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Sancho Domingo, Carlos. "La integración educativa universitaria en Centroamérica (1948-1975)." Revista Trace, no. 77 (January 31, 2020): 39.

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Como consecuencia de la corriente de integración política y económica que a comienzos de la década de 1950 recorrió Centroamérica, cobraron impulso iniciativas dirigidas a la creación de un espacio educativo superior de carácter regional. Constituido en 1949, el Consejo Superior Universitario Centroamericano (CSUCA) fue la base sobre la que tales proyectos pivotaron. En ese contexto surgió el Instituto de Estudios Centroamericanos (IECA) (1972-1975), que adscrito a la Universidad de Costa Rica e impulsado por el filósofo de origen español Constantino Láscaris Comneno, desarrolló un ambicioso programa multidisciplinar entre cuyos objetivos se hallaba la confección de repertorios de fuentes históricas centroamericanas. El escenario de crisis abierto a partir del año 1974 incidió en tales iniciativas, lo que determinó la desaparición del IECA y de muchos de los proyectos por él alentados.Abstract: As a consequence of the trend of political and economic integration in Central America during the 1950’s, some initiatives concerning the creation of a space for regional higher education were launched. The Consejo Superior Universitario Centroamericano (CSUCA), created in 1949, was the basis for these projects. In that context, the Instituto de Estudios Centroamericanos (IECA) (1972-1975) was created, affiliated to the University of Costa Rica and inspired by the philosopher of Spanish origin, Constantino Láscaris Comneno. It developed an ambitious multidisciplinary program, among whose objectives was making catalogues of Central American historical sources. The crisis that began in 1974 affected these initiatives, and led to the disappearance of the IECA and many of its projects.Keywords: university integration, Central America, Consejo Superior Universitario Centroamericano, Instituto de Estudios Centroamericanos, historical sources.Résumé : Le courant d’intégration politique et économique qui a traversé l’Amérique centrale à partir des années 1950 a permis un certain nombre d’initiatives visant à créer un enseignement supérieur régional, dont le Conseil supérieur universitaire centre-Américain (CSUCA), fondé en 1949, était le pivot. C’est dans ce contexte que sera fondé l’IECA (Institut d’Études centre-américaines, 1972-1975), rattaché à l’Université du Costa Rica et lancé par le philosophe d’origine espagnole Constantino Láscaris Comneno. L’IECA développera un projet pluridisciplinaire ambitieux ayant notamment pour objectif de créer des répertoires de sources historiques centre-américaines. Les crises ouvertes qui se déclenchent à compter de 1974 auront des répercussions sur ces initiatives et entraîneront la disparition de l’IECA et la fin de nombreux projets qu’il soutenait.Mots-clés : intégration universitaire, Amérique centrale, Conseil Supérieur Universitaire Centraméricain, Institut d’Études Centraméricaine, sources historiques.
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Bouvier, Antoine. "Antonio Augusto Cançado Trindade (editor), Derechos Humanos, Desarrollo Sustentable y Medio Ambiente, Instituto Interamericano de Derechos Humanos/Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, San José de Costa Rica/Brasilia, 1992, 364 p. (contributions en espagnol, portugais et anglais)." Revue Internationale de la Croix-Rouge 74, no. 798 (December 1992): 634–35.

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Hernández Valle, Rubén. "Costa Rica." Annuaire international de justice constitutionnelle 8, no. 1992 (1994): 397–407.

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Hernández Valle, Rubén. "Costa Rica." Annuaire international de justice constitutionnelle 9, no. 1993 (1995): 313–17.

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Hernández Valle, Rubén. "Costa Rica." Annuaire international de justice constitutionnelle 16, no. 2000 (2001): 191–208.

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Araya Ramírez, Jéssica, and Catalina Ramírez Molina. "Costa Rica." Actualidades Investigativas en Educación 20, no. 2 (May 1, 2020): 1–21.

