Academic literature on the topic 'Environmental reflexivity'
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Journal articles on the topic "Environmental reflexivity"
Stoddart, Mark C. J., and Cole Atlin. "Hydroelectricity, Environmental Governance and Anti-Reflexivity: Lessons from Muskrat Falls." Water 14, no. 13 (June 21, 2022): 1992.
Full textBoström, Magnus, Rolf Lidskog, and Ylva Uggla. "A reflexive look at reflexivity in environmental sociology." Environmental Sociology 3, no. 1 (October 11, 2016): 6–16.
Full textCamponogara, Silviamar, Flávia Regina Sousa Ramos, and Ana Lucia Cardoso Kirchhof. "Reflexivity, knowledge and ecological awareness: premises for responsible action in the hospital work environment." Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem 17, no. 6 (December 2009): 1030–36.
Full textAlexander, Stephanie A., Catherine M. Jones, Marie-Claude Tremblay, Nicole Beaudet, Morten Hulvej Rod, and Michael T. Wright. "Reflexivity in Health Promotion: A Typology for Training." Health Promotion Practice 21, no. 4 (April 14, 2020): 499–509.
Full textPopa, Florin, and Mathieu Guillermin. "Reflexive Methodological Pluralism." Journal of Mixed Methods Research 11, no. 1 (July 7, 2016): 19–35.
Full textLocher, Fabien, and Jean-Baptiste Fressoz. "Modernity's Frail Climate: A Climate History of Environmental Reflexivity." Critical Inquiry 38, no. 3 (March 2012): 579–98.
Full textLESSA, BRUNO DE SOUZA, FERNANDO DIAS LOPES, and CÉLIA ELIZABETE CAREGNATO. "A reflexividade como elemento de mediação - O caso de Francisco Milanez." Cadernos EBAPE.BR 19, no. 1 (March 2021): 152–64.
Full textHope Alkon, Alison. "Reflexivity and Environmental Justice Scholarship: A Role for Feminist Methodologies." Organization & Environment 24, no. 2 (June 2011): 130–49.
Full textChan, Raymond K. H. "Risk, Reflexivity and Sub-politics: Environmental Politics in Hong Kong." Asian Journal of Political Science 16, no. 3 (December 2008): 260–75.
Full textVolinskiy, Dmitriy, John C. Bergstrom, Christopher M. Cornwell, and Thomas P. Holmes. "A Pseudo-Sequential Choice Model for Valuing Multi-Attribute Environmental Policies or Programs in Contingent Valuation Applications." Agricultural and Resource Economics Review 39, no. 1 (February 2010): 9–21.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Environmental reflexivity"
Iniesta-Arandia, Irene, Federica Ravera, Stephanie Buechler, Isabel Díaz-Reviriego, María E. Fernández-Giménez, Maureen G. Reed, Mary Thompson-Hall, et al. "A synthesis of convergent reflections, tensions and silences in linking gender and global environmental change research." SPRINGER, 2016.
Full textRaven, Glenda C. "Enabling reflexivity and the development of reflexive competence within course processes: a case study of an environmental education professional development course." Thesis, Rhodes University, 2005.
Full textLouhimaa, E. (Eila). "Luonnon sosiaalinen konstruointi, ympäristödiskurssit ja ympäristöön orientoiva kasvatus:tutkimus institutionaalisen ympäristökasvatuksen yhteiskunnallisista rakenne-ehdoista ja kulttuuristen mahdollisuuksien kentistä." Doctoral thesis, Oulun yliopisto, 2002.
