Academic literature on the topic 'Eponymy'

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Journal articles on the topic "Eponymy"


Yermolenko, S. S. "Eponymy and discursive-functional context." Movoznavstvo 317, no. 2 (April 20, 2021): 19–35.

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In this paper, which continues the series of his previous publications on theoretical and methodological issues in eponymy research, the author argues for the feasibility of the expansion of his three-component parametric model for description and analysis of this class of linguistic entities by adding to its three principal components, relating to the three parts of eponymic derivational relationship, a fourth part dealing with eponymy’s discursive- functional context. It is the author’s contention that the relationship between an eponym and the linguistic and extralinguistic cognitive-communicative environment in which it comes to being and/or occurs is the essential, intrinsic and crucial, rather than fortuitous and inconsequential, feature of the former, which therefore should be taken into account in in-depth research. Accordingly, an initial discursive parameter in this research should be tracing down the occurrence of eponyms in various types of discourse distinguished by their cognitive and communicative-functional characteristics, and so identifying items bound to such varieties as different from general-purpose ones. Next comes finding out the nature of relationship between a discourse variety and an eponym co-occurring in it, in particular, the influence of the former on the semantic and functional, and also, possibly, formal characteristics of the latter. An important eventuality that a comprehensive and inclusive eponymy description model should consider is the hierarchy of an eponym’s possible discursive contexts, i.e. the possibility of its use in a discourse type other than its original one. Regarding this, the author introduces the concept of inter- and intralinguistic contacts of discourses as linguistic-cultural modes as a framework in which discursive transpositions of eponyms should be elucidated, as well as such instances, in which an underlying proper noun is employed to coin an eponymic entity designed for the use in the discursive-functional environment other than its own. The author illustrated his theses with instances drawn from Ukrainian as well as some other languages, and in these, from the scientific, ideological, folklore, religious, mythological, folk, and everyday discursive varieties.
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Yermolenko, Serhiy, and Maria Ostapenko. "THEMATIC-IDEOGRAPHIC ASPECT OF DESCRIPTION AND ANALYSIS OF EPONYMY." Studia Linguistica, no. 15 (2019): 53–65.

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The paper focuses on the thematic-ideographic aspect of eponymic derivation and, correspondingly, eponymic derivation relationship. Eponymy is a three-member structure which consists of an underlying proper name, a derived eponymic lexeme (or phraseme), and the language-internal as well as extralinguistic relationship between the underlying and derived entities. Eponyms are derived from proper names (or onoma propria). From the viewpoint of thematic-ideographic classification, eponyms are categorized into various groups, such as realonyms and mythonyms, in accordance with what is their real world status: realonyms denote real objects, whereas mythonym non-existent or fictitious ones. In the group of realonyms, such thematic-ideographic subclasses are distinguished as anthroponyms, ergonyms, ethnonyms, zoonyms, cosmonyms, toponyms, chrononyms and chrematonyms (indcluding ideonyms), and in mythonym group, mythological anthroponyms, ergonyms, ethnonyms, zoonyms and theonyms (including daemonyms), toponyms and chrematonyms. Various thematic-ideographic groups of proper names differ in the degree of their activity with respect to eponym formation. Illustrating this, the authors draw on relevant etymological and semantic data: each group of Ukrainian, English and French examples is provided with etymological and semantic information. They also consider the problem of the special status of chrononyms and ethnonyms as proper names. Their study shows that in the abovementioned languages, the most productive with respect to eponymic derivation are anthroponyms and toponyms, and the most unproductive, chronomyms and chrematonyms, No eponyms are found to derived from onomastic fitonyms. An important part of eponym study, thematic-ideographic and other, is so called source critique, something which is demonstrated by the analysis of some entries of Etymologic dictionary of the Ukrainian language (ESUM), The present paper and the materials it contains are of interest for general linguistic theory research in the field of the overall semantic and semiotic potential of the secondary use of proper names as a whole and their individual thematic-ideographic subclasses in particular.
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The present article continues the author’s previous studies in the theory and research methodology of eponymy. In them, she has proceeded from a parametrical model for the description and analysis of eponymic semantics, whose three principle parameters are related to the underlying proper name, the derived eponym, and the motivational relationship between the first and second. This paper focuses on a special group of proper names from which some eponyms are formed: legendary names. These proper nouns are of a unique onomastic nature, as they occupy an intermediate position between realonyms, i. e. proper names denoting real-world entities, and mythonyms, denoting fictitious, mythical or fantastic entities.
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Bloch, Yigal. "The Eponyms of the Babylonian War of Tukultī-Ninurta I." Altorientalische Forschungen 50, no. 1 (June 1, 2023): 12–20.

