Academic literature on the topic 'Entraînement de modèle'

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Journal articles on the topic "Entraînement de modèle"


Rumyantsev, V. V., V. A. Lushcheko, I. R. Mavleev, and A. P. Pavlenko. "Variable nozzle turbocharger: gas-dynamic calculation, 3D modeling, CFD analysis, characteristics." Trudy NAMI, no. 1 (April 7, 2023): 6–18.

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Introduction (problem statement and relevance). The environmental requirements for vehicle engines becoming more stringent require development and introduction of high-performance turbo chargers. Transition from external to internal varying, namely to the variable nozzles of the turbine, is caused by the necessity to reduce the transient process time during operation of the engine and the vehicle itself.The purpose of the study is development and confi rmation of the methodology (general strategy) for designing and modernization of radial-axial turbines with variable nozzles.Methodology and research methods. The study used the combination of calculation models for the engine itself with preliminary verifi cation based on the results of tests on the engine test bench (AVL BOOST, CRUISE M), gas-dynamic calculation of the turbine stage with determination of geometric parameters of the blade ring, housing (volute) and blade drive mechanism, their geometric modeling (Siemens NX) followed by 3D models export, CFD simulation of the stage fl ow including taking into account the transfer element (with impeller rotation) and generation of the stage curves (AVL FIRE).Scientific novelty and results. Combination (synthesis) of calculation models of different levels makes it possible to determine geometric parameters of the turbocharger turbine with variable nozzles providing high effi ciency (performance factor) of the turbine stage with a simultaneous shift of the maximum torque mode of the engine itself to the area of lower crankshaft rotation rate (along the full-load curve).Practical signifi cance of the paper consists in reduction of the time of design and subsequent refi nement (experimental) works during creation and modernization of turbines with variable nozzles of small-sized turbochargers. The obtained values of relative geometric parameters can be used at the design stage
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Perini, Marie. "De la loi au choix : l’information aux parents, point nodal pour un développement équilibré des parcours de scolarisation des élèves sourds français." La nouvelle revue - Éducation et société inclusives N° 96, no. 4 (August 24, 2023): 95–116.

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En France, depuis la loi du 11 février 2005, les parents peuvent choisir pour leur enfant sourd entre une scolarisation bilingue LSF-français écrit et une scolarisation monolingue, français oral-français écrit. Cette loi s’est vue accompagnée ces 15 dernières années de la création progressive des dispositifs permettant la mise en place concrète d’une scolarisation bilingue. Comment expliquer alors la part toujours aussi faible de ce mode de scolarisation sur le territoire (5 % des élèves sourds environ à la rentrée 2019 selon la Dgesco) ? Il semble que, malgré l’avènement du modèle inclusif dans les textes, le regard défectologique sur la surdité reste très prégnant, empêchant les professionnels de la surdité comme les parents d’enfants sourds d’envisager l’enseignement en LSF comme une option éducative sérieuse. Pour en rendre compte, nous analyserons tour à tour les discours professionnels adressés aux parents d’enfants sourds, les discours scientifiques et les discours institutionnels. Nous exposerons ensuite certains des préjugés les plus fréquents à l’encontre de l’enseignement en LSF et tenterons d’y répondre à l’aide des données issues de la littérature scientifique récente, espérant ainsi contribuer à poser les jalons d’un choix éclairé entre deux options éducatives légitimes.
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Гороховский, А. Г., Е. Е. Шишкина, А. С. Агафонов, П. А. Бекк, and Т. С. Овчинникова. "EXPRESS ASSESSMENT OF THE EFFECTIVENESS OF DRYING MODES OF HARDWOOD." Леса России и хозяйство в них, no. 2(85) (June 14, 2023): 91–96.

