Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Environmental expenditure'
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Herlaar, Sjoerd. "Exploring Consumer Expenditure And Environmental Impacts Across European Nations : A Data-Mining Approach." Thesis, KTH, Skolan för industriell teknik och management (ITM), 2019. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-264518.
Full textAllt eftersom trycket på miljön som skapas av mänskligheten ökar blir det mer och mer viktigt att ha förståelse för hur produkter påverkar en persons totala påverkan för att göra val om hur en person väljer att konsumera. Senare litteratur visar att hushållens konsumtion är ansvarig för 51% till 81 % av landets totala utsläpp (Ivanova, Stadler, et al. 2016). Denna studie undersöker om utgifterna är en genomförbar proxy-mätning för konsumentpåverkan i Europa i hopp om att ge konsumenterna mer kunskap om sina konsumtionsvanor och hur dessa påverkar miljön. Detta görs genom att kombinera inputoutput-analys, datamining och regressionsanalys för att kontrollera om det finns en betydande korrelation mellan utgifter och effekter. Resultaten är kontextualiserade i COICOPkategorier. Resultaten från analysen för input-output tyder på att bostäder, mat och transport är de största kostnadskategorierna i hela Europa. Utgiftsbeloppet varierar avsevärt i hela Europa, trots att trenden dyker upp. Mönsterigenkänning och klusteranalys algoritmer visar att utgiftsvanor skiljer sig särskilt mellan nordvästra, östra, södra, och kusten av Europa. Var och en av de fyra grupperna best˚ar av mellan sex och elva nationer. I allmänhet indikerar lägre ekonomisk utveckling högre utgifter f¨or bostäder och livsmedel, medan högre ekonomisk utveckling indikerar högre utgifter inom rekreation & kultur och varor & tjänster. Europas kust spenderar mer på restauranger & hotell och utbildning. Miljöpåverkan av alla utgifter beräknades med fyra kategorier för miljöpåverkan; Global uppvärmningspotential, markanvändning, materialanvändning och blå vattenförbrukning. Därefter kontrollerades sambandet mellan utgifter och miljöpåverkan med hjälp av regressionsanalys. Analysen visade att utav de tolv utgiftskategorierna hade kläder & skor samt inredning och hushåll betydande samband mellan utgifterna och de fyra effektskategorierna. Mat, alkohol & tobak och rekreation & kultur var signifikanta i två effektskategorier, och transport visade var signifikant i en kategori. Totalt var 15 av de 48 testade påverkanskategorierna signifikanta. Det här är 31%. Med hjälp av de identifierade grupperna ökar beloppet av effektskategorier som korrelerar med utgifterna från 44% upp till 68%. Det är viktigt att notera att med tanke på storleken av dessa grupper är dessa resultat inte statistiskt signifikanta. Däremot verkar metoden vara lovande. Ytterligare forskning med större omfattning skulle kunna ge statistiskt signifikanta resultat.
Litt, Barri A. "An Examination of Accounting and Auditing Issues Related to Strategic Environmental Initiatives." FIU Digital Commons, 2011. http://digitalcommons.fiu.edu/etd/421.
Full textRogowitz, Gordon L. "A Model of Energy Expenditure in White-tailed Jackrabbits (Lepus townsendii) Based on Integrated Studies of Energetics and Field Ecology." DigitalCommons@USU, 1988. https://digitalcommons.usu.edu/etd/6457.
Full textLópez, Romero Ana-María. "Alignment of mitigation pledges with government expenditure in Latin America : A case study of Chile, Colombia and Peru in the COVID-19 context." Thesis, Linköpings universitet, Tema Miljöförändring, 2021. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-178318.
Full textBjörklund, Johanna. "Emergy analysis to assess ecological sustainability : strengths and weaknesses /." Uppsala : Swedish Univ. of Agricultural Sciences, 2000. http://epsilon.slu.se/avh/2000/91-576-5794-7.pdf.
Full textПриходько, В. С. "Аналітичне забезпечення оцінки ефективності екологічного оподаткування в Україні." Thesis, Чернігів, 2020. http://ir.stu.cn.ua/123456789/20609.
Full textОб'єктом дослідження є соціально-економічні відносини, що виникають між державою, платниками податків та суспільством у процесі екологічного оподаткування в Україні для зниження надмірного навантаження на навколишнє природне середовище. Предметом дослідження є теоретико-методичні основи та практичні рекомендації щодо підвищення ефективності екологічного оподаткування в Україні. Метою випускної кваліфікаційної роботи є дослідження теоретико-методологічних аспектів оцінки ефективності екологічного оподаткування в Україні. Для досягнення мети були поставлені та вирішені такі завдання: дослідження процесів становлення екологічного оподаткування в Україні; вивчення особливостей справляння екологічного податку за видами; дослідження світового досвіду у сфері екологічного оподаткування та можливостей його імплементації у вітчизняну систему екологічного оподаткування; удосконалення методичних підходів до оцінки ефективності екологічного оподаткування в Україні; аналіз планових та фактичних надходжень екологічного податку в Україні в цілому та Чернігівській області, зокрема; аналіз витрат на природоохоронні заходи з урахуванням можливостей їх фінансування з бюджетів різних рівнів; оцінка динаміки показників антропогенного навантаження на довкілля як індикатора дієвості екологічного оподаткування; розробка практичних рекомендацій щодо удосконалення сфери екологічного оподаткування з метою зменшення навантаження на довкілля. За результатами дослідження було запропоновано впровадження екологічних податків на основі міжнародного досвіду та розроблені заходи по підвищенню ефективності екологічного оподаткування в Україні. Одержані результати можуть бути використані при розробці регіональних та національних програм по удосконаленню системи екологічного оподаткування.