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Este artículo resume los hallazgos de la investigación “La formación inicial docente en lectoescritura inicial de la carrera de Educación Primaria de la Universidad de Costa Rica”, específicamente la que se imparte en la Sede Rodrigo Facio. El estudio analizó la formación docente inicial en relación con la lectoescritura, se condujo con una metodología de orientación cualitativa-descriptiva y se desarrolló de julio 2018 a julio 2019. Los datos se recolectaron y analizaron a partir de la triangulación de información obtenida de tres fuentes: (1) mapeo de los currículos de formación inicial docente en el ámbito de la lectoescritura inicial (LEI), once programas de cursos de la carrera de primaria a partir de tres dimensiones: Desarrollo infantil, Conocimiento de la LEI y Evaluación del aprendizaje; (2) ocho entrevistas al cuerpo docente formador (DF) y doce entrevistas al cuerpo docente en formación (DeF); y (3) cinco observaciones de aula universitaria. Los resultados sugieren que el hilo entre los programas de formación, la práctica de clase desarrollada por el cuerpo de DF y el conocimiento práctico que requiere el grupo de DeF para enseñar lectoescritura requieren mayor integración y articulación. Las implicaciones de estos hallazgos ameritan ser revisadas y analizadas por quienes coordinan la carrera de Educación Primaria y fungen como formadores de formadores. La concordancia de los programas de los cursos a lo que recomienda la evidencia investigativa para el desarrollo efectivo de las habilidades para leer y escribir en el presente siglo, es necesaria.
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Molina, German. "COSTA RICA." World Leisure & Recreation 37, no. 1 (January 1995): 31–32.

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Mirchandani, Dilip, and Arturo Condo. "Costa Rica." Thunderbird International Business Review 47, no. 3 (2005): 335–63.

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Starcevic, Dino, and Roberto Jovel. "Costa Rica." Téoros: Revue de recherche en tourisme 19, no. 2 (2000): 45.

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Janzen, Daniel H., Jay M. Savage, and Jaime Villa. "Herpetofauna of Costa Rica/Herpetofauna de Costa Rica." Copeia 1987, no. 4 (December 9, 1987): 1078.

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ANDERSON, ROBERT S. "The Dryophthoridae of Costa Rica and Panama: Checklist with keys, new synonymy and descriptions of new species of Cactophagus, Mesocordylus, Metamasius and Rhodobaenus (Coleoptera; Curculionoidea)." Zootaxa 80, no. 1 (October 17, 2002): 1.

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The Dryophthoridae of Costa Rica and Panama are reviewed. A checklist is presented of the 127 species in Costa Rica and 103 species in Panama. Keys are presented to genera and species. Twenty-four new species are described as follows: Mesocordylus redelmeieri Anderson (type locality; Guanacaste, Costa Rica), Cactophagus dragoni Anderson (type locality; Chiriqui, Panama), C. gasbarrinorum Anderson (type locality; Chiriqui, Panama), C. lineatus Anderson (type locality; San Jose, Costa Rica), C. lingorum Anderson (type locality; Puntarenas, Costa Rica), C. morrisi Anderson (type locality; Chiriqui, Panama), C. riesenorum Anderson (type locality; Puntarenas, Costa Rica), C. silron Anderson (type locality; Puntarenas, Costa Rica), C. sunatoriorum Anderson (type locality; Chiriqui, Panama), Metamasius atwoodi Anderson (type locality; Cocos Island, Costa Rica), M. bellorum Anderson (type locality; Chiriqui, Panama), M. burcheri Anderson (type locality; Cartago, Costa Rica), M. gallettae Anderson (type locality; Darien, Panama), M. hooveri Anderson (type locality; Limón, Costa Rica), M. leopardinus Anderson (type locality; Guanacaste, Costa Rica), M. murdiei Anderson (type locality; Cartago, Costa Rica), M. richdeboeri Anderson (type locality; Puntarenas, Costa Rica), M. shchepaneki Anderson (type locality; Panama, Panama), M. vaurieae Anderson (type locality; Puntarenas, Costa Rica), M. wolfensohni Anderson (type locality; Guanacaste, Costa Rica), Rhodobaenus howelli Anderson (type locality; Puntarenas, Costa Rica), R. labrecheae Anderson (type locality; Puntarenas, Costa Rica), R. patriciae Anderson (type locality; Puntarenas, Costa Rica), and R. tenorio Anderson (type locality; Limón, Costa Rica). New country records are as follows: Toxorhinus grallarius (Lacordaire) (Costa Rica), Alloscolytoproctus peruanus Hustache (Panama), Cactophagus aurofasciatus (Breme) (Panama) and Metamasius scutiger Champion (Costa Rica). The genera Toxorhinus Lacordaire and Cosmopolites Chevrolat are transferred from Sphenophorini to Litosomini. Notes about the natural history and plant associations for all new species are given where available.
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BLAHNIK, ROGER J., and RALPH W. HOLZENTHAL. "Revision of the Mexican and Central American species of Mortoniella (Trichoptera: Glossosomatidae: Protoptilinae)." Zootaxa 1711, no. 1 (February 22, 2008): 1.

