Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Entreprises – Études comparatives'
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Guyomard, Véronique. "Intermédiation financière ou financement par fonds propres : étude comparée du financement des entreprises en France et en Grande-Bretagne." Paris 2, 1988. http://www.theses.fr/1988PA02T081.
Full textThe economic crisis affecting france for the past 10 years has produced a decline of companies' profitability indicating a worrying decrease in competitiveness which has three explanations : a mismatch between supply and demand, an insufficient level of productive investment and a lack of equity funding in an environment with few equity incentives. The comparison of financing means with those those of a country (uk) whose debt level is beneficially under control has allowed the investigation of the origin of differences, by studying both financial systems offered to firms and the effects they have on firms' financing choices, in order to propose improvements particularly in the field of equity financing, vital to correct the financial structure of french firms. The reorganisation of financial choices involves the development of the financial market and the venture capital activity comparable to the level reached in anglo-saxon countries and a redefinition of financial intermediation and state's role. Moreover to maximize the effect of this restructuring an investment policy must be added to avoid restructuring measures having the effect of discouraging productive investment and promoting a preference for more speculative financial investments. Therefore it is necessary to evaluate the consequences and risks linked to the solutions given in order to minimize the detrimental effects
Hacini, Benyounes. "L'incidence du dirigisme économique sur le droit des contrats des entreprises publiques économiques en Algérie et en droit comparé : France-Egypte-ex-U.R.S.S." Paris 2, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996PA020089.
Full textHamonic, Gaux Anne Gael. "Le régime fiscal des prix de transfert pratiqués entre les sociétés françaises et américaines : le cas de propriétés incorporelles." Paris 2, 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999PA020102.
Full textMoore, Rickie. "Evaluation de la performance économique durable des entreprises : méthodes et pratiques américaines et européennes." Lyon 3, 2005. https://scd-resnum.univ-lyon3.fr/in/theses/2005_in_moore_r.pdf.
Full textKircher, Tobias. "Le contrôle judiciaire des compensations de la perte des droits des actionnaires en droit allemand et français : Une analyse comparative avec égard spécial à la procédure dite SpruchVerfahren et au recours devant la Cour d'Appel de Paris." Paris 2, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006PA020079.
Full textSegonds-Domart, Estelle. "L' application des procédures collectives aux débiteurs personnes physiques : évolution comparée du droit français et du droit américain." Paris 1, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004PA010330.
Full textThéocharopoulou, Georgia. "Les établissements bancaires et les prises de participations en droit français et en droit hellénique." Paris 2, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002PA020023.
Full textRosabal, Jane. "L'entreprise individuelle à responsabilité limitée en droit comparé." Paris 2, 1988. http://www.theses.fr/1988PA02T072.
Full textThe thesis is a comparative study of the way in which legislation in different countries (in europe and central america) incorporates the one man limited company
Patin, Marc. "Transferts d'entreprise en droit communautaire et droit comparé." Paris 2, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009PA020060.
Full textSabatier, Laurence-Marie. "Réseaux urbains et services aux entreprises en France métropolitaine et à La Réunion." Paris 1, 2002. https://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00006274.
Full textSprenger, Uta. "L'influence de la Commission européenne sur le développement des ressources humaines dans les petites et moyennes entreprises : une comparaison France-Allemagne." Lyon 3, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002LYO33006.
Full textAl-Najjar, Abdul Karim. "Le régime administratif et juridique des biens des entreprises nationalisées : étude de droit comparé : France, Irak, Libye, Algérie, Egypte." Rennes 1, 1990. http://www.theses.fr/1990REN11019.
Full textTriclin, Alexis. "L'emploi dans l'entreprise en crise : étude comparée du droit français et du droit espagnol." Paris 10, 1991. http://www.theses.fr/1991PA100098.
Full textThe joint evolution of both labor law and that of collective procedures allows a comparative and prospective analysis of employment in a company in crisis regarding French and Spanish laws. Firstly, with the analysis of labor law and that of "bankruptcy", the juridical rules applying to a contract and the changes that can affect it, will be studied beginning specifically with dismissal, contract transfer, mobility and furthermore with the guaranties of the wages (wage credits and insolvency insurance). Secondly, the study of employment and of a company under crisis will be dealt with in regard of a dual principle including the intervening of public authorities and of collective autonomy
Lequin, Yves. "Comptabilité et responsabilité sociale de l'entreprise." Grenoble 2, 1991. http://www.theses.fr/1991GRE21009.
