Academic literature on the topic 'Environnemental stress'
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Journal articles on the topic "Environnemental stress"
Smagulova, Fatima. "L’héritage épigénétique multigénérationnel chez l’Homme : le passé, le présent et les perspectives." Biologie Aujourd’hui 217, no. 3-4 (2023): 233–43.
Full textDard, Avilien, Laetitia Bariat, Juline Auverlot, Alizée Weiss, Nathalie Picault, Christophe Riondet, and Jean-Philippe Reichheld. "Redox regulation of histone acetylation in response to environnemental stress in A. thaliana." Free Radical Biology and Medicine 189 (August 2022): 23.
Full textBeauchesne, David, Cindy Grant, Dominique Gravel, and Philippe Archambault. "L’évaluation des impacts cumulés dans l’estuaire et le golfe du Saint-Laurent : vers une planification systémique de l’exploitation des ressources." Le Naturaliste canadien 140, no. 2 (June 2, 2016): 45–55.
Full textRoy, Suzanne, Robert Simon, and Émilien Pelletier. "Indice de fluorescence algale et variations de pH appliqués à l’étude des effets du pétrole dispersé sur le phytoplancton marin." Water Quality Research Journal 28, no. 4 (November 1, 1993): 723–42.
Full textSansoucy, André. "LA THÉORIE COMPOSITE DE LA RÉSILIENCE : IMPLICATIONS POUR LA RECHERCHE ET LA PRATIQUE." Canadian Social Work Review 39, no. 1 (August 23, 2022): 153–76.
Full textLeonardi, Lucas, Sophie Sibéril, Marco Alifano, Isabelle Cremer, and Pierre-Emmanuel Joubert. "L’autophagie modulée par les virus." médecine/sciences 38, no. 2 (February 2022): 159–67.
Full textServant, D. "Du burn-out à la dépression professionnelle. Nouvelles approches en psychiatrie." European Psychiatry 30, S2 (November 2015): S63.
Full textTaleb, M. "Adversité sociale et troubles psychotiques." European Psychiatry 29, S3 (November 2014): 630–31.
Full textTiret, Laurence. "Gene-environment interaction: a central concept in multifactorial diseases." Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 61, no. 4 (November 2002): 457–63.
Full textTesta, Valerie, Alexandria Bennett, Jeffrey Jutai, Zachary Cantor, Peter Burke, James McMahon, R. Nicholas Carleton, et al. "Application du cadre Theoretical Domains Framework pour cerner les préférences des policiers, des pompiers et des ambulanciers en matière d’accès aux soins de santé mentale dans une clinique de traitement des blessures de stress opérationnel pour les premiers répondants : une étude qualitative." Promotion de la santé et prévention des maladies chroniques au Canada 43, no. 10/11 (November 2023): 481–502.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Environnemental stress"
Houdelet, Camille. "Analyse de l'immunoprotéome de l'abeille en réponse à différents stress environnementaux." Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes, 2020.
Full textThe loss of honeybee colonies could be explained by multiple stress factors (biotic or abiotic) that could act alone or in synergy to perturb the physiology of the domestic bees. The impact of these stressors on the bee health is widely discussed. In the miscrosporidiosis, an infection due to Nosema, the impact of this stressor on the systemic immune response (haemolymph being the mirror of this response) and the epithelial response (gut tissue as target) remains unsatisfactory documented. In the context of an infection by Nosema spp, the spore multiplication that is occurring at the level of the midgut stimulate the gut epithelial immune response. While at the same time, the stimulation of the systemic immune response remains an opened question. The aim of this thesis is to decipher the cross-talk existing between the host (A. mellifera) and the pathogen (Nosema spp.). We investigated the epithelial (gut tissues) and circulating bee immune response (haemolymph) using complementary mass spectrometry approaches (molecular mass fingerprints by MALDI BeeTyping®, untargeted proteomics and MALDI imaging) in a context of a controlled or natural infection by Nosema spores. We have demonstrated new molecular markers of bee health from hemolymph and bees early infected with Nosema from digestive tract. In addition, we have developed the MALDI Biotyping method on our microsporidia model to identify the species at a lower cost. These different elements constitute the development of new diagnostic and even prognostic tools to assist the beekeeper or the health services in their apiary monitoring
Luna, Acosta Andrea. "Les phénoloxydases chez l'huître creuse Crassostrea gigas : biomarqueurs potentiels de stress environnemental." Phd thesis, Université de La Rochelle, 2010.
