Academic literature on the topic 'Épicéas – Teneur en eau'
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Journal articles on the topic "Épicéas – Teneur en eau"
Vital, MANANGA, ITOUA OKOUANGO Yvon Simplice, MOUKASSA Wolfgon, BOUKOU Gabriëlla Jesnaure, and ELENGA Michel. "Évaluation de la consommation et caractérisation nutritionnelle des feuilles de Tiliacora funifera." Journal of Applied Biosciences 154 (October 31, 2020): 15888–904.
Full textKoussa, Tayeb, Michel Broquedis, and Jacques Bouard. "Relations entre la teneur en acide abscissique des bourgeons latents de vigne (Vitis Vinifera L. var. Merlot noir) et leur teneur en eau." OENO One 28, no. 3 (September 30, 1994): 203.
Full textDaghari, H., and L. DeBacker. "Transfert d'eau dans un milieu poreux non isotherme." Revue des sciences de l'eau 13, no. 1 (April 12, 2005): 75–84.
Full textNowakowski, Wiesław. "Action de I'AlA sur la teneur en azote total et protéinique des graines de céréales cultivées à different niveau de la capacité capillaire en eau." Acta Agrobotanica 26, no. 1 (2015): 89–95.
Full textLocat, Jacques, and Guy Lefebvre. "Étude de la formation des sédiments fins glacio-lacustres du lac Barlow-Ojibway : le site d’Olga, Matagami, Québec." Géographie physique et Quaternaire 35, no. 1 (January 25, 2011): 93–103.
Full textSommier, Alain, Christophe Pradere, Hocine Boutaleb, Laura Rodriguez, Denis Bruneau, Jean-Rodolphe Puiggali, and Jean-Christophe Batsale. "Mesure de cartographies de teneur en eau par imagerie térahertz." Instrumentation Mesure Métrologie 15, no. 3-4 (December 30, 2016): 161–75.
Full textBen Nasrallah, S., and G. Arnaud. "Séchage d'un milieu poreux contenant une faible teneur en eau." International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 29, no. 9 (September 1986): 1443–49.
Full textAlonso, E. "Effet des variations de teneur en eau dans les sols compactés." Revue Française de Géotechnique, no. 62 (1993): 7–22.
Full textLévi, Y., G. Randon, C. Denojean, A. Pagliardini, G. Vajente, and H. Champsaur. "Etude d'un réseau à très faible teneur en matière organique biodégradable : le réseau de la ville de Nice." Revue des sciences de l'eau 5 (April 12, 2005): 225–43.
Full textMajdoub, R., J. Gallichand, and J. Caron. "Estimation De La Teneur En Eau Immobile Et Du Coefficient D’Échange Selon Deux Méthodes." Canadian Water Resources Journal 26, no. 4 (January 2001): 481–502.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Épicéas – Teneur en eau"
Martin, Benoît. "Dynamique des transferts d’humidité au sein de l’épicéa commun (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) : mesures par imagerie X et simulations numériques." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université de Lorraine, 2022.
Full textNumerical tools are commonly used by construction companies to design and validate building systems to meet thermal and environmental requirements of buildings. In the case of solid wood, discrepancies remain between numerical simulations and experimental data regarding moisture transfer. However, their correct consideration is essential to guarantee the durability of wood structures and ensure their thermal performance. This work aims to better understand moisture transfer in solid wood in order to improve the predictive capacity of models. For this purpose, several experimental setups were developed to study the dynamics of moisture transfer in wood samples using X-ray imaging. Firstly, imbibition experiments were conducted to study capillary migration in spruce samples to reproduce exposure of wooden construction components to liquid water during the construction phase. The results – from 3D µCT images – allowed to follow the liquid pathways in the pore network of wood and thus to better understand the effect of anatomy on the water migration. Secondly, the dynamics of moisture transfer under non‑isothermal conditions was studied by applying a sequence of thermal solicitations to the ends of a cylindrical sample similar to the conditions encountered in an external wall. The spatio‑temporal evolution of the moisture content within the sample – initially with a homogeneous moisture content – showed the effect of temperature on the moisture redistribution. Finally, these experimental data were compared with values from numerical simulations in different configurations, illustrating the predictive capacities and limitations of models using a macroscopic formulation to simulate coupled heat-mass transfers in a porous medium
Van, Hullebusch Eric. "Contribution à l'étude du devenir, de la mobilité et de l'impact de métaux utilisés pour le traitement de plans d'eau eutrophes : cas de l'aluminium et du cuivre." Limoges, 2002.
