Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Estimations discrètes'
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Chotin-Avot, Roselyne. "Architectures matérielles pour l'arithmétique stochastique discrète." Paris 6, 2003. http://hal.upmc.fr/tel-01267458.
Full textRieux, Frédéric. "Processus de diffusion discret : opérateur laplacien appliqué à l'étude de surfaces." Thesis, Montpellier 2, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012MON20201/document.
Full textThe context of discrete geometry is in Zn. We propose to discribe discrete curves and surfaces composed of voxels: how to compute classical notions of analysis as tangent and normals ? Computation of data on discrete curves use average mask. A large amount of works proposed to study the pertinence of those masks. We propose to compute an average mask based on random walk. A random walk starting from a point of a curve or a surface, allow to give a weight, the time passed on each point. This kernel allow us to compute average and derivative. The studied of this digital process allow us to recover classical notions of geometry on meshes surfaces, and give accuracy estimator of tangent and curvature. We propose a large field of applications of this approach recovering classical tools using in transversal communauty of discrete geometry, with a same theorical base
Khoshnoudirad, Daniel. "Aspects combinatoires des motifs linéaires en géométrie discrète." Thesis, Paris Est, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016PESC1046.
Full textDiscrete Geometry, as Theoretical Computer Science, studies in particular linear patterns such as discrete primitives in images: the discrete lines, discrete segments, the discrete planes, pieces of discrete planes, for example. In this work, I particularly focused on Farey diagrams that appear in the study of the $ (m, n) $ - cubes, ie the pieces of discrete planes. Among others, I study the Combinatorics of the Farey lines forming diagram Farey, establishing exact formulas. I also get an asymptotic estimate using Combinatorial Number Theory. Then, I get a lower bound for the cardinality of the Farey vertices. After that, we analyze the strategies used in the literature for the study of (m, n)- cubes only by Farey diagrams in two dimensions. In order to get new and more accurate bounds for (m, n)- cubes, one of the few available methods, is to propose a generalization for the concept of preimage of a discrete segment for (m, n) - cube, resulting in a new combinatorial inequality. Thus, we introduce the notion Farey diagram in three dimensions
Rabaste, Olivier. "Estimation de canaux multitrajets : application à la tomographie acoustique océanique active discrète." Télécom Bretagne, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006TELB0021.
Full textCharton, Jerome. "Etude de caractéristiques saillantes sur des maillages 3D par estimation des normales et des courbures discrètes." Thesis, Bordeaux, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014BORD0333/document.
Full textWith the aim to improve and automate the object reproduction chainfrom acquisition to 3D printing .We sought to characterize the salience on 3D objectsmodeled by a 3D mesh structure. For this, we have a state of the art of estimatingdifferential properties methods, namely normal and curvature on discrete surfaces inthe form of 3D mesh. To compare the behavior of different methods, we took a set ofclassic benchmarks in the domain, which are : accuracy, convergence and robustnesswith respect to variations of the neighbourhood. For this, we have established atest protocol emphasizing these qualities. From this first comparision, it was foundthat all the existing methods have shortcomings as these criteria. In order to havean estimation of the differential properties more reliable and accurate we developedtwo new estimators
Bontemps, Dominique. "Statistiques discrètes et Statistiques bayésiennes en grande dimension." Phd thesis, Université Paris Sud - Paris XI, 2010. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00561749.
Full textNguyen, Hoang Luan. "Identification des systèmes linéaires, multivariables, représentés sous forme d'état discrète." Nancy 1, 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1995NAN10025.
Full textTran, Ngoc Khue. "Propriété LAN pour des processus de diffusion avec sauts avec observations discrètes via le calcul de Malliavin." Thesis, Paris 13, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014PA132008/document.
Full textIn this thesis we apply the Malliavin calculus in order to obtain the local asymptotic normality (LAN) property from discrete observations for certain uniformly elliptic diffusion processes with jumps. In Chapter 2 we review the proof of the local asymptotic mixed normality (LAMN) property for diffusion processes with jumps from continuous observations, and as a consequence, we derive the LAN property when supposing the ergodicity of the process. In Chapter 3 we establish the LAN property for a simple Lévy process whose drift and diffusion parameters as well as its intensity are unknown. In Chapter 4, using techniques of the Malliavin calculus and the estimates of the transition density, we prove that the LAN property is satisfied for a jump-diffusion process whose drift coefficient depends on an unknown parameter. Finally, in the same direction we obtain in Chapter 5 the LAN property for a jump-diffusion process where two unknown parameters determine the drift and diffusion coefficients of the jump-diffusion process
Oussaily, Aya. "Étude théorique et numérique des systèmes modélisant la dynamique des densités des dislocations." Thesis, Compiègne, 2021. https://bibliotheque.utc.fr/Default/doc/SYRACUSE/2021COMP2634.