Full textFor twenty years, accounting theory focuses more and more on corporate social responsibility. First, this study emphasizes the trend in accounting theory to move out of its traditionnal boundraries especially towards the socio-economic themes. In a second time, an empirical and statistical survey of french social balance-sheets is conducted to illustrate the validity and relevance of social accounting disclosure in additions to financial statements
Karfo, Sûrsikya Thomas Steve. "Paiement des créanciers, sauvetage de l'entreprise : étude comparative des législations OHADA et française de sauvegarde judiciaire des entreprises en difficulté." Thesis, Toulouse 1, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014TOU10050/document.
Full textThe dynamic of insolvency law resides in the contradiction of its foundations: individual freedom and the general interest.These subjective and objective foundations explain the dichotomy nature of positive purposes of insolvency law: payment of creditors, rescue of the failing firm. Contemporary laws are organized around these two objectives by erecting legal systems which are either contractual or institutional. This is the case of OHADA law and French law which are the subject of our study. The main idea is to say that if the antinomy of the foundations leads to a dual legal system of bankruptcy, it does not prevent a convergence of legislation. Overall, the observation reveals that the dichotomy of the objectives of bankruptcy laws tend to fade during the preparatory phase of the rescue, specifically in the effects of the opening of the rescue procedure on the creditors’ rights. We can observe in this field, a quasi-similarity of OHADA and French laws. Although rescue purposes are different, the legal techniques adopted towards the creditors are mutatis mutandis the same: identity which bears witness to their universality, consequently their efficiency. By contrast, the irreducibility of subjective and objective conceptions re-appears at the stage of solution of bankruptcy. This reveals the genuine concerns of the legislator when it establishes court-supervised recovery proceedings. It leads to the implementation of mechanisms which either organize the collective expression of the creditors by democratic way (majority rule), or inhibit the participation of these, in favor of the judicial authority. Saving the company is a question of collective interest of creditors or a matter of general interest. This divergence in the solution of rescuing in OHADA’s and French laws is the witness of the dialectical antinomy of the foundations of bankruptcy laws
Youssef, Caroline. "La privatisation des entreprises publiques : étude comparative entre la France et le Liban." Toulouse 1, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008TOU10005.
Full textNguihé, Kanté Pascal. "Entreprises commerciales et droits fondamentaux : contribution à l'étude des particularismes au regard des droits français et camerounais." Université Robert Schuman (Strasbourg) (1971-2008), 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005STR30002.
Full textThe thrust of this study is whether business enterprises can adapt to human rights. In other words, can we say that the specific needs of the business world stamp their mark on the nature or the regulations of basic human rights? This issue is examined from two angles in this study. Firstly, business enterprises can be viewed more and more as subject to human rights in the same way as a natural person because of their status. Consequently, they can equally cite to their advantage the applicability of standards relating to human rights. However, it is not always certain that the special nature of certain human rights, highly attached to the human being, may really find a favourable ground when the one citing it is a business concern. But this does not at all detract from the interest of this issue. Secondly, the issue is less discussed when we have to consider the business concern as a framework for the exercise of human rights. In this respect, it is considered that human rights must not be left at the doorstep of business concerns and that the different basic laws on salaried employees and citizen workers must be equally guaranteed here. But this does not rule out the fact that some of these laws may be affected due to the need to protect the interest of business enterprises. Up to this point, the sacred nature of these laws only authorizes such infringements on the condition that they are absolutely necessary and proportionate to the desired goal. It seems such is the issue of the relations between business enterprises and human rights in French and Cameroonian Law. But there are many differences concerning the effectivity of the law in the two countries. The situation is better in French system comparating to Cameroonian Law
Yu, Li. "Le droit chinois du regroupement des entreprises: entre libéralisation et harmonisation : étude comparative des droits chinois, français et européen." Paris 2, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010PA020109.
Full textPironon, Valérie. "Les joint ventures : Contribution à l'étude juridique d'un instrument de coopération internationale." Paris 2, 2002. https://buadistant.univ-angers.fr/login?url=https://bibliotheque.lefebvre-dalloz.fr/secure/isbn/9782247109319.
Full textGiauffer, André-Charles. "Processus d'accélérateur financier et dynamique financière du cylcle d'affaires : une comparaison internationale." Nice, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008NICE0012.
