Academic literature on the topic 'Entanglement of Gaussian states'
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Journal articles on the topic "Entanglement of Gaussian states"
Fukuda, Motohisa, and Robert Koenig. "Typical entanglement for Gaussian states." Journal of Mathematical Physics 60, no. 11 (November 1, 2019): 112203.
Full textKraus, B., G. Giedke, M. Lewenstein, and J. I. Cirac. "Entanglement properties of Gaussian states." Fortschritte der Physik 51, no. 45 (May 7, 2003): 305–12.
Full textJIANG, LI-ZHEN. "ENTANGLEMENT BOUNDS FOR A FAMILY OF TWO-MODE GAUSSIAN STATES." International Journal of Quantum Information 02, no. 02 (June 2004): 273–83.
Full textMarian, P., and T. A. Marian. "Gaussian entanglement of symmetric two-mode Gaussian states." European Physical Journal Special Topics 160, no. 1 (July 2008): 281–89.
Full textLUPO, COSMO, STEFANO MANCINI, PAOLO FACCHI, GIUSEPPE FLORIO, and SAVERIO PASCAZIO. "ENTANGLEMENT FRUSTRATION IN MULTIMODE GAUSSIAN STATES." International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics 09, no. 02 (March 2012): 1260022.
Full textGiedke, G., J. Eisert, J. I. Cirac, and M. B. Plenio. "Entanglement transformations of pure Gaussian states." Quantum Information and Computation 3, no. 3 (May 2003): 211–33.
Full textZhang, Kun, Jietai Jing, Nicolas Treps, and Mattia Walschaers. "Maximal entanglement increase with single-photon subtraction." Quantum 6 (May 2, 2022): 704.
Full textFilippov, Sergey, and Alena Termanova. "Superior Resilience of Non-Gaussian Entanglement against Local Gaussian Noises." Entropy 25, no. 1 (December 30, 2022): 75.
Full textTakahashi, Hiroki, Jonas S. Neergaard-Nielsen, Makoto Takeuchi, Masahiro Takeoka, Kazuhiro Hayasaka, Akira Furusawa, and Masahide Sasaki. "Entanglement distillation from Gaussian input states." Nature Photonics 4, no. 3 (February 7, 2010): 178–81.
Full textHuang, Youyi, and Lu Wei. "Second-order statistics of fermionic Gaussian states." Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 55, no. 10 (February 14, 2022): 105201.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Entanglement of Gaussian states"
Buono, Daniela. "Quantumness of gaussian and non-gaussian states in the optical domain." Doctoral thesis, Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2013.
Full textThe Dissertation Quantumness of Gaussian and non-Gaussian states in the op- tical domain collects my personal both theoretical and experimental contribu- tions, in the context of the Quantum Information theory in continuous variables (cv). In this context, the research focused on the analysis of the quantum prop- erties of bipartite states of electromagnetic radiation. The Dissertation contains, rst, the study of the main possible quantum cor- relations between two modes of the electromagnetic eld. Particular attention has been devoted to the analysis of the di¤erent forms of non-locality present in quantum mechanics. Second, it shows the analysis of how the presence of quantum properties in bipartite states a¤ects the performance of these states, when they are used as resources in quantum protocols. In particular, the cv teleportation protocol was used as a reference to test the goodness of results. The quantum resources can be divided in two main classes: Gaussian re- sources and non-Gaussian ones. My research activity has been strucured in which way to be able to proceed, in parallel, to the analysis of both classes. Gaussian resoures.To assess the presence of entanglement in a quantum system it is possible to refer to the many criteria proposed in the literature. In the Dissertation it is reported the study of some main criteria generally used for Gaussian bipartite mixed states. This study has allowed us to establish a hierarchy very useful for the evaluation of the entanglement. Then we have dis- cussed and experimentally analyzed the e¤ects of the transmission over a lossy channel on the quantumness of bipartite Gaussian states, focusing our analysis on the states generated by a type-II optical parametric oscillator (OPO). Even- tually it is reported the study of the Bell s inequality in terms of purity and entanglement for a bipartite Gaussian state, desribed by a symmetric covari- ance matrix..It allows to investigate how the "quantumness" owned by a state, established by the violation of Bell s inequality, is related to the purity of the state and to the entanglement. Non-Gaussian resources. The study of non-Gaussian resources is mainly related to a particular class of states: the squeezed Bell states. All the analy- sis carried out to date show that these states are one of the best possible re- sources for e¢ cient BKV quantum teleportation protocol. This is con rmed by two additional theoretical tests presented in the Dissertation. In fact, squeezed Bell states maximize the violation of Bell s inequality with respect to all other (Gaussian and non-Gaussian) states obtained from the same class. So they represent the most non-local resource among all those considered (for example, the squeezed photon number states, the photon subtracted squeezed states, the photon added states, the squeezed vacuum states). Moreover, as demonstrated in the course of the Dissertation, squeezed Bell states are the best resource for teleportation of a coherent state, even after having undergone a process of en- tanglement swapping. The result is compared with that provided by the other main quantum swapped resources of the same class. As a consequence of the positive results obtained from the tests, it was designed a scheme that allows the experimental production of squeezed Bell states. It is then evaluated its experimental feasibility both in ideal and realistic conditions obtaining very encouraging results. Finally, it is dealt the study (it is at a very preliminary stage) of a non-Gaussian state produced by a sub-threshold OPO, when there are uctuations of some parameters of the optical device (amplitude and phase of the pump, etc..) at the aim to nd a new strategy for the generation of non-Gaussian resources. [edited by author]
XI n.s.
