Academic literature on the topic 'Environnement Connecté'
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Journal articles on the topic "Environnement Connecté"
Oulebsir-Oukil, Kamila. "Le dialogisme dans les discours en ligne." Revista Heterotópica 4, Especial (October 7, 2022): 149–70.
Full textOui, Jeanne. "Agriculture de précision et tournant environnemental." Réseaux N° 244, no. 2 (May 29, 2024): 117–49.
Full textSara, SANSRI, and CHERFA Hakima. "Le crowdfunding dans un environnement économique incertain : Défi du crowdfunding face au COVID-19." Dirassat Journal Economic Issue 12, no. 1 (January 27, 2021): 783–97.
Full textPicardat, Sébastien. "Apport de l’infrastructure de partage de données Agdatahub dans le secteur agri-agro." Annales des Mines - Enjeux numériques 27, no. 3 (September 27, 2024): 135–42.
Full textSaba Ayon, Hadi. "Clubhouse connecté pour la population ayant des incapacités psychiques : pratiques numériques collaboratives, emplois de transition et communs de la connaissance." Développement Humain, Handicap et Changement Social 25, no. 1 (February 2, 2022): 109–25.
Full textBecker, Charity Dawn. "A Sense of Wonder: An A/r/tographer’s Musings on Seeing and Being in the World / Un sentiment d’émerveillement : réflexions d’un a/r/tographe sur l’observation d’un monde et sa place en ce monde." Canadian Review of Art Education / Revue canadienne d’éducation artistique 45, no. 1 (December 22, 2018): 108–28.
Full textFaulx, Daniel, Catherine Delfosse, and Pascal Detroz. "Le présentiel à distance grâce à l’usage de Talkies-Walkies : une modalité pour créer de nouveaux environnements capacitants dans l’enseignement supérieur." Phronesis 11, no. 4 (September 19, 2022): 6–27.
Full textLesueur-Cazé, Mathieu, Laurent Bironneau, Gulliver Lux, and Thierry Morvan. "Réflexions sur les usages de la blockchain pour la logistique et le Supply Chain Management : une approche prospective." Revue Française de Gestion Industrielle 36, no. 1 (April 22, 2022): 60–82.
Full textTouze, Nathalie. "Contribution des géosynthétiques au développement durable." Revue Française de Géotechnique, no. 160 (2019): 1.
Full textBegon, Hélène. "Numérique et transition écologique : deux transitions récentes et massives." Administration N° 282, no. 2 (July 10, 2024): 61–65.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Environnement Connecté"
Richa, Jean Raphaël. "Amélioration de l'ingénierie des données dans les environnements connectés grâce à la détection de la propagation et de l'obsolescence des données." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Pau, 2024.
Full textThe relentless expansion of digital technologies has enhanced the capabilities of collecting, visualizing, analyzing, and autonomously managing the environment surrounding us.Intelligent and increasingly connected is the prevailing trend within the rising metaverse, where connected environments are driven to gather a plethora of data.These environments contribute to a better understanding of human activities, improve quality of life, and ease paths for sustainability.This thesis introduces two pivotal concepts - zone continuum and data obsolescence - furthering awareness of connected environments by explaining how data crosses between zones and detecting when data becomes irrelevant with respect to its environment.By addressing these overlooked aspects, we aim to improve data interpretation and management within connected environments.This thesis addresses four key challenges: (1) designing a deep and expressive data model that effectively captures the core components of connected environments, such as hosting zones, smart devices, and their corresponding sensor networks; (2) establishing a mechanism to discover and trace how data propagates between different zones; (3) proposing a large-scale approach to detect data obsolescence while considering the entire environment; and (4) handling the dynamic nature of the CE that could be illustrated by the mobility and failure of the devices, as well as modifications in zone configurations (e.g., combining multiple zones into one or dividing a single zone into several).To address these challenges, we first propose the HSSN+ data model, which underpins a resilient representation of the elements in connected environments.Consequently, in light of this model, we put forward two interconnected frameworks. The first one is the Zone Continuum Computation for Connected Environments (ZCCCE) framework that formalizes the zone continuum concept and enables to understand how data moves between zones. The second one is the Data Obsolescence Detection in Connected Environments (DODCE) framework which offers a structured approach to identify and compute the data obsolescence based on predefined quality indicators.These two frameworks provide opportunities for effective control and understanding in connected environments
Mavridis, Theodoros. "Channel modeling for 60 GHz Body Area Networks." Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 2015.
Full textDoctorat en Sciences de l'ingénieur et technologie
Mansour, Elio. "Détection d’évènements dans des environnements connectés." Thesis, Pau, 2019.
