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Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Espagnol du Costa Rica'

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Quesada, Pacheco Miguel Angel. "Aspekte der spanichen Sprache in Costa Rica in Dokumenten aus der Kolonialzeit /." Erlangen : Druckladen, 1986.

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Morales, Ramirez David. "Les formes de désignation de l'allocutaire dans l'espagnol du Costa Rica. Approche dialectologique, sociolinguistique et pragmatique." Thesis, Rennes 2, 2022.

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Notre recherche nous a mené au constat selon lequel les formes de désignation de l’allocutaire en espagnol costaricien sont dans une lutte constante entre standardisation et changement linguistique, ainsi qu’entre norme et variation. Par exemple, l’approche diachronique (chapitre 1) nous a permis de conclure que le pronom usted a toujours été lié à une analyse explicative et descriptive. Lors de l’analyse de la catégorie fonctionnelle et structurelle de ce pronom, les études tendent à l’objectivité et à la neutralité. Vos et tú ont quant à eux fait l’objet d’une lutte entre prescriptivisme et descriptivisme. Dans le chapitre 2, centré sur les attitudes, perceptions et jugements linguistiques afférents aux formes de désignation de l’allocutaire dans l’espagnol du Costa Rica, les informateurs attribuent à usted diverses estimations positives. Les enquêtés s’attachent surtout à préciser comment ils utilisent le pronom usted pour affirmer leurs positionnements et actes identitaires. En revanche, pour ces mêmes informateurs, différents stéréotypes continuent de circuler autour de vos et de tú. Dans les chapitres suivantes (3 et 4), et plus précisément concernant la langue écrite, les journaux, en tant que médias de masse, penchent plus pour tú dans le contexte d’usage d’une modalité standardisée. En revanche, dans la langue parlée, concernant la publicité orale, le Costa Rica suit actuellement sa propre norme linguistique. Vos, surtout, et usted, dans une certaine mesure, sont les outils d’expression des médias de masse. De même, hors de l’espace publicitaire, tú est le pronom normatif de l’écriture électronique (chapitre 5). En somme, les statuts des pronoms diffèrent autant que les normes. Par exemple, au niveau diachronique et perceptif, le point de repère pour l’usage est usted. En revanche, pour la publicité orale, il s’agit de vos, et pour la publicité écrite et l’écriture électronique, de tú. Cette optique vient confirmer de nouveau la complexité inhérente aux formes de désignation de l’allocutaire dans l’espagnol du Costa Rica, car celle-ci oscille entre différentes normes en fonction du registre
In our research we have found that the Pronouns of address in Costa Rican Spanish are in a constant struggle between standardization and linguistic change, as well as between the norm and variation. For example, in chapter 1 of the thesis, regarding the diachronic approach, we can conclude that the pronoun usted has always been linked to an explanatory and descriptive analysis in Costa Rican Spanish. The studies point out that there is objectivity and neutrality when analyzing the functional and structural categorization of the pronoun. Meanwhile, vos and tú have been the object of a struggle between the prescriptive and the descriptive. In relation to chapter 2, regarding the chapter on attitudes, perceptions and linguistic evaluations concerning the Pronouns of address in Costa Rican Spanish, informants assign different positive evaluations to usted. Respondents focus mostly on clarifying how they use usted to mark positioning and acts of identity. On the other hand, for the same informants, different stereotypes continue to circulate around vos and tú. In the following chapters (3 and 4), in terms of the written language, newspapers as mass media are opting more for tú as part of the use of a standardized modality. On the other hand, in the spoken language, in terms of oral advertising both on television and radio, Costa Rica is following its own linguistic norm. The vos above all and the usted in a certain way are the instruments of expression of the mass media. Likewise, outside the advertising space, tú is the normative pronoun in electronic writing (chapter 5). In summary, there are different statuses of pronouns because the rules are different. For example, at the diacritical and perceptual level usted is the point of reference in usage. While in oral advertising it is vos and in written advertising and electronic writing it is tú. From this perspective, we can confirm, once again, the complexity concerning the Pronouns of address in Costa Rican Spanish, since it moves between different regulations depending on the register
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Horta, Elizabeth. "Se Vosea en Costa Rica." Scholarship @ Claremont, 2010.

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Something happens visiting a Spanish speaking country, where linguistic characteristics are not uniform throughout the country or region. Specifically, this research emerged from lack of knowledge of the pronoun vos, to acquire information to its introduction in the country of Costa Rica, its use, and variants, and the reasoning behind its prevalence in metropolitan regions, and certain regions around the Pitzer College Firestone Center.
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Vöhringer, Frank. "Projektbasierte Klimapolitik und nachhaltige Entwicklung : zertifizierte Treibhausgasminderungen in Costa Ricas Forst- und Elektrizitätswirtschaft /." Hamburg : Kovač, 2005.

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Guevara-Berger, Marcos. "Mythologie des Indiens Talamanca, Costa-Rica." Lille 3 : ANRT, 1987.

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Dabène, Olivier. "La Formule politique du Costa Rica." Lille 3 : ANRT, 1988.

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Burdiel, de las Heras María Cruz. "La emigración libanesa en Costa Rica /." [Madrid] : Ed. CantArabia, 1991.

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Alejo, Anna M. "Central American refugees in Costa Rica." FIU Digital Commons, 1990.

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The conflicts of the past decade in Central America have produced substantial refugee movements into neighboring nations. Costa Rica has had to cope with an influx of refugees and migrants as large as 10 percent of its population. This work presents a case study of the situation in Costa Rica, focusing on the issue of refugee integration into the host society. It draws on qualitative field research conducted in that country during 1986. The study discusses the evolution of the Costa Rican state's response to the refugee crisis and analyzes the characteristics and impact of policies undertaken by various state bureaucracies. It also describes the assistance efforts of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and private voluntary organizations, along with their interaction with the Costa Rican state. The study concludes that the government's need to maintain firm control of refugee programs has overshadowed its commitment to refugee integration. In so doing, the humanitarian purpose of refugee assistance has been compromised.
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Hagtorn, Frida, and Grigoriy Larsson. "Pressure ulcer prevention in Costa Rica." Thesis, Sophiahemmet Högskola, 2016.