Strobel, Helmut [Verfasser], and Markus K. [Akademischer Betreuer] Oberthaler. "Fisher Information and entanglement of non-Gaussian spin states / Helmut Strobel ; Betreuer: Markus K. Oberthaler." Heidelberg : Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg, 2016.
Full textGagatsos, Christos. "Gaussian deterministic and probabilistic transformations of bosonic quantum fields: squeezing and entanglement generation." Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 2014.
Full textThis interplay between phase-space and state-space representations does not represent a particular problem as long as Gaussian states (e.g. coherent, squeezed, or thermal states) and Gaussian operations (e.g. beam splitters or squeezers) are concerned. Indeed, Gaussian states are fully characterized by the first- and second-order moments of mode operators, while Gaussian operations are defined via their actions on these moments. The so-called symplectic formalism can be used to treat all Gaussian transformations on Gaussian states, including mixed states of an arbitrary number of modes, and the entropies of Gaussian states are directly linked to their symplectic eigenvalues.
This thesis is concerned with the Gaussian transformations applied onto arbitrary states of light, in which case the symplectic formalism is unapplicable and this phase-to-state space interplay becomes highly non trivial. A first motivation to consider arbitrary (non-Gaussian) states of light results from various Gaussian no-go theorems in continuous-variable quantum information theory. For instance, universal quantum computing, quantum entanglement concentration, or quantum error correction are known to be impossible when restricted to the Gaussian realm. A second motivation comes from the fact that several fundamental quantities, such as the entanglement of formation of a Gaussian state or the communication capacity of a Gaussian channel, rely on an optimization over all states, including non-Gaussian states even though the considered state or channel is Gaussian. This thesis is therefore devoted to developing new tools in order to compute state-space properties (e.g. entropies) of transformations defined in phase-space or conversely to computing phase-space properties (e.g. mean-field amplitudes) of transformations defined in state space. Remarkably, even some basic questions such as the entanglement generation of optical squeezers or beam splitters were unsolved, which gave us a nice work-bench to investigate this interplay.
In the first part of this thesis (Chapter 3), we considered a recently discovered Gaussian probabilistic transformation called the noiseless optical amplifier. More specifically, this is a process enabling the amplification of a quantum state without introducing noise. As it has long been known, when amplifing a quantum signal, the arising of noise is inevitable due to the unitary evolution that governs quantum mechanics. It was recently realized, however, that one can drop the unitarity of the amplification procedure and trade it for a noiseless, albeit probabilistic (heralded) transformation. The fact that the transformation is probabilistic is mathematically reflected in the fact that it is non trace-preserving. This quantum device has gained much interest during the last years because it can be used to compensate losses in a quantum channel, for entanglement distillation, probabilistic quantum cloning, or quantum error correction. Several experimental demonstrations of this device have already been carried out. Our contribution to this topic has been to derive the action of this device on squeezed states and to prove that it acts quite surprisingly as a universal (phase-insensitive) optical squeezer, conserving the signal-to-noise ratio just as a phase-sensitive optical amplifier but for all quadratures at the same time. This also brought into surface a paradoxical effect, namely that such a device could seemingly lead to instantaneous signaling by circumventing the quantum no-cloning theorem. This paradox was discussed and resolved in our work.
