Academic literature on the topic 'Environmental imagination'

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Journal articles on the topic "Environmental imagination"


Eaton, Mark. "The Environmental Imagination." Christianity & Literature 65, no. 3 (May 11, 2016): 276–78.

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Hawkins, Harriet. "Underground imaginations, environmental crisis and subterranean cultural geographies." cultural geographies 27, no. 1 (November 7, 2019): 3–22.

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It is claimed that our current environmental crisis is one of the imaginations: we are in desperate need of new means to understand relations between humans and their environment. The underground was once central to the evolution of Western environmental imaginations. Yet, this has waned throughout the 20th century as eyes and minds turned up and out. After outlining some of the history of the underground as a site from which to evolve environmental imaginations, the article will explore how the underground might propagate environmental imaginations fit for pressing contemporary environmental concerns. It will do so using examples of three caves evolved through an ongoing arts practice-based research collaboration with artist Flora Parrott. Exploring these three caves, I will explore how the underground offers a powerful site for doing the imaginative work that our current environmental crisis requires, focusing in particular on the challenges of engaging lively earths and deep times (pasts and futures) that have become commonplace in the Anthropocene. To close, the article begins to reflect on the possibilities of collaborative creative geographies as a means to rethink the idea of the imagination within geography, as not just something that might be studied but that these creative practices might enable the creation of much-needed new imaginations.
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Widhe, Olle. "Modes of environmental imagination." Barnelitterært forskningstidsskrift 10, no. 01 (September 25, 2019): 1–16.

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Short, John Rennie. "Book Review: The environmental imagination." Ecumene 5, no. 1 (January 1998): 118–19.

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Hammond, Marit. "Imagination and critique in environmental politics." Environmental Politics 30, no. 1-2 (February 1, 2021): 285–305.

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White, Rob. "Environmental Issues and the Criminological Imagination." Theoretical Criminology 7, no. 4 (November 2003): 483–506.

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Hiebert, Ted, and Jin-Kyu Jung. "Psychogeographic visualizations: or, what is it like to be a bat?" cultural geographies 27, no. 3 (December 4, 2019): 477–84.

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What is it like to be a bat? is an artistic experiment that uses brainwave visualization as a way to speak about affective, cognitive, and imaginative geography – partly through the generation of real data sets and partly as metaphors for what data metrics can never really account for – that is, the incommensurability of experience. The project involves recruiting participants (mostly, but not exclusively, students) to imagine ‘what it is like to be a bat’ as a practice-based critique of Thomas Nagel’s 1974 rejection of the imagination as a useful tool for consciousness studies (Nagel’s essay used the bat as a metaphor, hence our choice of focus). Using electroencephalography brainwave sensors, we mapped and visualized participants’ brainwaves as they imagined, creating what we think of as ‘imagination portraits’. The project is then theorized for the ways it illuminates the limits of visualization and the imagination’s importance as a praxis for qualitative research. As a conceptual guide, we use a creative re-interpretation of psychogeography; however, in our work psychogeography is less about the psychological dimensions of real space and more about the mind’s spatiality, by which we mean the consideration of different forms of imagining as ‘places’ a mind can be taken to, reconfiguring psychogeography from the inside-out. In this way, we are interested in how a geographic understanding of the imagination might allow for conversations about different psychological landscapes of cognition.
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Fesmire, Steven. "Ecological Imagination." Environmental Ethics 32, no. 2 (2010): 183–203.

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Russell, David, Karin Westman, and Naomi Wood. "Introduction: "The Environmental Imagination and Children's Literature"." Lion and the Unicorn 35, no. 2 (2011): v—vi.

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Murali, S. "The Future of Environmental Criticism: Environmental Crisis and Literary Imagination." Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment 15, no. 2 (July 1, 2008): 263–64.

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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Environmental imagination"


Kaze, Douglas Eric. "The environmental imagination in Arthur Nortje’s poetry." Thesis, Rhodes University, 2018.

