Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'États (....-1789)'
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Augé, Bertrand. "Les états de Basse-Navarre de 1665 à 1789." Thesis, Pau, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015PAUU1006.
Full textThe history of the administrative construction of France in the XVII and XVIII centuries is the history of the establishment of the political machinery of state and, in those provinces most recently integrated, the upholding of an assembly of representatives of 3 orders who managed a part of the countries affairs, specifically that of tax collection. Separated from its Spanish states in 1512, the Basse-Navarre also conserved, at the moment of its union with the kingdom of France in 1620, its state assembly and above all its title of realm. Our initial work consisted of retranscribing the record of yearly deliberations of the navarraise assembly, from the beginning of the personal reign of Louis XIV until the Revolution. Following this, the quantitative and qualitative study of the texts shed light on the particular dialogue between Versailles and the outer lying province. In the face of the Bourbons, the navarrais representatives defended their customs, their distinctiveness and also their dominance over the affairs of the province
Corbière, Françoise. "La politique fiscale des États du Languedoc : 1750-1789." Toulouse 1, 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999TOU10041.
Full textSlonina, Jérôme. "La politique routière des États de Languedoc de 1753 à 1789." Toulouse 1, 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999TOU10082.
Full textThierry, Patrick. "Tocqueville, Jefferson, Burke : les révolutions américaine et française." Paris 10, 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999PA100153.
Full textToudic, Hugo. "Inventer la république. L'héritage de Montesquieu dans la controverse constitutionnelle entre Antifédéralistes et Fédéralistes (1787-1789)." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2024. https://accesdistant.sorbonne-universite.fr/login?url=https://theses-intra.sorbonne-universite.fr/2024SORUL033.pdf.
Full textCould it be that the influence of Montesquieu on the Founding Fathers' ideas has been largely overlooked? That is what this dissertation aims at both proving and correcting. A mere historiographic study of influential philosophical thought in the late eighteenth century shows that the predominant importance of Montesquieu's philosophy is not met with extensive and careful academic works capable of finding and then analyzing the way in which the Founding Fathers borrowed from his philosophy. Yet, such an analysis would permit us to understand why Montesquieu was considered an authority and even, according to the very words of the Founding Fathers, an oracle of the science of politics. Furthermore, this research would finally allow to lend cachet within the European academic world to a masterpiece of political philosophy, the Federalist papers, whom no less than Tocqueville once praised and which remains the very secular bible of the American Republic
Marcadé, Cédric. "La presse francophile anglophone au miroir de la France en révolution : les exemples des journaux d'opposition anglais, irlandais et américains et leurs représentations de la République française de l'été 1791 à l'été 1798." Rouen, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011ROUEL022.
Full textThe study is on the American Francophile press and its representations about the republican France from 1791's summer to 1798's summer. Newspapers are those of the English, Irish and American opposition. This thesis tries to show the collective imagination of Francophile populations in that press towards the French Republic. It tries too to prove the existence of common representations. The fact that during the 1790's decade newspapers had in the Anglophone world a community of mind permits to catch sight a Francophile network in the sphere of the opposition press
Moreau, Bernard. "L'élection des députés de la sénéchaussée de Nîmes aux États-Généraux de 1789." Paris 12, 1994. http://www.theses.fr/1994PA122006.
Full textIn 1788 summer, the call for the states-general rose a strong excitement in nimes district. Political pamplhiels seem to have benn lesser than elsewhere, if the resolutions voted by the parishes have benn quite numerous. The poor clergy claims to may in, the nobility were open minded and the economic forces mainly preoccupied with their own interests. In diocesan assemblies a committee was selected in order to prepare the vote and the cioolection of complaints. In the district assembly a strong opposition was evident between the clergy, which elected conservatives deputies, and the two other orders which elected liberals, often protestants. The vote keeps its part of mistery. Nevertheles, on the occasion of the elction, the first manifestations of modern public opinion can have benn observed, as well as the first use of "nation" concept. At last, due to the selected geographical limits of the constituency, it is easier to understand the creation of the gard department, as well as some aspects of its modern political life
Lounissi, Carine. "La notion de philosophie politique dans l'oeuvre de Thomas Paine et son rapport à la pensée européenne et américaine dans la seconde moitié du XVIIIe siècle." Paris 3, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006PA030034.
Full textIt is during the age of Revolutions that the career of Thomas Paine (1737-1809) as a political writer unfurled. His first significant writing, Common Sense, published in January 1776, put forward a programme which was revolutionary in two ways : he established representative democracy as the only legitimate political regime, and thus, he altered the meaning of the concepts of revolution, constitution and republic, relying on an interpretation of the social contract theory which excluded all monarchical or aristocratic, in a word, hereditary elements from the political sphere. Studying his thought in relation to the theories of his time enables one to get the full measure of its originality. A pioneer, therefore, at the same time liberal and republican, he defended the equality of political rights, especially universal suffrage. His conception of revolution was that of a moderate who did not yield to anarchism or to communism. However, he was more successful in the theorization of revolution than in the historiography of the Revolutions, as Rights of Man notably proves. A foe of royalty, he nonetheless remained faithful to his humanism which led him to ask for the banishment of Louis XVI and his family in America. He was part of the circle of the Girondin thinkers and he was a victim of the Terror, though he escaped the guillotine. In 1802, he went back to the United States, disappointed by his European revolutionary experience, with France groaning under new chains and Great Britain having refused to follow the example of the men of 1789, but his hostility to Edmund Burke's views never ceased, so convinced he remained that the enjoyment of liberty for all was a perpetual political horizon
Covo, Manuel. "Commerce, empire et révolutions dans le monde atlantique : la colonie de Saint-Domingue, entre métropole et Etats-Unis (ca. 1778-ca. 1804)." Paris, EHESS, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013EHES0095.
Full textThis dissertation addresses the question of the links between the commercial revolution and the political revolution at the end of the eighteenth century. In particular, it analyses the connected issue of the colonial exclusif and of liberty of trade; as a problem of political economy, as a sum of legal norms and as commercial practices. This enables to shed light on the variety of political associations that emerged in the Age of Revolutions. The case study is the political and economic relationships between the wealthiest colony in the world, Saint-Domingue, the metropole and the United States, From the 1778 French-American alliance to the birth of Haiti i 1804. This dissertation aims at questioning the so-called rise of the nation-state. It disputes the idea that the French Revolution exclusively created a unitary and centralized nation-state, founded on national sovereignty and defined as the political expression of the community of citizens. It also places the United States in its postcolonial history and reminds that independence was not the only possible end to the revolution in Saint-Domingue. This illuminates the multiplicity of imperial experimentations that took place in the Atlantic World at different scales, both within and beyond national borders and in the framework of a globalized economy. Thus, it becomes possible to follow the sinuous paths and crossings of intertwined revolutions
Soleymani, Dagmar. "Les échanges commerciaux entre la France et les États allemands : 1834-1869." Paris 4, 1991. http://www.theses.fr/1991PA040109.