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The genus Mexitrichia Mosely, 1937 (27 described species) is synonymized with Mortoniella Ulmer, 1906 (22 described species) and a revised generic description is provided for the genus. These species are placed in 4 recognized species groups. Mexican and Central American species of Mortoniella are revised to include 6 species formerly placed in Mexitrichia and 22 new species from Costa Rica, Panama, and Mexico. New species combinations for these regional species include: Mortoniella florica (Flint, 1974), M. leroda (Mosely, 1937), M. meralda (Mosely, 1954), M. pacuara (Flint, 1974), M. rancura (Mosely, 1954), and M. rovira (Flint, 1974). New species of Mortoniella described here (followed by the country of provenance) include M. akantha (Costa Rica) M. anakantha (Costa Rica) M. aviceps (Costa Rica, Panama) M. brachyrhachos (Mexico), M. buenoi (Mexico), M. carinula (Costa Rica), M. caudicula (Costa Rica), M. falcicula (Mexico), M. mexicana (Mexico) M. munozi (Costa Rica, Panama), M. opinionis (Costa Rica), M. panamensis (Panama), M. papillata (Costa Rica), M. pectinella (Panama), M. propinqua (Costa Rica), M. redunca (Costa Rica), M. rodmani (Costa Rica), M. sicula (Costa Rica), M. stilula (Costa Rica), M. tapanti (Costa Rica, Panama), M. taurina (Costa Rica, Panama), and M. umbonata (Panama). Males of all known Mexican and Central American species are illustrated or reillustrated and a key is provided for males of the species.
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ARIAS-PENNA, TANIA MILENA, LUBOMIR MASNER, and THIBAUT DELSINNE. "Revision of the Neotropical species of Trichacis Foerster (Hymenoptera: Platygastroidea: Platygastridae), with description of 24 new species." Zootaxa 3337, no. 1 (June 7, 2012): 1.

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The hymenopteran genus Trichacis is presumed to be endoparasitoid of Cecidomyiidae. Only three species of this genuswere hitherto recognized in the Neotropical region. Here, twenty four (24) new species are described based on 145 specimens: T. acarinata (Costa Rica), T. acuminata (Bolivia), T. acuta (Colombia), T. clypeata (Costa Rica), T.colombiana (Colombia), T. concavata (Costa Rica), T. corrugata (El Salvador, Mexico), T. costaricana (Costa Rica), T.delsinnei (Costa Rica), T. depressa (Costa Rica), T. dianae (Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela), T. fernandezi (Ecuador), T.hansoni (Brazil, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Panama), T. kaulbarsi (Mexico), T. magnifica (Mexico), T. mexicana (Mexico),T. panamana (Panama), T. pecki (Ecuador), T. procera (Mexico), T. proximata (Costa Rica), T. punctata (Brazil), T.sculpturata (Mexico), T. transversata (Costa Rica), and T. triangulata (Mexico). A key for males and females of the 27 Neotropical species is provided.
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Sarmiento, Fausto O. "Páramos de Costa Rica." Mountain Research and Development 27, no. 1 (February 2007): 95–97.[95:pdcr];2.

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International Monetary Fund. "Costa Rica: Selected Issues." IMF Staff Country Reports 13, no. 80 (2013): 1.

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Berhorst, Anja. "Evaluationskultur in Costa Rica." Zeitschrift für Evaluation 18, no. 2 (October 23, 2019): 307–10.

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Melvin, Jeremy. "Casa Kike, Costa Rica." Architectural Design 77, no. 6 (2007): 134–37.

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Wottrich, Scott. "Volcano Arenal, Costa Rica." American Journal of Roentgenology 176, no. 6 (June 2001): 1370.

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Wottrich, Scott. "Sunset over Costa Rica." American Journal of Roentgenology 177, no. 1 (July 2001): 164.