The object of the study is the socio-economic relations that arise between the state, taxpayers and society in the process of environmental taxation in Ukraine to reduce the excessive burden on the environment. The subject of the research is the theoretical and methodological bases and practical recommendations for improving the efficiency of environmental taxation in Ukraine. The purpose of the final qualifying work is to study the theoretical and methodological aspects of assessing the effectiveness of environmental taxation in Ukraine. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were set and solved: study of the processes of formation of environmental taxation in Ukraine; study of the peculiarities of collecting the environmental tax by type; research of world experience in the field of ecological taxation and possibilities of its implementation in the domestic system of ecological taxation; improving methodological approaches to assessing the effectiveness of environmental taxation in Ukraine; analysis of planned and actual revenues of the environmental tax in Ukraine in general and Chernihiv region, in particular; analysis of expenditures on environmental measures, taking into account the possibilities of their financing from the budgets of different levels; assessment of the dynamics of indicators of anthropogenic load on the environment as an indicator of the effectiveness of environmental taxation; development of practical recommendations for improving the field of environmental taxation in order to reduce the burden on the environment. According to the results of the study, the introduction of environmental taxes based on international experience was proposed and measures were developed to increase the efficiency of environmental taxation in Ukraine. The obtained results can be used in the development of regional and national programs to improve the system of environmental taxation.
Wadbrant, William. "Usage of Natural Gas in Modern Steel-making : A Financial and Environmental Evaluation of Available Steel-making Technology in Sweden." Thesis, KTH, Materialvetenskap, 2020. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-277899.
Full textEn metod för att producera stål som inte används i Sverige idag är direkt reduktion med hjälp av naturgas, en metod som har en enorm potential i framtida ståltillverkning. Historiskt har ståltillverkningen prioriterat produktivitet och vinst, men säkerhet, hållbarhet, och miljövänlighet har blivit områden mer och mer viktiga för svenska ståltillverkare. Den här studien utvärderar användningen av naturgas för att direkt reducera järnmalm till den porösa formen känd som järnsvamp, och sen bearbeta den till primärt stål. Teknologin som flnns idag utvärderas genom en litteraturstudie, vars data beräknas till två scenariomodeller: användningen av järnsvamp i ett traditionellt integrerat stålverk eller genom att ersätta stålskrot med järnsvamp i ljusbågsungen. Den här teknologin används redan idag i regioner där naturgas är lättillgängligt, men har hittills inte använts i Sverige. Men nu när Sveriges naturgasnät byggs ut och fordonstransporterad flytande naturgas blir mer och mer kostnadseffektiv så är det lämpligt att utvärdera direkt reduktion i Sverige. Modellerna kräver antaganden och uppskattningar, men de pekar på att direkt reducering av järnmalm kommer att vara en genomförbar metod för ståltillverkning i en nära framtid. Integrerade masugnslinjer kan minska sina enorma koldioxidutsläpp till ett rimligt pris, och järnsvampssmältning i ljusbågsugn kan hjälpa ståltillverkare att undanfly den instabila stålskrotsmarknaden eller användas för att helt ersätta masugnsproduktion i framtiden.
Rice, Jamie L. "Averting Expenditures of Bottled Water by Rural Households During a Power Outage." The Ohio State University, 2012. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=osu1354686674.
Full textAl-Obaid, Hussain M. A. "Rapidly changing economic environments and the Wagner's Law the case of Saudi Arabia /." Access citation, abstract and download form; downloadable file 11.14 Mb, 2004. http://wwwlib.umi.com/dissertations/fullcit/3131650.
Full textSteinegger, Tobias. "Investigating the Environmental Footprint of Swedish Household Consumption." Thesis, KTH, Hållbar utveckling, miljövetenskap och teknik, 2019. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-257861.
Full textProduktionsbaserade indikatorer visar att Sverige har lägre utsläpp per capita än andra höginkomstländer. Vetenskapliga bevis tyder dock på en tydlig överskridning av några av de planetära gränserna, särskilt den gällande klimatförändringar, om svenska konsumtionsrelaterade utsläpp utomlands beaktas. Hushållen är en av de viktigaste drivkrafterna bakom ökningen av hållbarhetsrelaterade problem. Studier uppskattar att hushållens konsumtion direkt och indirekt bidrar till 51–81% av deras miljöpåverkan. Bättre konsumtionsbaserade indikatorer är därför nödvändiga för att styra politiska insatser om Sverige vill uppnå sitt generationslöfte att lösa de stora miljöproblemen i Sverige utan att öka miljö- och hälsoproblemen utanför Sveriges gränser. Detta projekt syftar till att uppskatta Sveriges konsumtionsbaserade miljöpåverkan med senast tillgängliga data. Dessutom ger uppsatsen värdefull insikt i de svenska hushållens konsumtionsbeteende. De konsumtionsbaserade beräkningarna, baserade på EXIOBASE 3, uppskattade ett koldioxidavtryck på 94 Mt CO2-ekv. under 2011 för Sverige, där deproduktionsbaserade växthusgasutsläppen var 30% lägre än de faktiska utsläppen som skapades genom svensk konsumtion. Det landmässiga fotavtrycket uppskattades till 333 000 km2. Det materiella fotavtrycket visade att Sverige importerade dubbelt så mycket material som de exporterade till andra länder, vilket ledde till ett konsumtionsbaserat materialavtryck på 279 000 kt. Det mesta av det blåa vatten som är inkorporerat i produkter importerades, hela 94% av den svenska totalen på2 000 Mm3. Resultaten visar vikten av att titta på konsumtionsbaserad miljöpåverkan för att få en exakt bild av den nationella miljöpåverkan. Data gällande svenska hushållsutgifter kombinerades med miljömässigt utökade multiregionala input-output-värden för att beräkna de svenska hushållens miljöpåverkan. Studien identifierade mat, boende och transport som utgiftskategorier med högst miljöpåverkan. Enligt resultaten så var det totala koldioxidavtrycket för ett svenskt hushåll under2011 14 t CO2-eq, markanvändningen uppgick till 32 200 m2, materialutvinningen till 29 t och den blå vattenförbrukningen till 431 m3. Kombinationen av hushållsutgifter och miljömässigt utökade input-output-tabeller ger en omfattande bild av de konsumtionsbaserade utsläppen och ger en detaljerad inblick i konsumtionsbeteendet hos svenska hushåll. Dessa insikter kan vidare användas för att utforma mer exakta policyer som främjar ett noll-kol-samhälle i Sverige.