Full textThe trade between France and Germany in the mid-19th century expresses the passage from traditional to industrial society. The generalization of machinery and the transport revolution determined the evolution of the foreign exchange characterized by the bigger sale of traditional goods and by the conquest of new markets with new products. This diversity and the growing mobility of goods and persons contributed towards the progress of trade unknown till then
Blanc, Félix. "L’organisation des pouvoirs de guerre et de paix aux origines du gouvernement représentatif : enquête sur l’invention du concours des pouvoirs en Angleterre, en France et aux Etats-Unis." Paris, EHESS, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014EHES0119.
Full textOur representative democracies rely on principles such as citizens’ consent and separation of powers, whose original horizon was modern republics. But institutional implementation and historical trials have sometimes led to their denaturation and toning down. For instance, the role such principles could play within the organization of war powers was strongly discussed among the founding fathers of representative governments in England, France and United-States, but also between their first thinkers – especially Locke, Montesquieu and Rousseau. To end the discussion, they mostly proposed to vest such powers in the very same hands. Diplomatic and military offices allegedly fall within the scope of governmental functions usually fulfilled by the “small number” that Weber and Machiavelli praised in different times? This inquiry reveals the limits of such proposals and explains how some American and French revolutionaries strove to go beyond them. Therefore, they built a genuine political system with several powers concurring in times of war. With such system, they wanted to preserve moderation in government by restricting concentrations of power in war times, and avoid any risk of confusion between civilian and military authorities. They seek to foster an external unity in sovereign states where several branches of government are supposed to remain distinct. Finally, they looked for an optimized number of citizens able to share the collective burden of the decisions that could either jeopardize or secure international peace
Grateau, Philippe. "Sensibilités, cultures et doléances : regard culturel sur les cahiers de doléances de 1789." Rennes 2, 1999. http://books.openedition.org/pur/23366.
Full textThe registers of grievances have been worked on, exploited and published. They have been widely commented upon especially by experts including Michelet,Taine, Tocqueville, Jaures or Furet. Since they have been subjected to all sorts of reading grids, ranging from cursive to structural reading, and searched for any relevant information they could disclose about the political, the economic and the cultural situation of the time, they seem to hold no more secrets. Yet, commemorating the bicentennial on a scientific level was the opportunity to remind every one of us of their extraordinary richness. Reading them from a cultural point of view isn't aimed at being considered as + scoop ;. It rather aims, on the one hand, at taking into account the immense historical production of the last three decades and on the other hand, at making the most of the product of the extraordinary effort which has been put into publication for over a century. Indeed, recent works in the field of public opinion or material culture raise new questions. Along the same hoes, the numerous available editions enable us to approach things from qualitative as well as a quantitative angle by examining them on different scales (local, regional, national). After presenting a critical synthesis of the existing works on the subject, the survey concerning both national and regional levels, casts a light on rural people's moral and philosophical aspirations, whether these convey their yearning for freedom, equality, happiness or progress. From these representations, it then goes on to explore cultural attitudes. For instance, through a complaint about the tax system, the members of the peasant community expressed their moral and philosophical yearnings, they described their conception of authority and sovereignty, they disclosed their fear of running short of bread, their dread of being struck by a disease or else their craving for culture. They wondered about the adequate means to collect the necessary funds for the education of their children, for medicine or to lure a capable surgeon and a competent midwife into settling in their village. Thus people of modest means cast a special light - at least in the context of a meeting - on what the ideals of the + siècle des Lumières ; were to lead on to on a local scale
BORRE', MATTEO. "UN RIVOLUZIONARIO DURANTE L'ANTICO REGIME: JACQUES-VINCENT DELACROIX (1766-1789)." Doctoral thesis, Università degli Studi di Milano, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/2434/225564.
Full textFerradou, Mathieu. ""Aux États-Unis de France et d'Irlande" : circulations révolutionnaires entre France et Irlande à l'époque de la République atlantique." Thesis, Paris 1, 2019. https://ecm.univ-paris1.fr/nuxeo/site/esupversions/7d22394b-42e4-413a-b621-060974c5ca6f.
Full textWith the advent of the republic in France in the summer of 1792, the revolutionary potential initiated by the upheaval of 1789 suddenly exploded in Ireland. In a context of rising popular discontent led by the United Irishmen and the Defenders in Ireland, the Irish exiles in Paris also embraced the republic, first at the micro-local scale of the Irish College in Paris of which the students took control in a fleeting but highly significant moment, the ‘République au Collège’, then at the ‘festin patriotique’, a gathering of all the Atlantic revolutionary galaxy, but most notably of the ‘citizens’ of the Three Kingdoms. These two events initiated a process of personal engagement for each of the protagonists and a transnational revolutionary dynamic through the project of establishing the ‘Republic of the United States of France and Ireland’. This commitment and this dynamic were extant throughout the activities, both public and covert, of the Society of the English, Scottish and Irish at Paris or Société des Amis des Droits de l’Homme (SADH). They contributed, because of the collaboration between France and the SADH, to spark the war between England and France. The dialectic between the republican and counter-republican dynamics in the context of the French Wars led the protagonists of the Republic of the United States of France and Ireland to pursue and further define their project in an astonishing continuity between 1792 and 1798. While this republic project varied in its forms and modalities due to the changing political and geopolitical context, it reached its apex with the Franco-Irish expeditions of 1796 and 1798. Following the paths of twenty eight Irish republican patriots, and examining their networks of sociability and circulations, enable to question the motivations and forms of political engagement, in the perspective of a social history of political ideas, i.e. by studying the transition from words to acts, which depends on the circumstances and on the social environment. In the dialectic between Counter-Revolution and Revolution, this engagement leads to a process of ‘radicalisation’. By doing so, this dissertation aims at questioning the prevailing historiography of the 1790s in Ireland, by replacing it in its context of revolutionary synergies and by exploring the concept of the Atlantic Republic, thereby offering a new take on the process of popular politicisation in Ireland
Belissa, Marc. "La cosmopolitique du droit des gens (1713-1795) : fraternité universelle et intérêt national au siècle des Lumières et pendant la Révolution française." Paris 1, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996PA010502.