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Abstract Following the recent reconstruction of the order of eponyms in the Dūr-Katlimmu archive by Nahm, this study considers the eponyms of the period in which Tukultī-Ninurta I waged war for domination of Babylonia, from his 13th regnal year onward. It is argued that recently published evidence supports the identification of the eponymy of Etel-pī-Aššur as the year in which Kaštiliaš IV of Babylonia was captured, and that the eponymy of Ellil-nādin-apli is to be placed three years later. The campaign to the lands between the Tigris and the Zagros, undertaken by Tukultī-Ninurta I in the eponymy of Ellil-nādin-apli, was probably directed against the power base of Kadašman-Ḫarbe II, including the city of Lubdu which then passed under Assyrian control. Following the dethronement of Kadašman-Ḫarbe II, Tukultī-Ninurta I maintained closer control over Babylonia, which did not prevent the king of Elam from putting an end to the reign of the Assyrian vassal Adad-šuma-iddina in the 22nd regnal year of Tukultī-Ninurta I.
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Budykina, Vera, and Oksana Polyakova. "Tracing Eponymous Word Combinations in Education and Pedagogy." ELUA: Estudios de Lingüística. Universidad de Alicante, no. 43 (January 14, 2025): 67–82.

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Currently, there is a significant focus on the exploration and classification of eponymous terminology across a range of fields of study. Scholars are particularly interested in the term’s foundation, theoretical underpinnings, and the lexicographic aspects of its application across various domains. Notably, eponymous terms are most prominent in medical, economic, political, historical, and technical fields. However, there is a need to broaden research efforts in pedagogy and education terminology, which includes several eponymous terms. The study was conducted following dictionary criticism principles and tackled the analysis of quantitative and qualitative data on eponymous phrases found in three English-language special dictionaries. The ultimate objective was determining the feasibility of including eponym terms in a dictionary. The research objectives were outlined to achieve this goal. The authors carefully selected and analysed the terminology, identifying corresponding semantic fields and conducting a structural and grammatical analysis of 93 eponymous phrases. They identified various semantic fields, such as “Diseases and Mental Disorders,” “Psychology and Psychological Expertise,” “Pedagogical Schools, Principles, and Educational Institutions,” “Educational Reforms,” and “Reports on Education,” among others, and provided commentary on the practicality of including eponymous terms in a dictionary of education. Research on eponyms has revealed that they share similar grammatical and nominative structures as non-eponymic terms, functioning as individual words and word groups. Typically, eponyms consist of two elements: a noun and an adjective or a noun and another noun. Anthroponyms –names derived from people – are often used in eponyms to describe the founders of pedagogical schools and trends, developers of psychological theories and testing methods, and scientists who have identified diseases and mental disorders requiring unique learning approaches. Additionally, eponyms may incorporate place names and names of literary or mythical characters, creating phrases like Pickwick Syndrome, Munchausen Syndrome, Summerhill School, and the Bologna Declaration. Furthermore, the primary eponymous trends within the semantic fields have been identified through a rigorous analysis of both quantitative and qualitative data. The findings align with the global trend observed at the study’s outset, where medical eponymy prevails. Therefore, terminologists and lexicographers must focus on the study of this eponymous terminology.
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The paper discusses proverbial collocations with names (e.g., English the sword of Damocles) as a possible object of research on eponymy. The author differentiates these collocations from phrasal eponyms that are scientific and technical terms (e.g. Achilles tendon) or composite proper names (e.g., Ukrainian бульвар Шевченка), in that they are derived semantically from phrases initially found in cultural texts, essentially in the same way antonomastic eponyms are semantically derived from underlying proper names. In both cases a cultural name operates as a key constituent of inner form, expressing some general meaning conveyed by cultural texts in which such names originally appeared and with which they came to be associated. Employing modern approaches to categorization in logic, mathematics, cognitive psychology, and linguistics, he argues that proper names, too, should be considered a natural rather than strictly logical category. In his opinion, collocations with cultural names, along with some other classes of linguistic items, should be considered the periphery of the category of proper names that should be taken into account in eponymy research. With these collocations, as with antonomastic eponyms, an underlying proper name determines not only their generalized cultural sense, but also the way this sense is expressed by referring to the unique object or person operating as its symbol. The importance of including these collocations to the proper name category’s periphery transcends the establishing of their systemic status, since cultural names in them, like those from which antonomastic eponyms are derived, are a major asset for socio- and linguistic-cultural studies, highlighting key concepts of a society’s culture as well as their origins and evolution.
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Crease, Robert P. "Eponymy and ethics." Physics World 36, no. 2 (February 1, 2023): 16–17.

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Mendoza Velazco, Derling Jose, Paola Andrea Pérez Bravo, and Elizeth Mayrene Flores Hinostroza. "Influence of Eponymous Terms in the Everyday Language of Ecuadorian University Teachers: A Qualitative Analysis." Forum for Linguistic Studies 6, no. 5 (October 29, 2024): 105–15.

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The study investigated the manifestation and evolution of eponymic terms in the everyday language of Ecuadorian university teachers, considering historical, cultural and linguistic factors. It was analysed how the phenomenon of eponymy manifests itself in the everyday language of university professors and conceptualized its training and evolution. Interviews were conducted with 25 teachers. Bibliographic material was evaluated, and data were coded using Atlas.ti version 24. Categories, codes, dimensions and subdimensions emerging from the testimonies were identified and analysed. Three main categories were identified: "Evolution of Eponymic Terms", "Cultural Importance Granted by University Faculty" and "Key Use in the Teaching-Learning Process". The results highlighted the adaptation and familiarity with eponymic terms, their impact on professional identity and communication, and their value in education. Eponymic terms facilitate communication and teaching, creating a professional identity and reflecting technological and cultural changes in the Ecuadorian educational context.
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Smith, G. F., and N. R. Crouch. "ASPHODELACEAE." Bothalia 36, no. 2 (August 21, 2006): 174.