Full textThe role of financial variables in explaining the rate of industrialized countries economic growth as well as its turbulence is increasingly central. Indeed, the deregulation and financial liberalization movements undertaken in the early 1970's have resulted in a strong development of financial markets and a sharp increase in the influence of the financial variables in the industrialized economies dynamics. The changes in funding as well as the rising stock of external financing have encouraged and accompanied a sharp increase in the level of wealth creation in capitalist economies. However, they have also changed the dynamics as well as the face of business cycles. Specifically, the financing conditions appear to increasingly determine the level of economic activity through the grant funding since the latter weighs on the efforts of firms to invest through their outside funding costs. Yet, that premium funding is largely determined by the level of firms' net worth and their expected profits. It's from this principle that we can enlighten the way the process of financial accelerator interacts heavily in financing conditions with firms' net worth and health structures. The level of premium funding those results weighs more or less strongly on their investment projects profitability. This process brings a financial dynamic to the business cycle in which we try to highlight the theoretical foundations and then measure the interactions determined by the estimate of vector error correction models. As part of the financial systems of the five countries among the most industrialized ones and with different characteristics, interactions observed in the process of financial accelerator shows cointegration relations between the studied variables
Trinh, Ngoc Huy. "L'influence de la culture nationale sur la politique de rémunération des entreprises multinationales : une comparaison Vietnam-Europe." Toulouse 1, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010TOU10074.
Full textThis research concerns the influence of national culture on the remuneration practices of European multinational enterprises in Vietnam. It is built on the G Hofstede's theoretical model of national culture (1980, 2001) in order to try to help leaders of multinational enterprises (MNEs) have a compensation policy in the international context. We also try to measure the employee satisfaction level with regard to the remuneration. By adopting a qualitative approach, an empirical study was conducted with a sample of 307 CEO of these MNEs from seven different European countries and 893 employees working in these 39 MNEs. The result demonstrates that there is an influence of the dimensions of power distance, individualism/collectivism and uncertainty avoidance on the remuneration policy. The effects of the other two dimensions (masculinity/feminity and long-term orientation) are still indicative. Moreover, our results also show that there is high level of employee satisfaction with regard to the remuneration if the compensation policy is built on the adaptation to the Vietnamese culture context. In conclusion, these results emphasize the importance of adapting national culture in compensation policy making in an international environment
Segarra, Marie-Noëlle. "La situation des créanciers dans les procédures collectives : aspects de droit comparé (Allemagne, Espagne, France, Italie)." Pau, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000PAUU2001.
Full textSouza, Guimarães Márcio. "Le rôle du ministère public dans les procédures collectives : approche de droit comparé français et brésilien." Toulouse 1, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011TOU10014.
Full textThe bankruptcy law is in broad development. The general issue is to safeguard the company to secure employment, the circulation of wealth and sustaining economic activity. Is more than a directive, it is a challenge to balance public and private interests to maintain social peace and economic development. France and Brazil are major players in this movement. The first country is involved in finding solutions to maintain its economic and financial consolidated position as world leader. The second is in net growth, and relies on a vast field of business development, attracting investors. In this modern movement of bankruptcy lax, the French's and Brazilian's Attorney general's office play a crucial role as guardian of the public economy. The French and Brazilian prosecutors have been erected as the guardians of the public economy. Bankruptcy procedures involve the private interests of creditors and the debtor and seem to lose interest in the public interest. Nevertheless, it is the economic aspect of the procedure which requires the intervention of the Attorney general's office. The economic role of the Attorney general's office is to balance the private interests and the public interest for the maintenance of the social and economic stability. The Attorney general's office modern purpose is an economic role based on the right to be informed and the intervention in cases of bankruptcy. The presence of the prosecutor in the course of the procedure ensures the balance of private and public interests. The traditional role of Attorney general's office ensuring the mora is not, however, shunned by the laws of France and Brazil, where the floor is now asking for sanctions against unfaithful directors, and to monitor the profession of trustee. These two legal systems provide examples of efficiency in accomplishing this issue. The cross-analysis of French's law and Brazilian's laws suggests answers to fill gaps and improve the treatment of bankruptcy firms in both countries
Bamba, Machami. "De l'efficacité des procédures collectives : étude comparée des législations anglaise et française." Thesis, Toulouse 1, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015TOU10069.
Full textElia, Joanne. "La procédure de sauvegarde des entreprises : étude comparée de droit américain et français." Saint-Etienne, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007STETT084.
Full textFrench law protecting companies from bankruptcy was adopted on July 26, 2006. This law brought some changes such as the new protection proceedings ("proccédure de sauvegarde), which are said to derive from Chapter 11 in united States and appear for some commentators as a French version of Chapter 11. The aim of the present thesis is to determine whether french protecting proceedings are similar or different from Chapter 11. To this regard, the Americain and French systems had been compared and analyzed in both their common points and differences
Ezran-Charrière, Nadine. "L'entreprise unipersonnelle dans les pays de l'Union européenne." Paris 2, 1998. http://www.theses.fr/1998PA020025.
Full textSage, Elisabeth. "La concurrence par comparaison (Yardstick Competition) : théories et application. Une proposition pour les secteurs de l'eau en France." Paris 9, 1999. https://portail.bu.dauphine.fr/fileviewer/index.php?doc=1999PA090044.