Full textFrom the project ofr a perpetual peace of the abbé des Saint-Pierre in 1713 to Kant's in 1795, XVIIIth century's philosophers debate of peace making and of new relations between the peoples. The concept of the law of nations inherited from the philosophical debates of the xvith and xviith centuries plays a central role in this reflexion. People of the enlightment argue about the abilitiy of humanity to achieve peace, and about the means of achieving a civil relationship between nations. The manners of the ancien regime are submitted to the critique of reason : conquest, the laws of war and diplomacy are rejected. How to conciliate universal brotherhood with the love of one's country ? How to conceive an economic development wich respects the reciprocity of the rights of peoples ? The answers to these questions give the outlines of political trends crystallise in french and american revelutions between 1776 et 1795. Two approaches materialize progressively. The first approach intends to build a national power able to defend its own interests in a political space made of independant nations and wich are tried by a positive law of nations. In this system the nation-state sovereignity replaces the private order of the ancien regime. The other approach, wich we call a "cosmopolitics of the law of nations", aims to build a civil and federate society of nations wich would be a warrant for the rights of the peoples
Fleury, Thibaut Charles. "La question du territoire aux Etats-Unis de 1789 à 1914 : apports pour la construction du droit international." Thesis, Paris 2, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011PA020018/document.
Full textThis study is based upon the hypothesis that, from the entry into force of the federal constitution to the First World War, the United States territorial expansion, as well as the federal project, called for a « construction » of international law’s rules and principles within the American boundaries. It is to be remembered that, in 1789, the United States, the member States and the Indian Nations claimed for themselves, on parts or the whole of that space, the sovereignty that every « State » is entitled to according to international law. It is therefore by defining, adapting, or rethinking the notions of « State » or « territorial sovereignty », the conditions required for a territorial title to be held or formed, and by setting the legal status of international law, that those claims have been enforced – or not. Grounded upon the analysis of the American doctrine, practice and case law, the purpose of this study is thus to inquire about territorial issues as raised within what is usually described as a « federal State », sovereign on its territory. Because those issues, and mainly jurisdictional ones, are fundamental to international law, this work hopes to bring to light constructions of international law which are still relevant today
Tourkochoriti, Ioanna. "La liberté d'expression et la protection de la dignité humaine et de la vie privée dans l'ordre juridique français et l'ordre juridique des États-Unis : une étude de deux précompréhensions constitutionnelles différentes." Paris, EHESS, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010EHES0081.
Full textThis dissertation aims at proposing an interpretation concerning the divergence of the legal status of freedom of expression in relation to the protection of human dignity and privacy in the United States and in Europe. The question concerns in our opinion the fore-understanding of liberty in continental Europe and in the United States, as well as the role of the state to define the content and the limits of liberty. It is this understanding inspired by a different conception of political philosophy which is reflected in the legal appreciation of the two legal orders this difference has its origins in the revolutionary movements, which posed me foundation of the two democracies. This conception was also inevitably influenced by the political problems of the same time as well as by the weight of the intellectual ideas, which preceded the two movements. Their evolution in the course of time brought nuances to the political ideas of the foundation which are equally useful to our understanding. France is an exemplary case for continental Europe since the principal ideas underlying the French revolution concerning the understanding of liberty and the role of the state influenced considerably the conception of democracy in the other European states
Cohen, Alain. "Les intendants au coeur de la crise de l'Ancien Régime, 1783-1791 : les généralités d'Alençon, Caen, Rouen, Rennes, Orléans, Bourges, Moulins, Poitiers, Limoges, Tours, Riom et Dijon." Rouen, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009ROUEL015.
Full textCharbonneau, François. "« Une part égale de liberté : le patriotisme anglais et la Révolution américaine »." Paris, EHESS, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007EHES0111.
Full textThis thesis explores a central paradox in both the political thought and political action of the American revolutionaries between 1765 and 1776. The Americans understood the British parliament's attempt to tax them as a constitutional issue, i. E. , for them, a question of political liberty. The imperial crisis offered the Americans an opportunity to define what they understood by liberty and the political conditions necessary to its existence. For them, as for contemporary English political thought, liberty was defined as absence of dependence. It would thus be inadmissible for Americans to be placed in a situation of dependence upon the uncontrolled will of the British parliamentarians. Paradoxically, Americans desired nothing more during the entire crisis than to maintain their dependence upon Great-Britain and its institutions. The will to maintain a dependent status within the British Empire was so strong that Americans refused to declare their independence for more than a year after the beginning of open warfare with the mother country. The following thesis suggest that the imperial crisis should be understood as a failure on the part of the American to reconcile their will to be both free and at the same time dependent upon Great-Britain. It offers a different interpretation of the reasons why Americans were so reluctant to secede, finding that English patriotism is the key to comprehending this paradox. Within the context of their political thought, patriotism was understood to be the primary political virtue that allowed freedom to thrive within the body politic. In this contest for liberty, in which Americans have tried to be better Englishmen than the English, a conviction will emerge that only the equal liberty of all men is compatible with political freedom. This idea will be ever so present in the early state Constitutions of 1775-1780
Whitworth, John M. "Le culte de l'Etre Suprême et le personnel révolutionnaire de l'An II." Paris 1, 1992. http://www.theses.fr/1992PA010571.
Full textThis is a study of the reaction of the Jacobins of the republic to the introduction of the cult of the supreme being. Research was carried out essentially on the letters sent to the national convention reproduced in the archives parlementaires and in the registers of the local authorities found in the departmental archives of the Eure, Eure-et-Loir, Oise and Seine-et-Marne. The law of 18th floreal, which made official the cult of the supreme being, appears as a response to the divisions ans corruption of the politicians and to the campaign of dechristianisation. The massive response to the law of 18th floreal was in part a reflection of deist sentiment among the local jacobins as well as of their acceptance of the utility of a state religion in the recreation of national unity on the basis of republican virtue. The study of the departments confirmed the existence of deist sensibility, albeit expressed irregularly before 18th floreal. After this date, there was clearly, in each department, an effort to prepare the festival of the supreme being. There appears, however, no clear correlation between the volume of letters concerning the cult of the supreme being sent to the convention from each department and the level of activity in this field discernible in their repesctive archives
Chopin, Thierry. "La question de la souveraineté dans la controverse constitutionnelle entre fédéralistes et anti-fédéralistes a la fin xviii ème siècle aux Etats-Unis : 1787-1788." Paris, EHESS, 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999EHES0049.