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Belenzon, Sharon, Aaron K. Chatterji, and Brendan Daley. "Eponymous Entrepreneurs." American Economic Review 107, no. 6 (June 1, 2017): 1638–55.

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We demonstrate that eponymy—firms being named after their owners—is linked to superior firm performance, but is relatively uncommon (about 19 percent of firms in our data). We propose an explanation based on eponymy creating an association between the entrepreneur and her firm that increases the reputational benefits/costs of successful/unsuccessful outcomes. We develop a corresponding signaling model, which further predicts that these effects will be stronger for entrepreneurs with rarer names. We find support for the model's predictions using a unique panel dataset consisting of over 1.8 million firms. (JEL D82, L25, L26, M13)
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Eponymy"


Allred, Kelly W. "Eponymy of New Mexico Grass Names." University of Arizona (Tucson, AZ), 1999.

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DERVAUX, GERY. "Des eponymes en medecine." Lille 2, 1990.

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Strunk, Franziska [Verfasser]. "Eponyme in der Dysgnathiechirurgie : ein Rückblick auf Operationsverfahren 1901 - 1991 / Franziska Strunk." Köln : Deutsche Zentralbibliothek für Medizin, 2012.

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Margelidon, Cécile. "Les jeux étymologiques dans la poésie latine préclassique et classique (IIIe s. av. J.-C. -Ier s. ap. J.-C)." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Tours, 2024.

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Cette thèse rassemble toute la matière des « jeux étymologiques » dans la poésie latine, depuis les débuts de la littérature latine jusqu'à l'époque augustéenne, pour analyser ces procédés poétiques tirant un effet plaisant de l'origine des mots, présents dans des genres divers (comédie et tragédie, satire, épopée, élégie…). Le travail est complété par une annexe répertoriant près de mille cinq cents jeux étymologiques dans le corpus d'étude. Dans un premier temps, une présentation synthétique permet de proposer, à partir d'exemples caractéristiques, relevés dès l'Antiquité ou décelés récemment, une typologie des jeux étymologiques, selon une gradation qui va de l'explication la plus claire à l'allusion la plus cryptée, et où l'éponymie occupe une place centrale. Ensuite, une approche historique et générique montre l'évolution et les enjeux de ces procédés dans la poésie latine, et où interviennent à divers degrés les modèles de la poésie grecque, l'influence de l'érudition hellénistique et, chez Virgile, Properce et Ovide, l'inspiration étiologique bien marquée. Enfin, la dimension du jeu dans ces procédés poétiques est examinée sous deux aspects : son rapport à trois domaines d'application spécifiques (droit romain, allégorie et philologie alexandrine) et la relation qu'il implique entre le poète et ses lecteurs
This thesis brings together all the material on “etymological games” in Latin poetry, from the beginnings of Latin literature to the Augustan period, to analyze these poetic devices, which draw a pleasing effect from the origin of words, present in various genres (comedy and tragedy, satire, epic, elegy...). The work is complemented by an appendix listing some fifteen hundred etymological games in the corpus studied.The first part is an overview of etymological games, based on characteristic examples from Antiquity and more recent times. The gradation ranges from the clearest explanation to the most cryptic allusion, where eponymy is playing a central role. Next, a historical and generic approach shows the evolution and significance of these devices in Latin poetry, in which the models of Greek poetry, the influence of Hellenistic erudition and, in Virgil, Propertius and Ovid, the clearly etiological inspiration, play a role to varying degrees. Finally, the dimension of play in these poetic procedures is examined from two angles: its relationship to three specific fields of application (Roman law, allegory and Alexandrian philology) and the relationship it implies between the poet and his readers
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Мілаш, К. І. "Функціонально-змістова структура епонімів та епонімічних конструкцій (на матеріалі англійської, української та російської мов)." Thesis, Сумський державний університет, 2013.

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Кожна мова надзвичайно багата різними функціональними елементами і цікавими явищами. Навіть в не сильно переобтяженому культурою мовленні в повсякденній розмові ми можемо використати десятки лінгвостилістичних прийомів, про існування яких навіть і не підозрюємо. У сучасній лінгвістиці спостерігається значний інтерес до проблем ономастики, тобто вивчення власних імен, зокрема епонімів, які займають особливе місце в українській, англійській та взагалі у будь-якій мові світу. При цитуванні документа, використовуйте посилання
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Rubat, Borel Francesco. "La Media età del Bronzo nel Nord-Ovest italiano: la facies di Viverone e il sito eponimo." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Padova, 2009.

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Studying the rich collections of objects in bronze and sherds of decorated ware collected in the village Vi1-Emissario on the shores of Viverone Lake, we can recognize the most important features of the Middle Bronze Age (1650-1450 b.C.) in North-Western Italy.
Lo studio della collezione di reperti in bronzo e in ceramica provenienti dal villaggio perilacustre Vi1-Emissario nel lago di Viverone permette di delineare i caratteri culturali dell’Italia nordoccidentale nella Media età del Bronzo (1650-1450 a.C.).
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Chang, Chiung-Wen, and 張瓊文. "The study of citation errors, eponymal citedness and plagiarism of citations: A case study of library marketing literatures." Thesis, 2006.