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Background Pressure ulcers are localized injuries to the skin and underlying tissue caused by pressure, shear or a combination of these. The consequences of pressure ulcers are contributing to higher risk of morbidity and mortality. It also increases costs to society and causing suffering affecting the quality of life for individuals. Research shows that patients often do not get access to those interventions with the highest evidence-based utility. Many times, there can be great differences within countries regarding interventions that reaches the patients. Aim The aim of the study was to describe pressure ulcers prevention by registered nurses in San José, Costa Rica. Method A qualitative design with semi-structured interviews was used. The study consisted of interviews with six registered nurses whereof one was an included pilot interview. The data process consisted of recording the interviews, transcription and a qualitative content analysis. Findings The main findings show that there is insufficient knowledge regarding pressure ulcer prevention and that there is a lacking ability to implement the existing knowledge into daily practice. Conclusion Strategies are needed to implement routines regarding pressure ulcer prevention and broader knowledge is needed to enable the registered nurses to follow these routines and to perform accurate and evidence based care. The lack of resources and time influence the ability to fulfil professional responsibilities regarding pressure ulcer prevention. The management have the important task to make sure that the needed knowledge and resources exists so that the staff can fulfil their work duties.
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Guevara-Berger, Marcos. "Mythologie des Indiens Talamanca (Costa Rica)." Paris 10, 1986.

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L’ouvrage comprend quatre parties. La première consiste en une description générale de la mythologie des Indiens Bribri-Cabécar de la région de Talamanca (Costa Rica), nécessaire pour replacer les mythes dans le contexte du chamanisme. Des données ethnographiques sur le sujet y sont encore présentées. La deuxième partie est consacrée à la façon dont les Indiens les plus traditionnels comprennent l’agencement du monde qui les entoure. C’est une synthèse : chaque mythe explique partiellement les différents éléments qui composent le monde. Tous les mythes rassemblés permettent de reconstruire l’image que les chamanes s’en font. Les rites thérapeutiques, le voyage dans l’au-delà des âmes défuntes, les phénomènes naturels et atmosphériques, sont expliqués à partir de la symbolisation du monde mise en scène dans les mythes que manipule le chamane. La troisième partie est une analyse structurale de plusieurs récits Talamanca. A la lumière des Mythologiques de Lévi-Strauss, l’auteur tente de dévoiler la signification de certains mythes dans le contexte plus général de la mythologie amérindienne. La quatrième partie, enfin, est un ensemble de 91 mythes recueillis par l’auteur à Talamanca en 1983 et 1984. La conclusion générale est qu’il y a un rapport étroit entre l’image que se fait du monde le chamane et la forme des habitations traditionnelles Bribri-Cabécar, ainsi qu’entre les mythes cosmogoniques et la chichada (fête où l’on consomme la bière de maïs) célébrée chaque fois que les Indiens se réunissent pour accomplir un travail productif ou pour construire une maison
The dissertation includes four parts. The first is a general description of the mythology of the Bribri-Cabecar Indians of the Talamanca area (Costa Rica), that is important for replace the myths in the context of the shamanism. The second part is an effort to understand the shaman’s knowledge about how the cosmos is organized: therapeutic rituals, the journey in the next world of the defunct souls, atmospheric and natural phenomenoms, are explained from the symbolization of the world bringing into play in the myths manipulated by this personage. The third part is a structural analysis of some Talamancan myths on base of Lévi-Strauss’ Mythologique. The fourth part is a compilation of the myths collected by the author in Talamanca in 1983 and in 1984. The general conclusion is that there is a closery connection between the world image built by the shaman and the form of the Indians traditional habitations, and between the cosmological myths and the chichada (corn beer drinking bout) celebrated every time that some people get together to accomplish a productive work or to build a house
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Dabène, Olivier. "La formule politique du Costa Rica." Grenoble 2, 1987.

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L'objectif de cette recherche etait de montrer que seule une approche en termes de stabilite politique permettait d'apprehender les ressorts profonds de la performance democratique costaricienne. La demarche consiste a extraire la formule politique du pays, par le biais d'une description fouillee de sa structure sociale, sa culture politique, des phenomenes de mobilisation, des mecanismes de mediation, des institutions, du processus de prise de decision et du type de domination. La prise en compte, au fil des analyses, des potentialites stabilisatrices (ou destabilisatrices) a permis de mettre a jour, selon une perspective diachronique et comparative, des elements explicatifs de la perennisation du modele democratique costaricien jusque-la negliges et de demeler des paradoxes passes inapercus : une structure sociale desarticulee compensee par une culture du compromis, une tres forte mobilisation organisee sous forme de sacralisation de l'ordre socio-politique, un eclusage des revendications par les instances de pression tempere par l'efficacite des reseaux de clientele, une prise de decision eclatee equilibree par une domination homogene et integree. Ces elements s'ajoutent a d'autres, plus connus: le gonflement des couches moyennes par des politiques redistributrices, une tres forte legitimite du regime reposant sur la commemoration d'un evenement fondateur du regime, un systeme bi-partisan et l'alternance au pouvoir, le paternalisma des dirigeants, l'effacement historique des militaires, un soutien structurel de l'eglise catholique et une accomodation des interets des elites. Enfin, une analyse serree de la conjoncture de crise economique et de tensions regionales revele les capacites du regime a enoncer le politique selon un registre culturel preetabli legitimant les institutions democratiques tout en adaptant les discours au gre des circonstances. Dans cette logique, le theme de la "menace sandino-communiste" ressoude l'unite du peuple costaricien autour d'un regime qui n'est pas juge a l'aune de son efficacite mais de son exemplarite
The objective of this investigation was to demonstrate that only an approach in terms of political stability could lead to a full comprehension of the costarican democratic performance. The analytical process consists in describing the country's political formula, starting from grass-roots politics (social structure, political culture, mobilization and mediation processes) up to the institutions, the policy making and domination processes. The evaluation of the stabilizing (or destabilizing) effects at each level of analysis, and the comparative and historical perspectives, have allowed the author both to shed light on some aspects of the democratic regime's durability so far neglected and to resolve hidden paradoxes : a fragmented social structure compensated by a culture of compromise, a strong organized mobilization in the form of the sacralization of the socio-political order, a poor representation of popular demands by pressure groups softened by the effeciency of the clientelist networks, a desarticulated decision making process balanced by an integrated and homogeneous domination process. These elements come in addition to others, more frequently mentioned : the extension of the middle sectors thanks to redistributive policies, a strong legitimacy resting on the commemoration of the regime's founder event, a two-party system and frequent victories of the opposition over the incumbent administration, the leaders' paternalism, a self effacement of the army, the structural support of the catholic church and the elites accomodation. Finally, a careful analysis of the present circunstances of crisis (both economic and regional) reveals the regime's ability to adapt its legitimating discourses. In that logic, the so-called "sandino-communist threat" unifies the costarican people and enhances its support to a regime that does not have to be effective as it has to be exemplary
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Toruño, Sequeira Maritza. "Escuela de Artes Dramáticas de la Universidad de Costa Rica como Formadora de Identidad Teatral en Costa Rica." Doctoral thesis, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2011.