Full textTissot, Dupont Jérôme. "Le comité ecclésiastique de l'Assemblée nationale Constituante 1789-1791." Paris, EHESS, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006EHES0037.
Full textThe "Comité ecclésiastique" was founded on the 12th of August 1789. The initial members were nominated on the 20th of August. They are fifteen and the majority of them is made of barristers. On the 7th of February 1790, fifteen new members are elected and half of them are reforming ecclesiastics. Defeated, the opponents resign in May 1790. The committee skills are so wide that is delegates to the "Comité des Dîmes" and to united Committees. The latter creates the "Comité des savants" or "Commission des monuments". The work by the committee concerns alienation, administration and sale of the ecclesiastical property, but also its preserving, the abolition of the religious orders, the civil constitution of clergy, the civil status and the marriage and finally the religion and the liturgy
Sédillot, Sophie. "De la province de Picardie au département de la Somme : l'administration territoriale sous le règne de Louis XVI, 1787-1792 : ruptures et continuités." Amiens, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007AMIE0050.
Full textThe central power, alongside the Intendants, instituted provincial assemblies in June 1787 in a spirit of reform and decentralisation. The provincial assembly’s story ended with the constitutional assemblies’ decree of 22 December 1789 which applied the principle of uniform and rational division of the kingdom and conferred administrative powers to a new administrative body. Thus, the division of the province of Picardy gave birth to the department of the Somme. Notwithstanding the discontinuities, the new administration of the Somme was marked by the significant similarities with the administration of the Intendants and the provincial assembly of Picardy. A study of the administrators, the bureaucratic organisation, administrative activities, and litigation, reveals the existence of certain continuity in the administration of the province of Picardy and the department of the Somme between 1787 and 1792 other than reforms and political changes
Foucrier, Annick. "La France, les Français et la Californie avant la ruée vers l'or (1786-1848)." Paris, EHESS, 1991. http://www.theses.fr/1991EHES0005.
Full textThe relationships of france, the french and california from 1786 (when laperouse called at monterey) to 1848 (the annexation by the united states) are studied from economical, social, cultural and political viewpoints. The french first came to california to trade sea otter furs, to be sold in china, then to buy supplies for whalers or for the french steelements in the marquesas and tahiti islawds. These travelers described the missions, built by the spanish beginning in 1769 to convert indians, and after the mexican independence, they observed the secularization of mision lands which turned california into a cattle breeding country, divided into large ranchos. Being situated at the borders of the spanish, russian and english empires, california held a strategic place, and its harbors were coveted by the united states. From 1836, france too was interested in the future of california, and in 1842 a french consulate was created at monterey. The complex play of the maritime powers in the 1840s ends in 1848 with the annexation of california by the united states. Several chapters deal with the french who lived in california, their origins (social and regional), their trades, their integration and their participation in the political life of the country
Fizaine, Florian. "Transcription de documents historiques avec des algorithmes de Deep Learning." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Bourgogne Franche-Comté, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024UBFCK095.
Full textOur work is part of a research project led by the Archives of the Côte-d'Or Department, the "Lettres en Lumière" project, which aims to adapt artificial intelligence algorithms to the automatic transcription of historical documents held by the Archives. At the beginning of the project, these documents were selected from the 18th century manuscripts of the Registres des Délibérations des Etats de Bourgogne.Today's most competitive approaches to automatic transcription of handwritten texts involve a two-step process: optimal segmentation of the lines of the text, followed by the actual transcription process, in which the characters are deciphered to reconstruct the words of the text.After a first chapter describing the context of the project, in the second chapter we present our study on the optimal segmentation of text lines. Our choice of line segmentation method turned on two main deep learning algorithms: Unet and MaskRCNN. This choice was based on a thorough state-of-the-art review of the various segmentation algorithms. We show that MaskRCNN, which is an instance segmentation algorithm, performs best in the case of optimized line extraction from handwritten text.Our work on line transcription, described in chapter three, led us, after a thorough study of the state of the art, to select architectures based on Transformer neural networks. We show that the Transformer TrOCR neural network, combined with our line segmentation algorithm, allows us to achieve transcriptions with a maximum error rate per character of 3.4%.While the results obtained and presented in these chapters suggest that a transcription platform usable by the general public interested in paleography could be made available in the short term, a major problem arises concerning the excessive use of computational resources related to the underlying complexity of AI algorithms. To solve this major problem, many artificial intelligence researchers are working on frugal AI.In this context, in Chapter 4, we propose an approach to line-of-text transcription based on bio-inspired neural networks. More specifically, we rely on spiking neural networks (SNNs). After a thorough study of the state of the art in such networks, we decided to use the Spikformer neural network, which we optimized for line-of-text transcription. We show that our bio-inspired approach is advantageous and promising: a maximum error rate per character of 4.2% for typed texts and 12.7% for texts simulating handwriting. This study is the first in the literature to tackle such a complex application for this type of network and demonstrates the interest in pursuing this avenue of research
Bentin, Sophie. "Les enclaves du Haut Comtat à l'époque moderne." Aix-Marseille 1, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007AIX10010.
Full textGauthier, Michel. "Le sud des Etats-Unis dans les relations de voyage britanniques (1783-1837)." Bordeaux 3, 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1995BOR30042.
Full textAfter a brief historical skectch of european travel narratives, the seventy british travellers concerned are presented. Then their motivations, their atlantic crossing, their american journey are studied. They soon discover the state of the country through its poor transportation network and conveyances. In this vast rural region, only a few cities emerge. Agriculture is amply described under its multiple forms. Attracted by exoticism, the british take a special interest in the fauna, the fora and the climate. Their romantic appreciation of the landscape is already widely different from that of americans, just as their attitude twoards indians and slavery. Slavery is the most doucumented subject as all travellers describe it in its most diverse aspects. Religion and manners are also described; brutal manners are severely censured by the british. The description of slavery and manners originated violent polemics in england due to the domestic political situation and inflected deep wounds on american pride
Meidinger, Isabelle. "L' État et les minorités cultuelles en France au XIXe siècle : l'administration des cimetières israélites de 1789 à 1881." Paris, EHESS, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002EHES0067.