In a second step, the action of the noiseless optical amplifier and it dual operation (i.e. heralded noiseless attenuator) on non-Gaussian states has been examined. We have observed that the mean-field amplitude may decrease in the process of noiseless amplification (or may increase in the process of noiseless attenuation), a very counterintuitive effect that Gaussian states cannot exhibit. This work illustrates the above-mentioned phase-to-state space interplay since these devices are defined as simple filtering operations in state space but inferring their action on phase-space quantities such as the mean-field amplitude is not straightforward. It also illustrates the difficulty of dealing with non-Gaussian states in Gaussian transformations (these noiseless devices are probabilistic but Gaussian). Furthermore, we have exhibited an experimental proposal that could be used to test this counterintuitive feature. The proposed set-up is feasible with current technology and robust against usual inefficiencies that occur in optical experiment.
Noiseless amplification and attenuation represent new important tools, which may offer interesting perspectives in quantum optical communications. Therefore, further understanding of these transformations is both of fundamental interest and important for the development and analysis of protocols exploiting these tools. Our work provides a better understanding of these transformations and reveals that the intuition based on ordinary (deterministic phase-insensitive) amplifiers and losses is not always applicable to the noiseless amplifiers and attenuators.
In the last part of this thesis, we have considered the entropic characterization of some of the most fundamental Gaussian transformations in quantum optics, namely a beam splitter and two-mode squeezer. A beam splitter effects a simple rotation in phase space, while a two-mode squeezer produces a Bogoliubov transformation. Thus, there is a well-known phase-space characterization in terms of symplectic transformations, but the difficulty originates from that one must return to state space in order to access quantum entropies or entanglement. This is again a hard problem, linked to the above-mentioned interplay in the reverse direction this time. As soon as non-Gaussian states are concerned, there is no way of calculating the entropy produced by such Gaussian transformations. We have investigated two novel tools in order to treat non-Gaussian states under Gaussian transformations, namely majorization theory and the replica method.
In Chapter 4, we have started by analyzing the entanglement generated by a beam splitter that is fed with a photon-number state, and have shown that the entanglement monotones can be neatly combined with majorization theory in this context. Majorization theory provides a preorder relation between bipartite pure quantum states, and gives a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of a deterministic LOCC (local operations and classical communication) transformation from one state to another. We have shown that the state resulting from n photons impinging on a beam splitter majorizes the corresponding state with any larger photon number n’ > n, implying that the entanglement monotonically grows with n, as expected. In contrast, we have proven that such a seemingly simple optical component may have a rather surprising behavior when it comes to majorization theory: it does not necessarily lead to states that obey a majorization relation if one varies the transmittance (moving towards a balanced beam splitter). These results are significant for entanglement manipulation, giving rise in particular to a catalysis effect.
Moving forward, in Chapter 5, we took the step of introducing the replica method in quantum optics, with the goal of achieving an entropic characterization of general Gaussian operations on a bosonic quantum field. The replica method, a tool borrowed from statistical physics, can also be used to calculate the von Neumann entropy and is the last line of defense when the usual definition is not practical, which is often the case in quantum optics since the definition involves calculating the eigenvalues of some (infinite-dimensional) density matrix. With this method, the entropy produced by a two-mode squeezer (or parametric optical amplifier) with non-trivial input states has been studied. As an application, we have determined the entropy generated by amplifying a binary superposition of the vacuum and an arbitrary Fock state, which yields a surprisingly simple, yet unknown analytical expression. Finally, we have turned to the replica method in the context of field theory, and have examined the behavior of a bosonic field with finite temperature when the temperature decreases. To this end, information theoretical tools were used, such as the geometric entropy and the mutual information, and interesting connection between phase transitions and informational quantities were found. More specifically, dividing the field in two spatial regions and calculating the mutual information between these two regions, it turns out that the mutual information is non-differentiable exactly at the critical temperature for the formation of the Bose-Einstein condensate.