Full textIn this thesis, we are interested in the theoretical and numerical studies of dislocations densities. Dislocations are linear defects that move in crystals when those are subjected to exterior stress. More generally, the dynamics of dislocations densities are described by a system of transport equations where the velocity field depends non locally on the dislocations densities. First, we are interested in the study of a one dimensional submodel of a (2 × 2) Hamilton-Jacobi system introduced by Groma and Balogh in 1999, proposed in the two dimensional case. For this system, we prove global existence and uniqueness results. Adding to that, considering nondecreasing initial data, we study this problem numerically by proposing a finite difference implicit scheme for which we show the convergence. Then, inspired by the first work, we show a more general theory which allows us to get similar results of existence and uniqueness of solution in the case of one dimensional eikonal systems. By considering nondecreasing initial data, we study this problem numerically. Under certain conditions on the velocity, we propose a finite difference implicit scheme allowing us to calculate the discrete solution and simulate then the dislocations dynamics via this model
Koladjo, Babagnidé François. "Estimation non paramétrique du nombre d'espèces : Application à l'étude de la faune ichtyologique du bassin du fleuve Ouëmé." Thesis, Paris 11, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013PA112153.
Full textThis manuscript is structured in two parts. The #rst part composed of Chapters 2to 4 deals with the problem of estimating the number of classes in a population withan application in ecology. The second part, corresponding to Chapter 5, concernsthe application of statistical methods to analyze fisheries data.In the first part, we consider a heterogeneous population split into several classes.From a sample, the numbers of observed individuals per class, also called abun-dances, are used to estimate the total number of classes in the population. In theliterature devoted to the number of classes estimation, methods based on a mix-ture of Poisson distributions seem to be the most effcient (see for example the workof Chao and Bunge (2002) in the parametric framework and that of Wang and Lind-say (2005) in a non-parametric framework). Applications of these approaches to realdata show that the distribution of abundances can be approximated by a convexdistribution. We propose a non-parametric approach to estimate the distribution ofabundances under the constraint of convexity. This constraint defines a theoreticalframework for estimating a discrete density. The problem of estimating the numberof classes is then tackled in two steps.We show on the one hand the existence and uniqueness of an estimator of adiscrete density under the constraint of convexity. Under this constraint, we provethat a discrete density can be written as a mixture of triangular distributions. Usingthe support reduction algorithm proposed by Groeneboom et al. (2008), we proposean exact algorithm to estimate the proportions in the mixture.On the other hand, the estimation procedure of a discrete convex density is usedto estimate the zero-truncated distribution of the observed abundance data. Thezero-truncated distribution estimate is then extended at zero to derive an estimateof the probability that a class is not observed. This extension is made so as tocancel the first component in the mixture of triangular distributions. An estimateof the total number of classes is obtained through a binomial model assuming thateach class appears in a sample by a Bernoulli trial. We show the convergence inlaw of the proposed estimator. On practical view, an application to real ecologicaldata is presented. The method is then compared to other concurrent methods usingsimulations.The second part presents the analysis of fisheries data collected on the Ouémériver in Benin. We propose a statistical approach for grouping species accordingto their temporal abundance profile, to estimate the stock of a species and theircatchability by artisanal fishing gears
Richard, Aurélie. "Décomposition des rotations nD et arithmétisation des cercles." Poitiers, 2011. http://nuxeo.edel.univ-poitiers.fr/nuxeo/site/esupversions/48410758-e4ce-406e-b32e-d246d99ad0db.
Full textThis thesis deals with the decomposition of nD-rotations and the arithmetization process applied to circles. The estimation of rotation parameters is a question with wide range applications. Current methods can not be extended to dimension n and/or are not robust to noise. The noisy nD-rotations are studied and algorithms to decompose them and to estimate their parameters are proposed. The first two methods rely on the geometric algebra and the Schur decomposition. They provide the rotation parameters (planes and angles) from n vectors and their images by this rotation. The third algorithm decomposes nD-rotations into planar rotations of same angles (isoclinic rotations). The arithmetization process based on numerical schemes is used in discrete geometry because it provides a discrete equivalent of a continuous curve. This process is applied to the differential equation of the circle with the Heun scheme. Results about the connectedness of the generated circular arcs are presented. The approximation order of the obtained arithmetization process is also defined and studied
Giguelay, Jade. "Estimation des moindres carrés d'une densité discrète sous contrainte de k-monotonie et bornes de risque. Application à l'estimation du nombre d'espèces dans une population." Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017SACLS248/document.