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Болюта, Альона Володимирівна. "Лінгвокогнітивні параметри інновацій сучасної англійської мови сфери медицини." Магістерська робота, 2021.

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Болюта А. В. Лінгвокогнітивні параметри інновацій сучасної англійської мови сфери медицини : кваліфікаційна робота магістра спеціальності 035 "Філологія" / наук. керівник О. В. Шевчук. Запоріжжя : ЗНУ, 2021. 61 с.
EN : The work is presented on 61 pages of printed text, contains 2 applications. The list of references includes 58 sources. The presented paper is dedicated to the analysis of modern linguistic research, the study of lexical, translation innovations and the need to identify their specifics in the reproduction of medical terms from English to Ukrainian. The object of the work can be defined as the innovative medical English terms. The aim of the study is to reveal the features of the parameters of lexical and cognitive innovations in modern English in the field of medicine. It determined the accomplishment of such objectives as: – provide a general description of the parameters of the study of cognitive linguistics; – describe the features of medical terminology; – identify factors that influence the emergence of new medical terms; – to explore ways to create new medical terms and the specifics of their translation. The medical term is characterized by the presence of definition, maximum abstractness, lack of expressiveness, emotional coloring, compliance with a special concept, logical accuracy. Medical terms of the same name reflect the evolution of medical knowledge and are a significant part of medical terminology. The obtained results and conclusions open perspectives for further research of features of lexical and translational correspondences of medical terms, their types, study of structural, semantic features of medical terms and specifics of their translation.
UA : Робота викладена на 61 сторінці, містить 2 додатки. Перелік посилань включає 58 джерел. Об’єкт дослідження: інноваційні медичні англомовні терміни. Мета роботи: виявлення та аналіз лінгвокогнітивних параметрів лексичних та когнітивних інновацій в сучасній англійській мові в сфері медицини. Теоретико-методологічні засади: дослідження має інтердисциплінарний характер і ґрунтується на застосуванні здобутків когнітивної семантики і неології, теорії словотвору, та структурно-словотвірного аналізу. Отримані результати: серед термінів сфери медицини, нами було обрано аналізувати медичні епоніми та скорочення. Терміни-епоніми в англійській термінології мають подвійний характер: з одного боку, вони вказують на імена дослідників і свідчать про історію даної галузі медицини, а з іншого боку, вони не завжди розкривають понятійну сутність терміна-епоніма, що призводить до його семантичної невизначеності. За структурою більшість англійський термінів-епонімів (76 %) містять одну власну назву, епоніми, які місять дві власні назви – не такі поширені й складають 18 %, 5 % містять три власні назви та лише 1 % містять епоніми, які містять 4 власні назви. Скорочення – мають свої специфічні властивості. Скорочення діляться на: початкові скорочення (ініціали, акроніми); цифро-буквенні скорочення; усічення (апокопа, непритомність, аферез, змішаний тип). Наше дослідження показало, що найчастіше використовуються абревіатури початкового типу.
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Прокопенко, Валерія Володимирівна. "Функціонування англомовних медичних термінів у художньому тексті та їх переклад українською мовою (на матеріалі роману Сінді Шелдона “Nothing Lasts Forever”)." Магістерська робота, 2020.

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Прокопенко В. В. Функціонування англомовних медичних термінів у художньому тексті та їх переклад українською мовою (на матеріалі роману Сінді Шелдона “Nothing Lasts Forever”) : кваліфікаційна робота магістра спеціальності 035 «Філологія» / наук. керівник І. М. Фесенко. Запоріжжя : ЗНУ, 2020. 59 с.
UA : Дипломна робота – 59 стор., 59 джерел. Об'єктом дослідження є способи перекладу англомовної медичної термінологї українською мовою Метою дослідження є розкриття особливостей перекладу англомовних термінів українською мовою на метеріалі роману Сінді Шелдона “Nothing lasts forever”. Теоретико-методологічні засади: ключові положення теорії дискурсу, розроблені в лінгвістиці (Арнольд І. В, Будагов Р. А, Авербух К. Я) та літературознавстві (Сінді Шелдон). Отримані результати: семантичну структуру термінів медичної сфери, складають загальнонаукові терміни, спеціальні та загальнолітературні, які технічними термінами за рахунок переосмислення та звуження значения, що зумовлено певним оточенням. Англійські терміни авіаційної сфери утворюються за допомогою : 1) словотворчих способів: а) абревіація ; 2) синтаксичних способів: a) термінисловосполучення, які мають один із компонентів технічний термін, а другийзагальновживану лексику ; б) терміни-словосполучення, обидва компоненти яких являються загальновживаною лексикою і тільки сполучення цих слів є терміном.
EN : The total amount of work - 59 pages (the main text - 59 pages). The work consists of an introduction, three chapters, conclusions to sections, general conclusions, an abstract of the Ukrainian and English languages, a list of literature, a list of sources of electronic material . The relevance of scientific research is determined by the fact that medical terminology is one of the richest systems of terminology. This industry is constantly updated with new terms and is subject to continuous material research. We will also look at how medical terms are translated in Cindy Sheldon's novel "Nothing lasts forever". In this regard, linguistic and translation analysis of English medical terminology is very important and relevant. The dissertation is carried out within the framework of a scientific theme developed by the team of the Department of Theory, Practice and Translation of English. The aim of the research is to reveal the peculiarities of translation of English terms in Ukrainian on the material of Cindy Sheldon's novel "Nothing lasts forever". In order to achieve the set goal, a number of tasks were fulfilled, namely:  to substantiate the theoretical foundations for the study of lexical and translation matches;  to reveal the content of the term "term"; medical term;  to define the structural and semantic characteristics of Englishlanguage medical terms;  to establish a structural classification of medical English-language terms in the Ukrainian language of Cindy Sheldon's novel "Nothing lasts forever";  to determine the specifics of semantic classification of medical Englishspeaking terms in the Ukrainian language of the novel by Cindy Sheldon;  to identify specific features of translation of English terms in Ukrainian of Cindy Sheldon's novel "Nothing lasts forever". The object of research is the methods of translation of English-language medical terminology into Ukrainian. The subject of the study were structural and semantic characteristics of English-language medical terms and structural classification of medical Englishlanguage terms in Ukrainian of Cindy Sheldon's novel "Nothing lasts forever". The choice of the method of work is determined by the originality of the tasks. Many medical terms of the novel have been used in the work, as well as dictionaries for more thorough study of medical English-speaking terms. The scientific novelty is that the main types of structural and semantic characteristics of English-speaking medical terms are described on the basis of complex analysis. Structural classifications, their simple and complex relations, and the means of their translation are established in the master's work. As well as translation of English-language terms in Ukrainian by means of concretization, generalization and antonymous translation. The practical meaning of the research is determined by its contribution to the general theory of translation studies, the theory of terms and terminology. Its results complement the scientific knowledge about the specifics of translation of medical terms, structural and semantic characteristics of medical terminology.
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Books on the topic "Eponymy"