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This thesis seeks to contribute to the conversations in the humanities about the treatment of the physical environment in the context of a global ecological fragility and increased scholarly interest in the poetry of Arthur Nortje, a South African poet who wrote in the 1960s. While previous studies on Nortje concentrate on the political, psychic and technical aspects of his poetry, this study particularly explores the representations of the environment in Nortj e’s poetic imagination. Writing in the dark period of apartheid in South Africa’s history, Nortje’s poetry articulates a strong interest in the physical environment against the backdrop of official racialization of space and his personal nomadic life and exile. The poetry abounds with constant intersections of nature and culture (industrialism, urbanity and the quotidian), a sense of place and a deep sense of dislocation. The poems, therefore, present a platform from which to reevaluate conventional ecocritical ideas about nature, place-attachment and environmental consciousness. Drawing mainly on Felix Guattari’s ideas of three ecologies and transversality along with other theories, I conduct the study through what I call a transversal postcolonial environmental criticism, which considers the ecological value of the kind of assemblages that Nortje’s works represent. The first chapter focuses on conceptualizing a postcolonial approach to the environment based on Guattari’s concept of transversality to lay the theoretical foundation for the whole work. The second chapter analyses Nortje’s poetic imagination of place and displacement through his treatment of the private-public tension and the motif of exile. While the third chapter examines Nortje’s depiction of nature as both an everyday and urban phenomenon, the fourth chapter turns to his direct treatment of environmental crises handled through his imagination of the Canadian urban spaces, exile memory of apartheid geography, war and ecocide and the human body as a subject of environmental degradation. The fifth chapter, which is the conclusion, takes a brief look at the implication of Nortje’s complex treatment of the environment on postcolonial environmentalism.
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Bell, Nathan M. "Hermeneutic Environmental Philosophy: Identity, Action, and the Imagination." Thesis, University of North Texas, 2020.

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One of the major themes in environmental philosophy in the twenty-first century has broadly focused on how we experience and value the natural world. Along those lines, the driving question I take up in this project is if our ordinary experiences are seen as interpretations, what is the significance of this for our moral claims about the environment? Drawing on the hermeneutic philosophies of Hans Georg-Gadamer and Paul Ricoeur, I examine environmental interpretation as it relates particularly to identity, meaningful action, and the mediating function of the imagination. These three interconnected aspects show both our capability for new understandings related to the natural world, as well as problem of conflicting, yet equally valid, views on environmental value. To explore this tension further I consider the relevance of hermeneutic conceptions of truth and translation for environmental ethics. A hermeneutic notion of truth highlights the difficulties in making strong normative claims about the environment, while a hermeneutic view of translation is helpful in thinking about the otherness of nature and what this means for ecological values. In this project I am particularly interested in the conflict of environmental interpretation and the implications that a hermeneutic frame has for the limits of environmental understanding and value. I argue that hermeneutics and narrative theory shows that we can argue for direct moral consideration of ecological others or the natural world only as merely possible interpretations among others.
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Day, Philip Garrett. "Environmental Imagination: the Constitution and Projection of a Sustainable Ethos." Thesis, University of North Texas, 2014.

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This dissertation provides a theoretical analysis and examination of the role of imagination in the formation of an environmental ethos. The majority of ethical theories in environmental thought largely neglect the role that imagination plays in both the relationships that humans form with their environment, and the subsequent role that imagination plays in constituting the way that those relationships are understood ethically. To explore the role of imagination in constituting and subsequently projecting such an ethical way of being, this dissertation selectively analyzes the history of imagination in philosophy, cognitive science, and environmental thought. In addition, this dissertation also explores the role that images play in forming collective responses to environmental disasters, and the further role that imagination plays in overcoming the moral motivation gap.
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Doherty, Ciuin. "The Imagination| A Path to Personal and Planetary Individuation." Thesis, Pacifica Graduate Institute, 2016.

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This thesis draws on Jungian psychology, neuroscience, ecopsychology, and cosmology to explore the role of the imagination in facilitating individuation at personal and planetary levels. Employing the methodology of organic inquiry, it is proposed that our imaginative faculties be revisioned as extensions of an exquisitely creative universe. The potential of engaging these streams of creative energy through active imagination is explored, particularly their capacity to heal trauma by integrating dissociated neural nets into the mainstream flow of the brain. It is suggested that this movement toward internal psychic wholeness may be mirrored in the external world as we step into right brain, imaginal, embodied modes of being. The thesis investigates whether such a holistic lens may allow us to see through the destructive Western myth of humanity’s separation from nature, enabling us to reconnect at a profound level, to our one and only life support system, the Earth.

