Cécile. "L'ethnicité comme ressource politique : partage de l'espace urbain et gestion de la diversité à Montréal et Bordeaux." Bordeaux 3, 2005.
Full textDuring the last twenty years, local authorities in western countries have been put under pressure to better take into account their citizens’ ethnocultural differences or, on the contrary, to limit such adaptation. Although this kind of accommodation often consists of ad hoc measures, researchers in the field of the management of diversity, have tended to focus on public policies. This research examines instead concrete practices of diversity management, specifically in the domain of sports and leisure, which are usually perceived as a means of social integration. In fact, both diversity management and recreation services are somewhat ambiguous because of their double vocation of respecting differences and personal development and promoting integration. Both also operate in a context dominated by formal and informal partnerships with a variety of organisations providing public services. What strategies do local authorities adopt to take differences into account and develop appropriate service provision? Based on three case studies (two in Montreal and one in Bordeaux), this research reveals that diversity management practices depend less on formal policy than on local issues of governance in sports and leisure and on the actors’ capacity to understand cultural codes. From a scientific viewpoint it underscores the relevance of the notion of ethnicity as a political resource, and from a practical viewpoint it highlights the importance of developing intercultural training and reflexive practices
Ngowet, Luc. "Les fondements théoriques de la modernité politique africaine : essai de phénoménologie politique." Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2016.
Full textAny consideration of African political thought cannot disregard the issue of its recovering by Africanist discourse. The hegemony of this discourse is partly at the origin of our reflection on the theoretical foundations of modernity in Africa, that seeks to lay the foundations for a long-term research agenda on African political thought. Beyond a contention with the Africanist discourse, my thesis is also motivated by a more fundamental objective that presupposes and seeks to demonstrate that African thought has always played a vital role in the construction of the political modernity of Africa. I will analyse the contours and content of the theoretical foundations of that african political modernity through a methodology and a principle of reason that will bear witness to those foudations with conviction and lucidity. My doctoral dissertation therefore has two main objectives. First, it seeks to develop a critique of Africanist reason that will lead to an interpretation of endogenous discourses on politics in Africa, through a method of investigation called political phenomenology. Such a phenomenological understanding of politics as an instrument that can elucidate African modernity in Africa will be based on a critical interpretation of major african political texts written in both French and English. Secondly, my thesis aims at developing a philosophizing history of African political thought, providing a precise understanding of its concepts and issues. In sum, this dissertation would have achieved its objective if it read as a philosophical meta-narrative on African modernity, the specificity of which I shall define
Charbit, Myriam. "La revanche d'une identité ethno-religieuse en Israël : La percée du parti Shas entre construction identitaire séfarade-haredi et dynamiques clientélistes." Phd thesis, Université Montesquieu - Bordeaux IV, 2003.
Full textLaporte, Luc. "Le journal le Droit, miroir de l'identité franco-ontarienne." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 1986.
Full textMichalon, Martin. "Tourisme, politique et appropriation de l'espace dans la Birmanie en transition : le cas de la région du lac Inlé." Thesis, Paris, EHESS, 2020.
Full textThis thesis deals with the power relations that underpin the development of tourism in Inle Lake region, on the Shan plateau (Myanmar). This peripheral region is mainly populated by the Intha ethnic group, which leads an original amphibious lifestyle, and by hill-based Pa-O people. Since the 1990s, this region has been one of Myanmar’s tourism highlights. We show that in a country marked by fifty years of military dictatorship and a rocky democratic transition since 2011, and in a peripheral space structured by old rivalries between minorities, tourism is a key asset to support political and territorial claims.Within the centre/periphery dialectics, we emphasize the link between proactive tourism development in Inle Lake region and authoritarian integration of the restive margin. Such space capture is made through transportation infrastructure, migration patterns, domestic tourism, the play between state regulation of the sector and clientelist laissez-faire, or the imposition of a simplistic and depoliticized narrative about the region and its inhabitants. Moreover, local tourism development is mainly performed by cronies, powerful businessmen with cosy relations with the past and current politico-military elites. By connecting the region to national “crony capitalism” networks, by monopolizing the tourism resource through neo-colonial mechanisms, by seizing by force wide swathes of land in the name of tourism development and by imposing Burmese architecture patterns in Shan territory, they insert the periphery into the centre’s political and symbolic sphere of influence. Furthermore, the integration of Myanmar and Inle Lake region into tourism globalization has resulted in new stakeholders coming to the fore, with more financial means and competences, thus evicting the local entrepreneurs from the most lucrative markets. Meanwhile, the hasty economic opening of the country and ubiquitous money laundering strategies have triggered intense land speculation, leading to the dualization of tourism space, now dominated by outsiders. All those converging trends have contributed to the burmanisation of the Shan periphery. Within the periphery itself, tourism is a major political and territorial stake between the local ethnic minorities. In the 1990s-2000s, when Yangon regime outsourced the control of the region to the Pa-O National Organization pro-government militia, the latter used tourism zoning and hotel infrastructures to assert its authority over space. Intha did not have such military power, but a few charismatic leaders managed to tap the economic benefits of tourism to construct their local political influence, thence accommodating the political constraint from the inside. Since 2011 political transition, power games and stakes have changed: territorially weakened, the PNO now mobilizes community-based tourism to maintain its influence in the hills it used to control, while Intha use it to reinvest this vacant hegemonic space. Meanwhile, they leverage tourism representations, narratives and iconography to reformulate their collective identity: culturally very close to the majority Bamar ethnic group, they now stage their alterity, their “intha-ness” to benefit from the ethnicization of politics in post-dictatorial Myanmar and thence reassert their regional hegemony. The spatialized analysis of tourism therefore highlights the changes and tensions of contemporary Myanmar
Books on the topic "Ethnicité – Aspect politique"
1927-, Vachon Lucien, ed. L'universalité catholique face à la diversité humaine: Actes de la 7e Assemblée générale de la Conférence des institutions catholiques de théologie (CICT), Sherbrooke, 1er au 6 août 1996. Montréal, Qué: Médiaspaul, 1998.
Find full text1953-, Smith Graham, ed. Federalism: The multi-ethnic challenge. London: Longman, 1995.
Find full textA, Euraque Darío, Gould Jeffrey L, and Hale Charles R. 1957-, eds. Memorias del mestizaje: Cultura política en Centroamérica de 1920 al presente. Guatemala [Guatemala]: CIRMA, 2005.
Find full textCora, Govers, and Vermeulen Hans, eds. The politics of ethnic consciousness. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1997.
Find full textAlain, Gagnon, Rocher François, Guibernau i Berdún, M. Montserrat, and Institute for Research on Public Policy., eds. The conditions of diversity in multinational democracies. Montreal: Institute for Research on Public Policy (IRPP), 2003.
Find full textLe français langue commune: Projet inachevé. Montréal, Québec: Éditions du Renouveau québécois, 2013.
Find full textUne discrimination positive à la française: Ethnicité et territoire dans les politiques de la ville. Paris: La Découverte, 2007.
Find full textDoytcheva, Milena. Une discrimination positive à la française: Ethnicité et territoire dans les politiques de la ville. Paris: La Découverte, 2007.
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