Room, Adrian. Corporate eponymy: A biographical dictionary of the persons behind the names of major American, British, European, and Asian businesses. Jefferson, N.C: McFarland & Co., 1992.

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Sloane, Sheila B. Medical abbreviations & eponyms. 2nd ed. Philadelphia: Saunders, 1997.

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Forbis, Pat. Stedman's medical eponyms. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins, 1998.

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Manser, Martin H. Dictionary of eponyms. London: Sphere, 1988.

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Sloane, Sheila B. Medical abbreviations & eponyms. 2nd ed. Philadelphia: Saunders, 1997.

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Praze, Národní muzeum v., ed. Bylany u českého brodu: Eponymní lokalita bylanské kultury = Bylany bei Český Brod : Eponyme Fundstelle der Bylany-Kultur. Pragae: Museum Nationale Pragae, 2003.

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A, Whitworth Judith, ed. Dictionary of medical eponyms. Carnforth: Parthenon, 1987.

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A, Whitworth Judith, ed. Dictionary of medical eponyms. Carnforth, Lancs., U.K: Parthenon Pub. Group, 1987.

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Delong, Marilyn Fuller. Medical acronyms, eponyms & abbreviations. 3rd ed. Los Angeles, CA: PMIC (Practice Management Information Corp.), 1995.

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Firkin, Barry G. Dictionary of medical eponyms. 2nd ed. Boca Raton: Parthenon, 2002.

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Book chapters on the topic "Eponymy"


Block, David L. "Georges Lemaître and Stigler’s Law of Eponymy." In Astrophysics and Space Science Library, 89–96. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012.

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Wessel, Bryan E., and David P. Duncan. "Common Fracture Eponyms." In Essential Radiology Review, 431–35. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019.

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Zacek, Pavel. "Eponyms Linked with Aortic Regurgitation." In Aortic Regurgitation, 41–42. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018.

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Taylor, Robert B. "Whose Syndrome? Stories of Medical Eponyms." In White Coat Tales, 111–29. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2016.

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Gressner, A. M., and O. A. Gressner. "Eponyme in Klinischer Chemie und Laboratoriumsmedizin." In Lexikon der Medizinischen Laboratoriumsdiagnostik, 1–3. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2017.

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Gressner, A. M., and O. A. Gressner. "Eponyme in Klinischer Chemie und Laboratoriumsmedizin." In Springer Reference Medizin, 796–98. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2019.

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Taylor, Robert B. "Whose Syndrome? Stories of Medical Eponyms." In White Coat Tales, 87–102. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2008.

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Yale, Steven H., Halil Tekiner, Joseph J. Mazza, Eileen S. Yale, and Ryan C. Yale. "Miscellaneous Physical Signs and Medical Eponyms." In Cardiovascular Eponymic Signs, 409–15. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.

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"eponymy, n." In Oxford English Dictionary. 3rd ed. Oxford University Press, 2023.

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Toddenroth, Dennis. "Classifiers of Medical Eponymy in Scientific Texts." In Caring is Sharing – Exploiting the Value in Data for Health and Innovation. IOS Press, 2023.