Full textThe rising interest in smart connected environments (e.g., smart buildings, cities, factories) and theevolution of sensors, data management/communication technologies have paved the way forinteresting and useful applications that help users in their every day tasks (e.g. increasing comfort,reducing energy consumption). However, various improvements are still required. For instance, howto enhance the representation of such complex, dynamic, and heterogeneous environments.Moreover, how to facilitate the interaction between users and their connected environments, and howto provide tools for environment monitoring and management.In this thesis, we focus on four main challenges: (i) representing a diverse set of components andelements related to the environment and its sensor network; (ii) providing a query language thathandles user/connected environment interactions (e.g., environment definition, data management,event definition); (iii) coping with the dynamicity of the environment and its evolution over time; and(iv) proposing a generic event detection mechanism for improved environment monitoring.To do so, we first present an ontology-based data model that represents hybrid environments/sensornetworks. Thus covering diverse sensors (e.g., static, mobile), environments (e.g., infrastructures,devices), and data (e.g., scalar, multimedia). Then, we introduce a query language that one might usefor various tasks (e.g., defining the connected environment, information retrieval, event definition,data management). Furthermore, to keep up with the environment changes we provide a queryoptimizer that allows the submitted queries to cope with the dynamicity of the environment prior totheir execution. Finally, we propose an event detection core that takes event definitions as input anddetects the targeted events.We group the aforementioned modules in one global framework for event detection in connectedenvironments. Our proposal is generic, extensible, and could be used with different connectedenvironments such as buildings, cities. .
Di, Marco Lionel. "Récit d'ingénierie pédagogique en santé à l'usage de l'enseignant connecté Does the acceptance of hybrid learning affect learning approaches in France? Blended Learning for French Health Students: Does Acceptance of a Learning Management System Influence Students’ Self-Efficacy?" Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes, 2020.
Full textBackground. The general objective of this thesis was to evaluate a hybrid pedagogical method using an integrated learning environment (ILE) in the training of health professionals. Three research questions followed one after the other. Does the acceptability of blended learning affect students' learning strategies and learning approaches? Does the acceptability of an ILE affect students' self-efficacy? What characteristics of a dematerialised course make students' attention variable?Materials & Methods. We carried out 2 quantitative observational studies, as well as a single-blind observational experiment coupled with a qualitative analysis, with different classes of midwifery students of Grenoble-Alpes University Faculty of Medicine.Results. Students have suited learning approaches and strategies despite the use of a hybrid teaching method which they reject; there is no correlation between poor acceptability of the ILE and different spheres of students' self-efficacy; and the variability of attention declared by students varies according to certain factors common to those detected by artificial intelligence (type of language, slide duration…).Discussion. The internal and external validities of this work highlight the close links between interest, motivation, engagement by identification, and attention. It is thus possible to put forward principles of pedagogical engineering in health within the framework of dematerialized courses focusing on the content, form and type of knowledge capsule. Finally, the health teacher must above all be “connected to” the students, so that technical developments can be adapted to their needs
Jebali, Ahmed. "Contrôle de divergence dans des environnements faiblement connectés." Versailles-St Quentin en Yvelines, 2003.
Full textWe worked out a replication model for applications on weakly connected environments. The model has 2 characteristics: total replication active replicas. We defined the concept of the measure of an operation an a replica. The divergence is the risk assumed if there is a divergence between replicas and the shared object. The matter is then to confine the divergence in a preset bound B : the bounded divergence criterion. We must ensure 2 sufficient conditions: to find a partitioning of B in local bounds and to ensure that the divergence between the operations initiated and the their estimation does not exceed the local bound. The estimation is done by profile functions of operation traffic. The protocol carries out an optimistic control: synchronizations are initiated when it is necessary and possible. Moreover, it allows the continuity of service in case of disconnection. Sabbarus is the platform implementing the protocol
Nabil, Tahar. "Identification de modèle thermique de bâtiment dans un environnement d'objets connectés." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Paris, ENST, 2018.
Full textThis thesis is devoted to the problem of the identification of a thermal model of a smart building, whose connected objects alleviate the lack of measurements of the physical quantities of interest. The first algorithm deals with the estimation of the open-loop building system, despite its actual exploitation in closed loop. This algorithm is then modified to account for the uncertainty of the data. We suggest a closedloop estimation of the building system as soon as the indoor temperature is not measured. Then, we return to open-loop approaches. The different algorithms enable respectively to reduce the possible bias contained in a connected outdoor air temperature sensor, to replace the costly solar flux sensor by another connected temperature sensor, and finally to directly use the total load curve, without disaggregation, by making the most of the On/Off signals of the connected objects
Bourget-Mauger, Marie. "Diffusion et sens des objets connectés en architecture : attentes, représentations et réalités : le cas des environnements de bureaux." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Paris Est, 2024.