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Tevis, J. "Postcards from Costa Rica." Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment 16, no. 1 (January 1, 2009): 137–39.

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Eades, Alwyn. "Microscopy in Costa Rica." Microscopy Today 13, no. 5 (September 2005): 44–45.

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Costa Rica is amazing. You probably know that Costa Rica has no armed forces and that fully a quarter of its area is given over to national parks and other protected areas. You probably don't know that Costa Rica is also amazing for its electron microscopy. Almost anonymously Costa Rica has a center for electron microscopy on a par with centers in the United States or Europe.El Centro de Investigation en Estructuras Microscopicas, CIEMIC (The Center for Microstructural Research) has its own purpose-built building with an infrastructure that would make most of us envious.
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Aguilar-Sanchez, Jorge. "English in Costa Rica." World Englishes 24, no. 2 (June 2005): 161–72.

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International Monetary Fund. "Costa Rica: Statistical Appendix." IMF Staff Country Reports 96, no. 67 (1996): i.

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International Monetary Fund. "Costa Rica: Statistical Annex." IMF Staff Country Reports 99, no. 133 (1999): 1.

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International Monetary Fund. "Costa Rica: Selected Issues." IMF Staff Country Reports 02, no. 89 (2002): i.

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Feoli, Enrique. "Surgery in Costa Rica." Archives of Surgery 137, no. 12 (December 1, 2002): 1435.

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Rodriguez, Miguel Angel. "Getting Costa Rica Right." Journal of Democracy 17, no. 2 (2006): 161–64.

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Bargen, Walter. "Birding in Costa Rica." Missouri Review 14, no. 2 (1991): 186–87.

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Borda, José Joaquín. "Provincialismos de Costa Rica." LETRAS, no. 67 (February 20, 2020): 205–9.

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Este documento se constituye en el primer acercamiento lexicográfico del que se tiene noticia, sobre el español de Costa Rica, publicado en un periódico colombiano en 1865; pese a su brevedad, es un hito para los estudios lingüísticos hispanoamericanos.
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Espinach, Fernando Chaves. "Report from Costa Rica." Moving Image Review & Art Journal (MIRAJ) 9, no. 2 (September 1, 2020): 256–58.

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Back in March 2020, the Costa Rica International Film Festival was the first major local event cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. As in many other places over the following weeks, it was just the first of a series of cancellations and postponements that would throw the film and moving image community into disarray. The first response by local artists was, as elsewhere, to share much of their work online for the benefit of an art-hungry audience that saw how little by little most institutions entered a crisis they have not recovered from. In normal times, screenings of new work are somewhat rare in the country, and the local festivals do not prioritize new moving image art.
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Cerda-Guzman, Carolina. "Chili et Costa Rica." Annuaire international de justice constitutionnelle 35, no. 2019 (2020): 197–213.

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Esquivel, Freddy. "Neoliberalismo en Costa Rica:." Cátedra Paralela, no. 9 (June 30, 2021): 76–101.

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El presente artículo expone algunas de las principales repercusiones en la “cuestión social” en Costa Rica a partir de la puesta en práctica de los planteamientos neoliberales durante el siglo XX. Se destaca el deterioro de las condiciones de reproducción material de una amplia población, así como el debilitamiento de ciertas formas de organización y representación política que caracterizó las luchas sociales de ese país.
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BROWN, JOHN W., and DAVID ADAMSKI. "Systematic revision of Anopinella Powell (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae: Euliini) and phylogenetic analysis of the Apolychrosis group of genera." Zootaxa 200, no. 1 (May 26, 2003): 1.