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Режимы сушки древесины являются предметом многочисленных исследований как в нашей стране, так и за ее пределами. Особо это касается режимов сушки твердолиственных пород, которые часто называют трудносохнущими. Целью настоящей работы является разработка экспресс-метода оценки эффективности режимов сушки пиломатериалов твердолиственных пород древесины. Методом оценки пригодности того или иного режима сушки является сопоставление поверхностной и средней влажности сохнущей древесины. Причем для различных пород существуют разработанные рекомендации по величинам комплексного показателя соотношения данных влажностей. Результатом работы явилось получение для некоторых существующих режимов сушки древесины дуба значения комплексного показателя соотношения влажностей. Расчеты убедительно показали, что применение не всех режимов вполне оправдано для сушки твердолиственных пород, в частности дуба. Так, применение трех- и шестиступенчатых режимов недостаточно оправдано: при их построении не учтен факт принципиальной возможности возникновения внутренних напряжений в древесине в первый период сушки. Причем данные напряжения могут достигать величины, превышающей предел прочности древесины. Это, в свою очередь, может привести к образованию поверхностных трещин и тем самым сделать древесину непригодной к использованию. Метод может быть применен перед практическим использованием режимов сушки. Причем необходимо учитывать, что при соответствующей доработке возможно использование данного метода для экспресс-оценки режимов сушки любых других пород древесины. Метод прост в реализации, полученные результаты однозначно характеризуют эффективность режима сушки. Таким образом, экспресс-метод оценки эффективности режимов сушки твердолиственных пород может быть рекомендован для практического использования работниками промышленности, занимающимися сушкой пиломатериалов. Wood drying regimes are the subject of numerous studies both in our country and abroad. This is especially true of the drying modes of hardwoods, which are often called hard-drying. The purpose of this work is to develop an express method for evaluating the effectiveness of drying modes of hardwood lumber. As a method of assessing the suitability of a particular drying mode, a comparison of the surface and average humidity of drying wood is used. Moreover, for various breeds, there are developed recommendations on the values of the complex indicator of the ratio of these humidities. The result of the work was that the values of the complex humidity ratio indicator were obtained for some existing oak wood drying modes. Calculations have convincingly shown that the use of not all modes is fully justifi ed for drying hardwoods, in particular oak. Thus, the use of three and six-stage modes is not suffi ciently justifi ed, that their construction does not take into account the fact of the fundamental possibility of internal stresses in the wood during the fi rst drying period. Moreover, these stresses can reach a value exceeding the strength limit of wood. This, in turn, can lead to the formation of surface cracks and thereby make the wood unusable. The method can be applied before the practical use of drying modes. Moreover, it should be taken into account that with appropriate refi nement, it is possible to use this method for express evaluation of drying modes of any other wood species. The method is easy to implement, the results obtained unambiguously characterize the effectiveness of the drying regime. Thus, the express method of evaluating the effectiveness of drying modes of hardwoods can be recommended for practical use by industrial workers engaged in drying lumber.
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Introduction : Le système de surveillance épidémiologique des maladies à potentiel épidémique est un des déterminants essentiels de la performance des systèmes de santé. L’avè nement de la pandémie de la covid-19 a révélé les insuffisances dudit système dans les pays à revenus faibles dont le Bénin. Objectifs : déterminer l’influence de la pandémie de la covid-19 sur la performance du système de surveillance des maladies à potentiel épidémique. Matériel et méthodes : Il s’est agi d’une étude quasi expérimentale de type avant (2019) et après (2021), portant sur les données de surveillance épidémiologique de ces maladies, avec les centres de santé de la zone sanitaire Ouidah-Kpomassè-Tori Bossito comme cible primaire ; et les acteurs techniques et de soutien comme cibles secondaires. La variable dépendante était la progression de la performance du système de surveillance entre les deux périodes. Le test de chi carré de McNemar a servi pour la comparaison univariée avec 5% comme seuil de significativité. Résultats : Entre les deux périodes, la progression de la performance a été de 25% (p<0,01); le nombre de cas de maladies à potentiel épidémique notifié a progressé de 78 à 90 (p<0,01). Les disponibilités des ressources pour l’identification, l’analyse et interprétation des données, et la préparation aux épidémies ont progressé respectivement de 0% à 9.4% (p<0,01) ; 0% à 46.9% (p<0,01); 0% à 12.5% (p<0,01). Le mode de confirmation des maladies à potentiel épidémique a varié significativement avec p<0,01entre les deux périodes. Conclusion : La pandémie de la covid 19 a eu une influence positive sur la performance du système de surveillance épidémiologique des maladies. ABSTRACT Introduction: The system of surveillance of epidemic prone diseases is one of the key determinants of healthcare systems performance. Covid-19 pandemic has revealed the lacksof this system in low-income countries, including