Full textThe research in question explores the impact of connected objects in office environments, highlighting their principles of dissemination and their significance within architecture. Divided into three parts, this study first addresses the specificities of conducting a thesis in architecture through the CIFRE program within a company specialized in networks and telecommunications. This initial step allows for detailing the ecosystem of the financialized tertiary real estate sector, which frames the study.The second part explores the architectural and technical conditions of office buildings, revealing the underlying reasons for the integration of connected objects. These integrations, driven by the obsolescence of traditional technical management methods (Building Management Systems), respond to technical, economic, ecological, and legislative considerations. The variety of factors encouraging this integration demonstrates the significant impact of connected objects on the design, operation, and valuation of office buildings.The third part examines the narratives and representations that construct the myth of the Smart Building. This positive myth contributes to the dissemination of connected buildings, especially since the 2019 health crisis. This final section also addresses the risks associated with the systematic integration of connected objects in architecture, such as infringements on individual liberties and environmental implications due to excessive digital usage. Thus, the research advocates the imperative for the architectural discipline to engage in the study of connected buildings.This thesis defends four hypotheses. The first hypothesis presents the Smart Building as the realization of the chimera of intelligent buildings stemming from cybernetic discourse, promoting a flexible, self-adaptive, and autonomous architecture. Connected objects play a key role in this quest for intelligence. The second hypothesis emerges from their integration, introducing the principles of object indeterminacy and ecology, underscoring the need to consider the ecological impact of building technical systems. The third hypothesis challenges the traditional conception of architecture as a static entity, redefining it as real estate focused on services. Indeed, the study centered on office environments highlights that the integration of connected objects aims to create service-oriented buildings, also termed service buildings. Lastly, the fourth hypothesis maintains that the connected building represents a paradoxical intersection between ecological and economic concerns. In conclusion, this research provides an in-depth insight into the impact of connected objects on the architecture of office environments, exploring their dissemination principles and highlighting the risks and opportunities associated with this evolution
Mavridis, Theodoros. "Channel modeling for 60 GHZ body area networks." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Paris 6, 2015.
Full textThe smart environments and the connected human seems to be the future of wireless communications. The development of new frequency bands in the millimeter range will allow us to create high data rate communications which will led to the Wireless Body Environment Networks. In this kind of scenarios, it is expected that the user and the environment will interact. In order to develop such new applications, it is necessary to first study the propagation mechanisms and then, the communication channel underlying body centric environments. This thesis treats of channel models for 60 GHz Body Area Networks and more particularly of three kinds of scenarios: (i) the communication between an external base station and a worn node (off-body); (ii) the communication between two worn nodes (on-body); the communication between an external base station and a hand-held device (near-body). An indoor off-body channel model is numerically proposed and implemented. The model is based on the IEEE 802.11ad indoor standard channel at 60 GHz and a fast computation solution of the scattering of a plane wave by a circular cylinder. The model is developed for two orthogonal polarizations and the communications performances are studied. The on-body propagation is studied for two different configurations: line-of-sight and non-line-of-sight communications on the body. These scenarios led to different solutions for the channel knowing as, respectively, Norton’s equations and creeping formulations. These solutions are obtained using simplified geometries which has been experimentally validated. Further, in order to improve the propagation on the human body, a technique using metallic plates has been proposed. This technique has been theoretically studied using Milligton’s equations and experimentally assessed on a flat phantom with the properties of the human skin. The proposed method allows to save up to 20 dB. Finally, the near-body communication scenario has been introduced and studied. The near-body region is extended from 5 to 30 cm away of the user body which corresponds to the arm’s reach and models a handheld device. A numerical algorithm has been proposed to model indoor near-body environments. Also, a special has been given to statistical body shadowing. It has been shown that the fading follows a Two-Wave Diffuse Power distribution
Roux, Jonathan. "Détection d'intrusion dans des environnements connectés sans-fil par l'analyse des activités radio." Thesis, Toulouse 3, 2020.