Full textThis thesis belongs to the field of nonparametric density estimation under shape constraint. The densities are discrete and the form is k-monotonicity, k>1, which is a generalization of convexity. The integer k is an indicator for the hollow's degree of a convex function. This thesis is composed of three parts, an introduction, a conclusion and an appendix.Introduction :The introduction is structured in three chapters. First Chapter is a state of the art of the topic of density estimation under shape constraint. The second chapter of the introduction is a synthesis of the thesis, available in French and in English. Finally Chapter 3 is a short chapter which summarizes the notations and the classical mathematical results used in the manuscript.Part I : Estimation of a discrete distribution under k-monotonicityconstraintTwo least-square estimators of a discrete distribution p* under constraint of k-monotonicity are proposed. Their characterisation is based on the decomposition on a spline basis of k-monotone sequences, and on the properties of their primitives. Their statistical properties are studied, and in particular their quality of estimation is measured in terms of the quadratic error. They are proved to converge at the parametric rate. An algorithm derived from the support reduction algorithm is implemented in the R-package pkmon. A simulation study illustrates the properties of the estimators. This piece of works, which constitutes Part I of the manuscript, has been published in ElectronicJournal of Statistics (Giguelay, 2017).Part II : Calculation of risks boundsIn the first chapter of Part II, a methodology for calculating riskbounds of the least-square estimator is given. These bounds are adaptive in that they depend on a compromise between the distance of p* on the frontier of the set of k-monotone densities with finite support, and the complexity (linked to the spline decomposition) of densities belonging to this set that are closed to p*. The methodology based on the variational formula of the risk proposed by Chatterjee (2014) is generalized to the framework of discrete k-monotone densities. Then the bracketting entropies of the relevant functionnal space are calculating, leading to control the empirical process involved in the quadratic risk. Optimality of the risk bound is discussed in comparaison with the results previously obtained in the continuous case and for the gaussian regression framework. In the second chapter of Part II, several results concerningbracketting entropies of spaces of k-monotone sequences are presented.Part III : Estimating the number of species in a population and tests of k-monotonicityThe last part deals with the problem of estimating the number ofpresent species in a given area at a given time, based on theabundances of species that have been observed. A definition of ak-monotone abundance distribution is proposed. It allows to relatethe probability of observing zero species to the truncated abundancedistribution. Two approaches are proposed. The first one is based on the Least-Squares estimator under constraint of k-monotonicity, the second oneis based on the empirical distribution. Both estimators are comparedusing a simulation study. Because the estimator of the number ofspecies depends on the value of the degree of monotonicity k, we proposea procedure for choosing this parameter, based on nested testingprocedures. The asymptotic levels and power of the testing procedureare calculated, and the behaviour of the method in practical cases isassessed on the basis of a simulation study
Mnara, Mondher. "Estimation discrète/continue du choix du lieu de pratique et de la durée de séjour des nouveaux médecins généralistes au Québec." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1997. http://www.collectionscanada.ca/obj/s4/f2/dsk3/ftp05/mq25341.pdf.
Full textLoingeville, Florence. "Modèle linéaire généralisé hiérarchique Gamma-Poisson pour le contrôle de qualité en microbiologie." Thesis, Lille 1, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016LIL10005/document.
Full textIn this thesis, we propose an analysis of variance method for discrete data from quality control in microbiology. To identify the issues of this work, we start by studying the analysis of variance method currently used in microbiology, its benefits, drawbacks, and limits. We propose a first model to respond the problem, corresponding to a linear model with two nested fixed factors. We use the analyse of deviance method to develop significance tests, that proved to be efficient on data sets of proficiency testings in microbiology. We then introduce a new model involving random factors. The randomness of the factors allow to assess and to caracterize the overdispersion observed in results of counts from proficiency testings in microbiology, that is one of the main objectives of this work. The new model corresponds to a Gamma-Poisson Hierarchical Generalized Linear Model with three random factors. We propose a method based on this model to estimate dispersion parameters, fixed, and random effects. We show practical applications of this method to data sets of proficiency testings in microbiology, that prove the goodness of fit of the model to real data. We also develop significance tests of the random factors from this new model, and a new method to assess the performance of the laboratories taking part in a proficiency testing. We finally introduce a near-exact distribution for the product of independent generalized Gamma random variables, in order to characterize the intensity of the Poisson distribution of the model. This approximation, developped from a factorization of the characteristic function, is very precise and can be used to detect outliers
Nortershauser, David. "Résolution de problèmes inverses tridimensionnels instationnaires de conduction de la chaleur." Toulouse, ENSAE, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000ESAE0017.