Benin. Objectives: This study aims to assess the influence of the covid-19 pandemic on the performance of epidemic prone diseases surveillance system. Material and methods: This was a quasi-experimental study like before (2019) and after one (2021), with focus on epidemic prone diseases surveillance data, with the primary healthcare facilities of Ouidah-Kpomassè-Tori Bossito health zone, and technical and support actors as statistical units. The dependent variable was the progression of surveillance system performance between the two periods. McNemar’s chi-square test was used for univariate analysis with 5% of significance level. Results: Between the two periods, the performance progression was of 25% (p<0.01); the number of epidemic prone diseases cases notified increased from 78 to 90 (p<0.01). The variation of the availability of resources was: for identification from 0% to 9.4% (p<0.01); for analysis and interpretation of data from 0% to 46.9% (p<0.01); and for preparedness for epidemics, from 0% to 12.5% (p<0.01). The mode of confirmation of epidemic prone diseases varied significantly (p<0.01) between the two periods. Conclusion: The covid-19 pandemic had positively influenced the performance of epidemic prone diseases surveillance system, and these achievements deserve to be reinforced and sustained in order to maintain a constant improvement in the performance of healthcare systems.
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Background: Pregnancy Induced hypertension continues to be rampant globally and is associated with high perinatal and maternal mortality and morbidity. It is still one of the most important and intriguing unsolved problems in obstetrics. Hypertensive disorders in pregnancy account for approximately 7 to 15% of all pregnancies and nearly 25% of antenatal ward admissions. The condition complicates about 10% of pregnancies and is responsible for 14% of maternal deaths, 15% of perinatal deaths, and 30% of maternal near misses worldwide. Hypertensive disorders in pregnancy (PIH) are a group of disorders that range from pre-existing chronic hypertension in the index pregnancy to complex multisystem disorders such as preeclampsia, which can lead to complications such as eclampsia, HELLP syndrome, acute renal failure, pulmonary edema, stroke, and left ventricular failure. Though not preventable, early detection and proper intervention can signicantly reduce complications. This is achievable with Prenatal care at all levels. However, there is an unmet need in recognizing and managing PIH and its complications in low and middle-income countries due to pregnancy myths and misconceptions, transportation challenges, low socioeconomic status, and a lack of easy and expert antenatal care requiring a multidisciplinary approach, a lack of accurate prediction methods, and a scarcity of high dependency units (HDU). Early detection of a milder form of disease, corticosteroid administration, and careful timing of delivery can all help improve the outcome. In light of this, we designed and conceived the current study with the goal of studying the maternal and perinatal outcomes of Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy at a tertiary care hospital. Furthermore, data from antenatal females with PIH admitted for safe connement were collected and classied into the following categories: GHTN, Preeclampsia, Chronic Hypertension, Chronic Hypertension superimposed with preeclampsia, and eclampsia. Finally, the method of delivery (vaginal/caesarean section) in each category of patients was examined. The study's ndings will assist us in determining the scope of the problem in our area and estimating the fetal and maternal complications associated with it. Methods: All patients beyond 20 weeks of pregnancy with pregnancy induced hypertension admitted in department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of MGM Medical College over a period of 18 months after approval from Institutional ethical committee was taken into consideration. The objective of the study was to analyze the cases of gestational hypertension, Chronic Hypertension, Chronic Hypertension superimposed with preeclampsia, pre-eclampsia and eclampsia and their maternal outcome in terms of mode of delivery and complications. Perinatal outcome in relation to neonatal complications was also studied. The frequency and percentage for socio-demographic variables, mode of delivery and complications were analyzed. Results: Pregnancy Induced Hypertension cases accounted for 415 cases were enrolled during study period; The most common PIH presentation was pre-eclampsia, followed by severe pre-eclampsia, gestational hypertension, antepartum eclampsia. Maternal morbidity and mortality were observed in 37.6% of the women and 3.6%, respectively in our study. Abruption, wound infection, and eclampsia were the most common complications, accounting for 11%, 9%, and 7.7% of all cases, respectively. 48.2% of babies were shifted to mother side, followed by 41.6% were shifted to SNCU, 7.9% were Intrauterine deaths and least 2.1% were Still birth respectively Conclusions: Though the incidence of pre-eclampsia and eclampsia is on the decline, still it remains the major contributor to poor maternal and fetal outcome. Regular antenatal checkups, early diagnosis, prompt multidisciplinary treatment, optimum timing of delivery reduces the incidence of complications and the maternal mortality. Early referral and management of these cases at centers with advanced neonatal facilities will reduce the perinatal mortality
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Books on the topic "Entraînement de modèle"