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Ahlbäck, Pia Maria. "Energy, heterotopia, dystopia : George Orwell, Michel Foucault and the twentieth century environmental imagination /." Åbo : Åbo akademis förlag : Åbo akademi university press, 2001.

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Kallipoliti, Lydia. "Mission galactic household| The resurgence of cosmological imagination in the architecture of the 1960s and 1970s." Thesis, Princeton University, 2013.

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This dissertation traces a resurgent cosmological imagination in the architecture of the 1960s and 1970s. It documents how the exploration of outer space fueled a radical ecological architectural debate that addressed the reinvention of the household and domestic economy, as both a scientific and an ontological project. I am arguing that in the anticipation of a cosmic view and the search for our coordinates in the universe, there was a disciplinary inflation of previous perceptions of habitation, amplifying the household to an interplanetary organism that can capture the immensity of the cosmos and the obscure density of living systems.

Reflecting the spectacle of a finite “spaceship-earth,” previous concepts of nature’s flawless preservation, as separated from the urban milieu, engendered a novel naturalism of artificial ecology, where the functions and operations of nature were copied as precise analogues in man-made systems. At this time, the space program played a fundamental role in the reformation of the building industry, effectively adopting, rationalizing and simulating nature’s operations in the cautious cycling of provisions. The potential for conversion of all waste materials into useful ones became eminently important, as a means of survival within the enclosed space of the spacecraft. However, NASA’s experiments were not only evoking unearthly fictions; they were a catalyst for re-thinking transformed social and technical relationships as architectural problems, particularly in the domestic sphere. The space program, as a paradigm of reinventing habitation in extreme physiological conditions and instrumentalizing human agency in terms of input and output invoked an ecological sense of inhabiting the world, as seen in houses equipped with digesters, hydroponic systems, composting devices, solar components and wind generators. The projection of humanity to outer space gestated a new type of a recirculatory house, a cybernetic laboratory that can reproduce the ecosystem in its totality in smaller closed systems.

In light of this lineage, my study explores the critical intersection between ecology, cybernetics and experimentation with materials and building processes. Bringing this discussion to face contemporary debates, it is worthwhile to observe that two major peripheral areas of the architectural discipline—computation and sustainability—that are considered in almost all cases as disjunctive or irrelevant fields stem from equivalent epistemological aspirations and converged at a time when cosmological imagination (and the idea of leaving the earth) was a core disciplinary preoccupation.

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Vingmarker, Viktoria. "Seeing is believing is doing? : On the role of future-oriented imagination in developing motivation for a sustainable lifestyle." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Institutionen för geovetenskaper, 2018.

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The environmental and climate-related sustainability challenges facing the world today are complex, accelerating and urgent, and they call for change from multiple stake­hol­ders. While govern­ments, busi­nes­ses and other insti­tutions hold a high degree of responsibility for initia­ting and enabling the neces­sary change processes towards sustainable practices, so do also individuals and com­munities. Despite inno­va­tive change projects worldwide much remains to be done. However, making changes is difficult for many people, and even more so in situations characterised by uncertainty. In this study the role of future-oriented ima­gination in motivating changes towards sustainable lifestyles was explored through an experimental intervention design. Test group participants were exposed to a guided imagination of a sustainability scenario in the year 2028, followed by a writing assignment allowing them time to en­ga­ge with how they see their own future life. The control group spent the same amount of time listening to a guided present-day reflection and writing about their current everyday life. Pre- and post-intervention, both groups comp­leted lifestyle question­naires. The pre­-­­inter­­vention ques­tion­naire constituted the baseline assessment against which their post-inter­ven­tion questionnaire results (which was asking both groups to record the lifestyle decisions they thought they would be making in the year 2028 on the same behaviours as in the pre-intervention questionnaire) were compared to check for reported degrees of changes. Besides their expected lifestyle changes, their predicted future personal change and degree of pro-environmental self-identity in the year 2028 was measured. The results show that test group participants, who were exposed to the future-oriented imagination, reported a substantially higher degree of future lifestyle changes and future pro-environ­mental self-identity than the control group, as well as predicting a higher degree of future personal change. Future-oriented imagination seems to be a potent pathway for eliciting future-oriented sustainability enga­ge­ment while avoiding some of the risks of negative spillover. This suggests that future-oriented imagination can play an important role in developing motivation for sustainable lifestyle changes, and that it can be a complement to other psychological drivers for pro-environmental behaviours.
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Wyant, Jordan. "The Exclusive Frontier: Whiteness and the Settler Imagination in Last Child in the Woods." Thesis, University of Oregon, 2019.