Full textLuna, Acosta Andrea. "Les phénoloxydases chez l’huître creuse Crassostrea gigas : biomarqueurs potentiels de stress environnemental." Thesis, La Rochelle, 2010.
Full textThe Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas is the leading aquaculture product at the worldwide level. However, massive summer mortalities affect dramatically cultivated and natural oyster populations, especially at young life stages. These events could be linked to an unbalance between the different actors of the triad host – pathogen agent – environment, which could favour a weakening of defence mechanisms in the host, and consequently, the emergence and/or increase of diseases. Among environmental factors that could contribute to this unbalance, chemical contaminants are known to modulate defence capacities in different aquatic organisms. Phenoloxidases (POs) are the key enzymes of a biochemical cascade responsible for the production of melanin and are implicated in immune defences and in self/non-self recognition in invertebrates.Recently, a PO-like activity was detected in C. gigas, and was suggested as a potential biomarker of chemical contamination. However, little is known on the different PO activities present in C. gigas, and on their implication indefence mechanisms in this species. In this general context, the aims of this work were to 1) identify the different types of PO present in different tissues of C. gigas 2) evaluate their potential as biomarkers in experiments of in vivo exposure to organic contaminants, 3) evaluate their potential as biomarkers in in situ biomonitoring studies. We showed, for the first time in this species, the existence of two PO-type activities: a catecholase activity and a laccase activity. Moreover, we observed an in vitro bactericidal effect associated to PO activities against two oyster pathogens, Vibrio splendidus and V.aesturianus, which have often been associated to massive summer mortalities in oysters. Finally, based on a multiple biomarkeranalysis in different tissues of C. gigas, results suggest that POs could be used as biomarkers of environmental stress, rather than of contamination, for biomonitoring studies in coasts and estuaries
Mopin, Clemence. "Stabilité du développement et stress environnemental : analyse morphométrique du fémur de l’homme." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2019.
Full textAmong the approaches used to characterize the health status in past populations, the use of fluctuating asymmetry (FA) to evaluate developmental stability (DS) in bone is rare. After more than half a century of research, DS remains relatively unknown in humans. Today, geometric morphometrics techniques offer new perspectives. It is now possible to quantify variations more precisely and approach them by analyzing a new morphological element: shape.The aim of this work was twofold:1-Determine whether the geometric morphometrics analysis of FA in humans can distinguish two populations.2-Determine whether this distinction can be attributed to a difference in health status.The data of two populations of known and distinct health statuses and environmental contexts were compared. Two samples of 70 pairs of adult femurs of comparable age and sex were selected. Two sets of 27 landmarks were placed on the 3D isosurfaces of each femur. FA was analyzed and characterized in terms of range of magnitude and pattern of expression in the femur.Finally, this geometric morphometrics analysis allowed to distinguish two populations that have developed under distinct environmental conditions. The population that experienced higher levels of stress expressed a higher degree of FA. After considering the impact of potential factors of variation, the health stress seems to best explain disturbances of DS. However, given its pattern of expression on the femur, the biomechanical factor seems to play also a relative role. Therefore, in humans, the pattern of expression of FA is directed in part by biomechanical constraints but its magnitude remains mostly influenced by health stress
Soualhi, Hamza. "Optimisation de la viscosité des bétons à faible impact environnemental." Thesis, Cergy-Pontoise, 2014.
Full textIt is possible to modify the composition of conventional concrete used in the building field in order to reduce the emission of CO2 associated with their manufacture, particularly in the production of their constituents. This is can be achieved by significantly reducing the amount of clinker and incorporating alternative materials (mineral and chemical additions), which are generally have a lower reactivity and require a low quantity of water, with an adequate level of mechanical performance and durability. This is the case of concrete with low environmental impact. The use superplasticizer in the production of concrete allows increasing their flowability, despite the using of low content of water, but their plastic viscosity remains high and may cause problems of implementation. Controlling the plastic viscosity of this type of concrete is crucial to ensure the development of these products.Within this objective, a rheometer for concrete was developed. The relevant test protocol used for this apparatus enables to characterize the rheological behavior not only for conventional concrete, but also for concrete with low environmental impact.The use of the developed rheometer within an experimental program permits then to highlight the effect of the parameters of concrete compositions, and in particular the used additions (type and rate of substitution) on their rheological behavior.The obtained results from this program propose and validate a mathematical model for assessing the plastic viscosity, which is applicable for ordinary concrete and concrete with low environmental impact. An optimization method for calculating the plastic viscosity of the concrete has been proposed using this model
Mahjoubi, Habib. "Nouvelle stratégie d'amélioration de la productivité végétale en condition de stress environnemental via un meilleur contrôle du cycle cellulaire." Thesis, Strasbourg, 2018.