Full textWhen one considers the relations between the State and religious minorities in the 19th century in France, one is tempted to refer to a double dialectic : integration / emancipation, secularisation / “laicisation”. My thesis aims, on the contrary, to demonstrate that those relations were specific, that they were regulated by a unique model characterised by three key ideas: equality, separation and acknowledgement. The fact that this model has never been officially recognised by public authorities can be explained by the contradiction in which the State found itself allowing a specific model of regulation in the name of equality and at the same time, promoting a unique policy for all citizens in the name of the same equality
Beliart, Guillaume. "Le pouvoir exécutif et la fédération dans la construction de la République américaine." Paris 2, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005PA020101.
Full textSmoczek, Sylvie. "L'émergence du sentiment sudiste aux Etats-Unis (1787-1791)." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Paris 8, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015PA080065.
Full textAs the United States embarked upon its second attempt at creating a federation, a burgeoning community of interests among the Southern delegates surfaced.Issues not clearly addressed or adroitly avoided in the 1787 Philadelphia constitutional Convention nonetheless influenced the ratification debates. Because of serious misgivings concerning, notably, the related questions of slavery and the South’s weight in the Union, ratification was laborious in Virginia even though, by June 1788, the odds for the implementation of the Constitution were high as eight States had already ratified it. North Carolina did not initially endorse the « supreme law of the land » only to be prevailed upon by her Southern sisters to « rescue » the region as they felt outnumbered in the First Congress (1789-1791).Its three sessions saw sectionally charged discussions about, for instance, the location of the Federal capital, Hamilton’s financial policy, and antislavery petitions, but the First Congress also addressed seemingly innocuous topics which contained seeds of future dissension as it reaffirmed the Northwest Ordinance or accepted the North Carolina cession of its western territory, thus assuming power over slavery in the territories.This dissertation intends to elucidate the manner in which the Constitution served as a catalyst of Southern sentiment. First perceived as a threat by Southern Antifederalists, it soon became an effective bulwark for Southern Congressmen before serving as the model for the Constitution of the Confederate States of America less than three quarters of a century later
Rejalot-Solleau, Françoise. "Les manifestations extérieures du culte catholique dans le diocèse de Bordeaux : 1789-1905." Bordeaux 4, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997BOR40039.
Full textA believer deeply needs to show his faith. So, public worship is religiously essential, especially for catholicism. Consequently, it sets the problem of the external manifestations of this worship. Which place in history can they have, and have they? This is the subject of this work, focused on the diocese of bordeaux, studied between 1789 and 1905. Three periods are able to be splitted up. The first one covers the revolutionnary, crisis. It was developped in two steps, in which a stage of special links between the authorities and clerical powers -links of mutual support, then link managed in a coerciver way by temporal powers- gave place to a time of persecutions. The logic of the revolution implied to ban every external signs of religious belonging. Nevertheless, this struggle was never completely successful. During the "concordat", the reinstatement of the cults was kept under control. The good will proved by both sides permitted to get a balance in their relationships. Then, catholics increased their demonstrations, and some religious duties became civil obligations again. This lead to a poles apart reaction. So, between 1800 and 1867, the initial balance was more and more questionned. Between 1868 and 1905, the compromise vanished under the attacks of laicization. Indeed, a first trend searching to give back its freedom to everyone faded in front of an increased hostility to external proofs of catholicism. The 1905 act, still enforced, renewed a question which has always been with us
Leniaud, Jean-Michel. "L'administration des cultes pendant la période concordataire." Paris 2, 1986. http://www.theses.fr/1986PA020012.
Full textThe study relates to the french "administration des cultes" during the nineteenth century which, in change of the relation ship between churches and state, within the framework of the concordat, went out when the "loi de la separation" issued. It turns on the typical features of the concordat's law and,in relation with the administrative knowledge, on the evolution of its organisation, its ways of recruitment and career of officials and of their activities. It discusses the works in the offices, especially this in charge of the "edifices diocesains", responsible of the maintenance of the cathedrals, episcopal buildings and priesthood colleges. Finally it points out the originally of this public service characterized by the professional qualities of its officials and by a psychological tense situation because of the religions politics
Boulerie, Florence. "L'élaboration de l'idée d'éducation nationale, 1748-1789." Paris 3, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000PA030035.
Full textThe expression éducation nationale is an invention of the second part of the eighteenth century. La Chalotais was the first to use it in 1763, but he came after Montesquieu and Rousseau who prooved the value of education as a political concept. Till 1789, the meaning of the expression grows richer in political, anthropological and pedagogical debates taking the various forms of plans, treatises or fictions. We have pointed up four periods, from 1748 to 1789, during which writers are oscillating between abstract forms and genres closer to reality. The works where the idea of national education is growing want sometimes to deepen the idea, examining it in theory, and sometimes to have an immediate influence upon reality. Authors often choose the form of the plan (of public education) because they hope that their instructions should be followed by the political power. At the same time as the idea of national education is being elaborated, the activity of citizenship is coming out. Each writer has a new conscience of his function in public life of the whole group. But, under the monarchy, the efforts to organize education by plans have no success, even if the idea has a great one: each writer seems to be alone, even if each tries to unify the nation by the mean of education, which creates the fusion between what is public and what is private
Goffaux-Grintchenko, Marie-Hélène. "Catherine de Bourbon-Navarre (1559-1604) : réseaux, pouvoirs et propagande d'une princesse calviniste." Pau, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005PAUU1003.
Full textThis thesis shows the major role played by Catherine of Bourbon-Navarre in the French political and religious life by the end of the 16th Century. It analyses the structures, powers and literature linked to a princess who devoted herself to the greatness of the Bourbon-Navarre Family and the glory of the Reformed Church. Henri IV's sister, who was the last Princess of Navarre and the last Calvinist Royal Highness at the French Court, is indicative of women's role throughout religious wars and against the rising of absolutism. Though her family relationship suffers from a religious division within the lineage, she relied on a loyal household and succeeded in getting a very large share of the Navarre's property – as shown in her detailed account books. Catherine had been reigning over the King of Navarre's sovereign lands for 15 years, when she joined him in the Kingdom of France. Their long collaboration was disturbed by his advent and abjuration. However, she held on to the King's Court and defended the interests of the French Reformed Church. At the same time, she managed to moderate the aristocracy's dissatisfaction. Married to the Duke of Bar, she successfully resisted the efforts for conversions initiated by the Pope, the King and the Duke of Lorraine. Poems, ballets and political satires define Catherine's new “persona” as a Protestant princess and make known her opinions as she faces the changes of the society in Early Modern France. Her much debated conversion benefited the international community. Her loyalty to the King and her great religious firmness deeply influenced Henri IV's reign
Silva, Pedro Paulo Miethicki da. "Liberdades e organização dos poderes em Benjamin Constant o Estado e os limites do poder político." reponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFRGS, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/10183/130560.
