Academic literature on the topic 'Enseignement – Espagne – 19e siècle'
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Journal articles on the topic "Enseignement – Espagne – 19e siècle"
Burg, Gaëlle. "Lire la littérature médiévale en classe de français langue étrangère : une utopie ?" Swiss Journal of Educational Research 43, no. 1 (April 14, 2021): 129–38.
Full textSuso López, Javier. "Descriptions phonétiques et enseignement de la prononciation du français en Espagne au début du XXe siècle (jusqu’en 1936)." Documents pour l'histoire du français langue étrangère ou seconde, no. 28 (June 1, 2002): 53–67.
Full textLépinette, Brigitte. "Contribution à l'histoire du français hors de France. Caractéristiques culturelles et sociales des maîtres et de leur enseignement en Espagne au XVIIIe siècle." Documents pour l'histoire du français langue étrangère ou seconde 18, no. 1 (1996): 189–212.
Full textBuiguès, Jean-Marc. "La razón de la enseñanza. La poesía en los colegios jesuitas del siglo XVIII: pedagogía y bibliotecas (1758-1767)." Cuadernos de Estudios del Siglo XVIII, no. 25 (October 25, 2017): 17.
Full textHudon, Christine. "Quelques réflexions sur les projets éducatifs des collèges québécois pour garçons à partir d’un exemple : Sainte-Anne de La Pocatière au 19e siècle." Historical Studies in Education / Revue d'histoire de l'éducation, June 26, 2009, 24–40.
Full textKmiec, Patricia. "“Take this Normal Class Idea and Carry it throughout the Land”: Sunday School Teacher Training in Late Nineteenth-Century Ontario." Historical Studies in Education / Revue d'histoire de l'éducation, April 11, 2012.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Enseignement – Espagne – 19e siècle"
Guereña, Jean-Louis. "Pour une histoire de l'éducation populaire en Espagne (1840-1920)." Besançon, 1989.
Full textAguinaga, Jean-François. "Francisco Ferrer et l'école moderne de Barcelone." Paris 10, 1993.
Full textThis research presents three lines: geopolitical and historical frame of the Barcelona modern's school; the life and production of Ferrer since 1907 to 1909; the public honours (streets, places in France) due to Ferrer's memory and their casual relationship with educationnal creations after Ferrer's death inspired by the Barcelona modern school
Philippot, Yannick. "Niveaux d'alphabétisation et enseignement primaire à Salamanque de 1748 à 1860." Montpellier 3, 1992.
Full textThis study is centered on the town of salamanca, in spain, the capital of the provence of the same name. Era studied from eighteen hundred and forty eight to eighteen hundred and sixty, to the junctions of the two cneturies, representing an important stage of spanish history, between the ancient system and the economical liberalism. After the report of our systematical approche, we're studying the development of the alphabeticalisation level: quantitative and qualitative evolution. We're analysing the relation between the alphabeticalisation level, the sex and the socio-professional group. In the second part, we're trying to retrace the historical netting of the primary academic salmantin, from indicating the consulted sources. We're reconstituting the development of the primary academic proposal of the town, in comparing the schools' netting of girls and boys. Finally, we're searching if there be a connection between alphabeticalisation and primary teaching
Benard, Hélène. "Culture et éducation artistique en Espagne au temps d'Isabelle II : le Conservatoire royal de musique et de déclamation "Marie-Christine" de Madrid : Impact et fonctions 1830-1868." Tours, 2006.
Full textFrom an emanating corpus of new primary sources of the historical and administrative Files of the Royal Conservatory "Marie-Christine" of Madrid, the thesis analyses, under the angle of the cultural history, the specific function that the Spanish model fills in the society of time of Isabelle II, and the place which it occupies in the cultural tradition between 1830 and 1868. Indeed, the setting in report of the culture and the artistic education makes it possible to study how a modern Conservatory of Music fits in public space with the mirror of the representations of the citizenship and the Nation. Consequently, this work gets busy to establish an articultaion of networks and phenomena complementary with the institutionalisation of the cultural fact, to study its incidences on the mechanisms of the artistic production and cultural practices in correlation with the general context, the social structures and the Spanish political evolution
Marcopoulos, Anna. "L'idéologie nationale et sa traduction spatiale en Grèce de 1836 à 1936 : espace et valeurs dans les manuels de Géographie à l'école élémentaire." Paris 5, 1994.