Lawrence, Allan. The self-coached runner II: Cross country and the shorter distances. Boston: Little, Brown, 1986.

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Cassidy, Tania. Understanding sports coaching: The social, cultural and pedagogical foundations of coaching practice. London: Routledge, 2004.

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Cassidy, Tania. Understanding Sports Coaching. London: Taylor & Francis Group Plc, 2004.

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Delavier, Frédéric. Krachttraining: Een anatomische benadering. Hoogland: Forte Uitgevers, 2001.

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Delavier, Frédéric. Atlas treningu siłowego. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Lekarskie PZWL, 2009.

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Delavier, Frédéric. Guía de los movimientos de musculación: Descripción anatómica. 4th ed. Barcelona, Spain: Paidotribo, 2001.

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Per, Larson, and Carlsson Stefan, eds. Styrketräning: En anatomisk guide. Sundbyberg: Fitnessförl., 2002.

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Frenette. Stretching dynamique. Société Européenne de Magazine SEM, 1993.

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Kraftquelle Mental Training: Eine umfassende Methode, das Leben selbst zu gestalten. Genf: Ariston, 1986.

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Bicycling magazine's training for fitness and endurance. Emmaus, Pa: Rodale Press, 1990.

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Conference papers on the topic "Entraînement de modèle"


Cantreva, Philipe Lopes, and Luciana Nemer Diniz. "Maturidade BIM na Escola de Arquitetura e Urbanismo - UFF." In V ENCONTRO NACIONAL SOBRE O ENSINO DE BIM. ANTAC, 2023.