Full textA presente Dissertação de Mestrado, intitulada LIBERDADES E ORGANIZAÇÃO DOS PODERES EM BENJAMIN CONSTANT: O ESTADO E OS LIMITES DO PODER POLÍTICO, objetiva explanar a concepção constantiana sobre liberdade, buscando elementos que possam argumentar qual seria a forma de Estado ideal para a efetivação das liberdades individuais. Partindo de uma breve contextualização histórica da Revolução Francesa (1789), Constant expôs suas observações e críticas aos líderes revolucionários. Inicialmente ele defendeu a Revolução que derrubou a monarquia absolutista e trouxe a República. Os líderes revolucionários, em especial os jacobinos, inspirados na filosofia rousseauniana sobre a vontade geral e a soberania popular, concentraram de maneira ilimitada em suas mãos o poder político e deturparam os ideais republicanos. A imposição das liberdades dos povos antigos sobre os modernos gerou um retrocesso histórico contrário a todo um processo de perfectibilidade humana defendida por Benjamin Constant. O despotismo revolucionário foi criticado por Constant em seus escritos políticos. Na antiguidade a ênfase recaía sobre a liberdade política (positiva), ou seja, os indivíduos atuavam diretamente sobre as questões inerentes ao Estado. Na modernidade, ao contrário, a liberdade (negativa) passou a adquirir uma dimensão individual, sendo a política exercida por meio da representatividade. Para Constant, o Estado ideal (Estado Liberal) seria aquele que apresentasse a menor interferência possível sobre seus indivíduos. Neste Estado, segundo ele, as garantias individuais como o gozo da propriedade privada (importante para o exercício da cidadania), da liberdade econômica, da liberdade de imprensa entre outras, sempre devem ser respeitadas. Assim, os homens poderiam continuar a se perfectibilizar no caminhar linear da história vivendo a liberdade (meio) em vista da igualdade (fim). Apesar de Constant ter primeiramente defendido a República, ele elaborou um esboço de constituição em que passou a conceber a Monarquia Constitucional como modelo de Estado, a exemplo dos ingleses, dividindo os poderes e estabelecendo entre estes um Poder Neutro. Este Poder, que inspirou o Poder Moderador (Preservador) no cenário político imperial brasileiro, estaria acima dos demais, possibilitando o equilíbrio necessário para que não houvesse concentração de poder em um dos poderes, seja em um Estado monárquico ou republicano.
This Master's Dissertation, entitled FREEDOMS AND ORGANIZATION OF POWERS IN BENJAMIN CONSTANT: THE STATE AND THE LIMITS OF POLITICAL POWER, objectively explains Constant’s conception of freedom, seeking elements that might argue what would be the ideal form of State for the realization of individual liberties. Starting with a brief historical background of the French Revolution (1789), Constant exposed his comments and criticism of the revolutionary leaders. Initially he defended the revolution that overthrew the absolute monarchy and brought the Republic. The revolutionary leaders, especially the Jacobins, inspired by Rousseau's philosophy on the general will and popular sovereignty, concentrated without restriction in their hands the political power and misrepresented the republican ideals. The imposition of the freedoms of ancient peoples on modern generated a historic setback otherwise the whole process of human perfectibility defended by Benjamin Constant. The revolutionary despotism was criticized by Constant in his political writings. In ancient times the emphasis was on political freedom (positive), in other words, directly acted individuals on issues inherent to the State. In modernity, on the contrary, freedom (negative) went on to acquire an individual dimension and the policy is exercised through representation. For Constant, the ideal state (Liberal State) would be the one to present the least possible interference on their subjects. In this state, he said, individual guarantees the enjoyment of private property (important for citizenship), economic freedom, freedom of the press among others, must be followed. Thus, they might continue the process of perfectibility and walk straight in history, living the freedom (middle) in view of equality (end). Although Constant has first defended the Republic, he prepared a draft constitution that went on to design the Constitutional Monarchy as a state model, like the English, dividing the powers and establishing between them a Neutral Power. This power, which inspired the Moderating Power (Preserver) in the Brazilian imperial political scene, would be above the others, allowing the necessary balance so that there was no concentration of power in one of the branches, or in a monarchical or republican State.
Sim, Gérald. "La représentation diplomatique et consulaire française aux États-Unis (1815-1904) : réseaux, acteurs, pratiques, regards." Thesis, Nantes, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017NANT2015.
Full textThe study of the French diplomatic and consular presence in the United States is a mirror of the ambitions and the limits of the French diplomacy in North America during the 19th century. This research draws up an overall picture of the French diplomatic network through its actors. As mainstays of foreign politics, diplomats and consuls supported and influenced the political decisions made in Paris. Following the end of the Atlantic revolutions, the diplomatic network organized itself in a commercial logic way. During the whole century, this axis of the French diplomacy is deeply intertwined with a geopolitical logic way. The latter oscillated between two ways: bringing France and the United States together in order to limit the British commercial and maritime hegemony in the Atlantic area ; and coming to an agreement with London to thwart the American territorial expansion towards the West. As actors and witnesses of the political recombining which affects North America, diplomats are the relays of a policy aiming at restoring a French influence in this part of the New World, with no regard for the Monroe doctrine. The failures of the French diplomacy and the advent of the United States as the imperial power made the Quai d’Orsay readjust its policy. Implicitly recognizing the principles of the Monroe doctrine, the diplomatic actors are to support the creation of a French-American official memory reviving the fight shared for the cause of freedom during the War of Independence. This will to create memory took part in the building of the myth of La Fayette as a hero of the two worlds. This myth was in fact being used as window dressing on reality of the bilateral relations of the 19th century marked by the assertion of two political messianisms on both sides of the Atlantic
Smoczek, Sylvie. "L'émergence du sentiment sudiste aux Etats-Unis (1787-1791)." Thesis, Paris 8, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015PA080065.