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Thirty-five species are recognized in the Neotropical genus Anopinella Powell, including 5 previously described, A. isodelta (Meyrick), A. triquetra (Walsingham), A. ophiodes (Walsingham), A. aurea (Razowski & Becker), new combination, and A. perblanda (Razowski & Becker), new combination, and 30 described as new: A. albolinea (TL: Costa Rica), A. araguana (TL: Venezuela), A. arenalana (TL: Costa Rica), A. boliviana (TL: Bolivia), A. brasiliana (TL: Brazil), A. cafrosana (TL: Costa Rica), A. cartagoa (TL: Costa Rica), A. carabayana (TL: Peru), A. choko (TL: Colombia), A. cuzco (TL: Peru), A. fana (TL: Venezuela), A. holandia (TL: Guatemala), A. larana (TL: Venezuela), A. macrosema (TL: Costa Rica), A. mariana (TL: Guatemala), A. panamana (TL: Panama), A. parambana (TL: Ecuador), A. peruvensis (TL: Peru), A. phillipsae (TL: Costa Rica), A. porrasa (TL: Costa Rica), A. powelli (TL: Costa Rica), A. rastafariana (TL: Jamaica), A. razowskii (TL: Brazil), A. rica (TL: Costa Rica), A. rigidana (TL: Costa Rica), A. styraxivora (TL: Costa Rica), A. sympatrica (TL: Guatemala), A. tinalandana (TL: Ecuador), A. transecta (TL: Costa Rica), and A. tucki (TL: Peru). The genus occurs from Jamaica and southern Mexico to southern Brazil, Paraguay, and Bolivia. One species has been reared from the fruit of Styrax (Styracaceae), one from a fungus gall on Inga longispina (Fabaceae), and one from the stem of Vernonia (Asteraceae). We re-examine phylogenetic relationships among Anopinella and its putative related genera, Seticosta Razowski, Punctapinella Brown, Strophotina Brown, and Apolychrosis Amsel. We synonymize Ecuadorica Razowski & Becker, 2000, with Anopinella.
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NORRBOM, ALLEN L., and MARTY CONDON. "Revision of the femoralis group of Blepharoneura Loew (Diptera: Tephritidae)." Zootaxa 2374, no. 1 (February 26, 2010): 1.

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The femoralis species group of the genus Blepharoneura is revised. The following 42 species, including 32 new species, are recognized: amplihyalina, n. sp. (northwestern Argentina), apaapa, n. sp. (Bolivia), aspiculosa, n. sp. (Mexico), bidigitata, n. sp. (southern Brazil), bipunctata, n. sp. (Ecuador), biseriata Wulp (Mexico), bivittata, n. sp. (Nicaragua, Costa Rica), brevivittata, n. sp. (Costa Rica to Peru), chaconi, n. sp. (Costa Rica), cornelli, n. sp. (Costa Rica), cyclantherae, n. sp. (Mexico), femoralis Wulp (Mexico to Brazil), fernandezi, n. sp. (Venezuela, northern Brazil), furcifer Hendel (Venezuela to Bolivia and Brazil), hirsuta Bates (Venezuela, Guyana, Brazil), hyalinella, n. sp. (Bolivia), io Giglio-Tos (Mexico), isolata, n. sp. (Guatemala), lutea, n. sp. (Costa Rica), macwilliamsae, n. sp. (Costa Rica), marshalli, n. sp. (northwestern Argentina), mexicana, n. sp. (Guatemala, Mexico), mikenoltei, n. sp. (Costa Rica), multipunctata, n. sp. (Ecuador), nigriapex, n. sp. (Bolivia), nigrifemur, n. sp. (Bolivia), osmundsonae, n. sp. (Mexico), punctistigma, n. sp. (Mexico to Costa Rica), quadristriata Wulp (Mexico to Costa Rica; possibly Colombia), quetzali, n. sp. (Guatemala), regina Giglio-Tos (Mexico), rupta (Wulp) (Mexico to Costa Rica), ruptafascia, n. sp. (Ecuador), septemdigitata, n. sp. (Peru, Bolivia), sinepuncta, n. sp. (Costa Rica), splendida Giglio-Tos (Mexico to Ecuador), tau, n. sp. (Costa Rica), thetis Hendel (southern Brazil), unifasciata, n. sp. (Ecuador), variabilis, n. sp. (Mexico), wasbaueri, n. sp. (Ecuador), and zumbadoi, n. sp. (Costa Rica). Blepharoneura amazonensis Lima & Leite, 1952 is considered a new synonym of B. hirsuta Bates, 1933, and a lectotype is designated for Blepharoneura furcifer Hendel, 1914. A key to species and phylogenetic analysis are provided, as well as descriptions, illustrations, distributions, and host plant data (as available) for each species.
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BROWN, JOHN W. "The discovery of Megalota in the Neotropics, with a revision of the New World species (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae: Olethreutini)." Zootaxa 2279, no. 1 (November 2, 2009): 1–50.