Full textTiivistelmä Väitöskirjassani tarkastelen institutionaalisen ympäristökasvatuksen konstruktivistiseen tiedon- ja oppimiskäsitykseen sekä ympäristökasvatuksen didaktisiin malleihin sisältyviä sisällöllisiä ristiriitoja osana ympäristön yhteiskunnallisia määrittely- ja tulkintaprosesseja eli ympäristödiskursseja. Tarkastelen myös sitä, miten moderniuden refleksiivisyyden määrittely heijastuu sisältämiensä sosiaalisen todellisuuden rakentumista ja luonnon sosiaalista konstruointia koskevien ennakko-oletusten välityksellä ympäristökasvatuksen konstruktivistiseen tiedon- ja oppimiskäsitykseen. Kolmanneksi hahmotan institutionaalisen ympäristökasvatuksen ja sen tutkimuksen reflektoimattoman luonteen, ympäristödiskurssien ristiriitojen ja hallitsevan moderniuden refleksiivisyyden määritelmän yhteistä kulttuuriperustaa. Tutkimuksessani väitän, että julkiset ympäristödiskurssit vaikuttavat ympäristökasvatuksen institutionaalisiin muotoihin luonnon sosiaalisen konstruoinnin tasojen välityksellä. Väitän myös, että yhteiskunta- ja kulttuuriteorioiden eriävät määritelmät moderniuden refleksiivisyydestä on eroteltavissa eri tasoihin ja ympäristökasvatuksen didaktiset mallit ovat vastaavasti luokiteltavissa eri tyyppeihin. Nämä eri tasot ja tyypit ovat eroteltavissa toisistaan sen perusteella, miten ne käsitteellistävät luonnon sosiaalisen konstruoinnin teoreettisen kategorian ja sen praktisten ilmentymien, ympäristödiskurssien ja ympäristöön orientoivan kasvatuksen välisen suhteen. Analyysin perusteella väitän, että institutionaalisen ympäristökasvatuksen didaktisten mallien eri tyypeissä kannatetaan kulttuurista reflektiota. Todellisuudessa ne eivät kuitenkaan saavuta tätä tasoa. Institutionaalisen ympäristökasvatuksen didaktisten mallien ja ympäristökasvatuksen tutkimuksen teoreettinen perusongelma rakentuu kahdesta tekijästä: a) ympäristöongelmien tieteellistämisestä ja b) ympäristöongelmien yksilöllistämisestä. Ympäristökasvatusta koskevassa tutkimuksessa esitetty konstruktivistinen tiedon- ja oppimiskäsitys ja sen perustalle rakennetut ympäristökasvatuksen didaktiset mallit kohdistuvat ympäristökriisin ekologisten, sosio-poliittisten ja kulttuuristen seurausten ymmärtämiseen, mutta eivät ympäristökriisin perusteiden reflektointiin. Ympäristökasvatus instituutiona on sidoksissa vallitseviin rajallisiin ympäristödiskursseihin kolmella tavalla: a) konstruktivistisen tiedon- ja oppimiskäsityksen sisältämät ongelmat ovat lähtökohtaisesti tulkittavissa heijastumiksi vallitsevien ympäristödiskurssien sisältämistä ristiriidoista ja vallitsevan sosiaalisen järjestyksen sisältämistä paradokseista, b) ympäristökasvatuksen tavoitteet, sisällöt ja menetelmät ovat kuin tiivistetty kuvaus vallitsevien ympäristöpoliittisten prosessien päämääristä, sisällöistä ja keinoista, c) ympäristökasvatus sosialisaationa on varsin merkittävä vallitsevien rajallisten ympäristödiskurssien legitimoija
Ford, Loretta. "Creating Empathy for Nature through Illustrative Storytelling." Kent State University / OhioLINK, 2021.
Full textSandström, Johan. "Organizational approaches to greening : technocentrism and beyond." Doctoral thesis, Umeå universitet, Företagsekonomi, 2002.
Full textdigitalisering@umu
Gilmetdinova, Alsu Makhmutovna. "Reflexivity in conducting discourse analysis of code-switching in a classroom discourse the analysis of Tom Romano's 'Crafting authentic voice' /." Thesis, Montana State University, 2010.
Full textJouvancourt, Pierre de. "Dire l’événement géologique : une archéologie du concept d’Anthropocène." Thesis, Paris 1, 2022.
Full textThis thesis aims to question the historical singularity of the Anthropocene concept in the field of Earth sciences, in order to determine whether it can be considered as a reflexive event of Modernity. In order to do so, we undertake an archaeology of this concept according to three temporalities. The first one, from the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century, questions the status of statements characterizing the global influence of human action. The geological activity of humanity appears to have always been at the heart of modern science. The intermediate temporality of the second part shows how the geological discourse is deeply renewed after the Second World War. The Earth is then reinvented as a total environment within an apparatus of knowledge and power. Finally, the third part, corresponding to the short temporality, analyzes the process of fabrication of the Anthropocene concept, mainly in the Earth system sciences and in geology. Resulting from associations between actors with heterogeneous projects, this process oscillates between a dynamic of extension and a dynamic of speciation of the concept in the norms of geology, which are shaken by the actuality of the Anthropocene. In the end, it appears that this concept is part of the long heritage of the geological statements of modernity, but renews it profoundly. In the process of defining the geological actuality as a pathology, a norm of healthy Earth is drawn that politics must cease and appropriate
Laurent, Mélody. "La scénarisation sous l’emprise de la métaphore spatiotemporelle : approche réflexive en environnement virtuel." Thesis, Compiègne, 2018.