Full textAs the United States embarked upon its second attempt at creating a federation, a burgeoning community of interests among the Southern delegates surfaced.Issues not clearly addressed or adroitly avoided in the 1787 Philadelphia constitutional Convention nonetheless influenced the ratification debates. Because of serious misgivings concerning, notably, the related questions of slavery and the South’s weight in the Union, ratification was laborious in Virginia even though, by June 1788, the odds for the implementation of the Constitution were high as eight States had already ratified it. North Carolina did not initially endorse the « supreme law of the land » only to be prevailed upon by her Southern sisters to « rescue » the region as they felt outnumbered in the First Congress (1789-1791).Its three sessions saw sectionally charged discussions about, for instance, the location of the Federal capital, Hamilton’s financial policy, and antislavery petitions, but the First Congress also addressed seemingly innocuous topics which contained seeds of future dissension as it reaffirmed the Northwest Ordinance or accepted the North Carolina cession of its western territory, thus assuming power over slavery in the territories.This dissertation intends to elucidate the manner in which the Constitution served as a catalyst of Southern sentiment. First perceived as a threat by Southern Antifederalists, it soon became an effective bulwark for Southern Congressmen before serving as the model for the Constitution of the Confederate States of America less than three quarters of a century later
Zeng, Xiaoyang. "De la solidarité de l'école primaire publique et du régime républicain en France de 1789 à 1914." Perpignan, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006PERP0701.
Full textThe republicanism had been voted down two times in france by the mass public in the countryside. It was not until the third republic of france that republicanism had been established. With the implementation of universal suffrage the future of the republican regime depended to a great extent on the rural people's political orientations. In order to spread the conception of republicanism to the vast countryside and to make the nation a republic of the peasants, it was essential to develop education and carry out publicity campaigns across the country. The revolutionaries created a new national unity theory, with people as its core. The basic conceptions of this theory are that the people take over the sovereign to become the ruling power; equality rather than hierarchy becomes the basis of social structure and patriotism rather than religious doctrines becomes the spiritual power to unite all nationalities. The new national unity theory deeply impacted on the reform of primary education. As a result primary schools were regarded as melting pots to unify the nation. They thereby assumed the responsibility of educating the present and future citizens of the republic, and publicizing national unity theory that transcends classes, religions and political differences. The education theory which focused on patriotism, republicanism and national unity was so established and practiced that the faith of one nationality, one government and one motherland was deeply rooted in the minds of the children. The theory put together people with different political views, different religions into the great family of united france under the republican regime
Laniel, Hilterhaus Bertlinde. "Le mot "démocracy" et son histoire aux États-Unis, 1780-1856, suivi de quelques réflexions historiques sur la période 1856-1916 : essai de sémantique historique." Saint-Etienne, 1994. http://www.theses.fr/1994STET2020.
Full textThis thesis represents a diachronical approach of the American idea of democracy as expressed in language in general, and more specifically in the variations of the use of the word "democracy" by Americans from the time of the revolution to world war one. The first part starts with a brief analysis of the meaning of the word before the revolution (classical literature, enlightenment, colonial period) before studying the causes and consequences of the opprobrium associated with the word "democracy" at the time of the founding of the American republic and its gradual and laborious "rehabilitation" preceding and following Jefferson's election to the presidency. The second part studies the ideological use of the word by the jacksonians and the substitution of the conceptual definition (democracy - type of government in which the sovereignty belongs to the people) by an instrumental definition (democracy = majority rule). During the 1840 presidential campaign, the whigs recover the word for their own prafot. Due to the generalization of its use as a "value-symbol" in politics, the word denotes the American ideology per se, supplying the basis and ad "alibi" of the nation's 19th-century expansionist activities. The third and final par constitutes a brief outlook on the final decades of the 19th century (progressive era) marked by a proliferation of corrective determinations intended to qualify the meaning of the word "democracy" according to the particular. .
Beuzit, Guillou Dany. "Jacques Cambry, Voyage dans le Finistère ou état de ce département en 1794 et 1795 : édition critique avec introduction et commentaires." Brest, 1994. http://www.theses.fr/1994BRES1002.
Full textThe introduction (69 pages) includes a biography of Jacques Cambry and a presentation of his book "Voyage dans le Finistère". The present critical and annotated edition is based upon the original edition printed, during the french revolution in 1799 (an vii), and includes the seven drawing from François Valentin and a map of Finistere
Benedetti, Marie-José. "Les circonscriptions diocésaines en France au XIXe siècle : contribution à la géographie administrative ecclésiastique contemporaine (1789-1905)." Nice, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009NICE0037.
Full textThe contemporary French diocesan districts are the fruit of a very former, fortifying inheritance at the dawn of the Christendom. Their study, of the French Revolution in the law of Separation of the Church and the State of 1905, demonstrates that they are between multiple data. The analysis of the diocesan card belongs to various domains of research. Under the territorial report, she recovers from the ecclesiastical and administrative geography. Under the political report she reveals the connections of the Church and the State. Nevertheless, these two elements are strictly connected. According to the set up regimes, the restructuring of the diocesan space and its stake in accordance with the national territory establish a fundamental objective, as illustrates it the revolutionary period. From the monarchic Restoration, the diocesan creation will become the field of real power struggles between the Parliament and the government. If this work articulates around transfers undergone throughout the XIXth century by the diocesan districts, it also analyses the various political, economic and social stakes lifted during the erection or during the abolition of a diocese and a modification of the diocesan territorial limits. The analysis of the French diocesan districts between 1789 and 1905 reveals two elements. Between 1789 and 1822, they undergo profound turnovers, a total reformation. Between 1822 and 1905, the French diocesan is henceforth stabilized. It will undergo some light modifications, but nothing comparable with the previous regimes
Rio, Patrick. "Population et religion catholique dans les paroisses d'Ille-et-Vilaine de 1789 a 1815." Rennes 2, 1994. http://www.theses.fr/1994REN20014.
Full textFirst, we wanted to reestimate the weight of the religious fact in the building of "l'esprit public" of the rural inhabitants of the Ille-et-Vilaine. So, the sudden change of population first favourable toward revolution, become more comprehensible. In fact there was a bad listening of the rurals. Revolutionnariste made confusion between a reformist spirit and a revolutionnarist one. A study of the "cahiers de doleances de la senechaussee de Rennes", has convinced us that people were generally moderate. Principally, because of the municipality’s registrars, we could look at the hiatus between political national evolutions and their assimilation in the rural spaces. The study has convinced us that "Ille-et-Vilaine", in 1789, there wasn't any fatality for acceptation or reject of the revolution. Revolutionnarists couldn't or didn't want to hear the ambiguous waitings of the ruralunhabitants, who wanted to keep liberty for religion. A big rupture was born from this reciprocal incomprehension. We have chosen to study these important points of Ille-et-Vilaine's history : the first municipal elections, the "constitution civile du clerge", the republican religions and dechristianisation under terreur and modalities of concordat, what has incited us to reduce the importance of apolitical fact only national. We get two conclusions : that religion is something about identity of the rural communities, and its high capacity to transcender the political oppositions
Albrecht-Soudier, Nadine. "La mise en place du concordat : 1801-1810." Lyon 3, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004LYO33013.