Full textSenga, Kiessé Tristan. "Approche non-paramétrique par noyaux associés discrets des données de dénombrement." Phd thesis, Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, 2008. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00372180.
Full textLouajri, Hanane. "Centralized and decentralized fault diagnosis of a class of hybrid dynamic systems : application to three cell converter." Thesis, Lille 1, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015LIL10021/document.
Full textThis thesis aims at defining a diagnosis approach for hybrid dynamic systems in particular Discretely Controlled Continuous Systems. The goal is to build a diagnosis module called, diagnoser, able to diagnose parametric and discrete faults. Parametric faults affect the system continuous dynamics and are characterized by abnormal changes in some system parameters; whereas discrete faults affect the system discrete dynamics and are considered either as the occurrence of unobservable events and/or reaching discrete fault modes. This approach is based on modular modeling in order to take into account the interactions between continuous and discrete dynamics. This approach is developed through two approaches. A modular diagnosis approach in which the diagnoser is built based on the use of the global model and a decentralized approach in which a set of local diagnosers are built based on the local model of the system components. The three-cell converter is used to demonstrate the efficacy of these two approaches
Lu, Zhiping. "Analyse des processus longue mémoire stationnaires et non-stationnaires : estimations, applications et prévisions." Phd thesis, École normale supérieure de Cachan - ENS Cachan, 2009. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00422376.
Full textVarvenne, Maylis. "Ergodicité des équations différentielles stochastiques fractionnaires et problèmes liés." Thesis, Toulouse 3, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019TOU30046.
Full textIn this thesis, we focus on three problems related to the ergodicity of stochastic dynamics with memory (in a discrete-time or continuous-time setting) and especially of Stochastic Differential Equations (SDE) driven by fractional Brownian motion. In the first chapter, we study the long-time behavior of a general class of discrete-time stochastic dynamics driven by an ergodic and stationary Gaussian noise. Following the seminal paper written by Hairer (2005) on the ergodicity of fractional SDE (see also Fontbona-Panloup (2017) and Deya-Panloup-Tindel (2019)), we first build a Markovian structure above the dynamics, we show existence and uniqueness of the invariant distribution and then we exhibit some upper-bounds on the rate of convergence to equilibrium in terms of the asymptotic behavior of the covariance function of the Gaussian noise (or more precisely, of the asymptotic behavior of the coefficients appearing in its moving average representation). The second chapter establishes long-time concentration inequalities both for functionals of the whole solution on an interval [0,T] of an additive fractional SDE and for functionals of discrete-time observations of this process. Then, we apply this general result to specific functionals related to discrete and continuous-time occupation measures of the process. The last chapter, which uses the results developed in Chapter 2, is a joint work with Panloup and Tindel which focuses on the parametric estimation of the (non-linear) drift term in an additive fractional SDE. We use a minimum contrast estimation based on the identification of the invariant distribution (for which we build an approximation from discrete-time observations of the SDE). We provide consistency results as well as non-asymptotic estimates of the corresponding quadratic error. Some of our results are illustrating through numerical discussions. We also give some examples for which the identifiability condition related to our estimation procedure (intrinsically linked to the invariant distribution) is fulfilled
Omnes, Pascal. "Développement et analyse de méthodes de volumes finis." Habilitation à diriger des recherches, Université Paris-Nord - Paris XIII, 2010. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00613239.
Full textEtienne, Alain. "Intégration Produit / Process par les concepts d'activités et de caractéristiques clés - Application à l'optimisation de l'allocation des tolérances géométriques." Phd thesis, Université de Metz, 2007. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00224938.
Full textMercier, Bruno. "Reconstruction et analyse automatiques pour le rééclairage d'objets basés-image." Phd thesis, Université de Poitiers, 2006. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00145124.
Full textMonsifrot, Jonathan. "Modélisation de signaux électromyographiques par des processus de renouvellement - Filtre bayésien pour l'estimation séquentielle de paramètres à destination de la commande d'une prothèse d'avant-bras." Phd thesis, Université de Nantes, 2013. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00921011.
Full textPaule, Inès. "Adaptation of dosing regimen of chemotherapies based on pharmacodynamic models." Phd thesis, Université Claude Bernard - Lyon I, 2011. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00846454.
Full textAbodinar, Laila. "Estimation of Noisy Cost Functions by Conventional and Adjusted Simulated Annealing Techniques." Thèse, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/1866/21465.
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