Full textStankiewicz, Murphy Sophie. "L'influence du droit américain de la faillite en droit français des entreprises en difficulté : vers un rapprochement des droits?" Strasbourg, 2011. https://publication-theses.unistra.fr/public/theses_doctorat/2011/STANKIEWICZ_MURPHY_Sophie_2011.pdf.
Full textThe latest reforms of French bankruptcy law have demonstrated the interest of French legislators and practitioners in the American procedure of reorganization, chapter 11 of the title 11 of the federal code of the United States (popularly known as “chapter 11”). As a consequence of this interest, certain American legal concepts have been introduced into French law. Some illustrations of this are the new procedure of “sauvegarde”, classes of claims or interests, idea of a “second chance” for the debtor and the prepackaged plan (i. E. The accelerated financial safeguard procedure or “procedure de sauvegarde financière accélérée”). In particular, the influence of American bankruptcy law is omnipresent in the French procedures of “sauvegarde” and “redressement judiciaire”. The study of this influence raises questions regarding its future in French law. On the one hand, some aspects of American bankruptcy law merit inclusion in French law, such as the bankruptcy estate, the debtor in possession or the “best interest test”. On the other hand, the recently demonstrated weaknesses of the American reorganization system, as well as the recognition of the international character of bankruptcy law, are limiting factors for the influence of American bankruptcy law in France
Colla, Enrico. "La distribution : évolution des formats, stratégies et structures des entreprises, comparaisons internationales." Lyon 3, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000LYO33026.
Full textTanger, Margaret. "Les creanciers dans la loi federale americaine sur la faillite : etude des chapitres 11 et 7 du united states code sous l'eclairage du droit francais des procedures collectives." Antilles-Guyane, 2001. http://www.theses.fr/2001AGUY0065.
Full textGolisteanu, Florentina. "La défaillance financière dans les opérations de rachat avec effet de levier (LBO) : Aspects des droits français, roumain et communautaire." Paris 1, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012PA010282.
Full textDougoune, Moussa. "La reconstitution de l'actif d'un débiteur en difficulté : étude comparative droit français, droit américain." Paris 13, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011PA131019.
Full textWhen the financial crises make good progress, pulling correspondingly the economic agents, with fragile financial structures, in the abyss of the insolvency, a comparative study on the reconstruction of an insolvent debtor’s asset could not better fall. Generally speaking, if the principles governing the French and American Bankkruptcy Law undergo the influence of the Roman law, the solutions adopted with regard to the reconstruction of the asset are diverse and lead of often qualified but relatively close approaches. This study tries to demonstrate that the reconstruction is a process engaged in a definite purpose, the recovery of the debtor (see the Frest Start of the private individuals) and\or the payment of its liabilities; therefore it’s impossible to summarize it to a given legal technique. This process remains, then, in consubstantiality with the objectives of the opened case. The relation so established lead to the elements of apprehension of the notion of reconstruction of asset. It is about a process to put back the asset in its initial state by means of diverse legal techniques in an optics of maximization of the value of the debtor’s Estate. This report leads us to determine the conditions in which the effectiveness and the efficiency of the engaged process can be reached. These conditions vary as it is about an international bankruptcy or about a case concerning a debtor exercising its activity on the national territory. The economic efficiency of the French and American legislations is quite relative, towards the admitted ambitions. The reconstruction of the asset, involves, on both sides, the organization of the common law’s rules, governing the creditor-debtor relationship, and the special rules established for the need of a homogeneous treatment of the debtor’s insolvency. The effectiveness of the process, the putting back of the asset to its initial state, is assured in spite of the difficulties of organization of the aforesaid rules. However, the efficiency of the process, its capacity to optimize the value of the Estate to handle the debtor’s insolvency, depends on certain conditions the meeting of which is mostly improbable
Karatas, Neslihan. "Les principes applicables à la déductibilité des charges en fiscalité des entreprises : approche comparée France et Turquie." Thesis, Paris 1, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013PA010359.
Full textWhat are the tax deductibility rules of costs incurred by a company in France and in Turkey? Here is the main theme of the present comparative study carried out in order to highlight the practical application of those rules. The study also aims to answer the question: "How do French and Turkish companies deal with the tax deductibility rules of their costs incurred during in the course of their economic activity?" We also aim to explain other topics related to tax deductibility of business costs. The dissertation shows that the content of tax deductibility rules is quite similar in both countries. However, the practical application of those rules and their interpretation provided by Administrative Courts in their respective case law shows differences. This being said, the correct application of tax deductibility rules related to business cost is essential in order to determine the taxable basis of a company. This later could face tax reassessments and penalties in case it would be non-compliant with the tax deductibility rules. Companies are free to manage their company in the way they want to. Tax Administration may not interfere in the management of a company unless it found out an abnormal management action or an abuse of law. The present comparative study also highlights the fact that both French and Turkish rules show a lack of specific provisions or measures which constitutes the principal cause of contradictions revealed between the two countries case laws
Fimayer, Agnès. "La détresse financière des entreprises : trajectoire du déclin et traitement judiciaire du défaut." Strasbourg, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011STRA0002.