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Many concepts in the medical literature are named after persons. Frequent ambiguities and spelling varieties, however, complicate the automatic recognition of such eponyms with natural language processing (NLP) tools. Recently developed methods include word vectors and transformer models that incorporate context information into the downstream layers of a neural network architecture. To evaluate these models for classifying medical eponymy, we label eponyms and counterexamples mentioned in a convenience sample of 1,079 Pubmed abstracts, and fit logistic regression models to the vectors from the first (vocabulary) and last (contextualized) layers of a SciBERT language model. According to the area under sensitivity-specificity curves, models based on contextualized vectors achieved a median performance of 98.0% in held-out phrases. This outperformed models based on vocabulary vectors (95.7%) by a median of 2.3 percentage points. When processing unlabeled inputs, such classifiers appeared to generalize to eponyms that did not appear among any annotations. These findings attest to the effectiveness of developing domain-specific NLP functions based on pre-trained language models, and underline the utility of context information for classifying potential eponyms.
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Conference papers on the topic "Eponymy"


Slabin, Uladzimir. "MENDELEEV EPONYMS IN THE EPOCH OF EDUCATIONAL ETHNOCENTRISM." In 5th International Baltic Symposium on Science and Technology Education. Scientia Socialis Press, 2023.

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Eponymous terms play an important role in STEM education. This research focuses on the current state of Mendeleev eponyms in the context of education and ethnocentrism, addressing their usage in various languages, their educational value, cases of questioned priority and copyright violation in Mendeleev major eponyms–periodic table and periodic system. 106 chemistry textbooks in 4 languages including Soviet-time and current Russian textbooks were perused to identify and trace Mendeleev eponyms over 1924-2016. Advanced Google Search with queries in Belarusian, English, Latvian, Polish, Russian, and Ukrainian was conducted to evaluate online presence of eponyms “Mendeleev periodic table” and “Mendeleev periodic system.” It was found that while Mendeleev eponyms occur generously on the Internet, periodic table and system with Mendeleev’s name attached are seldom used on non-Russian webpages. Most Mendeleev eponyms were made up in the USSR and remain popular and Russia, which can be explained within the framework of ethnocentrism as a ruling tendency. Recognizing Mendeleev’s priority, Flinn and Ross’s periodic systems can be considered plagiarized; a few factors might favor their emergence, but ethnocentrism is unlikely to be one of them. Mendeleev eponyms remain valuable assets for science education, acting as shortcuts to the history of science and actualizing interdisciplinary connections. Keywords: chemical education, eponym, ethnocentrism, Mendeleev, periodic table, periodic system
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Slabin, Uladzimir. "VERKHOVSKY EPONYMS IN THE EPOCH OF EDUCATIONAL ETHNOCENTRISM." In Proceedings of the 2nd International Baltic Symposium on Science and Technology Education (BalticSTE2017). Scientia Socialis Ltd., 2017.

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Being of didactic and axiological potential, eponyms are important for science education, in particular for implementing the principles of humanization and historicism. Reviewing literature for dictionary of chemical eponyms, an unusual publication on teaching chemistry was found. It contained a number of self-introduced eponyms, no one of them is in use nowadays. Implications of the time the book was published at, ethnocentrism in education are discussed. Keywords: chemical eponyms, laboratory equipment, chemistry teaching, Verkhovsky, ethnocentrism.
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Maximova, Olga, and Tatiana Maykova. "PROPER NAMES AS TERMINOLOGY IN SOCIAL SCIENCE." In NORDSCI Conference Proceedings. Saima Consult Ltd, 2021.

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Proper names reflect the interaction between society and language. They identify unique entities and are used to refer to them. At the same time, it is not uncommon of proper names to serve as a source for word-formation. It should be noted, however, that while in a natural language (notably English) proper names mostly give rise to denominal verbs or adjectives, terminologies are different. Most units that count as terms are nouns, which makes their semantics somewhat special. The paper originates as one of a series towards a typology of sociological terminology and endeavors to analyze the terms whose etymology refers to a proper name (that is, eponymic terms). The research poses the following questions: whether this type of terms is common in Social Science, what are their structural and semantic distinctions as well as mechanisms behind their motivation, whether they are culture specific. The terms were manually retrieved from a set of data of 2500 terminological units extracted from a number of dictionaries and other sources. They were further grouped by structural criteria and the nature of eponymous components and made subject to morphological and semantic analyses. The research shows that structurally eponymic terms are morphological derivatives or two-(or more)-word compounds, with their prevalence estimated at 2%. The authors come to conclusion that terms of this type feature substantial diversity with regard to their eponymous components; they are motivated through the combination of encyclopedic knowledge of the entity, represented by the eponym, and the semantics of derivational morphemes or appellative components. Mythology-based eponymous terminology is represented by two groups, the first tracing back to Antiquity or biblical tradition, and the second of later origin, which requires a specific cultural experience for the meaning to be retrieved. Further analysis shows that the latter type along with toponym-based terminology is culture-specific in relation to American culture.
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Rybakova, Anna, Anna Vladimirova, and Maxim Ershov. "STUDYING EPONYMS IN IT-SPHERE AS A LINGUISTIC CHALLENGE IN AN ESL-CLASS." In 12th International Technology, Education and Development Conference. IATED, 2018.

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Herget, Katrin, and Teresa Alegre. "Data-Driven Project-Based Learning in Specialized Translation Classes – The Case of Comparable Corpora." In Ninth International Conference on Higher Education Advances. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica de València, 2023.