The replica method provides a new angle of attack to access quantum entropies in fundamental Gaussian bosonic transformations, that is quadratic interactions between bosonic mode operators such as Bogoliubov transformations. The difficulty of accessing entropies produced when transforming non-Gaussian states is also linked to several currently unproven entropic conjectures on Gaussian optimality in the context of bosonic channels. Notably, determining the capacity of a multiple-access or broadcast Gaussian bosonic channel is pending on being able to access entropies. We anticipate that the replica method may become an invaluable tool in order to reach a complete entropic characterization of Gaussian bosonic transformations, or perhaps even solve some of these pending conjectures on Gaussian bosonic channels.
Doctorat en Sciences de l'ingénieur
Quinn, Niall. "Gaussian non-classical correlations in bipartite dissipative continuous variable quantum systems." Thesis, University of St Andrews, 2015.
Full textMissori, Ricardo José. "Análise e geração de emaranhamento em sistemas de variáveis discreta e continua via átomos." [s.n.], 2009.
Full textTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Fisica Gleb Wataghin
Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-14T10:42:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Missori_RicardoJose_D.pdf: 12608973 bytes, checksum: 25d2abc254d2688f7a4225e0cd2bc6aa (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009
Resumo: Nesta tese, apresentamos dois resultados para a geração de emaranhamento, ambos envolvendo a interação entre átomos e radiação. Na primeira parte, propomos um esquema para geração de estados emaranhados envolvendo os estados eletrônicos de dois íons separados espacialmente, cada qual aprisionado em uma cavidade. Um átomo propagante, que cruza essas cavidades, é responsável pela geração de estados emaranhados do tipo Bell entre os dois íons. Mostramos que para tempos específicos de interação, a geração dos estados emaranhados é não-probabilística. Propostas de átomo e íons, candidatos a implementação do esquema experimental, também são apresentadas. Já segunda parte deste trabalho, investigamos um modelo para a interação de dois campos quânticos ortogonalmente polarizados com uma nuvem de átomos de quatro níveis do tipo-X. Consideramos, para nosso esquema, situações físicas onde os átomos funcionam efetivamente como sendo de dois níveis. Assim, dentro de uma aproximação linearizada do campo, nosso Hamiltoniano efetivo bilinear, que representa a interação átomos-campo, passa a depender da diferença de população entre os dois níveis do ensemble de átomos. Após uma medida condicionada nos átomos, mostramos que os dois modos do campo ficam em estados emaranhados não-Gaussianos, diferentemente do que foi considerado em alguns trabalhos recentes na literatura que abordamos. Como a compressão abaixo do limite de ruído na polarização linear pode ser usada como indicadora de emaranhamento na polarização circular, nós podemos usar a variância das quadraturas, combinada com o critério de inseparabilidade para variáveis contínuas, para complementar o nosso estudo sobre o esquema experimental.
Abstract: In this thesis, we present two results of entanglement generation, both involving atom-radiation interaction. In the first part, we consider a scheme for generation of entangled states involving electronic states of two distant ions, each one placed in a cavity. A flying atom, that crosses these cavities, is responsible for the generation of entangled states of the Bell-type between the two ions. We show that for specific times of interaction, the entangled states are generated and in a non-probabilistic way. We also present a realistic proposal of candidates for atoms and ions for an experimental implementation of this scheme. In the second part of this work, we investigate a model for the interaction of two orthogonally polarized quantum fields with a cloud of X-like four-level atoms. We consider, in our scheme, a physical situation where the atoms act effectively like two-level atoms. Thus, in a linearized approximation for the field, we derive a bilinear effective Hamiltonian representing the atom-field interaction, which depends on the difference of population between the ensemble of two-level atoms. After a conditional measurement in the atomic system, we show that the two field modes ends up in a non-Gaussian entangled states, differently from what has been considered in some recent works in the literature. Since the squeezing below the noise limit in the linear polarization can be used as an indicator of entanglement in the circular polarization, we can use the variances in the quadratures, combined with the inseparability criterion for continuum variables, to complement our study of the experimental scheme.
Doutor em Ciências
Menu, Raphaël. "Gaussian-state approaches to quantum spin systems away from equilibrium." Thesis, Lyon, 2020.