Full textThis thesis aims to evaluate the efficiency of bankruptcy laws on an ex ante and ex post point of view according to three criteria : their financial efficiency, their social efficiency and their macroeconomic coherence. First, we analyze the economic and financial path of default and its legal treatrnent in order to determine the potential costs induced by the social objectives (employment preservation) of French bankruptcy law in terms of recoveries for creditors. We find that the legal treatrnent of default is in France implemented in the spirit of the objectives defined and hierarchized by the law, and that the court undertakes measures in order to also protect financial interests; this result invalidates our hypothesis that these two objectives are incompatible. Subsequently, we adopt a Law and Finance approach in order to bind bankruptcy codes to national environments. We offer an appreciation of the macroeconomic degree of coherence of default, which is in our opinion an element of its efficiency
Durbeck, Thomas. "Le patrimoine des entreprises en droit fiscal allemand et français." Montpellier 1, 1989. http://www.theses.fr/1989MON10037.
Full textThe present study emphasizes the divergencies and convergencies in german and french fiscal law concerning the qualification and the taxation of the assets of commercial and industrial enterprises. The law apprehends the enterprise by its assets or by its operating results. The working capital of enterprises has no fiscal personality. However it may have a certain consistence within the property of a natural person or of a corporation. The assets of an enterprise can be qualified in a subjective way as well as in an objective way. Property rights and the accounting attribution are subjective criteria whereas the necessity of assets for the exploitation and the fixed assets are objective criteria. The assets of enterprises are principaly taxed by the income tax, by the corporation tax, by the trade taxe and in germany by the tax on capital too. In spite of the divergencies concerning the principle basis for the assessment, the german and french fiscal law, due to the application of special regulations, have comparable impacts on the enterprises. In german law, all operations with regard to reorganization or restructuring of enterprises, like for instance merging or transfer of an enterprise, can be fiscaly neutralized by maintaining the former book values in the accounting of the beneficiary enterprise. However in french law this applies only to assets that are subject to depreciation
Bennouna, Ahmed. "Aspects fondamentaux du crédit-bail mobilier au Maroc : Arbitrage entre le crédit-bail et l’emprunt." Paris 9, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012PA090073.
Full textThe decision of choosing between leasing and bank loan in Morocco is the main topic analyzed in this study. It boils down to compare between accrued costs after taxes of both financing means to determine the best solution for the company. This study shows that the decision of choosing between both financing means depends on the nature of the equipment to finance, VAT deductibility, depreciation tax regime and weighted average cost of capital of the company. For that, we have studied, at first, legal, accounting, economic and tax aspects of leasing in Morocco as we printed out on the main similarities and differences with leasing in France. We have also reminded the definition of financial tools used in this study and reviewed some theories and empirical studies on the cost of leasing
Benabdelmoula, Faiza. "Les déterminants d’octroi de crédits bancaires aux entreprises : étude comparative entre la banque Conventionnelle et la banque Islamique." Thesis, Université Côte d'Azur (ComUE), 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017AZUR0030/document.
Full textIslamic Banks are thoroughly different from Conventional Banks. They are led by Islamic Finance principles. Indeed, during the decision-making process regarding a loan application from a company, Islamic Banks use their own tools and specific methods. Nevertheless, the two decision-making processes are highly complex. Thus, the aim of our research is to understand the different processes and compare the debt determinants for each kind of bank in so far as they don’t use the same criteria to estimate a company. For example, the risk-sharing, which is one of the features of the Islamic Bank, implies the guarantee of a good Return On Investment. In order to bring some answers relative to the two kind of financing, we exposed the state of the art. We notably mobilized two theories: The Trade Off Theory and the Pecking Order Theory. The regression in panel data confirmed that the Islamic Bank and the Conventional Bank don’t lean on the same determinants in their decision-making process. The specific principles of the Islamic Bank explain this difference
Wang-Foucher, Haiying. "Pouvoirs de l'administration et garanties du contribuable dans la vérification de l'entreprise : (étude comparative : France, Chine, Royaume-Uni et États-Unis)." Paris 1, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007PA010266.
Full textBerrebi-Hoffmann, Isabelle. "Pouvoir et contrôle dans les entreprises d'expertise : une approche socio-économique des organisations fondées sur le savoir : le cas du conseil en informatique." Paris, Institut d'études politiques, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997IEPP0037.