Brussell, Alexander. "Pollution and Persuasion: An Investigation of Corporate Toxic Releases and Lobbying Expenditures." Scholarship @ Claremont, 2018. https://scholarship.claremont.edu/cmc_theses/2021.
Full textAdomako, Samuel, and P. N. Nguyen. "Interfirm Collaboration and CSR Expenditure in Turbulent Environments: The Moderating Role of Entrepreneurial Orientation." Wiley, 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/10454/17852.
Full textThis paper draws on resource dependency theory to examine the impact of interfirm collaboration on CSR expenditure. In addition, we examine entrepreneurial orientation (EO) as a moderator of the relationship between interfirm collaboration and CSR expenditure. We test our research model using survey data from 230 small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Ghana. Results from our empirical analyses reveal that interfirm collaboration positively impacts CSR expenditure and this relationship is strengthened when entrepreneurial orientation is greater in turbulent environments. Implications for theory and practice are discussed.
University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Ferrer, Dupuy Plàcida. "Perspectiva jurídico-financiera del medio ambiente." Doctoral thesis, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 2001. http://hdl.handle.net/10803/7287.
Full textLa posibilidad de configurar el medio ambiente como necesidad pública obliga al análisis de la compleja función otorgada al Estado en cuanto obligado a intervenir en la protección y conservación del medio ambiente, que presenta el problema, no tan sólo de tener que adoptar una gran diversidad de medidas de protección en función del elemento a proteger, sino también un elevado coste. Por ello el trabajo se centra en los instrumentos financieros y económicos para la protección del medio ambiente en nuestro país, haciendo hincapié en la problemática de las subvenciones e incentivos fiscales aplicados al medio ambiente.
This work deals with the concept of environment and its legal principles from the perspective of public expenditure. Constitutional Financial Law and the Law of Public Expenditure provide the theoretical framework of the study. The analysis focuses on the conception of environmental protection as a public need, and on the legal instruments to fulfil such need.
Understanding the environment as a public need requires a proper analysis of the State's complex functions. In particular, State intervention in activities of environmental protection and conservation arises problems not only related with the adoption of a wide diversity of protection measures according to the intended element to be protected, but also with the high cost of protection. Therefore, the study focuses on the financial and economic instruments for environmental protection used in our country, and specifically it deals with the use of subsidies and tax incentives for environmental purposes.
Backman, Thomas, and Richard Söderholm. "Interaktivt idrottande? : En studie av energiutgiften vid användandet av dansmatta kontra ett traditionellt danspass." Thesis, Gymnastik- och idrottshögskolan, GIH, Institutionen för idrotts- och hälsovetenskap, 2011. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:gih:diva-1788.
Full textAbstract Aim: The objective of the study was to investigate the energy expenditure with the use of dance mat respectively a traditional dance class. The questions at issue were: What differences, in energy expenditure, an ordinary dance class and a session with dance mat? And: how do the two activities, dance mat and dance class, stand to the recommendations for daily physical activity? Method: The test group that completed the study consisted of four men and four women in the ages 23-26 years old. The test subjects all have previous experience in mixed physical activity. The method was formed through the relation between heart rate (HR) and effect (w). The test group went through three different types of tests. In the first test a bicycle ergonometer were used and both HR and effect was recorded and formed into a linear equation. The second test was a session with dance mat to a given sample of music. During the test their average HR was recorded. In the third test the test group danced a premade choreography to the same sample of music and their average HR was recorded. The HR variables were set in the linear equation to establish their average effect during the two activities. Oxygen uptake (l/min) and energy expenditure (kcal) was calculated from these figures. Results: The results of this study shows that dance class (7.4kcal/min) have 40 % higher energy expenditure than the session with dance mat (4.6kcal/min). The dance class reaches and exceeds the recommended lower limit of physical activity, while the session with dance mat does not. Conclusions: It is possible to use dance mat as a replacement for a dance session, but the energy expenditure is depending on which technique you use in the different activities, despite that it could be used as a pedagogical instrument.
Wei, Honghong. "Essays in energy, environmental and health economics." Thesis, Queensland University of Technology, 2020. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/202081/1/Honghong_Wei_Thesis.pdf.
Full textChiabrishvili, Maia. "Economic Security Environment and Implementation of planning programming, budgeting, execution (PPBE) system in Georgia /." Thesis, Monterey, Calif. : Springfield, Va. : Naval Postgraduate School ; Available from National Technical Information Service, 2004. http://library.nps.navy.mil/uhtbin/hyperion/04Jun%5FChiabrishvili.pdf.
Full textVignoboul, Aubin. "Inégalités et dépenses publiques : trois essais." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université Clermont Auvergne (2021-...), 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024UCFA0203.