Full textWhat happens when a quantum many-body system is brutally driven away fromequilibrium ? Toward which kind of states does it relax and what informationcan one extract from the resulting dynamics ? Providing answers to these questionsis a challenging problem that spured the interest of a whole community ofphysicists. However, the numerical cost required to investigate the behaviour ofthese systems, particularly for large system sizes, motivated the development ofcutting-edge numerical and theoretical techniques.This thesis aims at contributing to these efforts by proposing a set of methodsbased on a representation of the systems in terms of a Gaussian field theory, withthe purpose of studying the evolution of spin systems. More specifically, thesemethods are applied to several models inspired by cold-atoms experiments simulatingthe behaviour of spin systems, with a stress on the study of localizationphenomena. Therefore, this thesis highlights the emergence of localization in systemsdevoid of disorder due to an interference effect, the so-called Aharonov-Bohmcaging; as well as a geometrically disordered quantum Ising model displaying adynamics exploring a rich spectrum ranging from balistic diffusion to anomalousdiffusion, an then localization - this last example offers a scenario richer than theone exhibited by the dynamics of free particles in a disordered medium. Finally,we explored the possibility for Gaussian approaches to describe the dynamics ofinteracting systems and their relaxation toward thermal states
Niset, Julien. "Quantum information with optical continuous variables: nonlocality, entanglement, and error correction." Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 2008.
Full textLe travail peut se diviser en deux parties complémentaires. Dans la première partie, plus fondamentale, la relation complexe qui existe entre l'intrication et la nonlocalité de la mécanique quantique est étudiée sur base des variables optiques continues. Ces deux ressources étant essentielles pour l'information quantique, il est nécessaire de bien les comprendre et de bien les caractériser. Dans la seconde partie, orientée vers des applications concrètes, le problème de la correction d'erreur à variables continues est étudié. Pouvoir transmettre et manipuler l'information sans erreurs est nécessaire au bon développemnent de l'information quantique, mais, en pratique, les erreurs sont inévitables. Les codes correcteurs d'erreurs permettent de détecter et corriger ces erreures de manière efficace.
Doctorat en Sciences de l'ingénieur
Gondret, Victor. "On the entanglement of quasi-particles in a Bose-Einstein Condensate." Electronic Thesis or Diss., université Paris-Saclay, 2025.
Full textThis thesis focuses on the non-separability of pairs of quasi-particles excited by parametric resonance. The experimental setup used here allows the production of a Bose-Einstein condensate of metastable helium. The use of an ultra-cold atomic gas makes it possible to reach sufficiently low temperatures to observe intrinsically quantum phenomena: the non-separability of the state. In this work, we use the condensate as a coherent reservoir to populate two momentum modes. The advantage of metastable helium is its high internal energy, which allows the electronic detection of single particles. We therefore measure the position and the time of impact of the particles after a time of flight of 308 ms, which allows us to reconstruct the in-trap momentum distribution. In the first theoretical contribution of this work, we demonstrate that measuring the two- and four-body correlation functions not only attests to, but also quantifies the non-separability of a Gaussian state. We also derive a new entanglement witness using only the two-body correlation function. In the experimental part, we improve the machine used to produce our ultra-cold gas and enhance its stability. We implement original techniques to deflect part of the atoms and avoid the saturation of our detector. These improvements allow us to observe the non-separability of the state
Nocerino, Gaetano. "Gaussian and non-Gaussian resources in Quantum Information." Doctoral thesis, Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2013.
Full textThis dissertation was carried out within the framework of the Quantum Information (QI). In particular, I have analyzed the main aspects: the protocol, the quantum states, the conditional measurements, and the decoherence. The protocol. I have studied the teleportation protocol, the entanglement swapping protocol, and the Bell’s inequality (which is the basis of some protocols such as the quantum cryptography). I have dealt with the maximization of the efficiency of each protocol, by acting on the generation of the appropriate quantum states. Starting from the known Squeezed Bell (SB) states that maximize the fidelity of teleportation, I have shown that even for the entanglement swapping protocol and for the violation of the Bell’s inequality, the SB states exhibit better performance than all the other continuous variable (CV) quantum states (for example squeezed vacuum states, subtracted photon squeezed states, added photon squeezed states, squeezed number states). Preparation of quantum states. I have presented an