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El presente trabajo de investigación plantea la recuperación de documentos históricos que sobre el teatro costarricense han quedado diseminados en los distintas entidades académicas de la Universidad de Costa Rica. Tiene como objetivo plantear un proceso histórico-analítico que permita descubrir cuáles son las bases del teatro profesional costarricense a través de las dos instituciones teatrales más antiguas del país: el Teatro Universitario y la Escuela de Artes Dramáticas de la Universidad de Costa Rica. Siendo ambas instituciones parte de las políticas culturales de la más antigua universidad costarricense influyen directamente en la apertura del espacio cultural costarricense a través de los estudios superiores en la carrera de Artes Dramáticas. Es por ello que se ha generado en el espacio cultural de nuestro país una identidad teatral fundamentalmente profesional en los últimos 40 años de existencia, siendo esto evidente en los procesos de construcción de la enseñanza del teatro a través de diversos planes de estudio que establecen un marco metodológico concreto por el que muchas generaciones estudiantiles han sido formadas y marcando la primera característica del teatro profesional en Costa Rica, definiéndose como un teatro eminentemente universitario.
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Price, Norman William. "The tropical mixed garden in Costa Rica : a potential focus for agroforestry research?" Thesis, University of British Columbia, 1990.

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Overpopulation and over-exploitation of resources continues to strain the process of development for many countries in the tropics. In Latin America deforestation and the subsequent marginalization of these lands has put pressure on the agricultural research community to develop appropriate land-use systems for these areas. Agroforestry is one class of such systems that are presently receiving much attention. The tropical mixed garden, in particular, is one such system that has attracted attention from researchers in various countries. The present study has focused upon the traditional mixed garden system, as found in Costa Rica, with the objective of determining its potential for increased contribution to small farming systems. Development of the data base for this assessment included a survey of 225 farms distributed throughout Costa Rica, year-long case studies of six farms, divided between two contrasting ecological zones, and a simple simulation model of a mixed garden agroforestry system. The mixed garden is clearly an important component of small farming systems in Costa Rica. Though half of the gardens studied were only between 0.01 to 0.20 hectares in size, half were greater, and a few encompassed a hectare or more of land. As a percent of total farm size, mixed gardens were most important in the Tropical Dry Forest and Tropical Moist Forest life zones. Mixed gardens are more common in economically depressed areas and less so in areas where farmers are well off. The ranking of various factors representing ecological complexity of mixed gardens is what one would expect if difference in garden complexity were determined solely by between-zone differences in the environment, thus supporting hypothesis 1. On the other hand, multivariate analysis of species presence/absence data for mixed gardens suggest that the hypothesis (Hypothesis 2) that Holdridge's system of ecological classification is an adequate means of stratifying the variation in species composition in mixed gardens is false. The findings also support the hypothesis (Hypothesis 3) that the mixed garden has a higher energy benefit-cost ratio than commercial cropping systems. The commercial cropping systems on the farms studied consumed between 9 to 10,000 times the amount of cultural energy as did the mixed gardens. Mixed gardens on small farms have the potential to contribute much more to the cash economy of the farm household than they generally do at present. The observations reported here concerning labour patterns and management practices, together with the economic analysis, support the hypothesis (Hypothesis 4) that the output of the mixed garden can be improved. The economic and labour use analysis presented here also supports the hypothesis (Hypothesis 5) that "the mixed garden exists as a supplementary enterprise whose primary function is to absorb excess farm labour." With due regard for the limitations of a simulation of the type used in this thesis, I find support for the contention that the traditional mixed garden in Costa Rica can be developed into an ecologically conservative yet commercially viable cropping system. In particular, the incorporation of high-value timber species shows the potential to significantly improve the long-term economy of the farm. Integrating animal production, as Wagner (1957) had advocated earlier, also can enhance garden productivity.
Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies
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Rodríguez, Jiménez Nadia Margarita Maria. "Les organisations paysannes, leurs relations et leur rôle dans la participation au développement rural : le cas de la région Huetar Norte au Costa Rica." Paris 1, 2006.

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Au Costa Rica il y a eu un processus rapide de libéralisation, pour faire face à la nouvelle situation, les producteurs et leurs organisations ont été obligées d'adopter de nouvelles stratégies d'action. L'adaptation est difficile et les stratégies ne sont pas toujours efficaces. La thèse propose une analyse sociologique de la position des organisations dans la région Huetar Norte au Costa Rica. Elle analyse particulièrement trois questions: les divers usages et appropriations de la participation par les acteurs qui interviennent dans l'appui aux organisations paysannes; les relations de pouvoir à l'intérieur des organisations et avec d'autres puis une analyse des avantages et des limites des méthodes de la recherche participative. La thèse offre, comme résultat, une typologie pour l'analyse des relations et des choix stratégiques des organisations ainsi qu'une mise en perspective de l'avenir des diverses organisations en fonction des stratégies adoptées.
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Buchsbaum, Bernardo Duha. "Ecotourism and Sustainable Development in Costa Rica." Virginia Tech, 2004.