Full textGlobal warming and the intensification of natural disasters threaten income inequalities, with the risk of exacerbating them. Public spending appears to be an appropriate tool for fighting these disparities. At the same time, gender-related social norms influence women's behavior in the management of public policies. This thesis aims to analyze empirically, through three chapters, the complex relationship between fiscal policy, income and gender inequalities in the environmental field.The medium-term consequences of natural disasters on income inequalities are little explored in the literature. The first chapter of this thesis considers this question. The method of local projections is used, mobilizing meteorological data covering 114 countries between 1995 and 2014. The main results show that the impact of cyclones on inequality dynamics, before and after redistribution, varies according to countries' level of development and democracy. In the poorest countries, inequalities decrease thanks to the influx of international aid and migrant remittances. In developed countries, on the other hand, inequalities before redistribution fall, then rise. This rebound effect reflects a Schumpeterian mechanism. The wealthiest households, hit hardest by the destruction of capital, benefit from the modernization of their capital during the reconstruction phase, thus increasing their incomes and pre-transfer inequalities. This increase is not reflected in the dynamics of inequality after redistribution.The impact of gender is widely documented in the microeconomic literature but remains underexplored at the macroeconomic level. The second chapter investigates the link between women's representation in government and the cyclicality of public spending. The study focuses on a quarterly analysis of the 27 European Union member countries over the period 2003-2021. The results obtained with the fixed-effects Ordinary Least Squares method show that the share of women holding economic positions within governments is associated with a more optimal fiscal policy in the Keynesian sense, by reinforcing its countercyclicality. This result is robust to changes in estimators and variables measuring the business cycle and the fiscal balance. This effect is particularly marked for female ministers with economic functions occupying a seat on the cabinet.The literature in experimental economics reveals distinct preferences according to gender. However, the impact of these differences on environmental policies at the macroeconomic level remains largely unknown. The third chapter looks at the influence of female representation on public environmental spending. By analyzing the 27 countries of the European Union between 2003 and 2022, this chapter shows, using fixed-effects Ordinary Least Squares estimations, that an increased presence of women in government is correlated with increased public spending on the environment. This result is robust to the addition of control variables, changes in the variables used to capture environmental spending, and alternative estimators. Women in cabinet seats have the most significant impact on environmental spending. The gender effect appears to depend neither on the timing of women's involvement in the budgetary process nor on the political orientation of the party in power. The increase in environmental spending was concentrated in the areas of research & development and water resource management
Gartmark, Joakim. "An assessment of cost-efficiency differences between feed-in-tariffs and tradable green certificates from a governmental perspective." Thesis, Stockholms universitet, Nationalekonomiska institutionen, 2015. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:su:diva-119789.
Full textMarais, Wandra. "The impact of physical activity on selected health risk factors and medical costs of employees working within a financial institution / Wandra Marais (née Van der Merwe)." Thesis, North-West University, 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/10394/2715.
Full textThesis (M.A. (Human Movement Science))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2009.
Bone, Julia Lizet. "The effects of environment, diet and exercise on the reliability and validity of measurements of resting metabolic rate and body composition in athletes." Phd thesis, Australian Catholic University, 2017. https://acuresearchbank.acu.edu.au/download/1b15286247babb3611beb870c0638a9665e6db2ec7481937bead51b19c647080/13327631/Bone_2017_The_effects_of_environment_diet_and.pdf.
Full textМирошниченко, Д. В. "Напрямки екологізації фінансових відносин в контексті екологічно сталого розвитку регіону." Thesis, Сумський державний університет, 2014. http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/38649.
Full textAl-Lawzi, Sulieman Ahmed. "Planning, Budgeting, and Development in Jordan: An Examination of How These Policy Processes Function in a Poor and Uncertain Environment." Thesis, North Texas State University, 1987. https://digital.library.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metadc331012/.
Full textThe Poverty, Distributional and Welfare Implications of INDC Policies for Ethiopia Environmental policies relying on market-based instruments, primarily carbon taxes, are becoming more advocated to mitigate the ever increasing GHG emissions, due to their efficiency properties. However the equity implications of such policies, the impacts on poverty, on wealth distribution, and on the prospects for growth are equally important. This is particularly true for developing countries whose primary aim is to improve upon weak economic and social performances. Ethiopia submitted its Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDC) to the UNFCCC secretariat with an emission reduction goal of 64% in 2030 compared to the BAU scenario. At the same time, the country is committed to reducing poverty and attaining its middle income status by 2025. As such, this study aims at analyzing the poverty, distributional and welfare consequences the implementation of Ethiopia’s INDC policy in the form of carbon tax. To this end, the results from percentage changes in household consumption expenditure from the CGE model are linked to the 2010/11Ethiopian household expenditure and consumption survey micro data which covers 27,835 households (CSA 2011). In accordance with the CGE simulations four scenarios have been considered. The first represents the implementation of a carbon tax where the revenues are entirely absorbed by government expenditure. The second represents the implementation of the carbon tax with lump sum transfer of 50% of the tax revenue to households. The third and fourth simulations add government expenditure induced productivity gains (in education and health) to the first and second simulations respectively. We found that INDC policy for Ethiopia would be costly to households under the first and third simulations. With the second and fourth simulations, we found sensible results whereby an improvement in poverty; inequality and welfare have been observed. The urban poor have benefited more from both the compensation plan and productivity gains than the rural non-poor. More importantly, compensation to households is more equitable than allocating the carbon tax revenue for government expenditure. The results suggest that compensation of carbon tax revenue transfers should be structured such that the rural poor are more beneficiary as they are much larger in number and they are more affected by the carbon tax policy. Lastly, a huge international support is required to help the country achieve its emission reduction target at modest Poverty, welfare and distributional costs. Emission; carbon tax; INDC; poverty; inequality; welfare; Simulation; baseline; expenditure; Ethiopia
Dantas, Marina Kolland. "Análise da gestão ambiental no Estado de São Paulo: Programa Município VerdeAzul, gastos públicos e indicadores de saúde." Universidade de São Paulo, 2016. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/96/96132/tde-20102016-160116/.