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Megalota Diakonoff, previously known from the Indoaustralian Region (India, Sri Lanka, New Guinea, and Australia), Madagascar, and Africa, is reported from the Neotropics for the first time. Three previously described New World species (i.e., Megalota submicans (Walsingham), n. comb.; M. delphinosema (Walsingham), n. comb.; and M. plenana (Walker), n. comb.) were concealed within incorrect generic assignments or as “unplaced” species (i.e., lacking contemporary generic assignments). Twenty-one new species are described and illustrated: M. synchysis (TL: Venezuela), M. peruviana (Peru), M. aquilonaris (Mexico), M. vulgaris (Costa Rica), M. cacaulana (Brazil), M. macrosocia (Ecuador), M. ochreoapex (Costa Rica), M. spinulosa (Costa Rica), M. simpliciana (Costa Rica), M. jamaicana (Jamaica), M. ricana (Costa Rica), M. ceratovalva (Venezuela), M. bicolorana (Costa Rica), M. longisetana (Costa Rica), M. deceptana (Costa Rica), M. crassana (Costa Rica), M. gutierrezi (Costa Rica), M. chamelana (Mexico), M. beckeri (Brazil), M. flintana (Brazil), and M. pastranai (Argentina). Males of the genus are characterized by three distinctive features of the genitalia: the uncus consists of a pair of greatly expanded, flattened, variably round or square lobes, densely covered with spines and setae; the valvae are narrow with an elongate, apically spined process arising from the base of the costa; and the juxta is membranous with a narrowly sclerotized Uor J-shaped posterior edge. Five species have been reared from Croton spp. (Euphorbiaceae) in Costa Rica, and this is consistent with a single record of this host for an Australian species of Megalota.
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ARCE-PÉREZ, ROBERTO, and MIGUEL ÁNGEL MORÓN. "Review of the species of Macrodactylus Dejean (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Melolonthinae) from Costa Rica and Panama." Zootaxa 4462, no. 3 (August 28, 2018): 379.

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Fifteen species of Macrodactylus Dejean (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Melolonthinae: Macrodactylini) from Costa Rica and Panama are described and illustrated, including eight new species: M. latreillei new species., M. pseudothoracicus new species. and M. dejeani new species from Costa Rica; M. solisi new species from Costa Rica and Panama; M. martinezi new species from Costa Rica and Venezuela; M. chiriquiensis new species and M. kunayalaensis new species from Panama; and M. moroni new species from Costa Rica, and Panama. Diagnosis for seven species previously recorded in Costa Rica and Panama are included, and a key to all known species of Macrodactylus in these countries is provided.
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HOLZENTHAL, RALPH W., and TROND ANDERSEN. "The caddisfly genus Triaenodes in the Neotropics (Trichoptera: Leptoceridae)." Zootaxa 511, no. 1 (May 14, 2004): 1.

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The genus Triaenodes as it occurs in the Neotropics is diagnosed and discussed in the context of the world fauna. Twenty new species are described and illustrated: T. acanthus (Mexico), T. chirripo (Costa Rica), T. clauseni (Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Panama), T. cuyotenango (Guatemala), T. flintorum (Mexico), T. guadaloupe (Panama), T. hodgesi (Ecuador), T. hornitos (Panama), T. kilambe (Nicaragua), T. mexicanus (Mexico), T. moncho (Costa Rica), T. morai (Costa Rica, Nicaragua), T. nicaraguensis (Nicaragua), T. oaxacensis (Mexico), T. tajo (Costa Rica), T. talamanca (Costa Rica), T. tapanti (Costa Rica, Panama), T. tico (Costa Rica, Panama), T. tuxtlensis (Mexico), and T. woldai (Panama). In addition, 4 previously described species are redescribed and figured: T. abruptus Flint 1991 (Colombia), T. anomalus Flint 1967 (Nicaragua, Mexico), T. delicatus Nav s 1924 (Costa Rica, Panama), and T. peruanus Flint & Reyes 1991 (Colombia, Ecuador, Peru). The status of Triaenodes columbicus Ulmer 1909, is discussed. The larval and pupal stages of a Costa Rican species and the females of 9 species are described, representing the first descriptions of these life history stages for Neotropical Triaenodes. The genus Ylodes Milne is returned to synonymy with Triaenodes, as a subgenus. A key to the males of Neotropical Triaenodes is provided.
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Mata Segreda, Alejandrina. "Sustainability and peace in Costa Rica: the case of University of Costa Rica." Higher Education Policy 15, no. 2 (June 2002): 169–76.