experimental scheme capable of generating, with good approximation, the SB states. I have identified a scheme that is based on conditional measures performed on ancillary quantum states. I have started to study an ideal scheme (free by inefficiencies and decoherence), obtaining the reproduction of the SB states. Then I have introduced the inefficiencies of detection, of the optical elements and of the conditional measurements. In the latter case, the scheme does not exactly reproduce the SB states, but tunable quantum states are obtained, which are very close to SB states. They exhibit a greater teleportation fidelity than all other realistic quantum states that we have analyzed. In addition, in collaboration with Prof. Salvatore Solimeno and Dr. Alberto Porzio of University of Naples "Federico II", I have studied (the work is still at a preliminary stage) the non-Gaussianity introduced by fluctuations in the pump amplitude of the Optical Parametric Oscillator(OPO) below threshold and with non-degenerate polarization. I have proved that such fluctuations lead to an increase of fidelity of teleportation with respect to the not fluctuating (and gaussian) case. Conditional Measurements. In the context of the QI, conditional measurements are used to prepare quantum states and to optimize the transfer of information, as required by the specific protocol. I propose a rather general formulation of the method of conditioning through ancillary measurements, in terms of the characteristic functions. I have considered the case of simultaneous measurements of single-photon, of homodyne detection, and of on/off type (via ideal and realistic POVM). Decoherence. The quantum properties are very sensitive to the interaction of the quantum systems with the external environment. For this reason, a part of this dissertation is devoted to analysis of the evolution of some quantum quantities under the action of the decoherence. In particular, I have studied how the effects of decoherence act on the following quantities: the purity, the quantum correlations, the content of information, the fidelity of teleportation of a coherent state, and the Bell’s inequality of a bi-partite Gaussian state that is transmitted through a realistic channel. I have added the experimental verification to the theoretical study, in collaboration with the University of Naples "Federico II" and under the guidance of Dr. Alberto Porzio and of Prof. Salvatore Solimeno. [edited by author]
XI n.s.
De, Fazio Cecilia. "Entanglement Entropy In Excited States." Master's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2018.
Full textBooks on the topic "Entanglement of Gaussian states"
Ferraro, Alessandro. Gaussian states in quantum information. Napoli: Bibliopolis, 2005.
Find full textLorch, Robert Stuart. State and local politics: The great entanglement. 3rd ed. Englewood Cliffs, N.J: Prentice Hall, 1989.
Find full textLorch, Robert Stuart. State and local politics: The great entanglement. 4th ed. Englewood Cliffs, N.J: Prentice Hall, 1992.
Find full textLorch, Robert Stuart. State and local politics: The great entanglement. 5th ed. Englewood Cliffs, N.J: Prentice Hall, 1995.
Find full textJosé, Carmelo, ed. Strongly correlated systems, coherence and entanglement. Singapore: World Scientific, 2007.
Find full textLorch, Robert Stuart. State and local politics: The great entanglement / Robert S. Lorch. 6th ed. Upper Saddle River, N.J: Prentice Hall, 2001.
Find full text1964-, Buchleitner A., Viviescas C, and Tiersch M, eds. Entanglement and decoherence: Foundations and modern trends. Berlin: Springer, 2009.
Find full text1953-, Akulin V. M., ed. Decoherence, entanglement and information protection in complex quantum systems. Dordrecht: Springer, 2005.
Find full textParedes, Javier, and G. G. Melies. Rudimentary Theory about Quantum Entanglement and Twin States: Rudimentary Theory about Quantum Entanglement and Twin States. Babelcube Inc, 2020.
Find full textAnnex. States of Entanglement: Data in the Irish Landscape. Actar D, 2021.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Entanglement of Gaussian states"
Giedke, Géza, Lu-Ming Duan, J. Ignacio Cirac, and Peter Zoller. "Distillability and Entanglement Purification for Gaussian States." In Quantum Information with Continuous Variables, 173–92. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2003.
Full textHolevo, Alexander. "Gaussian states." In Probabilistic and Statistical Aspects of Quantum Theory, 187–218. Pisa: Edizioni della Normale, 2011.
Full textRangamani, Mukund, and Tadashi Takayanagi. "Entanglement in Excited States." In Holographic Entanglement Entropy, 125–43. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017.
Full textGupta, Ved Prakash, Prabha Mandayam, and V. S. Sunder. "Entanglement in Bipartite Quantum States." In The Functional Analysis of Quantum Information Theory, 39–62. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2015.
Full textSchürmann, Michael. "Gaussian states on bialgebras." In Quantum Probability and Applications V, 347–67. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1990.
Full textWódkiewicz, Krzysztof, and Berthold-Georg Englert. "Separability of Gaussian States." In Coherence and Quantum Optics VIII, 531–32. Boston, MA: Springer US, 2003.