Full textAs a result of the adoption of unsustainable development models, contemporary society is facing a critical environmental scenario. Therefore, it is essential to design public policies to the principles of sustainability. In the State of São Paulo since 2007, the \"Município VerdeAzul\" Program promotes environmental management, evaluating the performance of municipalities by the Environmental Assessment Index (IAA). The literature review has shown that this type of evaluation is recent and there is a demand for multidisciplinary studies focused on monitoring, analysis and understanding of different results, at the global and local level in building healthy environments. Thus, this study of qualitative and quantitative character, descriptive and spatiotemporal design aimed to evaluate the environmental management in the counties from the results of public policy, relating them to public spending and the health conditions of the population. Therefore, data were collected from official public bases of the municipalities of São Paulo, between 2008 and 2013. After collection, the analysis proceeded from the techniques of descriptive statistics, building maps, multilevel analysis and correlation. The results showed that the PMVA is a policy with innovative and contemporary character, however, there is a discontinuity in the participation of several municipalities over the years, suggesting that the local dynamics, as political pressures, may interfere with the commitment to this agenda. Furthermore, analyzes showed large intraregional and interregional differences for performance in environmental management, highlighting the predominance of low grades in São Paulo\'s south. The ten cities evaluated with the best environmental performance were: Novo Horizonte, Santa Rosa de Viterbo, Santa Fé do Sul, Itu, Gabriel Monteiro, Sorocaba, Franca, Piacatu, Dirce Reis, Lins. In this sense, multilevel analysis found that population size do not explain the variability in environmental performance, which is reflective of other features. Analyses on the amount of public spending for environmental functions also highlighted the lack of a defined pattern of investments. The amount of environmental expenses showed to be slightly and be positively correlated with the IAA, corroborating the association between the amount of financial resources to environmental management capacity. Regarding the integration between health and environment, among the main results, there is the lack of correlation for infant mortality, additionally higher environmental expenses were associated with lower hospitalization rates for diarrheal diseases in children. However, these relationships require further investigation. In conclusion, this study helped to advance the theoretical discussions on municipal environmental management, emphasizing the importance of these actions for the balance between human and planetary boundaries. In addition, the study helped to integrate various public data generating analyzes that can improve public decision-making and, consequently, environmental quality offered to society
Brockwell, Erik. "State and industrial actions to influence consumer behavior." Doctoral thesis, Umeå universitet, Nationalekonomi, 2014. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:umu:diva-93334.
Full textWalberg, Mark P. "A patient-perspective approach to Medicare Part D prescription drug plan costs." Scholarly Commons, 2009. https://scholarlycommons.pacific.edu/uop_etds/2394.
Full textКарінцева, Олександра Іванівна, Александра Ивановна Каринцева, and Oleksandra Ivanivna Karintseva. "Методологічні засади реструктуризації національної економіки України з урахуванням еколого-економічних трансформацій." Thesis, Сумський державний університет, 2018. http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/70324.
Full textС учетом принципа эволюционной цикличности установлена логико-структурная взаимозависимость между понятийями «структурная политика» (система перманентных мер рыночного и государственного регулирования, направленных на заблаговременное предупреждение деформаций межотраслевых и межсекторальных связей) и «реструктуризация экономики» (система реактивных мер по ликвидации сложившихся диспропорций элементов общественного производства, системной реорганизации устаревших и неэффективных элементов существующей структуры экономики). Разработаны концептуальные основы реструктуризации экономики под влиянием эколого-экономических трансформаций, ориентированные на учет в процессе оптимизации структуры дополнительного эколого-экономического критерия ее типологизации, нового принципа - эволюционной цикличности, а также системы ограничений. Формализованы взаимозависимости между объемами выбросов загрязняющих веществ и диоксида углерода предприятиями предприятий различных отраслей экономики Украины и приростом их объемов производства, накопления каптала и инвестиционной активности. Выявлены закономерности распределения национального богатства стран мира (в целом и в зависимости от уровня дохода на душу населения) между его структурными компонентами (произведенный, природный и человеческий капитал, чистые иностранные активы) и добавленной стоимости по основным видам экономической деятельности. Для ранжирования отраслей экономики по уровню экологического риска разработан подход, основанный на интегральном обобщении методом дискриминантного анализа среднеотраслевой вероятности, объемов и убытков от экодеструктивного влияния, расходов предприятий отрасли на природоохранные мероприятия. Предложены методологические основы определения экологоемкости продукции отраслей экономики, выделены специфические особенности упущенной выгоды, затратной, фактической убыточной, гипотетически-прогнозной убыточной составляющих экологических потерь в отраслях, разработан методический инструментарий их оценки, что позволило определить уровень реальной и «теневой» экологоемкости продукции на уровне отраслей и экономики Украины в целом. Разработан подход к определению степени неиспользованного потенциала отрасли на основе системного сочетания ресурсного, емкостного, исходного и вероятностного подходов, комплексного учета с помощью таксонометрического метода экономических, социальных и экологических индикаторов развития отрасли в соответствии с концепцией устойчивого развития. Осуществлено структурное моделирование направлений и степени интенсивности взаимного влияния между объемами продукции, накоплением капитала и уровнем инвестиционной активности предприятий отрасли, что позволило выявить закономерности формирования взаимосвязей между структурообразующими элементами развития отрасли, обеспечения устойчивости отрасли к их изменению. С помощью инструментария линейного программирования определены направления изменения отраслевой структуры экономики, при которых минимизируется деструктивное влияние на окружающую среду и достигается оптимальное межотраслевое соотношение по объемам производства, накопления каптала и инвестиционной активности. Осуществлен структурно-функциональный анализ влияния уровня оплаты труда, численности занятых, объемов производства, финансовых результатов и капитальных инвестиций в отрасли на ее долю в ВВП. Это позволило выявить существенные межотраслевые различия по влиянию факторов - стимуляторов и дестимуляторов на результативность развития отрасли. Разработан подход к оценке интегрального воздействия наиболее чувствительных к структурным изменениям в экономике параметров для каждой группы стейкхолдеров (государство, население и бизнес) на ВВП страны с учетом экологических трансформаций. Для оптимизации стратегий реализации государственной политики реструктуризации экономики с помощью инструментария теории игр определены компромиссные соотношения между уровнем ВВП страны, скорректированным с учетом экологических трансформаций, и параметрами, отражающие интересы главных стейкхолдеров. На основе модифицированных моделей Кубина-Штерна и независимых компонент разработана модель прогнозирования динамики государственных расходов на проведение реформы реструктуризации экономики в зависимости от макроэкономических, экологических, социальных, политических детерминант (сгруппированных по блокам «Рост и развитие», «Инклюзивность», «Преемственность поколений и устойчивость», «Демократизация» и «Независимость государственного управления») с учетом причинно-следственных связей между ними и вероятностного характера их изменения.