Full textThis thesis presents a story-based approach in a simulation-based learning environment in the context of crisis management. The domain of application is the management of mass casualties in the context of medical emergencies. To efficiently train medical staff, live simulations are organized, in which an entire rescue team is re-enacted. Each simulation session takes place in a pre-established pattern and includes three distinct phases : the briefing provides a framework, the scenario puts the learner in a practice of situation, and the debriefing involves the learner reflexivity with the help of the trainer’s feedback.Those simulation sessions mobilize a lot of professionals and equipment. Therefore, they cannot be used on a large scale and research is conducted to develop those trainings in virtual environments, in which the phase of debriefing is often missing while it is a crucial part in learning. Our case of application aims at creating a virtual environment for training rescue team leaders during crisis situations. In this environment, the user is a medical team leader who interacts with a team of virtual autonomous first-aid workers. In this thesis, we propose a user experience that includes both the scenario and the debriefing part of a simulation. We focus on decision making in crisis management. We suggest that the learner should reconsider his decisions if he becomes aware of a mistake he did not avoid: he could change what he has done. In the debriefing, he could visualize the consequences of those errors : he could see what he had not seen. Reflexivity of learning is an integral part of our approach. We propose a reflexive approach to learning by grounding our scenarisation on uchronia, a fiction genre consisting in stories containing "what if" scenarios at crucial points in history and present an outcome of events alternative to historical record. Our game design is based on the uchronia : when the learner becomes aware of his mistakes, he has the opportunity to go back and make a new decision. Our system will change the plot of the story by changing the occurrence probabilities of events based on a past choices of the learner, but without changing the frame or the characters in the story. Our game design offers two phases of simulation. During the scenario, the learner will explore several possible worlds. During the debrieng, he may view several possible alternatives to the scenario as a timeline
Bardol, Frank. "Les conditions de développement de la compétence phonologique dans un dispositif hybride : le cas de l’enseignement-apprentissage de l’anglais en LANSAD, à l’Université des Antilles." Thesis, Lille 3, 2020.
Full textThis research project focuses on developing the English phonological competence of students in the LANSOD (LANguage for Specialists of Other Disciplines) sector at the University of the Antilles. Our action-research starts from the fact that the phonological objective is still poorly integrated into teaching-learning practices. We try to find solutions for tackling this issue. To do so, we define phonological competence attributes, explain the factors to be observed to facilitate its accommodation and suggest adequate methods. The pedagogical and contextual needs that arise from the specific context of the LANSOD sector are also taken into account: the management of large groups and heterogeneity in the limited face-to-face time. That is why we are interested in blended learning systems’ properties to individualise the learning process, guide students, and open the space and time of practice. Finally, we share the key elements of the blended learning system built up according to various research cycles. We suggest a model that will allow the practitioner-researcher to apprehend the interactions at stake between the elements of the complex and dynamic system and transfer this experimentation to other environments
Doern, Rachel R. "Understanding barriers to small business growth from the perspective of owner-managers in Russia." Thesis, St Andrews, 2008.
Full textBooks on the topic "Environmental reflexivity"
Jupp, Louise. A narrative journey of teacher reflexivity and authenticity in technological environments. St. Catharines, Ont: Brock University, Faculty of Education, 2007.
Find full textDryzek, John S. Global Environmental Governance. Edited by Teena Gabrielson, Cheryl Hall, John M. Meyer, and David Schlosberg. Oxford University Press, 2016.
Full textLuke, Timothy. Environmental Governmentality. Edited by Teena Gabrielson, Cheryl Hall, John M. Meyer, and David Schlosberg. Oxford University Press, 2016.
Full text1957-, O'Brien Martin, Penna Sue 1949-, and Hay Colin 1968-, eds. Theorising modernity: Reflexivity, environment, and identity in Giddens' social theory. New York: Longman, 1998.
Find full text(Editor), Martin O'Brien, Sue Penna (Editor), and Colin Hay (Editor), eds. Theorising Modernity: Reflexivity, Environment and Identity in Giddens' Social Theory. Longman Publishing Group, 1999.