Full textThe massive deployment of connected objects, forming the Internet of Things (IoT), is now disrupting traditional network environments. These objects, previously connectivity-free, are now likely to introduce additional vulnerabilities into the environments that integrate them. The literature today paints an unflattering picture of the security of these objects, which are increasingly becoming prime targets for attackers who see them as new exploitable surfaces to penetrate previously secure environments. In addition, the wireless means of communication used by these objects are numerous, with very heterogeneous characteristics at all protocol levels. Particularly in terms of the frequencies used, which make it difficult to analyse and monitor the environments that are equipped with them. These issues, and in particular the strong heterogeneity of these numerous protocols, call into question the traditional solutions used to ensure the security of the exchanges carried out. However, the explosion in the number of these objects requires security architectures that are adapted to these new issues. In this thesis, we are interested in monitoring and detecting anomalies that may occur in any wireless means of communication used in the IoT. We found a critical lack of solutions with the ability to analyze all exchanges, regardless of the protocol used. To answer this question, we propose a new security architecture based on the monitoring of physical radio signals, making it possible to free oneself from protocol knowledge and therefore to be generic. Its objective is to learn the model of legitimate radio behaviour in an environment using radio probes, then to identify deviations from this model, which may correspond to anomalies or attacks. The description of this architecture is the first contribution of this thesis. We then studied the applicability of our solution in different contexts, each with its own characteristics. The first study, corresponding to our second contribution, consists in proposing an implementation and deployment of our approach in connected homes. The evaluation of the latter in the face of real attacks injected into radio space and its results show the relevance of our approach in these environments. Finally, the last contribution studies the adaptation and deployment of our generic solution to professional environments where the presence of expert users promotes the integration of advanced diagnostic information to identify the origins of an anomaly. The subsequent evaluation and the results associated with each of the diagnostic mechanisms implemented demonstrate the value of our approach in heterogeneous environments
Houzangbe, Samory. "Impact sur l'expérience utilisateur en environnement virtuel immersif de l'utilisation d'objets connectés portés pour la rétroaction physiologique." Thesis, Paris, ENSAM, 2019.
Full textThe internet of things has now entered every home and, with a society more and more focused towards wellness, these sensors measure and offer henceforth a wide variety of physiological data. Virtual reality technologies reaching maturity, coupled with the advent of the internet of things, allow consequently new opportunities to propose improved immersive experiences. If we identify nowadays many virtual reality studies reporting the usage of physiological data, they mainly use medical equipment, which poses strong usability constraints, is often cumbersome and limits mobility. In an attempt to overcome these limitations, this study therefore focuses on the original usage of smart wearables as substitutes for traditional sensors in immersive applications. Thus, this thesis is positioned halfway between a technological feasibility study and a fundamental user experience study.In this context, the objective of our study is to contribute to knowledge about the impact of the use of physiological data in immersive virtual environments. More precisely, the impact of biofeedback, via off-the-shelf smart wearables, on user engagement and the sense of agency. We have thus carried out two experiments allowing us to study the impacts of the different biofeedback modalities on user experience. Our first experiment implements a biofeedback based on heart rate in a virtual reality horror game, allowing to enhance the feeling of fear. The results of this experiment confirm the interest of using smart wearables to capture physiological data for immersive virtual reality experiences. They also highlight the positive impact of this biofeedback on user engagement. The second experiment focuses on the use of cardiac activity as a mandatory interaction mechanism. This experiment is divided into two parts, the first one quantifying the participants’ level of competency in heartrate control and the second one immersing them in a series of tasks in virtual reality ; heartrate control is necessary to complete the different steps of the experience. The results of this experiment demonstrate the possibility of using the said interaction mechanic for virtual reality experiences and indicate a positive impact on the sense of agency, linked with the level of competency of the participants. On a theoretical level, this thesis proposes a synthesis of user experience models in virtual environment and submit the foundations of a model that we call "physiological immersion"
Books on the topic "Environnement Connecté"
Digital Playgrounds: The Hidden Politics of Children's Online Play Spaces, Virtual Worlds, and Connected Games. University of Toronto Press, 2021.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Environnement Connecté"
COPPOLA, Marcello, and George KORNAROS. "Automatisation pour l’industrie 4.0 avec des passerelles LoRaWan sécurisées." In Systèmes multiprocesseurs sur puce 2, 71–93. ISTE Group, 2023.
Full textBENDAOUD, Fayssal. "Méthodes d’optimisation multicritères pour la sélection de réseaux dans un environnement hétérogène." In Gestion et contrôle intelligents des réseaux, 95–122. ISTE Group, 2020.
Full textSCHMITT, Corinna, Severin SIFFERT, and Burkhard STILLER. "sTiki : un protocole d’authentification mutuelle pour les dispositifs de détection contraints." In Cybersécurité des maisons intelligentes, 257–300. ISTE Group, 2024.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Environnement Connecté"
RIBEIRO DOS SANTOS, Daniel, Anne JULIEN-VERGONJANNE, and Johann BOUCLÉ. "Cellules Solaires pour les Télécommunications et la Récupération d’Énergie." In Les journées de l'interdisciplinarité 2022. Limoges: Université de Limoges, 2022.
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