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The purpose of this paper is to provide a synopsis of the current issues facing ecotourism in Costa Rica; critically examine the impacts and challenges of ecotourism; analyze the potential of ecotourism as a strategy for sustainable development; look at ways in which ecotourism and sustainable development can be evaluated; and suggest ways to improve current ecotourism practices and policies for Costa Rica. What are the impacts and challenges of ecotourism? What are the possible benefits that ecotourism can bring? Is ecotourism in Costa Rica sustainable? Based on the guiding principles of ecotourism, a legitimate argument can be made that ecotourism in Costa Rica has not produced desired outcomes and is not sustainable. However, an equally strong argument can be made that although ecotourism may not currently be sustainable, it has yet to fully mature, and has shown signs that it can achieve a balance between development and conservation goals.. Ecotourism has more promise for achieving sustainability than alternative types of land use such as agriculture, cattle grazing, logging, or mass tourism. Whether or not ecotourism in Costa Rica will prove to be sustainable in the long-term remains to be seen. In order to increase the likelihood that ecotourism achieves goals of sustainable development in Costa Rica, all of the key actors must to begin to take more proactive measures in order to ensure that ecotourism is carefully planned and implemented. Ecotourism must account for social, economic and environmental implications, in order to succeed. A much more balanced and integrated approach, founded on the guiding principles of sustainable development, is essential to maximize the benefits and minimize the negative impacts of ecotourism in Costa Rica.
Master of Public and International Affairs
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Sick, Deborah 1956. "The golden bean : coffee, cooperatives and small-farmer decision making in Costa Rica." Thesis, McGill University, 1993. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=41768.

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Coffee production in Costa Rica has brought prosperity to many small farmers, but conflicts of interest with the companies which process and market coffee are still a problem. In addition, producers and processors are plagued by the periodic market cycles of agricultural commodities. Various agencies have promoted cooperatives to help small farmers deal with these problems, but they often fail due to poor management and lack of participation.
This thesis, a multi-layered study of coffee production, processing, and marketing, examines how household producers manage the constraints and opportunities posed by the international market, the Costa Rican state, and the coffee tree itself. A comparative analysis between cooperative and private coffee processors; between two rural communities; and among households in these communities provides the ethnographic context in which the effectiveness of cooperatives as mediating institutions between producers and the world market is analyzed.
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Castro, Carmiol Evelyn. "Representaciones contemporáneas de la esclavitud en las mujeres afrocostarricenses. Desde sus propias voces." Tesis, Universidad de Chile, 2006.

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Magíster en Estudios de Género y Cultura con mención en Ciencias Sociales
Los grupos humanos según la estructura social se han ido clasificando en categorías de prestigio y poder establecidas por la conveniencia de sectores dominantes económicamente, a partir de lo cual de manera diferencial en el tiempo aunque constante, prevalece un ideal de lo "correcto, bueno y deseable" para las personas, lo que a su vez predetermina formalmente las oportunidades de las mismas. Ante tal panorama resalta una figura dominante masculina, occidental y blanca que, a pesar de que se ha ido transformando según la dinámica socioeconómica de cada momento, se mantiene enmarcada en la construcción social del “hombre”. Es así como se deriva el concepto de femenino como la alteridad, es decir como la otra parte de la humanidad que bajo la ideología dominante representa un grupo humano subordinado. Por ende, el concepto de femenino comprende otras características sociales entendidas como "lo opuesto", dentro de lo cual se destaca el sistema raza/ etnia, que junto al constructo mujer en la estructura social dominante, es considerado inferior al irse alejando de "lo blanco y puro" así como de "lo occidental y civilizado". Esto lleva a buscar el campo donde se evidencia dicha categorización humana, el cuerpo de las personas, como un lugar donde se percibe el sexo y la raza, categorías sociales que retoman lo físico para reinterpretarlo simbólicamente. Cobra importancia social el hecho de ser mujer como condición que prefija un estilo de vida, de igual manera el color de piel que se ubica en una escala entre lo blanco y lo negro y que refleja el poder o subordinación determinados desde ese sistema económico imperante. De esta manera el cuerpo físico es representado a partir de simbolizaciones sociales que desembocan en prácticas concretas de discriminación racial y de género, siendo lo que se pretende denotar en la presente investigación, para lo cual se consultará a las mujeres afrodescendientes quienes por su cuerpo de mujer y por su cuerpo negro, desde la lógica dominante son categorizadas socialmente frente a la manera en que esto es reinterpretado y vivido por las mismas sujetas. Para lo anterior se considera relevante conocer la vivencia concreta de las mismas mujeres afrodescendientes con la idea de rescatar sus discursos y experiencias y contrastar aquellas construcciones sociales de poder desde “lo blanco” y “lo masculino” con la manera en que dicha realidad es interiorizada y asumida por ellas construyendo su propia realidad. Aunado a esto, se retoma la función social de la investigación al dar cabida a la expresión de voces tradicionalmente acalladas, por lo que se puede convertir en una estrategia de empoderamiento. El trabajo pretende ser un medio de denuncia social de situaciones de opresión y discriminación por raza y género, así como de las contrarespuestas a dicha realidad por medio de prácticas cotidianas y formas de resistencia individual y colectiva, lo cual ha sido tradicionalmente invisiblizado. Además la investigación implica realizar una contextualización histórica, ya que las condiciones de vida actuales de las mujeres afrodescendientes están mediadas por la construcción de un imaginario social que responde a una historia, desde donde se entiende la realidad concreta de hoy al ser percibida como una continuidad. A pesar de que los estudios históricos se ubican en el momento concreto en que se presentaron los hechos de interés, a nivel social cada acontecimiento se fundamenta en una ideología que puede prevalecer por medio de estereotipos y normas tácitas en la vida cotidiana. En el caso específico de este estudio, la esclavitud como sistema socio- económico, visto normalmente como un hecho “pasado”, se abolió formalmente, sin embargo las ideas que la fundamentaron no se han podido abolir en la sociedad de la misma manera, determinando la vida y trato social de las mujeres negras, por lo tanto entender esto facilita a su vez entender sus vivencias actuales. Bajo este marco es necesario conocer el fenómeno de la esclavitud y la manera en que se presentó en la población femenina afrodescendiente, estando atravesado por el sistema sexo- género y la raza. Por ende, se estudiará la realidad de dicho grupo considerando como antecedente la esclavitud legal para entender cómo prevalece en el imaginario social, a lo cual denominamos Representaciones Contemporáneas de la Esclavitud en la medida que se pretende denotar que en la sociedad no se ha podido superar realmente, asimismo son ideas que se concretan en prácticas de discriminación y opresión que se presentan según las circunstancias políticas, sociales y económicas específicas de cada entorno pero que se originaron desde toda una estructura socioeconómica implantada por años. Esto a su vez sirve de marco explicativo pero no definitorio ya que cabe considerar los sistemas de poder emergentes alternativos desde el colectivo de mujeres y de la población negra siendo una palabra que define al grupo de interés en el día a día. Por ende, se revisará concretamente en la historia de Costa Rica la vivencia de las mujeres negras según formas de opresión y discriminación de las que sobrevivieron, así como sus fortalezas individuales y grupales para enfatizar la investigación en las representaciones que prevalecen hoy en día en el imaginario y por ende en el trato social hacia esta población. Como problema de investigación se plantea: ¿De qué manera las mujeres afrocostarricenses viven situaciones de discriminación y opresión por su género y raza considerando la experiencia de ellas mismas y la relación con la herencia del sistema esclavista? Para esto como supuesto se parte de que las mujeres afrodescendientes en Costa Rica son sobrevivientes de un sistema que instaló la discriminación y opresión hacia ellas por su raza y género, ante lo cual han desarrollado formas de resistencia individual y colectiva trascendiendo su ubicación social, las cuales se constituyen en respuestas de las ideas originadas desde la esclavitud, que se han perpetuado a través del tiempo.
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Hernández, Rodríguez Carmen Magally. "El cambio de fronteras del derecho del estado postmoderno frente al estado de derecho : el caso de las empresas estatales y el concesionario de servicios públicos en Costa Rica." Paris 3, 2006.