Full textSamri, Driss. "Analyse physique et caractérisation hygrothermique des matériaux de construction." Lyon, INSA, 2008.
Full textBuilding materials are porous materials, and therefore very sensitive to water. Due to variable hermodynamical ambient conditions, processes of energy and mass transfers between the ambient air and the material occur. These exchanges lead to important modification of their thermal properties and their durability. For instance, measurements of the thermal conductivity of Hemp Lime Concrete, placed in climatic chamber in which the relative humidity is 75%, show a variation of 30%. This PhD Thesis deals with the case of three porous buildin materials: Aerated Autoclaved Concrete (AAC), Hemp Lime Concrete (HLC) and Vertically Perforated Brick (VPB). The hygrothermal behaviour of these materials is studied with the experimental set-up called cell of exchange. This cell consists of test walls which are place between a climatic box and the laboratory. The scope of this experimental work is to create gradients of temperature and of relative humidity through the sample. So, the study aims to measure and characterise heat and mass flows in these materials. Ln a second part, simulation are performed to design, expiain and interpret the experimental results. They are done in COMSOL Multiphysics. Ln a first approach, only the heat equation in 1 D has been implemented in the toolbox. Comparisons between experimental and theoretical results gives us the therm properties of tested materials (ʎ,ρ,c,hs et a). The numerical modeling approach shows that, contrary to AAC or VPB, HLC involves a complex interaction between heat transport and mass transfer through the material. So, simulations on HLC are investigated through the problematic of phase change materials
Pallier, Virginie. "Elimination de l’arsenic par coagulation floculation et électrocoagulation d’eaux faiblement minéralisées." Limoges, 2008.
Full textThe mobilization of arsenic in the environment by naturally occurring processes results in source water contamination. While drinking water represents the main source of exposure to inorganic arsenic, this source water contamination increases the human health hazard. Thus, the maximum contaminant level of arsenic in drinking water was reduced to 10 µg/L and as a consequence new analytical methods and efficient and innovative arsenic removal processes have to be developed and optimized. Here As(III) was quantified by hydride generation atomic absorption spectrometry or by square wave cathodic stripping voltammetry depending on matrix composition. Both chemical and electrochemical processes as coagulation flocculation with Iron(III) salts and electrocoagulation, were optimized to remove arsenic. Their efficiency depends on arsenic speciation, pH, treatment dose and presence of organic matter. These parameters also control the arsenic removal mechanisms
Mioche, Dominique. "Aspects du cycle de la matière sur les récifs frangeants de l'île de la Réunion (Océan Indien) : signature des dégradations et mécanismes de l'eutrophisation." La Réunion, 1998.
Full textThomas, Catherine Reine. "Modélisation tridimensionnelle des champs de nitrates et d'oxygène et de la production nouvelle dans l'océan Atlantique tropical en 1982-1984." Toulouse 3, 1995.
Full textStephant, Alice. "Le Rapport isotopique de l'hydrogène dans le système solaire interne : à la recherche des sources physico-chimiques de l'eau planétaire." Paris, Muséum national d'histoire naturelle, 2014.