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Spurred by Richard Louv’s bestseller Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children from Nature Deficit-Disorder (2005), a popular movement composed of parents, educators, and researchers has increasingly called for the reconnection of children and the natural environment. This thesis interrogates the cultural assumptions at work in this call to reconnect, specifically how an American frontier imagination structures Louv’s ideal form of connection. Drawing on scholarship from the fields of ecocriticism, environmental history, and American studies I assess the implications of Louv’s frontier framing for the project of reconnecting children to nature and for the broader field of environmental education. I argue that a frontier vision of connection with nature is at times exclusionary and escapist, and more troubling, has the potential to enforce social hierarchies invested in whiteness and the U.S. settler state.
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Matthews, Kellianne Houston. "Making Old Stories New in the Anthropocene: Reading, Creating, and the Cosmological Imagination in Darren Aronofsky's Noah." BYU ScholarsArchive, 2017.

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This thesis examines Darren Aronofsky's 2014 film Noah as a pattern for metafictionalizing narratives into thinking stories as we confront the uncertainty and challenges of the Anthropocene. While Ecocriticism has sought for the development and promotion of nature writing and environmentally oriented poetry and fiction- "new stories" that will shape a stronger environmental ethic"”it has placed too much responsibility for the environmental imagination on what we read rather than on the more important question of how we read. My argument addresses the readerly responsibilities that, if met, have the power to transform old stories and old habits of mind into environmentally relevant attitudes and behaviors. The search for new stories, in other words, although important, has tended to understate the responsibility of the reader to make stories new and to read them as cosmologies that pertain to our contemporary situation. What is needed are new ways to read and engage with stories, new reading methods to metaphorize narratives themselves, making them metafictional even when they are not. Now, in an age of climate change and environmental degradation, it is time for us to think about stories in relation to our role as protagonists in the story of the earth, imagining new possibilities and actively accepting our role of writing our story anew. I hope to demonstrate that this type of aggressive reading of even popular culture (often regarded as mainstream, or "œthoughtless" stories) can mine the necessary insights to reexamine humanity's relationship with the earth and its inhabitants.
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Ribeiro, Sandra Maria Patricio. "A cidade miniatura do Mário sob um olhar fenomenológico. Narrativa inscrita nas fronteiras entre a expressão poética, a psicologia social e a história." Universidade de São Paulo, 2008.

