Academic literature on the topic 'Entrepreneurs – Aspect psychologique'
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Entrepreneurs – Aspect psychologique"
NZOLOUFOUA, JUSTIN. "Essai d'analyse du comportement des entrepreneurs PME-PMI face à l'investissement." Caen, 1987.
Full textModern economy characterizes itself by a continuous increase that soon constrains the company to adapt itself to the market and fight against competition. Fortis increase a company must invest by getting benefits or reinforcing the acquired position. Facing with this fundamental choice, which is investment, the way of behaviouring is different according as you own to a big or small and middle - sized company. For this latter, the heterogeneity in population which composes it does constitute the result of a great disparity in attitudes and also in settlers reference values, values and attitudes are susceptible to justify individual behavior. As far as cognitive informations and personality components, they predispose the man in a certain behavior. Face to decisions regarding investment problems, the P. M. E. P. M. I. Contractor's behavior is generally concerning with subjective concerning with subjective considerations, hence it follows that the company other members are always playing a less important role in the elaboration of such decisions which, always in a great measure are reserved to the company dealer. The figuration this latter make himself of his company future increase may be confounded with his own values or personal perspectives
Song, Bing. "Décisions des entrepreneurs. Création d'entreprise, entrepreneuriat à fort développement et évolution de l'équipe fondatrice." Thesis, Université Côte d'Azur, 2022.
Full textEntrepreneurs contribute significantly to economic activities and job creation. Engaging in entrepreneurial activities requires entrepreneurs to face the high likelihood of failure, take risks, and bear a great deal of uncertainty. Hence, understanding and identifying factors that contribute to individuals starting a business, keeping engaging in and growing their entrepreneurial activities are crucial. This study explores 1) a novel factor that determines various levels of entrepreneurial propensity across countries and cultures and 2) how the entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial teams choose their development paths and evolvement.Chapter 1 illustrates and initiatively employs a linguistic feature of future tense, inflectional morphology (i.e., conjugation) for future tense (IF), to measure the perception of uncertainty, and explores its effect on a country's entrepreneurial propensity. Using inflectional morphology for future tense is argued to make speakers perceive uncertainty intensely. Therefore, their resident countries and regions experience fewer new ventures created. The empirical evidence supports the proposition by using the country-level data in 137 countries from 2010 to 2018. The finding implies that the linguistic feature of future tense can serve as the institutional factor of an individual's perception of uncertainty and contribute to the heterogeneity of nationwide and regional entrepreneurial propensity.Chapter 2 investigates whether the founding team composition of novice entrepreneurs help predict whether they become high-growth entrepreneurs. Unlike previous research, this study takes the entrepreneur's perspective by tracking 1000 novice entrepreneurs' entrepreneurial activity in their first ten years. The results show that team composition in the very first company matters for the likelihood that entrepreneurs ultimately experience high-growth status. The findings further indicate that non-family members participating as business partners in the very first company of the entrepreneurs help them become habitual. Moreover, high-growth entrepreneurs are more often habitual entrepreneurs. When running the analysis at the company level, different results appear, which highlights the need for choosing well the level of analysis when comparing the outcomes of entrepreneurial activity.Chapter 3 assesses the evolution of entrepreneurial founding teams (EFTs). EFTs are key drivers of new ventures' success, but they are not static over time. In this chapter, the temporality of EFT evolutionary events is highlighted and evidenced to make different consequences. This investigation was conducted by tracking 1,000 U.K. EFTs for the first ten years of their ventures. Based on the temporal sequence of founder departure and new member entry, founder crowd-out and replacement are two newly defined types of evolution. The results reveal different antecedents (equity ownership, alternative entrepreneurial opportunity and the disparity of ownership distribution) for founder departure and crowd-out, as well as for new member entry and replacement. Furthermore, the disparity of ownership after evolution is affected differently by evolutionary events in terms of magnitude. These findings shed light on the importance of the temporality of EFT evolutionary events
Chevalier, Séverine. "Contribution à l'étude des processus sous-jacents à la prise de décision du départ à la retraite chez les entrepreneurs français." Thesis, Tours, 2013.