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Le droit qui s’applique traditionnellement à l'État, le droit public, subi quelques changements de frontières. D'une part, il réduit son cadre d'application (régression), et d'autre part, il s’élargit (expansion). Un exemple du premier changement ce sont les transformations des entreprises publiques et du deuxième, la figure du concessionnaire des services publics. C’est le produit de plusieurs changements qui ont pour conséquence l’estompement des frontières entre ce qui est public et ce qui est privé, dans l’ère que nous pouvons appeler de l’État Postmoderne. La raison principale de ces changements est le virement stratégique de la politique d'intervention étatique dans l'économie. La crise fiscale et idéologique de l’État Providence va promouvoir des transformations et des privatisations au sein des entreprises publiques avec l'objectif, soit de réduire la participation directe de l'État dans l'économie, soit d'insérer les entreprises publiques dans l'économie internationale. Étant donné qu’il existe un lien bidirectionnel entre l’État et le droit public, ce bouleversement des frontières aura sûrement des répercussions sur la façon dont l'État se soumet au droit (État de Droit). Non seulement, un changement des frontières au droit applicable à l'État postmoderne sera constaté, mais ce changement représentera des défis que l'État de droit doit surmonter pour rester en place. Cet analyse prétend rendre compte du processus que traverse actuellement le droit public et son impact sur l'État de droit, à partir d'exemples de la situation costaricienne
Initially, Public Law was the law applicable to the State, organic or subjective criterion of Public Law. Later, within the postmodern era, the Public Law will not be the only law capable of regulating the State, and the State will not be regulated totally by the Public Law neither. This is because public space will be taken by the Common Law. Therefore, the criterion for the application of Public Law had to be replaced by one material that took care of the developed activity. The main reason for that change is the strategic turn of state intervention in the economy, concretely to render public services. The fiscal crisis of the Welfare State in the 80s will impel transformations and privatizations of public enterprises in order to reduce the fiscal deficits. This displacement of the State causes it to be converted into a regulator instead of an actor of the economy. The Law, like one of the State instruments to regulate the economic actors, will have several challenges in reframing the Public Law in the economy, which must include how to balance its control objective of the State activity with the international exigencies derived from the free competition principle. Being that there exists a bi-directional relation between State and Public Law, a change in these relations will have repercussions in the form in which the State is put under the Law (Rule of Law). This is not only a change of limits in the Law applicable to the postmodern State, but also a challenge that the State of Law must exceed to maintain himself. This situation that exits in the majority of countries that belong to the administrative regime, such as Costa Rica, presents some particularities. To understand these particularities in the Costa Rican case will be the main purpose of this thesis
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Boukhris, Linda. "Imaginaire national et imaginaire touristique au Costa Rica : le tourisme comme fabrique du territoire et de la nation." Thesis, Paris 1, 2013.

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Le Costa Rica a connu un véritable tournant touristique de son économie à partir des années 1990, fort d'une identité basée sur la représentation d'un petit État pacifique sans armée ainsi que la représentation mythifiée d'une nature sauvage et préservée. Ce travail interroge le discours sur 1'« exception» costaricienne déployé dans le cadre de la mise en tourisme du pays. Une généalogie de la composition de ces images permet d'établir l'étroite relation entre l'imaginaire touristique et l'imaginaire national. En effet, l'imaginaire touristique se nourrit des principaux attributs historiques de la nation costaricienne forgés au moment de l'indépendance du pays, mais participe également de l'incorporation du paradigme environnemental dans l'imaginaire national. Ce travail examine ainsi la dimension instituante de l'imaginaire touristique qui participe de la production du territoire et de la production d'une image de la nation associée à des figures de la nature. Cet imaginaire touristique se veut toutefois hégémonique et exclusif, à l'instar de l'imaginaire national au XIXe siècle véhiculant l'idée d'une nation costaricienne démocratique et pacifique basée sur la théorie de la race blanche. Du discours historique sur la blanchitude au discours contemporain sur la nature, ce travail examine également le rôle de l'imaginaire touristique dans la reproduction de processus de racialisation spatiale à l'encontre des populations indigènes et afro-caribéennes du Costa Rica. L'imaginaire touristique devient ainsi le lieu où non seulement se dessinent mais également se négocient les figures de la nation et de l'altérité et l'appartenance à la communauté politique nationale
Costa Rica has undergone a touristic turn of its economy since the 1990s, with a tourism identity based on the representations of a peaceful state without armed forces as well as the wilderness. This research examines the discourse on the Costa Rican exception deployed within the context of tourism development. A genealogy of the composition of these images reveals the deep relation between the tourism imaginary and the national imaginary. Indeed, the tourism imaginary takes on the main historical characteristics of the Costa Rican national ideology shaped within the context of its independence, but also entails the incorporation of an environmental paradigm into the national imaginary. This work analyzes the instituting dimension of the tourism imaginary as participating in the production of space and place, and the production of an image of the nation associated with figures of nature. However, this tourism imaginary is also hegemonic and exclusive, as was the national imaginary in the nineteenth century, which promoted the idea of a democratic and peaceful Costa Rican nation based on the theory of the white race. From the historical discourse on whiteness to the contemporary discourse on nature, this study investigates the role of the tourism imaginary in the reproduction of spatial racialization processes against the Costa Rican indigenous and Afro-Caribbean populations. Thus, the tourism imaginary becomes the space where figures of the nation are defined, and where their belonging to the national political community are negotiated
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Chamberlain, Anthony Brian. "Privatization in Costa Rica a multi-dimensional analysis /." College Park, Md. : University of Maryland, 2005.