Full textSalt stress is one of the main environmental factors limiting plant growth and yield in cereal crops. It is therefore imperative to develop varieties more tolerant to salt stress in order to increase yield and ensure food security. The signaling pathway linking salt stress perception to cellular response was addressed here by studying RSS1-like proteins in plants. RSS1 (Rice Salt Sensitive 1) protein plays an important role in salt stress tolerance. It acts at the interface of stress perception and developmental control and division in meristems. During this work, the RSS1 counterpart named TdRL1 (Triticum durum RSS-Like 1) was isolated from the durum wheat Tunisian variety "Oum Rabiaa". We have demonstrated that TdRL1 carries the conserved D and DEN-Box motifs involved in the post-translational regulation of the protein. In addition, we show that TdRL1 is the functional homologue of RSS1 since it was able to complement the loss-of-function mutant rss1, hypersensitive to salt stress. In addition, heterologous expression of TdRL1 enhances salt stress tolerance in yeast and in Arabidopsis by increasing germination and reducing the accumulation of reactive oxygen species. Our cytological studies have shown that the TdRL1 protein is cytoplasmic in interphase and is localized at the spindle during mitosis. Remarkably, TdRL1 changes its subcellular localization under salt stress treatment and shows a partial accumulation in the nucleus, highlighting the multifunctional nature of this protein during salt stress response. Our data suggest that under salt stress, TdRL1 plays a role in the regulation of the cell cycle in relation with the microtubule network. Pursuing the study of RSS1-like multifunctional proteins will open up new research areas for the creation of wheat varieties that are more resilient to environmental stresses
Vandenbussche, Pierre. "Otolithes et bioindication : conséquence d’un stress environnemental sur la morphologie des sagittae de Dicentrarchus labrax et Oblada melanura." Thesis, Université Côte d'Azur (ComUE), 2017.
Full textThe aim of our study was to validate the most suitable environmental indicator among three approaches: morphological measurements of fish juveniles; quantification of the fluctuating asymmetry of their otoliths; analysis of their otolith shape. In aquaria, results for Dicentrarchus labrax have shown that mono-contamination by classical pollutants, such as phosphorus or zinc, has no effect for concentrations corresponding to those measured in highly anthropized environments. Nevertheless, higher zinc concentrations induce otolith shape alterations in addition to their negative impact on fish size and weight. On the basis of our three-year in situ Oblada melanura samplings, we have demonstrated that, in a replicable manner, compared to preserved areas and small waterway mouths, mid-size recreational harbours negatively impact juvenile standard length and also alter otolith shape. By comparison with in aquaria results, these alterations are consistent with a synergy of disturbance sources which taken independently do not have any impact. Taking into account all our results, we deduce that size and weight are easy to measure but show response variability. Measurement of fish juvenile otoliths' fluctuating asymmetry does not seem to be suitable for use in bioindication. Conversely, fish juvenile sagittae shape analysis is well-suited to surveys of environmental modifications, for fishes from two different families, Moronidae and Sparidae. This analysis seems to be a promising tool for bioindication, with a practical application for environmental managers
Mella-Flores, Daniella. "Diversité génétique et fonctionnelle des cyanobactéries picoplanctoniques marines et adaptation aux stress environnementaux." Paris 6, 2011.
Full textLariviere, Delphine. "Méthodes bioinformatiques d'analyse de l'histoire évolutive des familles de gènes ˸ intégration de données, indices évolutifs, et analyses fonctionnelles appliquées aux familles de gènes impliquées dans la réponse des plantes aux stress environnementaux." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Montpellier, SupAgro, 2016.
Full textThe study of gene families and their evolutive history brings precious evidences for the functional annotation of families. The functional transfer depends on one hand on the relationship between genes, and on another hand on the sequence divergence. In order to facilitate the comprehension of gene families, the inference of their evolutive history must be correlated to functional evidences and annotations. This inference is possible through the integration of several heterogeneous data. Evolutive evidences can come from several different data sources and need several tools . It is therefore important to clearly identify both these sources and tools, but also to implement their integration in a common analysis specific to the studied organisms. After studying plant genomes specificities, and their specific mode of evolution, we responded to this problematic through the development of an integrative system containing expertingly chosen data, and implemented tools dedicated to the analysis of gene families. The system also propose a synthetic visualisation analytic tool and an original method to integrate syntenic data for gene family analysis. This system has then been used to study gene family of interest, implied in abiotic stress resistance in plants, that allows us to discuss the intake of the system for gene family analysis
Quéméner, Audrey. "Étude des populations de cellules souches adultes dans le tissu adipeux et le muscle chez le porc en croissance en réponse à un facteur environnemental." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Rennes, Agrocampus Ouest, 2021.