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Era uma vez, um homem... seu nome era Mário Ramos Nogueira e ele vivia no interior de São Paulo. Em 1949, tudo que ele tinha na vida eram 72 bois; veio a peste e os atacou. Então, na véspera do natal, o homem fez um pacto: se Deus salvasse seu gado, construiria um presépio que seria aumentado enquanto vida tivesse. Aí, Deus curou os bois; seu Mário comprou um presépio e começou a construir uma cidadezinha ao seu redor... passaram-se os anos e a cidadezinha virou uma verdadeira metrópole, cheia de arranha-céus, avenidas, luzes e movimento as pessoas faziam fila na frente da casa do seu Mário para ver a cidade! Mas um dia, por um encantamento, a cidade desapareceu! Capturada pelas narrativas sobre a Cidade Miniatura do Mário, senti-me compelida a reverberar seu mito; a história dessa cidadezinha suscita muitas indagações sobre o desejo, a memória, a imaginação, a expressão poética; esses são temas atinentes aos estudos sobre a subjetividade e ao universo artístico mas, em seus desdobramentos, adentram os campos da psicologia socioambiental e da história: a vida política, o tempo presente, a urbanização, as utopias hegemônicas, as práticas discursivas, a oralidade o presente trabalho resultou de um esforço para identificar alguns pontos enigmáticos de intersecção dessas indagações. Tomadas como estilhas da memória, imaginação e enunciação, as imagens da cidadezinha e as narrativas de sua história foram contempladas pelo prisma metodológico da fenomenologia hermenêutica; desse modo, desvelaram-se formas elaboradas de expressão de desejos e sofrimentos inscritos nas fronteiras entre os planos psíquico, cultural, histórico e político. Enunciou-se assim, agora nas fronteiras entre a expressão poética, a psicologia social e a história, uma nova narrativa, que interpreta a Cidade Miniatura do Mário como figuração plástica de enigmas humanos universais; sua criação, como uma tentativa singular de decifrá-los.
Once upon a time, a man his name was Mario Ramos Nogueira and he lived in the interior of Sao Paulo. In 1949, everything that he had in his life was 72 oxen; the pest arrived and attacked them. Then, in Christmas Eve, the man made a pact: if God saved his cattle, he would build a Presepe that would be increased while he had life. Then, God cured the oxen; Mário bought a presepe and started to construct one small town around it the years passed by and the small town turned to a true metropolis, full of skyscrapers, avenues, light and movement - the people made line in front of Mário´s house to see the city! But one day, as under a spell, the city disappeared! Captured by the narratives of Mário´s Miniature City, I felt myself compelled to reverberate its myth; the history of this small town excites many investigations on the desire, the memory, the imagination, the poetical expression; these are referent subjects to the studies on subjectivity and to artistic universe, but, in its unfoldings, they penetrate the fields of socioambiental psychology and of history: the political life, the present time, the urbanization, the hegemonic utopias, the discursive practices, the orality - the present work resulted of an effort to identify some enigmatic intersection points of these investigations. Taking as memory fragments, imagination and enunciation, the images of the small town and the narratives of its history had been contemplated by the methodological prism of the hermeneutic phenomenology; in this manner, elaborated forms of expression of desires and pain inscribed in the borders of the psychic, cultural, historical and politician plans were unveiled. It was enunciated thus, now in the poetical expression, social psychology and history frontiers, a new narrative that interprets the Marios Miniature City as a plastic figuration of universal human enigmas; its creation, as a singular attempt to decipher them.
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Books on the topic "Environmental imagination"


Hawkes, Dean. The Environmental Imagination. Second edition. | New York : Routledge, 2020.: Taylor & Francis, 2019.

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The environmental imagination: Technics and poetics of the architectural environment. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, 2008.

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The future of environmental criticism: Environmental crisis and literary imagination. Malden, MA: Blackwell Pub., 2005.

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S, Beach Christopher, ed. Natural states: The environmental imagination in Maine, Oregon, and the nation. Washington, DC: Resources for the Future, 2003.

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Stefan, Skrimshire, ed. Future ethics: Climate change and apocalyptic imagination. New York: Continuum, 2010.

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Worster, Donald. The wealth of nature: Environmental history and the ecological imagination. New York: Oxford University Press, 1993.

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Brown, Valerie A. Tackling wicked problems through the transdisciplinary imagination. London: Earthscan, 2010.

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Housing the environmental imagination: Politics, beauty, and refuge in American nature writing. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Pub., 2012.

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The environmental imagination: Thoreau, nature writing, and the formation of American culture. Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1995.

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Mike, Davis. Ecology of fear: Los Angeles and the imagination of disaster. New York: Vintage Books, 1999.

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Book chapters on the topic "Environmental imagination"


Hawkes, Dean. "The ‘other’ environmental tradition." In The Environmental Imagination, 67–110. Second edition. | New York : Routledge, 2020.: Taylor & Francis, 2019.

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Hawkes, Dean. "Soane, Labrouste, Mackintosh." In The Environmental Imagination, 3–30. Second edition. | New York : Routledge, 2020.: Taylor & Francis, 2019.

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Hawkes, Dean. "After Banham." In The Environmental Imagination, 257–72. Second edition. | New York : Routledge, 2020.: Taylor & Francis, 2019.