Full textPato, Mauricio Porto. "Entanglement of Pseudo-Hermitian Random States." In Pseudo-Hermitian Random Matrices, 163–78. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024.
Full textSimon, R. "Separability Criterion for Gaussian States." In Quantum Information with Continuous Variables, 155–72. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2003.
Full textChandra, N., and R. Ghosh. "Bipartite States of Photonic and Flying Electronic Qubits." In Quantum Entanglement in Electron Optics, 179–97. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012.
Full textBarron, Tatyana, and Alexander Kazachek. "Entanglement of Mixed States in Kähler Quantization." In Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, 381–85. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2022.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Entanglement of Gaussian states"
He, Wenhua, Christos N. Gagatsos, Dalziel J. Wilson, and Saikat Guha. "Modal Entanglement Enhanced Deflectometry." In Quantum Sensing and Metrology, QTh1G.2. Washington, D.C.: Optica Publishing Group, 2024.
Full textDanese, Dylan, Sabine Wollmann, Saroch Leedumrongwatthanakun, Will McCutcheon, Manuel Erhard, William N. Plick, and Mehul Malik. "ℓ00ℓ entanglement and the twisted quantum eraser." In Quantum 2.0, QW3A.54. Washington, D.C.: Optica Publishing Group, 2024.
Full textMa, Shan, Lihan Zhou, Junfeng Ma, and Shibei Xue. "Bipartite entanglement of a bound entangled Gaussian state via a linear matrix inequality method*." In 2024 43rd Chinese Control Conference (CCC), 6777–82. IEEE, 2024.
Full textZhu, Chenghong, Chengkai Zhu, Zhiping Liu, and Xin Wang. "Entanglement cost of discriminating quantum states under locality constraints." In 2024 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), 345–50. IEEE, 2024.
Full textTorres, Juan Mauricio. "Quantum Operations Assisted by Multiphoton and Multiphonon States." In Latin America Optics and Photonics Conference, M3B.2. Washington, D.C.: Optica Publishing Group, 2024.
Full textHaddad, Madlene, Offek Tziperman, Ron Ruimy, and Ido Kaminer. "Electron-photon entanglement without recoil." In Quantum 2.0, QW3A.17. Washington, D.C.: Optica Publishing Group, 2024.
Full textTziperman, Offek, Ron Ruimy, Alexey Gorlach, and Ido Kaminer. "Creating Entanglement Through a Joint Decay Channel." In CLEO: Fundamental Science, FTu3O.4. Washington, D.C.: Optica Publishing Group, 2024.
Full textGonzáldez-Arciniegas, Carlos, Olivier Pfister, Paulo Nussenzveig, and Marcelo Martinelli. "Hidden Entanglement in Gaussian Cluster States." In Quantum 2.0. Washington, D.C.: OSA, 2020.
Full textLaw, C. K., and Phoenix S. Y. Poon. "Negativity of Gaussian states in noisy environment: Interpretations and Applications." In Workshop on Entanglement and Quantum Decoherence. Washington, D.C.: Optica Publishing Group, 2008.
Full textLassen, Mikael, Ruifang Dong, Joel Heersink, Christoph Marquardt, Radim Filip, Gerd Leuchs, Ulrik L. Andersen, and Alexander Lvovsky. "Continuous Variable Entanglement Distillation of Non-Gaussian States." In QUANTUM COMMUNICATION, MEASUREMENT AND COMPUTING (QCMC): Ninth International Conference on QCMC. AIP, 2009.
Full textReports on the topic "Entanglement of Gaussian states"
Balachandran, A. P., L. Chandar, and A. Momen. Edge states and entanglement entropy. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), February 1996.
Full textFriesen, Mark, and Xuedong Hu. Exploiting Many-Body Bus States for Multi-Qubit Entanglement. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, June 2013.
Full textErästö, Tytti, Fei Su, and Wilfred Wan. Navigating Security Dilemmas in Indo-Pacific Waters. Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, June 2024.
Full textBielinskyi, Andrii, Vladimir Soloviev, Serhiy Semerikov, and Viktoria Solovieva. Detecting Stock Crashes Using Levy Distribution. [б. в.], August 2019.
Full textBielinskyi, A., S. Semerikov, V. Solovieva, and V. Soloviev. Levy distribution parameters as precursors of crisis phenomena. Видавничий будинок Мелітопольської міської друкарні, 2019.
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