Full textThe work carried out during this PhD thesis made it possible to demonstrate that moderate inflammation, induced by a six-week exposure to sanitary stress in growing pigs, has a different impact on the molecular and cellular features of adipose and muscle tissues. Thus, despite the lack of detection of an inflammatory state in adipose tissue, we demonstrated that perirenal adipose tissue (PRAT) was more sensitive to sanitary stress than subcutaneous adipose tissue (SCAT). Indeed, the decrease in the relative weight of PRAT was associate with a decrease in the expression of genes involved in fatty acid synthesis in pigs housed in poor hygiene conditions compared with pigs housed in good hygiene conditions. With respect to skeletal muscle tissue, the increase in hematopoietic cells in response to sanitary stress suggests the presence of an inflammatory state in this tissue. With the phenotyping strategy we have chosen, we have shown that the longissimus dorsi muscle, compared to SCAT, exhibited a greater diversity of populations of adult mesenchymal stem cells. Among them, the quantity of putative PICs (CD45-CD56+CD34+CD140a+) was increased following an exposure to sanitary stress. The proliferation of this cell population could contribute to muscle regeneration, induced by the inflammatory state due to sanitary stress. In the end, the modulation of adult stem cells opens up new perspectives for modifying the composition of lean and fat tissues in growing animals
Books on the topic "Environnemental stress"
Panhvaru, Nāṣir ʻAlī. Acho pāṇī luṛu thiyo: Sindhu daryāha, Inḍas delṭā, mausamī tabdīliyūn, māḥol ain fit̤rī vasīlā. Karācī: Pīkāk Pablishars, 2019.
Find full textJ, Wrona Frederick, and Northern River Basins Study (Canada), eds. Cumulative impacts within the northern river basins. Edmonton: Northern River Basins Study, 1996.
Find full textInternational, NACE. Petroleum and natural gas industries: Materials for use in H2S-containing environments in oil and gas production = Industries du pe trole et du gaz naturel - Mate riaux pour utilisation dans des environnements contenant de l'hydroge ne sulfure (H2S) dans la production de pe trole et de gaz. 2nd ed. Houston, Tex: NACE, 2009.
Find full textCentre, Pacific Forestry. The Bowron River Watershed: A landscape level assessment of post-beetle change in stream riparian function. Victoria, B.C: Pacific Forestry Centre, 2009.
Find full text1939-, Panetta Roger G., Forist Brian E. 1956-, and Hudson River Sloop Clearwater, Inc., eds. The Hudson: An illustrated guide to the living river. New Brunswick, N.J: Rutgers University Press, 1996.
Find full textMassoudi, Koorosh. Stress Professionnel: Une Analyse des Vulnérabilités Individuelles et des Facteurs de Risque Environnementaux. Lang AG International Academic Publishers, Peter, 2009.
Find full textRICHARD, Jason. Méditations : Trouvez la Technique Qui Convient à Votre but et à Votre Environnement Même Debout !: Retrouver le Sommeil, Perdez Votre Stress et Votre Anxiété Sans Médicaments ! Independently Published, 2020.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Environnemental stress"
Evans, Gary W., and Kalee DeFrance. "90. Stress." In Psychologie environnementale : 100 notions clés, 234–41. Dunod, 2022.
Full textCalatayud, Paul-André, Jean-Pierre Garrec, and Michel Nicole. "Chapitre 14. Adaptation des plantes aux stress environnementaux." In Interactions insectes-plantes, 229–45. IRD Éditions, 2013.
Full textDancause, Kelsey N., Ann-Sophie Therrien, and Isabelle Sinclair. "Les facteurs de stress environnementaux durant la période périnatale." In Prévention et intervention précoce en période périnatale, 65–106. Presses de l'Université du Québec, 2022.
Full textBAUJARD, Corinne. "Télétravail malgré soi et confinement lors de la pandémie Covid-19." In Les épidémies au prisme des SHS, 221–28. Editions des archives contemporaines, 2022.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Environnemental stress"
Maizeray, S., H. Herry, G. Valette, and S. Boisramé. "Innovation dans la communication et la gestion du stress en chirurgie orale : méthode d’analyse ProcessCom®." In 66ème Congrès de la SFCO. Les Ulis, France: EDP Sciences, 2020.
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