The thesis grounds the concept and develops the idea of the national economic restructuring. It formalizes national and global trends for structural changes under the influence of modern economic transformations, interrelations between the structure-forming elements of economic sectors' development. It provides the methodology for environmental risk assessment, environmental capacity, and unused potential of economic sectors. The study defines the goals for adapting the sectoral structure of the economy, incorporating the destructive environmental impact and the optimal inter-sectoral production volumes ratio, capital accumulation and investment activity. The optimization methodology for implementing the strategies for the state policy of restructuring the economy, taking into account the coherence of interests between the state, population and business are provided. The study presents the methodical basis for forecasting the dynamics of public expenditures for restructuring reform depending on macroeconomic, ecological, social, and political determinants of economic development.
Hsu, Tzu-Hsuan, and 徐子軒. "The Relation Between Environmental Expenditure and Market Value." Thesis, 2011. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/52697150445944520436.
Full textHsueh-ChingChang and 張學清. "The Influences of Environmental Expenditure on Economic Growth." Thesis, 2013. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/20322913506724159197.
Full text國立成功大學
Economic development leads the population to have a wealthy life; well established environment is associated with sustainable economic growth. This research first looks at the stylized facts of country experiences to find the relationship between environmental expenditure and economic growth. There is no exact relationship between these two variables. Based on endogenous growth model, this research further provides analytical framework to investigate our concerns. Theoretical analysis and numerical simulation find that an increase in the ratio of environmental expenditure of output is associated with faster economic growth. However, as this ratio rises continually, the economic growth becomes slower. Furthermore, the economic growth rates decreases with the time preference rate and the coefficient of risk aversion. The relationship between economic growth and income tax is non-linear. The population is willing to pay more to enjoy good environment and longer life with smaller time preference rates, coefficients of risk aversion, and longer life expectancy at birth.
Teng, Hsiao-Chiang, and 滕曉強. "The Relationship between Environmental Capital Expenditure and Financial Performance." Thesis, 2006. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/81745267070373542172.
Full text東吳大學
The environmental expenditure disclosed in annual report has been questioned that if it is an accurate measure of firm environmental and financial performance. This study analyzed three potential problems that need to be considered before this disclosure can be completely condemned as meaningless. The first potential problem is the relationship between projections of future environmental capital expenditure and actual environmental expenses and penalties. Hidden within those projections may be pieces of meaningful information to address the motivation and reactions of companies’ environmental disclosure. Secondly, while the environmental disclosure may still provide meaningful information for assessing future environmental action, this study attempts to address the lack of accuracy by examining potentially useful category of environmental disclosure: projections of future environmental capital expenditure. Finally, this study examines the relationship between financial performance and environmental expenditure to assess the market valuation and reaction of environmental expenditure disclosed in annual report Our evidence indicates that, based on 693 observed listed companies’ annual reports filed with the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation between 1998 and 2004, there is a significant positive relationship between environmental exposed punishment loss and the projections of future environmental capital expenditure. Then, based on 395 sets of projected/actual environmental capital expenditure drawn from these annual reports, the results suggest that the projections may be more misleading than meaningful. Actual environmental capital spending was lower than the projected amount for more than 95% of the observations, and the mean projection error (the difference adjusted for the size of the projection) was a negative 81.3%. Analysis of projection errors for a 2-year window, 3-year window, etc., rather than a 1-year window revealed a similar result. In contrast to the accuracy pattern of the environmental capital expenditure projections, the actual/projection difference for total capital expenditures was very small, suggesting that it is not a difficulty in estimating future capital spending that is driving the error results. The projection errors also did not appear to be a function of changes in company revenues or profitability. Finally, we find that investors do not response intensively to the disclosure of companies’ environmental capital expenditure and the projection errors. Therefore, it seems that environment capital expenditure and companies’ projections lack value.
WANG, HSIAO-MEI, and 王曉梅. "Relationship between Environmental Protection Expenditure Information and Earnings Management." Thesis, 2018. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/32gg58.
Full text朝陽科技大學
Due to serious global warming in present day, environmental protection has become one of the important international issues for decades. The pollution caused by business production or other factors may do bigger and more serious destruction to the environment and harm to all mankind. The goal of business is to create biggest earnings, while at the same time may generate environmental pollution problems. Therefore, business should have relative amount of environmental expenditures to cope with the pollution caused by themselves. Thus, the study aims to explore relationship between business’ environmental protection expenditures information and earnings management, through business’ disclosures of environmental protection expenditures information to discuss whether such disclosures can restrain business from earnings management. The study used high risk pollutive listed industries from years 2007 to 2016 as study subject and applied regression analysis. The study finds that when businesses face fines and loss on disposal due to environmental pollution, they would be watched by governmental agencies, thus would reduce earnings management behaviors during sensitive periods. Businesses that pay more attention on social responsibility would propose environmental protection related policy and plan future environmental protection expenditures to prevent themselves from generating pollution, then increase environmental quality, lower risk of being fined by government in the future, and further enhancing business evaluation. Therefore, business would have less motives in earning management. Lastly, when differentiating scales of industries on the effect of environmental protection expenditures information on earnings management, large scale business gets results consistent with the original one. However, when small scale business face environmental pollution loss and disposal, due to the large effect of pollution fines on business themselves, they would practice earnings management to protect earnings on book.
Wu, Lun-Kai, and 吳倫愷. "The Impact of Household Environmental Tobacco Smoke to Medical Expenditure." Thesis, 2007. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/20651773916331324095.