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Thesis (Ph. D.) -- University of Maryland, College Park, 2005.
Thesis research directed by: Government and Politics. Title from t.p. of PDF. Includes bibliographical references. Published by UMI Dissertation Services, Ann Arbor, Mich. Also available in paper.
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Pera, Gizelle M. "Canopy Demographics at the Firestone Reserve, Costa Rica." Scholarship @ Claremont, 2010.

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Though Costa Rica has suffered numerous bouts of deforestation to its valuable tropical rainforest area, especially in the 1970s, it has become a leader in its efforts to regenerate and restore its rainforest. However, studies and protocols for the assessment of forest regeneration are urgently required. Research has shown that the percentage of light penetrating the canopy floor, or light fraction, is a good indicator of rainforest maturity. In this study, digital rectilinear photography and a global positioning system receiver were used to survey the Firestone Reserve inCosta Rica in order to measure the light fraction differences between primary/riparian forest, bamboo plantation, secondary hardwood plantation, and natural secondary regrowth. The images were used to calculate light fractions with the software program ImageJ. Using ArcGIS, a kernel density plot was created, along with a map organizing the light fractions in the vegetation types. Significant differences in light fraction were found between bamboo and all other vegetation types, between secondary natural regrowth and secondary hardwood plantation, and between secondary natural regrowth and primary/riparian forest. No significance was noted between primary/riparian and secondary hardwood plantation, or between primary/riparian and secondary forest. Inaccuracies of the study could be due to the high amount of variance, low sample size, or high levels of sunlight that distort the photographs. Nevertheless, the study provided useful information concerning the differences between vegetation types and has implications towards regrowth and recovery of the rainforest.
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Mateo-Vega, Javier. "An evaluation of environmental assessment in Costa Rica." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1999.

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Berigan, Yadira Cordoba. "Performing Costa Rica: "El Tico" and National Identity." Diss., The University of Arizona, 2010.

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Costa Rica is a small country located in Central America, characterized by having one of the most stable democracies in Latin America. Costa Rica was the first country in the world to officially abolish its armed forces (1949), following the Civil War in 1948. From the time of its foundation as a Republic, Costa Rica has been defined in terms of homogeneity and socio-economic equality. These two features have been recognized as the main elements of the country's national identity, and the reason for Costa Ricans to be perceived as peaceful and happy individuals. This research utilizes the methodological lens of Performance Studies to analyze these iconic elements of Costa Rican national identity and to challenge the view of Costa Rica as a paradise. Even though the international community continues defining this country in the same manner in which it was defined during the second part of the nineteen century, the reality is that during the last three decades this nation has changed so much that the same definition is not adequate anymore. Street violence in the country has become a threat to citizens of all socio-economic classes, taking away their peace and happiness. I analyze this development and the response by the citizens in an attempt to show that Costa Rica is facing an internal conflict that could have devastating on its society. Many social movements have formed during the last decade to try to bring Costa Rica back to the nation it was at the beginning of the twentieth century. The most important characteristic of these movements is that they try to unmask the country showing that it is not peaceful in an attempt to recover the peace they believed characterized the Costa Rica of their ancestors.
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Rojas, Christopher. "Trends and Changes of Precipitation in Costa Rica." Scholarship @ Claremont, 2016.

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Measuring and using precipitation data in Costa Rica is a necessary subject matter when one carries out an experiment in this area, whether it be directly related to rainfall or the effects of it on ecosystems. Using geographical information systems (GIS), precipitation maps of Costa Rica were used and digitized to acquire data on where and in what regions precipitation was commonly found. With this information, we were able to track the dry and wet seasons throughout Costa Rica and determine where the precipitation is more likely to occur during certain times of the year. Additionally, trends between longitude, latitude, and elevation were sought in the areas around the Firestone Center for Restoration Ecology. The results found a huge difference of precipitation between August – October and January – March, as well as trends demonstrating a strong linear relationship between latitude and precipitation. Trends between elevation and longitude showed much weaker linear relationships.
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Fischel, Astrid. "Politics and education in Costa Rica, 1880-1930." Thesis, University of Southampton, 1991.

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Nichols, Lucy P. "Structural adjustment and human resources in Costa Rica." Thesis, University of Sussex, 1993.

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Castillo-Serrano, Deyanira. "Afro-Caribbean schools in Costa Rica, 1934-1948 /." Digital version accessible at:, 1998.

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Bogantes-Zamora, Claudio. "La narrativa socialrealista en Costa Rica : 1900-1950 /." Aarhus [Danemark] : Presses universitaires d'Aarhus, 1990.

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Kumar, Chitra M. "Coffee and technology in Costa Rica and India." Thesis, Boston University, 1999.

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Boston University. University Professors Program Senior theses.
PLEASE NOTE: Boston University Libraries did not receive an Authorization To Manage form for this thesis. It is therefore not openly accessible, though it may be available by request. If you are the author or principal advisor of this work and would like to request open access for it, please contact us at Thank you.
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Guzmán, Adriana T. (Adriana Teresa) 1971. "Urban municipal solid waste management in Costa Rica." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1998.

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Fallas, Chacon Lucia. "Enseignement fonctionnel de la traduction au Costa Rica." Paris 4, 1987.