Full textBased on three case studies of leading consulting and service firms in France and in the USA, this thesis adress two issues: 1- the control of professionals in knowledge based organizations 2- the governance of radically decentralized firms the empirical material consists of three sociological surveys ( 200 qualitative semi-directive interviews of consultants and managers, and a study of management systems. The dissertation has four parts. The first part deals with the history of management and computer consulting firms in France, since the sixties. Then, the different sorts of decentralized structures (from federal forms to free-lance networks), these firms have adopted are analysed. Because of their radically decentralized forms and the intellectual aspects of the professionals work, these firms have to face power and control challenges, which are examined through the example of computer consulting companies. The second and the third parts present the dramatically different organizational solutions the two leading European firms have built. The first one is based on organizational tools and mechanisms of social and political control of the structures and the professionals, the second one is based on incitations, contracts and internal markets. The thesis shows then that both solutions implies horizontal control mechanisms instead of vertical ones. The last part induced from the cases, offers some more general hypotheses on control and governance of knowledge based organizations. It shows that the control is actually extremelly efficient even if it is not direct and hierarchical. This is contradictory with recent economical organization theory which considers control as a problem because of "information assymetry" and "opportunism". The thesis shows that these theories ignore the existence of social controls and neglict the fact that uncertainty can be a constraint and not a ressource for people who control it
Coëdel, Joseph. "Évaluation des politiques publiques d'aide à l'investissement dans les petites entreprises : les plans de modernisation en agriculture : le cas de la Loire-Atlantique à la lumière de l'expérience des Pays de la Loire, de la France et de la Communauté économique européenne." Paris 10, 1991. http://www.theses.fr/1991PA100119.
Full textModernization plans, which were first introduced by the European community, have gradually become the linchpin of policy for farm modernization in France. They have achieved the goals set in the legislation ; but they have done so very selectively, and with unwanted side-effects which derive ultimately from the history of the common agricultural policy which engendered them and the contradictions inherent in it. An overall assessment of these plans reveals the other side of modernization which is usually ignored but which nonetheless does affect the results achieved. The assessment shows how modernization plans have tended to widen social and geographic disparities, illustrates the unspoken technical and economic assumptions underlying the models used ; and highlights the importance of human factors in the success or failure of the development projects which have been attempted. On the basis of these findings, recommendations are put forward which are intended as a contribution to what would amount to public policy engineering firm local development : on farm, first of all with a learning process for investment in family farms to enable them to come forward with new and better produce, work on new products and take on new functions ; and off-farm too, with the measures studied being redeployed in this direction and opened up to comparable small businesses outside agriculture, which play a vital role in the local and economic fabric, against the background of a new dialogue between…
Soussi, Mounir. "La responsabilité civile du banquier dispensateur de crédit aux entreprises et la procédure collective contre l'emprunteur en droits tunisien et français." Toulouse 1, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006TOU10013.
Full textThis thesis treats the question of the faulty banking financing to firms against which the collective procedures are opened, in Tunisian and French laws. In this survey, we compare the two laws. In spite of the dumbness of the Tunisian jurisprudence, we bring closer the Tunisian law to the French law. This thesis presents enlightening analyses on legislative, jurisprudential and doctrinal evolutions in this subject. Furthermore, we implicate the responsability of banker distributor of credit to enterprises. Theoretically, this responsability is founded on the fault, the damage, and the connection of causality between them. The bank can commit several mistakes in the distribution, the breakdown, and the following-up of loans. This faulty distribution can produce several damages sustained by the creditors, the borrowers, or by the guarantees. So, it's necessary to prove the prejudice and its connection of causality with the fault. From the time when the different collective procedures are opened, the proxies of justice are authorized to bring the collective action against the banker to repair the colective prejudice. However, this doesn't prevent certain creditors to ask for the repair of collective and personal damage. The borrower and his guarantee are, also, invited to get against the banker and allowance of damages and interests
Lyazami, Nahid. "La prévention des difficultés des entreprises : étude comparative entre le droit français et le droit marocain." Phd thesis, Toulon, 2013. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00904644.
Full textCohen, Laurence. "Le co-investissement par des Business Angels et des Capital-investisseurs dans les jeunes entreprises technologiques et trajectoires de croissance : approche en termes de gouvernance d'entreprise et études de cas comparatives." Thesis, Lyon, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017LYSE3073.