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The aim of this study is to contribute to data-driven project-based learning in Translation Studies in the context of Higher Education. Based on the implementation of a corpus-based project, a group of second year Master’s students in Specialized Translation was actively involved in the compilation and exploration of comparable text corpora in vulgarization of medical science. Comparable corpora are becoming increasingly significant in the field of Language Technology and represent an essential basis for the extraction of terminological and phraseological units. The study falls within the scope of medical eponyms in English and Portuguese corpora. In this context, special attention was paid to the importance of corpus building for the dissemination of medical information to the general public. Against this backdrop, the project enhanced proactive learning by familiarizing students with corpus methodologies, textual conventions, style and register. By compiling and analyzing comparable corpora, students became autonomous researchers and developed skills and competencies for their future professional practice.
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Răchişan, Delia-Anamaria. "Names of saints and holidays in various Romanian ethnographic areas and cultural spaces." In International Conference on Onomastics “Name and Naming”. Editura Mega, 2022.

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The paper aims to highlight two aspects: on the one hand, to what extent names of saints interact with names of holidays in the Christian (Orthodox, Greek-Catholic, Roman-Catholic) calendar and in the folk calendar; on the other hand, whether names of saints and/or holidays in Romanian cultural space can be found in other cultural spaces. Upon looking at names of saints and holidays over the year in the calendars mentioned above, sometimes we notice similarities or contaminations, whereas on other occasions we come across differences. We focus our attention on twelve saints, correlated with twelve holidays over the year, celebrated by Christians regardless of religious confession and cultural space. The regional names of the holidays from various Romanian ethnographic areas attest to their age. The complexity of this research is underpinned by our synchronic analysis and interdisciplinary perspective (linguistics, ethnology, religion, mythology), which also refers to identity-otherness relationships, eponyms, isotopies, synonymy and antinomy connections, contamination and multiculturalism in onomastics.
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Kuhns, Alyssa. "Single-Use Plasters: Process and Waste in Gypsum Wallboard Systems." In 2020 ACSA Fall Conference. ACSA Press, 2020.

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2017 marked the 100th Anniversary of Sheetrock.1 Sheetrock, a proprietary eponym for gypsum wallboard, is the dominant material used in the construction and finishing of interior partitions. It, along with other stock materials used in interior finishing, is a readily available commodity and is specified in nearly all new construction. Despite its proliferation, both the product manufacturing and installation methods of Sheetrock have remained essentially unchanged in its hundred years of existence. As a result of the unchallenged product manufacturing and installation methods, contemporary construction issues related to labor, waste, and environmental health are not addressed throughout the gypsum wallboard material system. Considering these issues, this paper outlines the environmental and carbon impacts of the entire material system of this lasting, ubiquitous material. The purpose of this work is to inform future innovation and development of the products and processes included in common interior finishing practices. This research summarizes an understand- ing of the current context of the gypsum wallboard material system gained through on-site observation and discussions with industry contacts. Successes and shortcomings dis- covered within the material system serve as design criteria for the reconsideration of contemporary interior finishing practices, e.g. the installation of gypsum wallboard and the application of joint compound, as a single modular system. Physical testing and prototyping of the modular system considers industry impact including sustainable construction practices, the reduction of debris and material waste, and shortages in skilled labor as well as aesthetic and functional qualities of the interior.
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Завойкин, А. А., and Н. А. Павличенко. "RE-PLANNING OF THE ACROPOLIS OF PHANAGORIA IN THE MIDDLE OF THE 4th CENTURY B.C." In Hypanis. Труды отдела классической археологии ИА РАН. Crossref, 2023.

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Многолетние раскопки на «Верхнем городе» Фанагории, где располагался акрополь города, позволили установить важнейшие периоды в истории застройки и планировки этого общественного центра на протяжении 2‑й половины 6 – 1 вв. до н. э. Примерно два первые столетия основные принципы пространственной организации этого района сохранялись, а в середине 4 в. до н. э. происходят существенные изменения. В частности, новые здания получают ориентировку строго по сторонам света. Новому этапу застройки акрополя предшествует основательная нивелировка площади, в ходе которой происходит объемное перемещение культурного слоя предшествующего времени, засыпаются неровности. В результате этого в ямах, засыпанных подвалах и на склонах холма, на котором располагается акрополь, сформировались отложения, наиболее поздний материал в которых позволяет определять время перестройки. Для установления наиболее точной даты этого события в статье анализируются амфорные клейма Фасоса. Их количественное распределение в слое, ямах и засыпанных подвалах демонстрирует, что клейма подгрупп F1 и F2 (по Garlan 1999: ок. 360–350, 350–345 гг. до н. э.) существенно преобладают над остальными (63,36% и 12,87% со ответственно). Этот показатель не может быть объяснен только колебаниями уровня торговых связей Фанагории и Фасоса. Он отражает временное нарушение функционирования муниципального хозяйства в этом районе и связан с его перестройкой. Анализ распределения фасосских эпонимов на клеймах дает основание датировать ее концом 350‑х – началом 340‑х гг. до н. э. Many years of archaeological research at the ‘Upper City’ of Phanagoria, the site of the ancient acropolis, revealed the most important stages in the history of its development and re-planning throughout a long period of time, from the second half of the 6th century to the 1st century B. C. During the first two centuries, the main principles of the layout remained the same, but in the middle of the 4th century B. C. some radical changes took place. In particular, all new buildings became oriented strictly to the cardinal points. The period of reconstruction on the acropolis was preceded by the leveling of the whole territory, which included the replacement of the earlier cultural levels. As a result, deposits were formed in the pits, former basements and on the slopes of the hill of the acropolis, their latest materials indicating the time of the reconstruction. So as to establish the most precise date of this event, the stamped amphorae of Thasos have been investigated. Their distribution in the strata, filled basements and pits show that the majority of stamps belong to sub-groups F1 and F2 (after Garlan, 1999, c. 360–350, 350–345 B. C.) – 63,36% and 12,87%, respectively. This indicator can not be explained only by shifts in trade connections between Phanagoria and Thasos. It must reflect some temporary disorder in the functioning of the local economy in connection with the reconstruction of the area. The distribution of the Thasian eponyms on the stamped pottery allows dating the event to the late 350s – early 340s B. C.
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Cretin, C., S. Madelaine, F. V. Le, A. Morala, D. Armand, S. Petrognani, E. Lesvignes, et al. "CONCILIATE ROCK ART, ARCHAEOLOGY AND GEOLOGY IN THE STUDY OF DECORATED CAVES: THE CASE OF SAINT-FRONT CAVE (OR MAMMOTH’S CAVE, DOMME) AND FEW OTHER CAVERNS FROM DORDOGNE (FRANCE)." In Знаки и образы в искусстве каменного века. Международная конференция. Тезисы докладов [Электронный ресурс]. Crossref, 2019.