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A presente pesquisa apresentada é fruto do desenvolvimento da dissertação de Mestrado do autor, onde há a busca pela estudo e aprendizagem do Building Information Modeling (BIM) – nas suas mais diversas competências, campos de uso, adoção prática no ensino e desenvolvimento de pesquisas – para a proposição direta de um planejamento de inserção da metodologia dentro do curso de graduação de Arquitetura e Urbanismo da Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF); local de formação profissional do autor. Dentro do Programa de Pós-graduação em Arquitetura (PROARQ) da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) é realizada a fundamentação para os estudos e análises propostas pelo Projeto do Mestrado, onde através das disciplinas ministradas dentro do programa é possível compreender as nuances pertinentes ao BIM, tais como: decretos federais de disseminação, normas técnicas, ecossistema de aplicativos e processos relacionados, entidades e associações correlacionadas ao BIM, tipologias de uso (HBIM, BIM 4D, BIM 5D etc.), as três dimensões do BIM adotadas por Bilal Succar, dentre outros. Dado preliminarmente o entendimento desses aspectos, é abordado então a estratégia de Células BIM no desenvolvimento dos cursos aos quais se faz presente; avaliando objetivamente a questão de como seria a concepção de tal estratégia dentro da realidade da Escola de Arquitetura e Urbanismo (EAU) da UFF. Nesse contexto, vale ressaltar que a conceituação do que é a Célula BIM tem por definição da Associação Nacional de Tecnologia do Ambiente Construído (ANTAC) o entendimento de que são “grupos organizados de professores e alunos de uma instituição de ensino envolvidos na proposição e no desenvolvimento de um Plano de Implementação de BIM, em um ou mais cursos, com o intuito na realização de ações acadêmicas para transformação digital.” (ANTAC, 2023); sendo estas observadas como peças fundamentais para o desenvolvimento local de pesquisas destinadas à metodologia, a disseminação do conceito BIM, o apoio ao corpo docente e discente, e consequentemente a modernização do curso de graduação em que se faz presente. Entretanto, entendendo todo processo gradual até que se atinja o principal objetivo anteriormente evidenciado, se faz necessário primeiro constatar qual a condição presente do curso de Arquitetura e Urbanismo da UFF, se há iniciativas por conta do corpo docente ou do Projeto Pedagógico do Curso para a utilização do BIM dentro da grade curricular e nesse cenário como se apresenta a Maturidade BIM da instituição. Conseguinte, parte-se então para a construção da realidade da EAU no entendimento BIM, onde há o embasamento através do trabalho de conclusão de curso do autor (2022), a dissertação de mestrado da Joana Queiroz (2020) e os relatos apresentados pelas precursoras das iniciativas BIM dentro do curso de graduação: Luciana Nemer, autora, e Isabela Bacellar. Através do estudo empregado na análise de avanços tecnológicos dentro dos cursos de Arquitetura e Urbanismo ofertados em todas as Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES) Públicas do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, é constatado que a EAU encontra-se em condição de maior deficiência quando comparada com as demais; fato que apesar de preocupante se mostra como uma oportunidade de um planejamento assertivo acerca da adoção de novas tecnologias (CANTREVA, 2022). Em conjunto, é compreendido que dentro do corpo docente do curso de graduação ainda há uma resistência expressiva, uma vez que é entendido que a universidade não consegue acompanhar simultaneamente o avanço tecnológico que se mostra extremamente dinâmico na atualidade, a baixa valorização de metodologias digitais para a produção e entendimento da Arquitetura, a ideia de que a ferramenta digital é um fim e não um meio, além de carecer de hardwares e softwares que consigam atingir o desempenho vislumbrado nas novas abordagens digitais propostas (QUEIROZ, 2020). A finalização da composição amostral recente da EAU se dá através do relato das primeiras tentativas experimentadas do BIM realizadas pelas professoras Luciana Nemer e Isabela Bacellar, onde ministraram respectivamente as disciplinas Expressão na Arquitetura e Gráfica Digital – essa sendo optativa – e Projeto de Arquitetura V (PAV) – sendo obrigatória. Na primeira, iniciada no ano de 2018 objetivava a introdução do discente no contexto BIM, dispondo de um conteúdo pragmático que o fazia compreender na prática a transição da produção 2D (AutoCAD) e 3D (SketchUp) isoladas para a prática integrada a disposta de todas as instâncias da edificação diretamente através de um software BIM, Revit. Apesar da grande repercussão positiva, a iniciativa se findou no ano de 2019 e compôs apenas três turmas durante o período em que foi ofertada. Entretanto, no mesmo ano se iniciou na disciplina dentro da grade curricular o incentivo e uso do BIM no conteúdo referente ao preparo do estudante para a concepção do Projeto Executivo, PAV. Esta se mantém em vigor até o presente momento e usufrui do potencial oferecido pela ferramenta durante todas as etapas compreendidas pelo projeto. Em ambos os casos, a resposta ao uso da ferramenta se demonstrou não apenas aceita, mas também abraça e constantemente utilizada pelos estudantes; tal fato se deu tanto pela pertinência do conhecimento adquirido quanto pelo dinamismo na didática na compreensão global do objeto arquitetônico. A implementação do Revit na EAU tem mostrado, ainda de forma preliminar, que discussões sobre o tema continuam a aumentar de intensidade à medida que mais pesquisas reconhecem seu potencial de agregação de valor. Isso é verificado pela utilização nos projetos a nível de graduação e pelas pesquisas a nível de pós-graduação; entre dissertações de mestrado e teses de doutorado, verifica-se o surgimento do tema de forma acelerada, abraçando, cada vez mais, um número maior de apoiadores dedicados a explorar e definir os requisitos e resultados finais do BIM. Diante de iniciativas isoladas e que demonstram resistência frente a cenário encontrado, o objetivo de compor um planejamento é de expandir a prática BIM para mais disciplinas, de modo que possam dialogar entre si, propor a metodologia colaborativa com premissa e consequentemente trazer ao curso a retomada ao ensino mais atualizado de Arquitetura e Urbanismo.
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