Full textIn their seed, young technological ventures seeking resources to finance their development may seek business angels (BAs) and venture capitalists (VCs). Our research shall include the type of investment (only BAs, BAs and VCs in sequential or simultaneous co-investment) implemented and this leads to the question of the nature and the quality of the relations and interactions among various categories of investors and the entrepreneur, in the sense that these investors may influence the dynamic of growth, and be themselves influenced by that dynamic. It implies that the pace and intensity of the venture growth of the young technological ventures do not have any kind of determinism, but they develop rather in a dynamic manner within the field of the interaction between the main providers of resources. We jointly mobilize agency theory and cognitive and effectual approaches in order to analyse the co-investment of BAs and VCs. We conducted a multiple-case study with a comparative aim concerning three young companies of the Rhône-Alpes Region. We have shown that, when the cognitive schemes of the BAs and / or the entrepreneur are close to that of the VC, the relations and interrelations can occur to a lesser cognitive cost during the pre-investment phase and that the sequential or simultaneous co-investment may take place. Our results indicate that a funding by BAs is associated with a slower venture growth and that a sequential co-investment allows the stabilisation of the venture growth without a very high growth for the company. We are also highlighting that when the BAs and / or the VCs recognize the high growth potential of the young company very early in the investment process the VCs really need to integrate the BAs who have a specific experience, like their entrepreneurial past and their knowledge of the sector. The predictive approach of these three stakeholders: entrepreneur, VCs and BAs promotes the implementation of a simultaneous co-investment. In this context, the investors (BAs and VCs) can serve as active partners alongside the entrepreneur and help ensure that the young company follows a high venture growth, or even a hyper growth
Padellec, Marie. "Le règlement européen sur l'insolvabilité, un outil au service du sauvetage de l'entreprise ? : ébauches de réponses à travers les expériences anglaises et françaises." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013AIXM1033.
Full textThe enterprises are in the center of a quasi-unlimited network of legal relations and economic, social and politic interests. As such, the rescue of a viable enterprise is done in the interest of the majority of its partners. The English and French legislators, have in this goal started thinking about the creations of new proceedings and/or new techniques which permits to help the enterprises in difficulty and participate to the “Rescue Culture”. This Rescue Culture is also become an European target because of the development of the economics exchange beyond the national borders. This is the European Insolvency Regulation n° 1346/2000 which governs this subject matter. In December 2012, the Commission has proposed dispositions which amend this regulation to take into account both the present priorities of the European Union and National practices in insolvency, especially the actions for the rescue of enterprises in difficulty. The problem which may be discussed is to know how the insolvency regulation may be an instrument for the enterprises rescue. The answer can’t be given under a single national point of view because this regulation is an instrument of recognition and execution of decisions regarding insolvency proceeding for the member states of the European Union. It was necessary to find a larger point of view. The comparative analysis between the English Law and the French Law has a high interest for this topic, because it allows to put forward the similarities and the differences of two different systems of law, usually opposed
Gamaleu, Kameni Christian. "L'implication du créancier dans les procédures collectives : étude comparée du droit français et du droit de l'OHADA." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013AIXM1057.
Full textThe research on the involvement of the creditor in bankruptcy procedures reveals a main problem: the role of the creditor in various procedures of treatment of the difficulties of company created by French system and OHADA system. In these two legal systems, different actions, rights and some favour given to the creditor during the bankruptcy procedures supports its intervention for the safeguard of its debtor in crisis. The involvement of the creditor is evident, however the involvement of the creditor is supplied by two principal constraints: constraints focus on the collective organization of the procedures and constraints focus on economic necessities.The stake of this comparative research is to invite African lawmaker to observe the solutions enacted by the French lawmaker and vice versa in order to make the creditor an important actor for the resolution of the difficulties of company in each legal system
Bouabidi, Zakaria. "Le contentieux de l'impayé : approche comparative entre la France et le Maroc." Phd thesis, Toulon, 2013. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00862071.
Full textAusiandra, Yusuf. "L'évolution institutionnelle du capital risque dans l'environnement du Web 2.0 : une étude comparative et transdisciplinaire." Thesis, Strasbourg, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017STRAA003/document.