Full textAmbassa, Camille. "La réforme de l'université espagnole au XVIIIe siècle : actualité des idées de Feijoo et essai d'application au système éducatif gabonais." Perpignan, 1997.
Full textBetween 1726 and 1760, benito jeronimo feijoo published a set of essays whose name was teatro critico universal and cartas eruditas y curiosas. There is -among the present themes- a reflection about the spanish university of his time, a reflection about the teaching, the methods used just as the teachers' and the students' attitude. This ph. D puts forward a rereading, indeed an updating of these same ideas based on current arguments. From a success of its venture depends on a possible application of the spanish monk's thought in the gabonese educational context. It obvious that the reader should take account of the necessary adaptations dues of the different context and the different time
Buisine-Soubeyroux, Marie-Hélène. "Alphabetisation, éducation et société à Logroño au temps d'Espartero (1833-1875)." Tours, 1996.
Full textThe purpose of our thesis is to propose a social history of education in 19th century in Spain. We analyse the start and development of primary and secondary educational system in the city of Logrono from 1833 to 1875. We put it in relation with the social structure strongly influenced by the rise of a new "middle-classe" establishment. The monographic approach allows us to define the local reality. Our work is based on the use of primary sources (such as notary deeds, pools from various educational institutions, documents extracted from the 1860 census). It also follows the social micro history approach as defined by Christophe Charle. The plan is in three parts: the first one is dedicated to the analysis of the process of literacy of Logrono population; the other two parts aim to highlight the growth, the functioning and the social role played by the primary and secondary institutions. The firsts result we achieved is to underline that Logrono is quite ahead for the literacy rate compared to the rest of the country
Jacquet-Francillon, François. "Enseignement des pauvres, enseignement du peuple, 1815-1870." Paris 7, 1992.
Full textSablonnière, Catherine. "De l'image de la modernite scientifique aux debats d'idees dans l'espagne isabeline (1833-1868)." Paris 3, 2000.
Full textSánchez, Albarracín Enrique. "La Convergence hispano-américaniste de 1892 : Les rencontres du IVe Centenaire de la découverte de l’Amérique." Paris 3, 2006.
Full textThe present thesis, rooted in the history of cultural relations between Europe and Latin America, analyses the concept of Spanish-America as it emerged in Spain in 1892 at the time of the 4th centenary of the discovery of America. Seventy years after its colonial empire had collapsed, in the shadow of the 1st Pan-American Conference (1889-90) in Washington and the 1893 Chicago World’s Fair, which proclaimed the United States’ dominance over the American continent, Spain organised a celebration intended to revitalise the ties of a transatlantic Spanish-American community founded on a shared language, history and cultural heritage. Officialdom and the professional middle classes joined forces to mount a commemoration that was a kind of quest for an image lost in a mirror, the reflections of which, scattered throughout a series of nationwide ceremonies, congresses and exhibitions, seem to express the mood of a nation seeking to retrieve the feeling of its own existence. Through the looking glass, the Latin American republics were by then in search of international alliances. Their political independence seemed solidly established, but the conquest of genuine cultural independence was still for them at an embryonic stage, requiring a rethinking of their Spanish heritage. In this context of an unprecedented confluence of generations arose the cultural confrontation this study seeks to highlight, disclosing the convergence feeding into the 1892 Spanish-American debate, the real and speculative extensions of which still to this day pervade relations between Spain and Latin America
Books on the topic "Enseignement – Espagne – 19e siècle"
La zarzuela: Les origines du théâtre lyrique national en Espagne, 1832-1851. Sprimont: Mardaga, 2003.
Find full textSchooling the preachers: The development of Protestant theological education in the United States, 1740-1875. Lanham: University Press of America, 1988.
Find full textRecueils d'Italie: Les modèles italiens dans les livres d'architecture français. Sprimont, Belgique: Mardaga, 2004.
Find full textGarric, Jean-Philippe. Recueils d'Italie: Les modèles italiens dans les livres d'architecture français. Sprimont: Mardaga, 2005.
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