Full textUnderstanding the psychosociological conditions of entrepreneurs’ decisions to retire is an important issue for researchers and practitioners. Indeed, the consequences of entrepreneurs’ decisions to retire are important at three levels: individual, macroeconomic in that their retirement is linked to the disposal and transfer of their business, and social in that it affects employment (Detienne, 2010). The overall purpose of this doctoral research was to analyze the psychosociological factors underlying the retirement decision in this specific population. The study had two main objectives. The first was to provide researchers and practitioners with an original and reliable self-report questionnaire to assess the nature and form of the reasons underlying the retirement decision process. Three studies, with a total of 442 participants, were conducted to develop and validate the Reasons for Entrepreneurs’ Retirement Decision Inventory (RERDI), based on the Push Pull Antipush Anti-pull view (Mullet, Dej, Lemaire, Raïff, & Barthorpe, 2000). A fourth study involving 271 participants was carried out to achieve the second objective, which was to test a model of individual determinants of the reasons underlying the retirement decision process. This model also examined the relationships between the evaluation of the reasons and the intention to retire. Finally, the results of these studies allow us to propose a multidimensional and reliable tool to assess in detail the complex perception of the psychosociological factors underlying entrepreneurs’ decisions to retire. The results also provide a better understanding of interindividual differences in this retirement decision
Tribou, Gary. "L'entrepreneur musulman : Islam et rationalité d'entreprise." Mulhouse, 1992.
Full textDreyfuss, Laurence. "La GRH et le travail : de l'impensé du sens du travail à l'émergence du travailleur entrepreneur de lui-même. L'exemplarité des métiers du social." Phd thesis, Université Paul Valéry - Montpellier III, 2013.
Full textGeorget, Valentine. "Approche salutogénique du corporate entrepreneurship : Quels apprentissages organisationnels ?" Thesis, Institut polytechnique de Paris, 2020.
Full textCorporate entrepreneurship (CE) is an entrepreneurial process that involves one or more individuals – corporate entrepreneurs – working with or within an existing organisation, with the aim of generating inner renewal or innovation. Few studies deal with the impacts of CE processes at the individual level. In order to improve organisational performance, we asked the following question : What are the impacts of a CE experience, conducted within large French firms (Insee, 2019), on the dimensions of corporate entrepreneurs’ occupational well-being (Biétry et Creusier, 2013)? To answer this research question, we have conducted qualitative research and its methods. We interviewed 70 corporate entrepreneurs and analysed 15 CE devices into 12 large French firms. The results show that corporate entrepreneurs’ occupational well-being is impacted differently depending on the context in which they are involved, but also according to two moderating factors, which are (1) the management of CE devices and (2) the intrinsic characteristics of corporate entrepreneurs. Then, this research work has also highlighted (3) the difficulty for internal corporate entrepreneurs to reintegrate the organisation after this experience. The management of the exit from CE processes is a major challenge for the organisation. The psychological approach of this thesis work allows us to answer to the research question, and opens research perspectives in management and, especially in human resources management
Books on the topic "Entrepreneurs – Aspect psychologique"
Aline, D'Amours, and Fondation de l'entrepreneurship, eds. Profession: Entrepreneur. Montréal, Qué: Éditions Transcontinentales, 1993.
Find full textauteur, Lavoie Guylda 1949, ed. Jeunes et riches: Avoir l'attitude nécessaire pour y accéder. Montréal (Québec): Éditions La Semaine, 2014.
Find full textA psychological typology of successful entrepreneurs. Westport, Conn: Quorum Books, 1997.
Find full texttranslator, Gohila Dilīpa, ed. Winning: Jītavānī anokhī ādata. Mumbaī: Āra. Āra. Śeṭha enḍa Kampanī Prā. Li., 2014.
Find full textPersuasive advertising for entrepreneurs and small business owners: How to create more effective sales messages. New York: Haworth Press, 1994.
Find full textMake light work in groups: 10 tools to transform meetings, companies and communities : a guide for leaders, entrepreneurs, activists, managers, parents, and anyone else who wants to help groups thrive. Vancouver, Canada: Incite Press, 2012.
Find full textWinston, William, and Jay P. Granat. Persuasive Advertising for Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners: How to Create More Effective Sales Messages. Taylor & Francis Group, 2014.
Find full textWinston, William, and Jay P. Granat. Persuasive Advertising for Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners: How to Create More Effective Sales Messages. Taylor & Francis Group, 2014.
Find full textGranat, Jay P. Persuasive Advertising for Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners: How to Create More Effective Sales Messages. Haworth Press, 1997.
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