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L'intérêt porté dans plusieurs universités latino-américaines, pour la réalisation des traductions dans les pays mêmes: la traduction des textes littéraires, techniques, scientifique, d'histoire, etc. . . S'avère comme un élément décisif dans le développement culturel, économique des pays latino-américains. La traduction constitue un moyen de faire connaitre les cultures nationales des pays du continent latino-américain. Pour ce qui concerne les langues à traduire en Amérique latine, la traduction contribue à la défense des langues nationales: l'espagnol et les langues autochtones. Les orientations pédagogiques d'un cours de traduction au Costa Rica doivent concilier de façon adéquate les fondements théoriques avec les réalités d'un enseignement de la traduction dans un pays en développement, et plus spécialement avec ceux d'un cours d'initiation qui s'adresse à des universitaires dans un milieu hispanophone.
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Tiffer-Sotomayor, Carlos. "Jugendstrafrecht in Lateinamerika unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Costa Rica /." Mönchengladbach : Forum Verl, 2000.

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Theoretical and methodological issues of disposal behavior are examined at the village site of Murcielago. Ethnoarchaeological, archaeological, and modern material culture studies of discard practices are discussed. The generalizations and conclusions contained therein are incorporated into a synthesis of the emerging body of disposal theory. The method used for the analysis of Murcielago, which is drawn from traditional geographic models of land use, is described. The model allows description of the conventions governing the regulation of space and the delineation of disposal patterns. Analysis of artifact distributions illuminated the organization of household activities and the definition of activity differences.
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Scyner, Andrew. "Family and community medicine in Costa Rica : where professionalization meets development." Thesis, McGill University, 1997. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=26706.

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Family and Community Medicine was introduced to Costa Rica through the McGill-CENDEISSS Project of 1989-1994. The development of this new speciality is interpreted as a "professionalization" drive, which, while appropriating the discourse of the international primary health care movement, in fact places more importance, as a social movement, on negotiating for and expanding its own jurisdictional space. Two bodies of literature are called upon to provide theoretical guidance, namely, writing on "professionalization" and ethnographic interpretations of "development" in the so-called Third World. The phenomenon of Family and Community Medicine in Costa Rica is described as an international, national, and local movement. The town of Puerto Viejo de Sarapiqui is the focus of an ethnographic description of the speciality's local-level implementation.
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Guindon, Carlos F. "Protection of habitat critical to the resplendent quetzal, Pharomachrus mocinno, on private land bordering the Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve, Costa Rica." Virtual Press, 1988.

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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the potential for protecting critical resplendent quetzal habitat on private lands bordering the south-western edge of the Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve, Costa Rica. First, a habitat analysis was made of 12 forest patches using a 10% strip method to obtain an importance value for the Lauraceae fed on by the resplendent quetzal. Second, a landowner survey was conducted using a structured interview questionnaire to determine landowner attitudes, and the possible factors influencing these attitudes, towards forested land, wildlife, the resplendent quetzal and potential habitat protection incentives. Significant differences were found between forest patch importance values for the Lauraceae suggesting that for conservation purposes careful forest patch selection is important. Most landowners were found to value their forested land more than their land under other uses and to favor technical forest management assistance over leasing. If funding can be made available there is a good chance that resplendent quetzal habitat can be adequately protected and managed through providing assistance to those landowners with the most critical forest patches.
Department of Natural Resources
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Solis, Sanchez Pedro. "La relation entre secteurs marginaux et exercice du pouvoir: le cas d'un pays en voie de développement." Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 1988.

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Giraldou, Gonzalez Marion. "Prostitution et prostituées à San José (Costa Rica) 1870-1930 : représentations sociales et processus de marginalisation." Toulouse 2, 2010.

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Ce travail porte sur les processus de marginalisation à travers l'étude de la prostitution à San José du Costa Rica entre 1870 et 1930. La démarche adoptée est différente des études classiques sur ce thème puisque l'objectif n'est pas d'étudier un groupe donné, les prostituées, mais de comprendre sa formation et de saisir la signification de la notion de marginalisation, à un moment et dans un espace donné. En ce sens, l'analyse s'oriente sur l'observation de rapports complexes et évolutifs, et donc insaisissables concrètement. Il s'agit de donner la parole à certains individus marginalisés, tout en gardant à l'esprit l'ensemble, afin de parvenir à reconstruire l'image de la représentation qu'ils se faisaient d'eux-mêmes et que les autres se faisaient d'eux. En ce sens, les deux approches, micro et macro, sont complémentaires et nécessaires à une compréhension des processus de marginalisation qui se veut globale. En adoptant ces perspectives d'étude, j'oriente l'analyse vers le quotidien et le populaire afin de sortir mon sujet des carcans rigides des cadres institutionnel et formel. J'ai donc essayé de repenser la notion de prostitution en ouvrant l'étude de la marginalité à différents champs de la discipline historique afin de ne pas m'enfermer dans un seul type d'approche et ainsi de pouvoir saisir les processus dans leur complexité. La notion de « prostituée » apparaît alors moins comme le résultat d'un ensemble de caractéristiques déterminées, que comme un instrument de contrôle permettant la stigmatisation des femmes dont la conduite ne correspond pas aux exigences sociales
This work deals with the processes of marginalisation through the study of prostitution in San José, Costa Rica, between 1870 and 1930. The chosen line is different to traditional studies on this topic, as the objective is not to study a given group, prostitutes, but rather to understand its formation and grasp the meaning of the concept of marginalisation at one moment and in a given space. In this direction, the analysis is driven towards the observation of complex and evolutional – and thus concretely elusive – relations. It is a question of giving a voice to certain marginalised individuals, without ignoring the general entity, in order to be able to reconstruct the image of the representation that they had of themselves and that the others had of them. In this way, the two approaches, the micro and the macro ones, are complementary and necessary to a comprehension of the processes of marginalisation, a comprehension that aspires to be global. Adopting these study perspectives, I orientate the analysis towards daily and popular life so as to drive my topic out of the rigid yokes of the institutional and formal structures. I hence tried to rethink the notion of prostitution, opening the study of marginality to different fields of the history discipline in order not to lock myself into a single type of approach and thus be able to grasp the processes in their complexity. The notion of “prostitute” seems then to be less like a result, than an actual instrument of control leading to the stigmatisation of women whose conduct does not correspond to social requirements
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Hatt, Kierstin C. "Development, transnational power, and environmental degradation : a case study of the Costa Rican banana industry." Thesis, McGill University, 2000. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=36950.