Full textThe present doctorate research thesis attempts to resolve three correlated problematics summarized as following: (a) the relation between the use of new tools provided by the 2.0 platforms especially in the field of financial intermediation and the advent of a new financial archetype; (b) the difference between venture capital 2.0 and the conventional venture capital and (c) the concern over the utmost optimum approach in constructing a legal environment adapted to the current evolution introduced by the use of 2.0 tools in the financing of innovation. The research confronts the problematic by conducting a preliminary deconstruction of the ongoing institutional dynamic in regards to the current economical transformation. Subsequently, the research would attempt to define the nature and extent of the economical mutations in constant exposure to the new technologies in information and communication. This research fundamentally adopts a law and economics (L&E) analysis. In addition, the research would complement the traditional L&E analysis with further theoretical instruments by referral to the American neo-institutionnalist school of thought along with the French critical socio-economic theories. This transdisciplinarity would grant the possibility of attaining a more indepth understanding of nature of the economical mutation. The central unifying theme throughout the research resides on the concept of financialization of the economy. The research attributes the major disruption in the form and functioning of contemporary economy to an institutional financial and technological wave of change. The research identifies three economical and legal institutions residing at the core of the American financing of innovation model : the governance through contractual flexibility based on the notion of “private ordering”, financial liquidity and the externalization of the innovation process. A comparative analysis of different venture capital regulatory framework in various national jurisdictions confirms the major importance of the three stated institutions. In sum, the institutional nature of the financing model adopted by the government in support of innovation should be fully considered by national governments. For the case of the US venture capital model, an equilibrium point should be attained between two main regulatory framework objectives: the protection of investors and the creation of financial liquidity. A regulatory oscillation between liquidity creation and regulation would always prevail. Nonetheless, the financialization of the economy in conjunction with IT innovation would oblige private actors to maintain the creation of financial liquidity through private initiative. The emergence of new types of simplified equity financing model contracts such as the KISS contracts and the French variant, AIR contracts confirms this statement. Legislators would have to provide protection against unreasonable risk taking while ensuring that the two main elements of venture capital rest unhindered : conditional speculation and sufficient contractual autonomy to support innovation
Toh, Aymar. "La prévention des difficultés des entreprises : étude comparée de droit français et droit OHADA." Thesis, Bordeaux, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015BORD0284/document.
Full textDue to the inadequate judicial processing of difficulties encountered by enterprises today, the right to prevention is becoming more and more attractive. In France as in Ohada, the law of July 26 2005 and the uniform act concerning collective procedures of passive clearance have stressed the importance of the negociated solutions in order to straighten the curve of the numerous company failures. On account of incitative mesures in favor of debtors and creditors, the confrontation of the French prevention system and the Ohada prevention system have limited results despite the quality of the various prevention systems. Even though the French prevention system, which appears to be better structured and better organized, serves as a model to the juidicial system of Ohada, it must be noted that both legislators are far from achieving their goals. In fact, company failures are increasing rapidly, highlighting the ineffectiveness of the judicial prevention mecanisms that have been proposed until now. Consequently, a reform of all prevention devices in both judicial orders is required. Moreover, the comparative approach set by this matter's principle aim is to develop a new approach in company law which henceforth advocates contractualization of the matter in order to make it more effective
Chong, Lin. "Le statut des administrateurs judiciaires dans les droits comparés des procédures collectives chinoises et françaises." Thesis, Paris 2, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012PA020071/document.
Full textIn the last years, the French and Chinese Bankruptcy law has been quite changed. So has the profession of « Judicial administrators » (administrateurs judiciaires), with more or less success. Both the successes and failures of these changements have drawn our attention. Our scope is to analyse the evolution of this profession in the perspective of its modernisation in the today's context of a global economy. There was no specific Chinese Bankruptcy law until the publication of the new law of August 27th 2006 on Enterprise Bankruptcy. The new law which has been prepared for 12 years has brought some remarkable improvements to the existing law of 1986 and has been a major effort to build up a complete legal system in line with the modern open market economy. One of the most remarkable features of the new 2006 law has been the implementation of the « Judicial administrators » profession. Nevertheless, the « Judicial administrators » profession, who was established within the Bankruptcy Law, which has itself been defined quite recently, must only be considered but as an initial framework for the profession. Yet, as the « Judicial administrators » plays an important role in the Bankruptcy Law, making research on this subject appears to be both necessary and urgent. Our hope is to help transforming the « Judicial administrators » profession into a « liberal profession », similarly to their equivalents in the French system. We therefore analyse successively the juridical nature of the profession, from an historical point of view and in the perspective of the « effective law » (droit positif), the access conditions to this profession, its remuneration, the involved functions and responsibilities in both the French and Chinese law
Chraibi, Abla. "Le redressement des entreprises en difficulté au Maroc : état actuel et perspectives de réforme à la lumière du droit français." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018AIXM0121.
Full textThe recovery of companies in difficulty, is actually possible if the difficulties have not reached significant proportions point to a cessation of activity. The Moroccan legislator, aware of the need for safeguarding companies, was inspired by the French law of 1 March 1984, in order to put in place a legal mechanism organizing procedures for prevention and amicable settlement, the focus is on transparency without the knowledge of the leader, invited to a collaboration and a permanent dialogue with the internal organs, the commissioner (s) accounts, the employee representatives and the partners, the latter are concerned in the first place by the internal alert. The president of the tribunal will intervene only externally, if the concerted action between the leader and the internal organs does not succeed as long as there is still time. New procedures established in France, non-judicial or confidential, preventive or curative, will not commence when the company will experience legal, economic difficulties and financial, without neglecting the essential question of business difficulties: "to be or not to be" in cessation of payments