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Hawkes, Dean. "Le Corbusier and Mies van der Rohe." In The Environmental Imagination, 33–65. Second edition. | New York : Routledge, 2020.: Taylor & Francis, 2019.

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Hawkes, Dean. "Louis I. Kahn." In The Environmental Imagination, 111–38. Second edition. | New York : Routledge, 2020.: Taylor & Francis, 2019.

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Hawkes, Dean. "Carlo Scarpa." In The Environmental Imagination, 139–59. Second edition. | New York : Routledge, 2020.: Taylor & Francis, 2019.

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Hawkes, Dean. "Sigurd Lewerentz." In The Environmental Imagination, 161–75. Second edition. | New York : Routledge, 2020.: Taylor & Francis, 2019.

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Hawkes, Dean. "The environmental magic of Luis Barragán." In The Environmental Imagination, 177–98. Second edition. | New York : Routledge, 2020.: Taylor & Francis, 2019.

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Hawkes, Dean. "The sheltering environment." In The Environmental Imagination, 201–17. Second edition. | New York : Routledge, 2020.: Taylor & Francis, 2019.

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Hawkes, Dean. "The environmental imagination of Peter Zumthor." In The Environmental Imagination, 219–53. Second edition. | New York : Routledge, 2020.: Taylor & Francis, 2019.

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Conference papers on the topic "Environmental imagination"


Shamma, David A., and Kristian J. Hammond. "Imagination environment." In ACM SIGGRAPH 2004 Emerging technologies. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2004.

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Makarevics, Valerijs, and Dzintra Ilisko. "Creative Imagination and its Development in Ontogenesis." In Rural environment. Education. Personality. Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies. Faculty of Engineering. Institute of Education and Home Economics, 2018.

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Lee, Jui-Hsiang, and Chang-Franw Lee. "The predictive model of imagination stimulation from web environment." In 2017 International Conference on Applied System Innovation (ICASI). IEEE, 2017.

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Racene, Anita. "Applying a Metaphorical Method in Career Counselling." In 14th International Scientific Conference "Rural Environment. Education. Personality. (REEP)". Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies. Faculty of Engineering. Institute of Education and Home Economics, 2021.

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The present paper presents the research results on the role of choosing the metaphorical method for career counselling. The research aims to analyse the results of applying the metaphorical method in career counselling. An analysis of relevant theories and the results of an assignment completed by students of professional education institutions was performed to achieve the aim. The study involved 19 students aged 18-30. The research found that metaphors stimulate the imagination of young individuals and allow them to creatively approach career investigation by using their potential for a complex understanding of career-related phenomena and thinking about their career development. The research results could contribute to the understanding of the role of applying metaphorical methods in career counselling and give an idea of young individuals’ creativity and imagination in connection with their career development. Career counsellors, teachers as career counsellors and personnel selection specialists could use the findings in their career counselling practice.
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Valentim, Juliana. "Participatory Futures Imaginations." In LINK 2021. Tuwhera Open Access, 2021.