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This dissertation undertakes a comprehensive analysis of the Costa Rican banana industry, including a case study based on fieldwork at an independent banana plantation in Costa Rica's Atlantic zone. A basic premise is that a coherent understanding of the banana industry and its consequences can only be achieved through the appreciation of the complexity of its organization. That is, the Costa Rican banana industry is a political-economic, socio-cultural, and environmental system articulated through a high degree of interaction at the micro and macro levels. Modernization and world systems theories are shown to provide partial and insufficient accounts of the dynamics at work in the Costa Rican banana industry. An embedded model of world systems theory, which includes aspects of sustainable development, is proposed to address these concerns. The analysis at various levels is intended to support the argument that consideration of environmental dynamics must be addressed in future theoretical accounts of development.
Following world systems theory, the strong role of the banana transnationals within the industry and in relation to national development is examined. Other links between the Costa Rican banana industry and the broader international political economy are also examined, including the 'banana wars', as well as environmental issues, such as DBCP and other agrochemical usage. Significant changes in the Costa Rican banana industry since the 1980's are considered. These include: (1) a sharp increase in banana production, and an increase in independent banana producers, (2) the dissolution of the banana unions, and their replacement with a new system of labour relations (solidarismo); and (3) the recent concern for issues of environmental destruction. These changes, combined with the centrality of the banana industry to Costa Rican development, have resulted in significant consequences at the micro level. These are manifested in the organization of banana production and in operations on the plantation, as seen with respect to working conditions, quality control and of transnational power. In addition, environmental degradation, and underdevelopment and marginalization beyond the plantation are examined as direct consequences of the Costa Rican banana industry. This is supported with extensive ethnographic detail.
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Ibrahim, Camellia Klara. "Changing communities, expanding forests : how constellations of actors change land-use and forest-cover in southwest Costa Rica." Thesis, McGill University, 2003. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=79950.

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A major environmental concern throughout the tropics is deforestation. While many forests are in a state of crisis, such an encompassing narrative can obscure significant instances where forest-cover expands. This research investigates the geography of forest regeneration in rural Costa Rica from a social and institutional perspective. Attracted to the Pacific coast, foreigners purchase farms, change the patterns of land ownership, and extensively promote secondary forest growth. Environmental change and a declining agriculture sector have forced peasants to sell or abandon land and diversify their livelihoods. Two conservation NGOs collaborate at an institutional level to promote reforestation and consolidate protected properties into the Mesoamerican Biological Corridor. Drawing on foreign funding, they serve as an avenue through which external visions of land management become reproduced locally. This case illustrates how the values and management decisions of a constellation of actors synergistically interlink to influence local land-use and ultimately join to expand forest-cover.
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Lutz, Rüdiger. "Numerische Simulation der Kohlenwasserstoffgenese an der Subduktionszone vor Costa Rica." [S.l.] : [s.n.], 2001.

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Yousef, Amani Adnan. "Study of genetic relationships of avocado (Persea americana Mill.) and related types from Coasta Rica using molecular markers /." Beuren ; Stuttgart : Grauer, 2000.

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Romero, Mária. "La structure agraire costaricienne dans le contexte de la politique néo-libérale: actualité et perspectives." Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 1990.

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Negy, Kevin. "Costa Rica, Panama, and Nicaragua: explaining economic success levels." Honors in the Major Thesis, University of Central Florida, 2013.

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Latin America is a region that has deep roots in Spanish colonialism. Since its independence, many countries in the region have heavily depended on agriculture exports to industrialized states to support their economies. This has led to political theorists to label Latin America as an area full of "periphery" countries that are exploited for resources by "core countries. Costa Rica, Panama, and Nicaragua were not the exception. In recent years, however, a noticeable difference between the economies of the countries has helped Costa Rica and Panama become more successful than Nicaragua, on the basis of GDP, GNI, and other similar measures. This thesis attempts to explain this economic difference by analyzing what type of relationship the three countries have had with the United States (which has acted as a regional hegemon) and analyzing how each country has handled economic dependence on agriculture. Through this comparative case study, the thesis tries to add to development and dependency theory literature.
Political Science
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Luetchford, Peter. "Risk, trust and fair trade : coffee in Costa Rica." Thesis, University of Sussex, 2002.

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Pera, Jennifer Lee. "Tamagringo : citizenship and community change in Tamarindo, Costa Rica /." Connect to title online (Scholars' Bank), 2008.

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Davis, Jason. "Evolution of protected area conservation in Monteverde, Costa Rica." [Gainesville, Fla.] : University of Florida, 2007.

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Gutiérrez, Alvarado Juan José. "Las lecciones aprendidas del caso Intel de Costa Rica." Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC), 2014.

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El presente trabajo es una investigación sobre el Caso Intel de Costa Rica, donde se puede apreciar una estrategia global de Intel y la visión compartida del gobierno de todo un país para generar una ventaja competitiva frente a posibles mercados emergentes para de esta forma poder sentar las bases de una economía más y mejor integrada, sostenida en una capacitación de sus recursos humanos.
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García, Mejía Mauricio. "Modernización de la administración de justicia en Costa Rica." Derecho & Sociedad, 2017.

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Quesada, Pacheco Miguel Angel. "Los fonemas del español de costa rica aproximación dialectológica." Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2013.

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Pera, Jennifer Lee 1977. "Tamagringo: Citizenship and Community Change in Tamarindo, Costa Rica." Thesis, University of Oregon, 2008.

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xii, 139 p. : ill., maps. A print copy of this title is available through the UO Libraries under the call numbers: KNIGHT JV7413 .P47 2008
This thesis explores a relatively new migration pattern of North Americans to Costa Rica and the ways in which these migrants are changing landscapes of belonging and membership in the communities in which they settle. The number of affluent, transnational "amenity migrants" has been growing worldwide in the past decade, yet little is known about their impacts in receiving communities. Through semi-structured interviews with both Costa Ricans and North Americans in Tamarindo, Costa Rica, textual analysis of newspaper publications, and participant observation, I argue that North American amenity migrants are reworking the parameters of citizenship and democracy in Costa Rica. Even though they are not legally entitled to participate in the political process, foreign amenity migrants' economic power radically transforms social and cultural landscapes in Tamarindo. In addition, these affluent amenity migrants influence political decision-making processes in ways that often marginalize local Costa Ricans economically, politically, and culturally.
Adviser: Lise K. Nelson
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