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PRENA, JENS. "The Middle American species of Peridinetus Schönherr (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Baridinae)." Zootaxa 2507, no. 1 (June 16, 2010): 1.

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The weevil genus Peridinetus Schönherr is reviewed for mainland Middle America. Conophoria Casey is included in Peridinetus as a new junior synonym. Twenty-six species are recognized. Peridinetus ecuadoricus Casey stat. res., P. frontalis Chevrolat and P. pictus Kirsch are newly recorded for the study area. Newly described are P. illabes sp. n. (Panama), P. imperialis sp. n. (Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Ecuador), P. lugubris sp. n. (Costa Rica, Ecuador), P. notabilis sp. n. (Costa Rica), P. odone sp. n. (Costa Rica, Panama), P. pena sp. n. (Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama), P. rubens sp. n. (Costa Rica, Panama) and P. wyandoti sp. n. (Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Ecuador). The overlooked precedence of P. jelskii Chevrolat over P. maculiventris Chevrolat is reestablished. Conophoria cana dispersa Casey is a new junior synonym of P. canus Champion. Habitus images for most species and an identification key are provided.
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BLAHNIK, ROGER J., and R. W. HOLZENTHAL. "Revision of the genus Culoptila (Trichoptera: Glossosomatidae)." Zootaxa 1233, no. 1 (June 15, 2006): 1.

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The caddisfly genus Culoptila is revised to include 17 previously described species and 9 new species. Illustrations of the male genitalia and a key are provided for all species. In addition, illustrations of male head and thoracic features, larval characters and cases, and female genitalia are included. New species described here include: Culoptila bidentata (Costa Rica), C. buenoi (Mexico), C. cascada (Costa Rica), C. hamata (Costa Rica), C. pararusia (Mexico), C. plummerensis (eastern United States), C. tapanti (Costa Rica), C. unispina (Costa Rica, Panama), and C. vexillifera (Guatemala).
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Herrera, Bernal Rodríguez, Federico Chinchilla Miranda, and Laura J. May Collado. "Lista de especies, endemismo y conservación de los mamíferos de Costa Rica." Revista Mexicana de Mastozoología (Nueva Epoca) 6, no. 1 (January 1, 2004): 19.

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Abstract: The geographical position of Costa Rica has historically played an important role in the composition and diversity of our mammalian fauna, consisting of species originating both in the Neartic and Neotropical regions. Based on published data, new descriptions and reports, we here present an updated list of all terrestrial and aquatic Costa Rican mammals. We summarize available information on their status, and present our concerns regarding those species with populations under alarming conditions. The mammalian fauna of Costa Rica is mainly Neotropical. A total of 238 species, grouped in 140 genera and 44 families, were documented. The order Chiroptera is the most diverse, followed by Rodentia, Cetacea, and Carnivora. About 7% of the species are endemic to Costa Rica (or Costa Rica-Nicaragua, Costa Rica-Panamá). Unfortunately, despite of all the efforts to protect our fauna and flora, threat to Costa Rican mammals is increasing, and a number of species have gone, and are going extinct. As in most other areas, habitat loss, both in terrestrial and coastal ecosystems, poses the greatest threat to mammalian diversity of Costa Rica. Other factors, such as poaching, inappropriate gear used in fisheries, and other human exploitation are also threatening mammal populations in Costa Rica. Future conservation efforts should focus on more detailed conservation and management strategies, particularly of large mammals (e.g. monkeys, felids).Key words: Costa Rica, species richness, mammals, conservation, endemism.
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Derunkov, Alexander, Laura R. Prado, Alexey K. Tishechkin, and Alexander S. Konstantinov. "New species of Diabrotica Chevrolat (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae) and a key to Diabrotica and related genera: results of a synopsis of North and Central American Diabrotica species." Journal of Insect Biodiversity 3, no. 2 (February 5, 2015): 1.