Full textMongoin, David. "La doctrine constitutionnelle du Federaliste : La question d'institutions libérales après le régime mixte." Paris 2, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007PA020082.
Full textCapron, Romain. "La contribution des organisations internationales aux politiques éducatives." Nantes, 2010. https://archive.bu.univ-nantes.fr/pollux/show/show?id=8df0ea6a-1799-4061-91bc-0a9c4efe2ea2.
Full textIt is difficult to discuss the contribution international organisations make to educational policies since this involves a very wide range of stakeholders and takes a variety of forms. Through this research, we propose to describe this using a model that differentiates between contributions at the universal level and inter-regional contributions that take away from or strengthen that level. This study makes the link between developing education of international dimension, human rights and economic development. In addition, it makes it possible to better understand the relationship between countries and organisations in the education sector. It is based on a cooperative model due to the institutional weaknesses of international organisations but also on a subsidiarity principle, which can be explained by the legitimacy that IOs have acquired
Roman, Emilie. "Le bicentenaire de la Révolution américaine : Représentations audiovisuelles de la mémoire." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015AIXM3029.
Full textGrounded on a rich audiovisual corpus, this dissertation focuses on the audiovisual representations of the commemoration of the American Revolution Bicentennial. Composed of three chapters, this work analyzes the process of memory and identity making that emerged from this anniversary. My research shows the demagogic, ideological and prophetic caracter of the commemoration, a series of events that celebrate the past in order to restore unity, form the national identity and shape the country’s future.The first chapter examines two pivotal aspects of the celebrations: in the one hand, the importance that the adverse context of the seventies played in the development of the audiovisual materials, and on the other hand, how the organizers of the events instrumentalized the past in order to reinstate the national unity. This instrumentalization led to the construction of a national mythology and the preservation of the collective memory.In the second chapter, I analyze the various national and international projects along with the public targeted or consciously forgotten by the organizers. In this chapter, the popular character of the commemoration is highlighted and I unveil the identity myth that went with it. Multiculturalism and historical context pushed the government and the organizers to imagine worldwide celebrations, and an universalization of the memory process evolving around the messianic temptation of the United States.Finally, I demonstrate how the national collective memory was remapped through a selective representation of the Revolution’s events, figures, and values using different broadcasting methods and formats adjusted to audiovisual stakes
Buton, François. "Les corps saisis par l'Etat : l'éducation des sourds-muets et des aveugles au XIXe siècle : contribution à la socio-histoire de l'Etat, 1789-1885." Paris, EHESS, 1999. http://books.openedition.org/pur/100281.
Full textBased on the case of deaf-mute and blind people in the nineteenth century, the thesis treats the processes by which the state has contributed to the construction of society. More precisely, three linked processes are studied : the birth and strengthening of the cognitive category "sensorial disabled" ; the making of the collective identities of deaf-mute and blind social groups, in particular through the production of identifying attributes (sign langage, braille alphabet) ; the structuration and institutionalization of the education of blind and deaf-mute children as a specific social activity. Through a socio-historical analysis which takes into account the general process of constructing the bureaucratic state, the thesis highlights some of the forms by which administrative agents and institutions, speaking in the name of the state, act upon society
Planchot-Mazel, Françoise. "Un général français au Etats-Unis de 1816 à 1831 : Simon Bernard." Paris 1, 1988. http://www.theses.fr/1988PA010532.
Full textSimon Bernard is born in Dole, in 1779, in a poor family. He owes the French revolution the possibility to enter the polytechnic school, from which he brilliantly graduates. Officer in the corps of engineers, he quickly moves upward the military hierarchy of the empire (campaign of Italy, fortification of Illyria and Antwert) to become aide de camp of Napoleon in 1813. At the fall of the empire, he is hired as assistant to the chief engineer of the united states army. For fifteen years, as a member of the board of fortifications and then of the board of internal improvement, travelling intensively throughout the country, he designs a global system of defense of the maritime frontiers of the country and then takes part in the construction of a large network of internal communications (roads, canals, improvement of river navigation. . . ). He is also the designer of a series of forts, built according to the Vauban principles, which protect the main strategical bays of the eastern coast of the united states: Fort Adams, Fort Monroe at the entrance of the Chesapeake bay, Fort Macon, Fort Sumter, Fort Pulaski and several forts on the gulf of Mexico and in the surroundings of New-Orleans. He is also the architect of the Chesapeake and Ohio canal, of the Morris canal, of the Delaware and Raritan canal and is responsible for selecting the route of the Chesapeake and Delaware canal. A brilliant engineer, an eager worker, a convinced liberal, an admirer of the united states, a friend of Lafayette, Simon Bernard plays an important part in the Franco-American relationships in the first half of the XIXth century. In 1830, convinced that France is at a turning point in its political history, he accepts Louis Philippe's offers to come back and supervise French fortifications
Ratsimanohatra, Patricia. "John Caldwell Calhoun : le dilemme de la pensée sudiste avant la Sécession." Bordeaux 3, 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999BOR30047.
Full textDeperne, Marcel. "La Belle Rivière dans l'espace atlantique, 1783-1815 : migrations commerciales francophones entre Pittsburgh (PA) et Henderson (KY)." Thesis, La Rochelle, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019LAROF003.
Full textHistoriography often neglects the part of Francophone migrants in the young American republic, merely following the route of the most famous political exiles banished by the French Revolution and the Restoration, or the Utopians dreaming to establish a new society in the New World. In the Early Republic faced with the thorny problem of slavery, the agony of colonial empires and the birth of entrepreneurship and capitalism, many migrants tried fortune beyond the Atlantic Ocean, between 1783 and 1815, establishing in the “Creole corridor” powerful commercial, cultural and religious ties between east coast, New Orleans, West Indies and Atlantic space. This is the purpose of this discussion that borrows the path opened by the Atlantic history, and proposes, through the study of correspondence and archival resources, an innovative history of francophone business migrations from Pittsburgh to Louisville in the age of the Atlantic Revolutions