Full textCurrent dynamical models of Solar System formation and geochemical models agree on a likely chondritic origin for the terrestrial water. Indeed, primitive meteorites, called chondrites, have undergone an aqueous alteration process on their parent bodies. Moreover, these meteorites are one of the considered sources for the existence of water in lunar minerals. This thesis lies on hydrogen isotopic ratios and water contents measured using NanoSIMS in the carbonaceous chondrite Paris and lunar soils from the Apollo missions. Chondrules in Paris meteorite seem to have registered a water source distinct from the one of the parent body aqueous alteration. For the moon, water retained in soils is majority formed by implantation of the solar wind hydrogen
Coutière, Bénédicte. "Nouveau procédé de dénitrification des eaux par le fer métallique." Limoges, 1999.
Full textChevron, Florence. "Dénitrification biologique d'une nappe phréatique polluée par des composés azotés d'origine industrielle : expérimentations en laboratoire sur les cinétiques, le métabolisme et les apports de nutriments." Lille 1, 1996.
Full textGerbier, Christophe. "Etude comparative de la faisabilité industrielle de procédés biologiques de dénitrification." Limoges, 1996.
Full textBooks on the topic "Épicéas – Teneur en eau"
biologiques, Canada Ministère des pêches et des océans Direction des sciences. Comportement géochimique de l'aluminium dans quelques rivières à saumon de la Côte-Nord (golfe du Saint-Laurent). Mont-Joli, Qué: Ministère des pêches et des océans, Direction des sciences biologiques, 1989.
Find full textBolinder, Martin. Indicator of risk of water contamination: Methodology for the phosphorus component. Ottawa: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, 1998.
Find full textBolinder, Martin. Indicateur des risques de contamination de l'eau: Méthodologie pour la composante phospore. [Ottawa?]: Agriculture et agroalimentaire Canada, 1998.
Find full textBothwell, Max L. Régulation de la production et de la biomasse algales par le phosphore dans la rivière Thompson, Colombie-Britannique. Saskatoon, Sask: Centre national de recherche en hydrologie, 1989.
Find full textFrank, Clinton, Crowe Matthew, and Ireland. Environmental Protection Agency. Office of Environmental Enforcement, eds. Phosphorus regulations: National implementation report, 2005. Johnstown Castle Estate: Environmental Protection Agency, 2005.
Find full textCanada. Ministère des pêches et des océans. Développement, Évaluation Sensorielle et Stabilité Microbiologique D'une "Bouchée" et D'une Garniture de Poisson A Teneur Moyenne en Eau". S.l: s.n, 1987.
Find full textMacDonald, K. Bruce. Indicator of risk of water contamination: Nitrogen component. Ottawa: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, 1996.
Find full textArsenic in drinking water. Washington, D.C: National Academy Press, 1999.
Find full textOffice, Canada National Guidelines and Standards. Canadian guidance framework for the management of phosphorus in freshwater systems. Ottawa: Environment Canada, National Guidelines and Standards Office, 2004.
Find full textInternational Agency for Research on Cancer., ed. Some drinking-water disinfectants and contaminants, including arsenic. Lyon, France: IARC Press, 2004.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Épicéas – Teneur en eau"
CHANZY, André, Patrick BERTUZZI, and Laurent BRUCKLER. "Estimation de la teneur en eau de surface des sols nus à l’aide des mesures hyperfréquences actives." In Télédétection de l'environnement dans l'espace francophone, 55–74. Presses de l'Université du Québec, 2011.
Full textBore, Thierry, Dominique Placko, Sylvie Delepine-Lesoille, Frédéric Taillade, Pierre Sabouroux, and Gonzague Six. "Sonde électromagnétique pour la mesure de teneur en eau des matériaux poreux. Application aux argilites : caractérisation et modélisation." In Instrumentation et Interdisciplinarité, 81–86. EDP Sciences, 2020.
Full textBore, Thierry, Dominique Placko, Sylvie Delepine-Lesoille, Frédéric Taillade, Pierre Sabouroux, and Gonzague Six. "Sonde électromagnétique pour la mesure de teneur en eau des matériaux poreux. Application aux argilites : caractérisation et modélisation." In Instrumentation et Interdisciplinarité, 81–86. EDP Sciences, 2020.
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