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The contemporary conjuncture of widespread ecological and social crises summons critical thinking about significant cultural changes in digital media design. The selection and classification practices that marked the history of slavery and colonization now rely on all types of nanotechnologies. On behalf of the future, bodies became expanded territory to sovereign intervention, where the role of contemporary powers enable extraction and mining of material, plumbed from the most intimate sphere of the self. This logic requires the state of exception to become the norm, so that the crisis is the digital media’s critical difference: they cut through the constant stream of information, differentiating the temporally valuable from the mundane, offering users a taste of real-time responsibility and empowerment. Thereby, this research aims to explore the dynamic transformations of the mediatic environment and their impacts on the fundamental relationships of human beings with the world, the self, and objects. It unfolds concerns around neocolonial assaults on human agency and autonomy that resonate from structuring patterns emerging from the digital infrastructure of neoliberalism and the relationships of human beings with the world. It disputes the imaginaries, representational regimes, and the possibilities of reality perceptions with universal, patriarchal, and extractive representations. This research also seeks alternative forms of media education and political resistance through its collaborative practice, pursuing an attentive and open-ended inquiry into the possibilities latent for designing new communication and information tools within lived material contexts: How might we represent invisible media infrastructures? How to produce knowledge about this space and present it publicly? How can these representations be politically mobilized as ecological and social arguments to establish a public debate? How can artistic sensibilities, aesthetics and the visual field influence what is thought of this frontier space? Finally, how can art, play and research intervene and participate? For this, the project involves participatory methods to create spaces for dialogue between different epistemologies, questioning the forms of ethical and creative reasoning in the planetary media and communication systems; for fostering the techno-politics imagination through playful, participatory futures and transition design frameworks as an ethical praxis of world-making; and for a reconceptualization of autonomy as an expression of radical interdependence between body, spaces, and materiality. The research aims to provide a framework for designing media tools, which incorporates core design principles and guidelines of agency and collective autonomy. It also engages with the transnational conversation on design, a contribution that stems from recent Latin American epistemic and political experiences and struggles, and the wider debate around alternative forms of restoring communal bonds, conquering public discussion spaces, and techno-political resistances through collaborative research practices and participatory methods.
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Wendrich, Robert E. "Mixed Reality Tools for Playful Representation of Ideation, Conceptual Blending and Pastiche in Design and Engineering." In ASME 2014 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2014.

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This paper describes the development and evaluation of mixed reality tools for the early stages of design and engineering processing. Externalization of ideal and real scenes, scripts, or frames are threads that stir the imaginative exploration of the mind to ideate, formulate, and represent ideas, fuzzy thoughts, notions, and/or dreams. The body in the mind, embodied imagination is more important than knowledge. Current computational tools and CAD systems are not equipped or fully adapted in the ability to intuitively convey creative thoughts, closely enact or connect with users in an effective, affective, or empathic way. Man-machine interactions are often tethered, encumbered by e.g. stupefying modalities, hidden functionalities, constraint interface designs and preprogrammed interaction routes. Design games, mixed reality, ‘new’ media, and playful tools have been suggested as ways to support and enhance individual and collaborative ideation and concept design by improving communication, performance, and generation. Gamification seems to be successful especially in framing and/or blending common ground for collaborative design and co-creation processes. Playing games with cross-disciplinary design teams and future users in conjunction with tools to create stories, narratives, role-play and visual representations can be used as abstract ideation and design material in an open-ended design process. In this paper we discuss mixed reality tools based on a holistic user-centered approach within playful stochastic environments. We present preliminary findings and studies from experimentation with robust tools, prototypes, and interfaces based on our empirical research and work in progress.
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Panov, Victor, and Margarita Selezneva. "Сadets' Creative Imagination and Agency Development in Military Higher School Educational Environment." In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Contemporary Education, Social Sciences and Ecological Studies (CESSES 2019). Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2019.

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Low, Yvonne, Aisyamariam Abdul Uzza, Analisa Hamdan, and Abtar Darshan Singh. "Personalized Experiential Learning Using Virtual Reality to Enhance Imagination and Emotional Connectivity in Skills-Based Courses." In Tenth Pan-Commonwealth Forum on Open Learning. Commonwealth of Learning, 2022.

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Experiential learning is a philosophy and methodology in which educators plan to engage learners purposefully in direct experience and focused reflection to develop skills and knowledge, clarify values, and apply prior learning experiences. In other words, experiential learning is an instructor’s careful arrangement of a specific, interactive learning experience for students where they can develop their understanding and discover new knowledge. In this respect, different learning technologies can be used to ensure that skills-based content achieves the goals and learning outcomes, most of which are competency-based. Virtual reality is one such emerging technology which can enable learners to experience and be immersed in virtual learning environments which takes them out of the “window”. In a virtual learning environment, learners get to manoeuvre learning artifacts and manipulate the perspective plane to their prior learning experiences vis-à-vis the achievement of outcomes stated in the curriculum. This paper aims to provide answers to the research question: Could virtual learning designs enable personalized experiential learning to enhance imagination and emotional connectivity in skills-based courses in the new normal. As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, many differentiated learning environments have been initiated such as ODL, blended and hybrid learning. In all these new initiatives, learners are still placed within the “4-walled classroom atmosphere” where learning is “confined to small, crowded, and neat spaces”. The researcher has observed that this has led to limited imagination, lack of emotional connection and has demotivated learners, resulting in poor quality products, especially in a skills-based learning environment. These observations are also supported by Latchem (2017) in an edited book ‘Using ICTs and Blended Learning in Transforming TVET’ which states that the common problem of distance learners is having limited contact with educators and their peers. According to Fleming (2021), advanced technology such as VR will ensure immense personal engagement and participation in a 21st century classroom as learning will involve artificially digitized content that resembles real life situations.
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Wang, Zijian, Shanfang Huang, Xiaoyu Guo, and Kan Wang. "Public Acceptance of Spent Fuel Reprocessing Project." In 2017 25th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2017.