Find full text1957-, O'Brien Martin, Penna Sue 1949-, and Hay Colin 1968-, eds. Theorising modernity: Reflexivity, environment, and identity in Giddens' social theory. London: Longman, 1999.
Find full textWenzel, Jennifer. The Disposition of Nature. Fordham University Press, 2019.
Full textGallo, Jason. Translating Science into Policy and Legislation. Edited by Kathleen Hall Jamieson, Dan M. Kahan, and Dietram A. Scheufele. Oxford University Press, 2017.
Full textSchlosberg, David. Environmental Management in the Anthropocene. Edited by Teena Gabrielson, Cheryl Hall, John M. Meyer, and David Schlosberg. Oxford University Press, 2016.
Full textLevinson, Marjorie. Conclusion. Oxford University Press, 2018.
Full textBook chapters on the topic "Environmental reflexivity"
Boström, Magnus, Sam Grönholm, and Björn Hassler. "The Ecosystem Approach to Management in Baltic Sea Governance: Towards Increased Reflexivity?" In Environmental Governance of the Baltic Sea, 149–72. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2016.
Full textFukunaga, Mayumi. "How Urban fishers Listen to Nori Seaweed to Learn to Better Live with the Sea: The Importance of Ecological Reflexivity for Environmental Governance." In Adaptive Participatory Environmental Governance in Japan, 113–39. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2022.
Full textBoström, Magnus, Debra J. Davidson, and Stewart Lockie. "Conclusions: A Proposal for a Brave New World of Conceptual Reflexivity." In Environment and Society, 351–73. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018.
Full textGodé, Cécile. "Coordination Practices in the Extreme Environment: Communication, Reflexivity and Socialization." In Team Coordination in Extreme Environments, 29–59. Hoboken, NJ, USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2015.
Full textElmhirst, Rebecca, and Bernadette P. Resurrección. "Strategic reflexivity in linking gender equality with sustainable energy." In Negotiating Gender Expertise in Environment and Development, 27–41. Abingdon, Oxon; New York, NY: Routledge, 2021. | Series: Routledge studies in gender and environments: Routledge, 2020.
Full textMendonça, Dina, and João Sàágua. "Emotional Reflexivity in Reasoning: The Function of Describing the Environment in Emotion Regulation." In The Value of Emotions for Knowledge, 121–42. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019.
Full textFaulstich-Wieland, Hannelore. "Gender Groupings in the School Environment — Adolescent Actors and the “Institutional Reflexivity” of Seating Plans." In Jahrbuch Jugendforschung, 163–84. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2001.
Full textSundbo, Jon, and Lars Fuglsang. "Strategic Reflexivity as a Framework for Understanding Development in Modern Firms. How the Environment Drives Innovation." In Contemporary Management of Innovation, 147–66. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2006.
Full textSandberg, Marie, and Luca Rossi. "Caring for (Big) Data: An Introduction to Research Methodologies and Ethical Challenges in Digital Migration Studies." In Research Methodologies and Ethical Challenges in Digital Migration Studies, 1–21. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.
Full textScott, Michael. "Knowledge of Governance as Knowledge for Governance: Spatialized Techniques of Neutralization." In Knowledge for Governance, 51–67. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Environmental reflexivity"
Salgado Cofré, Daniela, and Álvaro Mercado Jara. "Going to the Clay: Exploring Conflicts and Values of the Soil in Valparaiso." In LINK 2021. Tuwhera Open Access, 2021.
Full textMA, Roikhan. "Reflexivity of Food and Plants on Islam With Theory H." In International Conference on Science and Technology (ICOSAT 2017) - Promoting Sustainable Agriculture, Food Security, Energy, and Environment Through Science and Technology for Development. Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2018.
Full textVan den Berg, Carolien, and Belinda Verster. "Design principles for interdisciplinary collaborative learning through social, digital innovation." In Seventh International Conference on Higher Education Advances. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica de València, 2021.
Full textFarizi, Fariz, Elizabetë Qarri, Qufli Osmani, and Dean Iliev. "REFLEXIVITY OF TEACHERS IN THE PEDAGOGICAL COMMUNICATION WITH THE ENVIRONMENT AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE STUDENT SOCIAL COMPETENCES." In 16th International Technology, Education and Development Conference. IATED, 2022.
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