Full text中國醫藥大學
This study attempted to evaluate the impact of household environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) to medical expenditures with the econometric model (four-part model), using the declarative files of the national health insurance between 1998 and 2004 year. According to the purpose of this study, the dependent variable is the medical expenditures, including outpatient expenditures, inpatient expenditures and total medical expenditures. The accumulative exposure of household environmental tobacco smoke and the accumulative exposure of tobacco use are explained variables in this study. This study measured the individual exposure of household environmental tobacco smoke through subtract individual lifetime uptake of tobacco use from household lifetime uptake of tobacco use. “The pack” is the calculative unit of ETS exposure in this study. Age, sex, education year, family size, family income and health status are control variables in this study. For the purpose of calculate the marginal effects of household environmental tobacco smoke to medical expenditures, this study evaluated the impact of household environmental tobacco smoke to health status with two stage least square regression (2SLS) first. We could find the main effect of the environmental tobacco smoke to medical expenditures is indirect through the change of health status, and the direct effect of the environmental tobacco smoke to medical expenditures is not strong. The final calculation, one-pack-tobacco exposure of the environmental tobacco smoke caused an increase of NT 6.95 of medical expenditures in seven years, and one-pack-tobacco exposure caused an increase of NT 1.54 of medical expenditures in seven years. The impact of environmental tobacco smoke to medical expenditures doubled over that of active tobacco use.
ARAYAMA, Yuko, and 裕行 荒山. "Regulation, Government Expenditure and Firms' Investment: Indispensable Elements for Environmental Protection." 2003. http://hdl.handle.net/2237/11610.
Full textArayama, Yuko. "Regulation, Governm.ent Expenditure and Firms' Investment : Indispensable Elements for Environmental Protection." 2002. http://hdl.handle.net/2237/11887.
Full textSung, Lin-Chun, and 宋鈴君. "The Relation between Government-Owned Enterprises and Privatization Enterprises Sustainability Report with Environmental Expenditure and Performance." Thesis, 2015. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/42012133122101963662.
Full text國立中興大學
The economy, science, and technology have been flourishing for recent years, but they also bring a serious problem to society and environment, for example, the financial crisis, environmental pollution, and natural resources that have been over wasting. To all companies, factories and industries should take responsibility for society because people''s awareness of environmental protection has been rising. For government-owned enterprises and privatization enterprises, this study first examines the relationship between both corporate sustainability report and corporate social responsibility input and environmental expenditure. Secondly, to analysis the relationship between employee productivity and both corporate sustainability report and corporate social responsibility input. Finally, to explore the relationship between operating performance and both corporate sustainability report and corporate social responsibility input. The findings show that, for government-owned enterprises, the company that provides the corporate sustainability report improves the employee productivity. Although it improves the employee productivity, it doesn''t increase its environmental expenditure and work well on performance. As for corporate social responsibility, it doesn''t affect the corporate employee productivity and performance, but it can make the environmental expenditure improvement. For privatization enterprises, both the corporate sustainability report release and corporate social responsibility input have no significantly affect on the environmental expenditure and the employee productivity and operating performance.
Chang, Ching Hua, and 張菁華. "An Empirical Research on the Relationship of Environmental Protection R&D Expenditure and Corporate Value ─ Take UMC, Delta, CSC, and TPC as Examples." Thesis, 2019. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/eq5664.
Full text文藻外語大學
Since Industrial Revolution, the environment has been destroyed by human beings. Issues for environmental protection and sustainability are getting more concerned. Many corporates adopt the Green Accounting System and expose environmental-protected expenses to their stakeholders. We can find many references regarding to the relationship between R&D expenses and corporate value; however, there are few references regarding to the relationship between environmental-protected expenses and corporate value. In this study, we collect data from 4 companies (UMC, Delta, CSC, and TPC) which have adopted green accounting and exposed the environmental information to the public. The researcher intends to: (1)Discuss the way that the companies expose their green accounting data. (2)Analyze if there are positive relationships between the environmental-protected expenses and the corporate value by Multiple Linear Regression. We hope to provide some advice to the future companies. At the end, we discover: (1)The 4 companies all expose their summarized environmental-protected information in their publications. (2)There are significant relationships between the environmental-protected R&D expenses and the corporate value among these four companies.
Torres, Adam Jared. "Wastewater expenditure effects on in-stream bacteria pollution in the Rio Grande / Río Bravo post-NAFTA : evidence from panel data estimations." Thesis, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/2152/27559.
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Nakeng, Macheleng Vanessa. "Effect of board characteristics on the sustainability performance of selected JSE listed companies in South Africa." Thesis, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/10386/2958.
Full textThis study examines the effect of board characteristics on environmental and social sustainability performance. Companies‟ sustainability performance is affected by many factors such as board composition of companies, lack of knowledge, policies and resources of companies, competition from other companies and market trends. The King IV Code of Corporate Governance recommends that the governing body should comprise a balance of diversity being race and gender and independence. Moreover, the Code states that the board of directors of companies should have a balance of both independent members and non-independent members who should act in the best interest of the companies. The study used a quantitative approach, and secondary data from Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE), Socially Responsible Index (SRI) listed banking and retail companies for 11 years from 2007-2017. The study tests the relationship between board characteristics (the number of females on board of directors); firm size (market capitalisation); board independence; and environmental (energy usage) and social (skills development expenditure) sustainability of JSE SRI listed firms. Results show that there is a negative and insignificant relationship between females on board and energy usage. A positive and a significant relationship between energy usage and board independence a positive and an insignificant relationship between firm size (market capitalisation) and energy usage. There is also a positive but an insignificant relationship between skills development expenditure and female board members and a positive and significant relationship between skills development expenditure and board independence and a positive and an insignificant relationship between skills development and firm size (market capitalisation). The study suggests that for companies improve their sustainable business practices; they should consider increasing the number of v | P a ge females on their board since they have a positive influence on sustainability performance.
Risk and Vulnerability Science Centre of the University of Limpopo
Macdonell, Scott Taplin. "Strategic political environments : gerrymandering and campaign expenditures." Thesis, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/2152/ETD-UT-2012-05-5442.
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Akashi, Kengo. "Expenditure for Environment Protection and Its Macro-economics Influence." 2002. http://hdl.handle.net/2237/11889.
Full textTeng, Hui Lin, and 鄧惠臨. "The Impact of Medical Environment On Household Health Expenditure." Thesis, 2016. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/16009621551106103581.