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At present, there are hundreds of nuclear power plants in operation around the world. Anti-nuclear movements continue in many places, although the nuclear power plants have good operating records. It has some factors, and the first factor that the public knows little about nuclear industry, results in regarding the nuclear power plant mysterious. This condition relates to destructive scene by nuclear weapon with nuclear industry, deeming it unacceptable to take this risk. Secondly, construction of nuclear power plant and off site emergency may occupy large land. The public hopes to be rewarded more to offset the risk by their imagination. Last, it relates to the political environment of one country. Every country has its own situation, so the strategies of developing nuclear power plant are widely different. The public is not familiar with other nuclear engineering projects except nuclear power plants, and hence the boycott happens more frequently. Sino-French cooperation on nuclear fuel cycle project is the first large-scale commercial spent fuel reprocessing plant, which is the biggest cooperative project between China and France until now. AREVA is responsible for technology, and CNNC is responsible for building. Spent fuel reprocessing is the most important part of nuclear fuel cycle back end, which separates uranium and plutonium from spent fuel, and manufactures MOX fuel with recycled resources for using in nuclear reactor again. This will make the best use of the uranium resources. After that process, the fission products needed to be disposed reduce significantly. And it is good for environmental protection. The public protest happened in one of the candidate sites, when CNNC carried out the preliminary work of site selection. For meeting the enormous energy demands, the fossil energy may be exhausted in the future due to the greenhouse gases emission. Chinese government speeds up the development of new energy. Nuclear energy is the only technology with no emission of greenhouse gases and will be rapidly developed. Along with the nuclear power units continuing to increase, they become the critical factors in restricting the sustainable development of nuclear energy. That is efficient utilization of uranium resources, spent fuel intermediate storage, reprocessing, and geologic disposal of high level radioactive waste. To this project, it not only has a great current demand, but also closely relates to transition of energy structure. The public has different views in the project progressing, which results in wide concern and discussion. The article took this event for example, and analyzed the reason from all directions. Besides, the author put forward own views for the public acceptance events about nuclear engineering projects except nuclear power plant.
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Klager, Christopher. "Using Project-Based Science to Cultivate Imagination and Inquisitiveness in Science Learning Environments." In 2019 AERA Annual Meeting. Washington DC: AERA, 2019.

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Reports on the topic "Environmental imagination"


Anayatova, Dilraba, Marina Basu, Saiarchana Darira, Andrew Freiband, Devynn Glanz, Atota Halkiyo, Setrag Hovsepian, et al. Turn it around! An education guide to climate futures. Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College, May 2022.

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Building on the scientific evidence and keeping in focus policy promises made over the decades, this report mobilizes the power of socially engaged art to bring together visions and voices of youth from across the globe in a collective effort to address the root causes of the climate crisis. It starts with the premise that education is directly implicated in the climate crisis and our failure to imagine alternatives. But it can also be the catalyst for radical change. Aiming to shift and shuffle the dominant knowledge systems and categories with the cards from the Turn It Around! deck, this report urges you to turn toward the reality of the climate crisis by capturing its devastating impacts from youth perspective in a way statistical data might not. It challenges existing education policies, practices, and patterns as no longer possible, tolerable, or even thinkable. With the powerful imagination and creativity of youth, the report activates a series of turning points — intergenerational, decolonial, methodological, and pedagogical — in order to turn around the environmental catastrophe, while reconfiguring the role of education toward ecologically just and sustainable futures.
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