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French South-West, especially the Dordogne region, is one of the richest European area of Palaeolithic sites, whether for human dwelling (including epony-mous and very famous sites like La Madeleine) as for Upper Palaeolithic rock art (of which Lascaux cave, Rouffignac cave, Font-de-Gaume cave, etc.). Those two categories are testimony of organization of daily life and livelihood strategies on one side, and the common system of values and meaning (culture) on the other side. Those two aspects are however very difficult to bring together. For adorned caves, it is often difficult to cross data coming from the walls and ground from a same decorated cave, data sometimes acquired separately. One way to deal with this problem is to develop a multi-disciplinary approach, which allows to combine rock art, archaeological and geological studies and which implies interactions and dialogs between many specialists. This goal, which goes be-yond simply providing archaeological and geological contexts for an image or a group of images, leads to the development of new approaches. Fig. 1. This paper proposes to present cases to the interdisciplinary study of the Great Saint-Front Cave (or Mammoths cave) and other adorned sites, studied within the frame of a collective research program, conducted from 2013 to 2016 and called Archologie des grottes ornes de Dordogne: cadre conceptuel, potentiel et ralit (Cave art archaeology: conceptual frame, potential and reality).
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Лимберис, Н. Ю., and И. И. Марченко. "Attribution and Chronology of Hellenistic Kantharoi from the Maeotian Burials." In Древности Боспора. Crossref, 2023.

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In the Mаeotian burial grounds on the right bank of the Kuban river, several kantharoi of the Hellenistic series are known. The origin of these kantharoi is related with different production centers. Three forms distinguish among them: rounded-biconical (S-shaped), with an “angular” profile and with a neck sharply separated from the body. The first form includes 3 pieces (nos. 1–3), ornamented in the West Slope style with the so-called “spearhead necklace”. The earliest of them is kantharos no. 1. In terms of proportions, it can be attributed to the second quarter – the middle of the 3rd cent. B. C. This vessel was found in a burial with a Rhodian amphorae, the type of which is difficult to establish at the present time; therefore, the broad chronology of the burial according to the kantharos and black-glazed bowl is limited to the second half of the 3rd – middle of the 2nd cent. B. C. Kantharoi no. 2 and no. 3 are especially close to Pergamon kantharoi with a plain S-shaped profile from Olbia. Kantharos no. 2 comes from a burial with Maeotian gray-clay pottery of the middle – second half of the 3rd cent. B. C. The burial with kantharos no. 3 is dated from the Alexandrian variant (I–F) of the Rhodian amphorae and from other grave goods no later than the beginning of the second half of the 2nd cent. Kantharoi of the second form (nos. 4, 5) are comparable to kantharoi of the angular type. Kantharos no. 4 comes from a destroyed burial. The close analogy to the samples from the excavations of the Athenian agora and the characteristic pattern of ivy leaves suggest an Attic origin of this vessel and date it to the second – third quarters of the 3rd cent. B.C. On kantharos no. 5, the prints of “spearshaped pendants” have been preserved. For the Rhodian amphorae of the late series of the Villanova variant (I–E–2) with the stamp of the eponym Aglumbroth, the chronology of the burial is limited to the first quarter of the II cent. B.C. One vessel no. 6 belongs to the third form. According to its main features, it coincides with type III kantharoi from Olbia, which were previously attributed to local production. The context of the burial suggests that its most probable date is the last quarter of the 3rd cent. B.C. An analysis of the assemblages shows that the kantharoi of the Hellenistic series came to the Maeotians of the right bank of the Kuban from about the middle of the 3rd cent. B.C., at least until the third quarter of the 2nd cent. B.C. The dates of the kantharoi fit well into the chronological context of the grave goods in which they were found.
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