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The following 18 new species of Diabrotica are described and illustrated as a result of the synopsis of North and Central American species: D. barclayi sp. nov., Guatemala; D. caveyi sp. nov., Costa Rica; D. costaricensis sp. nov., Costa Rica; D. dmitryogloblini sp. nov., Mexico; D. duckworthorum sp. nov., Honduras; D. hartjei sp. nov., Panama; D. josephbalyi sp. nov., Costa Rica; D. lawrencei sp. nov., Mexico; D. mantillerii sp. nov., Panama; D. martinjacobyi sp. nov., Honduras; D. mitteri sp. nov., Panama; D. perkinsi sp. nov., Guatemala; D. redfordae sp. nov., Costa Rica; D. reysmithi sp. nov., Costa Rica; D. salvadorensis sp. nov., El Salvador; D. sel sp. nov., Panama; D. spangleri sp. nov., Costa Rica; D. waltersi sp. nov., Panama. In addition, a key to separate Diabrotica from related genera is presented.
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VLASAK, JOSEF, and ANTONIO SANTOS-SILVA. "Description of five new species of American Acanthocinini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae)." Zootaxa 5061, no. 3 (November 5, 2021): 476–92.

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Five new species of Acanthocinini are described: Onalcidion maculatum, from Costa Rica; Lethes x-notatus, from Costa Rica; Leptostylus indistinctus, from Costa Rica; Leptostylus guianensis, from French Guiana; and Trichotithonus thomasvlasaki, from Ecuador.
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Korneliussen, Randi. "Vocabulario marinero de Costa Rica." Revista de Filología y Lingüística de la Universidad de Costa Rica 31, no. 2 (May 20, 2004): 119.

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El presente artículo describe y analiza el léxico del mar de acuerdo con el material recopilado en encuestas de carácter geolingüístico, realizadas en localidades situadas en las costas atlántica y pacífica de Costa Rica, en donde la principal fuente de trabajo es la pesca. Se incluye un glosario con los términos recopilados en el estudio geolingüístico.
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Quesada Pacheco, Miguel Ángel. "Toponimia indígena de Costa Rica." Revista de Filología y Lingüística de la Universidad de Costa Rica 32, no. 2 (July 31, 2007): 203.

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El artículo reúne, analiza y estudia los nombres de lugar (topónimos), de ríos y lagos (hidrónimos) y poblados (ecónimos) que descienden de lenguas indígenas costarricense y que están esparcidos por todo el territorio nacional. El fin es recopilar la mayor cantidad de topónimos posible, empleados hoy en día en el territorio nacional, detectar el origen de cada uno de ellos, y contribuir al estudio de las lenguas indígenas habladas en Costa Rica a través de los topónimos, orónidos, hidrónimos y ecónimos.
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Carballo Gutiérrez, William, and Joaquín Bustillos Villavicencio. "Cirugía fetal en Costa Rica." Revista Peruana de Ginecología y Obstetricia 64, no. 4 (December 11, 2018): 599–606.

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La cirugía fetal es una alternativa para mejorar los resultados del paciente para enfermedades como el síndrome de transfusión feto–feto y el mielomeningocele, entre muchas otras. Esta revisión pretende dar a conocer un tema que en nuestro país era desconocido, a pesar de que estos procedimientos ya se han empezado a realizar con éxito en nuestro medio. La aplicación del ultrasonido ha permitido la identificación prenatal oportuna y adecuada del paciente potencialmente tratable mediante estas técnicas. Se revisó la evidencia existente de los beneficios que estas terapias aportan tanto al feto como a la madre. Se concluye que la cirugía fetal es una especialidad multidisciplinaria donde participan el perinatólogo, el obstetra, el neonatólogo, el anestesiólogo, entre otros especialistas.
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Halling, Roy E., and Gregory M. Mueller. "New Boletes from Costa Rica." Mycologia 91, no. 5 (September 1999): 893.

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Halling, Roy E., and Gregory M. Mueller. "Leccinum (Boletaceae) in Costa Rica." Mycologia 95, no. 3 (May 2003): 488.

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Bolaños-Cubillo, Albert, and William Guido-Guerrero. "International VATS Experiences: Costa Rica." Güncel Göğüs Hastalıkları Serisi 7, no. 3 (August 5, 2020): 142–48.

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Salisbury, Richard V., and Leonard Bird. "Costa Rica: The Unarmed Democracy." Hispanic American Historical Review 66, no. 3 (August 1986): 609.

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