Full text國立清華大學
Economic growth appears to be associated with the development of more resources in health and medical care. In this thesis, we applied Heckman Two-Stage and Two-Stage Tobit model to investigate the factors influencing household health expenditure via the health production model. We specifically focused on the relationship between the medical resources with household medical expenditure for each county in Taiwan. Our empirical results showed that medical manpower had significantly positive effects on household expenditure of western medical outpatient and of western medicine. Moreover, the medical equipment and premises had significantly positive effects on total expenditure of healthcare and of claiming health insurance payments. On top of that, the numbers of pharmacies had the most significantly positive effects on all four health expenditure measures. As for the government budget of medical care, we found that it had significant but inconclusive effects on various health expenditures. In sum, our finding cannot lead to a robust conclusion regarding to the effect of medical resources on household health expenditure.
Zhang, Yong-He, and 張永和. "The Relationships of Corporate Governance, Environmental Capital Expenditures and Company Market Value." Thesis, 2007. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/86063339054394816612.
Full text輔仁大學
Abstract: Corporate governance and environmental information disclosures are two important factors that affect company market value recently. The study used the two step regression analysis to examine the relation between the corporate governance, environmental capital expenditures and company market value. The results are: 1.Corporate governance doesn’t affect the environmental capital expenditures decision and also doesn’t affect the company market value thought environmental capital expenditures decision. 2.The polluting firms have low market value. 3.The market positively values environmental capital investments for both low-polluting and high-polluting firms. To provide more reliable information, we suggest that policymakers should require the disclosures about future environmental protection plans and significant capital expenditures, and punish those who violate the requirements.
Feito, Yuri. "A Comparison of Commonly Used Accelerometer Based Activity Monitors in Controlled and Free-Living Environment." 2010. http://trace.tennessee.edu/utk_graddiss/881.
Full textTai, Yu, and 戴煜. "Effect of Highly Liquid Current Assets, Economic and Market Environment on Corporate R&D Expenditure." Thesis, 2015. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/78391803457441130689.
Full text國立臺灣大學
Over the past few decades, R&D related issues have been few discussed due to the uniqueness and the wide operational diversity of different industries. Different from prior literature, this article comprises a variety of industries to study the determinants of research and development expenditure by using a panel of more than 30,000 firm-years of publicly listed North America firms from 1970 to 2013. The purpose of this study is to examine how highly liquid current assets, economic and market environment affect the amount of research and development expenditure. The primary findings of this article are as follows: (1) Firms holding more highly liquid current assets tend to invest more in research and development expenditure. (2) The relationship between highly liquid current assets and research and development expenditure is stronger during the periods of recession. (3) Firms tend to invest more research and development expenditure as the competition among individual firms increases. (4) The growth of market demand by industry is negatively associated with R&D expenditure. The results remain robust in the sensitivity test. The findings of this article advance our understanding of determinants of research and development expenditure, and provide practical implications to managers during decision-making.
Bury, Stanisław. "Energy expenditure, oxidative stress and DNA damage in response to seasonality of thermal environment in natricine snakes." Praca doktorska, 2020. https://ruj.uj.edu.pl/xmlui/handle/item/276380.
Full textAerobic metabolism is the main source of energy for most living organisms, thus it represents the major part of the energy budget. Metabolic rate is characterized by high phenotypic flexibility in response to environmental conditions, that allows to cope with spatial and temporal variation of the environment. Ambient temperature is one of the most potent factors shaping the variation in metabolic rate, particularly in ectotherms that exhibit a clear and positive thermal dependence of aerobic metabolism. In my doctoral research, I aimed to investigate how thermal environment shapes the mechanism potentially underlying oxygen uptake and the oxidative costs of metabolic rate in an ectotherm model, the European grass snake (Natrix natrix). Erythrocytes are the key elements of the oxygen delivery system in vertebrates. In Article I, I have indicated that flexibility in erythrocyte size is likely to govern oxygen delivery under high metabolic rate in warm-acclimated snakes. Specifically, warm-acclimated snakes expressed lower number of erythrocytes and haemoglobin concentration despite high oxygen requirements. Such effect indicates an optimization in blood viscosity towards high circulation rate. Lower haemoglobin content and number of erythrocytes could be compensated through improved oxygen uptake and delivery of smaller cells, due to their higher relative membrane surface. In turn, larger cells are cheaper to be maintained when metabolic rate is low in colder conditions. An inevitable cost of aerobic metabolism is related to the emission of reactive oxygen species (ROS), that cause damage to essential cellular structures, e.g. DNA, membranes. In Article II, I have found that generally expected positive relationship occurs at the level of circulating oxidative damage. DNA damage seems independent to standard metabolic rate (SMR), which can be interpreted in terms of upregulation in defence mechanisms. My study indicates that such DNA protection could act through increased cellular turnover, rather than commonly evoked antioxidants. Interestingly, in Paper III I have shown that exposure to high temperatures results in lower amounts of damage, despite elevated SMR. This suggests that temperature entails additional effect that overrides positive impact of SMR on the oxidative stress. Such a high level of oxidative damage at low temperature can represent another temperature-mediated physiological mechanism that ‘slows down’ ectotherm life histories.
Desilets, Elliot R. "Characterization of energy expenditure and body composition in military personnel during a cold field training exercise." 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/1993/31021.
Full textFebruary 2016
Giroux, Valérie. "Impact d'une suralimentation prolongée et d'une supplémentation en polyphénols sur le profil d'activité physique et de sédentarité." Thèse, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/1866/22279.
Full textШамін, К. Е. "Система прямого оподаткування в Україні: фіскальна та регулююча роль." Thesis, 2019. http://dspace.oneu.edu.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/11308.
Full textDiploma thesis deals with theoretical aspects and historical development of direct taxation; the opinions of economists on the nature of direct taxation are investigated; the main legal documents on the calculation and collection of direct taxes are analyzed. The assessment of the fiscal and regulatory effectiveness of the basic direct taxes; the practice of property tax, environmental tax and rent payment in Ukraine is investigated; Income tax estimates are given. Foreign experience of direct taxation is considered and the main differences in the system of direct taxation of foreign countries and Ukraine are identified; the directions of improvement of the direct taxation system in Ukraine are defined.